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Search: I've been out of the loop

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>> No.40481026 [View]

I've been out of the loop for the past 3 months, how is the new Indo at 1m already?

>> No.40333104 [View]

I've been out of the loop on the pool event.
Are there actually games and shit to play like the summer festival?
Just having a pool doesn't seem very fun.

>> No.40315588 [View]

>fart incident
Huh? I've been out of the loop with Mio, what's with this meme?

>> No.40199916 [View]

I’ve been out of the loop, we ever find out who was the hololive bully?

>> No.40189976 [View]

What is this? I've been out of the MG loop

>> No.40179018 [View]

I bought some model guns and the default volks bodies have left me wanting when trying to pose. I've been out of the loop for a while but can someone point me to a good flexible dd body replacement?
Obitsu? Or maybe one of those steel jointed silicone?

>> No.40051547 [View]
File: 107 KB, 800x600, 1598828067241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been out of the loop for years, never enjoyed games more. Working on my backlog, buying games dirt cheap, only playing games I know are at least decent, not having to wait for patches, never watching trailers, never getting hyped and disappointed

>> No.40001333 [View]

I've been out of the loop for a while so I'm trying to catch up on news.
Basically in the last 1-2 years there was just a Tsukihime remake + Mahoyo anime?

>> No.39946211 [View]

I've been out of the loop. What happened to towa's friend Selly?

>> No.39723029 [View]

I've been out of the loop for the past few days. Did that team tournament with the Taiko and Sumo happen? Who won?

>> No.39692504 [View]
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I've been out of the loop for a week or so, why does kanat look like the nijinurse now?

>> No.39685585 [View]

I've been out of the loop for a while, is there another site like bobx nowadays?

>> No.39599766 [View]

I guess the orders are closed already on amiami? Did something happen that you cant buy with shit like whiterabbit from the Gift page itself anymore? I've been out of the loop for a while.

>> No.39443573 [View]
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I've been out of the loop on gravure for about a year. Anybody want to throw out their recent favorites? Especially anything with bunny suits

>> No.39245124 [View]

I've been out of the loop with the Tsukihime remake, is it not even finished yet?

>> No.38866063 [View]
File: 61 KB, 1920x1080, EAE42E15-58AE-48BE-AA56-C4E8727DE392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been out of the loop because I was too busy following Sora and only watched Miko’s live in-between

Anything happened?

>> No.38865977 [View]

Guys I've been out of the loop these past few days because my boss sent me to a middle of fucking nowhere to be his assistant. Has Hina the Chimas or Hina the Kawadas posted any new lewd yet?

>> No.38780508 [View]

I know how you feel
I've been out of the loop for months now so I'm hoping some of the stuff I missed is uploaded by now

>> No.38774982 [View]
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"Progress" report on trying to write english dialogue for a 2hu (have been out of the loop for a while due to IRL problems)
I've compiled a few dialogues(Reisen, Flandregotta love the descent into madness the translator had with sea food puns all over her dialogue as he monologued through the translations and Yoshika) to understand better a pattern and, due to limited tools and contact with others, decided to translate filenames so I can understand better what I'm messing with.
It does make it more sense now even though some of it maybe could've been better with context but, since google translate is all I got, is what I can do.
I'm planning to tackle on a small PC-98 character for now just so I can have a crack at writing around all these big, scary commands and familiarize myself until I can get my hands dirty with the 2hu I want to write for with more preparation.
Well, wish me luck, I'm not giving up just yet.

>> No.38708470 [View]

Could someone tldr the whole evenicle 2 censorship situation? I've been out of the loop

>> No.38611621 [View]

This anon put it best: >>38610358
High-pitched moans are feminine, and what you'd naturally expect if you never heard deep American fake moans. Women's voices are naturally higher than men's and in states of physical exertion rise even higher, so during sex it's only expected that women make high-pitched moans. Also, societally women are expected to make their voices higher, even in the west. It's an American trend that women should speak with deep voices and not raise their voice during sex. It's one of the pervasive stereotypes about American porn and American women. It's probably true most American women don't raise their voice if they're excited, happy, or other positive emotions? Many American women I've talked to actually lowered their voice to sound when excited, and I've heard this in porn too. So it seems Americans, and people who latch onto American influences in other countries, only hear the deepening voices of women.

