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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.56 MB, 1961x1398, FrSjMErWAAEHv1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6603155 No.6603155 [Reply] [Original]

>be capable of drawing like this
>would much rather draw men and women with two planets for an ass
How much talent do you think is lost to nsfw artwork?

>> No.6603157

>would rather draw men and women with two planets for an ass
you need to provide evidence for this, anon

>> No.6603159

I'm not saving that image to my computer

>> No.6603169

I mean, just draw what you want dude, don't overthink it. If you want to draw coom draw coom, if you want to draw something else draw something else. That's literally all there is to it.

>> No.6603177

he got that talent precisely because he wanted to draw coom

>> No.6603178

dont worry kid you'll grow out of that edgy black and dark phase soon (hopefully)

>> No.6603207

too bad his porn sucks. far too grotesque of a style even for a degen like me

>> No.6603224

If that's what they want to draw who are we to stop them

>> No.6603275

Grow up.

>> No.6603438

I was actually thinking of Eigaka before i was this.
Eigaka has so much fucking talent, he doesn't even need to stop doing NSFW, there's plenty of stuff to do with the natural beauty of the human body. If only he didn't have such fucking weird fetishes....

>> No.6603446

>How much talent do you think is lost
What a ridiculous statement to make. They probably only got that good because of all the smut they are capable of drawing thanks to the nsfw support.

>> No.6603449
File: 140 KB, 1494x1002, 1680774262121232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cannot think of a better way to put that talent to use

>> No.6603462

its another episode of
>nodraws and tourists being overly impressed by techniques they'd know how easy they are if they actually drew and had eyes
Can you see the image without the "hatching"? Because that's what is making the image impressive, not the 1:1 copy of some dark souls 3 screenshot
>how much talent is lost to porn?
All of it, because it's the only thing people actually give a shit about.
Blame the game.

>> No.6603490


>> No.6603494
File: 1.42 MB, 400x400, 1672560923213403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you think they aren't drawing sfw under a different moniker? I am sure most nsfw artist that are super good do this or they wouldn't even be as good as they are

>> No.6604044
File: 3.08 MB, 1483x2000, 3ce3213683c4346260e45a06e4d46f29ad4edfad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe Eigaka can be saved if he is separated from the nsfw bad-actors he has surrounded himself with
Those people are mentally deranged and their entire personalities revolve around homosexuality, brown skin and having sex with animals. If you've read Eigaka's explanation of his fetishes you would realize that, at his core, he is a pretty vanilla dude; why does he like cumflation? because it reminds him of pregnant women, a natural object of beauty for men. Why does he like shota? because it's a common boy fantasy to have sex with older women
The gay and stupid hyper proportions are shitty fetishes unnaturally implanted into him by his peers (like that evil seamonkey coomer krekkov)
I believe he can still be saved, because no person with an evil, coom-addled heart would be capable of creating something like the image attached to my post

>> No.6604045

I refuse to draw women

>> No.6604055

Based, I truly hate them unlike incels pretenders coping.

love from kazakhstan

>> No.6604093

>evil seamonkey coomer krekkov
is it cause of the snuff porn?

>> No.6604096

I draw NSFW because I like them. And because I suck at them.

>> No.6604099
File: 15 KB, 218x64, Screenshot 2023-04-12 at 00-37-58 (1) _ic_ - be capable of drawing like this would much rathe - Artwork_Critique - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krekkov hasn't done stuff that deranged besides his Tau works and whatever the fuck is going on with his gore shit.
He seems to be a chill dude but has evident mental health issues thus the procrastination of new works.
It must be the festering wound that is shit like discord servers that make this people embrace their illness and use it to replace what is broken in them.

That or he has done some fucked up shit that i don't know of so explain in case.

>> No.6604121

im sorry your fetish, bearded klan members, isnt catered for enough anon.

>> No.6604196
File: 780 KB, 831x709, 1546541635465465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you fag even talking about here?
You should keep the circlejerking and drama discussion in your discord servers.
No one really gives a shit about these nobodies with a huge following of mentally deranged porn addicted transvestites and bots while laundering money for some bulgarian human and drug trafficking ring on their Patreon.

Fags want to go into porn because they so desperately want to be rich and famous artisté and ""network"" to make "friends" to become loved and finally "win" at life; A miserable existence surrounded by even more mentally deranged trannies than them is all that awaits.

What kind of people really pursue nsfw and actively engages in the "community/scene"? Porn addicts who make sex their whole identity.

Have you never asked yourself why it is basically required that you "network" to even gain any kind of following on social media or it is impossible to gain any organic following at all?
It's because it's all rigged by these people.
If you don't belong in their circles, you can't have anything, if you are in their circles you can have anything at the cost of your soul and sanity.

death to e-celebrities and their fans
gtfo the board

>> No.6604204

its possible to gain a nsfw following without being in some community. Most of them are like this though.

>> No.6604390

that's a beautiful picture
if I grind coom art will I be able to make stuff like that?

>> No.6604506

Eigaka probably got this far because he wanted to draw porn. What you learn drawing porn can be applied to SFW and vice versa.

>Lost talent

Eig's drawing what he wants when he wants. Isn't that what everyone on /ic claims to want to do anyway? It's not wasted talent because he's not drawing what you want him to draw specifically.

>> No.6604559

I imagine over the course of trying to make it a lot of people fell down some real /lit/ pseud tier rabbit holes of art theory and philosophy, combined with the general attitude of the rest of the website and american quakerism makes for these really funny anti-NSFW types.

>> No.6604572

i thought that about doxy

but it is what it is, and maybe he wouldnt be so good if it wasnt for drawing porn

>> No.6604579

Does he draw it all at once or does he do the outline first and the smaller brush strokes at the end? Does he manually change the angle of the brush tip or is it movement based? I tried having it be movement based and the brush spazzes out and spins.

