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Search: I've been out of the loop

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>> No.44232587 [View]

I know at least some of you were frequenting /r/jcj. I've been out of the loop for a while, and I now learn that it's been banned. Did it migrate to some other sub? I need some daily ELT schadenfreude content

>> No.44216027 [View]

I've been out of the loop for close to two years now. Watching Korone learn English reminded me that Marine made a promise that she will study English and become fluent at it.
Did Marine learn to speak English by now?

>> No.44168429 [View]

To me in all other scenes she was always very clinical and cold. "Did you write your report? What you're STILL not done? *sigh* why do I have to be here and oversee you." Something like that. In hindsight the report had a different meaning and her attitude was believable. Maybe she only seemed like a bitch because MC wanted to see her like that but I think part of it was real and she saw her visits as a bother and him never improving turned it into a waste of her time so she wanted him to hurry up. In the last scene with Tonae she appeared to me more calm, nice, apologetic and tired? She hoped for improvement but another loop started. My final thought from that scene was that maybe if Semina acted the same caring and less clinical bitchy way with him things could improve. Be the sister he wanted and not this cold supervisor. In his thoughts he always hated the Semina we saw and it fuelled his anger and rape delusions. Without him realizing his sister reminded him of his sister and how inferior he felt to her.

Another thing I didn't quite understand is how was he able to walk around the hospital so freely? I interpreted the H-scenes as delusions that didn't happen in reality because staff would intervene when he fucks a cat or a doll or a bird. Yet the fact he was walking around alone on an empty rooftop is weird. The other locations would be observed. His kinship with Mitsuki is just two sick people interacting. If the H-scenes weren't all delusions it would mean the staff or Tonae would tolerate him abusing animals. At least I think the animals were real though I'm not sure a bird that can't fly would sometimes not be on the roof. It's all confusing.

Lastly Mitsuki. I would love to know more about her. Was she just a depressed and suicidal person or did she have deeper issues like MC? She seemed to understand him and I believe their talks happened. But then she was also a nutjob yet she got released. It wouldn't have fit as part of the game but maybe a spinoff focusing on her own hospital stay would've worked. Instead of the same abstract flesh horror it could've been told in a more basic way. On the other hand I don't mind that she remained mysterious to the end like an angel.

I had watched that and another video but I preferred the EGS reviews by psychiatrists. I always welcome any analysis or interpretation. I consider it the most psychologically dense eroge out there. There are similar ones but I think this one captures a sick human mind the best.

>> No.44164302 [View]

god this is so fucking good, i've been completely out of the loop on new voca for years but this is making me wanna get back into following the scene activley again

>> No.44017513 [View]

Its been a while since I've read it. What I most remember is the ending rubbed me the wrong way. They luck out and learn how to loop the universe but then make no real attempt to preserve, emulate or copy Sakuya's ability on the next pass, dooming themselves to face the end of the universe.

>> No.43777872 [View]
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What's the best SDVX ASC these days? I've been out the loop for a number of years but I want to play again.

>> No.43763127 [View]
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I've been out of the loop due to work, wasnt' Korone supposed to have an outfit reveal?

>> No.43681628 [View]

hey anons, I've been gone since november so I'm pretty out of the loop.
do we have multiple TW forks now or just one? also what happened with that controversial 'pranks' implementation?

>> No.43669844 [View]

Has Liella had a 4th live? Was it good? All I remember is watching up through the third
Nijigasaki too I think I’ve seen everything but the subunit lives, were those good?
Seems like there hasn’t been much love live content in a while unless I’m just out of the loop

>> No.43477123 [View]

No, her author just added even more dialogue, you see--
>I've been out of the loop for over a year.
You poor soul.

>> No.43477097 [View]

Is Tsukasa translated now? I've been out of the loop for over a year.

>> No.43439564 [View]

>She says in Saikoroshi, the whole thing happens due to attempting to loop when she had no power to loop anymore
You may be misreading my posts because I am not disputing the fact that Hanyuu ran out of power. I'm pointing towards the assumptions Hanyuu made in Matsuri that were shown to be wrong in Saikoroshi. For all we know none of those discrepancies were meant to happen and Hanyuu might have been right all along at first, but then Ryukishi got the urge to write Saikoroshi and needed to come up with an excuse to justify Rika looping again even though Matsuri said it was her last life, which as a result created this discrepancy. Matsuri definitely feels like it was meant to be the original conclusion.
>On the other hand, this is another matter.
I'm not gonna argue with you on that one, this is about something else entirely, let's leave it at that.
>She's actually extremely optimistic at the start of Minagoroshi. It's only when she sees Keiichi didn't keep his memory of the last world that she gets disappointed.
Well no, before talking to him she monologues that what happened to Keiichi in Tsumi was a once-in-a-lifetime miracle and is the whole reason that she's extremely nervous about asking him just to make sure. She points out that she expected him to be confused and not remember it, she absolutely knows she's most certainly screwed. She also says that she's only going to fight one more time, and even right afterwards she tells the reader that she's having trouble keeping up the meeper act and that the 100 years have taken their toll on her mind. This is also the part where she pessimistically points out that she already knows what's going to happen at the game store. Like I don't know about you but this doesn't seem like a very optimistic Rika to me, she's doing the bare minimum not to crumble, which does end up happening eventually. Also it's not just the beginning of Matsuri that I pointed out either.

