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>> No.13556552 [View]

I mean I'm just writing and posting to the pastebin.
Unless you guys prefer them live. in which case I'll write them live. It just feels a bit strange and stressful to keep doing that. I have less time to think about what I'm doing or where the story is going. But also because it feels a bit weaker and rushed.

However as somebody said, not everyone has the time to read a 30 minute pastebin. So it all depends on your guys preference.

I'm just concerned that what I'm writing might slowly convert into a turd as it drags on.

Who knows, it could be that she's been manipulated just like MC.

>> No.13556487 [View]

Pastebin has been updated


>> No.13556479 [View]

Last update for the night guys.
>”I’m flattered you feel that way Lucy, but I can’t accept this.”

She looks desperate now, her eyes wide with anxiety.

>”Please, I want you to have it. You’re always visiting me in the shop to see how I’m doing, and I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for me after papa died. You’ve always been there to support me when I needed your help. I can never begin to repay all you’ve done for me, so I want to do everything in my power to thank you.”

She looks you in the eyes, her blue eyes shimmer like the sky over Taizan. The smell of wildflowers in bloom drifts into your nostrils. It’s faint and when you notice its presence it disappears.

Something inside you breaks.

>”I understand, Lucy. I accept your gift.”

She lights up instantly and pounces on you. She wraps her arms around your chest. You wince from having your wounds aggravated.

>”Thank you so much anon! You don’t know how much it means to me!”

You try your hardest to force a smile onto your face for her sake, you can’t bring yourself to deny her anymore.

After all, you're the one that shot her father.
And that's all the time I have.
I'll be doing pastebin updates weekly from here on.

So does everyone like where the story is going?
Or is it starting to get stale?

>> No.13556396 [View]

And then fuck them.

>> No.13556363 [View]

2nd to last update for the night.
BTW I'm probably not going to live written updates anymore. Unless that's the preference or something.

She approaches the left side of your bed and sits in one of the chairs provided by the hospital. She sets the flowers on a nearby table and you adjust your bed to prop you up. She hands you the bag and you begin sifting through colored tissue paper until you find a small box about the size of a brick.

>”Sorry about the big bag and tiny box, it was the only size they had.”

>”It’s alright.” you say

You slip off the top to find a silver pocket watch.

>”A pocket watch?”

>”Yeah, I had a lot of money saved so I wanted to buy you a present. It’s a thank you for all your service to our country. You’re being honored as a hero after all.

A hero? Your thoughts shift to Rushka. What the hell did she do?

>”How am I a hero?”

She looks perplexed.

>”Nobody has told you yet? You assisted the Fuhrer in fighting off the assassins the fuhrer is still alive because you were there to protect her. You took two bullets for her.”

>”I see.” you say.

She used you as a martyr. Dammit.

>”How much did this cost?”

With resources strained as they are right now, the pocket watch must’ve cost a small fortune.

>”Oh, 250 Gil.”

>”That’s a lot of money for a simple get well soon present.”

>”Not really. I told you, I had a lot saved up.”

>”It’s still a lot.” You say.

>”But you’re one of my dearest friends.”

Her eyes fall to her lap and her ears fold. Her fists are clenched tightly.

>”When the assassins opened fire I was so worried. I was scared I would lose my dearest friend. When at last the bullets stopped and the Fuhrer finally announced that the assassins had been dealt with and that you were injured I was so worried. I’m so glad that you’re okay though.”

>> No.13556247 [View]

>New level of concern
Well that is concerning...

>> No.13556205 [View]

You were required to stay in the hospital for a several weeks while you recovered. The fuhrer graciously giving you paid leave for the duration of your stay was “rather kind of her” as the nurse who first found you awake pointed out.

During the duration of your stay you have a variety of visitors. The young werecat that runs a flower shop you occasionally visit to inquire on her wellbeing. You watched her father die before your eyes. You shot him after he inhaled poison gas, you told her however that he died in some other less unpleasant manner. That he died a “Hero.”

