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Search: demon lord's husband

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>> No.20640188 [View]

There was this guy who posted these long rambling posts about the Demon Lord's husband. This guy would always quote the OP in his posts just like you.

>> No.20607392 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 823 KB, 1311x1105, 1547178200232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare pic of the Demon Lord's husband with one of their daughters

>> No.20600139 [View]

>Demon Lord Lilith, her Husband
Seems a bit out of character when it comes to her husband at least

>> No.20600110 [View]

Well it's be super controversial to the Order, it's allies and territories.

>This media indeed shows the brutal depravity and barbarism of the monster menace! And the first episode says it all!
>Arch Bishop Julian of Windhold

>My favorite episode and rape scene.
>Demon Lord Lilith, her Husband and Druella

>> No.20589098 [View]

>Depending on the quality of the sticky mushroom, the spirit energy might last for 3 days, or at best, an entire week. For this reason, it is popular among the soldiers and knights of the Demon Lord's army to feed these sticky mushrooms to their husbands before they set forth on expeditions. By having their husband pump them full of plenty of semen all night long after he's eaten a sticky mushroom, they're able to accumulate a quantity of spirit energy that will persistently remain in their body almost like how animals would store up nutrients before going into hibernation. And then, during the expedition, the spirit energy will continue to remain, numbing their feelings of loneliness while they're unable to see their husband during the campaign, and providing a boost in physical and magical abilities, as well as healing.
Couples can go for more than 24 hours without sex. The whole nonstop sex thing is hyperbole

>> No.20587267 [View]

When the demon lord and her husband die of old age, a lilem will take her mother's place and become a lilith. If the lilith doesnt have a husband, what would you do to fulfill that role to become the demon lord's lover?

>> No.20448496 [View]
File: 73 KB, 1199x891, DZ_JYA6U0AEB2ZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, you got called on your shit for very obvious reasons:
-Posting off-topic images with dudes that had nothing to do with the thread, and some shitter from the shittiest Fire Emblem being among the most common.
-Fuckhuge walls of text where you'd gush over the Demon Lords husband, so much so that you're ultra easy to find in the archives.
-Oblivious to the fact that nobody wants anything to do with your autism, especially when the threads already have their own fair share of problems.
-The Demon Lord baby shower shitfest.
Start from here:
You can also enter "Demon Lords husband" and its other variations into Warosu (if you can stomach using it) if you're truly curious.

>> No.20448418 [View]
File: 1.03 MB, 1123x794, 63212796_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na I doubt there was any fujo intentions since I was there when it happened.

It was mostly someone posted their headcanon about the demon lord and her husband and thought the DL's husband would look like Leo from Fire Emblem Fate, appearance-wise.

To which frankly I would agree because of Leo's aesthetic and look.

>inb4 Fuck Off poster

>> No.20446413 [View]

Do you think when the Demon Lord Lilith wins and her plans finally come true. Lilith and her husband would at least try to have a threesome with Chief God as a way monsterizing her?

>> No.20427650 [View]
File: 2.47 MB, 2792x2375, 1541956759267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ancient monster from the former demon lord's era awakens in the present
>confused as to why they're glorious form has changed to resemble that of a wretched human
>horrified when she realizes she can't clearly remember anytime she didn't look like this
>tries to calm down and think, but there's something disturbing her focus
>a burning itch in her crotch that won't go away
>she just needs something to make it stop, like a human man
>yes, if she can find a human man, she can finally focus and figure out what's going on
>she needs to go and find a husband

>> No.20425736 [View]

Because it's their husband. That's literally the only reason they're able to. People should have seen this coming from the way he detailed mindflayers being able to help a monster girl believe she was an pre-demon lord knight and her husband was an orc for realistic rape play.

KC has always given freedom to what fantasies a married monster carries out as long as it's with her husband.

