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>> No.13500658 [View]

Your private quarters is on the same floor as Rushka's, a result of her string pulling. As you walk through the doors and out of her quarters your lip begins to bleed. You enter your room and head towards the bedroom.You take off your uniform and hang it in it's proper place. On your bedside table is the only photo you have of Rushka before she lost her left eye. You start to drift off to sleep staring at it. You the wildflowers that haunted the town you were raised in.

I'm done for now guys, I need sleep. Pastebin, continue tomorrow or thursday or so on and so on.

>> No.13500606 [View]

Thank you

>> No.13500602 [View]

Rushka turns around and stares at you, her solitary crimson eye is like a lance preparing to skewer you.

And then she smiles, but it isn't genuine. It feels hollow, jaded, predatory.

>"It seems you're very disobedient today. That's the third time you've referred to me by my name."

She knows how to fuck with you...

>"May I remind you that the punishment for dissent is death by crucifixion."

>"I'm well aware of the consequences Rushka." you say, your gaze shifting to meet hers. She begins to pace around you, she escapes your gaze.

>"Defiant until the end."

She stops at your side Her smile disappears.

>"You're still a spoiled child, Anon. I understand that's partially my fault. Even now I'm spoiling you. Where many others would have been whipped, I have made an exception for you. Where others had to claw their way to the top you stand here at my side. Where I am indifferent, and cold, you wander in like a parasite. Feeding off of me. Worry not, I do not hate you. I will not lay a finger on you or allow a hair on your head to be misplaced, however I am all to willing to to call into question your capabilities as my right-hand. If you can not separate the past from the present, I will be forced to leave you behind. Am I clear?"

She doesn't hesitate to drop that final word.


You want to scream. You want to shout. You want to tell her you love her, you want to tell her that you would die for her. You want to hold her in your arms and never let go. You nearly bite your tongue in frustration.

But it's a test. You say nothing but:
>"Yes Maam."


>"You are dismissed for the evening. Get some sleep, First thing in the morning, 0700, I want you here in my office. I'll be giving my statement regarding Ferrmari at 0830. Understood?

>"Understood Maam."


>> No.13500508 [View]

I don't have any other images fitting for this.
Anybody got anything like >>13500296

Rushka doesn't wipe the blood off of her face until long after the meal has concluded. She prefers not to. Ever since the old days on the front, Ever since the two of you were just a pair of youths with guns forced into your hands. Ever since she saw her father's disembodied hand after your house had been shelled. She wore the blood of every person she killed for some time. She's never told you the reason, hell she's never said anything about it. She just nonchalantly has blood sitting on her face. You sit across from her, vaguely remembering her more youthful smile. She's only 30 and her fur has already gone white. You remember that first day when her father decided to take you in. It was nice having an older sister. You remember her fur being a creamy black back then. Her red eyes, pointed off towards the clouds. Her sweet voice singing old folk songs into the summer breeze.

You push those thoughts back to where they belong. You need to remain focused.

Rushka is back to staring out the window.
>"I wonder if when all is said and done, I will be executed."

What the fuck?

>"Why do you say that?" you say.


She did just kill one of her generals.

>"If we win this war, it'll only be a matter of time before everything I've done is brought to light. Without the immediate threat of annihilation from all of our neighbors. It's only a matter of time before the people revolt. They'll have my head."

>"History is often written by the victors." you say.

>"That may be so, but the victors do not live forever."

>"For the love of God, Rushka."


You cease speaking immediately. Her whispers carry the force of lightning. You can't help but feel wanting for her old self.

>"War makes monsters of us all. You've been with me enough, and by now you know I'm a very twisted woman."

>"You're not twisted Rushka."

She sighs.

>> No.13500404 [View]

Anybody still lurking?

>> No.13500387 [View]
File: 749 KB, 900x1431, 1431275034868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You carry the stack to her large mahogany desk. She takes out a cloth and begins cleaning the pistol and holstering it.

>"Are you busy lieutenant?"

>"Not especially, I just got back from the northern front." you say.

>"I see. Would you humor me with conversation?"

>"As you wish maam." you say.

She walks towards the window, she strides with dignity, her arms folded behind her back. She seems aloof, indifferent to your very existence. She looks down at the city. She bites her lip. After what seems like an eternity. She speaks up again.

>"Do you know how many people died in Ferrimari?"

You attempt to summon the figure into your head.

>"I believe an upwards of 300 thousand soldiers and civilians."

