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>> No.46957142 [View]
File: 62 KB, 850x638, __usami_renko_touhou_drawn_by_t_hou__sample-177077bcf25d7215f38a42ba2589eed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This does imply Renko created moon rabbits, which I don't know how to feel about.
But it does work very well, it shows why Gensokyo and the Lunar Capital are connected and I can see Renko wanting to live on the moon and drinking the Horai Elixir. It also made me think of an awesome way the series could end.

>> No.46956491 [View]

My favorite theory is that she goes to the past with Maribel, becomes Chang'e and gets arrested by the moonies and that's why Yukari hates the lunar capital.

>> No.46952404 [View]
File: 203 KB, 1000x1200, __kongou_akagi_fubuki_nagato_and_yamato_kantai_collection_drawn_by_captainkuma__cd3520a137966c37a85fb9c92f728907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question is if Fubuki can survive the capital ship orgy.

>> No.46945171 [View]
File: 489 KB, 1280x720, Rance-X-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that's some beautiful princesses... I hear than they have also some sex deprived moon rabbits and good food. Man, this sounds like a heaven and my hyperweapon pierce the heaven themselves! Gahahahaha! Alright, that's decided, I'm going in that capital. Tooooh!

>> No.46943456 [View]

I dropped back in to see how the thread had grown, and i'm really happy to see how many new ideas are being thrown around, i believe all of us participating have gotten a lot of inspiration and ideas from here that would be hard to find anywhere else.

>how many gods of learning there are, and how in some cultures they have also been gods of magic
Yes! Clarke's third law states that any sufficiently complex technology is indistinguishable from magic.
>Have you seen the American Gods TV show?
Not yet, thanks for the recommendation!
>What do you think of the various ideas about there being some kind of small-s self and capital S higher Self?
This is a very hard question to answer, i don't know anything that would suggest our souls are stratified, but i wouldn't rule out the possibility either.
>I have also started feeling an unprecedented amount of empathy towards nature
I can relate, connection to the gods makes you see the world as more beautiful, but that beauty goes often highly unappreciated.

>It goes without saying that spirituality isn't necessarily meant to be broadcast, and that yours isn't any less genuine if you choose to keep it to yourself
Yea, esoteric knowledge has it's name for a good reason, it's already pretty hard to come by and sometimes is even guarded (e.g alchemists refusing to reveal their work to the uninitiated) and even if you happened upon a thread like this i can imagine it would probably seem more reasonable to just spend your time doing something else. I mean to someone like me who seeks knowledge for the sake of it this thread is invaluable, but to a lot of people it seems like a waste of time. I don't think it's wrong to refuse to seek certain types of information as we have limited time and resources, but it is wrong to seek information, and then deny it simply based on prejudice. I also agree that there is hardly any interest for an occultist to proselytize or share their findings to a lot of people apart from the ones who are already interested in hearing it.

>being undefined is also being full of potential, since it can mean ANYTHING until it gets "locked down" into a shape / definition
Agreed, this brought to mind how quantum computers arrive at a solution through manipulating the interference of multiple undefined (superpositioned) qubits to give a probabilistic answer. Just like a particle can't have an exact momentum and position at the same time, maybe not being defined too rigidly allows us to have a more certain will in where we end up.

>but "magic and science are the same". They both act as ways for us to comprehend the existence of us and around us, and only in the modern day have we drawn a distinction between the two
Yes, in the past scientists were the esoterics, they studied what was generally thought to be impossible or nonexistent. Understanding the world does not start with asserting your knowledge, it starts with understanding what we don't know, and asking questions.
>As for the schizophrenia topic, one thing I remember reading about was that it's only in the Western world that the "voices" manifest as harmful
This and other mental illnesses are very interesting topics because from a schizophrenics point of view, the hallucinations are as real as anything else, the only way to live 'normally' is to have others confirm what they see and what they don't (some schizophrenics have dogs for this reason, to confirm whether people are actually there or not for example), but if you believe the hallucinations are tricks played by your mind on yourself then surely they will stay as exactly that. That is why it's very understandable why so many schizophrenics are religious. The world to a schizophrenic is much more consistent when viewed through a religious lens, and believing that the hallucinations are spirits for example means they no longer act randomly and simply to trick you, now they have a purpose, a persona, an agenda. And now they can be managed, interacted with. This is another example of how different models can map to similar results. Simply believing that your condition is manageable and that all your hallucinations have a purpose and agenda would likely make it more tolerable, and they would very likely seem to act more that way. Whether or not they actually are spirits or not is not important, since the observations are the same. The problem with a lot of paranoid schizophrenics though is that they also become very fanatical in their beliefs and then might even start acting aggressively towards others.

