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Search: I want to kobold

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>> No.23748285 [View]

bushy pubes
hairy arm pits
fuzzy unshaven arms and legs
tummy with cross section of more hair
I want to fuck a big hairy wild kobold!

>> No.23718019 [View]
File: 137 KB, 859x1200, Holstaur157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's it like being the breeding farmer at the Farmer Lilem's farm?
well, I'll tell ya.
The weresheep are stubborn, you have to creampie em all in exchange of letting you shave their wool clean.
The cockatrice need to be bred with in the coop if eggs are to be made. There's so many of them so you can return back to them between periods.
The holstaurs can't really seem to calm down after being milked so you have to fuck them. Be ready to drink loads of their milk too, they make you do it.
The orcs are kinda there to help reduce waste, show em a good time after work, with some reverse gangbang mud wrestling sex
The lilem's kobold companion likes to stop by and fuck a little while you're cleaning yourself off at the shower head so be ready for that
The black harpies and beelzebubs will invade the crops, ward em off as best as you can, and if you can't, offer them sex so they'll be too full to eat the crops
The lamias will try to hide and cause mayhem when they do, keep your eyes peeled and flush em out or you'll get surprised-raped by them.
The large mice will sneak in at night and break into your bedroom or the monster's bedrooms to rape and feed. Call the Demon Realm Pest Control ASAP if it happens.
The werewolves, grizzlies, ocelomehs, manticores, hellhounds etc. are a threat, get the demon realm-authorized crossbow and give em hell or they'll chase after you
The satrys are a combination of weresheep and holstaurs, they're stubborn but shall receive your sex if you want their milk and wine
Then, there's the centaurs. they are the most brutal breeders judging from their strength. You have to let them mount you and rape you hard to relieve their stress.

It's a large, diverse, and lewd farm. The animals are practically wild in disposition and the Farmer Lilem built the farm to change that and she needs a husband who'll help her achieve her dreams (and see him get lewdly raped by wild monsters for her amusement). Would you be down for that?

>> No.23636952 [View]
File: 134 KB, 817x625, IMG_20200501_125857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to fuck this bitch of a cosplay kobold so bad.

>> No.23569027 [View]
File: 356 KB, 585x876, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellhound, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Demon, Wight, Hinezumi, Lich, Salamander, Jabberwock, Baphomet, Kikimora. And speaking of my wives, Sookmo was kind enough to draw my Hobgoblin wife! https://twitter.com/cycho6212/status/1253971714632847362
I wouldn't worry about that anon, I think most of us have our little quirks with our wives. For example I have what most people would probably consider to be too many, we have anons who want to get intimate with their daughterus or others who's waifu is pretty much the profile girl. There's just a lot of different ways things can end up and there's nothing wrong with being a bit off profile.

>> No.23514027 [View]

This makes me want to see a werewolf pretending to be a kobold so people are friendlier to her, then basically becoming a kobold when she's MERED.

>> No.23373052 [View]

Seems like fun things to list.
>What are you guys favorite species of mamono?
Hobgoblin, Demon, Hellhound Lich, Kikimora, Kobold, Jabberwock, Wight, Baphomet, Salamander, Hinezumi
>Which region of the MGE world would you most want to live in?
An undead kingdom I've thought way too much about the details of.
>Which school of magic would you most like to specialize in?
I'd be more of a melee guy but using some elemental stuff would be cool
>what character class would you want?
Some kind of tank/dps dark knight class. Primarily physical attacks but with some chuuni black flames for a special attack or something.
>How would that play into how you'd meet your ideal mamono?
The story of how I'd meet my harem is way too long and autistic to post here.

>> No.23319523 [View]

I'm curious as to what a Kobold momster would be like. I imagine she might start by doing everything she can to please her boy but then something happens. On one hand he might enjoy it so much that he refuses to do anything that might make her sad, no matter how much peer pressure he receives but on the other hand he might go through a rebellious phase where he doesn't want to be pampered so much and he does something that makes her rethink things.