>"Correct, but do you know why this loss was significant?"

For countless reasons. The country is now almost entirely landlocked save for the eastern coast, which is now under siege as you both speak, for the millions lost in weaponry, vehicles, and manpower. For the thousands of dead men and women lost while General Crusoe retreated. You already know what she means though...

>"There were twice as many civilian casualties than military casualties."


>"So that's why you killed General Crusoe?"

>"Incorrect. I did it to remind my soldiers who they're supposed to fear.


>"DO NOT call me that name."

>"Yes maam."

>"Tell me, Lieutenant, how am I supposed to fight this war if my soldiers flee when confronted with an imposing foe.

>"You can not."

>"Exactly my point." If my soldiers will not fight I can not hope to protect my people."

She turns to look at you.

>"So do you see why General Crusoe's failure is unforgivable? It wasn't the just the casualties, it was the fact she showed weakness in the face of the enemy."

>"I see." you say.

>"Have you eaten yet lieutenant?"

>"No maam."

>"Then I shall send for two meals and a bottle of wine."

>> No.13500296 [View]
File: 70 KB, 426x820, 1428206495970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sound of a gunshot echoes throughout the corridor. A bit of blood gets on your glasses and uniform. You sigh and pull out a piece of cloth. and wipe the blood off your glasses. You just had this damn uniform dry cleaned.

On the ground is the corpse of the Manticore General Crusoe. Her failure in Ferrmari cost countless lives, resources and control of the southeastern coast of the country.

Of course She didn't like that....

In the center of the remaining generals lies the Fuhrer motionless, her scarred face spattered with blood. In her left paw is the late general's firearm.

Her cold, razor-like gaze, shifts from the corpse to you. You can detect a slight flinch in her retina.

>"I want General Crusoe's body crucified and placed in the square. If another person fucks up on this scale again, Their death will not be as quick. Understood?"

>"Yes my Fuhrer" the other generals say in unison.


They group shuffles out, the corpse is dragged out with them. You stand there, while they leave. The doors close behind you and the two of you are left alone in silence. You don't make a sound.

The Fuhrer looks you dead in the eyes.
>"Yes Lieutenant?"

>"These are damage reports from the Nerron, Maam. I was asked to bring them to you."

>"You can set them on the desk."

>> No.13500230 [View]

You struggle to carry the towering pile of documents in your arms. You stumble through the doors of atrium past two well-armed oni in uniform. Once again they don't say a word to you. Which is disconcerting, considering they would always harass you. Maybe they got married or something? You push the thought out of your mind and get in the elevator along with a lamia and another human male. You vaguely know him but his name escapes you. Whatever. You're the last to leave the elevator since you head all the way to the top floor. Damn thing stalled twice on the way up. What are those mechanics doing? You briefly consider if She would send those grease kakuen to a forced labor camp considering that fucking elevator should have been fixed last thursday. You exchange greetings with the Inari secretary tending to her nails. Or in this case humbly offered, only to be met with silence. Just like always. As you open the door to Her office you are met with shouting.

>> No.13500187 [View]

For the first one it was gonna be all healing and shit but whatevs, yall have made your choices

The succubus was supposed to instill a hefty overdose of feels
The Cyclops was supposed to be sorta funny but also actiony, I guess.
Werewolf because I have a thing for proud, badass women like Balalaika

4 beats 3. Werewolf dictator it is. Gimme a bit.

Maybe I'll do the burn victim some other time.

>> No.13500123 [View]

Okay guys.
I've been doing absolutely nothing productive for the past 5 hours.

I really want to write something but I don't know what to commit to.

my ideas are as follows:
A self conscious succubus that has the left side of her face covered in severe burns and only one functioning eye. She wears hoodies all the time and is generally very quiet.


Chuunibyou Cyclops detective with a thing for cosplay and churros.


Self-insert right hand to older werewolf Dictator

>> No.13147225 [View]

My-my story got screencapped...
I have no words to describe this feeling of happiness.

>> No.13146942 [View]

-_- god dammit, can we just let that die?

>> No.13146933 [View]

You got me there.
However, I do have some reservations. I don't like bug MGs and I wouldn't touch a P'orc with a ten foot stick. That also includes goblins, imps, plants, and various others.
I just happen to be a slut for fluffiness and cuddling.

>> No.13146903 [View]

I'd fuck it.