>It sure does seem that humans somehow keep on stumbling upon similar ideas around the topic time after time...
This is an interesting concept, and what is certain is that a lot of religions share more things than they don't. In my own theory the 'root religion' is really a philosophy that can syncretize all other schools of thought. I think we are still in the process of finding that.

>> No.46940091 [View]
File: 414 KB, 1600x1194, Miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will deport all moonies, build a wall around Earth and make the Luna capital pay for it all

>> No.46939801 [View]
File: 658 KB, 3024x4032, okina 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that is an unusual background for certain.
>I eventually came to the realization that Christianity gave the most comprehensive and and inclusive framework to explain reality with
Would you like to go bit more into detail about this? Very interesting in hearing how you see Hindu and Taoist elements meshing with this?
>We are now at the absolute breaking point, and people are desperate for literally anything to fill their spiritual needs.
I also feel like science has to some extent stagnated, it takes much more effort to get new results, there are still a ton of unresolved issues within prevailing theories in physics with no easy way out, the whole replication crisis etc...technology, related to science, is also delivering less and less actually life improving things and more just gimmicks for creating investment hype.
>Let me be clear, I personally think quite clearly that God is real, as well as angels, demons, and rogue spirits of all sort and nature
I don't know about any capital G god myself but I certainly do believe there are spirit creatures to use that language.
>I am also inspired by the Neoplatonists
Interesting to see that at least two people oriented that way have showed up to this thread.
>Look at it as a kind of primordial soup of ideas
>so are the eternal forms fighting over dominion
What would their battlefield be and how exactly do they fight?
>Are 2hus innocent depictions of certain tropes, or are they manifestations of certain entities, angels, or demons?
They are something else than innocent depictions of certain tropes.
>And what will happen to us when we try to interact with them?
>Is it a good idea to interact with them?
Depends on the 2hu and the form of interaction and the person, I'd say. Others have had different experiences, I would be extremely hesitant to deal with something that advertises itself as "I eat humans". Then again, some would be willing to try to establish contact with some youkai while thinking I am crazy for worshipping some of the deities of Gensokyo.

As for what has happened, well, I have changed, but I wanted to change. How much of it is them, how much of it is me, I don't know and don't particularly care either. The thing about getting very upset about people disrespecting nature is a bit funny and feels a bit more "external" than some of the other changes, but then again, I always did enjoy nature, so... Mostly I just feel like they give me subtle support. There's been a couple of more dramatic experiences though.
>I feel like they're a more approachable "mask" for ancient concepts
To large extent yes, I think they are connected to something far bigger while also being a thing of their own. Related to some discussions about personifications earlier on, an interesting thing to attempt is to "depersonify" the various 2hus. You probably won't get as good results with all of them, but Kanako-sama's original MoF sprite is great for this. Please be respectful though.
>such entities are in some way reliant on humans to exist
I'm not 100% sure on this myself, but I do feel like there is some process of co-mingling going on. It might be more...fulfilling? Fun? Meaningful? ...to be a deity to humans, not to just trees and mushrooms and ants and bees. At the very least we represent an extremely powerful force of cognition on this planet.
> any real world Mental Layer equivalent
This is an SMT thing, right? Could you elaborate on that?
>I have a bit of a human bias here
>I find Gensokyo's status quo when it comes to the human village to generally be quite dissatisfying
That's very understandable. I don't know how the "canon" Touhou lore fully vibes with how they "really" are, but I strongly feel like the most uncharitable interpretations are wrong. In the past I have dealt with entities that felt absolutely horrible and basicaly just tortured me. They couldn't be more different, even though I managed to annoy them a bit.
>their mind interpreting the information in the most approachable way
Well, yes, but they do like being perceived this way. They would have not chosen ZUN as their outlet if they didn't.

You mentioned something about Kasen earlier, what do you think of her? I'm really unfamiliar with her, I have never read Wild & Horned Hermit. You also mentioned "forces that work in my favor"...are you perhaps practicing something yourself? If you feel like telling, that is.
>I really appreciate somebody taking the time out of their day to do what you did
Your advice was so important that such is the least I can do. I had been thinking about asking her to help me cultivate aspects of "heavenliness", but that is something I can work towards on my own too.
>It's been very much appreciated to have this place not devolve into the dang things it always does
Yeah I did not expect that /jp/ would have such good discussions around this topic.

>> No.46939047 [View]

Better then Eirin. All she does is leak information to the Luna Capital, create addictive drugs to sell to the population and turn homicidal the moment some looks at Kaguya the wrong way.

