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Search: I've been out of the loop

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>> No.45392944 [View]
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I've been playing this game a lot since launch, and honestly when playing the "EXTREME" content, if you ignore the whole fact that optimally you're dodging as little as possible and cancelling as much as possible, it seems like it'd be a fun little 5 stage shmup. There's tons of fun patterns, skills and situations, even if the few enemies are recycled all the time. But it's as if they were forced at gunpoint to somehow make it all into gacha format and then they just rushed some sort of shitty system out. I believe this would've been unironically more financially successful as a stand-alone game with lots of small character dlc along the line, or something like that, because the shmup dev fundamentals are clearly still there.

But yeah, right now the way they except you to play the same stages a billion times is completely absurd. No-one is going to do that. Except insane people like me because that's exactly what I've been doing for hours in the past few days. The game sucks balls and I know it, but there's some weird basedness glimmering beneath it all and I just keep playing it, trying to brute-force my way up the tower mode. It's completely broken in a fun way.

If anyone actually cares about strategy in the game:
Right now it's ALL ABOUT spamming bullet cancelling skills. The dual lasers, jelly crush, they 8-way shot around you, etc. All the stat power ups are completely irrelevant, you're supposed to just get all the good skills and nothing else. And to be able to use more skills in a run, you need the skill that gives you lots of spirit in exchange for some shield bar (from a 4* card), and then you use a heal skill that restores that shield back (3* card). You loop these two for infinite spirit and spam other skills while doing it. And so you can cancel everything by just doing skills non-stop, even if you're half the recommended power of the stage.

Also playing with an emulator is out of the question. The game slows down to a crawl on them. Which is actually yet another huge issue with this game: playing on a shitty device is actually preferred because of the slowdown. You have a huge advantage like that, the game just becomes insanely boring.

>> No.45353090 [View]

Then you're a fool who misses the point. The true gentleman makes her see him as her equal and rules by her side.

And she was playing a bit and acting out her part of a play when the asshole pulled a gun and shot her. He best be thankful he got off lightly by being killed quick and painlessly. He could've been hogtied and dropped at Eirin's ball crushing factory after being forced into a time loop by Kaguya because she's a (moon)bitch like that.

Not even sure who the guy was. First we're reciting a play for the upcoming Christmas party, next thing some jackass comes strolling through the mansion doors and pulling an Alec Baldwin. What'd he expect?

>> No.45309939 [View]
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I've been out of the loop for at least 10 years, can I get a list of what fangames are worth playing these days? I remember playing .flow (loved it), 2kki (couldn't really get into it at the time), lcddem (didn't really like it) and the Neftelia games (I think I liked these ones a lot).

>> No.45303525 [View]

Are vocaloid songs still a go-to for utaite? I've been out of the loop for like 5 years at this point. I don't even recognize most of the names posted here.

>> No.45286611 [View]

attention newfriends, this is what happens to you when you don't emmerse in compelling content from week 1:
>Hi everyone, I've been learning Japanese for slightly more than 4 months now and while I'm very happy I started learning Japanese, I have, once in a while, a huge motivation drop where I just have no motivation whatsoever and I just botch my Anki, right now, I'm doing 12 new words a day with the Core 2k/6k deck (I'm at 1870 right now) and trying to do some Kanji every day with RTK, I first tried to do 20 kanjis a day but the more I progress the more I lose motivation doing so, I'm now at barely 10 and I often skip days. I also try to follow Japanese Ammo with Misa videos as they are very easy to follow and don't really require extra work (at least for now). I would also like to do a bit of sentence mining here and there to get a bit of exposition to the language but I have no motivation for it as well...
>My routine feels like a boring loop that takes a huge chunk of my free time and that doesn't feels really rewarding, in my mind, things will start getting easier and more fun when I'll be more comfortable with grammar and when I'll be done with RTK but I'm scared that when I'll reach this goal I'll feel like it won't be enough again... Has anyone been through a similar situation? What did you do to get out of it?