>I mean, she sees Satoko disappearing for days after the incident.
Yeah but we don't see if Rika learned why, the story fastforwards until they get invited to the club meetup.
>And I don't think the Takano and Satoko comparisons are really valid. It's not like St.Lucia's principal admitted mistakes and changed.
Rika literally forgave Takano during the time freeze AS she was shooting Hanyuu, dude. Her and everyone else were perfectly fine with Tomitake rescuing Takano. Then the final narration also says that it'd be perfectly ok if Takano returned to the village willy nilly. Rika absolutely cannot hold grudges.
>Rika also didn't like her parents' traditional ways and is ready to abandon the Furude Shrine stuff in all versions of the story we've seen. It's part of what makes her St.Lucia desire baffling, it's a prison in the middle of nowhere with no contact with the outside world
The problem is that you keep calling it a prison when, again, only the underachievers suffer. She was shown to enjoy her time there because engaging with the high society is her idea of the polar opposite of a hick village and she felt trapped in Hinamizawa in the sense that she was stuck in a loop of endless suffering and death for 100 years, not that she was literally experiencing claustrophobia. She has no issues coming back to the village if it means meeting her beloved friends again. For her future to be of that of high society, she needs to be educated in high society first.

Also I think you forgot that Rika already had her vacations. The end of Matsuri shows that Rika was "unusually" excited about summer break that year and wanted to do lots of things that she never experienced before like going to a pool and a camping trip. It would be the last break she'd share with all of her friends together before the graduations began, so she already had her fill of fresh air apparently.

>> No.43429944 [View]

So, I just unexpectedly gifted a Sound Voltex controller and I'm wondering the best way to get things setup at home. I've got a PC rip of Vivid Wave downloaded but I want to know if it's necessary/possible to connect to an emulated eAmuse system or if it's better to just run it without. Will I be missing songs/features by not connecting it? I normally play at a local arcade that has stuff setup through Eagle and I've been out of the home scene loop for a long time. I previously had a IIDX of Tricoro up and running at home but that was some time ago.

Are there any resources/references that would be useful to read through?

>> No.43395198 [View]

please I'm begging you I've been distracted from hololive for the last 3 weeks and I'm out of the loop please

>> No.43272438 [View]

Questions since I've been out of the monster girl loop for ages. What's MGC refer to, and what's all this talk of "portals" about?

>> No.43176366 [View]
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Is there any way to have unilab omnimix work on Asphyxia, or is my only option to run Kaimei Riddles and use omnimix off of that? I tried getting Unilab working with omnimix, but I'm thinking it may be a network issue, and unfortunately I've been out of the loop when it comes to Bemani stuff for a few years now. I still have my old PLife account but I have no damn clue if it's worth logging into.

>> No.43167500 [View]

I'm out of the loop cause I've been busy most of the week. Is this vsaikyou or just scrims?

>> No.43108415 [View]

Is Elin even alive anymore? I've been out of the loop.
Sounds like I'm sticking with E+ then.

>> No.43098521 [View]

>Read my post, man...I already said I wasn't even talking about that.
You were since you brought it up related to the memories. Which is why I'm pointing out that what she seems to remember from Akasaka is from before the burning house.

>What does that matter? If anything it's only worse now because the issue happened twice, and it wasn't addressed even though this is the answer arc.
Like I've pointed out, Hanyuu giving Rika the power to remember afterwards makes Rika slowly remembering more of past loops in general pointless, so it was clear that wasn't going anywhere since using time for it would have no point. Although, yeah, it's inconsistent.

>Like I said, nothing out of the ordinary. Tatari had everyone happy including most importantly Satoko who gushed a lot about how much fun she was having there, remember? And it still ended with her twirling her mustache at the end as it all went to shit. Or the Akasaka loop where Rika was splooging all over him and being happiest and most hopeful she's been so far with Satoko having a lot of fun teasing her.

I mean, as shown in Meguri, the Akasaka loop somehow inspired her to do the gaslighting thing. Also, I don't think you can compare it with Tatari since we're talking about a single festival night with living together for a while with a cheerful Rika.

