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Search: demon lord's husband

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>> No.37120887 [View]


Alright, here is the Greentext I said I'd make. Also to set expectations, this is not going to be an ongoing series. Just a one-shot sort of deal. Plus I prolly should have mentioned this is a modern day setting.

Background music for the story:

>"This is Major Iris Von Grestin, I'am the commander 14th Cavalry brigade of the 8th Demon Realm Armies. Our task was to siege the Human State of Leiden, overthrow it's human majority and Order Church-leaning Government who we have designated as "The Conservatives of Leiden." Or should I say that WAS supposed to be our main objective, unfortunately things got both worse and extremely complicated. Yes you are hearing the sounds of explosions from artillery, missiles, tank shells. And yes you are hearing gunfire, air raid sirens and yes you are also hearing the sounds of jets and aircraft roaring above the skies. But no, we are not invading nor besieging the Capital of Leiden. We are currently in a special operations mission to help evacuate fellow Monstergirl Operatives who've engaged in espionage in Leiden and numerous pro-monstergirl VIPs out of the capital. For in case you are not aware dear listener, as of March 31, 2024. The realm of Leiden, it's counties and especially it's Capital of Leidenville are engaged in a violent Civil War. A Civil War between the Conservative Government, the rebels who have instigated and started this Civil War. And other factions such as anarchists and domestic and foreign crime organizations are participating in this damn civil war. How did this Civil War start? A bit of a history lesson, the Realm of Leiden has been a democratic republic, but in recent times the government of Leiden has closely been leaning to more religious theocracy tendencies with their growing ties with the Order Church. And admittedly, our actions of monsterizing and corrupting regions of Leiden into Monstergirl lands did play a hand into the Conservatives of Leiden leaning more and more towards the Order. And I must say this Civil War of Leiden can be partly blamed by our Extremist Monstergirls. The whole mission to corrupt and assimilate Leiden was originally done by General Mandy Mayweather, a Nurarhiyon, and her husband Colonel Dwight Mckinzie. And both of them had the corruption and assimilation of Leiden to be a more secretive and covert operation where Demon Realm agents would corrupt and monsterize the key officials of the Leiden government. Corrupting the key Congressmen, Senators and eventually the Presidency of Leiden. Mayweather and Mckinzie even had the right idea of subverting the media and entertainment establishments of Leiden to further the internal corruption. That was a very sound plan for us to do until General Felicion Blaydidd, a Lilim and the 29th Daughter of our Demon Lord Lilith. Learned of the operation and very much took over the leadership of the Corruption and Assimilation of Leiden away from Commanders Mayweather and Mckinzie, using her birth status as a Lilim and daughter of The Demon Lord to overrule Commanders Mayweather and Mckinzie and take full control. General Blaydidd wanted to show off and impress her fellow Lilim sisters that she could successfully lead a conquest of monsterization and corruption of a Human Realm. Unlike Mayweather and Mckinzie's plan of covert operations and Corruption and Monsterization via espionage and spycraft. General Blaydidd went more aggressive with the corruption and monsterization, outright using Dark Matter bombs on civilian targets throughout Leiden, even hi-jacking a passenger plane of Leiden and kidnapping all passengers and crew to monsterize. This only made the Realm of Leiden more hostile to us and lean more to the side of the Order Church AND it never helped that General Blaydidd openly declared war on Leiden in behalf of the Royal Makai. For you see, Lilim General Felicion Blaydidd is a mamono extremist who believes humanity and mortals must love AND especially fear Monstergirls. But that was not the worst part of why Leiden is in civil war and close to outright anarchy. No, our oh so brilliant Lilim general decided to cast some special magical spell she made herself. It would jam and ruin the whole entire communication network of Leiden's whole infrastructure, civilian, military and government. All of it! General Blaydidd has yet to disclose how she made such a spell with a combination of hacking from our Gremlin and Tech Departments. General Blaydidd's plan worked too well as the magic hacking spell smashed through all of Leiden's firewalls and shut down its whole communications network. General Blaydidd believed the fact that mortal beings are so relient on technology and technology based communications networks that if we completely sever it from Leiden, it will throw the whole Realm into chaos and making our invasion easier."
>To be continued

>> No.37037709 [View]

>The demon lord is to blame for me not having a village under control and a husband railing my rear!

