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Search: mogged

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>> No.28569159 [View]

Kiara booked them separate rooms since she's ashamed of getting mogged by the reaper's reapers.

>> No.28587332 [View]

/hlg/ was so mogged with this horseshit pre-debut that it was worse than unreadable for days until the split

>> No.28591523 [View]

Suisei's getting mogged in this song though.

>> No.28605272 [View]

Yeah Cover gets mogged on, although they grew immensely since, so who knows what a 2020 concert could look like. Depends on how much if the growth are EOPs who will never go to an event.

>> No.28612709 [View]

Chicken admitted that she's afraid of letting our boy see her naked, since she know she'll get mogged by Mori's Moris.

>> No.28622379 [View]

They're getting two rooms because Kiara doesn't wanna get mogged

>> No.28622467 [View]

>Kiara doesn't wanna get mogged
Anon, your roomate reps...
With Matsuri getting fat she probably takes nr 1 now

>> No.28641628 [View]

>gets mogged by coco and nene's english
Lmfao she wss never going to return to haato anyways

>> No.28644612 [View]

Wow, she completely mogged Tokyo Ghoul and that other guy.

>> No.28648143 [View]
File: 580 KB, 782x1200, 85412748_p3_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't help themselves getting mogged by gigastacey.

>> No.28651444 [View]

She's pretty boring tbqh and gets tilted really fucking easily. Her boyfriend has really mogged her in the charisma game and I wouldn't be surprised if she just quits.

>> No.28653228 [View]

Chicken already admitted that she wanted seperate rooms because she'd be embarrassed by Mori seeing her naked, likely because she knows she'll get mogged by the reaper's reapers.

>> No.28653425 [View]

So Haachama basically got mogged and decided to rethink being the english speaking holo?

>> No.28659049 [View]

I would be surprised if Coco collabs with any of the ENs by the end of the year tbqh. She seems very apprehensive, likely because she's not being doing her eigo reps and doesn't want to get mogged which would ruin half of her schtick.

>> No.28659307 [View]

Where? We're talking about her being scared of getting mogged by the ENs being the reason she doesn't want to stream with them.

>> No.28682021 [View]

Iofi's about to be mogged at the drawing collab, I honestly feel pretty bad for her. Hopefully she can take it well and actually had fun instead

>> No.28698403 [View]

She's specifically getting separate rooms because she doesn't want to get mogged by Calli's Calliopes

>> No.28718209 [View]

are you just trying to prove you got mogged

>> No.28733795 [View]

Twitch thots aren't entertaining, and any that weren't trying to appeal on sex got mogged by the bro streamers who were easier to relate to.

>> No.28757600 [View]

The comment about getting maymays from a place she won't name happened only a few minutes before she greentexted, which is why the line "these are the arrows that they use" is so relevant in context.

The I KNEEL thing is from her remix stream after some rapper mogged her

>> No.28763209 [View]

As an American I never think or talk about most countries, however it seems like all that anyone from other countries can think about is America.
Why do you think that is?
I know about the napoleon complex and how people with small dicks constantly rage about dicks. Do you people feel country-mogged?
Genuinely curious about what is going through your heads.

>> No.28773145 [View]

This is just karmic justice on Ina's part for watching Kiara get mogged in the collab.

>> No.28813261 [View]

Coco will get mogged English-wise so she'll avoid EN collab.

>> No.28817969 [View]

She collab'd with Pochi a while back, she's used to getting mogged at this point.

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