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Search: reddit hugbox

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>> No.47114554 [View]

Spoken like a true EOP. Enjoy your hugbox back at reddit.

>> No.45641338 [View]

Reddit and twitter are hugbox echo chambers and should never be taken as the general consensus. At least when I'm browsing youtube comments, there's a pretty even split between Tomoricucks and Coco defenders whereas any time I see a Tomoricuck tweeting, almost no one calls it out.

>> No.45064794 [View]

>a little bit harsh
Thats literally what /vt/ is. Its the exact definition of a hugbox no different from reddit except you get to post anonymously instead of using a username. And /vt/ attracts the type of people that like that shit, coming straight from reddit, twitter, and their normalfaggot discords. I hate that board.

>> No.45054825 [View]

>You can discuss things that happened without making them up.
Agreed. Just because some people are anti's telling lies doesn't mean everyone else is and it's a 100% anti place where nothing is true. In fact, in shitholes like /vt/, reddit, discord, twitter, or youtube where information is suppressed if it isn't totally positive, disinformation and lies by omission are as rampant as they are on places where anti's post (/vt/ is a mix of anti in catalog and hugbox in oshi threads). "schizoboxes" only exist in your head unless you take seriously people making occasional shitposts for fun. Hugboxes are a real phenomena and common among this damned religious like fanbase.

>> No.45054601 [View]

By that logic, every website that isn't a hugbox is an "anti" website. People make shit up just like here, so I guess we can only stick to our hugboxes on discord, /vt/ oshi threads, twitter, and reddit since so many retards like you exist that don't have the reasoning and investigative skills to tell what's fraudulent from what leans towards the truth. inb4 schizo

>> No.45054248 [View]

>A hugbox is a derogatory term for an environment, usually on the internet, in which a group with similar interests gathers to discuss topics in what they intend to be a safe, comforting, and confrontation-free environment.

so stuff like reddit, /vt/ oshi threads, discord, twitter, or hololive fandom youtube comment section where anything that isn't all positive all affirmative is ostracized, deleted, and attacked by the religious like hive mind.

>> No.45032098 [View]

Imagine thinking that them being forced to do group collabs is the same as them setting up a collab with each other on their own volition. Jesus this place is more of a hugbox then the Reddit sub

>> No.44996850 [View]

They're just /vt/ faggots. That entire board is just another reddit hugbox full of faggots scared of the truth.

>> No.44981694 [View]

Yes because you can post roommates and talk about this kind of stuff without being banned here. On /vt/, aka reddit 2.0, you would be banned and every thread is just a fucking hugbox where the slitest criticism is heavily censored. It's a literal shithole subreddit full of sjw, twitter type people, which is why EN side branch people also post there, whom attract those types.

>> No.44835318 [View]

How is it reddit? Sukikira is anti hololive, reddit is the hugboxest hugbox

>> No.44780941 [View]

I thought reddit was a hugbox, how can sukikira be reddit

>> No.44662369 [View]

This correct for the oshi threads on /vt/ too. I don't know why those faggots don't just use reddit or discord if they want a hugbox. I stopped wasting my time posting there.

>> No.44590875 [View]

>commie hugbox
/jav/ is the closest to those super cool early days hobby forums i've experienced past that era. not everything needs to be a pseudo-cynical, quasi-jaded, faux-edgy, semi-contrarian, consistently vitriolic, shit-flinging cesspit just to avoid accusations of being reddit or tumblr. we're taking time out of our day to discuss japenis adult videos in a sfw image board forum environment. if the ridiculousness of this setup doesn't make you see the more whimsical side of things, there's no point being here

>> No.43608570 [View]

People on reddit need tough love, they're never going to learn in that sychphantic hugbox upvote environment unless people start ridiculing them.

You see it there constantly - "oh i've been studying for 5 years using wanikani and my wife says im jouzu but i still can't read shounen manga what should i do?"
And everyone replies with "oh bro you're doing great! just subscribe to duolingo as well and you'll definitely make it"
Fuck that - they need to be slapped around and made fun of.

>> No.43463649 [View]

It really isn't all that hard to ignore shitposters. I think you guys take this place too seriously and wish it was a hugbox like reddit

>> No.43424464 [View]

I watch Hayama, Deron, Shizurin and sometimes Mashiro. This place is full of mentally sheltered toddlers that can't think critically and thinks everyone that doesn't conform to their reddit hugbox ideas is a bogeyman.

>> No.43217221 [View]

Even reddit hugbox is sick of her shit

>> No.42895230 [View]

reddit is more to your taste then if you want a hugbox

>> No.42145905 [View]

Damn, did reddit fanbase really change that much? They used to be a hugbox.

>> No.41250462 [View]

saw that reddit thread in /all
the faggotry in that fucking hugbox is so disgusting.

>> No.40330756 [View]

yeah, really sad how western hololive culture completely died when /vt/ was created
most of the people nowadays that aren't reddit drones only care about drama and don't watch streams at all. really pathetic how this is the only active english place to talk about hololive that isn't a complete hugbox or schizozone

>> No.40290838 [View]

Honestly, even the hugbox that it is, reddit is preferable to /vt/

>> No.39497180 [View]
File: 359 KB, 627x620, 1644977767661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah i want to see fire
i want to see kanji for 32 hours until i pass out, i want to see a disgusting 4k screens with multiple mangas open, i want to see a fucking horrid creature translating VNs about insertion, guro and eggs.

I don't want to see some little underage fagget /pol/ posting on reddit and on the 4chinz only to switch back to rawkuma, i want to see the echoes of a time long past. I'm going to pass out today on my PC after trying to read Semen Inferno, i want to fucking make it i don't want hugbox posting.

>> No.39343128 [View]

if you wanna hugbox, go there

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