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Search: I've been out of the loop

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>> No.38310162 [View]

I've been out of the loop for a year, did london hearts do anything enjoyable to watch?
and any suiyo recommendations?

>> No.38216172 [View]

well, there was that whole dragonia thing in case you've been out of the loop.

>> No.38151338 [View]
File: 1.41 MB, 1891x1891, _DSF3664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been out of the fumo-loop for about a year now, any big changes/news outside of the new releases? Thanks in advance, have a photo of Reimu in a pint glass.

>> No.38057532 [View]

I've been out of the loop for a while but wasn't this song going to be an OP for an anime? Makes sense they could get some extra money behind it.

Shame they ruined it with those hardsubs. Whose bright idea was that?

>> No.38012143 [View]
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Anon, I've been watching vtubers for around four years now, and I've cycled through and nearly forgotten about more than you've probably even heard of. At the end of the day it's not a super-serious accusation against the chuubas in question, I'm sure they're fine people. But it's half a slight against the absolutely godforsaken underaged uninteractable "fanbases" and half an excuse I tell myself so I don't stumble in and out of another 30 chuubas for the next three months and get out of the loop with the ones I'm already genuinely interested if not already invested in.

Even living the NEET life that's still a measly 13-14 hours a day and brainrot usually sets in at about half of that, so what's really the point? I can go back to my days of shilling someone like Rhythm only on a board that actively hates them as opposed to passively, or spend a couple weeks playing catch-up between the stuff I already care about just to have a chance at talking to horny SEAtweens? No thanks.

>> No.38003004 [View]

I've been out of the loop for a couple of months, just how bad was it for Korone? I feel she's one of the better Holos when it comes to maintaining her persona so even if she's really troubled it won't show

>> No.37825520 [View]
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Key Master:
>After the massive intermural throwdown between the LMC native monstergirls from town and the interdimensional students from the campus dorm, the Boo Box stood victorious. You are now unofficially the cultural ambassador for the Zips, the Carrols, the Gypts and everyone else from the "Old World" attending school. What this really means is you get to take many different girls on dates to introduce them to the city and help them learn to be comfortable around men. Jack quickly becomes the best bro you've ever had and you've never been more popular. Only you'll never complete your Vengeance, everyone is watching you too closely. The smile permanently plastered on your face has become a friendly mask. Eventually, if you wear it long enough, maybe the mask will become you and supersede the seething wickedness inside.

Right of Passage:
>Ignoring Jack's plea and not helping the Boo Box win the big intermural meet against the locals, the monstergirls of LMC claim you as a practice man as it was in the earliest days of the school's founding. To your complete disbelief, the teacher's look the other way as every curious single woman from the most arrogant jock to the awkwardest nerd takes their turn with you, some only wanting to look and poke and prod, to see all the parts of a man in the flesh. Or an ogre that rides your pelvis like Ogre rod a keg in Revenge of the Nerds, even drinking from a trophy cup in just the same way. Your horses are bullied and beaten until they let whatever happens to you happen. Eventually it becomes a right of passage for all single monstergirls to visit you at least once. And whether it's a hornet crying tears into your shoulder while she rapes away the sorrow from being dumped or a nervous kappa studying her first dick up close, you're little more than a toy, broken down further and further every day.

Compiler's note: I am pretty sure that YBA never worked out these stories at all, and just left them in their prototype state. I don't even think we reached the "junction" that would put us on the path of reading these routes at all. I do think Jack was introduced- IIRC that's the jabberwock girl that was "out of the loop". Lot of guys wanted to have her get an ending of her own. She didn't even get a route. What a shame.

>> No.37807756 [View]
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>You'll have to set resolution with the "option.xml" file to set ScaleFactor to a better value (base resolution x1 being 240x160).
Done. Set it to a scale of 7. I don't want to go any bigger.
>Render and Audio engines will have to be OpenGL and OpenAL though, those are the only ones with Linux support.
Well, you do have other options. There are Linux compatible reimplementations for DirectX9 and Xaudio (which I assume you use because you are using DirectX). These are:
>Faudio, which is meant to be a reimplentation of Xaudio
>DXVK Native, which is a "drop-in" replacement rendering engine for DirectX9
I'm not a developer so I can't give you specific advice, but if you contact the project maintainers on github you should receive help.
>The sound problem is unfortunate though, and at the moment doesn't have a fix, I was mostly hoping it was a one-off thing. It's definitely my OpenAL engine, and I've seen it myself, but I've only ever been able to repro it on my Linux VM which doesn't have the debugging tools I need or the ability to run at a speed that won't drive me insane trying to figure it out.
I'm able to reliably replicate this on my bare metal Ubuntu install. It runs the game at a reliable 60fps. If you can point me in the right direction re: debugging, I can help test for you.
>Apologies again, especially if this is your first time playing, I might even suggest holding off playing or switching to Windows until I can get a chance to polish/fix it more. Then again that might take a bit, so your call.
Quite honestly, besides the fact that controllers don't work yet, and that the music doesn't loop, it is a pretty good port so far. There have been worse Linux ports from bigger teams. See CSGO's attempt to port Vulkan render to Linux.I would be willing to help you test and get around these errors. Until then, I will just mess around in the first area.

