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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

Search: kage popular

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>> No.45953505 [View]

Same way with the Kaki Haruka gimmick
Same way with the 'Kage was not popular' repetition
Same with these chika idols

>> No.45582592 [View]

This is so reminiscent of "Kage is the least popular idol" that you repeated. I'm so glad to be a sakuCHAD and not like this kek

>> No.45538415 [View]

All this because Seira ruined her career and Kage became popular

>> No.44592113 [View]
File: 33 KB, 240x320, 63424f9c63f94dc03574c0a9a903b-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This will trigger.


>> No.44051648 [View]

Fun fact: this idol right here >>44051388
is the very reason this is taking place right now.
>constantly preached a mantra about Kage being the least popular idol every day
>even though her sales chart showed she always sold out, bokuao fan was too stubborn to accept reality
>she grew so popular after the World Cup as a commentator, many followers on IG and even got her own PB
>bokuao fanboy breaks beyond healing
And here we are today, youngster is trying to "win" at something else and failing miserably

>> No.43929561 [View]

>thinks any Sakurazaka poster is bad
>creates false narratives out of nowhere
>pins a disliked idol on that anon that disagrees with those narratives
>thinks Sakurazaka will be removed from /sakag/ and replaced with BokuAo
It's just another useless gimmick like the Kage is the least popular idol nonsense, it will be gone soon

>> No.43442064 [View]

Wow Kage is a sexy, popular idol

>> No.42606651 [View]

>You really feel comfortable about being the Anon that states the obvious despite one Ts delision
> "Karin is an uggo"
>You aren't normal
You have to be normal to consider normal a normality. If you are not normal (like you, "female" T), then you perceive your deviation as being normal
> Kageyama incident when she rose to popularity
I commented on a single chart you yourself posted. You thought it proved Kage was popular, but it actually depicted the opposite- that Kage was one of the least popular members in her group. You got educated and hopefully you can read charts properly now
>You're done here.
Really? You will stop presenting yourself as a person that needs further education with facts and logic? I hope that's the case

>> No.42449815 [View]

>Let's review:
Let's do this, based on facts and logic.
>Kageyama is one of the least popular idols in Hinatazaka based on "Boku Nanka" sales chart
Let's stick to facts and logic;
"Did you know, that according to 7th single sales chart
Kage is one of the least popular members in her group?"
Tell me you learned how to read charts so you can say I was right about what I said back then.
>She rose to great popularity last year, (...)
I never said she didn't. Don't derail.
>Habu's TikTok dance is bland and will ruin Sakurazaka's future
Who are you quoting? Don't derail (I already told you that I won't defend arguments you made up in a hope I will defend them as if they were my own).
>3ki will brutally mogg Sakurazaka's current idols
Let's stick to facts:
>3ki are on another level and it is going to be brutal for uggo members. Get ready- it's happening whenever you like it or not
Please, let's continue I am hoping we can get to 1100:0 soon, T.

>> No.42417979 [View]

>Wasn't in that discussion
Let me expose you like I always do with you, T:
So yes, it was you.
I used to use that word when talking to you how according to the chart you posted Kage was one of the least popular member in her group. That traumatic experience of getting educated with facts and logic still bother you, because you use those terms very often here. I saw it multiple times. Wait... Did I say Kage? Yes, because it is always you, T.
Karin, Kage, Habu, Koike, Mikuni...
This is how you use facts and logic. So, remember- you will always get exposed and embarrassed when acting emotionally. Think twice next time before you engage me in discussion, because it will always end up in you sweating and getting shaky hands, T.

>> No.42340612 [View]

same posting style as the lunatic who spends hours circlejerking with the kage anon (filename) on whether kage is the most popular hinata or not according to some charts

>> No.42340207 [View]

>To you and not the fans who enjoy them
That's not what I was talking about. Stop derailing. They are the least popular group among 3 Sakamichi groups we are talking about here. That's the only thing I am talking about. When I say Kage is one of the least popular members according to the poll you posted yourself I am not saying she has no fans.
>You don't think on behalf of all the members who aren't competing with other groups
I never said I am. Stop derailing with made up arguments you hope I will defend as if they were my own.

>> No.42071377 [View]

By the way is it fair to say Karin is Kage of Sakurazaka? Or is he even less popular?

>> No.41969719 [View]

It makes me laugh at the anon that was always at her for being one of the least popular member but loot at Kage now. Karma is sweet.

>> No.41825163 [View]

lmao neba chang faggots I swea

>> No.41722774 [View]

As far as I know she is one of the most popular members provided by Kage Anon.

>> No.41141889 [View]
File: 315 KB, 1142x720, 1637437680806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know, that:
1 According to sales chart provided by a kind Anon Kage is one of the least popular idols in her group?
2 This will trigger.

>> No.41084864 [View]
File: 315 KB, 1142x720, 1643903096040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know, that:
1 According to sales chart provided by a kind Anon Kage is one of the least popular idols in her group?
2 This will trigger.

>> No.41072589 [View]
File: 315 KB, 1142x720, 1642413784331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know, that:
1 According to sales chart provided by a kind Anon Kage is one of the least popular idols in her group?
2 This will trigger.

>> No.41072561 [View]
File: 19 KB, 479x484, KekwAtSakuhiva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know, that:
1 According to sales chart provided by a kind Anon Kage is one of the least popular idols in her group?
2 This will trigger.

>> No.41065486 [View]
File: 551 KB, 2048x2048, 1634218210668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stfu, homophobic scum kek. Popular Kage moggs that under busu

>> No.41041481 [View]
File: 315 KB, 1142x720, 1650169707767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know, that:
1 According to sales chart provided by a kind Anon Kage is one of the least popular idols in her group?
2 This will trigger.

>> No.41028106 [View]
File: 315 KB, 1142x720, 1657959625040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know, that:
1 According to sales chart provided by a kind Anon Kage is one of the least popular idols in her group?
2 This will trigger.

>> No.41017537 [View]
File: 566 KB, 960x1280, 影山優佳53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, popular Kage hater is MAD kek.

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