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7157000 No.7157000 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7157001


>> No.7157005


>> No.7157031

>industrial design this
>industrial design that
there's more to art



>> No.7157036

>there's more to art
who said otherwise?

>> No.7157067

I'm glad all industry cucks will be completely replaced by AI

>> No.7157100


>> No.7157107

>watch channel focused on industrial design
>reeeeee whys there industrial design

>> No.7157150

a lot of far-fetched assumptions on this one

>> No.7157160

dinosaurs... there's still hope for us...

>> No.7157537
File: 17 KB, 666x122, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha so do i, fellow redditor. upvotes to the left

>> No.7157727

To the left! To the left!

>> No.7157803

Fuck ive been doing the hard shit this whole time

>> No.7157804

try a stool softener. eat more fiber.

>> No.7157805

I hate the "90% real ref 10% your design injection" thing. it's what all his schools student portfolios look like and they are all boring. I get it, it's what the industry wants. but I hate it.

>> No.7157821

thanks for linking these. Going thru the first vid now and its so much more insightful than anything fzd. Just not interested in design. If you hav any mor plz link them

>> No.7157828

This board used to worship guys like Feng and Ruan Jia and now they're hated what happened?

>> No.7157835

Feng fucking over his business partners soured us on him quite a bit. ask ben mauro.

actually nobody on this board gives a shit and just wants to draw anime.

>> No.7157856

>Feng fucking over his business
Damn, that's crazy.

>> No.7157995

First time seeing this wtf

>> No.7158000

Feng is a businessman above everything else, no real artist would use "photo bashing" people following him only have themselves to blame.

>> No.7158057

seems like a good idea. It can help you get on with a solo project and find yourself stuck fantasizing about worldbuilding for too long.

>> No.7158060

>*not get stuck fantasizing about worldbuilding for too long.

>> No.7158237


>> No.7158434

The guys art is absolutely trash, why would fe g partner with him lmao

>> No.7158848


that's exactly why AI will win. You get to 90% a lot faster.

>> No.7158853

It's why most things top out at about 10% today. 10% human input won't even be a thing in the future of the industry, it'll just be 1% (like editing out awkward looking fingernails and swirly bits from the AI.) And they'll find a way to automate even that as well.

Then the future of all entertainment and design will finally shift fully to playing the social media and marketing game. In the future, an artist will be someone who automates prompts and spends their whole day optimizing search engine listings and keywords to keep up with the deluge of trends hoping to stand out from the millions of others doing the same. It'll be the same for books, games, movies, etc. It'll all be mechanical, near fully automated business warfare, all fighting for a piece of the consumer pie. Concept artists will be a dime a dozen, the only ones who will stand out are those that can also paint, since they'll be better at touching up machine generated works. Market saturation means they will be working for pennies despite having both manual and AI art skill. Since the average consumer will have even less taste and discernment than they already do (you know who to thank for this,) they will eat it up and the bubble will grow.

The future of the internet is a junkyard. Return to conventions irl and gatekeep them.

>> No.7159035

and the rest?

>> No.7159425

>2021 Ruan Jia = Godtier artstyle
>2025 Ruan Jia = AI slop
real simble.

>> No.7159701

>AI slop
not even close
I'm convinced AI shills are simply too incompetent.

>> No.7159781

>being this delusional
Show me his best work and I will show you better looking AI slop

>> No.7160119

Doesn't surprise me at all but honestly those guys were super naive, nothing Feng said sounded believable at all.
>yah guys I'll pay you MORE with a NEW company hah wouldn't that be great why would I screw you? just TRUST ME bro
Like come on

>> No.7160128

obviously those are not his exact words, lol. have you ever stepped outside? people don't talk like that and you'll be fooled more than once in your life.

>> No.7160146

The fact he said he was gonna somehow pay them more with a new company is an obvious lie and it's something a bad liar would come up with.

>> No.7160154

why wouldn't it ever be possible to be paid more? he does have money from his school.

>> No.7160159
File: 168 KB, 349x427, 1536851691449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every bad scam does the o'l "too good to be true."
Offered more pay, free housing and starting a company together. If you can't tell that's a scam you're naive

>> No.7160236

do you think people comminicate through email, text, discord, online outside?
talk to real people outside your basement. first, they establish trust, help you out a little, buy you lunch or dinner. they don't offer you money right away, not on the first meeting. they pretend to understand you and appear sympathetic. did you ever have friends? or are you skeptical of everyone around you? you'll die alone.
pic rel applies to you, my friend. may you have a blessed day.