>> No.45230594 [View]

About Gousotsu, yes I know. People have said this about Gousotsu a million times and It's completely fair, I just see it different personally. I don't mind the SatoRika stuff (I don't really give a shit about shipping, Nor do I care too much for Rika or Satoko in general, I'm a Shion fan). I can buy their relationship but I can imagine anyone who ships Satoko or Rika with anyone else would fucking hate it lol. I'm just gonna quickly type how I feel about Gousots, I'm bored out of my mind anyway. gousotsu had shit execution but I can appreciate what it tried to do for Satoko and Rikas relationship and the intended way to view it i think is in the same way you'd view Umineko, with love.

When Rika breaks out of her loop, she's way too absorbed in her new life to realise Satoko is hurting, and this is also especially because she thinks she understands Satoko better than Satoko does herself, which is just no true. She realizes Satoko is struggling obviously with how she helps her study etc but she doesnt get that thats not what its about for Satoko. Satoko on the flipside treats Rika the exact same and makes little effort to understand her either but she thinks of it as Rika deceiving and abandoning her in favor of her new life. To her, Rika lied to her and she's a different person from who she thought she was, even thoug Rika didnt have malicious intent but this is the only way satoko can view it as and it obviously comes as an immense shock to her. Doesn't help that Satoko also already has abandonment Issues.

In the og, the main evil was constant misunderstandings between everyone and only when everyone came together was Rika able to defeat the tragedy. Now in gousotsu the main evil is deception because Satoko goes on to use deception as her weapon. so in gousotsu, the way to defeat this evil is through honesty, which is how Rika eventually realizes that Satoko isn't out to destroy her, just that she is hurting. so after having her guts torn out by Satoko and realizing this, she prepares a genuine gift for her birthday, the repurposed trap with Rika's love for Satoko. Rika could've done some epic shit to see through Satoko or whatever but that would've just been feeding into Satokos game of deception. Rika subverts it into empathy and honesty and it's the start of Satokos downfall.

Then eventually comes the race between fragments etc etc, where neither of them can reach the sword (i forgot its name) because neither of them truly want to erase the other. Both of them in reality are just fucking frustrated and what theyre doing is more akin to a heated argument rather than some epic battle between the two. Satoko herself is already a very emotional person and comes to realise her view was misguided and she's just been venting out all her frustrations onto Rika (the witch satoko being a personification of her darkest feelings towards rika and her desire to punish her) at this point and this is where she loses and Rika manages to take hold of the sword and she expects Rika to punish her but she doesn't because Rika upon seeing this cools down as well and empathizes with Satoko. She throws the sword into the river where their sins are cleansed by their forgiveness for one another and this is how Hanyuu also achieves her victory against Eua. I think It's fairly satisfying to see them come to a mutual understanding in the end through their love for each other.

Satoko imagined fragments where she made a game with defined rules to send a message to Rika who she believed lied to her. Sound familiar no? This is why I believe you should read Umineko first before watching Gousotsu. When Satoko splits with witch Satoko, the other innocent Satoko who says ''she went wrong somewhere'' isn't the Satoko from the og. You can interpret that It's the Satoko from the time where she tried so hard to convince Rika to not go to st lucia and how she waited for years only to end up betrayed again. It ends with Rika and Satoko in the lake after having thoroughly beat each other up before eventually coming to an understanding through brutal honesty. Satoko suppressed the dark thoughts she had towards Rika and realized they were wrong , which she realizes during their fight as they both listen to each others frustrations. They fought it out and came to an understanding. As for witch Satoko, to me, she split off and became it's own entity and will go on to chase Bernkastel through the sea of fragments.


There's more I can say but you get the point if you've read all this. I like Gousotsu but I 100% understand why most people don't, there's a lot wrong with it that I didn't talk about but I can appreciate what it tried to do, even though the violence could've been toned down so much and It's so hyperfocused on Rika and Satoko, even if the other club members play a part. It heavily suffers from being an anime imo, I wish it was a vn.