>> No.20421073 [View]
File: 395 KB, 830x1200, 286_demon_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for the last batch of the current World Guide 3 commissions, this will likely be it until after New Year's. http://monstergirlsredux.com/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=1590&p=25172#p25172


>Contract of Obedience

>Difficulty: Not stated
>Mana Cost: 1 out of 3

>A spell that forces the target to obey with pleasure. It is one of the spells that once made inma dreadful horrors to humans when they used to fight monsters in the age of the former mamono lords. The spell is invoked by having intense sex with the target, enthralling him with inma pleasure, and along with that, binding a powerful contract which would state, “the target will be pleasured by the caster if he takes the specified action.” Those who have become enthralled by inma pleasure prioritize obtaining more of it over all else, and become willing to do anything to get it, so the caster is able to control their actions as she pleases. It is said that with this spell, the inmas of the age of the former mamono lords used the humans under their domination to set traps to destroy humanity, and carry out sinister plans given to them by the mamono lord. Thus, it is an extremely terrifying spell, but it no longer exists in the present due to various reasons, and the spell has now been lost.

>There are various reasons why it has been lost, but it mainly has to do with the changes in monster ecology, monster thinking, and the alteration of the nature of mamono mana. In particular, a direct factor is that the invocation of nymphomancy spells is based on the caster's “desire”, and spells that run contrary to that desire cannot be used. “Sex” and “pleasure” were nothing more than a means of attacking and preying upon their human male victims to the inmas of the age of the former mamono lords. That's why they were able to mercilessly use “contract of obedience” for their villainy in the ways that they used to. On the other hand, to the inmas of the present, “sex” and “pleasure” are not just a means of obtaining essence. Instead, intercourse is the most powerful expression of their love for their partner, and pleasure is something to drown in together. While they give it to their husband so that he feels good and is pleased with them, they themselves also enjoy receiving the pleasure given to them by him. What's more, to inmas, sex is fundamentally something that they want “immediately all the time.” As far as they're concerned, they want to be getting off on pleasure provided by their husband at every given moment. Therefore, the act of attaching conditions to sex would just be tedious and idiotic to inmas precisely because of how badly they want their husband, and thus, they are no longer able to use “contract of obedience” since it is greatly detached from the “desire” they embrace.

>Furthermore, “demons”, which are the fiends who used to lead humans to destruction, are still fussy about their time-honored fiendish ways even now. They corrupt men and propose contracts “promising eternal pleasure in exchange for offering up everything to them.” And yet, still, for a man to offer up “everything”, means for him to stay beside the demon and live with her, direct his pleasure and lust towards the demon, seek pleasure from the demon's body, pour his essence inside the demon, and impregnate her. Ultimately, a demon's contract boils down to “a promise of eternal pleasure by becoming her spouse for eternity”, which is something close to a human “marriage contract”. It is similar to, yet different from a “contract of obedience.”

>Also, another big factor is that mamono mana, which exhibits more power if used in accordance with desire, is, on the other hand, endowed with an extremely high resistance against spells which force someone to do “something that is contrary to desire”. In the present era, the men enthralled by inma pleasure who would be targeted by “contract of obedience”, are in other words, those who have already had sex with inma and become their husbands. They may already be incubi, but even if they aren't yet, they would still at least have mamono mana in their bodies. Due to the resistance conferred by mamono mana which blocks magical effects that greatly contravene men's desires, nobody would try a method like “making him ambush his fellow human allies in exchange for pleasure”, and even if they did, it would have absolutely no effect. In this way, it's not that “contract of obedience” “can't be used because it was lost”, it's that it's a spell that “was lost because it can't be used” in any conceivable manner.

>“All right, let's scrub your body in the bath before that, 'kay
>And then, I'll make you feel real good It's a promise with onee-san...”
>~a nominal “contract of obedience” by a demon~

>> No.20404564 [View]

Four is a nice amount. You could also go full demon lord/DL's husband mode(just without all the godly powers of course) and get tons of them if you are building your empire wide

>> No.20377277 [View]

Guys, can you please help me with one question about the lore of MGE? Maybe I misunderstand something, so I want to clear out this.

So did the Demon lord changed the appearance of monsters by the power she acquired from the sex with her husband? Or she had changed monsters to mamono first and then met her husband?

>> No.20363760 [View]

>The Demon Lord's Husband wants both his waifu Lilith and old friend the Chief Goddess to sit down on the negotiating table and talk out a peace deal

So the Traitor Hero wants to add Illias in a threesome with him and his wife???

The sick bastard he is!

