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Search: Noel kill herself

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>> No.33134644 [View]

What's the point of Noel?
I can't think of a sing more useless holo
>Can't sing
>Can't dance
>Can't draw
>Doesn't oganize collabs
>Stays quiet during big collabs
>Barely collabs in the first place
>Worse performing members of her gen
>Actual whore
>Forced yuribait with a girl that isn't even her friend
>Incredibly bitchy
This absolute piece of shit is just a tumour of everything wrong with Hololive, serious it's almost impressive just how fucking worthless she is just imagine how tight of a group would Sankisei be if it wans't for Noel
Seriously if the whore were to attain self awareness for even a minute she would save everyone the trouble of having to pretend they don't have her and just fucking graduate and maybe kill herself on the way out. Honestly no fucking idea what was going through that retard Yagoo's head outside of booba when the thought it was a wise bussines move to hire a talentless whore for his idol group.
Really looking forward to seeing that bitch ruin yet another performance at Bloom as if she wasn't happy fucking up two songs at Holofes, she's clearly more intersed in whoring herself out for oji-sans on NND than in Hololive, so I wish someone would just build up the courage to tell her to fuck off for good
Noel is pathehic whore and I look forward to the day she finally necks herself hopefully on stream

>> No.33154066 [View]

When is that worthless whore Noel finally going to kill herself?
I genuinely don't think there's a better definition of overstating ones welcome than Noel, is she really that fucking stupid (don't answer I know she's retarded) that she can't get that her Gen hates her and no one in hololive wants anything to do with her
Talk about a wasted character, instead of giving some talented utaite chance it went to a bloody canwhore, I feel so bad for the artist, Noel is probably the single worst choice ever made by hololive, seriously how did they fuck up this bad by hiriring someone utterly talentless and annoying no number of rounds at the casting couch can validate such an awful choice

>> No.33174466 [DELETED]  [View]

When is that worthless whore Noel finally going to kill herself?
I genuinely don't think there's a better definition of overstating ones welcome than Noel, is she really that fucking stupid (don't answer I know she's retarded) that she can't get that her Gen hates her and no one in hololive wants anything to do with her
Talk about a wasted character, instead of giving some talented utaite chance it went to a bloody canwhore, I feel so bad for the artist, Noel is probably the single worst choice ever made by hololive, seriously how did they fuck up this bad by hiriring someone utterly talentless and annoying no number of rounds at the casting couch can validate such an awful choice

>> No.33192928 [View]

When is that worthless whore Noel finally going to kill herself?
I genuinely don't think there's a better definition of overstating ones welcome than Noel, is she really that fucking stupid (don't answer I know she's retarded) that she can't get that her Gen hates her and no one in hololive wants anything to do with her
Talk about a wasted character, instead of giving some talented utaite chance it went to a bloody canwhore, I feel so bad for the artist, Noel is probably the single worst choice ever made by hololive, seriously how did they fuck up this bad by hiriring someone utterly talentless and annoying no number of rounds at the casting couch can validate such an awful choice

>> No.33250037 [View]

Noel would rather kill herself before harming Ayame

>> No.33486411 [View]

When is that worthless whore Noel finally going to kill herself?
I genuinely don't think there's a better definition of overstating ones welcome than Noel, is she really that fucking stupid (don't answer I know she's retarded) that she can't get that her Gen hates her and no one in hololive wants anything to do with her
Talk about a wasted character, instead of giving some talented utaite chance it went to a bloody canwhore, I feel so bad for the artist, Noel is probably the single worst choice ever made by hololive, seriously how did they fuck up this bad by hiriring someone utterly talentless and annoying no number of rounds at the casting couch can validate such an awful choice

>> No.33487177 [View]