>> No.45210314 [View]
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The responding voice was somewhat familiar, but I couldn't place it when it was muffled and through a door. "What's the point? I really don't need to talk to a bunch of people about how weak I am against other youkai." Who was it? How had they even got into the alley? It had been closed off in a way that no one could have just walked straight in. "Look, it's nice and all, but I've never said I'm joining you." The voice was familiar. It sounded exactly like Oseki, but it couldn't be, because I could see Oseki, serving another cup of green tea to Reimu just over there. "Besides, I'm busy enough here, and I’ve got a reputation to maintain. I can't just go running off at night to hang around and stare at the moon. What would the boss say when I show up smelling like sake and mermaid the next day?"

"Aw, but we'd really love it if you came." Kagerou said, sounding like she was whining a little bit. "C'mon, you won't be the only new person there. It'll be fun!"

"Fun for who? You? Certainly not me." The not-Oseki voice dryly asked. I wanted to listen longer, but I didn't get a chance.

"You forget how to walk, or...?" Tenshi asked, getting up and coming over to a stop in front of me. "What are you doing?" I shook my head and said that I was just thinking. "If you think any harder, your head might explode." In response, I turned and pulled Tenshi's hat down so it covered her eyes. "Wh- Hey!" She shouted, pulling it back up and flipping half of my coat over my head. After I'd removed it from my head, I saw that Marisa had paid for everything that we’d drunk at the café, even though I’d been planning on using some of the little money I had left for it.

"Call it, er, repayment. For nearly frying you with the Master Spark in Eientei." She told me, then muttered under her breath that the beating she'd received had been payment enough. "Will you tell me who you're seeing now!? I’ve been bugging both of them about it for ages, and they still won't tell me!" I'd honestly forgotten that we'd been intentionally keeping Marisa out of the loop as a little joke, but right as I opened my mouth, Reimu loudly got to her feet and cut me off.

"Well, I think we'd best be going!" She completely ignored Marisa's protests. "About time we get to Eientei, isn't it?" I looked up at her slightly apprehensively, then clenched my jaw and nodded. Reimu began pushing me toward the door. “We’ll have to hurry for your appointment!”

"What the hell!?" Marisa shouted at us. "You can't keep doing this to me, Reimu! He's supposed to be my client – And he doesn’t even have an appointment! I have a right to know!" She tried to get up from the table, only for Tenshi to coincidentally trip over nothing at all and fall into her, preventing her from getting up. "Get off me, Tenko!" She cried, ignoring Tenshi's laughter as Reimu pushed us out of the café entirely. “I’m gonna get you for this!”

Once we'd moved a safe distance away, Reimu stopped. "Did she just-?" Called Tenshi 'Tenko', yes. "Seriously, what is going on with those two? Pet names? It's the not knowing that's killing me." I wasn't sure I wanted to know. I wasn't even sure if there was anything to know. Every time I saw those two, they seemed close, yet also at each other's throats. "I know I said they definitely weren't the last time we were here, but I bet they are." Reimu declared. I bet they were not, I replied. "If I win, you have to come and be my body pillow again. Not forever, though. I know Yamame would come and fight me if I kept you from her for too long." And if I won, Reimu had to come with Yamame and I to visit the Hot Springs Town and apologize to all of Yamame's sisters personally for breaking all of their webs. "...These two things don't feel like they're of equal value." Reimu slowly said, then shrugged. "Sure. You're on." We shook on it, and I hoped that Reimu's comments about Marisa having better taste than Tenshi still held true.

Even if I thought that wanting to date Tenshi Hinanawi was already showing fairly good taste.

>> No.45174544 [View]

I've been a bit out of the loop lately. Are there any newcomers you guys are likely that have debuted in the past few months?

>> No.45168238 [View]

I've been out of the loop, why are there holos who only stream on twitch now (always fps shit too)?

