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>> No.22981066 [View]


Gritty and depressing story featuring a monstergirl!

>Imagine a veteran battle-hardened Salamander
>She thought she'd seen it all, and to be fair, no one could fault her for thinking that. She just about has
>Until she was brought on as an Observer during this human on human conflict
>Tethered to a Liaison, a young inexperienced lad, quite a sharp tongue though and a quick wit about him
>It was quite like nothing she had seen before, massive dug out trenches, like cities, spanning miles in both directions
>Whole communities of armies strung out just below the terrain, huddled around things to keep warm
>And then the guns came, thick and heavy, their eruptions shook the ground and rattled her eardrums, producing huge clouds of black earth propelled skyward, the Liaison called them 'barrages'
>At night, she knew something was awry. There was something different about this kind of war, usually it was the new soldiers wet behind the ears that were frightened and nervous, and the veterans steeled and confident
>But here, their veterans didn't look confident, nor nervous. They were despondent, an empty look glazed across their faces, no hunger for the glory.
They only drowned themselves to drink and look on with sympathy at the confused recruits. Grimacing and shaking their head.
>It even shut the wise-remark spouting Liaison officer up upon witnessing them
>At the time of the big attack, they had her look through this object called a 'periscope', to witness the assault
>Men amassed on the trench-line, they speak of going 'Over the top', that certain meticulous attention you could only find among humans in the face of battle, even now the Lieutenant was ordering his soldiers to fix their blouses
>A whistle chimed, and hundreds of men roared and climbed out of the trench
>In the blink of an eye, hundreds of men mutilated, gored, and slaughtered
>In all her years, off all her battles, of dancing close to death, this crawled through all of it, she hurled and vomited
>She didn't want to see it, she didn't want to believe it
>It does something to a Mamono to watch a man get killed, something ingrained emotionally, to watch hundreds die like that...
>Hours onward she could still hear some of them begging for help, telling their friends still in the trenches to write to their families
>She would try to help them, but the Liaison officer would pull her back every time, 'nobody can leave the trench, we can only get them at nightfall' he said.
>Just but a couple yards away, and yet they could not save them
>What kind of war was this? What honor or glory was there in it? There was no thrill, you couldn't see the enemy from here
>All there is here is pain and suffering
>Suddenly, movement and commotion was made, and the Liaison officer was pulled away to talk with his superior officers
>He returns, face pale, a newly dawned watch and a whistle.
>He tells her he has to go now, no wise remarks, no smart ass retorts from him
>The Salamander would beg and plead, not him, he was just a boy
>The MPs were forced to restrain her as he assumed command of the second wave
>Why did they continue this? Did they not see their friends die not just minutes ago?
>She'll never forget the sound of that whistle

>At times she'll come to visit that Liaison's grave, at first it was painful, and her heart screamed at her to never come there again, but she had to
>Nineteen years old, she wasn't even a fully fledged warrior at that age
>He would have made a fine warrior, he would have made a fine husband too
>She'd try to trick herself into thinking it was quick and clean
>She was a commander of her own army now, composure was important even for the Demon Lord's Army

>What ran through his head at those last moments she wondered, charging into a situation where only one outcome was possible
>What ran through those hundred, thousands, tens of thousands of men?
>Perhaps it was a human thing, something that is witnessed in this kind of war.

>> No.22656353 [View]

So, Lilith is obviously important to MGE-world. But what of the other monsters and demons that are mythologically connected to Lilith (either by being possible mythical influences, or influenced by the myths of Lilith)?
For example, the ki-sikil-lil-la-ke, which might be a hybrid Undine-Dryad, who primarily keeps a harem of snake girls and Griffons for her future husband, and the lilitu, which may well be represented in MGE as a particular clan of Demon Lord Army-affiliated Dark Sylphs.
Lilith herself was associated with owl imagery - and owl is a possible translation of the name - so perhaps there's an elite class of Owl Mages?

>> No.22651402 [View]

But how many do you need to catch up to the original demon lord and her husband?

>> No.22610955 [View]

Does the Fallen Hero (the Demon Lord's Husband) know about all the rape, or does the Demon Lord hide it from him. What would he think about if he knew one of his daughters is the leader of a faction of imperialistic rapists?

