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Search: I've been out of the loop

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>> No.42458798 [View]

Just saw this, but I both remember this text and have it. The monster wasn't the man's childhood friend and she wasn't a human before. What happened is that the guy had the power of time travel and ended up getting married to a monster. He then tried to use his time travel powers to go back in time and avoid getting married. Except, it was literally impossible. No matter what he did the result was always the same.

Furthermore, every time he time traveled he ended up meeting the monster and getting married earlier and earlier, despite no alterations existing to justify it. At some point, he time traveled to the past only to find himself in the middle of having sex with the monster. Even so, he time traveled again, at which point mamono mana just rewrote the time line so that the monster knew him from childhood and the two had been married since then. As in, mamono mana just made it so that the man and the MG were childhood friends and had been married from the start. There's also some vague stuff on how mamono mana might genuinely made it so that not only were they married from childhood, but also in their past lives. Shit is wild.

Also, this immunity to time travel, ability to create inevitable future events, and rewriting the past applies not only to marriage but also monsterization. Apparently it's just something mamono mana can do.

Here's the post:

>The hero has the ability to time leap!
>As a result of being tied up with the monster girl who is the heroine in the latter half of the first week, the hero will always be tied up with the same monster girl no matter what route he takes in the second week after the time leap!
>(Depending on the hero's choice, the girl may remain the original soft girl, or she may become an evil-looking girl who belongs to a radical group.)

>The hero has the ability to time leap! 2
>The result of getting together with the heroine, a monster girl, doesn't change each time you go around, but each time you go around the loop, the events of getting together start to happen earlier and earlier, and eventually you start the loop in the middle of getting together and making love, or you start the loop in a relationship where you've already been making love with each other as childhood friends since you were young.

>The hero who has the ability to time leap! 3
>This phenomenon is presumed to be caused by the "soul stain" that I have explained before.
By going back in time while both of their souls were stained by each other's existence, the heroine with the stained soul recognized the hero as her companion from the "birth stage" and the timing of their marriage was dramatically accelerated.

>...... or before the start of the first week >(previous life, etc.)
>It may be that both of their souls were already tainted before the first week began (in a previous life, for example), and that the heroine's soul grasped the hero's location in this life after they got together in the latter half of the first week, or that the taint progressed, and as a result, they got together earlier.


>It's like "black ink that rewrites the world from outside the story," the magical power (mana) of monsters. It's the best.
>The best thing about it is that it absolutely confirms a happy fate.

>It is also due to the strong desires and wants of the characters in the story, so it may be ink that oozes out from within the story and cannot be erased.

>If she's a former human girl, it would be interesting if she changed her race every time she jumped back in time.


>In the last loop, she's human, but she's only "race: human," and her soul, mind, ecology, and what she does are all the same as that of a monster girl.

>> No.42354899 [View]

I've been out of the loop for a long time. Whatever happened to AXL? They haven't released a game since 2018, and their site, while up, doesn't have any updates.

>> No.42324356 [View]

So there was a translation of a VN recently or something? Aoko's game I think? What's that about? I've been out of the Type-Moon loop for a long time, especially the non-Fate side.

>> No.42182069 [View]
File: 105 KB, 1000x669, 0622d3f2f0b6a54ea1ac8e0c14fe8e28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On Earth

All you anons in MGC don't even realize you've been isekai'd. It's all just a pocket dimension run by some weird lilim. Don't you find it odd how all of our parents moved away to a place called Shell Beach? I'm sure you'll tell me to catch a train out of the city. Take the green line, they say. Well, I've checked. The green line is always out of service. I've seen it run maybe a handful of times, and it stops at no station with no passengers on it. Do you even remember your first day here? Try and recall the exact moments you stepped into the city. Odds are you can't, lest you try and repeat those steps backwards, assuming you could leave that way. Don't try and hitch a ride out of here either, huge waste of time unless you want to perform a literal loop after hours and hours.

>> No.42179501 [View]

So I thought I'd give RTK a try to learn Japanese. Boy was I wrong!