>And Rika completely forgetting that Minagoroshi ever happened was also never explained, right?
There's no firm answer, but there's a lot of text in Matsuribayashi about Hanyuu's powers weakening and she briefly speculates Rika can't remember due to that and she might not even be able to loop again if she died during Matsuribayashi.

>> No.42931130 [View]

Did FSN get a new translation? I've been out of the loop for a while

>> No.42787276 [View]
File: 188 KB, 1454x1454, 11110-2QcD0YVIvoDTiYt6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12th for MINAMO

Thanks for the list, Hagsir!
>JUQ-210 MITO Kana
>JUQ-205 MUKAI Ai (a few anons here don't like her, but I've been following her since her Tomboy times. Her flower is blossoming)
>ROE-119 ISSHIKI Momoko (what a nice surprise)
>URE-092 YOSHINE Yuria (i missed this semi-gorda)
My favorites are back.

Is it any good?

I'm beginning to worry...

She is one of my favorite monkes, I love her slender body and flat chest figure.

She doesn't look like herself in that picture, it's not your fault.

I agree. They are doing a few interesting things with her.
But Madonna knows best; JUQ-133 was pretty nice with how they focused on her perky nipples.

I want to see Remu's full forehead EXPOSED.
This is going to be lewder than seeing her uncensored manko.

MI-MINAMOschizo, is that you?!

I watched her being born in this general. She is great, please never stop posting her.

Nice loop.

Is she the thick girl from the webm where a guy deeply kisses her ear?

The Goblin-Gremlim-Munchkin System, featuring Kotone and MINAMO to help me explain the range of it.

Wait, so they tried to pass her as a literal boy? Hot!
I thought it was just a meme from here.

Accidents happen, please reconsider and re-join us.

I found out last year that one of my favorite studios AROMA PLANNING used to do fake gore videos and there is a few people doing reviews of them on youtube.
>I can't stand people like this. Even worse than the "normalfags" who simply don't understand.
At least they "tried it" and cared enough to make a youtube video. Most normies don't even bother that much.

Monami Takarada.

Debuts. I want to see how many times they had to re-try something, to stop and comfort/reassure the girl. How she deals with it and all that.

Her PRANKED title was hot (GVG-736), she was using bikini, the perfect outfit for someone with her body.


It's ok, darling. Take a break, you don't have to exaust yourself.

>> No.42781919 [View]
File: 437 KB, 1080x1536, 943c34e8-d68f-473c-9036-4c9255c9a701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for Marutake I honestly believe he's working for Keiichi, think about it what we would just say "oh he's just another tomitake how original" the characters have no idea who Tomitake really was except Keiichi. His cover story was good so good in fact Keiichi decided to use it and send one of his men down to the village to talk with Satoko in private where he can't risk calling. Notice how in the first loop Sakiko mentions how he's been stopping by a lot at their familiy shop, and if we take the time into effect if he were to stop by previously we can assume it'd be around this time as well where Kimiyoshi is no where to be seen. Do we have any proof showing that Marutake even showed up to the smile shop in the orginal loop before the murders or did we just assume he did because we have no idea what happend in that loop?

So here's my theory, Keiichi contacted Marutake and told him to warn Satoko that Kimiyoshi plans on murdering Him and Mion when he visits so they'll have to change the time they murder Kimiyoshi sooner. As for what did it, it just depends on if Keiichi fully knows about the L5 virus and how Takano was able to make a weapon out of it, the entire point of Polaris moving there could've been a ploy by Keiichi to synthesize a new version of the virus but I'm still iffy on that.

Anyway I'm certain Marutake is involved in the murders but has nothing to do with Keiichis, Mions, and Rikas death.

>> No.42780726 [View]

I appreciate the sentiment and certainly have no issue just doing what I want and like, but am curious about this as I haven't seen it before. I've been out of the loop for quite a bit. >>42780614 was right in that I'm just gathering information so I can try pursuing this on one of the girls who support thie option.

>> No.42535796 [View]
File: 134 KB, 960x629, kirikawari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /ona/,
I've been out of the loop for quite some time, just enjoying my past purchases. What did I miss in the last 2-3 years? Please refer to onaholes only, I'm not interested in dolls (yet).
I've been enjoying my Venus Clone Very Soft (what a surprise) and the Kunoichi soft, I like gentle holes to take my time. What would you recommend me for a change? I remember reading good things about the Vacuum Witch, is it still solid? Also it looks like they changed the box art, but is the hole still the same? Pic related.

Also, a friend is roaming Tokyo these days, and asked for some recommendation. Said he's 16 cm length, 15 cm girth, low sensitivity so would like something tight (but I believe that such girth, if correct, would make many holes feel tight). What would you recommend, that he can easily pick up in Akihabara (like at Love Merci's or M's)? Would the Lolinco be a good one?

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