>> No.20230812 [View]

>yananon just posted without shitposting going on
>beast has his angry tsundere fan but otherwise doesn't get shitposted
>frosticle posts cute shorts to overwhelmingly positive responses
>other old writers (not named bollocks) that come back for a one shot are welcomed with open arms
Don't be a big baby and assume writing something controversial like a fanfic about the demon lord's husband or a story that doesn't focus on monster girls is the thread's fault.
And you have to keep in mind that no matter where you post on the internet and what you write there's always going to be one person that hates it, even if others like it. That's just a fact with creative works.

>> No.20154552 [View]

No why would that be? The image from the post you're qouting from implies that the current Chief Goddess is the type of God who's not well suited for battle and is more of an intellectualy smarty pants diety. Making the fight between Chief God vs The Demon Lord and her Husband a lopsided battle.

>> No.20153490 [View]

>Demon lord uses level drain on her husband
>His numbers are too big and thick even for her
>Ends up cumming instantly

>> No.20148780 [View]

one repost of Level Drain translation coming up

Difficulty ◊◊◊
Mana consumption ◊◊

A high class spell that wrings out the targets semen together with his experience and knowledge and makes it oneself's, this secret spell can only be used by inma of the highest rank.
With this it is possible for the caster to suck out and steal the [power] of the target, which is the mana together with the experience and knowledge he holds, and make it her own by having sexual intercourse with the target.
The target will pour his experience and knowledge into the inma as he ejaculates, and after all of it has been snatched away even his very age will be handed over to the inma, reducing him to a baby knowing nothing before long.
All of the sucked out power turns into the inma's power, even the fencing skills the target kept polishing without break in order to protect everyone from mamono, even all of the piled up wisdom in order to explain the truth of all the things, all of it is turned into a thing solely for squeezing out the target's semen, it is changed into the inma's charm that drives mad, and into the inma's skill that brings pleasure to men.
Namely, if the target is a hero with long military record or a renovated sorcerer, so a person wielding strong power, the power of the inma holding this magic will become high, making it difficult for the target to resist that inma.

In the age of the previous demon lord influential inma used this magic to amass power at infinitum, but non the less, this magic had its nature changed in the current age just like the other forms of Nymphomancy.
For the inma of the current age, men aren't just food to be milked dry one-sidedly, but rather a parter gifted to each other, and so the husband's everything is their own, while on the same time all of their own is the husband's.
Namely, [level drain] in the current age too is not a [one-sided exploitation] at one's convenience, but had it's nature changed to a magic of [sharing] power.
The way the power is sucked out of men remains the same, but it is not snatched away at one's convenience permanently, it's nature is changed into only temporarily borrowing it, letting the inma enjoy sex with that power for a while, and after that the power is always returned to the man.
Furthermore because of the nature of mamono mana, the power that has become one inside the inma will swell up even bigger, and so the sucked out fencing skills will be even better, and the knowledge he holds will be even clearer in his mind once they are returned to the man.
And so, as the inma and her husband cycle the power between them as a [spouses] sharing of power, it turns into magic mutualy boosting them without limit.
On the other hand it is also possible for the inma to lend her power to the husband, adding it to his own power and gifting him with vigour and sexual technique like an inma, while she herself will turn into a state just like a powerless human maiden, so enjoying sex in that way will become a possibility too.

In response to the size of the [power] sucked out, the ejaculation one has while an inma uses [level drain] will be accompanied by stronger pleasure than a regular ejaculation.
And as everything is being spilled to the inma, the ejaculation will be accompanied by an illusion of one's very being and soul being sucked out, together with bringing an unusual pleasure to the man, an immoral joy of entrusting everything to the inma, and also a feeling not unlike relief as the inma receives his everything.
In addition to this, as oneself becomes empty inside, filled with only the pleasure poured in from the inma and a precarious pleasure from being full with a sense of freedom, men will become addicted to [level drain]
As for the height of pleasure being dependant on the sucked out power, namely, if the man's power is strong, then the pleasure of having power milked out by a inma during ejaculation will be high, and if the power sucked from the man is high, then the inma earning it will receive rather strong pleasure from the man.
And so, it is not unusual that a hero who trained in order to fight mamono, even after having lost the need to fight mamono from becoming a mamono's companion, will continue to train just in order to maintain that level of pleasure.
Furthermore, the power sucked out from a man with [level drain] will be, temporarily, concentrate the inma's efforts in order to change it into the inma's power, and by repeating the sharing as the inma returns the power, the man himself and that power will become influenced by the inma.
The man will come to value obscene things, and together with becoming tainted with values close to that of inma by giving maximum priority to pleasure from having sex with his partner, receives skills and physique similar to an inma in order to pleasure females, and there are even cases were he may master [Nymphomancy], which is usually difficult for men to learn.

