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Search: demon lord's husband

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>> No.33769689 [View]

One day when a brave soul of a man has ventured to the Royal Makai to try romancing Royal Makai Nobility, or more specifically a Lilim. Demon Lord Lilith and Her Husband have decided to make a challenge as a requirement for any brave man willing to romance one of the many many daughters in Royal Makai grounds; a singing battle.

Song when you're singing off against the Demon Lord's Husband:


And when you're singing off against Lilith herself:


>> No.33722031 [View]

Alright anons the Demon Lord is taking a break from ruling to have a romantic vacation with her husband and she puts your waifu in charge, giving her the powers of influencing monster kind, corruption, etc. because she thinks it'd be funny what shenanigans happen while you and her both rule? Do kikimoras make their masters serve them, do ushi-onis start wearing dresses, do onis swear off alcohol?

>> No.33721844 [View]

>Announce that you know how to undo the changes done to monsters by the demon lord, and plan on using that knowledge to return things to how they were before [Grimdark route]
>Become a time-traveler and go back in time to try and become the demon lord's husband (monster girl time police do not fuck around) [Reality threat route]
>Collect panties from all the Lilim and use their combined lewd energy to make a doomsday weapon [Mad pervert route]

>> No.33667812 [View]
File: 109 KB, 850x850, sgbWnbDy_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin arachne
>weak threads break in a light breeze
>spend days crafting "elaborate" clothing claiming it's made with love (even though they were too busy weaving to pay attention to him)
>haughty and arrogant, people only tolerate them because they want a new shirt
>waste too much time trying to be a seductress, husband falls asleep half the time before she gets to the main event
>any clothing she makes shrinks in the wash
>insists on a quiet domestic life in some boring home or far-flung ruin, no sense of adventure
>so weak she could probably be over powered by a child if she didn't "restrain" her man (we all know he could rip through it like tissue paper if he wasn't humoring her
>can only produce a few dozen feet of silk before she's "tired" and can't spin anymore

The Stacy Ushi
>thick threads are so strong they are regularly used to moor the Demon Lord's massive cruise ship (only one strand needed)
>husbands clothes are made in a matter of seconds because she knows he's cold and can't be asked to stand around for the next few days waiting for one
>gregarious and outgoing, they are the life of the party wherever they go
>know what their husband wants when they want it, foreplay happens AS the fucking commences
>clothing could stop a ballista at pointblank range, machine washable at ANY temp
>adventurous and rugged, will show you all the world has to offer while keeping you safe and warm, never a dull moment
>one of the strongest monsters, regularly wrestles wurms for sport ((and wins) graciously)
>can fill multiple industrial spools with her silk without pause, only limited by time and insatiable hunger (fucking so hard necessitates a high caloric intake)

>> No.33608984 [View]
File: 159 KB, 1287x1115, suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get adopted into an ushi-oni family because momma wanted practice for when the demon lord figures out how to let monsters have incubi sons
>Dad knew about the dangers of single ushi-onis, and has been around long enough to know that step-brother just means "possible husband who lives with you and your sisters", so he gets you a super-reinforced door to your room, not even momma could break through it
>But he forgot about the walls

>> No.33455487 [View]