>> No.37015544 [View]

well ideally, the demon lord and her husband can generate enough mana to cast a spell to make it possible to produce human children, so alot of them are probably betting on that

>> No.36801635 [View]

>I will explain in order. First of all, the text from the pages of the Encyclopedia, which is presented in books/Internet, was originally written by a person living in this world. "If the current Demon Lord is defeated ..." - these are not my words, this is the hypothesis of the Wandering Scientist, who writes the Monster Girls Encyclopedia. He does not know what exactly will happen if the current Demon Lord loses, and also why she became the Demon Lord.
>Plus, as I've mentioned in Ask past questions, I can't add this explanation to setting right now, so I can't go into more detail. However, the reason the Monster Lord became Monster Lord is because she had Chance and Fate on her side. [In the original, Kenkou talks about "Inevitability", which in this context, I believe, is synonymous with "Fate"] Many people and monsters were unhappy, because "Fate" was on her side. And when “those who will try to turn everything around” appear, “Fate” will never side with them - those who are trying to make changes and destroy the happiness of people and mamono. As you wrote, "Because this world is too perfect," this is why a return to the old order [Mutual Genocide] is impossible. Even if you are the Chief Goddess, it is impossible if Fate is not on your side. Well, if we talk about meta-details, then the author is me, the Demon Lord will never die and the world of the Encyclopedia will never return to its previous state.
>I can't give you any details at this point, but the fact that the current Demon Lord received her title is the result of a lot of chance and fate. The point is not wrong or something like that, but some will of Fate. The Succubus became the Demon Lord for the reason that she was able to change the world as a result.
>Suddenly, the wrong evil monster becomes the new Demon Lord - no, this is impossible.
>In the absence of a Demon Lord (after his death), the condition for the next Demon Lord is "monster support". Just defeating the current Demon Lord doesn't mean you can be next. In the previous era of the Demon Lords, power decided everything, so the new Lord remained on the throne as long as he was the most powerful monster. But now times are different and the change of the Demon Lord may turn out to be like an election.
>Most of the monsters, with the exception of a few, are annoyed by the idea of ​​"becoming a Demon Lord", they prioritize living with their husband and seem to support the current first princess Lilim.
>I cannot tell you about it in detail now, but it is impossible. Even if the Demon Lord tries to say, "I am returning everything to the era of the old Demon Lords," it will not be possible, so do not worry. Changing the system is not easy. By the way, even if the DL will be changes, all her successors love eroticism, just like she...
Now bitch about unreliable narrator again.

>> No.36782054 [View]

I'm willing to bet if a hero or group of powerful heroes managed to reach the Throne Room of the Demon Lord's Castle and face off the Demon Lord in a final boss battle. It might potentially depend on the type of hero /heroes that managed reach the Demon Lord Castle Throne Room.

If a traditional RPG or JRPG heroes reach the Demon Lord's inner sanctum. Then the hero or team of heroes will face off either The Demon Lord Lilith herself, or one of her many Lilim daughters as the final boss.

But if a more serious Western RPG-style heroes or a Doom Eternal style Boomer Shooter heroes or even the edgy type of monster hating heroes reach the deep into the Demon Lord's Castle Inner Sanctum. Then such serious Western-style heroes will face off the Demon Lord's Husband instead. Because I'd bet the Demon Lord's Husband, being a former hero and former paragon of "good" himself. Has faced many former comrades who view him with hatred for being such a traitorous heretic. Plus I guess it only makes sense the Demon Lord's Husband would volunteer himself to fight off such serious-toned monster hating opponents that would traumatize most normal monstergirls and demon girls.