>> No.45141966 [View]

Has anything notable happened here in the past 6 months, I've been out of the loop

>> No.45063879 [View]
File: 6 KB, 190x188, 1689413809766556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone give me the quick rundown on the suityan yab, I've been out of this loop. who is the pinkhaired twink and is there concrete proof they are fucking?

>> No.45062439 [View]

what the fuck seems like I've been out of the loop for too long. since when can you create lewds galleries on catbox?

>> No.45031498 [View]
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It was another slow day at the Suzunaan. I'd already finished shelving the returns hours ago, and it didn't take much longer to do all the bookkeeping. The children were doing the dusting and sweeping so I didn't have to do that, and there were no print jobs to do. Nothing more to do then get some reading done and wait for customers. It's not slacking off if there's no work to do after all. I kept my ears open as I turned my attention to that book I was meaning to finish. If this day continued to be this slow, I could start another book this day and really work on going through my backlog. Only a few hundred more books to go! After a while, I found my attention turned away by the sound of footsteps entering the store. I turned my gaze from my book to see who my customer was and saw a glimpse of red and white. Oh no.

Reimu stood in my store. It has been so long since she last came to the Suzunaan, but I couldn't call this a happy reunion. Like a rabbit stuck in a trap, all I could do is feel my heart rapidly thumps in my chest and freeze in place as I watched my frie- my former friend disappear behind some shelves.

A dark thought sounds an alarm in my mind. My children are here! The more rational part of my mind tries to calm down the terrified mother in me, saying that even Reimu wouldn't attack children for now reason. Sill, I stood ready to pounce.

But I didn't have to wait in terror for long. A few minutes later, Reimu approached the desk with a book under her arm. There was no avoiding it. I'd have to talk to her. "Hey Kosuzu, how are things?" She said with a smile.

That threw me for a loop. This wasn't the Reimu everyone had unfortunately had gotten to know since her family left her. That Reimu haunted everyone like a ghost, drifting through the village with tired and unkept features and dirty clothing making it look like she has crawled out of a grave. That Reimu had an air around here that warmed even the most friendly types that interacting with her would not be worthwhile. No. This Reimu looked rested and alert, and her clothing was clean and mended. I saw no sign of treachery on her face as she smiled. It was like she was actually happy.

"Sometimes it's a little slow, but everything is good, thank you" I said, realizing a little too late that telling her about how happy my life was might be a bad idea.

But her smile didn't falter. "Ah, that's good to hear. Are those your kids here?"

"Yeah, they are. Daisuke and Fumiko" I turn to see two heads poking out from behind a shelf. "Come say hello, you two" I said, waving them over. They nervously stepped out and made their way towards us. I got the feeling that if a youkai showed up right now, they'd rather run towards the youkai.

Reimu crouched down and chatted with them for a bit. After a while all the 'How Old are You's and 'Do you like the Suzunaan's and other questions were asked and Reimu let them go free.

She dropped her book down on the desk along with a few coins. "Just this for now. I don't have any debts here, do I?"

I tried to remember the last time she came here and where the ledger would be. "I'll look to see. You can pay for this for now and I'll add it to your tab if I find any outstanding payments" I said, tensing up slightly as I jot down her name in a ledger.

But she doesn't get upset. "I guess I'll find a way to pay for it if that's the case. See you Kosuzu" With a wave goodbye, she leaves the shop and my heart starts to return to a normal pace. When I'm sure she's gone, I let out my breath.

My children run up to see me. "Do you really know her?" Fumiko asked me, still upset. I couldn't blame them. They were part of the generation that never knew Reimu as anything often then that wicked miko that hurt people.

"Yeah, I've known her for a long time. Before you were born, back when she wasn't so mean" I admit.

"Woah, that's a long time!" Daisuke said with an innocence that didn't do anything to make those words hurt less.

"She's not going to hurt you, so don't be scared, okay? If you're done, you're off for the day" The two of them run off into the streets to play.

