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Search: This triggered

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>> No.45886255 [View]

clearly you get triggered by this lmao

>> No.45860310 [DELETED]  [View]

all of this started because the atheist midwit got triggered by >>45860103 btw

>> No.45847789 [View]

>>45846577 this triggered. ww

>> No.45816674 [View]

The dev being an autistic /jp/sie that actually made something with his life instead of rotting in NEETdom doing nothing triggers some people a lot. He's an autistic sperg that gets triggered at seeing his waifu getting fucked in porn, but that obsessive love is also what drove him to escape this bucket of crabs mentality and actually do something good, and that makes him based.

>> No.45812794 [View]

what triggered it this time?

>> No.45804411 [View]

What triggered the bot this time

>> No.45800128 [View]

what triggered the bot this time

>> No.45784804 [View]
File: 360 KB, 640x909, kasen proves grimsokyo is canon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN: "Rumia likes to hunt and EAT humans"
Zounose: *draws Rumia hunting and eating humans*
See pic related, you fucking posers, you phonies, you FRAUDS.

Rainfall and Canni-can are his best masterpieces, not because of the cannibalism but because of how much worldbuilding and characters reacting to a situation he covers.

>> No.45768261 [View]

it was overall very off synch, the crash was egregious she hit it then half a sec later the sound comes off
also check the snare lead right after this triggered me the most

>> No.45715529 [View]

>and starts calling out one entity who posts "ohisama fever" filenames
You do know we have archives right? This happened once. Once.
The fact this triggered you so hard that you'd even bring it up makes it obvious to everyone here that you're the one who was posting those files.

>> No.45707135 [View]

who triggered him this time

>> No.45699250 [View]

what triggered the minority this time?

>> No.45690601 [View]

I had my permanent visa denied. I’ve been living in Japan for almost ten years, never delayed any payments, all taxes and insurances paid on time. I’ve devoted a decade to this country, giving my best to fit in. However, when I finally applied for a permanent visa, it was rejected. Even though my wife is a descendant, her family has a permanent visa, and we had all the necessary guarantees and documentation, we were still denied. I know I can try again in some time, but it’s so frustrating to go through this.

With my foreigner face, I know I don’t fit in here, regardless of having N1 or working hard as a full-time employee. I actively participate in community organizations, trying to feel like a part of it and be accepted as a law-abiding citizen. I was rejected by someone who, with a stamp, denied me a future with my own home and the stability I seek in the country, without fear of my next resident visa being denied (it may sound trivial, but it haunts me). I’m extremely frustrated, and this rejection by the Japanese immigration after all these years triggered a depressive episode I hadn’t experienced in years.

It makes me want to give up everything and start anew in another country (going back to my home country isn’t an option because my home country is Brazil, which is basically hell on earth).

>> No.45662035 [View]

sure is mad what triggered it this time?

>> No.45650018 [View]

this triggered

>> No.45639209 [View]

>Triggered the samefagging
Says the anon who's literally been caught doing this for the last several threads in a row.

>> No.45618177 [View]
File: 1.23 MB, 1100x1299, 50258351_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anal Lubers are triggered by entry level bad end porn of their inferior shipfus

This is why I love Kancolle's fanbase is they don't care if their shipfus are abused and raped.l it builds character

>> No.45581242 [View]

I genuinely fucking wonder what triggered this retard this time that he started another old ass timeloop

>> No.45580943 [View]
File: 974 KB, 3072x3072, GBXHr3laQAAJ3J0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This triggered bususissy

>> No.45539632 [View]

why are you so mad that jamal lost? what causes you to be so triggered that the first thing you do after opening the thread is reply to posts about jamal and cope about this simple fact?

>> No.45539613 [View]

why are you so mad that jamal won? what causes you to be so triggered that you reply to every single post about this simple fact?