But I bet Lilith and her Hero Husbando can be cheating bastards about it sometimes. The Western RPG-style and or Doom Eternal-style Boomer Shooter heroes reach the inner sanctum and fight against Lilith and she uses turn based RPG mechanics and metaphysical logic to invalidate and "slow down" whatever quick maneuverable fast-paced movement abilities that Western RPG and Boomer Shooter Heroes have. While Traditional RPG and or JRPG Heroes end up unluckily facing the Demon Lord's Husband as their final boss battle. And will then struggle and cannot believe their RPG mechanics and metaphysics won't work against the Demon Lord Husband's more high paced fast moving mechanics and abilities you see in some Western RPGs and all Boomer Shooters.

>> No.36738080 [View]


Well other than Warhammer Fantasy being brought up yet again. Isn't that what the Demon Lord's Husband is, an Everchosen of the Demon Lord? Yeah the Demon Lord's Husband is basically MGE's version of Archaon the Everchosen.

Specifically a lewd porno hentai Archaon. But instead of End Times it went more like this:

The Demon Lord's Husband was an incredibly powerful hero who used to be a paragon of the knightly orders. A succubus was sent to bring him down but that succubus came to love him. They were a battle couple for a long time until both of them learned about the nature of the world. He had a crisis of faith, but was still devoted to stopping the current demon lord as that was the most immediate threat, planning to deal with the gods later. His wife, whose secret was still unknown, disappeared. She was gathering power to usurp the current demon lord and the current reality. He managed to slay the previous demon lord and was planning to go after the gods next but before that plan went into stride the current demon lord rose to power. He went to slay that demon lord but found that she was his love. They joined together and the rest is history.

So yeah Demon Lord's Hubby is basically MGE Archaon the Everchosen.

>> No.36611534 [View]

The setting itself went through multiple changes over time, you can find out about that by reading up on the very first MGE book that came out, including old profiles for the setting.
MGs aren't whores or sluts, but kenkou had to do a lot of changes over time to get the setting to where it is today too.
I don't even think the setting has the whole thing about the demon lord and her husband constantly fighting with each and the status quo being endangered because of it.
Especially when he established lilims as an effective countermeasure for shit like if the demon lord and her husband were suddenly killed.

>> No.36355738 [View]
File: 2.19 MB, 2530x3581, 84654701_p0 crp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an average morning day here in Monstergirl City 18. Me and my neighbors waking up from the near daily City Wide Public Service Announcements and Reminders and getting ready for school with a quick breakfast. Be it official policy announcements or the Daily Reminders, the city wide PSAs a part of daily life here. In monstergirl cities like these you don't need an alarm clock when these loud as fuck PSAs start usually five-thirty in the morning.

>"Reminder to all human residents of Monstergirl City 18: A Civil Society is a safe, prosperous and loving one, do your part and take humanity to a more romantic and loving path by reporting those who deem humanity's path to love unacceptable." The Public Announcement boomed with an imposing male voice as I yawn with a breakfast bun in hand.

"Had a good enough sleep Derek? I see you're already dressed for school." A downstairs floor neighbor, Mr. Denton, a single dad living with his son, called out to me. I'm still surprised Mr. Denton hasn't been taken by a monstergirl yet.

"Oh just having a quick bite before school Mr. Denton. Surprised no monstergirl asked you out yet." I say with another yawn.

Then he replied. "Well if I'm gonna be wedded to a monstergirl. I atleast prefer the more gentler ones like them Kikimoras or Fox women, even an outright succubus. Or atleast any monstergirl that's decent enough with a child and living with our cats." Mr. Denton says as he takes a smoke, I also am able to notice his son clearly awoken from the usual city wide daily reminders with his cats near him. Then the

>"Reminder to all Human Residents of Monstergirl City 18: The continuous loving improvements to the human species through monsterization rests in the hands of our monstergirl benefactors. It is up to us to maintain the bonds that hold us together. Do your part in taking our species to the Demon Lord's plans of a new reality. Human women and girls are encouraged to monsterize and please encourage your men and little boys to love monstergirls."

The Public Announcement boomed again.