>> No.22517715 [View]
File: 105 KB, 850x1020, maximum wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really have to look at the obsession you're referencing as "unhealthy" from a Shoggoth's point of view to understand it. All they know is to serve. That is the purpose for which they were created. Every action they had taken up until this point in history was for the benefits of The-Ones-Who-Came-Before, be it building their great non-euclidean cities or servings as general beasts of burden. Then, suddenly, they were gone. Either killed in an uprising or some other measure. Unfortunately, this meant that their devoted servants spent countless, sunless eons trapped beneath the ice. Unable to think, to act, to die. Their bodies constantly adapting to the necessity of survival in defiance of the idea of being made "useless" by their function ceasing.

Then, of course, they found [ MAN ]. Now, of course, this is par for the course of literally every other monster. Especially after the current Demon Lord's ascension to the throne. No long are they completely servile, fetid bogs of slimy, gooey darkness with gibbering mouths and rapidly shifting pseudopods. Now they've taken on the closest approximation to what they believe to be the human form ( Albeit with some Eldritch shenanigans for taste ). Them taking the form of a maid also plays into their memory as a Servant Race as well. But the most endearing part is in some ways, it can be argued that they are not only extremely devoted to the man they see as their husband and master, but extremely obsessive-possessive as well. I suppose, in a sense, it all spawns from their want to never be abandoned again. After all, he can't run away like Those-Who-Came-Before if everything is Shog slime.

>> No.22334040 [View]

Imagine, the First Born Son of the Demon Lord Lilith. Lilith and her Hero Husband finally have their first and ever son, their baby boy...

But unfortunately, the moment the first son is old enough. His Lilim sisters now surround him constantly, with that big sister love...

The eldest son is going to have to deal with tons of reality bending older sisters who have no qualms about incest. Would he survive the ensuing ara ara with his virginity intact?

>> No.22320114 [View]

>Demon Lord's husband is an Isekai MC who was hired by the Order but turned against them
It all makes sense now.

>> No.22274495 [View]
File: 252 KB, 1500x642, DmQm-i3U8AAxxOv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the Demon Lord and her husband really met

>> No.22268272 [View]
File: 209 KB, 1419x829, xb7mExwO_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we now know that the Demon Lord and her husband leave their castle and go on vacation from time to time. How do you think she'd have reacted to seeing a sandworm for the first time? Do you think she'd worry on seeing a monster seemingly unaffected by her magic?

>> No.22234935 [View]
File: 639 KB, 2480x3507, Sandworm_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we now know that the Demon Lord and her husband leave their castle and go on vacation from time to time. How do you think she'd react to seeing a sandworm for the first time?

>> No.22187921 [View]

Ignore him. It's probably the demon lord's husband guy who is obsessed with guys from fire emblem.

>> No.22082499 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 619 KB, 700x990, ___salamander____by_butter_t-d97gnw9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Lizardman/Salamander guradswoman: "What is it citizen? If you've got to travel, by the Demon Lord and her husband's name, stay on the roads... It's the mushroom witches you see."

>You then assault the guardswoman

>Lizard/Salamander guradswoman: "By Eros' fertile womb! Assault! ASSAULT!!!"

>You start backing up some feet away as the Lizardwoman/Salamander guradswoman starts to charge to you


>the Mamono guardswoman is then KO'd after one hit from you

>> No.22014004 [View]

>Kc already said the demon lord will complete the spell allowing incubus to be born so this isn’t something one needs to worry about
Well no. Even if the DL manages to complete her plan tomorrow, that half-solves one of three problems. Assuming she gets it right the first go and makes it 1 incubus born for every 1 monster, there’s still a deficit. Every birth from before the DL completes her plan is a female, no males. This will likely be absorbed by the population growth I mentioned earlier, but this combined with the other two will overwhelm it eventually.
>Yes, a literal clusterfuck is the most likely outcome -- unless a breeding pool of humans is maintained And some sort of brake on mamono urges is applied.
I have a hunch that this is why monsters, for all their hilariously broken advantages, are so terrible at marshalling their forces for a coherent offensive. The DL is purposely hobbling her own armies with absolutely terrible management to buy herself and her husband more time.
>Technically human organizations could sequester the remaining free men during the long breeding gap when mamono are occupied with their husbands.
That could work in our world. But the human forces in MGE land are retarded. So inevitably that kind of large-scale plan will fuck up somehow.
>Too bad the Order was made to fail, and human women are meant to go extinct
I imagine that even though human women will be severely reduced in population, they won’t go extinct. The reason is simple: the humans kn this world are amazing when they unlock their “potential”. There will be a few select human women who are just as good waifus if not better than any monster. But they’re going to be a statistically insignificant portion of the population.

