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Search: I want to kobold

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>> No.47073632 [View]

Can I have a child with the dog? Actually, can I just marry the dog? I want to watch my Aussie Shepherd kobold daughters toddle around trying to herd the cows and chickens.

>> No.45838726 [View]

>tell Bicorn wife that I don't want any other wives
>expect a fight
>she agrees to stop bringing it up
>few weeks later, she starts a book club with the single Succubus who lives next door
>the next week, a Hakutaku joins
>the week after, a Pyrow and Holstaur join
>two weeks later, a Troll joins
>all of them single
>nervously sweating in my office while they're chatting it up in the living room
>a month after the Troll joined, the book club gains a Demon, Kobold and Inari
>they're also single
>wife smugly smiles at me when she checks in during a snack break
>wonders aloud if the book club is big enough yet
>get up, kiss her on the cheek and acknowledge my defeat
>strip naked, walk into the living room and lay down on the floor
>immediately dog-piled and buried under tails, hands, tits, thighs and asses

Bicorns always get their sister-wives.

>> No.45581479 [View]

I am the Alp King. I claim Alps and add them to my harem where my Lim wife transforms them into my favorite monster girl species. I will master magic to create perfect clones that allow me to experience everything all at once with my clones so that each Alp wife has a me for one-on-one time and so that my main body can focus on building a kingdom for me to rule.

For any Alps or future Alps lingering here, these are the species you may find yourself becoming. Prepare yourself!

>Black Harpy
>Dark Priest
>High Orc
>Unagi Joro
>Ushi Oni
>White Horn

I hope the species you want to become is on this list, ye Alps, because this is your fate. Don't worry, I'll always be gentle with my girls. Oh and I hope you like Mars because we're going to terraform it with magic and make it the seat of our future intergalactic empire.

>> No.45534794 [View]

I had an incredibly vivid dream last night and I've just been sitting around all day numb.

>had a large harem of wives
>Ryu, Inari, Lilim, Holstaur, Kobold and Ochimusha
>we lived in a giant shrine complex with a big manor for us and a separate side manor for our daughters so they had privacy from us
>whole place was only open to the public a few hours each day from Wednesday through Sunday so we had tons of free time
>Holstaur, Inari and Kobold wives ran a cafe outside the shrine that sold all sorts of things like baked goods, Zipanguese noodle dishes and ice cream
>Ochimusha wife handled security for the shrine because even decades after the portals bridged our worlds there were still shitheads who wanted to kill all monsters
>Ryu wife ran the shrine and kept the shrine maidens (our daughters and their friends) organized
>Lilim wife handled the overall finances for the shrine but also helped
>whole dream was surreal as I lived out a regular day at the shrine
>hearing requests with my Ryu wife from a farming group located in eastern Kentucky who were coming to request assistance with a rain summoning
>helped a few of my daughters re-arrange their bedrooms and spent some time helping at the cafe where my Kobold wife kept tickling my butt whenever she passed me at the counter as I handled payments
>then I went and practiced healing magic by cutting myself with a knife and knitting the wound closed for an hour while my Ochimusha wife pouted because she hated seeing me hurt myself like that even if it was for a good reason
>had a big meal with my wives, our daughters and a few of their friends later that night ahead of travelling with my Ryu wife to go perform a rain summoning
>was asked by my second oldest daughter's best friend if I ever considered having any more wives
>didn't have a chance to respond as I was woken up to my dog body-slamming me, demanding his breakfast

I don't know if my brain was playing some kind of cruel trick on me or what but I remember every single daughter's name. I remember every wife's name. Everything was just so natural to me. I remember the first time I held each daughter and how I wept with uncontrollable happiness every single time. I'm not even a haremfag. I'm an avowed monogamist so this isn't something that I've ever wanted but shit I don't know what to think now. I want it all to be a figment of my imagination so I forget the feelings that are rattling around in my head. I'm seriously unsettled.

>> No.45475338 [View]

I want to be captured by a pack of Wans! Tomboy Werewolf! Ojou-sama Hellhound! Deredere Kobold! Himedere Kikimora! Nerdy Anubis! Yamato Nadeshiko Multi-TailedWerewolfNoShe'sDefinitelyNotAnInari! Dorky TotallyNotALilimUsingTransformationMagic! Bakadere That'sTotallyJustAWurmWearingHalloweenExpressWolfEars! Giving out head pats! Calling them good girls! Getting Wan Piled!