I slump down in my chair. Why did her mood improve so suddenly? Ever since that place opened up, she'd been a wreck. It was a shock to me hearing Anon's new career so it must have been hell on her. But the HSE was still open and her family still separated from her, so she had to be something else she has happy about. I just had to know, it could be something big.

I had no leads, but all that talking with Agatha Chris Q over mysteries and reading mysteries wasn't for nothing, My detective's sense told me the HSE would have clues. Of course, it was no place for a married woman with kids, but all I had to do was have a plan to get close enough to investigate.

I felt so young again, like Akyuu was still with me. If nobody else was going to solve it, then it was up to Detective Kosuzu!

>> No.44918347 [View]
File: 212 KB, 849x1200, __hakurei_reimu_yakumo_ran_and_kudamaki_tsukasa_touhou_drawn_by_kouba__948479da101f51c0734ab56dd5e603c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The last days were full: Aya is now part of the alliance—Chen has been demanding we name the alliance, as it'd be 'cool'—and, well, is pregnant and in love with Anon. I hope neither gets in the way of her job as a spy, which should become official next time Toutetsu shows up. Until then, there's not much we can do but wait and serve as Anon's lifeline.

... Or light—I prefer that.

"43.645074, -115.993081," I repeat to myself quietly, eating fried tofu and tucked in my warm and cozy knitted clothes, gradually making my way back to the HSE, my mind not really here.

It's always refreshing to leave that cursed building and stretch my legs, something rather impossible with the overuse of the gap—

Although, as I walk through a crowded marketplace, I wish I had used the gap: suddenly I bump into a red and white figure, her drifting stone-gray eyes blank and dead, hugging herself to kill the biting cold. I should've kept walking forward and ignored her, but for some reason, I didn't, and her eyes locked onto mine, 5 feet between us.

"You..." Hakurei Reimu analyzed my clothing with frowned brows, especially my knitted pieces—scarf, sweater, gloves, and forearm warmers—some kind of realization dawning on her, stored away death turning into dangerous will to cause harm, "... Yakumo, those—"

"Reimu," I stop her. Noticing the budding tension, villagers make their choices; some stay, some rush away. I keep my eyes on Reimu. "Don't."

Her neck bent to look at my eyes again, a searing anger already having replaced the cold of death. Her voice, when it came, was a mere whisper; "... My husband knitted those, didn't he?"


"He loves doing that wool pattern of circles and wavy lines... He said it looked like our yin-yang."

"Reimu. I'll walk away." I examine her, eyes slitting a bit; I'd recognize a frayed and starved prey anywhere: the easiest to hunt, and also the one that'll fight the most viciously, clinging to life like glue. Unceremoniously, I hand her the bag of fried tofu, which she takes, perplexed. "You'll walk away too, and preserve your dignity."

She stared at the fried tofu with hard eyes, as if unable to understand what happened or what to do with it—then anger grew in her eyes like a boiler, her emaciated frame trembling. The villagers who chose to stay instantly had a change of heart and scrambled away.

I kept staring at her, waiting, my tails bushy, ready to pull a Spellcard at any moment…

The atmosphere strains, the first move to start the duel weights in the air, ready to come from anywhere and any angle, and—

... Reimu reached into the bag, took one fried tofu, placed it in her mouth, and, slowly, munched.

She was sobbing the next moment.

I watched wide-eyed as the almost forty-year-old Miko turned and left, her body trembling not with wrath anymore, but... I can't exactly place my finger on, incapable of seeing her eyes, yet I see the trail of tears following her every step like a curse, the freezing wind making her shrink and clutch the fried tofu as a lifeline, and scrutinizing glares—all join together to, for a moment, create an illusion: was that woman even Reimu?

I expected her to throw the tofu to the ground, to rage and commence a pointless fight—anything but cry and leave...