I've been trying to learn Japanese for months now, and I'm not even close to being able to form a sentence. I feel like I'm stuck in an infinite loop of kanji and vocabulary that I just can't seem to remember.

At this point I'm starting to think that maybe I'm just not cut out for learning Japanese. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the characters. I mean, I can recognize some of them, but I can never seem to remember them.

I've tried studying with flashcards, reading manga, and even watching anime, but I'm just not getting it. I'm starting to think that the only way I'm ever going to be able to learn Japanese is if I move to Japan and actually live there.

I'm starting to get pretty frustrated with the whole thing. I mean, I thought this was supposed to be fun, but it's just been one big headache so far. I don't know what else I can do. Does anyone have any advice for me?

>> No.42115305 [View]
File: 655 KB, 1000x1545, 21de6983f687853a7594cd84eefb96c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe. I've been gone for years. I just remember from MGU to even some of the earlier threads here, there was this weird loop of

>new MG comes out
>everyone clutches pearls over incubi, demonic energy/mamono mana, the fetish in the profile, etc.
>KC reassures everyone it's not the edgy picture they have in their head
>that or he says something on twitter to nip edgy stuff in the bud like the deflecting bullets thing
>they now seethe about overpowered monsters, hugbox setting, or how mean old KC won't let them complain about doom, gloom and the nature of free will in peace

Here, in modern /jp/, everyone seems just okay with what MGE offers, and it's strange. Not complaining, it's just a first.

>> No.42018855 [View]

I've been out of the loop for a good chunk of the year, when did this happen?

>> No.41982393 [View]

I've been out of the loop so I haven't heard about scandals with their handling of user data, but I'm sure NovelAI doesn't filter anything and in fact most people on /aids/ use it for their porn.

>> No.41945374 [View]

Magifest would've been good to roll on if you just wanted dresses. For collabs, there's usually one girl that's considered broken/useful. Obviously won't know which until it goes live and everyone kinda figures it out.
>Gold sabbath
Higher than I care to reach.

>my first batch of beast mode mats to unlock an event dress?
I wouldn't. Most event dresses are completely forgettable after their event. Though I'm probably the last person to ask for this advice from since, despite having mats to limit break nearly any UR dress, I don't bother due to powercreep nonsense.

You have to wait for the animation asset to load whenever it starts happening, otherwise it'll skip it and not bother. Yes that means in the middle of the scene, whether or not you realize the animation should be starting.
On the PC client, I can't get any of the animated scenes to load. I have to switch to browser. If the loop is stuttering then there's probably some setting that's fucked in your browser graphics settings.

Otherwise just assume it's part of the game being a buggy mess. They've acknowledged scenes aren't animating properly on certain devices but haven't fixed it yet.

>> No.41902124 [View]

I've been out of the loop since finding out about vtubers so I need to check out what I've missed for the past 5 years
Some old/new utaite I've been listening to:
Also do vocaloidP singing their own songs count?
Been a fan of MI8k, syudou and Harumaki Gohan for a while now

>> No.41885071 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 208 KB, 392x447, Dla_a11_def3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been repeating yourself for a while now garbage, so I'll join in as well. I cannot wait until the day your parents find you hanging from your ceiling after the brutal revelation that Satoko isn't a faggot and did in fact care for Keiichi.

>Yeah, I'm focused on R07's story, while you keep harping on an Engrish title.

Okay so you're just giving up now and baiting? All you had to say faggot, this is a separate story from sotsu completely disconnected and not canon to it but has bits of it in it. This will taken as absolute truth since there's nothing else you can say that hasn't already been debunked.

>My point is that the word used in Japanese for looper directly indicates the power to loop. Reiwa Rika doesn't have that when her jewels are gone. It's less vague than the actual English we use where you could arguably use it for someone who used to loop but can't anymore.

Don't care Rika looped in that world and in multiple with the beads making her a looper. You can't change that fact.

>It's not Mion's hairstyle. It's this brown haired girl with long hair + short twintails.

Except that's not the one I'm talking about you disingenuous retard, look at the panel above and you'll see a girl that has the exact same hair style as Mion. Nice try to escape my point you little cockroach.