>> No.45527537 [View]
File: 205 KB, 647x800, Tewi bloomers on head retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tewi stood there, in front of that green haired vengeful spirit, deadly flower youkai, blond witch(the other was busy cooking), orange bookkeeper, blue and white shrine maiden, and black feathered crow. The tanuki sat there without a care, amused that the focus had shifted to Tewi and her shaking inaba cohorts. The trio were on the receiving ends of a series of quite impressive glares that triggered the fight or flight instincts of her girls like no other, it was a testament to their care for Hana that they stayed put like a caught prey animal instead of bolting. Ah, such good girls~, Tewi would have to spoil them later and act a proper mother.

Regardless of her thoughts on Sana and Sara's fortitude the situation didn't change, they hopped into Alice's home quite brazenly with a single present and a bundle of mochi between them. It was clear that no one expected them to arrive, Tewi didn't care at least, she knew this was intended to be a private gathering and no one here knew how deeply Anon was entrenched into their family. She didn't hold against them what they didn't know, it wasn't the right thing to do, so when Mima spoke in her grandiose voice about 'what would possess the inaba of the earth to try to ruin this happy occasion' all Tewi could do was hop up and give the ghost a kiss on the forehead like the squirt she was.

This shocked the ghost and got the others attention, that was for sure. That said nothing of how Sana and Sara gasped in surprise, but Tewi didn't let the flabbergasted ghost whose wand suddenly found itself in her hand stop the cheeky rabbit. Channeling her almost forgotten experience of motherhood from a time before even this vengeful spirit was born, "I never knew a ghost could be so cute, no wonder Hana-chan cares for you so much. She would talk on and on about how you taught her so much!"

Tewi lied out of her teeth, but it was needed and benefited her and her charges so there was no wrong. It even had the intended effect, it killed the hostile aura the ghost held aloft like her silly hat as if she was running into a cliff face. She cleared her throat and resumed the domineering attitude she started with, but the edge was clearly gone, "It doesn't matter how much you claim to be her friend, this party is private and not for the likes of interlopers like you prank loving inaba to infest!"

Nodding as seriously as her mental state befitted, Tewi looked up at the towering ghost and youkai present, only Marisa was around her eye level. Tewi opened her mouth, her trump card would have to be played as she looked up at the vengeful spirit who still held her wand. Tewi's face was bashful but held that stern attitude that only one of those elderly humans who's long accepted their death could display, "I get it I get it, I'd buzz off after passing along my present but..."

The entire living room, plus Alice whose left the tedious simmering and stirring of pots to her dolls, held their breathe with a mix of amusement or annoyance. None guessed at what Tewi would say next except the inaba of the earth and moon who knew very, very, very well as to the gravity of the situation, "It's important to get to know my daughter and grandchild as well as I can you know? Humans live such short lives and all!"

Tewi could see the confusion on their faces, though certain girls like Mamizou, Aya, and Marisa grinned or averted their gazes as they pleased. Uncaring of the attention she would draw she went all in with her genial gamble, "After all, with 52 of my girls pregnant by him and myself trying for a child Anon and Hana are literally family in every sense of the word. Its my job to support them as best as I can!"

If silence was a place the entirety of Alice's house would be transported to far off shores. Even Sana and Sara, the little goofballs, didn't know the extent of things nearly as well as Tewi did and froze with a glance between each other. Of course, this silence didn't still Tewi aside from a dramatic pause where you could hear the pot on the stove bubbling a hardy stew to combat the late autumn chill, "It's embarrassing and all, but you can't keep a rabbit from her fun!. Before I knew it Anon was as much of an Inaba as Sana and Sara were! That's why I'm here, as Hana's oba-chan I have to be there for her, I even made sure to get a Kappa made knick-knack that I knew she'd love! I can't wait to see my precious granddaughters face light up!"

At that revelation, there were no more objections to Tewi's intrusion. Though to Tewi's amusement, there was a look or two of absolute envy cast between the inaba seated nervously sipping tea and the expectant lovers of that hunk of outsider meat.

>> No.45493872 [View]

why don't you also get triggered by this >>45493716

>> No.45493435 [View]

a lot of melty in pc cafe posts triggered by this pure chad's post apparently

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