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Search: demon lord's husband

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>> No.41766020 [View]
File: 1.29 MB, 1320x1396, 6f9161613961ff97ce17c9d53155ca02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marry her and start sacrificing members to her online friends. We'd could gain the favor of countless raid boss momsters by giving their neet daughters a husband. When the time the portal opens we'll either be an official religion, or a state funded charity with backing from all kinds of power and noble monsters. We might even can get the Demon Lord to officially support us if we can set up a few lilims with a guy.

>> No.41239774 [View]
File: 1.25 MB, 2700x3600, 803C59E7-4A4F-4444-98CF-59ECB48018E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations Anon, by order of the demon lord, you are now a therapy husband for a recovering ancient evil.

>> No.41209079 [View]

>"you came all this way here and didnt kill ANY monsters because all they wanted to do was love, not fight."
>"and yet. you are still here, ready to fight me. dont you see your hypocrisy?"
>"you have seen just what really goes on with us and yet you still swear allegiance to the order's misplaced prosecution. dont you want to be free?"
>"normally we would fight, and the end of it results in the female of the couple that came here becoming a monster..."
>"buuuut im a little tired right now and my husband has been waiting for me to come to our room for a few hours now"
>the DL stands up and starts walking to a exit near the back of the room
>"so now im going to let one of my younger children have some fun"
>"she is a tinkerer and has been wanting to try out a new gun"
>"a mamano mana implanter i think she called it? it looks like a water gun."
>"she also seems VERY interested in earth, im sure you've heard about that planet while you two worked your way here."
>"we can only observe it from the outside for now. our true goal is to open a portal so that the males there can be freed, their females are quite... inadequate"
>"but thats besides the point, she isnt intrested in the males there. instead earth humans love to come up with monsters of their own, she has latched onto one of them..."
>"i forgot the name but they are like squids... kinda. there are also octopi just like them. the two races are much too feisty for my interest so i didnt pay much attention or bother turning anyone into them"
>"anyways she used her machines to turn herself into one, i expect she is going to have a lot of sex to spread it around once she gets used to the body."
>"for now however, do put up a good fight. she hasnt had a chance to use her special gun yet"
>"have fun~ i know i will once i get to my room"
>and the demon lord exits the room, as she locks the door something comes crashing through a giant window at the back of the room
>when the object lands on the throne it gets covered in a substance that looks like some form of liquid mana.
>and in an instant the DLs aforementioned daughter pops out of the mana and aims at the female of the couple...

>> No.40613892 [View]
File: 3.34 MB, 1632x2723, 99764f3d4cd52fa85d2d85c0e58c403a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worlds most powerful mosters fight each other for the right to claim him as their husband. His daughters grow up to learn the sacred art of the grill. Monsters from all corners of the world swear fealty to his family in hopes of getting their hands on one of the greatest delicacies known to monster: the burger. Anon's wife becomes strong enough to rival even the demon lord. Nothing really changes though because every day is just his family sitting in the castle gardens with Anon and his daughters cooking for everybody.

>> No.40538256 [View]

Nothing getting done is quite normal in a human/monster village.
Most of the so-called “wild monsters” that live in forests, mountainous regions, etc. fundamentally don't have a specific job, however, those monsters that live in monster villages and monster-friendly states, etc. do have specific jobs, and many of those belonging to organizations such as the Demon Lord's army, etc. have specific duties. It's possible for most monsters to use their high abilities and special powers to work highly efficiently, but we can't say they work diligently. Since their #1 priority is having sex with human men, they tend to neglect work, etc. and most monsters go home immediately to have sex with their husband as soon as the minimum amount of required work is finished.

Of course, many of them frequently take off from work to have sex with their husbands all day long, but those who also hardly show their faces in the first place, and basically stay at home having sex with their husbands every day, aren't few in number either. Perhaps because many of the monsters have long life spans, they have an extremely rough grasp of time compared to humans. It is said that oftentimes, several days pass while they are having sex before they realize it, when they were originally planning to only have sex with their husband until morning, and go to work the next day.

In this way, many of the monsters have jobs, but they lead disorderly lives; however, it is hardly ever viewed as problematic. For the monsters, it's natural to prioritize pleasure and sex with men. Also, since all monsters generally lead lives that prioritize pleasure and sex in this way, the same goes for everyone, so it can't be helped. Even those rare monster races that are overly serious and picky about time lose themselves once they're having sex with their husband, so that work, etc. totally slips their mind, and they end up holed up inside their homes continuing to have sex with their husband, so they can't be too hard on their colleagues.

There's another reason why they have so little interest in work. It's because they have little interest in “money.” For them, money is used for buying food, and products to improve their sex lives with their husband such as drugs, magic items, clothes, etc., and they also need it to negotiate with humans, etc. but it's possible for them to survive on just the energy they get through having sex with men in the worst-case scenario, even if they don't have normal food. Also, since most monsters think it's enough as long as they can live with their husband, the only other thing they need is a certain amount of goods for improving their sex life with their husband.