Yukari's plan comes to mind, a part of my body whispering: 'It is only fair.' Sins cannot be left unchecked; punishment comes to all; and, even though at different times, karma does not discriminate. The other part, a motherly one, remembers that smiling and cheerful tiny Reimu, of a woman who gave her life for a friend and then one of many of Yukari's choices that I should've questioned, but didn't beyond a: 'Are you sure, Yukari-sama?'

I remember the child we left to care for a shrine, all by herself, her mind tampered by Yukari's old magic...

... If only I'd have taken her in my arms, showered her with the same love I shower Chen, guided her in the ways of life, and... and—

Bitterly, I cut short the dangerous train of thought. Reminiscing about a past gone and a future that'll never be can bring only immense sadness and nothingness—yet the guilt has already settled, and I sigh.

I look at Reimu again, just a tiny shadow on the horizon, and my heart feels hollow—a cold not even the knitted clothes could dispel, as it came from within.

Making my way back to the nightmare, my thoughts loop a resentful question: "When will my sins catch up to me?"

... I also didn't notice I said that out loud, my cheek on Anon's shoulder, watching Chen play on a nearby treetop. Anon glanced at me and kissed one of my ears as if holy, softly saying: "Hard day today? Well... We all have our sins, yet no one can answer that question—it's rather sad." Despite that, he smiled, looking at Chen. She waved from the treetop, her smile wide. "At times like these, when such impossible questions pester us, I can only say... it's good to have friends!" He laughed, and my heart felt soothed.

I giggled.

>> No.44851670 [View]
File: 1.73 MB, 1668x2388, __yakumo_ran_and_toutetsu_yuuma_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_hawai_tari__bc54ae08618ae7d0a033590cb17b1861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Making my way down to the front exit, whistling an unremarkable piece, I passed by Ran at the reception, a grin painting my face as we made eye contact—the hope there in her eyes was palpable—but I can't do much with Yukari's gaze following me like a horny dog.

So, let's see if she's still as sharp as she was 700 years ago.

Using the hand holding the spork, I start to beat my fingertips on the metal, following the pattern of my whistling. To anyone around me, it meant nothing, and it was so low that only someone with big ears would hear it properly.

Ran, with just a hint of surprise, nodded to me.

I nodded back, feeling obtuse pride. 700 years went by, but she's still a genius.

That same night, I laid on my spork on top of a tree and ate a rice ball with closed eyes, enjoying the briskness of a night after rainfall and the view of the Human Village in the distance...

Then the sound of a gap opening filled the clearing, and I smiled. "You had to use such difficult 4-bit coordinate encoding? I had to do the equation in my mind, do my duties, AND deal with Kappas and Tengu throughout the day—I had to restart it twice! Why an equation, anyway?!" Heh, she's pissed.

"Yet here you are," I ate the rest of the rice ball with ease, squatting and staring at Ran from the top of the branch. Ran huffed and joined her hands together, looking expectant. "Yukari?"

Her eyes narrowed, repressing a sigh. "Busy for about another thirty minutes..." Hm? What's with her reaction—

Oh. It dawned on me.

"Sorry, Ran—we're gonna get him outta there," I reassured her, but she only nodded, still tense. “Something happened: Yukari got there before me and did something to Anon; I don't know what. I can't think of this fuckup being Okina's fault, though. Any idea?"

Ran motioned her head. "Yukari was looking rather paranoid recently; she even threatened Chen," low blow, low blow... "I doubt she'd ever harm her, but... the implications are getting to me."

"Focus there, Ran—it's your man on the fry," I provoked.

"Tetsu, please, he's a married man." Oh, now there's a nickname I haven't heard in a long time. And the provocation...

I shrugged. "If I had to say anything, she's also blackmailing him. Probably not family-related—his only family is the Miko and her daughter, right?—so friends. Not many leads there." Ran frowned hard, the cogs of her mind turning visible, her eyes narrow and spine taut, silence filling the air. I whistled, snapping her out of the clear thought loop and probably of a crashing wave of guilt. "There's probably a threat, so acting up is no good as of now. It's just a setback, though, so don't even think of blaming yourself for this shit." I jumped down from the tree and stood in front of Ran. "I didn't bring it to Okina yet, but I betcha she'll be on board to fuck a bit with Yukari! Keep yourself together, Ranni."