>> No.37465408 [View]

Is laplus a virgin? I've been out of the loop due to Thanksgiving. I want to know if i should give her a shot or not. Keywords for the archive would be appreciated too.

>> No.37419962 [View]
File: 127 KB, 1240x874, 1625202455454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah thanks. Seems I've been more out of the loop than I thought.

>> No.37365061 [View]

I've been out of the loop the past couple days, do they have proper Pokemon permissions now or is this just another shill event and they won't be allowed to stream it anymore a week from now?

>> No.37297317 [View]

what are the currently recommended scripts to make anki cards from videos on mpv?
mpvacious? or is there something new?
i've been out of the loop for a long time and am looking to get back into making cards and all that jazz.

>> No.37247145 [DELETED]  [View]

Been out of the loop and I have a quick question: I've noticed that Dark Mage is often treated as the /ss/ species but I read her description and saw nothing in there showing her as a mommy or big sis type. Is the /ss/ part some sort of forced meme?

>> No.36969792 [View]
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I've been out of the loop this season (and last season for that matter), what's everyone watching?

>> No.36550261 [View]

What's the newest/most compatible text hooker?
I've been out of the loop for a while and my chiitrans lite from 2014 isn't really working with most modern stuff.

>> No.36424578 [View]
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I've been out of the loop for a while
What happened to Kagura Mea? It's been a long time since I last heard someone talking about her, and I feel everyone was talking about her back in the day.
Also, when is Sio coming back?

>> No.36364135 [View]
File: 84 KB, 528x560, 1611508367795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s Christmas Eve and you and Kronii are deciding what to do
>You want to get cozy and watch Die Hard while she wants to go a showing of the Nutcracker
>You don’t believe your ears at first
>That was the last thing you’d think she was interested in
>You decide to flip a coin
>You call heads
>It’s tails
>Kronii’s dragging you out of the door, skipping time so you arrive instantly at the theater
>Apparently she’s gone to see the Nutcracker every year since it debuted
>At first it was out of curiosity, and then she became fascinated with what changed over time
>You think about how much you want to watch Die Hard as she goes on about how “it’s a microcosm for how I see humanity”
>You’d promised yourself you’d die before you saw the Nutcracker again, yet here you are
>As you find your seats and the lights dim, you look over at her face
>She’s smiling and her eyes seem full of wonder
>At least she’s enjoying this
>You make it through the first 30 minutes fine enough
>But it just keeps dragging on and on
>You feel your eyelids start to droop
>It doesn’t help the music is all calm and serene now
>You sleepily look over at Kronii
>Her eyes are transfixed on the show
>She might not notice if you just so happened to doze off
>You recline in your chair slightly and slowly let the sweet embrace of sleep take you

>You open your eyes and stretch, is it already over?
>The curtain’s closed and people are shuffling around
>You’re just about to get up when you look over at Kronii
>She’s glaring at you
>Caught red handed
>You’re about to apologize when she puts a finger to her lips, shushing you
>The lights dim, the curtain opens, and the orchestra begins to play
>She rewound time to the beginning of the ballet
>She forces you to sit through the entire thing
>Whenever you doze off she rewinds it again
>You’re watching for the seventh time now
>The dancers give their final bow amongst roars of applause
>Somehow you made it
>As you exit the theatre Kronii berates you
>”I’ve seen that 129 times, and you can barely last through ONE?”
>You remind her not everyone has the patience of a god
>She scoffs in return
>You apologize, you know you should have been a better sport but you had really looked forward to watching Die Hard with her.
>She apologizes for putting you in a time loop and thanks for you going with her
>She really enjoyed it
>You embrace
>Kronii moves her head to the side
>”It’s only been an hour and a half. We could still watch Die Hard.”
>That was the longest hour and half of you’ve ever experienced
>You’re no less psyched about watching it with her

>You and Kronii snuggle up on the couch in a warm blanket as you watch
>You quote all the memorable lines by heart in sync with the movie, which always manages to make her giggle
>She clings tightly to your arm whenever John Mcclane is in peril
>She gets progressively tired but remains determined to see the ending
>As Mcclane and Holly are driven away she gives you a kiss
>You listen to her soft breathing as the credits roll and she drifts off to sleep
>You get up and turn off the movie before turning and picking up Kronii bridal style, nearly tripling on a present under the tree
>She stirs slightly as you carry her to bed
>You gently set her down and lay down next to her, wrapping your arms around her while resting you chin on her shoulder
>You close your eyes
>You already know it’ll be a great Christmas