>> No.21995597 [View]
File: 736 KB, 1215x945, 70458357_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You, the Dragonborn stands on the mountain, home to some of the world's strongest soldiers who desire to learn how to fight dragons
>You looks down the mountain, the clouds themselves unable to reach the peak
>Then you see movement
>A harpy flying up
>Your hand strays to your bow, but leaves once you see the mark of a messenger
>Only married harpies can become messengers to the Order, so they can feel safe in the knowledge their men won't be taken by them
>"Message for a mister Dragonborn?"
>"That's me."
>Yes, that's your name
>Your mother was never good with human names
>After rummaging around in her bags, the harpy pulls out a small orb, making your heart drop
>Shit, it's one of those real time chat orbs
>You grab it and quietly thank the harpy
>As she flies away, you steel yourself for what's to come
>Pushing some of your mana inside, you see the sphere reacting, the inside of the sphere shifting to show
>The Demon Lord
>"Oh, thank the Chief God."
>She raises an eyebrow at you before speaking
>"Your mother wishes for you to return home."
>"Well, I'm not going to."
>"You could be a key piece in bringing humanity and mamono together."
>"Don't care."
>The Demon Lord sighs
>"What could I give you to change your mind."
>"You can't."
>"Then I have no choice. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but I have prepared a force to bring you back."
>"Ha! My body may look purely human, but I've inherited quite a bit of dragon's might from my mother."
>"That is why we're sending your family. Alduin?"
>Oh no
>Into the orb steps a refined, older looking dragon
>"My dear! It's so nice to see you! Why did you have to leave the nest? I know you are older, but you still have a lovely home, much nicer than that mountain you're on."
>"Mom, I like the mountain, it helps me practice discipline."
>"Well, running away from your family doesn't sound like something a disciplined person would do."
>"I had to get out of there! My sisters were so su-"
>"Oh, yes! Your sisters want to see you too! Come say hello to your brother!
>"Mom! I don't want to talk w-"
>"Brother Born, it's been a while."
>More dragons, obviously younger then the first come filing in
>"You're as cute as ever, Born. Whenever I take a bath, I worry that you might be feeling lonely. How about we take a bath together?"
>"Have you been working out? Great! Can't wait to wrestle you to the ground again!"
>"Do you like my clothes? I wanted to show you earlier, but you had left already."
>You put your head in your hands
>"No, I'm old enough to bathe alone. Yes, I've been working out. No, I don't care about your knew clothes."
>"Well, if you don't care for them, how about you help me take them off?"
>You feel your grip around the orb intensify
>"No! This is why I left in the first place! I am not going to be your husband, I am your BROTHER. I pity any of the humans born of monsters if they have to deal with people like you!"
>They gasp at your words, some of them tearing up, and your mother starts to glare at you
>"Don't be mean to your sisters! They all missed you so much, and when you finally meet you insult them like this?"
>"I just don't want to marry them."
>One of your sisters faint, and the others
>"Sis, he didn't mean that. He's just being, ugh, what did that kitsune call it? Tsundere! He's just playing hard to get."
>"No, I sincerely don't want to have sex with you."
>"That's it young man! We're coming and bringing you back here, and you will show your sisters the love and respect they deserve."
>"I love them like a brother!"
>The orb is cut off, and you shake your head
>You sigh, wondering just how this went so wrong
>You feel something hug you
>"Is everything alright, Born?"
>"Yeah Paarth. They just don't understand like you do."
>"Y-yeah. Like I do. Of course, yes."

>> No.21879767 [View]

>Be Order soldier
>The Order had been changing focus from killing monsters to transforming them so they fit better with Order doctrine
>To them it might seem like a move that could save us from the beasts, but to you it's heresy
>Every day you feel the eyes of the beasts, and one transformed hellhound in particular seems to be out to get you
>She seems to take every chance she can get to sit next to you, smelling you
>She watches you as you train
>When it's your duty to guard the monster barracks to make sure they aren't up to anything, you hear her mumble your name as she drools and squeezes her pillow
>It just got too much for you
>So you ran away, leaving a note explaining that you were planning on fighting against the Demon Lord without resorting to such heresy
>Unfortunately it wasn't as easy as you thought