However, it's another story if the compensation for the job is a “human man.” For those monsters who still don't have husbands yet, it's the compensation they're most interested in. If it's for the sake of obtaining a human man, they'll use every ability they possess and work with extreme fervor.

>> No.40407907 [View]

Yeah, it is good to pace yourself. Massive amount of offspring in total is fine if you live as long as Demon Lord and her husband, but there's only so many kids you can take care of at once.

>> No.40385426 [View]

>Land cursed pre-current demonlord to be filled with undead soldiers fighting out their last battle, attacking others who come their way
>Post Demon lord they became monster girls but continued fighting.
>But seeing as they're undead and have demon silver weapons, its more like two opposing sports teams fighting each other with the opportunity to show off for hubby back in camp or attract a husband.

>> No.39998127 [View]

Given that the demon lord is spending like 23.6 hours a day fucking her husband, I'd imagine theres a lot of lilims.

>> No.39842154 [View]

I imagine the demon lord has to be a monster, and the throne is her husband's dick. I don't think your chances are that good. I guess you could marry a lillim and hope the demon lord just decides to retire one day, but even then you'd be the new throne rather than the one that sits on it.

>> No.39794194 [View]
File: 443 KB, 800x600, Illias Shutter Shades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is it likely that the Chief Goddess' name would also be Illias? But unlike her MGQ iteration, Illias of MGE proper would be a defeated goddess who has become a burrito blanket wrapped NEET because she got BTFO'd by the Demon Lord and her Husband so hard. She's still recovering while under NEET-dom and has to constantly eat through a straw? All while her angels and the other heavenly beings do all the hard work.

>> No.39783175 [View]

Angels will look at monsters on Earth and believe they don't stand a chance against the Big Mama Angel Goddess but fail to remember that it was a chosen hero who willingly became the demon lord's husband, becaming the reason lilims exist, and thus ultimately responsible for causing the fall of Lescatie, a beloved place by the Order.
Imagine fucking up this bad lmao, angels are big dum dums

>> No.39771207 [View]

>Order Heroes and or Heroines that managed to reach Lilith for the "final battle" get curb stomped and beaten the shit out of as Lilith does Senator Armstrong speeches why they and the normal humanity sucks

>Meanwhile for any heroes or boys that instead end up reaching The Demon Lord's Husband as the final boss battle, this happens instead:


>> No.39759700 [View]
File: 125 KB, 401x280, 1619662017832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Demon Lord Lilith and her Hero Husband currently have a misadventure today as they have been surprisingly caught in the grasp of a sentient and "evil" (or morally ambiguous) Tentacle Forest.
>"Babe, what is that!?" The Hero Husband exclaims
>"I dunno dear. I thought all the tentacle plants have been... Disciplined. They shouldn't act like this! But I know this one has a mind." Lilith then loudly asks. "You! What- or WHO are you!? As your Demon Lord, I demand to know who you are and how dare you physically man handle your Lord and her husband like this!"
>The Tentacle Mass scarily replies. "I? I am a monument to all your sins."
>The sentient tentacle Mass tightens its grip and to the surprise of Lilith and the husband they see the tentacle Mass holding onto a Warhammer Fantasy Brettonia looking Grail Knight, a Paladin if old Lescatie. As the Lescatie Paladin is brought near the sight of the Demon Lord and the Hero Husband.
>"The Demon Lord! And the Traitor Hero!!! So my questhas finally brought me to you foul beings! Only to still be in the grasps of this- THING." The Lescatie Paladin says with his cartoony Frenchie accent.
>"Relax friend, we're not your enemies. And you, I and my wife don't want to piss this thing off." The Hero Husband says.
>Then the tentacle Mass examines Lilith and the Hero Husband. "These are of Sheer Mana, power and ambition. But have their minds made up with love for all..." Then the Tentacle Mass examines the Lescatie Paladin. "Mmmmm. And this one is but flesh and faith. Thus is the more deluded." The Tentacle Mass says in an almost mocking manner.
>Kill me or release me, monster! But do not waste Le time with talk. If I am to die today, at ze very least. I die with honor that I have made it to ze Royal Makai dis far. Le Chief God watches over me!"
>The Tentacle Mass talks back. "There is much talk. And I have listened, through rock and metal and time. Now I shall talk. And you all shall listen!"

>> No.39394035 [View]
File: 173 KB, 640x854, 1646480087311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have said this before. But I'd bet legions of Bible Accurate Angels will be the "true final boss" thing in MGE's endgame. The Demon Lord, her husband and daughters gathered all the power they need and finally beat the Chief God. But eventually the skies darken and shine with holy light showing swarms of the Bible Accurate Angels flying and descending below the world for a final ultimate battle showdown against monstergirls. And also an attempt to save the Chief God and salvage the world.

Though it seems the way I say it, it'll be more like a true final boss rush gauntlet where the minions you fight are Archangels, Principalities, Virtues and Powers. While the big head honchos are the likes of Thrones and Serpahim. And all of these complete with lore implications that these angels have been around for a long-ass time and have served and existed since the Original Chief God.