>> No.45424065 [View]

>out at the park just going on a walk to clear my head
>hear someone clear their throat behind me
>turn around and come face to face with a pack of canine girls
>two Werewolves
>wait that second Werewolf is actually a Raiju
>and...is that a Lilim wearing fake wolf ears and a fake tail?
>Hellhound clears her throat again
>oh shit
>make it a quarter mile before I'm dragged to the ground and thoroughly molested before the Hellhound pushes the girls off me
>she leans down and gets an inch away from my face
>she's so excited her breath is almost steaming hot against me
>end up chased and molested all night long until I finally make it inside my house just at the crack of dawn
>flop down into my bed exhausted but thankful I survived with only a bit of hardcore petting
>hear the door swing open and feel the blanket thrown off of me
>unable to keep up with the speed they move at as they quickly strip me down and launch their assault
>face is buried under ass and fur as I feel hands roaming all over before a blazing hot mouth assaults my manhood as paws grasp my hips and force me to thrust
>only manage to take control of the situation two hours later when, for a moment, an ass is removed from my face to make way for another and I start my own assault
>copious amounts of head pats, belly rubs and good girls are deployed which puts them all on the defensive
>take my revenge for the assault I have suffered thus far
>by the time we're done it's night time again
>collapse trapped underneath the pack who all try to get as close as possible to me
>entire room smells like sweat and sex
>so tired I fall asleep almost immediately
>wake up to the smell of breakfast being cooked by Kobold, Kikimora and TotallyAWerewolfLilim as the others cling to me

Don't go to the park unless you want to be claimed by a pack. Especially now that we're in Fox season. Get one horny Fox in a pack of girls and they all become extra horny. If you want those kinds of girls though, now's the time.

>> No.45372645 [View]

I've got one shots I'm planning on doing after I finish my current story. I want to put them down on my backlog so I actually do them. Tell me which ones seem most interesting. I want to narrow down the one shots to two, maybe three. Save the rest for later. Some of them I'm tempted to make bigger stories but...I should finish the story I'm on first. I'm nearly done, just need to do some proof-reading and rewrite a couple chapters.

>state park ranger on the hunt for a pack of delinquent JK canines innawoods (Werewolf, Kobold, Anubis, Hellhound)
>firefighter is trapped in a burning building after rescuing the few people still inside, accepts his death and is surprised when he himself is saved (Phoenix)
>son to a single mom is surprised when he comes home from university for the holiday to discover his mom has changed drastically (Demon)
>man comes home from work one night and discovers that two unwanted guests have made themselves at home a few days before Christmas (Dormouse, Living Doll)
>hiker gets lost in the woods and finds himself in front of a cabin almost buried under a snow drift (White Horn)
>hungry man wanders his way into an unbeaten all you can eat BBQ challenge organized by a mamono pitmaster (Salamander)
>man takes his brand new motorcycle on a ride and finds himself racing a smug challenger who is willing to do anything to win (Gremlin)
>NEET is kidnapped by Danuki, packed into a box and portaled straight to the home of a desperate girl (Ryu)
>geode hunter falls into a strange cave while searching in his usual spot only to find himself captured by someone very, VERY hungry (Wurm)
>man finds himself in a new home after his grandchildren-crazy mother arranges a marriage to a centuries old mamono while vacationing Mamono World post-portals (Inari)
>starving teen leaves baseball practice and discovers a hole in the wall restaurant advertising endless tacos for only five bucks (Ocelomeh)
>streamer calls out a clingy viewer in his chat and finds himself on a whole other type of stream hours later (Shirohebi)
>college student stops at the grocery store to pick up some more food and finds himself scolded for his poor food choices (Troll)

>> No.45333429 [View]

>go to see Ms. Kobold for my session
>she sits down on her knees in front of me and just asks me to talk about whatever I like
>sit there awkwardly until I start talking about my garden
>she just quietly listens and asks questions about gardening while resting her chin on my knee and looking up at me with gentle smile on her face
>my stilted answers start slowly breaking out into casual conversation as we talk back and forth
>she seems really interested in learning about the green beans I've been growing this year as her tail, which was already slowly wagging, starts wagging rapidly once the conversation shifts to them
>before I know it, two hours has passed
>she gets up and guides me to the door and asks if I want to book another session
>same day next week, I'll be here
>walk out of the office feeling like a weight has fallen off my shoulders
>looking forward to my next session for some reason
>always hated therapy but...maybe this time things will be different

>> No.45305804 [View]

>Werewolf team member
>Anubis middle manager
>Kobold door guard
>Say the word "bitch" in a derogatory maner ones
>HR forces you to take sensitivity training with them
How many hours do I need to spend with them? I want to get back to work so I can go home.