What's the point of Noel?
I can't think of a sing more useless holo
>Can't sing
>Can't dance
>Can't draw
>Doesn't organize collabs
>Stays quiet during big collabs
>Barely collabs in the first place
>Worse performing members of her gen
>Actual whore
>Forced yuribait with a girl that isn't even her friend
>Incredibly bitchy
This absolute piece of shit is just a tumour of everything wrong with Hololive, serious it's almost impressive just how fucking worthless she is just imagine how tight of a group would Sankisei be if it wans't for Noel
Seriously if the whore were to attain self awareness for even a minute she would save everyone the trouble of having to pretend they don't have her and just fucking graduate and maybe kill herself on the way out. Honestly no fucking idea what was going through that retard Yagoo's head outside of booba when the thought it was a wise bussines move to hire a talentless whore for his idol group.
I wish someone would just build up the courage to tell her to fuck off for good
Noel is pathehic whore and I look forward to the day she finally necks herself hopefully on stream

>> No.33540004 [DELETED]  [View]

What's the point of Noel?
I can't think of a sing more useless holo
>Can't sing
>Can't dance
>Can't draw
>Doesn't oganize collabs
>Stays quiet during big collabs
>Barely collabs in the first place
>Worse performing members of her gen
>Actual whore
>Forced yuribait with a girl that isn't even her friend
>Incredibly bitchy
This absolute piece of shit is just a tumour of everything wrong with Hololive, serious it's almost impressive just how fucking worthless she is just imagine how tight of a group would Sankisei be if it wans't for Noel
Seriously if the whore were to attain self awareness for even a minute she would save everyone the trouble of having to pretend they don't have her and just fucking graduate and maybe kill herself on the way out. Honestly no fucking idea what was going through that retard Yagoo's head outside of booba when the thought it was a wise bussines move to hire a talentless whore for his idol group.
Noel is pathetic whore and I look forward to the day she finally necks herself hopefully on stream

>> No.33540320 [View]

When is that worthless whore Noel finally going to kill herself?
I genuinely don't think there's a better definition of overstating ones welcome than Noel, is she really that fucking stupid (don't answer I know she's retarded) that she can't get that her Gen hates her and no one in hololive wants anything to do with her
Talk about a wasted character, instead of giving some talented utaite chance it went to a bloody canwhore, I feel so bad for the artist, Noel is probably the single worst choice ever made by hololive, seriously how did they fuck up this bad by hiring someone utterly talentless and annoying no number of rounds at the casting couch can validate such an awful choice

>> No.33540391 [View]

Reminder that Noel is an undesirable bitch that actively harms her gen

>The only one in Gen 3 that can't sing for shit
>Terrible collab partner
>Breaks group dynamics just to push her retarded ship
>Constantly makes other people uncomfortable
>Widly disliked in hololive and within her own gen
>Doesn't take streaming seriously and would rather whore around in the internet rather than participate in group activities
>Only takes part in collabs as last resort when no one else is available
>Harms the reputation of her Gen by being a camwhore

so here's hoping that she will get depressed again it finally acts as the final push she needs to kill herself hopefully on stream while wearing something slutty the fat fuck probably has enough weight on her to snap her windpipe on an instant, and Gen 3 can finally incline hard as fuck like they should

>> No.33560037 [View]

When is that worthless whore Noel finally going to kill herself?
I genuinely don't think there's a better definition of overstating ones welcome than Noel, is she really that fucking stupid (don't answer I know she's retarded) that she can't get that her Gen hates her and no one in hololive wants anything to do with her
Talk about a wasted character, instead of giving some talented utaite chance it went to a bloody canwhore, I feel so bad for the artist, Noel is probably the single worst choice ever made by hololive, seriously how did they fuck up this bad by hiriring someone utterly talentless and annoying no number of rounds at the casting couch can validate such an awful choice

>> No.33560131 [View]

What's the point of Noel?
I can't think of a sing more useless holo
>Can't sing
>Can't dance
>Can't draw
>Doesn't oganize collabs
>Stays quiet during big collabs
>Barely collabs in the first place
>Worse performing member of her gen
>Actual whore
>Forced yuribait with a girl that isn't even her friend
>Incredibly bitchy
This absolute piece of shit is just a tumour of everything wrong with Hololive, serious it's almost impressive just how fucking worthless she is just imagine how tight of a group would Sankisei be if it wans't for Noel
Seriously if the whore were to attain self awareness for even a minute she would save everyone the trouble of having to pretend they like her and just fucking graduate and maybe kill herself on the way out. Honestly no fucking idea what was going through that retard Yagoo's head outside of booba when the thought it was a wise bussines move to hire a talentless whore for his idol group.

