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Search: Sometimes I question if I have real emotions

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>> No.46391359 [View]
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>>46284973 (66)

The small talk continued for a while longer, though Anon seemed to grow increasingly troubled. Finally, he asks, “So… are you the devil?”

Shinki’s first reaction is to smirk, but that’s not that funny so she instead pouts. “Mou! I know I’m to be your mother-in-law, but you can’t just call me the devil! At least not until I start asking about kids.”

Anon takes a long sip from his glass while eyeing Shinki, “That’s not a no.”

Shinki returns his look with a devilish (hehe) smile, “No, it was not. Now let me flip the script on you. Does my Alice have a chance?”

No answer seems forthcoming as Anon looks away seemingly deep in thought. That however is fine, Shinki has lived a long time and so can’t wait at least for a little while.

Finally Anon mutters, “I’m not sure.”

After some more time navel-gazing he adds, “She’s nice and I enjoy spending time with her. I could see us living a wonderful live together, but…”

Feeling slightly impatient, Shinki prods him along, “There are others.”

Anon grimaces before nodding, “I hadn’t… I’m not the kind man to string others along. I want to be faithful, I was faithful but what am I to do when I am left no other choice? I didn’t ask for this.”

Shinki sighs, “Oh a prostitute in strained circumstances forced to decide between multiple lovers. Truly there is nothing new under the sun.”

At the very least Anon’s suffering expression is replaced with a more palatable look of confusion, “Are you saying you’ve seen this before?”

Shinki nods, “The building is different, the meal is different, the faces are different, but the circumstances and conversation are the same. I’d say you humans keep repeating the same mistakes, but I don’t think it’s fair to your kind to consider Yukari a part of you. And if I’m to be honest, Gods, monsters, and fallen angels aren’t much better in that regard either.”

Anon asks, “So what did you say back then?”

Shinki shrugs, “It’s always the same advice. Follow your heart and before you call it cliched, remember I’ve been saying that before written language existed. Ultimately, you aren’t going to be able to please everyone, and trying to force yourself to do so won’t work. Please trust me on that, it doesn’t work. If you try to force it you’ll wear yourself down and things spiral from there.”

Anon seems to accept her warning, “I suppose I already knew that and just needed it said. Still, before writing?”

Shinki replies simply, “Oldest profession.”

After a brief consideration she adds, “Unless you count being a hunter-gatherer as a profession, but I don’t since that’d mean beetles have jobs and I can’t accept that. Ants, monkeys, and the like sure, but not beetles.”

Anon amends, “Well not unless they have a band.”

Without skipping a beat Shinki replies, “Nah, that’s overhyped nonsense. No beetle has a job.”

Anon snorts, though his amusement is a little hollow. “Here I am getting advice and swapping jokes with the devil. I’ve lived… quite a while in this fantasy land of magic and miracles and yet find myself… here. It should be a dream come true you know? It's like something out of a story, yet for all the fantastical elements, it… it’s…”

Shinki provides, “It sucks?”

Anon hesitantly nods, “There are so many wonderful people, but… I should have done something sooner I know, but looking back on it is it wrong to feel like they turned their backs on us?”

Shinki shakes her head, “No, they did. I don’t really have any moral high ground since I was uninvolved, but it’s your right to feel betrayed or hold some bitterness over the whole ordeal. It won’t help you, but you certainly shouldn’t feel guilty for feeling that way.”

Anon gives an almost real smile at that, “Thanks Satan, It’s to have someone to talk about my emotions with. Since I’m getting a therapy session from the dark prince herself. There’s…”

Anon trails off, prompting Shinki to inquire, “Hmmm?”

Choosing his words very carefully he asks, “Is it wrong to wish that Hana… I love her, but sometimes I wish that she didn’t have to go through all this, that it’d be better if I’d never met Reimu. I love her, she’s my pride and joy but… I could never provide for or protect her, that much is obvious.”

Shinki frowns, “Again, I’d say no feeling is wrong per se. You feel them for a reason. Still, it’s not healthy to dwell on such things. There’s no point in what-ifs, she’s alive and is a lovely girl. A better question is what can you do for her now?”

Anon echoes, “What can I do for her?”

