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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

Search: this is a slow board page 10

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>> No.16328402 [View]

Hi /v/, on /jp/ general threads are usually reposted when the old one is at page 10. This is because /jp/ is a slow board and you should take care not to clog it up more than necessary

>> No.15837218 [View]


I complain about generals a lot, but when you look at other boards' generals and compare them with our own, /jp/ generals are pretty nice. Little circlejerking, they stay on topic most of the time, they wait until they're on page 10, they're ok.

The problem is that there are just too many of them, and they move too fast, which causes all the other threads to suffer. I've basically stopped using sage here because I know that if I sage a thread is going to be gone the next day because it was pushed off the board.

When /vg/ was created, there were like 3 generals on /v/, the second fastest board in 4chan. Now we are on /jp/, a medium-slow board, and I just counted 31 generals on the catalog.

Saying this, JAV, gravure and monster girls absolutely do not belong here and should be removed

>> No.14590129 [View]

/jp/ is a slow board, so no need for a new thread until this reaches page 10.

I love reading stories about actresses' past lives before they jumped into the industry. Most of the time they're guaranteed to be juicy.

>> No.12623896 [View]
File: 145 KB, 960x1280, 45853498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty slow board, you'll probably get some autists angry if you make one before the other one hits page 10

Ease up a little next time, just some advice. What you're doing is honestly reasonable

>> No.12340127 [View]

Theres no post limit on any of the boards, just bump limits.

You can get a thread to 20,000,000 and beyond, given there are enough people posting and no new threads being made.

/jp/ is a slow board, the thread stopped being bumped at 300 posts and has been slowly drifting to page 10.

It'll probably be tomorrow before this thread actually dies.

>> No.12031654 [View]

This kind of attitude is why /mu/ treats this group like how /a/ treats that ninja anime, isn't it. /jp/ is a slow board. You don't need more than one thread at a time. Check the retro thread, it survived for two months(on page 10 now) and everyone had a nice time. Having some downtime between threads is nice for collecting your thoughts instead of just posting whatever you think.

>> No.11357625 [View]

Is this your first day on /jp/? Wait until the thread hits page 10. /jp/ is a slow board. Please delete this thread.

>> No.7806121 [View]

These threads do not need to be bumped so frequently. Remind yourself where you are. This is not /b/ where the threads are at page 10 in less than a minute. There is no reason to have every post needing to bump this thread. This is a slow board it will stay on the first have of the pages for a lot longer time than what you are used to. Saging your post does not mean it is a bad thing. You do not need your threads to be on page one at all times. People who want to participate in these threads will find it easily enough on a board like /jp/ because the threads stay around longer. It does not take much for one to go beyond page one to find this thread again. To those that have found the thread I suggest you keep it in one tag at all times when the thread is still active so you wont have to trouble yourself and looking through a couple of pages to look for it again.

>> No.6454627 [View]




>> No.6020884 [View]

The meido can take hours to clean up a thread of all the shitty posts, just that isn't going to help. Sometimes you have to be a culture janitor and make people understand that they aren't wanted here. When someone's told 15 times in 2 days that his posts are bad and that he shouldn't be here, I'm pretty sure the normal reaction would be to question your posting. /jp/ is especially good at that. Hiding, reporting and moving on lets all the shitposters post together, making them all think that they're actually contributing and that their contributions are valuable because no one told them their posts are shit.

Taking it easy isn't for a slow board like /jp/ where threads can stay on the front page for over 10 minutes at times without a single new post.

I'm not sure why you're pointing out /v/ in this case. From what I've seen, /v/ pretty much embraced all the shitty memes, hell, they've created most of them. Their entire board is shit so it's not like they actually have people saying "fuck off with your bad posts" when people post in all greentext or reaction images.

>> No.4435249 [View]

/jp/ is a slow-moving board.
For this reason, it may take 10-15 minutes for a thread nobody wants to talk about to leave the front page if bumped.

When you are posting in a dissolving thread, or your post is not worthy of displacing an existing front page thread for 15 minutes, then you use sage.

Its about humility.

>> No.4330744 [View]


This board is too slow moving to validate bumping this much. Are you from /b/?

Incase you are, I'll let you know that it takes about 10 minutes for this to fall past the front page.

>> No.3487614 [View]

>Tripfags aren't a problem? What? Everyone sucking up to Pygmalion and plenty of posts about Jones is really good quality content. These are only examples, of course. I just ignore them most of the time.

You must be living in the past, Pyg threads are long long gone already, Jones love threads are posted by the trolls, ZUN and Jones post even fewer these days. There were never that many tripfags on /jp/ anyway and the few we had were decent, if you are used to /a/ lanced shit and such then you have a reason to hate them.

>It's an anonymous message board, just in case you didn't notice.
I think you haven't noticed it, people just got fed up with Bawson, spam and such threads and /bun/ was created. Some people left for that and never came back, some others just got to fed up with the state /jp/ is in and left for good. That is why you may notice that there are just not any good threads anymore because the people don't want to take this shit anymore. It is understandable: Spam and spam, no mods or Janitors to clean it up, moot doesn't care, the mods and janitors don't care and so nothing happens for days. Easy target for spamers and now trolls because of the slow speed of /jp/, threads used to stay up a day before falling off page 10 plus, like i said, no mods give a shit about the board.

>Then just filter Arc if you dislike him so much. And filtering trolls and spammers is so pathetically easy too. I haven't seen a JBCS thread since I filtered it and I haven't seen a Dawson image in quite a while either. Learn to use the filter to get rid of the shit you dislike.

I would have to filter 90% of /jp/ then. Arc is just a stupid kid, he always was and always will be, it's easy to ignore him.

tl;dr: blame the mods for the current state of /jp/ and probably it's deletion because it turns into /b/

>> No.3016772,11 [INTERNAL]  [View]

/jp/ is a slow board. The same threads stay on the first page or two pages often for hours. It is not like /a/ or /v/ where Threads go to page 10 in half a hour.
This makes it easy to make new useless Threads and reply to himself because you can be sure that they will be there in the next hours too.

While many people like the take it easy mentality that makes up /jp/ some people just wish to troll and destroy other peoples fun. Nothing new. Plus there is just nothing new going on recently, no new games, no new releases, nothing to talk about.

If you want to get rid of all the spam just get 4chan thread filter. I use it and it filters all the dawson and troll threads out.

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