>> No.35797789 [View]
File: 399 KB, 555x805, Ay0001a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is my belief that Ayana is an alternate personality residing within Mamiya Tomosane's body, created by Mamiya Takuji. She is where all of his discarded memories are stored (things he didn't want to remember were stored in Ayana). But not just discarded memories, but the memories of all of his personalities are in there, Ayana knows everything while the others have events they've blocked out. At first she didn't have a body and was just "discarded memories", but as Takuji regained power he created her image off of his "perfect girl" near the beginning of July 2012. In the VN, that is said to be Yuki, but as Yuki was a real person we know that could not have been the case. The personality that's Takuji's ideal girl is actually Ayana. Furthermore, Ayana is shown to have similar abilities to Takuji. In the classroom scene where he makes his three predictions as the savior, Takuji can predict the future of his physics class, it happens exactly as he believes it will while he dreams of it. Ayana is shown to be able to do the exact same thing on multiple occassions. Takuji is also shown to be able to distort his own reality, obviously, that's a main plot point with the twins and him blanking out words. It is my belief that Ayana can do something similar and did - she is Mahou Shoujo Riruru, and she is also the one who altered Mamiya's reality in several of the schizophrenic sequences (Futa scene, White vs Black Riruru scene, scene with God). Ayana says so herself in her ending that she is several other important characters, especially Yuki and Tomosane. Now, this doesn't explain something else, why does she also say that she was Zakuro? Here's what I think - Ayana's future prediction, and her really strong mind, are where all of the alternate endings come from. What I'm referring to are the Kimika endings in Inventions and Glass Insects. We know those do not happen canonically as they block off the other endings, the main endings. Many people explain them as alternate universes. I think they are what-ifs a bored Ayana imagines, as they are caused by diverging path due to choices in dialogue. This is how she can be Zakuro - she was the Zakuro in Kimika's ending in glass insects. In fact, she was Kimika too, she was everyone, it was all in her mind. To add to that, I believe she is also the one who let Yuki escape from the DtRH1 world Mamiya created. I'm pretty sure it's the canon explanation that DtRH1 is the "real" Yuki (the one with all of the memories) is kept while she is asleep and replaced by the "fake" Yuki without as many memories during the middle of July (the protagonist of DtRH2). Ayana is the one who frees her in the form of Zakuro. That's one of the "what-if" worlds that she thinks up, a world in which she went in the mind and helped Yuki to see what would happen. Lastly, I also think that the entire game itself is just Ayana imagining "what-ifs" at the start of July 2012. I think she is schizophrenic, which is a pretty popular theory, but that coupled with her supernatural abilities to control her mind make her stuck in a loop of July and taking "what-if" paths. In fact, I think the entire game is just her prediction of what will happen with choices, and none of it actually occurrs. There is no "canon" path, as none of it actually happens in the VN itself. Any of them could become the "canon" path depending on which choices the characters decide to go for on certain dates. The ability to predict the future is instant, it doesn't take time, as Takuji in the classroom goes to "sleep" for several minutes to imagine the future, but as soon as he wakes up he's at the exact same point he started. Ayana could be in a coma, or she could just be stuck in a mind-prison of imagining what-ifs that only lasts a singular moment, but to her has lasted an incredibly long time. That is the explanation for Subahibi. It's a portion of Ayana's what-ifs that is shown to the player. And that is my believed explanation of Ayana and Subahibi overall.

>> No.35752641 [View]

I've been out of the rhythm game loop for years. Last time I was in was when Gravity Wars was released on the pig site Getting old sucks I can't clear 10's in IIDX or anything above a 15 in SDVX.

Also, did the pandemic just wipe out the n-1 rule? The fact I can extremely easily find Bistrover and Exceed Gear is nuts.

>> No.35667688 [View]

I've been wondering about what would happen during the gun scene, what events would transpire out of that, I expect the whole group getting into an arguement about friendship, and then a fight breaking out leading to Rika or Satoko cutting themselves on Hanyuu's blade shard, severing either one's ability to loop indifinitely. If Rika loses her loop powers, then Satoko will have to suffer for all of eternity repeating the same events, which should keep Eua entertained because obviously she would refuse to help her out of that situation.

If Satoko dies and loses her powers instead, then we're back to square one of the show and Rika probably will have to kill herself too following Satoko using the blade shard, freeing her from Higurashi. Kind of a surface-level reading into what could happen, so I'm curious about how ryukishi and people working on the show will get out of that.

>> No.35622299 [View]

i actually welcome homoposting. i've been out of the loop since Roberu's 3d debut

>> No.35618051 [View]

I’ve been out of the loop. What Mania masks are people riled up over about?

>> No.35485427 [View]

I've been out of the loop, why is Aqua hated?

>> No.35179778 [View]

oh good shit, I've been avoiding most zatsudans and "not interested"ing clips talking about graduation so far so I'm out of the loop.

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