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Search: reddit hugbox

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>> No.31255490 [View]

you should check 5ch anti thread, we look like a reddit hugbox compared

>> No.31255288 [View]

fuck off, niggers like this is what makes this threads fun. If you want some hugbox or circlejerk kind of shit, go back to discord or reddit.

>> No.31201297 [View]

Nah, thats not it. I don't want these threads to become giant shitpost fest like /v/ and I don't want them to be a giant hugbox like reddit
Those types of posts are not what I'm referring to. I know there's an endless sea of retarded "leech, graduare, ruining hololive" posts but there's still posts that offer constructive criticism that either go unreplied or get flagged as antis. Although you guys seem to believe different, but I can't remember the last time constructive criticism was taken well in here.
Fuck off, retard

>> No.31200582 [View]

Unity shit is just reddit hugbox behavior.

>> No.31163601 [DELETED]  [View]

>Reddit immigrants slowly try to impost reddit posting culture on 4chan for the past few months
>Beg fag mod to crack down to make the board a hugbox like they're used to
>Real mods finally get wind of it and tell him to fuck off
>Board returns to proper 4chan culture
>Redditors seething

>> No.31158713 [View]
File: 122 KB, 292x423, 1608337746559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rampant antiposting and rrats are what the REAL fans want and think, and anything else is reddit
>falling into his own self-deluded hugbox of negativity
You love to see it.

>> No.31158376 [View]
File: 109 KB, 891x891, 1607114867293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Criticism is worthless without having the person actually receive the input youre providing.
The managers watch these threads as well as some of the girls lurking here occasionally. What you're really saying is you want a reddit hugbox my man.

>> No.31156982 [View]

A hugbox of positive feedback is reddit, yes
Why is someone in an English Hololive thread on /jp/ calling others newfags

>> No.31074190 [View]

Didnt that Coco said Taiwan purposely to shill for Haato came from there? There are also two other narratives before that almost trigger saviour fags but quickly got turned down. The diffrence between here and Reddit is that hlg laughs and meme narratives, while Reddit who are possibly newfags are the one who tried to 'save' the girls. Just because its a giant hugbox doenst mean they aren't divided on some stuff

>> No.31042560 [View]
File: 32 KB, 434x532, BD14E9C8-3195-4C91-9832-509CB3425F18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is an equivalent of reddit hugbox
You now realize it? This place is not different from Reddit when it comes to Ame or even Gura so deal with it

>> No.31042411 [View]

>Gura, Mori, Kiara, Calli stream
>thread is filled with autistic shitflinging and tribalism
>Ame stream
>thread is an equivalent of reddit hugbox
Explain this.

>> No.30849792 [View]

Jesus, will this thread just be my /pol/ hugbox to talk about how much I hate China and not any streams, cause I don't watch any? Fucking jannies, please make this place Reddit.

>> No.30825050 [View]

Anyone using hugbox or reddit to complain about the quality of either of the threads is either baiting or unironically brain damaged.

>> No.30824984 [View]

I swear to god you faggots complaining about this place being a hugbox have literally never used reddit or discord before. You literally almost can't do any wrong - it's a miracle reddit turned against artia. Just because you get shit on for being a Gurame anti doesn't mean this place is a hugbox, it's just those Holo's are obviously doing something right to be so loved

>> No.30807534 [View]
File: 154 KB, 1280x1000, 1602501983358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it matters most to fragile redditors who don't understand this site at all and think the girls are too delicate for here. Correction, it's redditors themselves who are too delicate for here projecting their own weakness - most if not all these girls don't seem that fragile at all.

It'd also unseat their notion that they're the only important ones if Holos are hanging here, just because they're on the hugbox site where Cover can control their every word/action doesn't mean it's the better place and they want that illusion of full control/being pandered to. It's just the hugbox for weak people who want Holo to be epic maymay clipshows and le wholesome shit. They probably don't know we were here discussing Holos going back to late 2017, long before their faggoty subleddit existed and Holo was entirely Japan-centric. There are lots of newfags here in Global in particular but not everyone here is new

Before Cover pandered to reddit, we were literally the only major English-speaking part of the internet talking about them. If any of the ENs are legit longtime fans, then it is near-100% certain they have at least heard about us if not were around /vyt/ and /hlg/ going into here - if they were Holo fans since 2018 they almost for-sure were here because there simply fucking was no other community outside discords. Granted, from what I can tell most of the ENs have very low powerlevels for Holo and weren't true geeks for it before joining, at best clip watchers from 2019 on, even Kiara's interest doesn't even go to 2018 IIRC. However I'd imagine that this is a place where they can see the true full range of opinions, unregulated by Cover and away from the handlers telling them what to believe. Hell they can talk here without causing an instant explosion and also say whatever they really think without risk of anyone in Cover knowing just to mull things over. Anonymity is a double-edged sword and has drawbacks, but one of the pluses is a place where your thoughts can be mulled over face value as a peer.

>> No.30772425 [DELETED]  [View]

>everyone responds to it
>only way to stop it is the place to go reddit hugbox mode and for the posts to be deleted

Isn't that the exact opposite of ignoring?

>> No.30727473 [View]

you deadbraps sounds like babies holy shit
go back to a hugbox like discord or reddit instead of letting your schizophrenia go wild

>> No.30662646 [View]

>get out of my hugbox
Fuck off back to twitter/youtube comments/reddit tourist.

>> No.30662447 [View]

eh, Aki chat is naturally skewing towards a hugbox so the reddit good boys don't stand out too much

>> No.30575074 [View]
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1598913816974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear you guys are like twitch chat right now I hate you, so fucking positive hugbox reddit faggots
Just joking these are the best kind of threads, my god were the EU time ones so bad today

>> No.30550743 [View]

There's like an 80% chance that Kiara does after her comment just now about seeing people who used to dislike her change their minds
Reddit is a hugbox so negative comments are rare there to begin with and 5ch/hlg still hate her

>> No.30547644 [View]

>officially run
They all started to engage the reddit demographic back when the bug branch was a thing and even had some of them as staff members in there.
When the Coco incident happened, there were plenty of chink falseflaggers who tried to install the "protect the girls" mindset and the "don't get into political issues" thing while backstabbing the western audience and Coco at their NGA and discord circles.
Those same chink groups are still hiding in plain sight and actively policing the place, if you go there they'll present themselves as a hugbox until you start asking the difficult questions.
tl;dr: search for Art*a in the archives

>> No.30547273 [View]

this is the only place on the internet (besides hugbox reddit) that likes kiara.
let that sink in.

>> No.30492989 [View]

You people mad that Reddit as like a hugbox when this place do the same with her

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