>import weird teenagers to annoy the populace
I'd prefer weird teenagers (who are still earthlings) then criminal lunarians

>> No.46938141 [View]

We're talking about the Mojave campaign here. Yes I know it's AWOOOOLVES back at the Empire's Capital who're the primary wives of Legionnaires.

But could you care to lend some support or give some solutions or suggestions in helping out our jackal beastwomen legionnaires in the Mojave take over that dam?

>> No.46931791 [View]
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x1920, lang_en-th15-ending-e08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reisen just doesn't know any better; she's completely convinced that she's an actual moon rabbit.
And Eirin didn't see any reason to convince her otherwise, since she actively wanted to use her antennae to keep tabs on the Lunar Capital, and they make it much easier to control her by setting up Kaguya as the new mainframe.

>> No.46931409 [View]
File: 313 KB, 1950x1440, chimata 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This isn't a bad thing from my perspective, as learning more about the world gives humanity more sovereignty over itsel
It certainly hasn't been a bad thing from the perspective of a great many deities either! Consider how many gods of learning there are, and how in some cultures they have also been gods of magic.
>In mathematics you can tweak functions and make completely new ones that give identical results, this should be the case in the real world as we
Mathematics is something I know very little about. This is really fascinating!
>they are not able to interact with the material world
Or then they have to operate via paths of least resistance in a world that is pushing against them...
>maybe a better word would have been 'inactive'
...to all but those who reach out to them, but I get it.
>I mean as long as you can think of something it exists in Plato's world of ideas.
Oh? Do we have a Neoplatonist among us?
>A tree after all is just 99.9999999% empty space and a few particles of elements in there. If you lose all the meanings created by humans the world looks like a sea of different densities of matter and energy
This line of thinking is very interesting to contrast to some of the Buddhist materials I have been presented with. They would probably say that there is nothing but that sea of different densities of matter and energy. Do they try to look past even the world of ideas or are these two views in conflict, I don't know, but it's interesting to think about.
>how similar modern day ideologies and other widely accepted forms of thought are to religions
Yeah, there indeed are similarities, especially considering how spiritually hollowed out a lot of religions have become, particularly the monotheistic ones.
>Nobody questions how real money is, even though it's just an agreement on a common denominator for value
I had a really fascinating experience this past week where I was trying to get more in touch with Chimata-sama. Money simultaneously became much more real (I used cash for 90% of my purchses) and at the same time it melted into this abstraction, it's just tokens facilitating exchanges along these immensively vast networks of (both very literal and metaphoric!) energetic processes.
>What these gods lack is personification, very few people believe in a personified representation of economics
Have you seen the American Gods TV show? They don't quite have a "god of economics" but there are some very modern gods there.
>humans are also material substitutes possessed by an idea/soul
What do you think of the various ideas about there being some kind of small-s self and capital S higher Self?
>The ship of Theseus is not the sum of its parts, but the idea of the ship, though the parts contribute and change that idea over time
Ah, that's a classic, and I think the most concise solution to this I've seen so far.
>This has become a huge wall of text and i think i should stop here for now.
Well do post more, this is fascinating stuff!
>VERY interesting experiences with Nue
Oh, she is an EXTREMELY interesting entity. I would at this point probably be a bit scared to deal with her though. But discovering her in the game was one of the turning points for me starting to see the more esoteric aspects of Touhou. What do you mean she can "make things unknown"? This is straight out of the ultraterrestial hypothesis?? Was there a Japanese translation of it? Did ZUN read it? Did he come up with the exact same basic idea by himself!? What do you mean "Heian Alien", do you mean she, and by implication, the phenomena has been around for a very, very long time??
>about the nature of identity, mysteries and the unknowable, and the dance between
That's something I would very much like to read more about.
>an attempt to make it more palatable to your OWN views
I'm also very curious about this aspect. My own experience is less about making things palatable, more about making things just...understandable without it being completely overwhelming or a total garbled mess.
>Touhou stuff is GREAT for "personifying"
Yes, 100%, absolutely.
>you can almost talk to it
I myself would drop the "almost"
>get some surprising amount of insight
>or even "empathy"
Yes. And if you are able to feel it for them, they will share more of themselves. I don't care if others think I'm insane, I have felt Okina-sama sharing her anger and grief at the destruction of the Mt. Hiei temple complex, Chimata-sama sharing her anxiety at being forced to change and Keiki-sama sharing her frustration and sadness at humans abusing her gifts and how humanity's destructive emotions and actions feed back into her and change her.