Adopting a firmer and more serious tone, Shinki replies. “Keep your chin up and don’t let this cruel world break you. You’re her… everything really. For as long as you don’t crack, she’ll be able to find the strength to do the same. Besides that, you can wait. There’s no shame in waiting when there is nothing else to do. Better wait for an opportunity than lose what you have chasing one that isn’t there.”

Anon sighs, “I suppose, it’s just so tiring.”

Shinki nods, “Ain’t that the truth.”

>> No.45944626 [View]
File: 497 KB, 1440x900, the house always wins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45927850 (3/3—p1)

I watch, heart thumping and still as a statue; in my mind's eye, that expression of his is like an intriguing painting—barely contained fury, clutching what he considers precious, whatever dead or fabricated it might be; skin shivering with intensity with the tall posture of a man ready to take on the world…

Those were true emotions.

Layering them on top of all interactions we've had comes naturally—the hours spent in each other's arms, his meek adoration of every inch of my body, thrusting deep inside and murmuring delightful words in my ears—the usual excitement of the thought is lost when comparison bitterly follows; truth always known yet until now ignored, for living in a sweet lie is much easier: there was never an ounce of passion in his eyes or truth to his words.

Why would there be anyway?

… Because it was with me. Me and him…

I wanted him to feel just as strongly as I was feeling.

“… 'Kari?” I turn to Flan, still in my arms, her features puzzled and disconcerted, all very unfit for Gensokyo's cutest nuclear device—results of her life inside that dammed basement. “Why did you hurt Chen?”

That pull of anguish and guilt inside, pleading me to go check on Chen, forms the next words. “Sorry you had to see that, Flan-chan~I was… Excited to see you and hadn't seen Chen, and so did what I did.” She frowns and, gently, I play with a lock of golden hair… So beautiful, of a shade just a tad livelier than mine. “Sometimes you just happen to have your eyes focused on something so intensely, you turn blind to the world around you… Be careful with that, okay? Don't be like me…” It's all said with a playful tone and a sweet smile, yet the words taste acidic in my mouth. Why? For the same motives I’d often go to that precipice and scream my woes to the uncaring world.

Flan slowly nods, thoughtful. Very cute~

“Anon said your maid was cooking, right? Why don't you go help her? Cooking is something everyone should know how to do~”

A moment of silence follows, her deep red eyes on mine—wearing those clothes, looking like a miniature of myself; this flowing golden hair and unparalleled strength to stand above everyone else as a god in everything but name… If I stopped thinking, even if for just a moment, this right here… It could be perfect; it could be everything I so very much seek—yet it's only that: a moment, which is broken by her beautiful shining smile. “Hm, okay~! I'll go help Sakuya-san after checking on Anon and Chen-chin~!” She swiftly jumps out of my arms and anxiously rushes inside the shrine.

My arms feel hollow, as if an empty bird’s nest.

… But it's not perfect. She doesn't carry my blood, my Gap—her love have limits and stronger bonds could sway her away from me… She'll never be perfect.

Alone in the empty world of snow and surrounded by a fake living forest, I tenderly touch the only thing that may be real here.

You'll be perfect…

Yet, you'll take some time to grace my life, right? Nine months… Mama can barely wait for you—because when you arrive, everything will be just right…

I close my eyes, recomposing my semblance, leaving those thoughts for my dreams. The present are those eyes of fire that have burned themselves into my mind, their allure growing stronger with each step I take towards the inside of the shrine. My skin heats up and my core shakes like a tree against a storm—such a weird reaction to words of spite, of muscles expressing rage in a sonata of primal manhood, eyes like bared fangs, strong arms clutching life, tiny and frail—not truth: a human could never hope to equate a youkai's strength… Yet, at that moment, things didn't seem so simple.

A gap takes off my shoes as I mull over my reaction to his little outburst, and I stop when I notice I hadn't even questioned for a moment what'd be punishment for speaking up against me like that… My lips pressed, plans put in the back burner and thunderstorm of feeling dispersed, usual calm and elegance returning to me, a perfect mask of porcelain…

But beneath it, the question had an answer: it was genuine.