>> No.7160277

Bruh I don't know this upsets you so much

>> No.7160289

today i decided to give a shit about opinions because i'm bored. as to why this particular thing, it's because of display of ignorance. i mean you don't even know all the details of what transpired and think you can superimpose email scams to a one-on-one interaction. i've seen way too many scams to recognize how it's done, i'm sure you internet armchair experts would sink and burn if anyone tried to pull one on you.

just an example, you get locked out of your car because the keys are inside and you call locksmiths in your area each of whom would tell you a different price. so you find one who offers $100 to open your car and then the mechanic who comes over says it's going to cost $150. so what are you going to to? you need to go to work the next day. i know that it's easy to judge after the fact, especially when you can look at it from the 3rd person perspective with a clear mind, but without prior experience it's very easy to fall prey.

>> No.7160314

>i mean you don't even know all the details of what transpired
The instagram post gave more than enough information to tell you that something was off right from the beginning.
Your example doesn't make any sense because it has nothing to do with what happened.

>> No.7160325

>I will show you better looking AI slop
It's gonna be "better looking" for you because you can't draw, and won't notice how horrible it is. AI is perfectly designed for room temp normies like you.

>> No.7160373
File: 18 KB, 684x115, googleisnothard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for you anon it sounds like you've never had friends yourself.
>pretend to understand you
>appear sympathetic
>help you out a little, buy you lunch
>establish trust
>long ago, anon left his basement, and the basement stayed with anon.

I hope you can forgive yourself for being super naive and believing things that turned out to be wrong as you learned better, anon.

Obvious, because anon likes to feel smart and cheer phrases like "I knew it!"

Both of ya'll sound like you have trust issues. Not surprising by the way coming from the anonymous messaging board.
I forgive both of you for being impressively naive and stupid about how we work as people.

I'll give you a few hints:
"trust" also means "safety." That word also used to mean "solid, firm." It refers to something that is "reliable."

Finally, I have taken the liberty of googling a vague approximation of how long it takes to establish "trust." For the attentive reader (which neither of you appear to be) you may now refer back to your instagram post.
>look at that, 8 months on the job.
We have two extra months to feel extra close!
>don't make friends with coworkers
On the contrary anon! We love to make friends with our coworkers! YOU don't like to because YOU have those "trust issues" I mentioned!

>You're WRONG!
I could be! I have my doubts about my own conclusions. You two don't seem to have that unfortunately.

You are right that none of what Feng sounds believable.
It's not naive to sign a bad contract. It's "I don't have the self-respect to turn down a bullshit contract." It's also called "I'm easily starstruck by big idiots that are called experts because they got here before I did."

>> No.7160423
File: 81 KB, 376x960, 1509389093908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope that the rest of his posts weren't written like this.

"I've been working quietly, never disturbing anyone."
"I haven't said a SINGLE negative thing about Prog"

Yes, it's a little weird not having anything negative to say about other people. It's a little weird when you're "all smiles" "on the surface."
"I stay pretty quiet...you are out of line."

"People need to hear the truth"

"I consider these to be personal attacks."

"If I'm guilty of something I'll fess up. But if I'm not, I will speak up."

I know this hurts anon, but actually, it's up to other people sometimes to tell you if you're guilty of something.
Usually we feel "betrayal" for a reason and it's considered "dismissive" to ignore your own role in a "relationship" where ideally responsibility is like a 50/50 split or something.

I am no longer confused about what makes me feel like I'm in a prison visiting room every time I click on a design cinema video.
OH >"have a blessed day"

>> No.7160457

image context?

>> No.7160514

I can draw very well. Stop lying on the internet. Also, I am not a normal person. I am donwnvoting your post. IQ tests are for sissies. I ve never did one.

>> No.7161110

why would i work as an art wagie when i can draw coom and get passive income

>> No.7161156

found it there.

>> No.7161158

this was funny to read I liked it I can't tell if the whole thing was satire from the beginning

>> No.7161163

>I can draw very well.
>IQ tests are for sissies. I ve never did one.
NGMI, real artists take IQ test before every drawing session.

>> No.7161191

>7 years old drama

>> No.7161194

10 actually
what a bunch of gossiping women

>> No.7161205

Kek lmao

>> No.7161456

>gossiping women
y-you too

>> No.7163939


>> No.7166492


>> No.7166660

>random quantification based on nothing
you are too mindless. stop using google.

>> No.7168730
