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>> No.14416038 [View]

>Why not use a virus based DRM? If someone or a software to to crack the game, the DRM will release a virus the deletes the game and infects the computer. It is unheard of, but it is possible. Consumers will have nothing to fear if there are not modify the game.
Mainly because it's blatantly illegal. The moment someone with enough money to sue MG becomes victim of this, MG gets sued so hard that going out of business will be the least of their concerns.

Even disregarding that, false positives are hard to avoid. I used to be unable to play my legit-bought MG games because I was using WinXP 64-bit and their DRM didn't take into account that people would use such an obscure Windows version. I wouldn't trust MG to not get false positives after using DRM like that.

Even when going further into suspicious territory, I know that for example Ikikoi detects OllyDbg running and quits with an error message telling me to close my debugger. Which would be fair...except it does so regardless of whether it's Ikikoi I'm debugging. I use OllyDbg for work-related reasons. I wouldn't be so dumb as to play eroge at work, but it wouldn't be unthinkable that one day I decide to try debugging something work-related and leave OllyDbg running in the background after that (or when taking a break from that) and go play eroge. The detection would definitely be unjustified in that case - to get my PC infected for a reason like that would suck.

And I wasn't even trying to debug Ikikoi to get around any DRM measures; I just wanted to know how it read its music file. People cracking a game's DRM aren't the only ones that want to attach a debugger to games; it's also useful for modders, fan translation hackers, and people who just want to tinker with stuff in general. (It's not a debugger, but lately while learning about PE file structure I've been opening random executables in analysis tools to view practical examples. There are plenty of valid reasons to want to see how a program operates.)

>> No.14415997 [View]

Why not use a virus based DRM? If someone or a software to to crack the game, the DRM will release a virus the deletes the game and infects the computer. It is unheard of, but it is possible. Consumers will have nothing to fear if there are not modify the game.

>> No.14415358 [View]


He has no idea what he's talking about.


We actually have been taking steps to combat the problem, it's just not very visible. It's not like we can just take a weed-whacker to piracy sites. As you all know the DRM we use is not very effective and using it isn't free. Using stronger DRM to further inconvenience paying customers probably won't do more than lose us customers since anyone who wants to break DRM will find a way to do it eventually.


Those tweets were in the context of people complaining about issues with Aksys' recent otome releases and wondering why this sort of thing keeps happening. My point wasn't to shit on people for not being able to identify poor translations (or even to shit on crappy translations), but that since it's not easy for customers to identify translation quality (and even if they do have that information, few make their purchasing decisions based on it) there is little to no financial incentive for companies to maintain or improve TL quality––eg. if you have a choice between an expensive and/or slow loc team who produce high quality work or a fast and cheap team who produce mediocre work, but you know that the the quality of the work has no impact on how many sales you'll pull in, the sensible financial decision is to go with the fast, cheap and mediocre team. It happens all over the weeb sphere, not just in VNs.

>> No.14414790 [View]

I'm just assuming he doesn't know how to play like you said. What really got me is that he thinks blackjack is less probability based than mahjong. You have to be a class-A kind of retard to seriously believe that.

>> No.14414624 [View]

>It's even more probability-based than most gambling games like poker and blackjack
Yeah, no.

>> No.14414396 [View]

Mahjong is primarily about probability and knowing when to go for it or hold back. It's even more probability-based than most gambling games like poker and blackjack so stop crying and git gud

>> No.14414385 [View]

I haven't fully learnt jap mahjong yet, but this is literally the same conclusion that i came up with. It seems so luck based, and it seems like the whole point of it is money and gambling. I want to play a game that is about the fun or strategy/mindgames, not just "hurr I win if the guy at 东 doesn't", and the games don't revolve around reaching the 7th to last tile as a win condition.

>> No.14414335 [View]

Based anon kucking other prr oshis

>> No.14414328 [View]
File: 2.46 MB, 1024x1448, large[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q&A with ZUN on Lecture on Kyoto University under the title of 幻樂団の歴史 ~ Chart of a Strange Creator. as transcribed by @sou8901016

神主「もちろん20歳だよ笑 純度はビールくらいだから5パーセントくらいかな」
Q: When did you start having interest in beer? And what's the alcoholic percentage of Touhou?
A: Of course, when I was 20 (laugh) It's like a light beer, so roughly 5%?

神主「男性キャラだしちゃうとシリアスになっちゃうし笑 あと弾幕って少女的で男性的じゃないしね」
Q: Why don't you release some male characters?
A: Releasing male characters will make things too serious (laugh) Danmaku is also pretty girlish thing, rather than boyish stuff.

神主「許可する前から皆始めてたね笑 条件をつけたのはよく聞かれる(求められる)からあらかじめ作ったね」
Q: What motivation drove you from allowing the derivative works with guidelines?
A: It started even before I allowed it (laugh) For guidelines, they were made based on the things I was often asked with.

Q: In terms of your resolve or attitude, what has not changed since the release of EoSW?
A: I always want to make sure that the contents I create are relevant to that time and age.
A: Also, I'm happy as long as the content is at my disposal to do whatever I want freely.

