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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4745731 No.4745731 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware: non-display graphics tablets, pen display tablets, portable tablets and more.

>What should I buy?
State your:
>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
>Size (in inches)
>Other information
>Previous equipment

If you have any additional questions, ask them.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos Pro 2013 - Great value, and the nibs won't wear out in 5 seconds like they do on the newer model.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite - Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech.
Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9" - Best option for a display tablet.
Used Cintiq 22HD - The only worthwhile large display tablet


Cintiq Pro - Absolute trash value. The drawing experience might be good, but you're paying way too much for an unreliable product.
Microsoft Surface Pro - The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.
Every other Chinese Brand

Previous: >>4728994

>> No.4745742

>avoid chinese brands

>> No.4745777
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I got the Huion WH1409. How much did I fuck up?

>> No.4745781

is suicide a viable alternative

>> No.4745786

to what? drawing?

>> No.4745789

A fair bit. Huion are trash, and you won't have tilt.

>> No.4745803
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My intuos pro has 5 years in use with no issues.
Should I buy a new grip-pen just for have it ready in case that my current one dies?

>> No.4745820

but he doesn't use tilt? it would've been worse if he got a wacom and paid more for the same shit

>> No.4745839

i found someone selling a used cintiq 22hd for $400 and it looks in decent condition. i already have a 2nd gen ipad pro 12.9 which i also bought used. I don't have the desk space for it and i love the ipad, but i've heard people say it's too small. How much would i be kicking myself if i dont buy it?

>> No.4745846

Now is the time to buy before everyone gets their next round of stimulation checks.

>> No.4745847

He'll use it sooner later if he's any decent, and when that happens I'm sure he's gonna regret getting a shit tab that doesn't support it

>> No.4745849

>but he doesn't use tilt?
Who's he? You? Why are you referring to yourself in the third person?

>> No.4745853

You won't be kicking yourself at all until your shoulder starts causing you pain because you spent too much time drawing with your wrist on a 12.9" screen.

>> No.4745864

nope, don't draw with my wrist ever on the ipad. I draw 100% from the shoulder and no pain so far.

I could see myself possibly getting shoulder pain from having to do much larger strokes though, but wouldn't I get used to it?

>> No.4745865

not that guy but actually referring to that artist that was posted here doing a xp-pen review who actually said he doesn't use tilt, Tilt won't make you a better artist there is no make make me a better artist button on any tablet...

>> No.4745877

give me one reason why I shouldn't buy a thinkpad P53 with the 4K OLED digitizer to use as my main workhorse
hard mode: without using the word "china"

>> No.4745883


>> No.4745912

He didn't answer for me. But yeah I'm not much of a tilt guy, I guess

>> No.4745983
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>Microsoft Surface Pro - The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.

Well shit. At least i got it on sale and i can make shitty MS paint doodles for fun.

>> No.4745984
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is it worth the $400?
i want my first screen tablet to be a wacom (trying to avoid xp+huion knockoffs) and this seems decent for beginners.
also considered an ipad but i prefer not having to pay for clip studio and photoshop subscriptions.

>> No.4746011

I dunno some people say it isnt great but not sure if they’re just anti-shilling for their chink products.
Buy it off amazon and give it a good 90 day test drive.

Btw what’s your drawing experience?

>> No.4746030

This isn't 2015 anymore. Microsoft Pen Protocol supports all pens, not just those made by N-trig. Any other brand will work perfectly fine.
Even if you are unfortunate to have bought one of these early models, the existence of programs like Lazy Nezumi makes it a non-issue.
I have thought about it a lot, and I have identified two kinds of people who hate on active digitizers:
Chinese shills who have dug their heels into the EMR display niche that the rest of the market abandoned. They infest websites like this to grant legitimacy to a dying technology.
And stubborn boomers who insist that Intuos is superior because they remember when a Cintiq cost $3 grand. To these people, there are no good display tablets.