>I will explain in order. First of all, the text from the pages of the Encyclopedia, which is presented in books/Internet, was originally written by a person living in this world. "If the current Demon Lord is defeated ..." - these are not my words, this is the hypothesis of the Wandering Scientist, who writes the Monster Girls Encyclopedia. He does not know what exactly will happen if the current Demon Lord loses, and also why she became the Demon Lord.
>Plus, as I've mentioned in Ask past questions, I can't add this explanation to setting right now, so I can't go into more detail. However, the reason the Demon Lord became the Demon Lord is because she had Chance and Fate on her side. [In the original, Kenkou talks about "Inevitability", which in this context, I believe, is synonymous with "Fate"] Many people and monsters were unhappy, because "Fate" was on her side. And when “those who will try to turn everything around” appear, “Fate” will never side with them - those who are trying to make changes and destroy the happiness of people and mamono. As you wrote, "Because this world is too perfect," this is why a return to the old order [Mutual Genocide] is impossible. Even if you are the Chief Goddess, it is impossible if Fate is not on your side. Well, if we talk about meta-details, then the author is me, the Demon Lord will never die and the world of the Encyclopedia will never return to its previous state.
>I can't give you any details at this point, but the fact that the current Demon Lord received her title is the result of a lot of chance and fate. The point is not wrong or something like that, but some will of Fate. The Succubus became the Demon Lord for the reason that she was able to change the world as a result.
>Suddenly, the wrong evil monster becomes the new Demon Lord - no, this is impossible.
>In the absence of a Demon Lord (after his death), the condition for the next Demon Lord is "monster support". Just defeating the current Demon Lord doesn't mean you can be next. In the previous era of the Demon Lords, power decided everything, so the new Lord remained on the throne as long as he was the most powerful monster. But now times are different and the change of the Demon Lord may turn out to be like an election.
>Most of the monsters, with the exception of a few, are annoyed by the idea of ​​"becoming a Demon Lord", they prioritize living with their husband and seem to support the current first princess Lilim.
>I cannot tell you about it in detail now, but it is impossible. Even if the Demon Lord tries to say, "I am returning everything to the era of the old Demon Lords," it will not be possible, so do not worry. Changing the system is not easy. By the way, even if the DL changes, all her successors love eroticism, just like she...

>> No.33438102 [View]
File: 2.77 MB, 1592x1193, Mira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right break's over, let's just dive straight in.

>Fifth Song Island of Hope

>Singing together with spirits, an island of eternal canals
>Diva: Fulafel Inherited Song: Hope
>Main Residents: Mermaid, Cancer, Flow Kelp, Ignis, Undine, Sylph, Gnome
>The fifth song island, “Mira”, is a soothing water town surrounded by nature that lives together with spirits!
>In the nostalgic and idyllic atmosphere of this town, the gondolas, flanked by water wheels, are like a tranquil and relaxing cradle that make you feel at ease...

>While strolling through the beautiful old townscape, you will be treated to the singing of postergirls and traditional local Mira cuisine at any tavern you stumble into. You can’t help but feel warm and relaxed from the deliciousness!

>After your meal, relax in a hot spring while sipping local sake!
>The many hidden hot springs, which couldn’t possibly be visited all in one day, will cure your fatigue!
>Mira’s pride and joy, the “Spirit Hot Spring”, is, of course, a mixed bath
>The mermaid or spirit who joins you will gladly wash your back

>Mira’s hot springs, which are just like hidden getaways, are perfect for couples to bathe in!
>What do you know, their majesties the Demon Lord and her husband have also appeared here and showed their carefree faces while curing the fatigues of their daily life!
>You who seek to have a treasured child with your beloved, by all means, stay long-term in the city of eternity, Mira...
>The normally quiet city of Mira shows its rather lively side during the upcoming “Spirit Festival”.
>At this year’s festival, the diva Fulafel will be singing the “song of hope”.
>As you know, this festival is for showing our gratitude for Mira’s harvest and the spirits that dwell on the island, and when these spirits are invigorated, the season of “breeding” comes to Mira.

>Thanks to the efforts of the Demon Lord and the many couples that have had treasured children here, we are thankful to be well-known among monsters as a “child-making spot” second only to the tentacle forest.
>The many strong drinks and powerful magical dishes made from local Mira ingredients, which you normally cannot taste elsewhere, are ideal for helping you have children.
>In addition, it’s also the ideal time to soak in hot springs, and this time of year, the “Great Spirit Hot Spring” is considered famous for its ability to allow you to strive for a child for ten days without resting if you soak in it for a full day.
>We also offer “spring water” that allows you to directly take the medicinal properties and mana of the hot springs into your body, and it’s rumored that drinking it together as a couple will fill you with more vitality and desire so you can vigorously make a baby.