It was funny seeing her try to control her smile of relief. Head over heels, all the way through, sheesh! Better not tell how I entertained the thought of eating Anon during my time there...

... Thrice.

"Thank you, Toutetsu. Truly," hiding a pain only hers to ponder about, her smile grew a bit silly. "Also, please don't use that childish nickname again. Aren't we adult youkai?"

I laughed out loud, stomping the ground. "Sure, Ranni, sure! I forgot you're a refined youkai now; lost your wild side and all that."

"It's not like that—"

Uh, this makes her so mad; "Such a disappointing old lady—well, anyway, I got to relay this back to Okina, and you return before Yukari is done with her fuck session. See ya around, Ranni!" I'm flying before she even has time to process the words, a wide grin on my face, pure excitement for this unfolding situation coursing through my veins. Things have been rather calm these past years, so dismantling a rape brothel to prank Yukari and thus help an old friend seems like the perfect use of my time.

Also, maybe Ran will let me get a bite of Anon by the end of this?

... Or perhaps a spoonful.

I laughed devilishly, soaring through the night with my spork. Oh, shame, now I'm hungry!

"So, she actually raped the Hakurei Miko's husband in front of their daughter?" I nodded. "Kidnapped him to form a brothel that will somehow redeem the Miko?" I nodded again. "And a lot of the women of Gensokyo—humans, youkai, ghosts—are going there thinking he's there to lend payback to the Miko for years of abuse?"

"You wouldn't see sick shit like that in the Animal Realm."

Okina nodded, pondering, "This doesn't feel like it greatly affects the equilibrium of Gensokyo; their lives are too small for that—though if Yukari is enjoying this as much as you say, then probably something will eventually go wrong, and I'll have to intervene. That sounds like a benefitless bother..." The goddess yawned. "Thanks for gathering information, Toutetsu; I guess I'll have a word with Yukari."

I smiled. Congrats, Ranni: you've got a goddess on your side!

>> No.44850736 [View]

Got anymore maps like this? I have hopes of someday making an explorable 3d open world of Gensokyo, while attempting to position all the locations as lore-accurate as possible.

Also, are there are any doujin games out there now that have a detailed explorable Gensokyo? I'll admit, I've been out of the loop for a number of years.

>> No.44783669 [View]

I've been out of the thread lore loop getting back into TW. Why is there a tennis club, with objective answers only.

>> No.44739453 [View]

I've been out of loop, what happened to the original game?
Wasn't it one of the better selling ones on Fanza?

Also are there any new games with non-vanilla H-scenes?

>> No.44696672 [View]
File: 100 KB, 828x1135, 1593727881690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been really busy for a couple of days so I'm out of the loop. Why the fuck is Aqua playing Rampart? Is hololive going after the sirs audience now that they're the most populous nation on the planet?

>> No.44649308 [View]
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I've been out of the loop, what went wrong?

>> No.44540731 [View]

I've been out of the loop over the last week. These Regloss girls. Do we know who any of them are in their past lives or is that not apparent yet?

>> No.44501190 [View]

I've been out of the loop for several days, what happened to Miko?

>> No.44494188 [View]
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This one stretched up to the ceiling, in four panels connected by bars. In it, I could see twisting patterns of glass, interspaced with clear glass that I assumed represented clouds. I saw a pattern across the bottom that went through all the colours of the rainbow, and long patterns of sky-blue. In the middle, a collection of glass that I could also assume was a peach. "Hmm, the celestial. Not...surprising, I would say. She did begin to feature in your dreams at some point. You're lucky you didn't meet her dream self, back in the past when she was at her most unstable." I looked at the way the lead all linked together. It looked incredibly supportive. Finally, after a few minutes, I drew my gaze away, looking further down the corridor.

