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Search: I've been out of the loop

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>> No.21879462 [View]

I've been in sows for many years, but kinda out of the loop except for grinding 12s, are there any interesting bemani discords or anything or that nature?

>> No.21852868 [View]
File: 830 KB, 1500x729, PSX_20190811_155053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /denpa/, it's been awhile. Haven't been back since I uploaded Miracleluminal. As you can guess I'm in Japan again for comiket. I've been a bit out of the loop, but I know to get some Mosaic.wav when I see it. If there's any suggestions on what I should pick up tomorrow it will be much appreciated. You can bet it'll be uploaded if I pick it up.

Pic related.

>> No.21829052 [View]
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I've been out of the doujin music loop for a while but looking to get back into it.
Back in 2013 people would make spreadsheets containing every music release at the event, are those still being made?

>> No.21727348 [View]
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I've been out of the loop for the past half a year. Has anything big happened with saka?

>> No.21684051 [View]

I've been out the loop, could someone explain to me why gamebu videos are getting so many dislikes on youtube? It seems like the kind of gameplay videos they always did so why the sudden amount of dislikes?

>> No.21674407 [View]

I'll review some stuff I got last week just for you anon

>Virgin Loop Darrin 7
Nothing amazing, but I wasn't expecting much. Gives a gentle tickling sensation throughout the shaft, which is nice. Starts out kinda loose, but has decent suction after a while. End of the tunnel could be better; it's not bad, but I just wish it was a little more stimulating. Although, I was looking for something that was a little less stimulating than what I normally buy. Got it to use solely for long edging sessions and it's worked out so far. Material seems very durable, but it gets sticky quick. My first Ride hole, will probably look for something from them again in the future once this one breaks.

>The Holy Odor of an Unwashed Girl Pussy
Been wanting to try some smell fetish stuff for a bit and I read good things about it. At first, it smells like sour candy that's been soaked in piss and left in a fridge full of expired food. After a minute or two it does kind of start to smell better, but it still doesn't really do much for me. Comes in a dropper instead of a spray, which is nice because you have much better control of how much gets used. Probably a waste of money.

>Smell of a School Girl's Loafers
Got this one too because I also read good things about it. Totally different experience than the other one. Holy shit, this stuff is like liquid viagra. The first time I sprayed it, I went from totally flaccid to diamonds in a second. It's kind of difficult to describe what it smells like. I guess kind of like roasted nuts mixed with sweat with a hint of fruity sweetness. There's just something about it that really works. Every time I use it, I cum way quicker than normal too. I've sprayed it in my room a couple times when not fapping just because I like the way it smells so much. I just got it and it's already about a quarter of the way empty. Unfortunately, the smell dissipates very quickly, and the bottle is garbage, barely works, and leaks all over the place. Still worth it, definitely recommend it to anyone interested, and will probably buy again.

>> No.21603520 [View]

>This was before people discovered that sparkles have no effect on accuracy for support fleets too and that you only needed to sparkle the flagship
Wait WHAT? Not him but you mean I've been out of the loop for years and have wasted hours sparkling 24 ships?

>> No.21590921 [View]
File: 524 KB, 1000x1000, 37357452_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been out of the loop I guess because I didn't know about any of this and couldn't find it online. Where'd all this happen? Twitter probably, right?

>> No.21573687 [View]

Been out of the loop for years, what is the last decent novel released?
Dies Irae is the last one I've read.

>> No.21561750 [View]

Sorry for being out of the loop, I've been gone for 6 months, but isn't sousenkyo usually around this time? Did they stop doing it or something?

>> No.21518243 [View]

Stim type might be a thing to consider, but every hole, user and end experience will be different. Rankings don't really go down well because we only have such a varied taste pool per person. Mounting, use and lube have effects on the experience, so we've left that out traditionally.

We've already recommended forwarding sites ripped straight from the buyfag guide. We're not adding guides on how to use said sites - warnings and notes on sites, sure. Most forwarding services have a how-to anyway. I can understand perhaps the hotpowers packages and certain deals and things you might miss on retailers, but not guides on how to use forwarders. Plus, if you're having trouble using a forwarder, go send them an email.

I think we tried that in the past? I can't remember.

Of course we can, obvious drawback is having a much more median-based approach to their products. We'll also end up listing the majority of holes per mfctr being listed, especially Tomax! I've been out of the onahole loop, especially toys heart and the smaller brands, so additional recs being pointed out would be appreciated.

Now I'm sure a quick search on Warosu can essentially aggregate users and their opinions on things, but something like an anonymous spreadsheet having quick reviews on holes, retailer, country, shipping method, issues and everything else might be a good idea. I'm sure our code-capable friends can handle that somehow.

>> No.21514556 [View]

Wait, where is the 2nd picture from? I’ve been out of the loop on ai since her retirement, do we have news on her?