>The power of the “breeding” season brought by the spirits remains in the city for some time after the festival, so by all means, consider staying for a while.
>For Men! Recommendations for singles
>The waterside city of Mira, with its safe and relaxing townscape, stands out as the easiest of the seven islands to pass the time on!
>After touring the food at different restaurants every day and wandering willfully about until night falls, enjoy drinks at a tavern or soaking in a hot spring. It’s the slow life of your dreams!

>If you are a single man staying the night, many tourist destinations in the monster realms will offer you discounted lodging on the condition that you find a companion on-site, and Court Alf’s seven islands are no exception.
>Among them, Mira’s lodging fees are even cheaper, and if you ask a song maiden working at an establishment, you can even live there with them with meals included

>Of course, before you know it, you’ll be sleeping in the same bed as the song maiden from the establishment...
>Of the seven islands, the city of Mira has the highest number of single men that become permanent residents!
>Advice for those that want such a bride!
>The mermaids of this area have simple, gentle personalities
>The girls that work in taverns and restaurants are especially service-oriented
>There is no doubt they will become a wonderful bride who is family-oriented and devoted!
>There are also many spirits waiting to form a contract with you

>> No.33362972 [View]
File: 758 KB, 800x875, dc593e80215785a24206b49f8850cba8f36d5540b6d24c00e08a99eeaf09f178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So wights have the zombie album. What embarrassing secrets would other MGs have that their husband can use against them?

>lilim's husband threatening to tell her parents how she likes to be referred to as "demon lord" and roleplay as one while in bedroom. Threatening to ask the DL to tell stories from when she was little next time they get invited to family dinner.

>> No.33091295 [View]

>Mrs. Wurm-Anon sends Demon Lord a Christmas card every year, with a picture of their every-increasing family
>Tells about their year, and all the good things happening with her family, like how their third daughter is learning to read and their eldest is going to start her first term at Slither Middle School, and her Hubby grew his beard out and he is SO handsome he looks good enough to eat!
>Demon Lord always replies with a pleasant handwritten card about how the Plan to cover the whole World in a blanket of love and comfort is going, and how she's sure those silly order fellows will SO enjoy their new wives, and how Her Royal Consort has taken up stonemasonry and how she can barely hold herself back when she watches him mixing mortar and laying brick for a new garden wall and birdbath
>They start up a regular exchange of letters
>Mrs. Wurm always enjoys reading her correspondences, but she especially loves taking her husband to bed and gossiping about her favorite pen-pal, and reading him the Demon-Lords terrible chain-email-tier jokes that she thinks are HILARIOUS

>> No.33091146 [View]

>Wurm writes a polite letter to the Demon Lord asking her to PLEASE make it so her husband can FILL HER UP with his strong sons so she can raise them to be strong, noble, wise, and kind, so she can enjoy watching them play in the woods behind their house, so she can be their audience and their Muse, so she can kiss their sounds better and dry their tears, so she can see her Husband grow into a strong patriarch, guiding his smaller, younger selves through the trials and joys of life, and so she can watch with tears in her eyes as each of them woos and conquers the heart of a beautiful, lovely girl and walks her down the aisle to bring them into her family also.

Signed, Mrs. Wurm Anon

>> No.33052056 [View]

>The Demon Lord had started on modifying the mamono so she could bring peace between humans and monsters
>With one ritual, she ensured that her kind would love male humans
>With another, she started changing them to something more attractive
>She was about to perform the final ritual to turn all the males of her species into females, but something happened
>Instead of getting a Hero to destroy her as the humans previously did, they decided to finally get rid of all monsters once and for all
>A spell that just instantly kills things is hard, it runs into the danger of the monster resisting
>But teleportation is completely different
>A massive spell was created, requiring multiple kingdoms to work together
>And when the final incantation was complete... the monsters were gone
>Humanity was finally safe