"Ugh! As if I would ever turn into some wretched demon or grow myself a scaly hide and become a reptilian! I would rather have acid thrown on me than turn into those monsters, I have my rights to refuse and decline these 'blessings' these monsters are pushing on us." I then also hear and see my next door neighbors also up and awake, two sisters living together. Rebel, a college girl the same age as I am but in university, also already in uniform like me. And her older sister, Fanny, works in a company. Sometimes I do wonder with some morbid curiosity if Monstergirl Police and Authorities will bust down my doors one day and make be the husband of my two female neighbors. What monstergirls would Rebel and Fanny be I sometimes think?

"Who knows Fanny, maybe being ruled by monstergirls ain't bad. They're not as bad or evil as they look. They haven't stormed and busted to our apartment, raped Derek or Mr. Denton and took away his son. Nor turned us or the other women in our apartment into monsters yet." Rebel said sheepishly.

"Hmph! If the monstergirls are turning women into them just for the sake of 'finding a husband and true love.' I'd rather seek out a man in my own terms WITHOUT having horns, claws, wings or a tail!" Says Fanny with indignation.

The Public Service Announcement systems boomed yet again.

>"Reminder to all Human Residents of Monstergirl City 18: The unification of the human species under the romantic and loving rule of the monstergirls and our Demon Lord Lilith is but one part of the process that will transcend our species. Be a part of that process. You and your family will be thankful."

"*sigh* I wonder what my dear ol' sweetheart would ever react well knowing we're now taking rules and orders from monster women." I hear Mr. Denton say to himself as he then says to his son. "Dietrich, bring the cats in and feed them already and get ready for school son. I already made breakfast for you."

As I'm close to finishing my breakfast bun with my neighbors readying for the day. The PSA system boomed again with another daily reminder.

>Reminder to all Human Residents of Monstergirl City 18: Our Monstergirl Rulers are a civilized authority that works in the best interest of our society and species, regardless of who they are. Do not allow fringe elements and extreme detractors break the bond between the two."


Such is life for humans in Monstergirl Cities.

Hope this one shot story is fine.

>> No.35930441 [View]

>all the media says is corruption, crusades, spirit essence, demon lord
>I just want to swallow my husband for Chief God's sake

>> No.35752505 [View]

>Also she would hear the demon king telling her to find a good husband and breed.

No, wouldn't Joan of Arc hear Chief God Illias speaking to her an NOT Demon Lord Lilith?

>> No.35681478 [View]

You idiots do realize the Demon Lord is already married and has a husband right? You sorry excuse for simps.

>> No.35654582 [View]

It's only a matter of time before lilims will turn against one another out of female-induced jealousy and ire and cause a nuclear war, upsetting the demon lord and her husband.

>> No.35408638 [View]
File: 2.77 MB, 1592x1193, Mira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Olde Tavern Mira Mira
>Ufufu, it’s almost time Truth is, I’ve made a reservation at a special restaurant for this evening It’s here, at Mira’s oldest tavern, “Mira Mira”.
>To tell the truth, this is the Diva Fulafel-chan’s parents’ place, in other words, this is her parents’ restaurant
>It may be a little removed from the main street where most of Mira’s bars are gathered, but it’s known as the most famous tavern in Mira
>Ufufu, I briefly touched on this when I was telling you about Fulafel-chan, but this the establishment Their Majesties used as an inn when they came to Court Alf for their honeymoon
>That’s why it is very famous not only as a tavern, but also as an inn, and it’s said that a couple that stays here will be united in inseparable, eternal love, intimate forevermore Fufufu, and today, we are spending a hot night here, just like the Demon Lord... Ufu, Ufufufufu You won’t be getting away, I absolutely won’t let you get away... Your sweat and my sweat get blended together... Your, your burly cock rubs against my belly You squeeze my breasts with passion to your heart’s content... I’m like an outlet for your darkest desires, ufufufu
>Haah...! W-what’s this... Don’t tell me, we’re going already? We haven’t eaten anything, yet you already can’t stand it anymore...!?

“...Senpai, I don’t think, that’s it... Your, boyfriend... is trying, to say, ‘you’re drooling’, probably.”

>F-Fulafel-chan? Ara ara, ufufu Oh no, I seem to have gotten a bit excited... Coming here with you is like a dream... How terrible, I showed something embarrassing to Fulafel-chan...

