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Search: reddit hugbox

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>> No.29694640 [View]

Its impossible. You either put up with this or choose hugbox (reddit/discord). Theres no in-between sadly.

>> No.29683945 [View]

No fucking way they can be worst than sharkfags. Amefags at least only shits her chat and /hlgg/, sharkfags have two known small incidents involving other vtubers like Iofi and Ame, and their shitposting spills here often in hlg, and it doesnt help that shark is too scared to scold her shitty community. You know its bad when they even starting to get on reddit hugbox's nerves.

>> No.29679710 [View]

Reddit is a hugbox and Twitter can only love or hate you. Yeah, this shithole is one of the few places that you can have contrasting feedback.

>> No.29670963 [View]

>reminder that before the reddit invasion, this board overwhelmingly hated Kiara
>now after the hugbox trannies have infested, there’s a huge uptick in pro-Kiara propaganda
like clockwork

>> No.29654209 [View]
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>I expect she will get some serious shit for this even on reddit hugbox
>Go back to re*dit.

>> No.29654070 [View]

I heard that Kiara said that she will collab with Gura next week? So that leech finally showed her true colors huh? Pretty smart, waiting to collab untill Gura hits 1.5mil to maximize the leech potential. Not sure how this will go with the audience though, I expect she will get some serious shit for this even on reddit hugbox, not to mention 5ch. No one likes leeches after all, especially such shameless ones.

>> No.29646398 [View]
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On a place like r*ddit, directly overseen by Cover nannies itself, you can't really -really- go out-there with many types of humor - deprecatory such as the Mori akasupa greentexts, out-there but funny stuff like architect, or outright edgy but funny stuff like Klaiusposting, without perhaps being considered offensive to someone (primarily, the girls, if Cover deems it so). Not everything from here is mean-spirited (ogeys, goslings, Joseph posting etc) but sometimes it is, and sometimes it's funny even if it's overt shitposting with a mean/critical slant to it.

In leddit being a more sanitized environment, they pull the rug out from under much of what makes humor truly work at all. This has always been the fundamental problem with reddit, why it's never been funny and has been shamelessly stealing from 4chan since 2007, and why Coco has admitted lately that she's been really scraping the bottom of the barrel and might not have enough material for """"meme"""" review aka the same old shit / templates that were never funny used like 20 times. Marine also said she hosted a meme review on reddit yes - but also said in Kiara's interview "it might be a cultural thing or something but I'm not seeing the humor in it" - no Marine, there isn't actually real humor there, you're not imagining things.

You generally can't shitpost full-speed for the lulz without making it actually cut a bit sometimes. This place has its ups and downs but it really-really does actually-move up and down in moods and feels. reddit is just permanently designed as a saccharine hugbox environment. Twitter is hard to gauge because tons of stuff is just shamelessly stolen from here/there/everywhere and shared there.

>> No.29626118 [View]

I'm sick of fucking hugboxes. I'm tired of safe spaces. I like being called nigger, spic, and chink. It's that sense of freedom that makes this great. I'll leave the hololive hugbox to reddit and youtube comments. Here we can be straight about things. And that's what's great.

>> No.29624922 [View]

Everything is filled with newfags and schizos now.
>Reddit is a hugbox where you can't have a real discussion about anything without being called an anti
>5ch has decent discussions from time to time but is filled with schizos and mentally deranged nips
>2ch is anti central
>Facebook is just a bunch of SEAnigs and EOPs. Most of the groups don't allow for real discussions because the mods are reddit-tier
>Discord is the same as FB and reddit
>Twitter has little discussion because of the character limit and EOPs who rely on google translate.
Soon this place will be no different from /v/ with Pekora turning into the new wojak and pepe and the normalization of crossboarder faggotry

>> No.29546286 [View]

>Also not agreeing with a chuuba about a game they played doesn't make you /v/
I don't get how people can mindlessly defend a chuuba, reddit is a click away if you want a hugbox.

>> No.29363583 [View]

Reddit tier humor, the Coco defense force, I dislike her voice.
Only thing she's ever done I liked was deleting the chinks but now that's done the threads are now a circlejerk hugbox when she streams

>> No.29336134 [View]


Many already do Chang, even the reddit hugbox, NGA and the Chinese were so incompetent that they couldn't even fool reddit

>> No.29335573 [DELETED]  [View]

You guys should try out Reddit, they'd love you there. Just say the same things over and over again and stay in your little hugbox.

>> No.29335468 [DELETED]  [View]

Man, just a few weeks ago I remember people saying reddit was a chinese hugbox that would always defend artia because they're all globalists

The duality of /hlg/

>> No.29332338 [View]

Ame's too much for that hugbox while Ina makes fun of reddit

>> No.29290877 [View]

>, narrative finally leaked containment and got crossposted to reddit and twitter.
how the fuck did she manage to be hated in a hugbox?

>> No.29284289 [View]

The same resident that said Reddit is a hugbox while doing the same thing. Truly ironic

>> No.29281418 [View]
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Damn, I went to this hellhole unusable site that is reddit to confirm it and there is indeed a mostly negative opinion about Artia, with very detailed posts linking to videos and documents all upvoted and not deleted. Impressive, not many people can turn a ultramoderated hugbox into disliking them.

>> No.29274040 [View]

>they weren't fired they quit
why are you so fucking delusional? Can you go back to your artia discord hugbox already? This is some Idolfagging tier shit that idols dont poop tier shit reasoning
its not just the alt you fucking retard. Did you even see what she was posting in your main twitter and what she was posting on her discord railing more people to keep shitting up the situation?
>Cover made her a target
She made herself a target because she doesnt know how to shut the fuck up. Please go back to your artia discord hugbox or in reddit.

>> No.29273619 [View]

you just need to go to twitter and find your proof
not shutting up about the situation made it more complicated. Its very fucking simple anon.
Posting waging war and shit while it was going in is already supporting them to attack your coworkers.
because reddit is a fucking hugbox. I still cant fucking believe that those retards dont have the brain to actually think that Artia and Civia didnt do anything wrong.

>> No.29263743 [View]

Basically yeah, I mean if they want a sugarcoated hugbox that feels nice but is meaningless they can hang on reddit, but if they want to see the full picture and unfiltered opinions they basically have to come here.

Part of the issue is people who would never dare say something even slightly critical about a Holo out-loud may still be thinking of things and just not mentioning them, or can't even articulate in words why they don't like someone over someone else etc because they don't have the meta / vocabulary we do and which you just never pick up from on Youtube chat. So you'll never know what the problems are and just have mysteriously lower reception and never be able to address it directly.

I think some things will just take time for the corrections to become better-known because it's harder to get someone to come back around to a holo and give them another shot after they made up their mind, than it is to have them in as a big fan from the start and have them forgive your not being on the same level of streams etc as your genmates. Like it's hard for Kiara to catch up from so far behind but I believe she can do it as she's improved fucking incredibly from how she was in her first couple weeks it's insane. It'll just take more time/collabs for people to give her another shot.

>> No.29196750 [View]

>Reddit: We are a hugbox!
>also Reddit: spam the Holos chat with overused jokes they dont wanna see anymore

Damn hypocrites.

>> No.29147231 [View]

For a place that hates reddit people here really want the hugbox experience

>> No.29139398 [View]

defend them from what? this completely impotent retard? it's reddit, post would probably get downvoted to oblivion and never see the day of light in that hugbox anyway

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