>> No.23266842 [View]

I want a cute sitcom starring a Hellhound raised by/bred to resemble Kobolds and a Kobold raised by/bred to resemble Hellhounds as roommates.

>> No.23204633 [View]

I want to make out with my Kobold daughteru's butthole!

>> No.23183803 [View]

Tail molestation is good, I want to make my Kobold wife cum the same way.

>> No.23115150 [View]

>It is a beautiful day in MGC
>You are a strong, virile man
>And you want to fuck
>You spy a trio of Sabbath scouts selling cookies on the sidewalk
>You wave to them and inform them that you want to fuck
>But you do not want to fuck them
>For they are small and bruise easily
>You trip the familiar that approaches you to demonstrate
>You walk past the dumbstruck witch that came over to help her friend
>You head over to the table and shove away the other witch
>You steal the cashbox and a box of thin mints
>You head off merrily on your way
>You do not make eye contact with the Hellhound police officer, for that would show weakness
>For you are a strong, virile man
>Living in MGC
>And you want to fuck
>And not be fucked
>You continue down the street, as you pry open the cashbox
>You grab a was of bills, shove them in your pants, and drop the open cashbox on the ground next to a passed-out kobold
>You bust open the box of thin mints
>You grab as many as you can and shove them in your mouth
>You continue walking
>You do not make eye contact with the fox girls on the other side of the street
>They are weebs, and not to be trusted
>And you are a strong, virile male
>And you live in MGC
>And you want to fuck
>And you want your thin mint-packed mouth to remind them of their crimes
>It is a beautiful day

>> No.23111483 [View]

I wouldn't want a Kobold in general. I'm not much of a dog person.

>responded to a Nureonago call by smiling and having a friendly conversation with her

>> No.23030101 [View]

>be really horny
>look for some monster girl porn
>pick whatever result is first on google
>the first video I find starts with a man sitting on a couch, reading the newspaper
>a unicorn enters the frame
>"Uhm, honey, can I get your help"
>good, classic "my estrus started" setup
>"Sure baby, what is it?"
>"I think it's time we get a joint checking account"
>they start having a conversation about their shared finances and the boyfriend's want for independance
>be a little weirded out, but it's OK, probably fetish porn for tanukis
>second video is a more conventional maid porn
>cute kikimora is cleaning the kitchen when her master enters
>asks for a cup of tea at his studio
>she starts making it, but he doesn't leave
>he doesn't push her against the counter and takes her to pound town either
>he just admires her from a distance, a smile on his lips
>when she is finished she asks if he wants a sugar this time
>he walks over and, resting his hand lightly on her hip, leans and steals a chaste peck on her lips
>"I've got all the sugar I need right here"
>he leaves, the kikimora wagging her tail and giggling to herself as she cleans up
>be a little more weirded out this time
>every video is the same
>a yeti and her husband cuddling
>a man rubbing his kobold wife's pregnant belly
>even the video featuring an amazon is just her resting on a couch while her husband prepares dinner, and it ends with a tasteful fade to black as she picks him up in a princess carry
>finally notice the URL in the address bar

fucking monstergirls ruined porn for the rest of us

>> No.23013992 [View]
File: 162 KB, 462x1280, 54B8A9DD-1662-466C-9E9A-84AB40212283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tame a werewolf til she’s obedient as a kobold

>> No.22844179 [View]

>Mamano Viruses are totally harmless. Just be prepared to have massively increased semen production and need a relatively large amount of her milk.
I'm gonna have strong bones from the calcium intake...

>Depends on how you want to raise them. Want them to be mean? Get a hellhound. Want them to be docile and nice? get a kobold.
I want them to be strong and have character, kind of like a wolf paladin if that's not a retarded idea.