>> No.45244566 [View]

Glitch, witch and a bitch
It’s about a dark mage, kobold and succuvirus who work in a dead end IT job.
The dark mage is a neet who was forced to get a job, and although tries to be normal and presentable, often has autistic and spaghetti moments. She doesn’t want to be there, but her parents kicked her out.
Kobold is naive and cheerful. She’s oblivious and absolutely hopeless with computers. Very often she makes situations caused by dark mage miscommunication worse by having no social awareness. However, she is the only one happy to be there and doing ‘work’. You can count on her to bring light into the gloomy office.
Succuvirus is a snide, sarcastic but highly competent monster. She often bleeps onto screens without warning to offer her condescending advice. She is however very jealous of the other two being flesh and blood monsters. It’s a sensitive topic with her that she only rarely talks about. Although she is sardonic, she does care about the other two, and her digital prowess often saves the day

>> No.44991914 [View]
File: 1.73 MB, 1222x2000, 1690338122623350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wight is always right
I actually left around the time kobold daughter dude came, made me uncomfortable. Never got the tainted girl thing though, I actually started to like wights after the drama. I really want to be a haughty wights boytoy butler like in that one Cabana story

>> No.44615456 [View]

Eat too fast, unicorn interrupts
>"Anon, stop! Your going to choke! Let me do the heimlim maneuver, take off your shirt!"
Eat too slowly, minotaur takes offense
Leave some over at the end, kobold slides into booth
>"Wow anon, you want me to finish that off for you? Oh, you've got some crumbs on your cheek."
Eat all of it at the right pace, pancake chef succ comes out to congratulate you
>"You really liked that huh, Sugar? Imagine that but every morning. Then we can both have some breakfast in bed... ~"

>> No.44545371 [View]

>>Any kind of Kobold discussion died with KDF
Name a single time in recent memory Kobolds were talked about in good-faith and not just a lame inside joke about KDF or a "funny" peanut butter joke? It's a fucking fact that retard ruined talking about Kobolds and what Wightfag did to Wights is no different. You only want to pretend otherwise because you didn't care for the former as much as you did for the latter.

>> No.44545324 [View]

There's a very good reason any kind of Kobold discussion died out when KDF started posting, if you want to be associated with the horrid baggage that's now attached to Wights go ahead but I'm not going anywhere near the interracial cuckold monster now.

>> No.44516742 [View]

as i said even a kobold can be built like a brick if they want to it´s not normal but it can happen

>> No.44506152 [View]
File: 945 KB, 1280x1076, yo las mamus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a kobold
>there are a group of delinquent hellhounds in your class
>one of them aproach you
>you are so fucking dead
>"oi doggy want to come here with the girls?"

>> No.44496309 [View]

Kobold pitbulls don't exist because even the dumb dogs know they don't want to commit 70% of the crimes in MGC.

>> No.44099116 [View]

>get fed up
>remember one of your friends wanted to stay in the city... but she's a long lived and powerful monster!
>ring her up on a crystal ball and beg for help
>"yeah alright i'll kick em out, but you know what i want"
>begrudgingly agree
>minutes later she barges into the tower with demon silver gauntlets, and spells engraved into the palms of each.
>her two favorite spells: one makes the target incredibly horny, the other makes them immune to fall damage for a while
>she picks up and throws out the dwarves and greenskins, but saves the kobold for last
>"you thought you were slick huh?"
>"i dont know what you're talking about!"
>" 'cultural heritage site', 'museum conversion', 'state mandated kobold helper'... "
>"yes! yes! i know you ancient mages dont know much about it bu-"
>"no such thing exists"
>"buh-but it does and-"
>"and you know why you couldnt put your own mana mark on him?"
>"because i marked him a thousand years ago when we split ways."
>both you and the kobold have a shocked expression, but yours a little more of betrayal
>"now get back to the pound and tell your cop impersonating friends to stop with this silly scam"
>she fucking launches the kobold like she's a tennis ball
>with the two of you now alone your friend takes off her magic gauntlets and puts them on a table
>"man that felt good, been a while since ive had a good reason to use a berserk spell"
>"riiiiight the mana mark. you probably have questions."
>"all i want to know is why you did it. you know i wanted to be alone"
>"to keep you safe from people like that, duh. now cmon, i want to be paid my dues."
>she goes into your bedroom as you admit to yourself that a little old company would be nice.