“Hero” a word that still stings whenever it jumps off your tongue.

She was wearing a blue dress, her long blonde hair hanging down and laying flat against her shoulders. Her soft ears standing ready to greet you. Her tail swayed lightly from side to side.

As she pushes open the door she wears one of the biggest smiles you’ve ever seen. Her blue eyes are wide and innocent. She’s holding a bouquet of flowers and a bag in with the words “Get well soon!” written in big, black letters.

>”Hello Anon!”

You’re surprised to see her.

>”Lucy? What are you doing here? Who let you in?”

>”Oh! I have a signed letter from the Fuhrer herself!”

She opens up the bag and shows you an envelope with Rushka’s personal seal.

>”How the hell did you get the fuhrer to do this for you?”

>”I called the number on your card and it was forwarded to the Fuhrer’s office. I introduced myself as a friend and asked if you were alright. Next thing I know she tells me where you are and says she’ll give me a signed rite of entry into your hospital room. So here I am.”

>”I...see.” is all you can muster to say.

>> No.13556028 [View]


>> No.13556005 [View]

As two amazonians burst in, they are equal parts horrified and enraged. You open fire and they fall like flies. You collapse to your knees. Shit, you’re losing blood fast.

Rushka rushes to your side.

>“Are you alright?”

>”Of course not you stupid bitch, I’ve been shot.”

>”At least you’re alive, Lieutenant.”

>”Just get the fucking medikit.”


She walks off to the far wall and pulls the emergency medical supplies off its mount. She kicks the human you smacked with the rifle in the face. Nighty night. She peels off your jacket and your shirt and lays you flat. She takes a syringe full of small sponges and injects the payload into your shoulder wound.

>”You’re very lucky lieutenant.” she says taking the second syringe full of sponge.

You’re too woozy to respond.

>”The second bullet hit 5 inches below your heart. It’s nothing short of a miracle you’re alive.”

She injects the second payload.

>”I’m glad.”

You’re eyes close and you can feel a wet sensation on your lips.


You awake in a military hospital (in a private room) a whole two days later thanks to the miracles of medical science. The bullets were removed and you’re expected to make a full recovery. According to the surgeon that operated on you, the bullets did no permanent damage. So as Rushka put it just moments before you passed out. You are indeed lucky. You can’t say the same for the two captives. The ghoul you put down was still alive since undead tend to be quite sturdy. As well as the human captive. No country has taken credit for the attack, but there is always the possibility that this was a third party.

Perhaps even rebels.

Although you try to keep it suppressed, you can’t help but endure the image of those two captives being interrogated seeping into your thoughts. You can still remember the screams of the Granian Anubis as Rushka worked. That was seven years ago.

>> No.13555923 [SPOILER]  [View]
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They were alright, could better though.

>> No.13555886 [View]

Rushka grabs one of the flash grenades. She pulls the pin and lobs it over the desk. 3 seconds later the gunfire has stopped. The two of you open fire. The assassins include two humans, a ghoul, a blue oni, and a dark elf. You aim for a ghoul burying several rounds into her chest. She’s not dead yet but she collapses. She’s likely disabled for the most part. Rushka sends a volley of lead into one of the humans, he’s dead before he touches the ground. The blue oni, her sight returns to her just in time to see him go down. She roars in rage.

>”Damn you!” The blue oni screams.

The two of you vault over the desk before they have time to open fire. Rushka rushes the oni, using the rifle like a bat she smacks the shotgun in the oni’s hands to the side before it can go off. She delivers a series of jabs into the oni’s solar plexus and grabs hold of her by the arm. She proceeds to smash her foot into the oni’s knee. She falls onto one knee. Rushka grabs her by the head, and then snaps her neck. The blue oni falls, a trickle of blood escaping her lips.