The people who complain about JAV actresses moaning with high-pitched voices have never heard high-pitched women's moans in any other context than pain or fear, so they associate high-pitched voices with pain or fear in all contexts. In my country there even is serious debate about this, because the norm has always been and still is higher voices for women but American influence grows and the American idea that high-pitched voices are "child-like" is taking root. So, both feminist and anti-feminist women speak with deeper voices and never raise their voice, though some feminists don't care and still speak with high voices.

They also don't understand that a degree of pain and fear is associated with the loss of virginity, and that this is biologically hardwired to be hot to men. So yes, there is a degree of "pain and fear" in the memetic conception of JAV moans, and even American porn moans aside from the deep fake moans... but of course the intended moans of pain or fear in JAV are different, and also in American porn. But for the people who complain about JAV moans, they can't hear the difference at all. In their brain, "high pitch = pain and fear". They'd need to rewire their brains, and I'm not sure if this is possible for Americans who receive a constant feedback loop culturally and possibly even in real life that "high pitch = pain and fear", if they only ever hear women's high-pitched moans in contexts of pain and fear.

JAV just has feminine moans. That's it, usually, yet many people endlessly screech about it.
Same. One Chinese-American girl I talked to online made fun of my "weebness", which was absurd because she wasn't even Japanese-American. She also hinted at "yellow fever", though she knew I'm not racist so it was just a bit of "you know that's a red flag". Generally I find Asian women the most attractive purely in terms of appearance, but that's the extent. Freud would say it's because originally my ethnicity is from Asia and many members of my family look somewhat Asian but I'm the whitest, so I "miss out" on the racism.

Did you notice a shift when Rina Sawayama released "STFU" in 2019? Because that was when most Asian-western women I'd been online friends with cut contact with me, and all attempt to talk to any Asian-western women is met with suspicion since then. It was like an Order 66. The attitude for Asian-western women became "all white-looking men who talk to me are white fever racists who see me only as a sex object". It's really unfortunate because of course that type of guys do exist, so it makes sense to acknowledge, but sucks to get lumped with them.

This isn't even getting to the topic of cultural differences because they're American... of course they can't understand that. For them it's the default, so even if you're very Americanised but surprised by some American thing, they're like "is this a sneaky jab at me being Asian/black/Latin/etc?" as if American culture isn't in many ways incomprehensible to people outside America.

Another thing Asian-westerners often don't understand is having interest in various Asian countries. Instead of seeing this as multiple interests in different cultures, they see it as "it's all just Asia lol" racism, which is truly bizarre. It's not even true in sexual contexts, because "all look same" is not true. Of course "all Asian cultures are similar" is not true. They should know that themselves, but many Asian-westerners truly seem to believe those statements and project them onto non-Asians.

If I want to fap to Japanese girls, I watch JAV. If I want to fap to Chinese girls, I watch Chinese amateur porn or American porn with Chinese-American girls. If I want to fap to Sakha girls, I watch Russian porn with Sakha girls. Etc. But many Asian-westerners see them all as the same, "Asians", just like the westerners who have no interest in any Asian country or culture, or even are racist against Asians. It's sad.

>> No.38486076 [View]

>Aqua didn't play for 1 year, she is rusty
I've been out of the loop with her. Did she really stopped playing for a year or just didn't want to stream it because of the stress? Feels like it was more plausible she's been honing her skills offline rather than magically bursting up to Masters compared to last time.

>> No.38323345 [View]

I've been out of the 2hu loop for a while. I checked royalflare just now and apparently cheating tools have made replays meaningless. What happened?

>> No.38313985 [View]
File: 450 KB, 1080x1536, 45f42c09-27ae-4a68-8e6d-eed11aab3268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Rei is ever going to address how Rika killing herself to loop is kind of a fucked up thing to do with how it leaves Satoko and Rena even worse off. And since Watanagashi fell on the 23th that year, by the time Satoko finds out about Rika, it's probably her birthday again.
Maybe it would've been better if Rika only went through with it after the big incident that leads to the mass slaughter of the village, since at least then she wouldn't selfishly leave her remaining friends behind while she looks for a happier future (for herself).

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