>> No.20145476 [View]

done with full raw TL of Level Drain:

Difficulty ◊◊◊
Mana consumption ◊◊

A high class spell that wrings out the targets semen together with his experience and knowledge and makes it oneself's, this secret spell can only be used by inma of the highest rank.
With this it is possible for the caster to suck out and steal the [power] of the target, which is the mana together with the experience and knowledge he holds, and make it her own by having sexual intercourse with the target.
The target will pour his experience and knowledge into the inma as he ejaculates, and after all of it has been snatched away even his very age will be handed over to the inma, reducing him to a baby knowing nothing before long.
All of the sucked out power turns into the inma's power, even the fencing skills the target kept polishing without break in order to protect everyone from mamono, even all of the piled up wisdom in order to explain the truth of all the things, all of it is turned into a thing solely for squeezing out the target's semen, it is changed into the inma's charm that drives mad, and into the inma's skill that brings pleasure to men.
Namely, if the target is a hero with long military record or a renovated sorcerer, so a person wielding strong power, the power of the inma holding this magic will become high, making it difficult for the target to resist that inma.

In the age of the previous demon lord influential inma used this magic to amass power at infinitum, but non the less, this magic had its nature changed in the current age just like the other forms of Nymphomancy.
For the inma of the current age, men aren't just food to be milked dry one-sidedly, but rather a parter gifted to each other, and so the husband's everything is their own, while on the same time all of their own is the husband's.
Namely, [level drain] in the current age too is not a [one-sided exploitation] at one's convenience, but had it's nature changed to a magic of [sharing] power.
The way the power is sucked out of men remains the same, but it is not snatched away at one's convenience permanently, it's nature is changed into only temporarily borrowing it, letting the inma enjoy sex with that power for a while, and after that the power is always returned to the man.
Furthermore because of the nature of mamono mana, the power that has become one inside the inma will swell up even bigger, and so the sucked out fencing skills will be even better, and the knowledge he holds will be even clearer in his mind once they are returned to the man.
And so, as the inma and her husband cycle the power between them as a [spouses] sharing of power, it turns into magic mutualy boosting them without limit.
On the other hand it is also possible for the inma to lend her power to the husband, adding it to his own power and gifting him with vigour and sexual technique like an inma, while she herself will turn into a state just like a powerless human maiden, so enjoying sex in that way will become a possibility too.

In response to the size of the [power] sucked out, the ejaculation one has while an inma uses [level drain] will be accompanied by stronger pleasure than a regular ejaculation.
And as everything is being spilled to the inma, the ejaculation will be accompanied by an illusion of one's very being and soul being sucked out, together with bringing an unusual pleasure to the man, an immoral joy of entrusting everything to the inma, and also a feeling not unlike relief as the inma receives his everything.
In addition to this, as oneself becomes empty inside, filled with only the pleasure poured in from the inma and a precarious pleasure from being full with a sense of freedom, men will become addicted to [level drain]
As for the height of pleasure being dependant on the sucked out power, namely, if the man's power is strong, then the pleasure of having power milked out by a inma during ejaculation will be high, and if the power sucked from the man is high, then the inma earning it will receive rather strong pleasure from the man.
And so, it is not unusual that a hero who trained in order to fight mamono, even after having lost the need to fight mamono from becoming a mamono's companion, will continue to train just in order to maintain that level of pleasure.
Furthermore, the power sucked out from a man with [level drain] will be, temporarily, concentrate the inma's efforts in order to change it into the inma's power, and by repeating the sharing as the inma returns the power, the man himself and that power will become influenced by the inma.
The man will come to value obscene things, and together with becoming tainted with values close to that of inma by giving maximum priority to pleasure from having sex with his partner, receives skills and physique similar to an inma in order to pleasure females, and there are even cases were he may master [Nymphomancy], which is usually difficult for men to learn.