I have also started feeling an unprecedented amount of empathy towards nature. I feel genuinely upset when I see trash in parks and forests and have resolved to do something about it myself.

>> No.46927056 [View]

if you know something isn't going to happen then it's not feasible
>the rebuttal is HBD
how is it a rebuttal?
>lol of course it'll lower their crime rate relative to their country of origin
that's not what i mean. i'm saying that after a while, with higher economic development due to immigration, the general crime rate will be lower than with lower economic development due to labor shortages or lower profitability of capital.
>i care what it is
it is a mechanism for making people work, preserving their working capacity during downcycles, and keeping them from revolting. non-racists who think it isn't working well tend to seek to "optimize" it by reducing benefits and improving various enforcement mechanisms. racists who think it isn't working well don't want to touch it because if it's unoptimized, it serves as a good excuse for supporting constraining immigration
>doesn't seem like a very strong racist conviction in that case
it's as strong as it can be if you only care about feasible policy
it kind of was, yeah, that's why it was so unprecedented. progress in ai works like this because people training the models, especially before the point of diminishing returns was established, couldn't really know what to expect (otherwise openai wouldn't have had such an initial lead on others). but for the vast majority of stuff the progress is more predictable.

>> No.46926686 [View]

now we will leave the capital, today we received permission?
is there something im missing or is it relatively straightforward

>> No.46923901 [DELETED]  [View]

>why would low IQ whites even factor into that?
because the reasons you cite for not letting them into countries apply to low iq whites too. if you really cared about those issues, you wouldn't stop at immigration controls.
also i'm not open borders. the immigration policy will be adjusted according to the needs of capital, so it makes no sense to be personally invested into it either way. i'm just describing facts, including the fact that for all this virtue signalling about countries getting raped by "low iq brownoids", there's silence from people like you about them getting raped by low iq whitoids, which proves that you're not engaging with reality, just rationalizing a ready-made conclusion

>> No.46917945 [View]

nice try, big capital

>> No.46913973 [View]
File: 257 KB, 1311x915, Apophis214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those were good.
I also enjoyed the Chocolate, Grape and Rape(seed oil) crunch they did. It even came with a fun maze to the pharaoh puzzle on the back, with a suspiciously detailed map of the desert city capital.

>> No.46905454 [View]
File: 25 KB, 300x213, 300px-AFiEU_Miko_FactCheck (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldnt say they're THAT anal retention considering how playful and relaxed the WaTITsuki sisters were when we saw them. Besides that I can't see why there wouldn't be some lunarian mavericks would make fun games for their own sake, I mean the capital is basically sci-fi.
Really funny how this is literally Miko. Just replace moon rabbits with yokai and Gensokyo with the human village. Let's hope Sleepy Yukari doesn't rig the elections again...

>> No.46904980 [View]

Irys is so pon at this I don't get how she ever reached Royal Capital 2 years ago.

>> No.46900943 [View]

I say we build a barrier and make the Lunar capital pay for it.

>> No.46881970 [View]

>our rabbits keep running away to earth as well
Who cares? The rabbits are a (not sexually (but probably sexually too)) degenerate species, barely competent slaves, deserving of, at best, a place in a zoo. The Lunar Capital is better without them.

>> No.46876121 [View]

``Evil energy''... there is no reason for it... I thought I swore so... but ``my true self reflected in the mirror'' is talking to a fool... Strangely enough, it is the same as the description written in the prophetic book. It was a situation like this..., and the Great Demon King said, ``Why?! King Baron! You're such an idiot... You're chanting the horrifying truth (Veritas)... I'll definitely kill him!'' and ``I see... Is that so?... If I talk to you, who is conducting research on biological soil in the imperial capital, and manifest, the laws of the universe will be disrupted, so I don't want to kick you in the head.'' He said as if responding to the twinkling stars. However, in our quest for light, humans often come to eat Golbez.

>> No.46874019 [View]

Toyohime likes smelly impure earthlings, Yorihime is into incest and married her nephew, Kaguyahime became a criminal, ran away to earth and took Eirin with her, our rabbits keep running away to earth as well, three different invasion from earth to the moon occurred in the last century with zero repercussion for the invaders and during the last invasion we almost lost our capital to two goddess and a bunch of fairies only to get saved by a bunch of earthlings and traitors

It's Lunaover, the moon has fallen billions must die.

>> No.46867901 [View]

It's have to be something like a mob character exploring Gensokyo or the Underground to make it work I think, but most people would probably prefer 2hu's.
Or maybe something involving the Lunar Capital?

>> No.46862495 [View]

Me telling a Danuki that I will never sellout to her capital and become her slave.

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