>> No.4746065

Does having tilt actually make a difference when drawing? I'm trying to decide between deco 3 and deco pro and I was wondering if tilt and Bluetooth are the only major differences between the two.

>> No.4746128

Because the drawing digitizer is garbage. Enjoy your wobbly lines.

>> No.4746224

all tablet bad

>> No.4746349

au contraire

>> No.4746361

>Any other brand will work perfectly fine
no it won't, retard.

>> No.4746378

It will. You can use Wacom AES, N-Trig, Adonit...etc pens on any modern active display. That's what "Microsoft Pen Protocol (MPP) means.
I swear to god /ic/ is frozen in the year 2015.

>> No.4746391

Fuck off Zhang

>> No.4746396
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Shit OP post.

Threadly reminder that for screenless tablets, wacom are fucking shit unless you buy their older discontinued models.

Also, you should state your preferred texture/feel, as this is probably the most influential part of whether or not youll enjoy your tablet.

>> No.4746399

Hey btw, you cant draw. You cant find a creative identity through fucking tablet consultation.

>> No.4746412

looks like the chink shills have been angered!

>> No.4746413

Okay schizo

>> No.4746428

>Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite - Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech.
>Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9" - Best option for a display tablet.

Uhm no. S6 Lite and a used 2nd gen should be the budget alternatives to each other depending on what OS you want. If money is not an object, the "best" would be a 2020 ipad if we apple.

>> No.4746521

Do people actually draw on docking stations like that?

>> No.4746524


keep up the good work!

>> No.4746525

most people just use an ergotron

>> No.4746539

he’s right.

>> No.4746579
File: 20 KB, 448x401, manofculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter the thread half expecting it to be infested by chinkbots circlejerk
>mfw reading the OP
>mfw watching the mongoloids get BTFO after their pathetic attempt of rebuttal

You're alright d/ic/ks, I see this place still haven't lost its edge yet
Keep fighting the good fight

>> No.4746600

IF you buy a graphic tablet can you turn off the screen and simply draw as you would on a drawing tablet with the stuff happening on the computer screen?

>> No.4746603

>Btw what’s your drawing experience?
HS art class and some occasional sketching.
I want to get into digital art.
The tablets without displays look as though it will be awkward trying to draw while focusing on the monitor so I want to start with a display one.

>> No.4746642

Ive been using a Huion H610 Pro V2 for just over a year now, Im very happy with it. Very smooth surface, Ill never have to replace my nibs and even if I do, they gave me 10 extra ones. Paid for itself hundreds of times over by now.

If you dislike the abrasive ""paper"" texture, then avoid the xp pen deco 2 pro and absolutely avoid the new intuos pros.

>> No.4746644
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forgot pic

>> No.4746657

Just bought an ipad pro 10.5, it's was refurbished though (with warranty). I hope it turns out swell.

>> No.4746659

What's the experience like on the S6 Lite? Used Ipad is out of my budget. I'm trying to get something that doesn't need a pc because I already have a screenless tablet for my pc.

>> No.4746660

Depends on your budget, I'm more conservative with money so I'd get a non display tablet in your situation as you're just starting and even pros use intuouses fine, but if 400 bucks isn't a big deal for you then sure go for it

>> No.4746667

How's cintiq 16 if I want to upgrade from a intuos? Is it large enough to draw comfortably? Or should I just save for a 22

>> No.4746698

Do you live in Arabia? What's with all the sand?

>> No.4746710

nah, just specs of hard dust and such. The high exposure direct sunlight doesnt do it much flattery, but Im not very tidy. I only care about keeping the drawing surface clean.

>> No.4746774

>Chang keep shilling their trash products

>> No.4746785
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>he paid an extra 200 dollars for brand name

oh no no no

>> No.4746789
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Yes, and 10 years later I havent had a single problem :^)

>> No.4746794
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>h-heh, t-thatll show him!
>virtually all tablets last forever if you dont throw them around like a retard

man, wacom really pulled your pants down didnt they.