>She barely moved
Moved like 4 feet away from her original spot you moron.

>Also, if you look back at the start of the scene Tomato really wasn't that consistent with the positioning on the stage.

>Also, don't forget the stage was in flames, which is specially highlighted when Satoko walks in

Actually mindlessly garbage fluff to make it look like you have a point

>Satoko shouting out orders from outside that don't appear in Rena's flashback makes no sense.

Oh wow really anon? It's not like there was a gap from Renas perspective from the moment the keiichi passes out to where she screams for Satoko. Also you keep on ignoring the point that this is goi you stupid faggot they aren't going to show us Satoko talking to Ooishi until meguri you baiting nigger

>ALSO, Keiichi is shown to be unconscious by the time Satoko walks in, so he obviously WAS hit. I don't get how you think Oishi left Keiichi unconscious and moved him without hitting him.

Never said that, you're actually coping now. I said Ooishi didn't hit him when he raised the bat up high and it ended on a cliffhanger. We SAW him get hit and we saw him screaming and bleeding. That has always been a point I made try reading dumbass.

>Your argument is that he actually didn't strike down, and rather than that.... stopped... and Keiichi fell unconscious by himself?

Yes, he was already hit hard in the head and he was gushing blood and before we can even see the bat "swing down" everything was dark and his words were fading that's why he didn't finish saying Satoko because he was already passing out. If Ooishi hit him with that bat when he was gonna he would've died.

>You think Satoko somehow instantly stopped Oishi's attack with words, cleaned up all suspicious Oishi had about Keiichi, got him to move Keiichi aside without hurting him, but still leaving him unconscious somehow. THEN he starts beating up Rika, who was still completely conscious by the time Keiichi was getting hit and Oishi went for the final blow, which apparently didn't happen according to you. And after shouting a bunch of stuff, THEN Satoko walks in and Rena hears three shots.

I can taste your soi filled tears hitting the keyboard as you seethe uncontrollablely as you attempt to be as passive aggressive as possible lmao. I don't know what the FUCK you think you're reading but Satoko was always able to communicate with Ooishi just fine even when he was L5, don't like it then blame the anime for doing it first faggot. Satoko could have easily have told Ooishi not to kill Keiichi for a large variety of reasons that he needs to be interrogated, that he

>> No.41884854 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 638 KB, 1122x1600, 649029c8-ea08-4bca-af22-fcc19deeff76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, I'm focused on R07's story, while you keep harping on an Engrish title.

Okay so you're just giving up now and baiting? All you had to say faggot, this is a separate story from sotsu completely disconnected and not canon to it but has bits of it in it. This will taken as absolute truth since there's nothing else you can say that hasn't already been debunked.

>My point is that the word used in Japanese for looper directly indicates the power to loop. Reiwa Rika doesn't have that when her jewels are gone. It's less vague than the actual English we use where you could arguably use it for someone who used to loop but can't anymore.

Don't care Rika looped in that world and in multiple with the beads making her a looper. You can't change that fact.

>It's not Mion's hairstyle. It's this brown haired girl with long hair + short twintails.

Except that's not the one I'm talking about you disingenuous retard, look at the panel above and you'll see a girl that has the exact same hair style as Mion. Nice try to escape my point you little cockroach.

>She barely moved
Moved like 4 feet away from her original spot you moron.

>Also, if you look back at the start of the scene Tomato really wasn't that consistent with the positioning on the stage.

>Also, don't forget the stage was in flames, which is specially highlighted when Satoko walks in

Actually mindlessly garbage fluff to make it look like you have a point

>Satoko shouting out orders from outside that don't appear in Rena's flashback makes no sense.

Oh wow really anon? It's not like there was a gap from Renas perspective from the moment the keiichi passes out to where she screams for Satoko. Also you keep on ignoring the point that this is goi you stupid faggot they aren't going to show us Satoko talking to Ooishi until meguri you baiting nigger

>ALSO, Keiichi is shown to be unconscious by the time Satoko walks in, so he obviously WAS hit. I don't get how you think Oishi left Keiichi unconscious and moved him without hitting him.