>The DL was saddened when she finally realized what the humans had done to put them in a strange new world, and away from her husband
>Could humanity and monsters never learn to love each other?
>Is the only way for peace truly to separate from one another?
>But, she supposes she got her wish for peace
>If that is how humanity wishes to be, she will accept it
>But maybe there is still something she can do
>Monsters might eventually find a way back to terrorize humanity once again, so she'll need to ensure their love never ends
>Even if a new DL arrives, they will not be able to change the monsters back into their evil forms

>So mamono grew separately from humans
>The DL never performed the ritual to transform all males, as despite her fears she still does not wish for her people to die out
>But within their hearts, she has placed the love she felt for her husband
>So too do they feel the grief of losing him
>Years upon years passed, and the stories of male humans still hold the interest of mamono
>The emptiness in their hearts, impossible to fill
>Until one day, a portal opened up
>The day had finally come
>For humans and monsters to reunite

>> No.32947086 [View]
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>an ambitious jubjub is tired of being thought of as just an useless bimbo bird
>once when she was child she got lost outside the Wonderland
>she met a squad of Order soldiers but they didn't kill her they just made fun of her, they didn't even take her seriously as a monster, they made fun of how powerless she was and bullied her
>on that day she swore she will have her revenge
>she is going to become stronger than any of them and then nobody will make fun of her again
>as a jubjub she does have one advantage, her ridiculous sex drive and the ability to have nearly constant sex
>monsters become stronger if they have lots of sex, if she can train her magical and physical abilities then she can use her jubjub nature to make herself immensely powerful
>after all that is why demon lord is so powerful, not just because she was already a high level succubus
>she studied for years forbidden tomes and under any mage willing to teach her
>she found herself a nice husband and then spent years relentlessly milking him
>by now those who have tormented her probably won't even remember her, many are probably already dead
>but it doesn't matter she will show the world what she is capable of
>her relentless practice has paid off, her power has become on par with strongest lilims, she is the strongest jubjub that has ever lived
>she can finally carry out her revenge, she will attack the country of her tormentors and turn it into her own mamono realm
>the whole world will see just how terrifying a jubjub can be

>> No.32897326 [View]
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Becoming the slave of an arrogant demon lord!

>Ufufufu, foolish man, you've wandered into my lair. Now I shall take you as my husband. I will make you my devoted slave, torturing your very soul with pleasure until you become totally devoted to me.
>Do not resist me! I dip into your mind to see your true nature—resistance is impossible.
>Do you like my Horns? Fufufu, of course you do. Are they not perfect? Would not any mortal man kill to possess a woman with such large, lustrous, and graceful horns as mine? Surely no human women can hope to compete with me! Already I see you are HOPELESSLY in love with me. >Very well, I will permit you to polish them for me daily. No, no, no need to thank your Mistress, for I am a kind and merciful queen. Let it not be said that I deny my slaves the pleasure of service. But, foolish, lovesick man, I wish to be loved for more than my (admittedly lovely) horns.
>Surely you have noticed my long, soft, flowing hair. I know, poor thing. Humans like you cannot hope to resist charms such as mine. But I am nothing if not gracious. >You shall draw my bath each evening, and work scented soaps and oils into my tresses. You will also brush my hair daily, working it's silky-smooth texture through your fingers until it ripples and flows like water.
>Don't gape! Your ears deceive you not. What a lucky, lucky boy you are to have found a Mistress like me, who will let you worship her long, beautiful hair as much as you want. Truly it seems we were made for one another.
>Ah, I see your eyes wander, foolish pet. Perhaps your lovely male head is turned by charms other than those I have mentioned? I see you cannot contain your desire for me—very well, you shall be permitted to serve every part of my flawless, immaculate form. I shall permit you to rub me down each night just before bed, and to shower me with your praise and your kisses. You shall remind me of all my perfections, not just those I have named.
>Goodness! It may even be that, in all my time, I have yet to discover all of the ways that I am unsurpassed in beauty, elegance, talent, and wisdom. How wonderful for me that I have such a loyal and devoted servant, so EAGER to find new ways in which I surpass all other women!
>Alas, a woman as wise, powerful, beautiful, and MODEST as me desires to be loved for more than just her physical charms. Indeed, I shall show you my magnanimity knows no bounds. I know what perverted little desires swell in the hearts of men, how they lust after the carnal delights we monsters can bring them. And who better to bring you to the peak of bestial ecstacy than me? A woman of such refined taste and discerning manner, for whom all the pleasures of this world are familiar.
>Therefore, in addition to worshipping my PERFECT body and allowing you to satisfy your (understandably) DEPRAVED LUST for my hair and horns, I shall offer you one other mercy: I shall allow you to father the many, many daughters we will raise together.
>Oh, yes, my lovely pet Man, my delightfully foolish servant who is so HELPLESSLY in LOVE with ME. I do not lie. I will mix your handsome body, your discerning taste, and your delightfully romantic nature with my overwhelming strength, peerless beauty and limitless cunning to produce the wisest, most powerful, and most beguiling daughters to grace this world. Together, my sweet prince, we shall rule a kingdom of all the lands between the Three Seas! And, if you are very, VERY good to me (as I know you will be, for who could doubt such a loyal, loving, and capable man), perhaps I shall give birth to Sons as handsome and loving as yourself.