His innocent love before his breakup with Reimu tempted me, took tight hold of me and laced my heart in stuporing love. I drank and drank from that well until, before I could notice, it had dried up. Love can still be cultivated in that soil; poetically, the seeds would be the fruits of his seed growing inside of me~

What he showed me is that—even if the well dried under the salt of fake smiles and pleasantries, of love making without love—there is still genuineness inside him to be given… in the form of deep-seated hatred.

That hatred towards me, hidden and bottled up, all mine…

My heart pumped and my legs wobbled, femininity excited, body intoxicated by this discovery, tepid warmth turned firestorm when fantasies start to form and grow and grow—

Love and hatred, me and you—two sides of the same coin, a wafer-thin boundary.

… A giggle escapes me.

In the end, you do feel as strongly as I do, Anon~

>> No.44936753 [View]
File: 21 KB, 236x370, __shanghai_doll_touhou__a88199ad3ff0ca438f50ed14e2d2a630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>44936224 (1/0)
Yukari had a boring night following her tryst with Anon. Wait for Ran to lock up, ensure the barriers are intact and peek in on the Hakurei miko to see if she’s kicked the bucket yet. So much work for so little praise. Sometimes the sage wonders why she bothers at all.

With nothing else to do, Yukari gapped herself towards a nearby desk surrounded by monitors, saving an astounding 8 steps. Every screen displayed a different area of the HSE live in high-definition, recorded to a set of solid-state drives that would soon join the growing pile. Nothing was out of the ordinary, but it never hurt to check. Looking over Anon’s bedroom, the prisoner inside was asleep on his back. While his face showed signs of stress, a very noticeable protrusion came from his crotch. Fufu~, he must be dreaming about their wonderful 20 minutes together. With something to look forwards to in the morning, Yukari gapped herself under her sheets to greet the morning sooner.

She simply could not wait any longer. She still had a few hours left until her first session with Anon before the HSE opens, but the thought of his large, throbbing erection waiting for her haunted the youkai’s dreams. It was still dark: Ran shouldn’t be in yet. Even if she did come in early, Yukari would simply order her to open late. She needed Anon and needed him NOW.

Teleporting directly into the building in a flowing negligee, Yukari cursed herself for setting up extra barriers in case Ran got any funny ideas about taking Anon for herself. Her shikigami never gave her any reason to question her loyalty before, but the frequency in which she spent her breaks with the man and the wistful look in her eyes inspired paranoia. Either way, undoing these spells wasted valuable seconds Yukari could have spent riding Anon’s cock.

Undoing the last seal, Yukari immediately sent herself to Anon’s room. Still asleep, his dick tented the sheets, unabated. The scent of his unbridled manhood filled the air, inflaming her senses far better than any Lunarian contraption. This was a raw, primal energy. The energy to procreate, to breed, to mate. Yukari threw off the covers, ready to reveal the lively dick that would surely impregnate her this time.

However, it appeared that Anon had already blown his load. A small white lump enveloped his dick from the side, making tiny movements with two unseen limbs. Shocked, then furious, the gap youkai seized it in her hand, pulling it away from the man she had so securely locked up for the night. It parted with a long, thick string connecting it back to the shaft that had coated it so well. Feeling subtle bumps and contours underneath the viscous, white surface, Yukari swept her thumb to reveal a mess of sticky, blonde hair and glazed-over blue eyes.

This doll… it belonged to the girl that never could muster the guts to enjoy Anon’s company. So she sent one of her dolls to do it for her? Inspecting the doll closer, Yukari sensed strong emotions attached to the doll. Prying further, it was obvious what motivated the petite automaton to such carnal action: There were powerful, lingering emotions of desire and frustration. The doll’s virginal master had transferred her sexual and personal frustration to Shanghai, possibly without even knowing it. While she was upset at the doll for having Anon all to herself through the night and fooling Yukari’s lust, she was nonetheless amused. Perhaps she could use this to keep the doll maker under her thumb…

Gapping away the sticky semen from Shanghai’s entire body and Anon’s crotch, Yukari noticed a small drop of semen remaining on the doll’s crotch. Upon further inspection, it appeared there was a slit leaking Anon’s fluids. Fufu~, what a lewd little contraption. Cleaning out the orifice, Yukari was perplexed as to how its belly remained slightly swollen when drained of semen. Manipulating the boundary between fluids and solids did nothing, neither the boundary between clean and dirty. On a curious whim, Yukari inspected the boundary between the living and non-living. What she found was a wholly-artificial contraption hosting a small, budding life within it.