>“...Never mind, that, for now, senpai. This is... an aperitif, called “Wrapping Sake”. Umm, by drinking, this... by drinking this... what, was it... Senpai, this is, your chance, to show your, good side, in front of your boyfriend... Yes!”

>Ah, aha... Ummm, this Wrapping Sake is produced from “Mira Rice”, which is grown healthily with the blessings of the water spirits, here, have some
>It has a mellow taste and feels as though it envelops you in a sense of security, doesn’t it? Ufufu, I think I’ll have some too

>When a woman drinks this sake, she’ll want to do more and more things for the man she loves, and when a man drinks it, he’ll want to be spoiled by such an open monster Fufu, did you drink too much? Want to sit next to me?

>“...Oooh, as expected, of my senpai...! Ah, I... I’ll go sing, over there, okay... Oh, senpai, I’ll make sure, to prepare you, a bed, okay”

>Ara ara, thank you Ufu, are you surprised? The Diva Fulafel-chan still shows up at this place from time to time, helping her parents out and singing as well
>Besides Fulafel-chan, this time of day, the apprentice song maidens from Spirit Houses also help out
>This restaurant may be old, but it has an open atmosphere, right? It’s store policy that, just as Fulafel-chan has been helping out around the restaurant since she was a child, apprentice song maidens and, in some cases, monsters wondering whether they should become song maidens, should come here to gain “experience”; that’s how it’s advertised, fufu, they even sing about it
>The Mama here, the Flowkelp “Francois”, seems as if she spends allll~ the time totally soaked in this Wrapping Sake... She’s as widely open-minded as Mira’s ocean, and wants not only Fulafel-chan, but also all of the island’s monsters to become song maidens, so that they too may have a wonderful encounter, just like how she met her own beloved husband
>That’s why she’s pushing for more monster-human couples to be born here. Ufufu, and that’s why this inn has been provided so people can get affectionate and mingle their bodies together to their heart’s content

>Of course, it’s not only the inn, Mama also loooves lewd and extremely naughty drinks, and she is constantly in pursuit of dishes that make men and women entwine, as well as “Night Drinks” that will make them hopelessly seek each other out
>The restaurant also has a collection of such specialty drinks, such as “Miran Fruit Wine”, which is made from melty fruit that has been aged for many years and has mellow mana condensed into it, or Monster Realm Cocktails procured from the Sixth Song Island Dé Ryúa, which is famous for its colorful streets. In fact, they sometimes even serve vintage liquors from Monster Realm nations throughout the world, given to them by Lady Asura Mythra, the Diva of the Seventh Song Island

>> No.35287696 [View]

Probably in the demon lord's private bathroom designed for her future husband.

>> No.34775141 [View]

The rarest milk is the Demon Lord's, the only way a man (that isn't her husband) gets to drink it is if he gets adopted.

>> No.34757360 [View]

You know, it is plausible that Demon Lord in current years is a great-great-great-grandmother or something to some loli succs with how much time have passed since her ascension and how mgs can start to breed in extremely early years. It would be really easy for her husband to tease her about it

>> No.34757230 [View]

I like to headcanon the Demon Lord being a master baker, baking sweets for her husband and visitors. And for the monthly family dinners, she has a lot of grandchildren to bake cookies for.

>> No.34648215 [View]
File: 726 KB, 1366x768, 1620396488851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Hellhound's husband has just recently watched regular human porn and gapped to it
>Pic related
>"Hehehe, Lhea Kharina is such a hottie~"
>The Hellhound wife is disappointed

>meanwhile, somewhere else
>A cupid lies defeated as her.love arrows and love spell cant seem to get the human boy target she is tasked with to fall in love with a monstergirl
>Eros herself stands over the cupid subordinate, disappointed

>And meanwhile in ANOTHER place
>A Shonen Protagonist Hero lies on the ground mouth opened, tongue out, has heart pupils and a huge erection
>He is Corrupted with Mamono Mana™
>An older Order Paladin or Order Priest looks down at the corrupted Shonen Hero
>the Corrupted Hero mutters lovingly: "A family. I will have a family of monster daughters, still human sons, and so many grand kids and relatives..."