Never said that, you're actually coping now. I said Ooishi didn't hit him when he raised the bat up high and it ended on a cliffhanger. We SAW him get hit and we saw him screaming and bleeding. That has always been a point I made try reading dumbass.

>Your argument is that he actually didn't strike down, and rather than that.... stopped... and Keiichi fell unconscious by himself?

Yes, he was already hit hard in the head and he was gushing blood and before we can even see the bat "swing down" everything was dark and his words were fading that's why he didn't finish saying Satoko because he was already passing out. If Ooishi hit him with that bat when he was gonna he would've died.

>You think Satoko somehow instantly stopped Oishi's attack with words, cleaned up all suspicious Oishi had about Keiichi, got him to move Keiichi aside without hurting him, but still leaving him unconscious somehow. THEN he starts beating up Rika, who was still completely conscious by the time Keiichi was getting hit and Oishi went for the final blow, which apparently didn't happen according to you. And after shouting a bunch of stuff, THEN Satoko walks in and Rena hears three shots.

I can taste your soi filled tears hitting the keyboard as you seethe uncontrollablely as you attempt to be as passive aggressive as possible lmao. I don't know what the FUCK you think you're reading but Satoko was always able to communicate with Ooishi just fine even when he was L5, don't like it then blame the anime for doing it first faggot. Satoko could have easily have told Ooishi not to kill Keiichi for a large variety of reasons that he needs to be interrogated, that he was an accomplice of her, that he needs to interrogate Rika first before she dies. It's that fucking simple retard this isn't high literature this is a fucking manga based off a shitty anime. Once Satoko sees Rika is fully dead she knows there's no reason for Ooishi to be left alive where he could harm Keiichi so he kills him and herself it's that fucking simple.

>Even though Satoko shouting this stuff before Rika was dead makes no sense at all

Except it does and you're just a biased little yuritranny, I mean this from the bottom of my heart, kill yourself.

>> No.41752140 [View]

>Rui worked in the travel industry in Indonesia
What? I've been out of the loop.

>> No.41751754 [View]

I've been out of the loop, so the reason Shion has trouble getting out of bed sometimes is not depression, but a boyfriend? Did I get that right?

>> No.41421314 [View]
File: 2.38 MB, 1933x1959, Hades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a skyscraper office that was an Izanami sword-style dojo. I was unfreezed from cyrogenic sleep, and was being led somewhere. I sneaked off when my handler was away for a second, wandering around and up the floors. Ran into a guy who led me to one of the top floors, comfy lounge with a few people gathered. Someone questions who I was, I play dumb, I say I've seen Ragna the Bloodedge like I wanted to report it to them. One asks what colour boots he wore, I guessed black. One of them whispers to another about a pod escapee, but gets shhd. I'm lead over by a guy who seems like a scientist, he offers a nice recliner, then hastily pulls down on a lever coming out of the right armrest. It malfunctioned and did nothing, he gives up and hands me a present wrapper with an Xmas gift card to Izanami, gifting me transformed into a little plush doll, which deliberately harped on about it being "Xmas" Izanami comes in looking for a place to sit, I get up, offer my seat, but then stopped her because I had been sitting on a blue pair of scissors, taking it off and letting her sit. I knelt beside her right armrest.

Yukari was talking to me on the road outside my house, boasting "I am the boundary between day and night, Violet and Vermilion, and Death is my bitch." I walk with her into a room with Hades Izanami and her alliance "Demons and Gods Against..." I thought about Yukari calling death her bitch earlier, looking behind me to see her quietly backing out of the room.

Enter a large school room. See a cinematic, looking up at a gathering of villains. Thor and Izanami among them. Then a long musical, I only remember Izanami, who seemed to be an American schoolgirl, leaping across the screen at one point saying "You can have ANYTHING you want!" I see some guys with T-shirts, on the back Billy and Mandy's heads atop adult skeletons among other skeletons and text scrolls. I'm looking at Izanami across the room, she's got a hat like Jotaro's blending in with the back of her hair, making me laugh a little. She looks angry, comes over asking "What's funny?" I immediately kill my feeling of humour and say "Nothing." Her red eyes were beautiful, I said "Your eyes are very complimentable." but she doesn't care to hear it. I ask "What's the difference between you and Japanese mythology's Izanami?" She said "That doesn't matter, locate your heart." I don't know if she said it here, of she said it as the end of the song earlier, but "In the end up you'll be locked away in a cold unfindable place." as I saw a chain being constructed in darkness forming a loop with a padlock.