Marching into the kitchen, Yukari slammed the cupboards open and poured the fertility enhancers down the sink. Clearly, Eirin was a quack selling faulty pills that have had terrible effects on Anon’s cum. By morning, she’ll cut off all ties with Eientei and find a real solution to her fertility.

This is only as canon as you want it to be

>> No.32324747 [View]

>Gawr "sometimes I question if I have real emotions" Gura silently watching a man get turned into red paste by a train for 15 seconds

>> No.30856383 [View]
File: 72 KB, 960x720, 1601928354058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometimes I'll question if I even have real emotions

>> No.30856351 [View]
File: 2.24 MB, 2048x1491, 1578542318191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sometimes ill question if i ever have real emotions

>> No.30856332 [View]

>sometimes I question if I actually have real emotions....
>long silent pause
Gura holy fuck, are you ok

>> No.17345558 [View]

I wasn't gonna respond but my but my autism compels me.
I'm just gonna filter after this to stop any urges.

True love is a hollywood/media meme.
We ourselves implemented rules of breeding and polygamy was banned to prevent rich people from taking all potential mates.
Humans want to breed, that's natural.
With nature out of the way.

Sometimes being in love means being away or even leaving the person if that makes them happy.
How can you call that love if you aren't with the person?
Sometimes love means you have to disobey a parent and run away.
Does that mean you didn't love your parent?
Once again, if you can accept love between a robot and human where the robot doesn't really even understand love and is just reciprocating emotions, I don't see what's so hard to get with people being fine with harems. Relationships are all different.
It might not be the amazing love you want with two people loving another but each relationship is different. The people love another equally OR love each other in different ways. Just because you love a parent and your wife doesn't mean it's diminished or if you have a crush on multiple people it doesn't mean it's diminished. Furthermore it's fiction as I keep saying, a person may not be satisfied with a robot in real life but fine in fiction the same way with harems.
Love isn't clear cut.
Harems make everybody happy in the fiction they're in.
Sure you can argue, that love isn't as real as one to one relationships.
However the people in it are happy.
You arguing that people would have problems with another, however that's up to the writer.
if the girls struggle it can make a good story, if they don't maybe the writer can make it interesting in other ways.

Most of those stories involve realism to a degree like the vampire loli going to school or the ugly MC actually having legit relationships.
Why don't you question those relationships?
Why don't you say hey that relationship is so far fetched with the 1000 year old loli drinking blood and nearly killing him almost every day say it's a weird relationship.
The beautiful women being attracted to that man and all fighting over him and say that's a weird relationship there might be something wrong.
Still you accept it and read it and don't throw tantrums.
These stories are meant to entertain nothing more.
I know there might be problems with harems in real life. I just see it as ichaicha and no definite open end.

>> No.6352210 [View]

Every now and then I find myself questioning my life and everything I do. Does anybody else ever feel like that? I think to myself, "what kind of person does this shit", or, "what the fuck am I doing". Usually only when I do things that I know are considered a bit weird, even with the large amount of things that are acceptable online and especially in /jp/. I still find myself asking myself this question every few weeks.

For instance, is it odd to watch four hours of magical girl anime before I go to sleep every night? Is it odd that when I go to a store, I make sure to walk past the women's and girls's clothing sections to see if anything is cute enough to buy for myself? Is it odd to be a grown man and be brought to your knees any anything cute? Is it normal to feel good when somebody makes a mean or disgusted face at you, or when you're scolded or belittled?

Even more recently, I've begun to question even normal things and if they're acceptable, and if so, what's the acceptable level? How big of a sweet tooth is acceptable? For instance, is it acceptable to sometimes just eat sweets as a meal? What's the acceptable level of eye contact with another person before they get creeped out and think I'm up to something? What's the acceptable level of emotions to show when I'm out? I find myself being increasingly annoyed by people in real life, so it's quite easy for me to have no expression on my face in public, and I do that often. However, when I return home, I can't help but smile and feel giddy at every little thing I see on the computer screen. A lot of times I notice myself even talking to myself, or making some kind of odd laugh when I see something very cute that is particularly appealing to me.

It's things like that last point that make me question myself and even my sanity.

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