I let Doremy lead the way, and she got back to talking. "Then, just a few days ago..." I swallowed heavily, because I already knew exactly what had happened a few days ago, and exactly what sort of effect it might have had on my dreams. "Well, let's just say that you've had nothing but nightmares since. And while I enjoy eating them, it's not healthy to eat that many, so I decided that something would need to be done." I asked her what she thought she could do about it. It wasn't like I was planning on the nightmares. "Well, that depends on you. Your dreams should be pleasant and light. So, what will it take to get you back to that state?" She asked me, sounding quite curious. I muttered that I was dealing with a lot right now. "Oh, I know. Let's see here..." She flipped back through the book. "Lots of nightmares about needles. Hospital beds, bamboo, and rabbits. Well, that's easy enough to understand." Eientei. That was an ongoing issue. "hmm, well, what else is happening here? Ah, youkai. Plenty of youkai. Or rather, plenty of some specific youkai." Now, I felt very uncomfortable, and I finally managed to say that I was struggling to understand youkai. "Plenty struggle with that. Youkai are fundamentally inhuman, after all. Even I'm a youkai, but you're talking to me just fine, aren't you? What's the difference?" I mumbled something about differences. Suddenly, Doremy was very interested. She leaned closer, looking into my eyes. "You know, some of your pleasant dreams have been about youkai too. One, in particular." I felt my mood darken, and I muttered that I was struggling to understand that one in particular at the moment. "Would you like to?" Doremy asked me. Before I could answer, The corridor, which I hadn't quite noticed, but had been twisting into a loop, levelled out, and I saw another stained-glass window.

>> No.44435920 [View]

There's a lot of different ways you can go about it. Traditional studying which imo is slow and boring as fuck. I took a couple of Japanese classes and but if I'd do it again you can do it much more quickly by learning it yourself. Honestly I've been out of the loop on what's considered good resources now since I stopped following the methodologies of certain communities like DJT or Refold for a while now and found my own ways to learn. You can check out Refold or like learnjapanese.moe. But back when I started I just learned grammar from Tae Kim to get the basics down along with my classes. Use Anki and learn to recognize kanji with some decks. I wouldn't do the deck with all the most common 2.1k kanj though. You're gonna get burnt out. I started learning and grinded out about 800 or so before I started to learn kanji in context (learning it through words later on). For vocabulary, I'd learn them through sentence cards at first (sentence on front, definition of word on back). Ones I used were Tango N5 and N4 anki decks, not sure if they even exist anymore. After that, I mined my own words from watching anime/reading manga and just made my own anki cards. Personally later on after about 6k words, I moved onto word cards where the anki card had the word on front, definition on back. Anki reviews became much quicker. But most important thing is immersing yourself in the language though. I started watching anime with japanese subtitles first and even though it was painful as fuck not understanding anything for a couple months, it gets better. After that I started reading easy light novels, manga, and visual novels. Some people prefer reading to watching and that's fine imo. Just make sure you get your listening reps in. If you have no life like I did during 2019 - 2021 you can honestly advance super quickly. For grammar that is unknown to you, just search it as you come across them. If you immerse enough it should retain in your head how they work. IMO, you advance your skills through reading much faster than listening. So I spent most of my time reading but make sure you still watch audio. I mainly watch SoL and I can understand 99% without subs.

But yeah if you want some resources just read through the ones I'm about to give you. People always argue about what's the best and shit but don't even worry about it. I just did what felt right by combining everything from these websites. Refold, animecards, learnjapanese.moe. There's also /djt/ if you wanna check that out lmfao. Anki decks: I'm honestly not sure what's good any more or if these are even relevant anymore but here was my route. RRTK (about 1k most common kanji but I learned to recognize 800) -> Tango N5, N4 while watching beginner anime -> Mining my own anki cards (at some point you want to make cards with Japanese definitions). If there are better anki decks now just use those instead. I watched anime that I've watched before with Japanese subtitles and mined them -> read light novels and visual novels.

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