You ram the butt of your rifle into the other human. The dark elf lodges two rounds into you, one in your left shoulder the other in your left side. You’re knocked on your back. Rushka charges the dark elf punching her in the jaw with a right hook. She then swipes at her chest with her claws, the dark elf is thrown to the ground with a snarling wolf bearing down on top of her. Rushka begins delivering blow after blow to the dark elf’s face. Never relenting even as the elf’s visage becomes bloody and bruised. You pick yourself off the ground and grab your rifle, you’re woozy, but you can make out Rushka’s form in your delirium. Her eyes are clouded over with rage. The elf’s resistance has slowly faded and she lays still the only evidence of life being the rise and fall of her chest, even that fades.

>> No.13555878 [View]
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>> No.13529967 [View]

Good Night Everybody, please don't burn the thread down.

>> No.13529962 [View]

Thanks, I'm just glad people are eagerly reading and awaiting my work.

Makes me feel kinda good.

>> No.13529932 [View]

The pastebin has been updated

>> No.13529921 [View]

The thundering din of gunfire erupts and soon the others join in. Beneath the desk is a small trap door. Rushka pulls on the latch and it easily opens up, revealing two assault rifles, 6 fully loaded magazines, 6 grenades (2 frag, 2 flash, and 2 dusters), and a pack of cigarettes.

>”You were saving them specifically for something like this, weren’t you?”

>”Old habits die hard.”


She grabs one of the rifles and hands it to you. You grab a magazine and load it. You pack an extra magazine into your back pocket. Rushka quickly loads her own and grabs the pack of cigarettes she offers you one and you take it. She places one in her mouth and lights it.You press your cig to hers and light it that way. You both take long drafts and exhale clouds of smoke. It’s your first one in three years, it feels wonderful.

>”So what’s the plan?” you ask.

>”We kill them. Is that good enough for you?”

>”At least you have a plan.” you say.
To be continued

Sorry guys, but that's all for tonight.
We'll continue this soon though.

>> No.13529817 [View]

Seated in her desk, cool and confident, Rushka gives off an aura of benevolence. She’s like a God ready to pass judgement. Her expression is not one of zealotry or indifference. She merely stares at the camera, her predatory gaze pouring into the camera’s lense.

>”As many of you have no doubt heard, on Wednesday, May 13th, our great nation suffered a terrible loss. The port city of Ferrmari was captured by Novan forces. As it stands, we are completely landlocked. As of right now, our eastern coast is being enveloped in a pincer movement coordinated by both Nova and Sarkal. As a result I will be instituting stricter rationing on various goods. Beginning with chocolate from this day forward, the chocolate ration is to be cut in half. I apologize profusely.”

Rushka began to read off a list of resources expected to run out within a month.

>”And lastly, pesticide and other consumer products containing chlorine. All production is explicitly forbidden until further notice.”

She sets the list aside, and folds her hands together on the desk.

>”Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience that arises from these rations but all resources must be conserved to aid the war effort if we are to recover Ferrmari and expel the invaders from our lands. In this dark time I must urge you all to not let your fear consume your reason. Remember, surrender is not an option. 50 years ago our neighbor, Hyarn surrendered to pressure from the outside. As of now our former neighbor has been wiped from existence. Many Hyarnen refugees fled to our lands to escape the purges carried out by Grania. If we surrender, not only do we forfeit our lives, but their lives as well. I encourage you all to stand with pride, we are the final pillar of resistance against the tyranny of the outside. Now is-”

The two humans in the crew produce submachine guns from the black boxes used to transport the broadcasting equipment. You dive beneath the desk while Rushka sinks down.

>> No.13529639 [View]

>”There is a pistol hidden in my belt loop.”

>”The one you used to kill Crusoe?”


It has one less bullet than usual.

>”How many?”

>”The entire crew has been replaced, there are two outside, and the secretary is already dead.”

>”Any snipers?”


>”That’s strange.”

>”Indeed. I’m guessing this is an attempt to discourage further resistance. Be wary, they may have explosives strapped to their bodies.”

Suicide troopers, the only country with that level of nationalism is Grania. Then again they could be independent. But that’s highly unlikely. First Ferrmari and now this. Things just keep getting better.

