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>> No.47000962 [View]

It's honestly a tragedy and now I feel like ranting a bit so excuse me. Looking at the art and the unbelievable VA cast (fucking Hidekatsu Shibata), it looks like a forgotten gem, but in this case there's a reason everyone forgot about it. The writing is utter trash that is full of inconsistency and general nonsense. It's even worse because the common route is solid and enjoyable so you get fooled into thinking the character routes and overall story will deliver, but they don't. Takayuki's characterization wildly changes across routes for literally no reason. Sometimes, he's a mustache-twirling villain. Other times, he's a good guy hero. The doctor character that Wakamoto plays makes no sense. Spoiler territory here but he has some bullshit power that lets him summon another version of himself from a nearby parallel universe so he's effectively immortal. The problem is that he gets killed in two of the routes and then stays out of sight and does nothing because who knows. It's even worse because MC does a cool lightning move to "kill" him in Tou's route, and then the story treats him as if he's dead and gone for good. But you know from other routes, bad endings, etc. that he's not and there's zero justification for why the doctor didn't just appear from the portal again to say hello. In a couple of other routes, they show that he has the ability to come back immediately after being killed and killing him permanently takes special circumstances. MC is also another failure here on the character front. In exactly one route (Tou's), he has a berserk mode triggered by being unable to control his powers. He even murders innocent people because of it. MC has some trauma over being a murderer for a couple of scene but gets over it. And then this is literally never addressed again in the story because who knows. The berserk mode thing only appears in one route and he has zero troubles or problems in any other route. This is completely unexplained.

The fight writing was also wildly inconsistent. Some of them were actually really good. One certain Tou vs Tsukiko fight was probably the best in the entire game and actually fucking great. And then others are complete wet farts. There is a major boss fight at one point where the villain literally dies in one shot. It's so perplexing because the build up was really good and hypes you up as a reader like it's supposed to do. And then when you get to the part where it starts, the villain gets oneshotted and that's it. All that time designing the bad guy seemed completely pointless. Another problem is that MC is too weak way too fucking long. Imagine if you were reading Dies Irae and Ren had to constantly get bailed out of every conflict until he finally fights Reinhard. It kind of felt like that. There were plenty of opportunities and logical places for the writers to just give MC a nice, clean win. It would have been completely logical and expected given the story progression, etc. But for some reason they refused to do that and have some other character save him at the last minute.

>> No.46989567 [View]

I think this post triggered him w

>> No.46952669 [View]

What triggered twinktomo this time?

>> No.46921249 [View]

This triggered

>> No.46909013 [View]

this already triggered

>> No.46900543 [View]

I'd recon 85% of the thread agrees with him and the guy being triggered about this indisputable fact is very, very brown.

>> No.46894037 [View]

This triggered >>46892323 >>46892405

>> No.46884381 [View]

>quoted facts
>got triggered
mentally ill boring tranny craves thread chads' attention so bad. if you are desperate for attention this badly, i suggest you to post your full naked body shot

>> No.46878084 [View]

I never called Sayo a transsexual, you insecure moron. I'm just saying that, based on my interpretation, I believe Sayo was a boy before Natsushi tried to kill him as a baby, done. Unfortunately this triggered some anons who cannot tolerate any differing opinions and the lame nerd discord group was waiting for an opportunity to disrupt the conversation and stir up trouble as always.
It's just not worth it to talk about anything here, let's just post memes and be done with it.

>> No.46846101 [View]
File: 398 KB, 1536x2142, 29ae1bf19533cf395a64b84f9e5530ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that no person of German origin will be triggered by this CANON ship

>> No.46844342 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 1.41 MB, 1874x927, caution 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the ladies version is fine too.

I'm IP range banned in /v/ since someone was triggered by my works of art, but could someone post this on /v/, or atleast inform hiromoot that we definitely need to make a contingency plan ASAP.

The cabal is too super shy to admit it, they veiled it as "Livestream point of origin", but we all know, culture is like you're attached by this invisible thread, and no matter how far away you are in space and time, you can always feel The Force.



>> No.46841694 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 3.99 MB, 2585x1562, caution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm IP banned in /v/ since someone was triggered by my works of art, but could someone post this on /v/, or atleast inform hiromoot that we definitely need to make a contingency plan ASAP.

The cabal is too super shy to admit it, they veiled it as "Livestream point of origin", but we all know, culture is like you're attached by this invisible thread, and no matter how far away you are in space and time, you can always feel The Force.



>> No.46841253 [View]

Kek this triggered

>> No.46806622 [View]

This unfortunately triggered

>> No.46797294 [View]

why are you triggered over nothing this thread is nothing more than a chat room

>> No.46796913 [View]

why are you triggered over nothing this thread is nothing more than a chat room
^we have seen worse days

>> No.46795369 [DELETED]  [View]

billions of years ago most life was anaerobic
oxygen was a poison and in low concentrations in the atmosphere

then certain bacteria evolved oxygenic photosynthesis
up until then most life forms leeched off of heat in low numbers near thermal vents on seabeds like scrubs but this new mechanism was revolutionary in how much energy it produced and independence in location it granted since only sunlight was required

the new bacteria blanketed the ocean surfaces and started farting out massive amounts of O2 as a waste product as they flourished and came to dominate the planet

this triggered the great oxygen catastrophe and set off a mass extinction event
other bacteria desperately scrambled to survive, stumbling over and colliding with each other in a blind panic

mitochondria are ancient bacteria which invaded other cells during this time in a bid to survive before assimilating with them
the invaded cells enjoyed mitochondrial energy production and the two formed a symbiotic relationship
mitochondria eventually lost independent function inside these cells

every animal and plant cell is a descendant of the resulting mixed offspring
we call them eukaryotes

>> No.46776928 [View]
File: 555 KB, 512x512, pure land.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's weird, but for me there's two parts two it.

First is simply becoming more interested to learn about the things portrayed in the game. Like yeah, religions are portrayed often in a negative or goofy light in the game, but I want to know more about it. Is "buddhist magic" a real thing? Is taoism really that weird? What is shinto even about and what miko actually do? Did the buddhists and taoists really have that bad relations in real life? And so on.

And religion isn't always shat on in the games. Shintoism fills Gensokyo like air. Reimu being a bad miko is more ZUN-humor than critique of religion IMO. The Buddhists and Taoists are some irredeemable monsters only in the imaginations of Grimsokyo enthusiasts. There's good and there's bad and it just is.

The second thing for me is something not a whole lot of people are going to feel, but there were, are, moments when I was playing the games which triggered exact same emotions for me as spiritual experiences have. Just this really profound sense of awe and beaty and reverence.

>> No.46765267 [View]

>post a single volatile schizo post on a whim then goes to play games
>comes back to see it triggered a schizo and the whole thread engaging him
>read and laughs
This is the life

>> No.46764859 [View]

Come back during primetime heiminbro
Don't even know what triggered them this time

>> No.46763482 [View]

What triggered the schizo this time? It's way earlier than usual

>> No.46760029 [View]

this could be a misunderstanding on her part. i have had women visibly jump/recoil when seeing me for the first time. some sirs are so ugly that that maybe that man's mild attempt to say hi to minamo may have triggered her fight or flight instinct due to his profound ugliness.

>> No.46736415 [View]

This triggered

>> No.46733092 [View]

This triggered

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