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Search: I've been out of the loop

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>> No.35068509 [View]

I've been out of the loop, wasnt shion SUPPOSED to be the guest? What the fuck happened

>> No.35066772 [View]
File: 426 KB, 1884x1699, th15bosses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been out of the Touhou loop for a while but just heard that Yukari was dethroned from her status as the strongest character by characters like Junko, and even that was many years ago.

What are the current rankings for the most powerful characters in Gensokyo?

>> No.35020663 [View]

i've been out of the loop, is there any particular context for this one

>> No.34981442 [View]
File: 209 KB, 510x346, 06a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been out of the loop for too long

>> No.34787524 [View]
File: 169 KB, 865x1280, 9d3c368aa2474dbdb1a04c993112dd9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been out of the loop for a while. You guys remember Nana Ogura right? Are there any girls like her these days?

doesn't need to be tiny
doesn't matter what kind of videos she does
tits optional


cute face
tight body with curves
and most importantly, enjoys fucking, smiles and doesn't squeal like a stuck pig. Basically, less bashful. I'm even willing to forgo any of the others points if she has this.

>> No.34613852 [View]

So I've been out of the loop for a long time, but what happened to YBA's story Vengeance in Little Monster Girl City? It's not in his pastebin anymore

>> No.34502275 [View]
File: 226 KB, 1260x2240, 1605197924630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been out of the loop for a couple of months,
any news about Sio?

>> No.34414138 [View]

are schizos accusing some random chuuba of being haachama? I've been out of the loop

>> No.34372069 [View]

That's the bigger question. I think it ultimately just comes down to who Rika has become as a person. She just doesn't care much anymore and merely watches things play out. Her entire strategy is to just tell her friends to take their meds and, predictably, fails at it everytime she tries. Of course, that doesn't explain how a Rika that's only started looping recently didn't try that early on despite her explicitly stating in narration in Minagoroshi she's tried to warn them before (and even does so directly later on), but I can suspend my disbelief on that regard and merely assume that something got in the way each time she tried if she ever did (the Yamainu, perhaps).
Hanyuu is not Rika's slave and can easily choose not to do so. But the bigger problem isn't Hanyuu's uselessness, it's the fact Rika didn't think of taking such a simple action. Then again, she also apparently never thought of asking her friends for help for 100 years either. I feel like most of these problems could've been solved if Rika had only spent a far shorter time in the loop, that way it's more realistic that she wouldn't have tried everything.

>> No.34266443 [View]

I've been out of the loop, is something going on in the industry atm?

>> No.34246850 [View]

I've been out of the loop, what happened to Aqua, Shion and Haachama?

>> No.34157256 [View]

Any happening in the last couple days? I've been out of the loop because I've been busy posting in /a/.

>> No.34119040 [View]

I've been out of the loop, what happened with Miko and Marine? Did they say the word Taiwan on their stream or something?

>> No.34044008 [View]
File: 3.83 MB, 2000x2000, __sakura_miko_hololive_drawn_by_hoshimachi_suisei_artist_houshou_marine_artist_shigure_ui_and_tsukudani_norio__74cf170be86a8ec7a0a0cc420f762219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but what did Miko do? I've been out of the loop for the past few weeks.

>> No.34008154 [View]

It's a feedback loop more than anything else. I know a lot of anons that are still out there as they've always been but just don't like coming to this site like they used to because it feels like the userbase has changed too much. The less they show up, the less they want to show up. and there's not really anywhere else to go except their own private cliques

>> No.33876897 [View]
File: 1.71 MB, 1584x1032, THERIKAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoko was a murderer on loop one. Loop fucking ONE. INSTANTLY went from zero to pumped up kicks the second she tasted real power. The most you've got on Rika is her giving up on timelines she's already seen doomed ten times over.

You really enjoy posting that manga panel, because that one-off line about Rika's parents is literally all you've got to back up your idea that Rika and Satoko are somehow equally bad. Everything else you'll pull out of your ass after that is Rika dicking around with doomed timelines, and even in the one other example I KNOW you'll bring up next, she gave Rena an out, even knowing full well she'd never take it, she gave her an out.