On the road outside my house, went over to a spirit of Izanami floating in the air, another guy doing something nearby. I said "Like any patrician, I live with my heart as the engine behind my actions, but my mind is just..." breaking off before explaining how unstable and full of thoughts it is, she says "Alright. But don't call yourself Izanami, unless you're on Cartoon Network." then stabbed one golden stake foot through and into the center of my brain, golden light radiating.

On a raft with a guy tied to a catapult. He tells me not to but I say "No, and that's what you get for calling me Jesus." then under my breath "I'm actually Izanami."

At a McDonalds, one further "up" along from "Tower Hill", visiting being necessary for the Apocalypse. I watch from a distance Izanami talking about Pariston. Saying he's a strange, and like a vampire. Once he died and spent 10 years as a ghost hanging around some trees outside nearby, enjoying it like it was a vacation, before coming back to life. Then she started talking shit about me, saying I'm supposed to bring about the Apocalypse but I waste my time. An employee comes over asking for her order, I predict a childlike response "Happy Meal", she says "Happy Meal, extra toy." She's served, I go over sitting on her right, she talks shit about me like she's irritated while eating, starting to choke. I pat her back until she coughs it up, then she apologises. Then we're fighting outdoors somewhere else, my older brother is on an opposing team. I'm pissed off by a dog, grabbing its snout and twisting it again and again, but it wont break. I ask a nearby guy to hold the body so I can twist it up further until it breaks, but they act like they'd be killed if they took it off my hands from the stored energy. I let go and its snout untwisted folded like an accordion, the shape of a toucan's beak, which got a laugh out of me and the other guy.

Looked at "Izanami's Jade Notebook", there was a single page, the left said "Beast 666" The text said "The Beast 666 refers to the coordinates of Ragna the Bloodedge within The Boundary." the right had a moving image of Ragna shining golden, raking his sword up and down, sending out waves of golden shimmering Dead Spikes, with a tiny "rewind" of his blade every half-swing, like the small jump to keep timing in-between skipping rope jumps.

>> No.41324977 [View]

Like in the past week I guess? I've been out of the loop stream-wise because I wake up after prime time.