>"Hey there, sexy. Thought you could beat me, huh?"
>The demonic hellhound grins at you as she holds you down
>You try to push back, but you're nothing against her strength
>"So you're going to keep struggling? Oh, I've got a good one."
>"In the name of the chief god, unhand him, cur!"
>She barely dodges the swing of a mace being held by the hellhound from back at the barracks
>You actually consider thanking her on instinct, but you quickly feel metal clasp over your arms
>"You flea bitten monster! Aren't you here to save me!?"
>"Silence! You deserted the people of the Chief God, and I am to bring you back."
>"I'm the only one who actually gives a damn about my oaths to the Chief God!"
>"What in the... why the hell are you working with the Order?" the demonic monster asks
>"The Chief God is the creator of all that is good in the world, why would I not?"
>"She hates us!"
>"Because of monsters such as you!"
>"I'm just trying to get a husband, but your god doesn't give a shit about love!"
>"Rutting in the dirt against his will is love?"
>"He'll learn to love it once I get him going! And in the end, I'll be married, and you'll be alone."
>"You're wrong. The Order said that I have the right to marry an untainted deserter I bring back to help with unit cohesion."
>The Demon Lord's soldier's eyes widen
>"Are you serious?"
>"The Chief God is forgiving, and through her forgiveness we shall become better. Together, we shall give birth to more warriors to protect her followers."
>"So you're just going to breed him too? How is that any different from what I want to do!"
>The Order hound looks away, and scratches her cheek nervously
>"I-I'll wait until the ceremony."
>"Ha! Like you can wait that long."
>"I can! Until then, I'll just cuddle up with him. Give him chaste kisses. H-hold his hand."
>The Order hound starts to breathe heavily, her tongue hanging out
>"... That's a special kind of rape"
>"In the name of the Chief God, shut up!"
>You sit there as the two fight, restrained by the magical cuffs
>As much as you dislike it, you have no choice but to accept it
>It doesn't matter who wins, good pious men are going to be forced to wed monsters
>There is no escape from the heresy

>> No.21698317 [View]

I suppose it depends on the mage. We know that heroes can potentially reach the demon lord (her husband, but she was likely weaker then), so if you have some supermage that realizes that demon energy can power spells and turns then that girl is likely ludicrously powerful.

The average dark mage is likely stronger than the average witch or hero, by simple virtue of being self taught. Their profile says they will turn entire cities to get a husband and I don’t doubt that.

>> No.21663545 [View]
File: 155 KB, 684x680, Celestial_Sphere_of_Tryst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who missed KC's tweets last thread.

>Incubi can be refreshed by sex the same way baseline humans are refreshed by sleep, so they can lead a normal/consistent life even though they have lots of sex
>MGE world harbors more popluation than our world, it's much bigger than ours so the density is much lower Don't ask how gravity works.
>The Demon Lord and her husband go on a honeymoon once a year

>> No.21564040 [View]
File: 163 KB, 1282x1443, 1557153266883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Demon lord and her husband are there too
Naturally. just imagine the reaction when the monster crowd first starts gathering, unsure of whether it's really going to happen, then DL and hubby roll up and everyone starts freaking out. That would be the ultimate confirmation that portal day is happening.

Now I'm imagining all of the monsters at the event desperately trying to contact their friends and tell them it's really on so they can make it in time. Ratatoskr news would be having a field day trying to get the word out as fast as possible, but also not wanting to miss the event themselves.

>> No.21564029 [View]

>The Demon lord and her husband
Lazy pair of bastards would probably prefer to have sex instead of researching for a potential portal into our world. I think we are alone on this one.

>> No.21564024 [View]

>The Demon lord and her husband are there too for this momentous day
>They quietly watch the scene unfold at a distance, satisfied.
>Later, they would give a rousing speech about how long await this day is, congratulating the new couples, welcoming the human boys to their world officially, etc.

>> No.21529912 [View]

my waifu is the demon lord's chef and veteran of the demon lord's army. she also served as the supreme commander for bapho-chan's sabbath for 55 years until she resigned and became an adult again because she want to live a less beyond-life kinda lifestyle and settle down a bit. she met me while i was looking for a job, we got married, and here i am, a house husband.

>> No.21519360 [View]

Are you the demon lord's husband poster or something? Stop looking for reasons to post solo images of guys you fruit.

>> No.21472210 [View]

So what you're saying is that the Demon Lord's husband is named Adam?

>> No.21433822 [View]
File: 126 KB, 1092x1128, D55-ULBWkAA498X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it take place in the underdark where the drow were cursed by a random powerful demon to only birth pure female drow, this has been going on for generations so there's no male drow left and they have to kidnap surface men to keep up a stable population, since they can't risk starting a war or letting the other drow cities know of their plight, there's mostly human males down there because they despise surface elves, laugh at manlet dwarfs, and orcs are too brutish. Party has quest to save lord's son who was kidnapped by them, problem is he became the slave-husband of the drow head priestess who answers directly to lloth and worse yet he doesn't want to leave.

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