Now you're gonna get desperate and start grasping for shit at Gou. OooO spooky eyes Rika tells Keiichi this world is fucked, after he vomited her retarded cat analogy back at her. What did she do after that? She told Keiichi to enjoy what little time he had on this earth left and go play with his friends.

Every single instance you have of apathetic Rika being a bitch to her friends has her giving them ways out or compensation, even if she knows it's a meaningless gesture. The most directly violent she's ever been is when she was trying to subdue Shion to save Satoko's life.

Rika didn't kill one single person until her millenium of soul-fucking looper torture was up, and she came out a broken shell. Satoko was a sadistic freak from the very beginning and that's never changed all the way into Umineko, she's always been selfish. Satokofags eat a dick, you think these two have equal guilt, you are actually fucking delusional, take your fucking meds.

>> No.33869998 [View]

Isn't Ai owned by china?
I've been out of the loop for years since her azur lane collab.

>> No.33848285 [View]

Wait what, did I hear right?
Noel having collab with Miko, Suisei, Flare and Rushia in GTA online?
Sorry, I've been a bit out of the loop past weekend.

>> No.33818938 [View]
File: 92 KB, 595x584, 1597159999665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again, doesn't mean that doesn't have an origin that started this loop
Sure, but it's unknowable. We could imagine that it has a cause, we could also imagine has always existed.

>No, I don't care what God is, I just know universe came out of some cause not nothing.
No, you believe that it has a cause. You can't know that it has a cause.

>You're focusing too much on this intelligent being, it doesn't have to be one
What? My entire point been that we can posit multiple ideas about the universe that don't require an deity, if you agree then I don't see what your contention with any of my posts are. Unless you're like a totally different person and decided to re-start an argument that was finished last thread because you weirdly disagreed with one particular idea I posited and not like my actual argument even though I've already said that we could imagine a non-intelligent prime cause in an atheistic material universe.

>> No.33370872 [View]

what happened? I've been out of the loop for the past week.

>> No.33222559 [View]

I've been a bit out of the loop about the whole Bloom thing, when is it? Is it exactly like HoloFes was concert wise, 1-2 hours of singing by bunch of holos?
And let me guess, you need to pay to see it as well same way.

>> No.33104875 [View]

So I've been out of the loop and just noticed there's a vtuber board now, but mods took the /vm/ approach and now there's another useless board using bandwidth.
Can't believe I missed the shitstorm since it must be the only worthwhile thing to come out of this.

>> No.33092262 [View]

I've been out of the loop, is Sio still kill?

>> No.32998340 [View]

>Just from the first four fragments we can see already that there is a alternating pattern of 10/12/10/12.
I know why you think that, I used to think that too. There's one thing that is of though. If Rika arrived on 12th, we would know about that even without seeing the calendar page.
It seems like that on the first glance because there's no confirmation but notice that Rika at this point hasn't realized that something is wrong yet because her arrival in the original series was fixed on 10th.
I think the behaviour of the character makes just as a good clue as physicals items. They wouldn't show us that Satoko takes her first action on Sunday (12th) when she drags Mion with her to buy the drinks. If they wanted to show us that this might be Satoko's loop they would show us something happening at least on 11th while still not showing Rika freaking out on 12th.
I think the deaths occuring during Nekodamashi throw the pattern off. The time of the deaths is there to tell us something. The events leading to them are actually not important at all. The pattern I see there means that Satoko acts first in fragments of Akasaka and Akane, then it's potentially Rika's fragment because it ends on 21st and again Satoko's fragment with Keiichi. But there is more to it. I actually think it's not only the disembowelment scene tha occurs later on but the current fragment that started on the day of the River Trip (Rika's) actually preceedes the fragments of Kimiyoshi and Keiichi and not only the disemboweling scene. There's also the Takano scene that MUST be Rika's fragment because Satoko clearly doesn't know how to answer the broccoli question before getting domed.. It honestly boils my brain. I've been putting this together for three days now.

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