>> No.13146767 [View]

Anon leaned in to plant a kiss on her cheek. He took his phone out from his pocket and they took a photo in front of their creation. After some more admiration they went back inside. Elise lit a few logs in the fire place and Anon made hot chocolate in the kitchen. He brought it to the living room and handed a mug to Elise. They wrapped up in a blanket and cuddled together by the fire. For awhile they sat their drinking cocoa and talking.
>"Maybe Canada isn't so bad after all" She thought as she planted a kiss on Anon's cheek.

>> No.13146742 [View]

Anon entered the warmth of his home with a smile.
>"Elise, I'm home."
He closed the door and set aside his suitcase and peeled off his coat. He looked around, she was nowhere to be seen. He headed upstairs to the bedroom.
He searches every inch of the house until he enters the garage, there she is, working on something at her drawing board.
>"Hey, Elise, I'm home."
She turns to him, her face goes from one of serious concentration to a bright smile wider than any he has seen on her face before.
>"Anon, you're home! Good!"
She grabs her blueprints, hops of her stool, and runs over to him. He leans in for a kiss, but she grabs his hand and pulls him behind her.
>"Quickly Anon! There isn't much time, we must remain ahead of schedule!"
They quickly pull on their coats and head into the front yard where Elise has prepared a wheelbarrow, a ladder, and a shovel. Anon takes the wheelbarrow as per Elise's instructions. They set about gathering snow from the nearby yards. Nobody seemed to miss the snow from their driveways, so they continued as she had planned. They brought the loads of snow back to their yard and they set about constructing balls of snow twice the size those children had made. After some effort, they had formed 3 large frozen globes. They rolled the first one into position and lifted the second one into position as a team. Elise grabbed the ladder and put it into position. Anon handed her the third and final ball. It was heavy and hard to lift, but she managed to put it on top. They stepped back to admire their handiwork. It was 2.5 meters tall because it's in Canada. Next, Elise grabbed a trowel and a few other tools from the garage. She scaled the ladder and began carving into the balls of snow. After another hour of work, she had done it. She had constructed her very own, SNOW PHARAOH! It was just like the statues built in the old days back home. It was beautiful. Anon stepped beside his wife and wrapped his arm around her. 2/3

>> No.13146659 [View]

Harriet was the original name but I changed it because I hated it and lost track of the other uses of Harriet.

>> No.13146649 [View]

As she plunged the shovel into the snow, the shivering Anubis groaned. Elise could not for the life of her figure out why she agreed to move to Canada with her hubby. She refused initially, but then Anon rubbed that special place above the base of her tail and she melted. She felt ashamed of herself, how could she have caved like that? Especially on such an important matter as where they would be establishing their love nest. She tossed another load of snow from the driveway. The cold out here was insufferable, and Harriet was miserable, but she must stay ahead of schedule if she is to finish her chores before Anon gets home from work. She wipes bone-chilling drops of sweat from her forehead. She takes a misstep and slips on some ice.
She takes a nasty fall and bumps her head. She rubs her head wincing in pain, cursing this absurd cold. She wished she could just go back home to the nice, warm desert. How lovely that would be. She looks around for a second, and then something catches her golden eyes. There were kids rolling... balls of snow? She observed them for a second. They took a medium sized ball and placed it on top of a much larger ball. Then on top of the medium one a much smaller one. Her interest was peaked, the children set about decorating the stack of balls with a top hat, a scarf, twig arms, button eyes, and a rake.
>"You can make statues with snow?" she said in surprise.
Apparently she said it loudly because the children turned to look at her.
>"Uh, yeah!" One of the kids called back.
Elise blushed and went back to shoveling snow. She busied herself with her chores and when she was finished she decided to alter the schedule slightly... Elise hopped onto Anon's computer, she typed into Google:
>"Snow Statues"
As her eyes scanned across the various images, she began to formulate a plan, but she would need help...

>> No.13146545 [View]

K. But I'm keeping this one short

>> No.13119813 [View]

It's not a twist if we already know the ending now is it?

>> No.13119811 [View]

Alright then, but give me time. I'll probably pastebin it and write a whole bunch more for this if you guys want it. Right now I'm tired. I'm going to bed. See you all later.

