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Search: he's mad

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>> No.47143610 [View]

its your exact post hes saying i posted and hes mad about because he made a mistake in the transcription and i corrected it. he says i set up the whole thing to troll him

>> No.47140252 [View]

he's mad people engage with scam personality tests way more than artificial EN posts, just ignore him

>> No.47137439 [View]

>A type of sake derived from rice and the poison of an Oomukade. While typically delivered through their mouth, maxillipeds, or tail the combination of the liquor and poison will cause extreme pleasure for the man, particularly on his tongue.
>Due to this, his tongue will seem to grow in length ( hence the name of the drink ) though this is simply it swelling. The pleasure will be like a throbbing burning, and upon spotting the monster who served him, the man will be driven mad to compulsively lick at her poison glands and wrapping his tongue around hers.
>It's not uncommon in the rare occurrence of an Oomkuade in disguise to slip such a poison into the drink of a man who strikes her fancy, only for her glamor to fade once he begins to ravish her with his tongue like a beast in heat
>Because of the difference in individuals, it may take a larger dose than normal for the poison to take effect, so it is not unknown for a couple to spend the night leisurely drinking before they end the night with an intense cuddling and kissing session, ultimately leading to passionate sex

>> No.47133507 [View]

Poor guy got mad about the algorithm. Wonder if he uses YouTube ads or something.

>> No.47128168 [View]

Is it the nogi poster here who's mad that the others are enjoying their own peaceful general while he's stuck here with all the trolls and futilely won't migrate to the new thread despite eventually being forced to?

>> No.47124047 [View]

>He's still coping and mad about EN lmao
Go cry somewhere else chud.

>> No.47122618 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 323 KB, 540x304, 1688404479133669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the piece of shit spic/macaco who is jealous of the white pretending he's a white while speaking white language is on a whole new low lower than quarter. war will never stop xe is a totally mad faggot and a "hetero"tranny and xe knows it deep down that's why xe making these posts. the projection is real. as that one anon said, Rikagod always right.

>> No.47114063 [View]

paragraphs are when paul is extra special mad. sometimes he cries when he writes them.

>> No.47111355 [View]
File: 1 KB, 228x71, kanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

craziest character bio ever. he's suicidal and lays mad pipe on his ojou-sama

>> No.47106497 [DELETED]  [View]

You mean besides being a lolcow who actually believes posting rage filled paragraphs on an Angolan sewing machine repair forum can somehow change other people's behavior? He also has a compulsive habit of hitting reload on his browser while in an extreme state of seethe as a means of avoiding the fact that the only thing he's managed to accomplish here is to make people laugh at him. In addition to being Koba's ass gerbil, Paul is also the current reigning King of Cope.
In before Paul mad, STFU Paul.

>> No.47101127 [DELETED]  [View]

This dude mad. He really mad now.

>> No.47100045 [DELETED]  [View]

Oh he mad. He really mad.

>> No.47090175 [View]

he will just get mad and post a naked hag

>> No.47084858 [View]

Oh he mad.

>> No.47084610 [View]

Ignore it desu he mad

>> No.47079120 [View]

minishart mad he got called out

>> No.47076255 [DELETED]  [View]

Yeah, it's the same guy samefagging that got mad I criticized the relationships in Magus' story to poison the well. Anyways, I wonder if Magus is gonna include any of the new girls in his story. Hopefully they feel a bit less ominous than how he's written girls like the Undead ones.

>> No.47073802 [View]

he got mad, I'm sure your cow was a good mom

>> No.47067110 [View]
File: 96 KB, 850x638, __hijiri_byakuren_touhou_drawn_by_hammer_sunset_beach__sample-d5514337183a1804fc6edebd2ba2b3d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"So you really won't disband?" I asked him.
He simply shook his head and smiled, silent as always.
It had become too much, this one-sided rivalry. When I rejected him as a disciple he'd struck out on his own to found his own practice in a small, mostly destitute corner of the village. Over time he'd silently labored, restoring the area bit by bit, repaving paths, clearing debris, and taking only what he needed in donations, giving back what else he'd earned to his struggling neighbors. Though his deeds alone and his silent prayers, the section of the village had flourished and followers had gathered, yet he erected no idols nor did he discriminate any patronage.
It was all so... clever. To establish a practice in the village meant that any disciples would be those who already adapted to co-existence, that he would be so mad as to shave his head must have been merely for comparison sake with my own devotion(he was probably balding anyway!), and that he said nary a word while doing all of this made him seem humble, harmless, detached... It must have been a ruse, a deception meant to lead the residents of Gensokyo astray! And as someone who strived for real co-existence, nay, as a TRUE Buddhist I had to put a stop to it before a disaster occurs!
"Then you leave me no choice." I said as I shed my outer robe.
He covered his mouth in shock and waved his hand at me, a plea for me to cease.
"If you say aloud that you'll disband, then I'll stop." I said, unbuttoning the white robe and letting it fall to the floor.
Even if it cost me my body, my dignity, and my reputation, I had to see this through.
The man just shook his head turning away from me to avert his eyes, but It wouldn't do any good as I tackled him to the ground and held his arms down, forcing him to gaze at my body, only covered by underwear. 'It wasn't violence if I seduced him right? So long as there's no bruises it's a pass right?' I thought as I started to unbuckle my bra, then the door slid open and two groups flooded in, ready for war, our disciples. Silence followed.
"H-hijiri you- you've" Ichirin began, gawking "Your amazing!" She said aloud. "Listen, everyone! Don't turn away! Right now Hijiri is using all her power to defeat the deceiver! He's resigned from physical violence, so Hijiri is answering him in kind body and soul she'll defeat him only as a woman can!" My other disciples began to be roused before cheering me on.
"No way! Our priest would never relent to your harlot priestesses temptations! Even if she assails his body, he'll not raise one hand of protest nor resent her in the slightest! Not even her blackness will leave a blot on the purity of his soul! Which you shall now bear witness!" One of his disciples cheered, rallying the rest.
I looked down at the priest. His eyes were closed, seemingly peaceful, but I could see the odd twitch and wrinkle that betrayed a chink in his armor. "I'm sorry, but I really have no choice." I whispered into his ear.
I proceeded to do as I had to, taking his body, dashing both our purity, all to the baited breath of the audience of our disciples. For the entire evening and night I did thus over and over again, yet true to his follower's word, he did not move a muscle in protest, bearing with my every assault.
In the end, I couldn't break his armor, couldn't overcome him, and as I laid atop him, sweaty, naked, and tired, I whispered into his ear "Our children will be my victory." before I passed out.