>> No.33596266 [View]

When is that worthless whore Noel finally going to kill herself?
I genuinely don't think there's a better definition of overstating ones welcome than Noel, is she really that fucking stupid (don't answer I know she's retarded) that she can't get that her Gen hates her and no one in hololive wants anything to do with her
Talk about a wasted character, instead of giving some talented utaite chance it went to a bloody canwhore, I feel so bad for the artist, Noel is probably the single worst choice ever made by hololive, seriously how did they fuck up this bad by hiriring someone utterly talentless and annoying no number of rounds at the casting couch can validate such an awful choice

>> No.33602155 [View]

When is that worthless whore Noel finally going to kill herself?
I genuinely don't think there's a better definition of overstating ones welcome than Noel, is she really that fucking stupid (don't answer I know she's retarded) that she can't get that her Gen hates her and no one in hololive wants anything to do with her
Talk about a wasted character, instead of giving some talented utaite chance it went to a bloody canwhore, I feel so bad for the artist, Noel is probably the single worst choice ever made by hololive, seriously how did they fuck up this bad by herring someone utterly talentless and annoying no number of rounds at the casting couch can validate such an awful choice

>> No.33602229 [View]

I had a dream in which I was watching an archived collab and reading /hlg/ (as it was still named in the dream). Inspired by a recent stream, somebody wanted to do a /hlg/ poetry contest following some famous Western metre that is traditionally used for mockery and satire. As it turned out, nobody in the thread knew what the metre actually was, and were arguing about it for dozens of posts, mostly calling anyone offering their opinion on the correct amount of morae a retard, and refusing to share their own knowledge on the topic. Finally somebody had the bright idea to look it up on Wikipedia and told it is 6-8-6. Nevertheless, there were half a dozen posters who disagreed and called him a retard for trusting Wikipedia. I also initially was certain he had to be wrong, but then I thought that depending on Wikipedia's sources, it could be correct, and therefore accepted him to be correct without ever actually opening the link.

Meanwhile, on the stream Holos were sitting in a circle, masturbating. Everyone had their default outfit and they were doing jerking motions between their legs, but no cocks were They were in a classroom filled with antique-looking furniture rather than desks and chairs. There were probably a dozen or so, I'm pretty sure Flare was one and maybe Noel beside her, but the camera focus was on Matsuri when I continued watching.

Matsuri was in her element and leading the discussion asking about their porn habits or something similar, and making lewd comments about their bodies or facial expressions wherever she could. She singled out Sora, who seemed to be huddled in a corner. However, when Matsuri started making her cheeky comments, Sora just straightened herself, puffed out her chest in a non-sexual, alpha male kind of way, essentially manspread her legs, and started jerking with powerful masculine motions. She answered everything Matsuri asked of her in a calm and confident voice that made it clear the whole seiso thing is just an act. Matsuri was excited and downright jubilant at unearthing this aspect of Sora and they traded some top quality banter for a couple of minutes, although I forget all the details insofar they even talked in my dream instead of my dream informing me about the general thrust of the conversation.

After this, Matsuri's attention fixed on Suisei. Unlike everybody else in their default outfits, Suisei had her orange tights and glasses. She was also sitting outside the circle, behind a tall desk, so that only her head and shoulders were visible to others. The camera mercilessly switched to filming from the other side of the desk, showing that unlike everybody else jerking their invisible cocks, Suisei was schlicking herself. She physically recoiled when the camera came around and momentarily tried to hide inside her oversized jacket before Matsuri asked her if she's embarrassed, and like Sora, she straightened herself, but still remained slightly hunched.

However, the tone of Suisei's voice failed revealed that she was in fact extremely uncomfortable and just trying to put up a tough front. She also failed to make proper responses to Matsuri's banter and was evidently trying to steer the discussion somewhere more PG and get the camera off of her. Flare tried to help her, but was ignored as not only Matsuri but also Sora smelled blood and went in for the kill. Suisei was obviously on the verge of tears and regretting every decision that had led her to this point as Matsuri and Sora tormented her with extremely personal questions and bullied her for actually being a virgin seiso.

