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>> No.14376672 [View]

Thank you based E3 for cockblocking me long enough to keep me away from PT madness.

>> No.14376645 [View]

Wouldn't the first time they did comp based drops.

>> No.14376041 [View]

Just got her too after ~30 runs. Must be time-based drops at work.

>> No.14375060 [View]

No, I understand full-well why you people are acting like entitled shits (because you are).
I've already said the only reason I was linking the original pic showing books that have/haven't been scanned was so that you guys could get a general idea of "Yeah, about 50% of stuff gets scanned based on this sample size of doujinshi, so stop crying as if the "only 5% of stuff gets scanned" thing is true."
It is not my fault that that was immediately taken and turned into
>You can sit on those books for all eternity if you like, but if you have no intention of sharing, you may as well not have them at all, makes absolutely no difference to me or anyone else.

I added a few translations, yes. Translations that myself (if I somehow couldn't read the books I was buying for myself) or others (in other words, somebody somewhere) would have paid money for.

You guys can keep being upset at me for whatever stupid reasons you have, I don't really give a damn, lol.
Just stop pretending like nothing ever gets scanned ever, because that's definitely not true.

>> No.14375022 [View]

Oh, so you're delusional and think you've added 600 bucks of "value" to the community by doing something for free because you'd rather have dumb EOPs suck you off. Ignoring that most translations aren't commission based.

He hasn't uploaded anything of value. Translations are intrinsically worthless. I'd wait until the heat death of the universe for someone to upload the raws, instead of fapping to a translation written by a moron.

>> No.14374576 [View]

why is she so based

>> No.14374346 [View]

>rate pizza based on delivery
>not base on how delicious the pizza is

I don't think I could waifu such a monstrosity.

>> No.14373597 [View]

What are the branching rules on node I in E-4? Wikiwki translate says "Provisional Arrangement". Is it based on your ship comp but they're not sure of the details yet?

>> No.14373458 [View]

>Hamakaze gets hit to 5/16 first node every time
>Doesn't get hit again until boss node

>> No.14373205 [View]

Now that I've answered you, you answer me, what are you looking for in your royalty based maid force.
A haughty queen slime?
A dark, ominous spider queen?
A Vampire duchess with a fondness for taking her blood in a wineglass?

>> No.14372354 [View]

Story time
>Family decides to hold garage sale
>Grandparents bring some stuff
>Including body pillow
>Eyes instantly light up
>Cleverly move it to back of pile
>End of day, no one bought it
>"Oh anon, you want this, the case matches your bed, it will look nice"
>Thank you based god
>Little wash and its all good
Its still living in my wardrobe after a year, never found a character for it.

>> No.14372023 [View]


>> No.14371924 [View]

Piss easy to complete bullshit, based on my experience from several hard runs and 1 easy run.

>> No.14371756 [View]

Now I'm sad. At the same time I now want a gloomy undead variant of the matango that's based off of these.


>> No.14371653 [View]

Some things never change.

What is more hilarious is that even after 2 years you can still identify the threads made by them at a glance based on what is missing from the OP.

>> No.14371623 [View]

>huge dick move
Not if he expects new players to not do EOs, maybe based on previous statistics.

I want Arashi though, even if she looks weird after her full image came out. Those spoilers on twitter made her so best and got my hopes up.

>> No.14371453 [View]

Fucking based aya.

>> No.14371314 [View]
File: 84 KB, 1273x710, 4502577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Miku

>> No.14371033 [View]
File: 43 KB, 868x414, diagramaFw-190T-3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally carrier based Bf-109E
>Emil was introduced in 1939
But Fw-190 is good though.

>> No.14371024 [View]

Why is Paruru the most based memeber?

>> No.14370739 [View]

Oh sweet, are you doing all 4 girls? Thanks for being based.

>> No.14370659 [View]

LNs are fine too. In fact LNs are often very similar to VNs. So, it's really an either-or situation. I don't pick the VNs I want to read based on the porn content (except for nukige, of course), and I don't avoid VNs I'm interested in... just because they have porn? Not sure what point you're driving there.

>> No.14370097 [View]

Farming E4. Should I just wait until tomorrow when more people get there?

Who cares about medium.

Yeah, she's more Ranko than Takane. Thank you for good words, based chuuni.

>> No.14368839 [View]
File: 125 KB, 639x431, NYAN009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the code that appears on the side and back of DVD boxes and on the discs to uniquely identify that product. In the pictured example, the code would be NYAN-009.

The code DMM uses is based on the production code, but they sometimes add on letters and numbers and remove the dashes to suit their needs. Sometimes their code is completely different to what appears on the box, so you shouldn't really rely on the DMM URL for determining the production code.

R18 codes are generally the same as on DMM's download section (/digital/). They do differ on DMM's hardcopy section (/mono/), though. But they are all mostly based on the canonical production code which is what you see on the box.

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