>> No.6604602

porn is just common and boring

>> No.6604608

>its possible to gain a nsfw following without being in some community.
Exceptions don't make the rule.

>> No.6604619

For a site full of outcasts I thought the users would value the exceptions and outliers more. Instead it seems anons are just as happy to throw those under the bus.

>> No.6604696

Personally, i believe everyone should get run over by a train, but i also don't get what you're even on about.
How does your post even make sense?

Sure, you can get a following without sucking some dick, but those exceptions don't make the rule which states that you have to suck dick to get any following.
Because one guy out of 100 got incredibly lucky and managed to not suck dick and get maybe 5k followers which are nothing compared to the hundreds of thousand of followers the others have, doesn't mean that the other 99 will manage to even reach a fraction of that.
Betting on bad odds is something only delusional normies do.
And i'm not talking about advertising either; you can advertise and be on all possible sites and art platform, but if you ain't sucking some dick i.e. networking, you ain't even getting a like.

>> No.6604698

you can start as good example and let yourself be run over first

>> No.6604702

Thank you, very cool, chatgpt.

>> No.6604704

nsfw artists draw cool shit, they just don't share It with (((you)))

>> No.6604705

When you degrade everyone who does nsfw you degrade the few exceptions that didn't go the route you accuse them of. Doesn't matter if it was luck or another factor that brought them attention, you bash them equally when they in fact did not partake in the practices that bother you this much.
And that reminds me of how everything is so black and white nowdays, how every outlier is shoved in a category and thrown shit for it whether they truly belong in it or not since nuance is dead. I thought 4chan was the one place that would not fall under this retardation of extremes but I guess I was wrong. This is just another shallow social media, just more underground than others.

>> No.6604718
File: 69 KB, 800x533, FB9586EC-666B-454D-9311-BD049EF6ADC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is true. Even your own mutuals won’t throw you a retweet without giving them a dick-sucking update every day. It’s exhausting just trying to maintain a small amount of rt/likes. Really it’s pointless. Even your dumbest of normies are tacitly aware of the transactional value of a retweet and a like. Unless you have somehow managed to tickle their vaginas or given them something they can show off to their friends, you’ll get nothing, even if they think the thing you drew was cool, it’s not enough for a retweet. Without social proof, you’re dead, and social proof can only be bought by big follower accounts and they aren’t giving it away for free. I’m personally not sure what they want in return, but unless you’ve tickled their vagina, you’re lucky if they throw you a like for something like an oc redrawing. It’s rough out there.

>> No.6604723

It's just so depressing to think talented people sold their soul to the devil for a couple of bucks. So much talent wated to coom "art". It's the downfall of society.
I don't even want to think about it.
I don't consume that shit, I don't promote it, I don't encourage it. It's the best I can do.

>> No.6604730

>coomer art has existed since the dawn of man
>How much talent has been lost to this zoomer trenndd reeeeee!!

>> No.6604737

Millenials really are boomers 2.0

>> No.6604739
File: 116 KB, 803x554, 16546541654651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exceptions still don't make the rule.
I don't care about your hyper-autistic retardation and muh
>b-b-b-but ur degrading everyone
That's not even the point in this and you don't give me any reason to actually start an in-depth autistic conversation about this topic since you already committed the same sins you're accusing other of.
Pretty much on point.
No one really gives a shit about other people and everyone wants to be worshipped or gets angry at other people existing that do things that are not aimed at themselves or that they don't personally like, pretty much like this thread talking about the people doing art they don't like rather than criticizing the art itself and why these genre and niche is well received and drawn.

Getting back on the whole social media thing; on the other hand, IF i were someone with a big high number account, i would also limit my interactions as much as possible with lower number account.
Not out of ill-intention, but rather because the lower numbers will most probably only really want to interact to climb up the social media ladder. At least if you stay around high count profiles, they won't stab you or try to cancel you for a handful of likes.
Think about it; why do rich people only hang out with other rich people?

You get all these problems if you combine whatever benefits you get with success on social media, with a lack of maturity and iq.
But in all honesty, most people should simply not be allowed to use the internet let alone be allowed to interact with other people in any manner whatsoever.

>> No.6604860

Na man , idgaf it's your life, I'm a recovering addict to porn that's all, I hope you can understand that porn ruined my life and my brain chemistry ;_;

>> No.6605198

That really is a beautiful picture

>> No.6607761


>> No.6609977

>this looks nice

>> No.6610001

it's sad, he should be drawing flat girls instead

>> No.6612175

He does, they're just usually balls deep in thick ones too

>> No.6612192

I think about that every time I see NSFW art, especially some furry art I came across. You see that the person knows anatomy well, can put these figures into perspective and has amazing colors, but it's all wasted on some buff bear with a 10 in dong

>> No.6612201

Can you explain why it's wasted?

>> No.6612205

In my perspective, if the person enjoys doing that then more power to them. For me I'm thinking that this person can be making great art, inspiring the younger generation not through degeneracy but he/she is making smut. In the end they may have gotten bit by the gfur bug as I got bit by the fantasy art bug.

>> No.6612956

>ITT crabs seething
just paint what you want to paint anon
>b-but muh wasted t-tal--
only thing you're wasting here is your time when you could've improved your skills and surpass them

>> No.6612974

Its not pseud to want art to speak about something other than coom

>> No.6613153

Not what I said at all

>> No.6613162

Doesn't matter, his point still stands

>> No.6613168

I accept your concession

>> No.6613171

I accept your concession, coomer-sama

>> No.6613172

No need, I already accepted yours

>> No.6613179

You already surrendered to that dude though

>> No.6613180

I would accept your concession but it would be redundant at this point