At this point I was getting slightly uncomfortable myself as this seemed to be outright bullying and not in good fun, Flare seemed to be extremely uneasy also. In my distress, I paused the video and checked the preview for how long this is going to take. The Suisei bullying seemed to go on for ten minutes or so and at that point the preview showed Suisei lying on the floor cumming and weeping tears of shame. I made a mental remark that I must masturbate to this later, and checked back to /hlg/ to see what they were saying about the behaviour of Matsuri and Sora. Before that could happen, I woke up.

>> No.33772528 [View]

When is that worthless whore Noel finally going to kill herself?
I genuinely don't think there's a better definition of overstating ones welcome than Noel, is she really that fucking stupid (don't answer I know she's retarded) that she can't get that her Gen hates her and no one in hololive wants anything to do with her
Talk about a wasted character, instead of giving some talented utaite chance it went to a bloody canwhore, I feel so bad for the artist, Noel is probably the single worst choice ever made by hololive, seriously how did they fuck up this bad by hiring someone utterly talentless and annoying no number of rounds at the casting couch can validate such an awful choice

>> No.33773199 [View]

Noel should kill herself

>> No.33792211 [View]

Noel should do everyone in Gen 3 a favor and kill herself, she's such a useless piece of shit that just keeps dragging them down

>> No.33813148 [View]

Noel is a whore and should kill herself

>> No.33854208 [View]

oh no, if she doesn't like noel she will kill herself.

>> No.33856349 [DELETED]  [View]

When is that worthless whore Noel finally going to kill herself?
I genuinely don't think there's a better definition of overstating ones welcome than Noel, is she really that fucking stupid that she can't get that her Gen hates her and no one in hololive wants anything to do with her
Talk about a wasted character, instead of giving some talented utaite chance it went to a bloody camwhore, I feel so bad for the artist, Noel is probably the single worst choice ever made by hololive, seriously how did they fuck up this bad by hiriring someone utterly talentless and annoying no number of rounds at the casting couch can validate such an awful choice

>> No.33856456 [DELETED]  [View]

What's the point of Noel?
I can't think of a sing more useless holo
>Can't sing
>Can't dance
>Can't draw
>Doesn't organize collabs
>Stays quiet during big collabs
>Barely collabs in the first place
>Worse performing members of her gen
>Actual whore
>Forced yuribait with a girl that isn't even her friend
>Incredibly bitchy
This absolute piece of shit is just a tumour of everything wrong with Hololive, serious it's almost impressive just how fucking worthless she is just imagine how tight of a group would Sankisei be if it wans't for Noel
Seriously if the whore were to attain self awareness for even a minute she would save everyone the trouble of having to pretend they don't have her and just fucking graduate and maybe kill herself on the way out. Honestly no fucking idea what was going through that retard Yagoo's head outside of booba when the thought it was a wise business move to hire a talentless whore for his idol group.
Noel is pathetic whore and I look forward to the day she finally necks herself hopefully on stream

>> No.33942579 [DELETED]  [View]

Noel is a talentless unlikable whore, the cunt should just save everyone the trouble of having to pretend they tolerate her and kill herself
>Can't sing for shit, objetively the worst singer at hololive
>Can't dance for shit, most of the hags are better dancer than her
>Can't draw
>Horrible collab partner
>Mentally ill
>Doesn't organize events
>Extremely limited collab network
>Really bad at games
>Only disgintgushable personality trait is screaming like a retard
>Pushing forced yuribait harder than anyone else
>No original content at all
>Shit viewership
>Shit choice of games
>Her roommate is an actual whore who would rather pretend to suck dick on the internet for old men instead of doing a proper job a holos
>Her roommate work takes priority over her holo work
>Shit streaming hours
>Lowest earner in Gen 3
>Increidbly bitchy
>Fake as fuck
>Only takes part in collabs as last resort when no one else is available
>Harms the reputation of her Gen by being a camwhore
Whats the point of keeping someone like her around, when all that she has are negatives

>> No.33982582 [View]

Noel should kill herself, worthless piece of shit

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