>> No.41236127 [View]
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, Sumire Mizukawa in MIAA-561 looking hot and smug in a close-up (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest fapping session report:
Four full cooms, two partial cooms.
No full cooms, one partial coom.
Two full cooms, two partial cooms.
One full coom, three partial cooms.
>fapping technique
One hand stroking dick, other hand groping balls. At times switching to rubbing the head of the dick and stroking with the other hand, and for some time during a part in DVDMS-797 using both hands to rub my dick with the palms. With HOMA-119, very straightforward jerking.
>total fapping session time
Divided into two parts that conceptually were one fapping session. First two hours and twenty minutes, skipping around and repeating some of the hottest parts first in HODV-21120, skimming DVDMS-797, then skipping around and repeating some of the hottest parts in MIAA-561. Then, a break of approximately thirty minutes. The second part of the fapping session was only fifteen minutes. I starting by fapping to MIAA-561 again, allowing myself one partial coom, before switching to HOMA-119 and first having three partial cooms, the last of which quickly followed by the last full coom at approximately 1:15:25.
>physical status
My dick hurts, hands hurt, stomach hurts, legs shake and overall feeling tired. Balls feel tense. Feeling quite dehydrated, despite four regular size glasses of water drunk. Rather exhausted, very sweaty.
>psychological status
Euphoria of powerful cooming still lingers. Now I'm completely satisfied for the next 24 hours at least, probably 48 hours or maybe more.
During one coom to HODV-21120 at approximately 30:30, I let out a loud yell "AI-CHAN!!!! I'M COOMING!!!! UOOOOH!!!!" because the force of this coom was too much to contain. My neighbours must have heard it, but this isn't the first time I've had a powerful coom and yelled the name of a JAV actress I fapped to (I've also occasionally yelled the names of American porn stars, and on few rare occasions even the names of random girls whose selfies I fapped to). Sometimes it's impossible to contain. What they think about it, I don't know. Later, during my last coom to MIAA-561 at approximately 1:52:30 (pic related, this close-up of Sumire's face), this sort of thing almost happened again but it became an incoherent "S-S-SU-UAAOAOAEAOAEOEEOOHH" yell as my by now watery cum flew (not a male squirt, this is not something that has ever happened to me, though it seems a third of the way there). Some groans took place at other cooms. The coom to HOMA-119 entailed a surprisingly thick cumshot that flew out with some pressure, though not far. Its quantity was very surprising, as I thought by then my balls must have been completely empty.
>other comments
Throughout this fapping session, I listened to six songs on loop. Which exact songs, I won't say, but two by AKB48, two by a certain female rapper and two by a small idol group who have never been posted on /jp/ if archives can be trusted. Multiple cooms were timed to a chorus, which intensified the experience. When I switched to HOMA-119, I listened to a shitty memed female rap song that I also don't like but when fapping, sometimes it fits to enhance the experience with its extreme sluttiness.
>chinpo notes
After my last coom to HODV-21120, soon my erection was completely gone regardless of continued arousal. I could not develop a full erection again during DVDMS-797 because it did not fit the atmosphere of this fapping session, contrary to my expectation, and therefore only one partial coom. MIAA-561 made me fully erect within a minute as usual, even after such numerous cooms. Truly one of the hottest JAV in my opinion. Same applies with HOMA-119.
>closing remarks
Sometimes sundays turn me into an even bigger coomer than usual, like today.

>> No.41154263 [View]

I've been out of the loop from Sakamichi for about a year and a half, can you give me a qrd on Hinata 4th gen rumours?

>> No.40981115 [View]

ok so I've been out of the loop for a bit, who is this Beako bitch and is this 20th anniversary stream going to be anything of actual significance

>> No.40891259 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 1.59 MB, 960x1708, Akemi.Homura.full.1788558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been catching up with the story and this is honestly pretty shameless
So let me get this straight, Dark Youmu is

A mysterious, traumatized character in black clothing. She lived a peaceful life until she came across a foe who she just could not beat and her special one fell victim to it. She went back in time and tried various strategies to save the girl she loved so much. She tried convincing her to stop, but she did it anyway, she tried convincing others to help, but they just turned hostile so she decided she didn't need anyone anymore and would shoulder the burden herself, she eventually took drastic measures and became ruthless, but even that was still not enough. Trapped in this time loop of her own creation, she spiraled out of control, failing each and every time to save the one she held dear.

Now where have I heard that one before...

>> No.40787485 [View]

That's awesome. I don't have much time to watch Hololive anymore so I've been out of the loop.

>> No.40709691 [View]

What image? I've been out of the loop because I had errands all day. First time in the day I can catch a break and I opened Pekora's stream because I noticed it's rust.

>> No.40644324 [View]

What happened to them anyway. Falling out? I've been out of the loop in regards to that.

>> No.40516241 [View]
File: 165 KB, 404x405, 1639424900339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are unable to move while some creature tries to suffocate you or feel your body, and sometimes it happens on a loop where you seem to "wake up" only to fall asleep again and suffer the same fate. I have it at least once or twice every two weeks because I work nightshift. There was one time where I fell asleep while watching watame's stream, I was unable to move yet I can see watame's stream playing in my monitor while I'm wearing headphones hearing her speak. I still don't know if my mind was making up that image or if my eyes were really open.

Recently I've been getting better at getting out of it, once I become self-aware that I'm paralyzed, I just keep on pushing myself to wake up while slowly trying to move my toes and fingers until that jolt of "falling" wakes me up. I usually wait a while before I go back to sleep.

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