True to my declaration, I had become pregnant not so long after. And due to that, the priest appointed one of his disciples as head of the temple he'd founded and came to live with me to support his children. Thus did the small village temple form a strong tie to the Myouren, but even then the problem seemed to have been well solved as everyone who witness the act I'd performed had formed some level of solidarity. My husband didn't bear me any ill will for my aggressions and seemed to love the twins I had bared all the same. Yet, sometimes I'll see him staring off into the hills, forlorn, before he'd close his eyes and snuggle our children closer to him.

>> No.47065574 [View]

I remember saying patreon wasn't a good idea due to their loli rules when he first opened it but someone got mad. They've always been really strict on artists and even if they don't upload loli on patreon if they see it on the artist's pixiv/twitter during an audit they see it as patreon funding those things and demand you delete them from all your galleries. It's fucked up and I'm surprised it took this long.

>> No.47064671 [View]
File: 100 KB, 850x1202, __yomotsu_hisami_touhou_drawn_by_himuhino__sample-9a4db1a98718d4943c1df6c8cb112367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Oh, you must be Zanmu-Sama's friend! Please, come in come in, She's not here at the moment, but I can keep you company!" I said, trying to lure the man inside.
"If it's all the same to you miss, I think it might be better if I stay outside..."
"Nonsense! Zanmu-sama would certainly punish me if I left you out in the cold." I said, my words slightly fluttering at the mention of 'punishment'
"Well uh, ya see Miss, I'm into smaller, cute-looking girls. Tall woman just aren't my type you know?"
"What." I reply.
"You're just... really big and that expression is kinda of eerily leaning over me. I'm just getting a really bad vibe from you."
I open my mouth to try and speak and closed it again, uncertain of how to proceed. My plan to modify the invitation to have the man arrive an hour early so I can thoroughly ruin him for Zanmu-Sama seemed to be going perfectly until now, so why was I getting shut out so quickly?
"I'm not trying to seduce you silly! My heart's only for Zanmu-Sama after all, so you don't have anything to worry about, now, please come inside, the tea I mad will get cold..."
"You seem rather friendly to me, even though I'm about to date your precious person." He said, his eyes narrowing.
What, what was this resistance? Wasn't I acting like an accommodating host? Don't men crave tall, beautiful, lusty woman like me? Only Zanmu-Sama had shown me such resistance before, it couldn't be....
"Oh, you're here early." Zanmu-Sama appeared behind me, dressed in immaculate looking clothing, her hair done up in buns around her horns. "It's no matter, we can take our time walking there then." She said, taking the man's arm and walking off with him.
"I met your subordinate, she seems dedicated." He said as they made their way to their gates.
"Don't mind her, she's a landmine that one." Zanmu-Sama told him.
This...this kind of neglect play was spousal abuse! Zanmu-Sama had to have known my plan to interfere with her invitation and have the man arrive early so I could try my charms on him, only to see me being rejected so thoroughly! Well I won't stand for it! I'm going to go straight to her room and take my frustration out on her bed and entire wardrobe! Let's see how those two react when I've thoroughly ruined their chance at a romantic evening!

But little did I know, those two wouldn't be coming home that night, having booked a hotel room instead.

>> No.47061179 [View]

He's still mad at kek, kek

>> No.47053961 [View]
File: 2.81 MB, 3069x4093, FuzawhxaAAAGtaR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting home late completely drunk
>AZKi who waited all this time with homemade cooking getting mad at you and calling you a baka over and over
Yeah maybe I get why he married her...

>> No.47052083 [View]

Oh no he's mad again, kek

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