>> No.20130091 [View]
File: 453 KB, 814x1000, 33c7026766b8861ce525dd131e8355f5-d8n8nci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a theory...

Romance, love and marriage rates have been increasing; or outright skyrocketing in the recent age, all thanks to the Current Demon Lord being a succubus who admires human-kind and has change all of monster-kind into being cute, loving and caring girls.

And because of the increasing love and the fact that Demon-kind and Monstergirl-kind under the Current Demon Lord have figuratively and or literally weaponized the Power of Love (and even Lust), you think its likely that Eros, The Goddess of Love, has become more powerful and influential? I mean, MGE-Lore has stated or implied that Eros is friends and buddy-buddies with the Current Demon Lord much like how the Sea Goddess and Death have also allied to the Demon Lord too.

So I'd like to suggest, maybe Eros has become more powerful and influential thanks to all the love and romance making made by human men-monster girl couples going on and around and around. Including the love being made by recently corrupted and monsterized human women expressing their love and feelings to the men they have feelings fore. Plus I'd like to think that the day when the Current Demon Lord, her Husband, her Lilim Daughters and all their plans and agendas succeed and win. Eros will be placed in a more higher position of power than what she currently is in, all of which would be given to her by the Current Demon Lord so Eros can support her even more. I guess Eros may take over the Chief God's role of being the new "Overgod" for human kind and whatever Neo-Order is around, basically as a puppet leader who supports the Current Demon Lord.

Your thoughts?

>> No.20077976 [View]
File: 260 KB, 708x1000, Mge1_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Presently, it is said that the demon lord and her husband who is the human hero keep doing nothing but endless copulation deep within the demon lord's castle in order to build up demonic energy.

>> No.20072806 [View]

His Dark Materials had a world in the present day where electronics had never taken root and the church controlled daily life.
Also where people had externalized souls that manifested as animals, so that was a thing.
Mostly it ended up being Victorian/steampunk with a few unique technologies.

If you follow job-to-be-done (cool article BTW) then monsters have a very strange set of needs.
Their poverty state is decided not so much by material wealth as by acquiring a partner.
If you have a husband then your health is better, you possibly don't need to eat or sleep, and your magical potential is high.
The have-nots might suffer much the same burdens as regular people, but with a crazy dating game as men dwindled. It's entirely possible they'd cloister men in some special arrangement where they shared, equating to brothels or parlours giving dedicated bachelors a lot of power.
Things like transportation of bulk goods, production, and city utilities could be handled by magic in some extreme ways, but maybe aren't the most cost efficient.
Sure you could have a Witch teleport your package across the continent, but maybe it's too sensitive or not worth the price, so you send it with a trade caravan instead.
It's up in the air whether communication is a strong craving, but given what cell phones and the internet have become for us, it's safe to say a magical network would fill the role. Momonika's mirror and the existence of global scale scrying attest to that.
I feel they'd probably have considerably more lax health and safety standards, and less of a legal tangle preventing everything. In our world you can't produce much of anything because even with training and resources you're prohibited from many courses of action.
For example, copyright laws likely wouldn't exist as they do for us, so artisan goods and remix culture would pervade.
Impulsive large-scale projects would happen because there wouldn't be the same fear of destroying the environment.
Vehicles, household goods, foodstuffs, etc. would be designed much more freely because less oversight would be required to not harm people and the market would be significantly less standardized.
Also, in keeping with the existence of artisan goods tied to monster biology and even the Demon Lord herself doing crafting in her spare time, a majority of goods would be locally hand made. Not only would all your clothing and items be custom, the quality would be at a scale unheard of to us peasants of modern Earth. With goods being designed to last instead of made as cheaply as possible and replaced (and subject to planned obsolescence), your items might last for several generations and never break.

>> No.20046114 [View]
File: 373 KB, 640x480, 1539213100658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is pictured is an artist's depiction of how the Chief God was beaten by the Demon Lord and her Husband

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