>I am sure our daughters will desire men of your calibre to be their eternal consorts

>> No.32183625 [View]

Imagine the smug look on Lili's face at the family reunion
>H-honey is that Druella?
>Oh of course not sweety. She's just a big fan of her, we're all quite fanatic for the demon lord
Cue her baiting her darling peasant husband into fucking her in front of all the stuck up lilims who are still holding out for a perfect knight that's never going to come.

>> No.30260235 [View]

What if it turns out a Lilith like that of Druella. Or the Demon Lord Lilith herself (and her husband) somehow managed to get imprisoned in this?:


What would the implications be?

>> No.29060734 [View]

>endure the seduction of the monsters
>defeat the Demon Lord
>the Chief God herself welcomes you into Heaven and takes you as her husband
But I bet you weak-willed hedonists will just settle for a slime or something, won’t you?

>> No.29001601 [View]

Kill the Demon Lord, her husband, and her lilim daughters. Return Demonic Energy to how it originally was, without the lust taint bullshit, attempt to usurp the position of Demon Lord to keep mamono in a not-genocidal evil state while easing up the lust energy that pervades everyone. Try to normalize the mamono a bit. Then find a way to kill the Gods, no one needs them anyways. Without the god-given blessings and guidance the Order is certain to die out, the disgusting Fallen God church dies out hopefully, Sabbath stops being cringe, the endless cycle of death and despair ends, and mamono can start living like normal people instead of lust-crazed rapists. With the DL and the Gods gone, mamono and humans can start working on living in consensual harmony. It will be a long road but the main fuckers who keep shitting everything up would be gone.

>> No.28942470 [View]

>leave home on a holy crusade to destroy the demon lord
>your travels span weeks, and are filled with hard trials, fending off horny monster girls and even conquering dragons
>on multiple occasions barely manage to avoid being raped, as it gets harder and harder to resist the charm of the monsters
>finally make it to the demon lord’s castle after dragging yourself through the horrors of the demon realm
>she reveals that the rumors about her spending her days fucking her husband to build up power were a lie, and she desperately needs the hand of a powerful hero like (You) so she can become powerful enough to defeat the Order and the chief God.
>cave in to your desires and lay with the demon lord herself
>after hours of passionate sex you take a breather with her and cuddle
>“The End” she says as she kisses your forehead
>confused, you look up at her and see your Phantom wife
>realize that you’re actually inside your own house inside an Undead Kingdom, and everything up to this point were visions made by her
I don’t know why Phantoms don’t get more love. Knowing this sort of thing could happen all the time sounds fun

>> No.28691611 [View]
File: 1.24 MB, 2054x3025, Demon (Alt).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o great demon lord please open those portals and unleash monster girl jihad upon our cities
I wanna be a demon's contractor and loyal husband so so so much