>> No.21392590 [View]
File: 358 KB, 1664x2048, DxWtzkJUYAAlXDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck happened to Nonamera? I've been out of the loop for awhile.

>> No.21308392 [View]
File: 3.21 MB, 1920x1080, [Commie] Infinite Stratos 2 - World Purge OVA [BD 1080p AAC] [2A99FAFE].mkv_snapshot_00.43.209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been out of the loop for a while, and now looking at the latest news what the hell is that new WTC? It looks like 07 Infinite Stratos or something.

And what happened to that new Umikeko that was supposed to come out?

>> No.21246817 [View]

Those summaries of KF drama were pretty great, I hope he continues too as I've been completely out of the loop with everything. The terminator video had the best payoff too.

>> No.21117736 [View]

wait, what? is this for realsies? I've been out of the loop for months

>> No.21092535 [View]
File: 285 KB, 1072x720, doya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, that's me! It's still ten days too early for my "Five year update" post which I was vaguely planning to do.

In retrospect I was probably underestimating myself a lot there, but in any case, I've spent a huge chunk of the past year listening to Japanese in various forms. Jikkyou, voiceroid, v-tubers, anime, ASMR, h-audio, etc. I've honestly probably spent more time listening than reading this year just cause it's so easy to get into a 20 episode boiro/jikkyou/whatever series and watch the whole thing in one go. I really wanted to buckle down on listening to stop sucking at it and I'm pretty sure I've succeeded, I can watch basically anything and get reasonably complete comprehension. I don't sweat watching anime without subtitles or that kind of thing. I think one important thing to remember with listening is that it's totally fine and normal to "not catch" part of a sentence or something. I work for a Japanese company (translator btw) and my 100% Japanese boss in Japan occasionally transcribes voice clips into text documents for me to work on, and often he's just like "yeah I can't tell what this part is saying I'll contact the client". This kind of sounds like an excuse but really the point is that listening often requires one to be fluid and "fill in the gaps" of incomprehensible speech, which is pretty advanced. To be truly good at listening you have to be able to hear nothing, and still know what the speaker said, if you know what I mean. If you're not good enough at Japanese to produce the language the speaker is saying, you'll have a hard time, since you won't be able to fill in the gaps. Putting off listening learning didn't really backfire in the longrun for me (I think) since all the reading practice enabled me to have the level of competency required to produce misheard language.

My favourite boiro series is this one btw, Aoi is super cute in it and fangames are kami: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27365150 . As for Jikkyou I'm watching this series right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eJrTo94G6g , the player has a really good voice and I like his personality. Vtuber wise my friends are pretty into Gamebu so I've gotten into watching a lot of their stuff too: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ZVDmnoZAOdLt7kI7Uaqog They have a really cool dynamic where there's 4 separate vtubers in this game club, and like, if you have a favourite character you can check out their individual channels. Despite the name they have a lot of videos that are just crazy comedy skits, I like it. One of the few vtuber channels still putting out consistently high quality videos instead of just livestreams of random shit (though those can be good too). I actually have disliked almost every H-audio I have ever listened to, I dunno the fellatio sounds and shit are just an earsore and if they devolve into sex the screeching just kills it. However my favourite is this one https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ221853.html just cause the imoutos are kawaii and the single voice actor does a good job of voicing two different characters. I don't actually listen to the porn parts of this audio, I just play the 10 minute intro on loop where they're talking normally. It's kind of weird and maybe obsessive but it's therapeutic. I've actually listened to it so much I'm playing it word for word in my head right now. ASMR kind of suffers from the same problem as H-audio in that so much of it is just random noises without much talking but I try to deal with it. I've been watching boob ladies lately, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0nrx99W7JI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS7cjkUzymE etc.

Anyway yeah. I might write a more elaborate post for my 5 Year Anniversary of learning Japanese, maybe not. Really you don't make much progress at the 4-5 year marks. It's just an inexorable march onwards to from competency to native-like competency. Personally speaking, I don't know the rate others grow, but I kind of get the feeling it'll be another 3-5 or so years (8~10 total) until I reach True Native Competency, if not more. Osmosis is pretty slow when you already know 99% of what you encounter. Every time I see a word I've never seen before, it's like, welp I guess I won't see you again for 5 more years, cause somehow I managed to interact with Japanese daily for 5 solid years and never saw it once. There's not really much I can do to improve my production, I already talk to Japanese people at work and read Japanese, so I just gotta sit back and wait for osmosis and time to magically enable me to speak more elaborate sentences without effort. Anyway I really rambled at the end there, have some good shit


>> No.21077840 [View]

Which bomber is that again? I’ve been out of the loop for a week.

>> No.21031802 [View]
File: 2.74 MB, 1420x1080, 1537482560967.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I've been out of the fucking loop.

