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>> No.14363983 [View]
File: 399 KB, 923x1200, 20151118003606894729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based みお

>> No.14363498 [View]

There's an English synopsis of the novel it's based on. Some anon linked to it a while ago. That might help you.

I understand what you mean, but for people who don't follow other idols, I assume you're referring to the dramas AKB members constantly get, this is something new.

>> No.14363420 [View]

>they were based on pretty much the same hull
No. They were similar, but the the fucking same.

There's a whole lot of things between "completely different" and "the same". You should explore it, it's a nice zone for newbie humans to level up their modulating skills.

>> No.14363400 [View]

>Akagi should have as many planes.
Stop with this bullshit already.

Taihou was based on Shoukaku so they should have same amount of planes. Great logic mate.

>> No.14363390 [View]

Because there wasn't much difference between Akagi and Kaga since they were based on pretty much the same hull.

>> No.14362895 [View]
File: 127 KB, 648x700, Kyuubi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hack and slash game based on a chinese warring states period.

fused with its samurai spinoff that eventually gave us this fox

>> No.14362818 [View]

>Indian burgers replace pork for beef.
Correction: while some do that, and goat is also a common substitute most of them are actually just chicken sandwiches (not even ground chicken hamburger, it's just a slab of meat) and called "chicken burgers" since a lot of Indians are poultry-tolerating vegetarians, Muslims, or only eat white meats. They have chicken "steaks" too as well as chicken "hot dogs" and pretty much every other fashionable American meat-based dish but made of non-ground chicken breast instead.

And is it not normal to add an egg to hamburgers? I always get a fried egg on mine when I can, and don't often go to burger joints that don't do that anyways. Or do you mean they actually mix in eggs with the meat, bun dough, sauce, et cetera?

>> No.14362702 [View]

They're better gameplay-wise (although 1 is just practically a turn-based version of 3; the reason it's better is because 3 fucked up that badly)

I liked 3's world and backgrounds the most though

>> No.14362513 [View]

>specifically retweeted the guy that pointed out it was this year's SSK results.
based sasshi. motherfucking queen.

>> No.14362508 [View]
File: 63 KB, 600x800, sashi-win2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eanwhile, Sasshit puked all over her own twitter, did the kami 7 tweet, and then specifically retweeted the guy that pointed out it was this year's SSK results.

>> No.14362076 [View]

The point is best wife.

This guy is pretty based too.

>> No.14361814 [View]
File: 610 KB, 1280x720, Ehh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baito is so fucking based +bh.

1st they trick the youths of Nihon into working at shitty no-benefit jobs with qt actors, in response to the island nation's aging population.

Then they promote this "looks > all" ideology.

Sign me up to be honest (desu).

>> No.14361777 [View]

>DD/CL based event
>tfw no night battle equips
Sendai is only 7 levels away but 4-3 is so obnoxious. How boned am I?

>> No.14361719 [View]
File: 51 KB, 446x369, just banter m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we gonna talk about this, senpais?

So Paruru was talking about her selection criteria for the Prr Senbatsu. She said she would choose based on looks, and that there's no way she'll choose Sashihara. "You can improve on your performance skills, but you're stuck with your face."

In a swift retaliation, Sashihara posted a fucking wall of tweets (this happened today so you can just head on over @345__chan). She posted her "Sashihara senbatsu", which is just this year's SSK Kami 7, and of course as we know Prr ranked #9.

>> No.14361029 [View]

How can one man be so based?

>> No.14361002 [View]

>stupid boob-bait games
But that's exactly the essence of VNs. Most VNs are nukige, second majority is moege. Both of them are boob baits. Well, nukige at least may be sane, but moege are all stupid by definition. The rest about 1% or so story based ones are too few to have any impact.

>> No.14360873 [View]

based gaybro standing his ground

>> No.14359641 [View]

It's more dramatic and fresh to them, they've already got thousands of years of Shinto related material. That being said most Japanese writers don't actually sit down and read the bible so they only go off of shit they've seen in other stuff. There's also the western influence in their entertainment in general to consider, which as we know has the same deity you're referring to as the default too.

It's actually pretty common for them to do a shinto wedding and a western style one (complete with some random foreigner they pay to dress up like a priest), for a lot of the same reasons i outlined above.

Don't have any insight on the last bit. Maybe that's the result of looking at the Christian idea of demons through a Shinto lens?

The memedemons (i'm assuming you're only referring to stuff that isn't explicitly based on Shinto) is are because if you took away the black lipstick or pointy ears or whatever tiny change they made, they'd basically just be normal people, and that's really easy to draw.

>> No.14359491 [View]

The thing is, light cruisers are the only class together with light carriers that you can say every single one is cute without a doubt, but since most people try to e-sports in a flash based game, well, you know the rest.

>> No.14359473 [View]

why is 9th gen so based

>> No.14359384 [View]

I have no idea what you mean by "transcription" here, I think you are the one who doesn't understand the terminology. Anon was completely right with the term "transliteration", it's what you do if you just represent the symbols of one language with the symbols of another language.

It's usually based on some conventional spelling for each individual character, so that anyone who is familiar with it can say immediately what the Japanese spelling for it was.

If you write it as "Meteor" instead, you will not be able to reproduce what the katakana symbols of the source language were, instead you are already interpreting what is meant.

Which method you use depends on context, purpose and personal preference.

>> No.14359168 [View]

it's not preposterous when it is based on reality

>> No.14358970 [View]

So, 30 SC should be enough to get Anya, Aria and Echidna, right? Calculated based on 1.3 crystals per stamina rate

>> No.14358648 [View]

You are a based anon. You're the manifestation of the "I'll save SKE!" meme.

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