>> No.39392430 [View]

Remember the Sal's hubby was a soldier and knight errant before becoming Royal Consort/Boy-Toy/loving father to autistic Lillim

I doubt the Demon Lord or her Husband (or the chunni Lillim, Dragons, Ryus, etc.) Would let the bad people on this planet off easy.

honestly /tg/ fags whine about 'no conflict in MGE', but never want to write about what Druella would do to the pharma execs who dreamed up abortion meds or warlords who use child soldiers, or politicians who send young men to war timeline their pockets

Show the chunniest Monstergirl alive a documentary of the Christmas Truce of 1914 and she'd be reduced to tears and impotent rage

>> No.39370720 [View]
File: 1.55 MB, 1800x2600, 83252388_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ah hello there anon. I see you have had a nice afternoon nap and quite the dream as I headed you muttering. What's that? You had erotic dreams and visions!? Monstergirls? The new Demon Lord is a friendly succubus with a friendly hero husband that wants man and monsters to love? Wonderland? Eros becoming a powerful god thanks to power of love? 'Mamono Mana???' That human realm being conquered by a demoness named Druella!? By Vaul's forge tools, What kind nonsensical dreams did you have anon!? I shall have you referred to our apothecaries or lore masters to see what kind of 'visions' you just had. Now get up and get back to work. Remember your Indentured Servitude to our noble house anon."

>> No.39123076 [View]
File: 2.47 MB, 3300x2482, b95ec7e1fd635e0631cd4fec20fa5828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These two were a two-headed dragon before the demon lord changed over, then became two separate wurms with similar personalities who wanted to share a husband

Somewhere, I hypothesize, there was at one point a 9-headed Hydra who is now just nine dumb, horny wurms looking for the most/least fortunate dude in the world.

>> No.39071032 [View]

>hell hounds each get their husband
>they all go home to start families
Reminder that this is canonically one of the reasons that the Order still exists. If mamono would stop (literally) fucking around and just sack all the cities, the Demon Lord could have the world in a few months.

>> No.39070121 [View]

>Ends up becoming a renowned tourist spot due to the beautiful flower garden near the queen's castle along with the Demon Lord and her husband making a personal visit
>Becomes a tradition for new monster couples to visit and make sweet, tender love under the tree in the center of the garden just like the Demon Lord did with her husband
>Troll queen is just happy that her kingdom gets to make all these new friends and lovers of nature

>> No.39017441 [View]

The Demon Lord and her Husband have a victorious threesome sex with Current Chief God when they win, yes?

>> No.39015893 [View]

>it turns out other Lilims, the demon lord herself and even her husband do tend to do a Senator Armstrong-style speech when confronting the obligatory hero who made it far to reach them
>the other lilim sisters and the Demon Lord do the usual format of the Senator Armstrong speech when curb stomping and BTFO'ing the heroes

>meanwhile the Demon Lord's Husband who handles and fights against Male Heroes and or Shonen Hero Boys end up like this:

>> No.38982411 [View]

Fuck you Demon Lord! I bet your husband hates your cooking!

>> No.38768368 [View]

Monster's aren't literally the animal they are based on. MGE is about monsters having a family with a human man. All monsters have only a few children that they raise with their husband.
>The mermaid in the illustration on the page to the left isn't wearing anything on her lower body, but normally their vagina is concealed by scales and can't be seen. When they start to have sex with a man, they use magic to get rid of the scales, and the vagina will appear in roughly the same position as in a human woman. Since the new Demon Lord's assumption of power, they've continued to change and adapt so that having sex with human men is convenient and pleasurable. For that reason, it's not possible for them to lay eggs and then spawn the way ordinary fish do.
>They lay them. And they won't get angry if it's an unfertilised egg. By the way, the monsters in this encyclopedia will be pregnant for some time even if they lay eggs. So if there's a period where they are pregnant with rather big ones, then the eggs will be fertilized, if they are rather small and without a period of pregnancy, then the eggs can be easily told apart as unfertilised ones.

>> No.38720476 [View]

>Humans are growing creatures. This heightened instinct in males affects not only their mental health but also their physical health. In this case, the husband's body, which is trying to protect his wife and children, is in a condition to grow strong and robust due to his awareness and training.
>This is especially true for monsters like Holstaur, Alice, and Kikimora, whose primary weapons are to arouse men's desire for protection and control. Their husbands, especially the husbands of couples with children, may look unreliable, but they have strong and robust bodies. Perhaps the rural farmers who live with Holstaur are very strong.
>In most cases, once a monster has experienced pregnancy, she becomes more attached to her husband than before she became pregnant. In addition, the experience of pregnancy tends to increase her desire to conceive again, and she tends to have more intercourse with the same man.
>Also, with each child the husband tends to become more robust and more obsessed with the monster that will bear more children. That explains why the demon lord and her husband ended up having 100 children.

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