>> No.42658203 [View]

Ironically enough, Dog Fuckers (and white boys) do not want to talk about and feel ashamed and embarrassed by the Erusean Princess' JPEG Kobold...

Or was it a PNG Hellhound Slave?

>> No.42386576 [View]

>get sent to Wantanamo bay
>a place that only hires the baddest bitches to work for it
>only way out is through getting married or serving your sentence
>not a single man has successfully finished his time
>you were given the option of taking a plea deal and marrying a cu sith or go here
>you decided to take your chances here
>it's been a few months and you've learned how to survive here
>the anubis warden is a hardass so if she says to do something you do it immediately
>she won't hesitate to send you to the kennel
>you don't know what the kennel is but no man has ever came back
>stay in the center of crowds to not get spontaneously grabbed by a werewolf gaurd
>They'll drag you away and make you their alpha
>don't grab the kiki cleaners
>last man who tried got sent to the "master" section of the prison
>if you see a hellhound hide and pray
>if they see a man they like, he isn't going to last long in here
>these rules has kept you safe so far
>until you got unlucky one day
>just minding your own business in the cafeteria and then it happens
>a hellhound walkes into the room and immediately makes eye contact with you
>she smiles
>oh fuck no
>it's clear your days are numbered
>if you want out you're going to have to break out
>your best bet is to sneak onto one of the ships that come in and put of the bay
>after some very creative prison diy, you managed to make a very crude screwdriver and pop off a ceiling vent
>you're gettimg out tonight!
>you felt pride in your plan until you hear gaurds open your door
>you quickly hide the screwdriver in your pants
>the warden anubis and a kobold step in
>suprise inspection
>the kobold sniffs all over the room while you are held against the wall by the warden
>the kobold gets to you and freezes
>she sniffs your pants
>oh god she knows
>she sniffs your crotch
>the warden yanks her off and admonishes her for molesting on the job
>the kobold sulks and they leave you to yourself
>that was too close
>need to get the hell out of here
>that night a hellhound barges into your room
>only to find it empty
>you sprint towards the docks as alarms blare and distant barking can be heard
>you see a ship leaving port
>you can make it
>something catches your leg and you slam to the ground
>it's the kobold
>shit she must remember your scent
>you try to pry her off but she clings to you hard
>the ship sails away and shortly you are surrounded by wolf girls
>3 weeks in the kennel
>you are dragged to your new cell
>it's not likely you'll ever come back
>the kennel's door opens and you see...
>a fairly luxurious room
>it's been a few hours and you don't understand what's happening
>this is a punishment?
>the food is better than what you ate BEFORE prison
>half way through your meal though, you feel funny
>you feel hot
>you pick through the food to see what caused it
>there's mushrooms in this food
>rage shrooms
>the kennel door opens
>it's the warden again and that damned kobold
>the warden lightly pushes the kobold inside
>"have a nice honeymoon"
>the door shuts
>the kobold runs into your arms
>another man is lost to Wantanamo bay

>> No.42209592 [View]

I want to steal all of my Kobold daughteru's panties so she's forced to choose between wearing kinky latex underwear or thick embarrassing diapers!

>> No.42084709 [View]

Nobody really cares you want to fuck the forbidden kobold. Just do it.

>> No.41912043 [View]

The last thing I want is to hear a kobold and a dog having a bark-out at the neighboring fences

>> No.41219661 [View]

Its about the mentality where someone cannot be told what to do, as he does his own thing, even if it goes against everything. Its pretty much the exact opposing mentality of the dark elves.
I think a hellhound is a good choice here since the core mentality of being untameable is there. Maybe even the manticore due to the "wildness".
Dhampir is a good idea too, but idk about the easygoing part. I want the conflict to be about this. Btw my next writing with a kobold will be about this too.

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