>> No.34491574 [View]
File: 126 KB, 401x280, Tentacle_forest_example_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Demon Lord Lilith and her Hero Husband currently have a misadventure today as they have been surprisingly caught in the grasp of a sentient and "evil" (or morally ambiguous) Tentacle Forest.
>"Babe, what is that!?" The Hero Husband exclaims
>"I dunno dear. I thought all the tentacle plants have been... Disciplined. They shouldn't act like this! But I know this one has a mind." Lilith then loudly asks. "You! What- or WHO are you!? As your Demon Lord, I demand to know who you are and how dare you physically man handle your Lord and her husband like this!"
>The Tentacle Mass scarily replies. "I? I am a monument to all your sins."
>The sentient tentacle Mass tightens its grip and to the surprise of Lilith and the husband they see the tentacle Mass holding onto a Warhammer Fantasy Brettonia looking Grail Knight, a Paladin if old Lescatie. As the Lescatie Paladin is brought near the sight of the Demon Lord and the Hero Husband.
>"The Demon Lord! And the Traitor Hero!!! So my questhas finally brought me to you foul beings! Only to still be in the grasps of this- THING." The Lescatie Paladin says with his cartoony Frenchie accent.
>"Relax friend, we're not your enemies. And you, I and my wife don't want to piss this thing off." The Hero Husband says.
>Then the tentacle Mass examines Lilith and the Hero Husband. "These are of Sheer Mana, power and ambition. But have their minds made up with love for all..." Then the Tentacle Mass examines the Lescatie Paladin. "Mmmmm. And this one is but flesh and faith. Thus is the more deluded." The Tentacle Mass says in an almost mocking manner.
>Kill me or release me, monster! But do not waste Le time with talk. If I am to die today, at ze very least. I die with honor that I have made it to ze Royal Makai dis far. Le Chief God watches over me!"
>The Tentacle Mass talks back. "There is much talk. And I have listened, through rock and metal and time. Now I shall talk. And you all shall listen!"

>> No.34480238 [View]
File: 126 KB, 401x280, Tentacle_forest_example_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Demon Lord Lilith and her Hero Husband currently have a misadventure today as they have been surprisingly caught in the grasp of a sentient and "evil" (or morally ambiguous) Tentacle Forest.
>"Babe, what is that!?" The Hero Husband exclaims
>"I dunno dear. I thought all the tentacle plants have been... Disciplined. They shouldn't act like this! But I know this one has a mind." Lilith then loudly asks. "You! What- or WHO are you!? As your Demon Lord, I demand to know who you are and how dare you physically man handle your Lord and her husband like this!"
>The Tentacle Mass scarily replies. "I? I am a monument to all your sins."
>The sentient tentacle Mass tightens its grip and to the surprise of Lilith and the husband they see the tentacle Mass holding onto a Warhammer Fantasy Brettonia looking Grail Knight, a Paladin if old Lescatie. As the Lescatie Paladin is brought near the sight of the Demon Lord and the Hero Husband.
>"The Demon Lord! And the Traitor Hero!!! So my questhas finally brought me to you foul beings! Only to still be in the grasps of this- THING." The Lescatie Paladin says with his cartoony Frenchie accent.
>"Relax friend, we're not your enemies. And you, I and my wife don't want to piss this thing off." The Hero Husband says.
>Then the tentacle Mass examines Lilith and the Hero Husband. "These are of Sheer Mana, power and ambition. But have their minds made up with love for all..." Then the Tentacle Mass examines the Lescatie Paladin. "Mmmmm. And this one is but flesh and faith. Thus is the more deluded." The Tentacle Mass says in an almost mocking manner.
>Kill me or release me, monster! But do not waste Le time with talk. If I am to die today, at ze very least. I die with honor that I have made it to ze Royal Makai dis far. Le Chief God watches over me!"
>The Tentacle Mass talks back. "There is much talk. And I have listened, through rock and metal and time. Now I shall talk. And you all shall listen!"