You slip your left hand down past her belt line and grab hold of the pistol. She grunts slightly, you might’ve accidentally nudged her crotch with the barrel when you grabbed the gun.

>”By the way, I want them to initiate. Preferably while we’re broadcasting. Leave one alive.”


The two of you separate. You managed to conceal the pistol behind your back as you move to parade rest position.

A few minutes pass.

>”Ready in… Three. Two. One.”

>”My fellow Karrans. This is your Fuhrer Rushka Ferris speaking.”

It begins.

>> No.13529549 [View]

Her ears stand at attention. She snaps her neck to the side and you hear an audible crack. Then snaps to the other side. She cracks her knuckles afterward. You are visibly detested.

>”You know Lieutenant, I had a lot of time last night to think about what we discussed.”

>”Did you now?”

>”Yes, and I’ve realized that perhaps this distance between the two of us needs to be repaired.”

>”Excuse me?”

You’re confused, this isn’t like her. Correction… This isn’t like the current her. She would never plainly go back on something like that. You don’t acknowledge it. She appears to be genuinely glad to see you. Her ears are standing at attention. Her tail is...wagging? Her lips curl into a smile. It appears genuine too.

Just what the hell is going on here?

>”I want to apologize, for what I said.”

She’s looking you in the eye now, a look of concern plastered on her face.

>”I’m deeply sorry for pushing you away like that.”

You’re apprehensive at first, your battle-hardened instincts are screaming. You decide to go along with her. At least for the moment.

>”I accept your apology, Rushka.”

She suddenly grips the sides of your head and pulls you into a kiss. You feel a surge of memory playing in the background. It attempts to push forward but you suppress it.

You decide to push back at Rushka. You force your tongue past her lips. You lightly feel the tips of her claws digging into your cheeks. It’s light at first, but grows in intensity. She starts to bite your tongue too. You pull away from the kiss. She looks half ready to slit your throat if she wasn’t so committed to the guise she’s put on.

She pulls you into a hug. Whispering into your ear.

>”Pull something like that again and I’ll bite it off.”

>”What can I say, I’ve always had a knack for improv.”


You comply, the time for banter has passed.

>> No.13529462 [View]

Previously: http://pastebin.com/0N59VtB6

The dull bell of the alarm clock tolls like the reapers call. 0600, time to prepare. You shower and shave before getting into your dress uniform. The fabric is suffocating. You leave your room at 0645. Might as well leave early since you have nothing worth doing. As you enter Rushka’s office you find her staring out the window.


She’s smoking her pipe. There’s no tobacco in it, tobacco hasn’t been seen in the country for 3 years. It’s supposedly a mixture of herbs that Rushka grows herself in some garden you’ve never seen. According to her, it heightens the senses and gives her clarity.

You realize she’s probably been up all night.

>“My Fuhrer.” you say.

She doesn’t turn to look at you.

>”Yes Lieutenant?”

>”Reporting for duty as requested, Ma’am” you say.

>”Good. The camera crew will be here soon to set up I want you to assist them.”

>”Will the other members of the top brass be joining us or is it just me this time.”

She takes a long drag from her pipe. She holds it in for some time and finally exhales, a cloud of smoke erupts from her pursed lips.

>”Of course not, they don’t have time to attend something so trivial. They should be planning the counterattack to Ferrmari.”

You can’t think of much else to say so you stay silent and take a seat in the easy chair. The crew arrives on time. As expected.

You assist with the setting up of the equipment and make light conversation with the nameless laborers. By the time 0800 swings around everything is ready. You take your place by Rushka, who is still off staring out of the fucking window.

The bags under her eyes are very pronounced. She was probably reading all those reports.

>”Fuhrer, everything is ready.”


At last she turns her attention to you.

>> No.13529410 [View]
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It's time.

>> No.13517939 [View]

It's coming. I got finals and shit to take care off.

>> No.13500693 [View]

You're welcome, lets hope I actually keep my word and continue this one.
Here's a link to the pastebin it's stored in.

>> No.13500680 [View]

I'm glad you like it.

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