>> No.28242680 [View]

that's a good one
my choice is Grigori Rasputin, my reasons are:
>his mysticall powers were literally the only thing protecting the royal russian family from a certain red tide
>the conspirators who killed him had to try multiple times
>first try involved enough cyanide to kill 5 men in his drink the mad lad survives intact
>even though they then shot him 5 times one of these on his head he still moved
>they had to roll him a carpet and throw him in a frozen river
>he excaped the carpet rolled arround him but eventually died of hipothermia
Grigori get's isekai'd into mge, he becames known as the most powerfull wizard ever to live, one day a lilim tries to mind break him and getting him as a husband, he is the one who actually mind breaks the lilim, he ends up getting an haram of monster girls, Order sends crusade to stop the "Heretic" wizard he then beats them up and goes to join the demon lord as a member of her royal court

>> No.27845692 [View]

>be married to a lilim
>get invited by the DL to a family dinner
>accidentally let out that my wife likes having me address her as "demon lord" or "my demon lord"
>DL and her husband awww and think it is adorable and a few of the lilims present chuckle a bit
>never seen your wife this red and flustered before, usually you are the one being red as a tomato
>her expression makes the following month of hard mind breaking sex worth it

>> No.27774616 [View]
File: 1.64 MB, 400x400, just pretend this was a picture of Friedrich Nietzsche and let's call it a day.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGE is a progressive work extolling the virtues of the feminist movement as originally conceived, before it was twisted by the polarizations of our time. Woman as MGs as liberators for not only themselves but also the men. The Demon Lord works to do away with the Order, a representation not only of the patriarchy, but of the entire modern-day society with it's focus on norms, class, and material positions, as portrayed most notably in Fallen Brides.
You could even go so far to say the DL and her husband act as Nietzsche's Ubermenschen, carrying out the revaluation of values, transforming society into one that holds the love and happiness of all persons, including the self and without the exclusion of the other, at the pinnacle.

>> No.27256424 [View]
File: 153 KB, 704x704, __demon_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_ioruko__0e2122d9fc8380592dcea651d797c167.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I have been asked to say a few words to the Security Forces of Monstergirl City State 34 Overwatch. Concerning recent successes in containing members of the Order led resistance rebellion force. Let me say up front that I regret having to temper my heartfelt congratulations with a strong measure of disappointment. But I wouldn't be doing my duty as a spokesperson and representative of the Royal Demon Realm if I didn't pass along the message I have received from Commanders Elena and Victoria and from Colonel Thomas Stratson. The capture of the human boy rebellion leader Jerry Soderstrom is an event of major significance make no mistake and while its true that conceivably we could have taken him at almost any time in the last several years. The manner of his capture may prove to have unexpected benefits. It cannot have gone unnoticed by all rebellion members that Mr. Soderstrom's capture coincided with the act of giving shelter to the new Order Hero, Eli Sabillo. This might cause other rebels to think twice,
before harboring Mr. Sabillo. It might cause them to question his allegiance, even prompt some to turn him out or turn him over to our cause. However we cannot count on such developments. Mister Sabillo's reputation is such that other misguided renegades are likely to grant him a great deal of license in the spirit of spreading general Order agendas and Chief God Zealotry. Seriously, how could one man slipped through your force's fingers? Time and time again!? How is it possible!? This is not some Elysian Knight, or some veteran hero or a highly trained assassin we are discussing! Eli Sabillo as our records and information indicates, is desk job employee who works a 9 to 5 job. A literal NOBODY. The man who have consistently failed to slow, let alone capture. Is by all standards simply that, an ordinary man. How can you have failed to apprehend him!? Well now is the time to redeem yourselves. If the current state and structure of the Security Forces of Monstergirl City State 34 are to prove themselves an indispensable augmentation to the Demon Realm Armies. They will have to earn the privilege. I'm sure I don't have to remind you that the alternative, if you can call it that, ss purging and demotions. In union with all other unworthy branches of the species, lets not allow it to come to that. I have done my best to convince the Top Brass at the Royal Makai you are the finest Monstergirl City State 34 has to offer. So far they have accepted my argument but without concrete evidence to back it up. My words sound increasingly hollow, even to myself. The burden of proof is on you, INCLUDING YOU State Governor Livingston. As is the consequence of failure, I'll just leave it at that. So please, to all Security Forces of Monstergirl City State 34. Do a better job of quelling this human boy rebellion and capture this new hero. You wouldn't want the Demon Lord, her husband nor her daughters to be quite... Upset and disappointed of such performances now would you?"

