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Search: ame raid

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>> No.29984516 [View]

>These threads, and always have been, a circlejerk around Ame, Gura, and Ina
We like Kiara now too, it's just the lolcows and seagulls who raid us that shit on her.

And I don't dislike Mori, personally, but she kind of brought the antis on herself.

>> No.29967230 [View]

TBF after that scolding from Ame they never did another raid again

>> No.29769528 [View]

This is bait. Gura should be harder on her chat though.
>Don't yell raid when you go to Ame guise.
>Most of them yell raid anyway.

>> No.29734150 [View]

All non retarded GurAme fans watch both. The ones who don't are literal retards spamming Ame chat that Gura is streaming or Raid Ame's stream just to type RAID and leave 5 minutes later.

>> No.29616318 [DELETED]  [View]

That shit is straight up illegal and Ame can just contact the police at this point. We don't need to raid anybody, that won't solve the problem.

>> No.29586548 [View]

I know this is bait but a few days ago Gura told everybody to go watch Ame's Minecraft stream but not yell raid. So course they show up and yell raid.

>> No.29527425 [View]
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, 1604617029029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things Ame has BANNED in her chat:
Because spammers during Witcher 3
Because people ignoring chat rules and being annoying
Because she knows Anitubers are faggots

Do you kneel?

>> No.29515669 [View]

>Ame Minecraft stream with Raid fags getting banned and Ina shenanigans
Did they really get banned? God bless Ame's no shit attitude.

>> No.29515365 [View]
File: 22 KB, 150x150, Artia LETS GO DUD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina comfy stream vs Kiara CPU
>Son winning in Mario Kart
>Amelia did her Wahoo reps and give gameplay fags what they wanted
>Chicken talkshow with the Pirate She said the thing!
>Mori Karaoke with her Rap songs and remembering us that Touho is still relevant
>PekoMoona kino making a lot of fags in /hlg/ seethe because muh leech and a happy pekora
>Gura SOMA stream with half of this board not getting the lore
>Ame Minecraft stream with Raid fags getting banned and Ina shenanigans
Tired as fuck so i will skip Ame stream
Remember to take meds and not give (You)s to doxxniggers
Enjoy the stream Teamates

>> No.29513110 [View]

Ame should raid their Minecraft server, piloting Giant Ame.

>> No.29512753 [View]
File: 970 KB, 2894x4093, 1604959719423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things Ame has BANNED in her chat:
Because spammers during Witcher 3
Because people ignoring chat rules and being annoying
Because she knows Anitubers are faggots

Do you kneel?

>> No.29499193 [View]

Will Gura address her chat's raid on Ame yesterday or does she not give a fuck?

>> No.29484168 [View]

>watching EN minecraft streams from yesterday
>Gura tells people not to raid Ame's stream
>They do it anyways
I mean it was completely expected but still....

>> No.29480179 [View]

This is an interesting graph. The gura bump might as well not even be there, all the raid kiddies went to bed soon enough. But Ame kept her core base through 5 hours.

>> No.29480031 [View]
File: 98 KB, 946x602, 5h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EN girls have often quite good retention. I have not done more than a cursory glance at the graphs of some streams, but they usually follow couple patterns, and rarely do they drop.
Biggest examples of consistent drops seem to be some Gura's streams, because they jump up really high at the beginning and then slowly decline.
As a great example of retention, here is Ame's 5 and a half hour minecraft stream, that had a bump from Gura raid, but disregarding that, it kept remarkably steady.

>> No.29474997 [View]

Retards think that Ame is mad at Gura when she was only mad at chat, because they were spamming her to help Gura when she said in her previous stream that she wanted to do her own projects.
What I don't like is that Gura probably opened Ame's stream, saw all those people spamming at Ame and felt bad about it, which is why she said to not raid her before ending the stream.