>> No.13119800 [View]

>You're gentle at first, with each thrust she gasps. Soon she starts to moan, a wave of pleasure sends shivers through you every time you ram her loins. She keeps taking it deeper and deeper, until your balls are slamming against her with a satisfying smack. Her juices run down her crotch and onto your scrotum. You lock lips, your tongue freely exploring her mouth, she's powerless against your advance.
The sensation in your nether regions builds until you simply can't take it anymore.
>"I'm about to cum," You say as you prepare to pull out.
>She locks her legs around your back.
>"Please, Anon, I'm almost there." she says.
>You can't help but comply with her demands. You peak draws close and you can barely contain it, she moans in your ear, her voice giving you chills. You can't hold it any longer and you cum, shooting your hot, pearly semen into her begging snatch. Her nails scrape your back as her womb is filled with your seed. She climaxes and calls out your name. She pulls you into a kiss as you both collapse.
>You hold her in your arms afterwards, you continue to kiss, locked in an embrace that feels like a dream.
>You both fall asleep, her scent invades your dreams.

>> No.13119729 [View]

>She gets up from the bed and strolls to your side.
>"Anon, I'm so sorry."
>"Why are you sorry?" you say.
>She pulls you into a hug, "Please don't kill yourself Anon. I can't stand the thought of you dying!"
>"I'm not going to..." you can't even finish a damn sentence, and here come the tears once again.
>"I don't get it, what did I do wrong?" you cry into Matilda's shoulder, "I just don't fucking get it. Why is this happening to me?"
>"It's not your fault, Anon." she whispers into your ear, "I'm here for you."
>She holds you close, as you weep, her hand brushing down your back gently.
>You calm down after a while and separate from her embrace. You gaze into her hazel eyes, full of longing and sympathy. You can't help but be drawn in. You kiss her.
>She digs her fingers into your shirt as your tongues coil around each other. Your locked like that for at least a couple of minutes, when you separate at last, panting, you only want to be reunited with her.
>"Anon, please," she says, "Even if it's just for tonight, use me. Forget about her, I'm the one here for you now."
>You can't resist her anymore.
>You walk her to the bed, she lays down. You undress yourself while Matilda waits for you, already naked and her legs spread. Her tail sways gently with anticipation. You climb on the bed and lay on top of her.
>The two of you share another round of kissing, your manhood throbbing with desire. She grabs her thighs and prepares for you. You push against the entrance to her warmth, you slip inside slowly, then you feel a blockage. You realize it's her first time. You try to be gentle, as tear through her hymen.
>"AAAAAAh" she gasps in pain.
>"Are you okay?" you say.
>"I'll be fine, just please give me a moment." she winces.
>You wait for what feels like an eternity in agony, her warm slimy walls wrapped around your cock. It's a tight fit.
>"Alright, It should be fine now" As soon as she says it you can't hold yourself back anymore.

>> No.13119586 [View]
File: 405 KB, 737x1200, Kikimora_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you come home after being stood up by your succubus wife at the restaurant. It's supposed to be your anniversary.
>When you called her, she answered. The sound of moaning and the voice of a man filled your ear.
>The bitch is out screwing another man, and on tonight of all nights?
>You begin to cry, your heart breaks.
>You remember the shotgun you keep in your broom closet. You quickly stumble up the steps to the second floor, the sound of your feet muffled by the carpet on the steps. You open the closet and retrieve the shotgun, you also grab a pack of shells.
>You begin to walk towards your study where you plan to end your life.
>You pass by your empty bedroom, and hear a moan, "A-Anooon."
>Confused since the house is supposed to be empty, you crack the door open.
>It's your Kikimora maid, she's holding a pair of your boxers to her face and masturbating.
>You gave Matilda the rest of the day off, what's she doing here?
>You watch as she furiously rubs her drooling slit and inhales your scent from your boxers.
>She's really into it, it's like she's gone into her own little world.
>You're so absorbed with watching her you don't feel your grip on the shotgun loosen. It falls to the floor and immediately goes off.
>HOLYSHITFUCK you jump and Matilda is also startled.
>You pushed the door open in your outburst.
>"A-Anon, wh- what are you doing here?!?" She quickly bursts out.
>"I should be asking you the same thing!"
>"What was that noise?" she asks.
>"It was a shotgun," you say, "I dropped it. I guessed it must've been loaded and went off.
>"What were you doing with a shotgun, Anon?"
>"I was... going to clean it!" you lie pathetically.
>"You came home on your anniversary to clean a shotgun? I don't buy that Anon. Tell me the truth." she demands.
>You can't think of anything to say. What are you supposed to say, you were going to kill yourself?
>Matilda sees through the veil of silence that's settled on you.
>"She stood you up didn't she."
>You nod.

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