>> No.34189768 [View]


This is what KC said:

>In the previous era of the Demon Lords, power decided everything, so the new Lord remained on the throne as long as he was the most powerful monster. But now times are different and the change of the Demon Lord may turn out to be like an election.
>Most of the monsters, with the exception of a few, are annoyed by the idea of ​​"becoming a Demon Lord", they prioritize living with their husband and seem to support the current first princess Lilim.

>> No.34047835 [View]

Go back to /tg/. That's not what the setting is at all. Thing can't be changed back. Ever.
>I will explain in order. First of all, the text from the pages of the Encyclopedia, which is presented in books/Internet, was originally written by a person living in this world. "If the current Demon Lord is defeated ..." - these are not my words, this is the hypothesis of the Wandering Scholar, who writes the Monster Girls Encyclopedia. He does not know what exactly will happen if the current Demon Lord loses, and also why she became the Demon Lord.
>Plus, as I've mentioned in Ask past questions, I can't add this explanation to setting right now, so I can't go into more detail. However, the reason the Monster Lord became the Demon Lord is because she had Chance and Fate on her side. [In the original, Kenkou talks about "Inevitability", which in this context, I believe, is synonymous with "Fate"] Many people and monsters were unhappy, because "Fate" was on her side. And when “those who will try to turn everything around” appear, “Fate” will never side with them - those who are trying to make changes and destroy the happiness of people and mamono. As you wrote, "Because this world is too perfect," this is why a return to the old order [Mutual Genocide] is impossible. Even if you are the Chief Goddess, it is impossible if Fate is not on your side. Well, if we talk about meta-details, then the author is me, the Demon Lord will never die and the world of the Encyclopedia will never return to its previous state.
>I can't give you any details at this point, but the fact that the current Demon Lord received her title is the result of a lot of chance and fate. The point is not wrong or something like that, but some will of Fate. The Succubus became the Demon Lord for the reason that she was able to change the world as a result.
>Suddenly, the wrong evil monster becomes the new Demon Lord - no, this is impossible.
>In the absence of a Demon Lord (after his death), the condition for the next Demon Lord is "monster support". Just defeating the current Demon Lord doesn't mean you can be next. In the previous era of the Demon Lords, power decided everything, so the new Lord remained on the throne as long as he was the most powerful monster. But now times are different and the change of the Demon Lord may turn out to be like an election.
>Most of the monsters, with the exception of a few, are annoyed by the idea of ​​"becoming a Demon Lord", they prioritize living with their husband and seem to support the current first princess Lilim.
>I cannot tell you about it in detail now, but it is impossible. Even if the Demon Lord tries to say, "I am returning everything to the era of the old Demon Lords," it will not be possible, so do not worry. Changing the system is not easy. By the way, even if the DL will be changes, all her successors love eroticism, just like she...

>> No.33946668 [View]

How is that bullying? Pretty sure the battlefield is where most of the demon lord's army propose to their future husband.

>> No.33792826 [View]

>be normal anon living in a small village
>you've heard that monsters have been celebrating recently, but you don't know why
>then a carriage flanked by monsters rolls up to your house
>they tell you that you've been summoned to meet the Demon Lord herself
>you can't really refuse, so you go with them
>when you reach the throne room, you see the DL
>she's quite imposing, towering above the size of a normal human
>"Human, thank whatever fate has brought you here today, because you have been chosen for a position of high honor. You shall be the husband of a very special woman. Bring her in!"
>a large set of double doors open and two oni come out pulling chains
>being dragged in at the other end of those chains, cursing and struggling against her bindings, is a woman the same size as the DL
>from her back sprout eight angelic wings, but they're messy and a few of her golden feathers are pitch black
>the DL grabs her by the chin to point her face to you
>"Allow me to introduce your new wife, the Chief God herself~"
>"Get your disgusting hands off me, you monster trash! I'll get you! I'll make all of you suffer!"
>"She's quite feisty, but as long as she keeps receiving doses of my own pure mana, she'll be like a lovesick newlywed in no time~ So, human, would you like to kiss your bride?"

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