>> No.21026697 [View]

I've been out of the loop for a year or so, what's Oomsest?

>> No.20952640 [View]

Pls make a choice anon

What does your kej/dark mage christmas cake look like tho

Sorry anon i've been out of the loop for a while, what/who is bofa?
And I see, thank you for the insight anon. How would you compare an HK USP 45 to a Glock 26 then in terms of recoil? Both with regular plinking ammo.


>> No.20947768 [View]

I’ve been out of the onahole loop for a couple of years, and as far as I remember, Tomax was generally considered to be the top end of holes in terms of sensation, durability and longevity.

Do they have any close competition now? What if anything has changed in two years?

>> No.20883600 [View]

>S-tele really shat the bed.
I've been out of the loop and haven't paid much attention to what happened much in the first place, but I remember seeing something that S-tele basically quit making the game but went back to it out of an obligation to finish it, or something? That could explain why it felt really off near the end.

Though you're not wrong in saying the first ones better then the second.

>> No.20825696 [View]
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, capture_156_13022019_203714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Sorceress Alive. My experience of the game could be briefly summed up as
-Normal part: Wow this game is shit
-Real deal starts: Holy shit, they’re not pulling any punches. This game is fantastic.
-Real deal continues: Fooled you! Oh my god it keeps getting worse by the minute. Please make it stop.

To elaborate:

First 4 heroine routes are pointless padding that do nearly nothing to push the main plot forward and just give each heroine very sudden relationship upgrade developments, where the change of whether a particular heroine herself falls in love with the protagonist or fully supports the heroine of another route hooking up with him instead, or if they forcibly try to butt in and set up a harem along with another heroine flows as naturally from the common route as me ever talking with a member of the opposite sex. The game could’ve easily trashed those routes entirely or condensed them into one, especially since main plot wise the order of tournament battles stay to same. Plus, if you’re going to give us a harem just make it a fucking harem rather than this half-assed shit, I mean even plot wise all heroines openly crave the protagonist’s mana bank dick anyways in most heroine routes as well, and to top it off men being cum banks to multiple wives is not only accepted, but the motherfucking norm in-universe.

Akina’s route was pretty unremarkable though it fleshed out the tournament part the most, Yuzuriha’s route was at least half-decent even if it’s a generic fantasy discrimination / witch hunt plot that’s been done a thousand times already, apart from the silly convenient asspull ending that also conflicts with true route reveals. Mia’s was boring shit where it’s harem except not really lol, and I became very close to dropping the game entirely in Azuria route for the umpteenth generic moege-type arranged marriage drama with an evil fat fuck who uses his connections to be a dickhead. Not to mention it completely clashes against the previously established rules of the game world because every other part of the game is used to constantly point out the setting and political landscape as a fucking matriarchy. Naturally the “I’m gonna leave the team boohoo, no wait I don’t” drama gets recycled in every fucking route as well.

But what about the real deal part? I actually got hyped as hell at the start due to the game throwing a few curve balls at you and shit hitting the fan, basically the game briefly dips into more serious bits but then it completely manages to destroy all semblance of tension by a convenient and sudden time loop reveal that allows the game to resurrect its characters, except it's actually just a dream world so it's even worse. And then I completely lost it when they brought up fate and rebirth. Why? The whole civil war thing could've easily driven the entire main plot on its own and delivered other reveals without dabbling into those type of cheap hijinks. At that moment the game broke for me and I realized we’re definitely gonna get some convenient secret bad guy defeated through the power of friendship and a sappy everyone lives happily ever after ending anyways and stopped giving a fuck, despite game's later flimsy attempts of raising the stakes again by saying the final time is in real world so no repeats, as if it wasn’t obvious by that point that the writer doesn’t have the balls to actually deliver anything dramatic.

Actually, I take back wishing for a harem route. This is the stupidest shit ever, like holy moly this game is so stupid I’m not sure if it ever wanted me to take itself seriously. Main plot twists are all too obvious and many things are revealed only when plot important people suddenly decide to fill the protagonist in, which they didn’t do before for an arbitrary reason. And of course we get convenient long flashbacks explaining everything rather than the game gradually pacing any of this shit. You'd have to be retard not to realize the setting. Main villain reveal was also unsurprising. I mean Yuumi is the only main girl who supposedly doesn’t have an original equivalent, she is inexplicably last boss tier power level and gets a bit too much into fighting, plus by that point the game simply ran out of characters who could act as “surprising evil all along reveal” so it's not hard to guess. And the "I'm bored lol" excuse is used to give the protagonist and co. a fighting chance. But wait, she too is just a victim of the crystal, because fuck you.

I’d really want to say that at least the action was good, but the game spends so much time either with SoL or characters just explaining shit and there’s only a handful of interesting battles with proper stakes. At most I can say that some music was pretty neat and graphically the game manages to deliver, but that's about it.

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