>> No.26012490 [View]
File: 2.11 MB, 1734x2477, Nereis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Church of the Chief God
>Nbu... Slurp, chu, slurp... gulp
>Haa... I love it so much when you stroke my head while sucking you off, onii-san It’s like you’re praising the way I use my mouth, it makes me feel so happy...

>Alright, now that you’re refreshed, let’s go to the next place~

>The atmosphere here is different from that street from earlier, it’s quiet here, don’t you think~? From here on out, this is a residential area where lovers and couples live. They already have partners, so their dances and songs are only for their husbands, and they only do lewd things with their husbands I also have a husband~ Nuzzle~

>Onii-san has been looking at this building since earlier, haven’t you?
>It doesn’t suit Dé Ryúa at all, it’s pure white and clean, this beautiful and not very lewd building, what ever could it be
>The answer is, “The Church of the Chief God”! Actually... Jajaaan I’ve got a rosary, isn’t it cute~
>I’m also a follower of our Lord the Chief God My father was a believer too, so I’ve also been praying here since I was little.
>I prayed to one day meet a lewd and lecherous man, one like onii-san

>Huh? It’s weird that there’s a church in a monster realm, and that there are monster adherents? Why? I mean, even us monsters were created by the Lord, right?
>The Lord is the one that made onii-san’s body that uses me to feel really good... And the Demon Lord was the one that made us monsters able to do things like the succubi do, but wasn’t it the Lord that made that succubus that made this body that makes onii-san feel good?

>...Ah, I know! Onee-sama taught me a way to explain it at times like this!

>Umm, do you know the old story about this city, onii-san?
>When this city was occupied by another country, the brothers of the Order of the Chief God desperately protected the sea folk while they sang!
>That’s why, in Dé Ryúa, the brothers of the Order are knights who protect us sea folk
>There's a ton of girls that long for the Order Knights, and want to get closer to them and have lewd relationships

>The Scriptures? Of course I’ve read them properly!
>But I ignore the parts that say you must slay monsters, or never do lewd things!
>There are loads of men and monsters in this city that believe in the Lord, but everyone just ignores those parts, and the scriptures found in this city have all had those parts left out.
>I mean, the rest of the time the Lord is a super nice and warm person, but then suddenly starts saying “Slay the monsters!”, it feels really weird. It’s almost like they’ve become a different person.
>Besides, the part that says you shouldn’t do lewd things is strange too you know?
>Like I said earlier, it was the Lord that made humans and inma able to feel good, so saying “I didn’t make it for that!”, is also really weird, right?!

>This church has been used purely as a church of the Chief God since this island was the prison island, but there are several other churches of the Chief God like this in Dé Ryúa.
>They’re often attached to churches of the Fallen God or Lord Poseidon though.

>Look, the inside is beautifully white too~ There’s also statues of the Lord and stained-glass windows
>The head priestess here, a Sea Bishop, and many others follow both the Chief God and Lord Poseidon.
>Also, many of the sisters here are Nereids like me~. By the way, the image of the Lord seems to vary country to country, but the image of the Lord in Dé Ryúa is really cute, huh?
>If she became a song maiden, and awkwardly swayed her ass while pole dancing, she’d be so desirable

>Ah, there’s a soldier of the Order praying! From his armor, I wonder if he wandered in from outside of Dé Ryúa? It’ll be nighttime soon, it’s also time for us to pray
>When night falls, Dé Ryúa gets real! Look forward to it

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