神主「それ聞いてもきっと同じやり方するんだろうなあ笑 独学ですよやっぱり」
Q: How did you learn drawing and programming?
A: Why am I keep hearing the exact same questions? (laugh) For sure, it's self-taught.

Q: Unlike games, the CD music is relatively calm. Any differences on how you make them?
A: Game music is for the game, and CD music is for CD. The trend of the game music is that it has rather a quick tempo (laugh)
A: CD musics are like omake. A by-product.

Q: What's the appeal of borrowed materials in Japanese mythology and legends for Touhou?
A: I'm sure everyone knows about it. Like how taking some hardcore legends and making them as my own.
(Words are ambiguous so need more clarification)

質「どうやって魅力的な元ネタ等と出会っているか 神社仏閣に取材するときどんなことを心がけているか?」
Q: How do you encounter such appealing materials, such as from Shinto shrines and buddist temples?
A: Many places, including Kyoto are filled with captivating places. I often take a walk to quench what I always wondered about. But rather than it being an investigation, it's more like a slow-paced tourism.

会社を辞めた経緯の話の中で 「仕事をとるか同人をとるかで行くと同人ですよ笑 (給料安かったし ボソッ)」
神主「同人はやっぱ金銭的というか精神的というか、自分に余裕がある時じゃないとキツイね 社会人か大学生か、やっぱり大学生の時にやるのが一番いいんじゃないかな」
Q: How did you end up quitting your company?
A: I was faced with the life's choice of giving up work or giving up doujin, I ended up giving up work. (The wage was simply not enough)
A: Doujin is quite difficult unless you have some room for yourself, whether it is mental, or financial. So a salaryman or university student, but I suppose the prime time is when you are in the university.

>> No.14414058 [View]

[BDRIP] 松井玲奈 SKE48卒業con~2588DAYS~ 全六碟 [MKV/720/度盤]
Based Chinks

>> No.14414021 [View]

Shortly, Steam in this context is a publishing platform. By its very nature, works available on Steam have been pushed into the realm of indie games rather than doujin; not even the Steam Workshop (which is actually just explicitly publishing through Steam).

Doujin games that get released on Steam are games that were already released as doujin titles. Getting published on Steam is an expansion into indie territory, although they're still considered "doujin games" because of their origin. Generally this is seen as a good thing because everyone likes to see people's hobbies being able to expand into something sustainable, and ZUN is actually very pro-indie movement, but I suppose he feels Touhou should remain as doujin in nature as possible. This is part of why he chose Playism, whose niche is specifically enabling availability of digital doujin content managed entirely by the creators. Their ideals mesh fairly well together. As a more minor note there's also whatever potential USA legal concerns, whereas Playism is based in Japan.

>> No.14413696 [View]

Erinye girl when.
I want a combat based succubutt.

>> No.14413547 [View]

Based on past experience, Kashima will be over 80 by the time I get Zeppelin.

>> No.14412835 [View]


Fleshlight (or Tenga that you had) goal is to give you a stimulation overload sensory with very pronounced interior design thats inside, so in quite short time its very hard to push further and enjoy the toy when nearing the climax because you are losing the control to the stimulation.

Tomax toys job is to massage you and give you more control, you can go for longer ride (which will reward you with hard orgasm) or quickie runs.

>are there any open ended holes worth using?
I don't know any other open ended holes besides fleshlight (I had swallow one)

>How do they differ from meiki's?
VS Tomax?
Meiki toys are quite delicate and their durability is quite short which may be some factor when buying one as they are quite pricey.

Maria Ozawa is Meiki with 1:1 scan of real interior of vagina, ZXY praised for realistic interior based (key word) of real woman vagina with its own extras to enhance the experience.

>> No.14412784 [View]

I guess it's okay if you're looking for a game that is based purely on luck.

>> No.14412463 [View]
File: 2 KB, 267x48, 28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Blue. Thanks.

>> No.14412215 [View]

Daily reminder that Sassy is based.

>> No.14412105 [View]

this entire site was made for the discussion of japanese culture
this site was based on a japanese site called 2chan
this site is run by a japanese

>> No.14412040 [View]

>twinkle - はじめてのしんぐる
LITERALLY HAPPENING. Thank you based anon

>> No.14411636 [View]

I want to see Mono draw Wights based on other monstergirl species.

>> No.14410520 [View]

I've created Yukkuri based on Key characters, but I can't draw them.

Will someone here Draw them for me?

>> No.14410302 [View]

Because WaHH is like one chapter every 2/3 months based on its publishing book

FS came later and that manga was once a month. So by now it overcomes WaHH.

>> No.14408393 [View]


Based Translator-kun.

>> No.14408294 [View]

0133 holds 1st place on 502 insane BMS songs. The next person on that ranking is K-CHA* who is a controller player, holding only first place on 112 songs.

1st place sniping might not be an accurate evaluation of skill so there is also a point ranking based on how many songs a player has achieved 1st to 3rd place. 0133 is 1st place with 668 songs and K-CHA* being second with 385 songs.

So yeah, there's a significant gap there.

You can see rankings and the best players here http://stairway.sakura.ne.jp/bms/LunaticRave2/?contents=rank

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