>> No.22785968 [View]
File: 899 KB, 1485x1446, mge__monster_girl_encyclopedia___werewolf_by_adelineleona_dcj2fw4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing tag with werewolf neighbor
>She easily evades most of your attempts to catch her
>Frustration boiling up only makes you more determined to get her
>Finally catch her with tackle and pinning her down to gloat a bit
>Instant you get up she blind sides you
>Takes you down to the ground with her
>Wrestling ensues as you both roll on the ground trying to pin each other
>You manage to get a grasp on her wrists and hold her down
>Notice how you're positioned
>She has her legs wrapped around you
>Feel puberty hit along with embarrassment and get off of her
>Luckily your hellhound mom called you two inside for snacks
>Say you're not feeling good and run to your room
>Hellhound with werewolf neighbor comes inside your room
>Tells you how she saw you two playing and how cute it was
>Reminds her of when she and your father was young
>But doesn't want you two getting stuck in that awkward stage of figuring it out
>Puts on her favorite porno from when she was still a pup
>Leaves room as you and werewolf neighbor to watch the tutorial
>Kobold and some random guy show up on screen
>Greet the viewer and introduce themselves as husband and wife
>Happily tells the viewer to enjoy themselves and maybe learn a thing or two about love making
>Learn what foreplay is as kobold goes into great detail for girls to not use their teeth
>Guy tells boys easiest way to find the clit and proper cunnilingus
>Next is onto sex proper
>See every position possible
>Doggy style
>Amazon press
>Mating press
>Pile driver
>Full nelson
>Prone bone
>The list goes on
>Video ends with kobold giving peace sign and wishing the viewer a great first time
>You two don't leave your room till dinner is beyond cold
>And when you do you see both your parents and werewolf's parents talking
>Dads ask you if you two had a good time together
>The embarrassment is palpable

>> No.22532378 [View]

Dogs>>>>>>>>cats. I want a pudgy large breed kobold to cuddle with on the couch while giving her belly (womb) rubs.

>> No.22415099 [View]
File: 16 KB, 478x464, waifumenu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster girl game dev here. If you want to try out my shitty game in its alpha stage (minimal music and SFX), you can find it below. The next game will have more of the suggested monsters you guys have mentioned. For now it's just harpy, barometz and holstaur. Thinking about adding a doghouse building and have a kobold named "Coco" live there...

And yes, you can milk the holstaur.


>> No.22319562 [View]

That Anon just wants to know if any Kobold has ever really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.

>> No.22315765 [View]

I want to tape my Kobold daughteru up and then have sex with her!

>> No.22285123 [View]

Would you be okay being treated like a Kobold(western) by your dragon mistress? She knows how much you want to worship her with every fiber of your being. If you help her out, you may get the chance to indulge in her.

>> No.22274968 [View]

I suddenly want to plunge my cock deep inside a Kobold and hear her yelping with each thrust, then howl when she orgasms,

>> No.22228176 [View]

Why would you ever want to avoid farmsteads? There's so many great girls living there.
>holsts asking you to milk them because they love the feeling of your hands on their big, supple breasts
>the minos love it too, even if they are too embarrassed to admit it
>p'orcs mudwrestling to see who gets the honor of helping you with chores for the day, giving them ample opportunities to make a move on you
>massaging chicken harpies' wombs to help them lay their eggs and getting pecks on the cheek
>kobold eagerly waiting for headpats and bellyrubs for rounding up the weresheep for shearing
>alraunes out in the fields asking if you can give them some liquid fertilizer

>> No.22186057 [View]

>be absent-minded hunter
>get distracted by a pretty butterfly while setting up a trap
>leg has a big boo-boo
>some kind of big black kobold shows up
>really big
>only reach up to her chin
>weird mutt gets me out and fixes my leg
>starts asking questions about what happend
>tell her it's the butterfly's fault
>she leaves and comes back in an hour with a papillon, looking scared out of her wits
>"So, is this her? What do you want me to do?"

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