>> No.29456249 [View]
File: 197 KB, 482x481, Screenshot (109).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gura is still liking gurame posts on her twitter. theres another one she liked after stream
i know right now.. it looks bad. it looks really bad. it started with the no-collab week.. then the friendzone.. then ame goslinging astel.. then ame shitting on gura throughout the entire first half of her minecraft stream.. it looks bad.

>ame friendzoned gura.
this can be explained by two possible reasons. one, the context of the dono was talking about middle school crushes, which is an age where barely anyone has the courage to straight up confess their love for the other.
either that, or they're in a secret relationship. i mean, you're not goingto make your romantic relationship with a co-worker public, are you? in this line of work?
it could also be that although they may not be romantically involved with one another, they definitely have unexplainable feelings for each other and are moving towards that direction.

>ame goslinging over astel
she's just being a good kouhai that, because of her past of exclusion and trauma, wants to make sure that she includes others and can give others (that are deserving) similar amounts of attention, shes just that altrusitic. no romantic intent.

>ame shitting on gura for the first half of the minecraft stream
she literally just woke up and was cranky. not to mention she blew up on her chat, not gura. there's nothing wrong with wanting to get something done on minecraft solo, especially without a planned collab. at the end, she and gura still flirted/bantered in chat like they usually do - and ame commended her house at the end.
not to mention that again, ame being able to bants so easily and sling shit at gura (whereas shes nice to everyone else in holoEN) is a testament to their intimacy, as she herself has said.

>gura left without saying goodbye
she was tired, had a cold (sick) or wasn't feeling well, so she probably forgot. she ended hte stream by heartwarmingly recommending her viewers to go watch ame, even telling them to read the rules and not spam raid. she cares about amelia. she never tells her viewers to go watch any other holoEN's stream unless its ame.

>gura drew ame after ina
because INA was in her chat and therefore she wanted/felt obligated to draw her first. gura drew ames picture based on her fetishes (implying her sexualization of amelia), not to mention that she kept goslinging over amelia throughout the stream and while drawing mori/kiara.

>no collab week
people need to take a break from one another, no matter how much you may like them. gura probably doesn't want to, but she respects ames decision to have some alone time. it doesn't change anything, in regards to their dynamic.

gura and ame are still actively liking fanart of the other on their twitters. not to mention that gura has retweeted some + she doesn't like any other holoEN members (except for the rare occassion). i will also direct you to her minecraft stream this monday where she explicitly brought up ame first when thinking about who to collab with.

>> No.29453249 [View]

Wait was Ame actually bothered by the idiots spamming raid?
I didn't hear her say shit about it, this smells like a narrative but you fags are discussing it as fact for over 50 posts now.

>> No.29452984 [View]

I love my oshi so much that I typed GURA RAID to help piss Ame off even more so that the angry sex will be better for Gura later tonight.

>> No.29452911 [View]

i actually typed "GURA RAID" just to start some tribalism even though im not subscribed to gura or ame and was just reading this chat
t. deadbeat

>> No.29452872 [View]
File: 571 KB, 1368x554, Raid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura literally told chat to not raid Ame
>Chumbuddies still raid Ame's chat

I swear to god..

>> No.29452859 [View]

To expect strangers on the internet to follow the rules perfectly is fucking stupid. You can entice them to be be respectful but you will never avoid people typing RAID RAID in the chat. I assumed the "rules" thing was just stuff they have to mention but not sperg about it every time. Ame should know better considering she's very well aware and experienced in how retarded a chatroom can get. I'm genuinely surprised that the girls get so fucking bothered by it still.

>> No.29452826 [View]
File: 69 KB, 250x250, Gura suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So I told chumbuds to not raid Ame's stream.. they did it anyway the absolute madmen shahahahahahaha!

>> No.29452802 [View]
File: 435 KB, 1000x562, korosan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh noooo they did a raid in Watson's chat

Shut the fuck up you snowflakes, Ame is the last person who'd mind that, she's been twitch thotting for 2 years. Probably unironically thanked people for raiding her with a whopping 5 viewers in the past too.

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