>> No.4746806

I use its slightly older sister model (A6). Pretty comfy so far, atleast it seems to be able to handle 1000x1000 350dpi canvas just fine
I haven't tested it to make anything that uses more than 10 layers though

>> No.4746967

What is the minimum amount of pressure levels, resolution and pen reading speeds that I should look for? In other words "if tablet has less than this, avoid; if tablet has higher than that it's nice but not vital"
4096, 2540, 133 respectively?

>> No.4747075

>What is the minimum amount of pressure levels, resolution and pen reading speeds that I should look for? In other words "if tablet has less than this, avoid; if tablet has higher than that it's nice but not vital"
>4096, 2540, 133 respectively?
I use a 2020 model Amazon Fire HD tablet with 0 levels of pressure sensitivity and I do fine, you just need to do a little more tweaking.

>> No.4747121

You need to take a more painterly approach to your picture, but if you're coming from traditional painting it's a lot easier and less tedious than it may be otherwise.

>> No.4747234

Reminder that every single tablet is bad.

>> No.4747304

>dont buy chinese
>yet wacom is made in china
>careful with chinese shills
>wacom actively pays for roboadvertising and astroturfing third party solutions
you people are legitimately delusional lol

>> No.4747331

another chink shill spotted

>> No.4747333

why would you do that

>> No.4747340

t. actual paid wacom shill
you guys could at least pretend to be transparent

>> No.4747404

In the past there were tons of stuff to set apart Wacom from the others (battery-free pen, laminated display, etc)
With the newer generations, the only features Wacom has that Huion/ XP-Pen don't are an eraser on the pen (standard on any Wacom) and multi touch gestures (only on certain models)
Neither of those are worth the Wacom Tax

>> No.4747412

Hey just a warning/heads up: the latest July 16th Windows driver XP-PenWin_1.6.4.200715 on this page: https://www.xp-pen.com/download-430.html is infected with something called "Hynamer B!ML" according to Windows Defender.

Firewall detects trojan software when I try to install the Deco 03 driver Hello, I am downloading the latest driver from the XP-Pen website on a PC running Windows 10 Pro for my Deco 03, but my firewall detects trojan software and removes the installer automatically.

malware stashed in china-mandated software

chinese consulate in Houston hot spot for spying

keep posting chang chang I got more

>> No.4747417
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Thinking of getting Wacom One since its the only available where i live
Does SAI work well with it?

>> No.4747551

>no shortcut buttons
>shit pen
sure if you want to buy a turd just because it says Wacom on it

>> No.4747553

You think thats bad, wait till you see the backdoors on windows OS

>> No.4747591

>since its the only available where i live
There is literally nothing else.
If i would order a different one from overseas it would cost me literally another tablet in toll.

>> No.4747598

SAI works fine with it. are you able to get it through amazon?

>> No.4747632

Its being sold in a local store where im from.

>> No.4747684

Why do you ask if you don't have a choice?

>> No.4747687

thats unfortunate.
where do you live. i cant imagine there aren't other alternatives.

>> No.4747788

wait ... can you draw? if you live somewhere where you can only get a tablet from your local store maybe a screen tablet isn't the best use of your funds. do you also have a decent computer and internet access to go along with the wacom?

>> No.4747881

Where do you live that you can get a Wacom One but no iPad?

>> No.4747893

As far as i knew Wacom One would be better?
Yeah, somewhat.
I dont see what i would spend it on instead if its my only option?

>> No.4747896

>just be retarded like me bro
>just make your works look like absolute ass bro

>> No.4747909

>The cheapest modern Wacom possible
>Better than iPad

I dunno, Anon...

>> No.4747914

Why wouldnt it be?
Its designed from drawing while the ipad isn.

>> No.4747921 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 1490x963, 71EqXaqliML._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan to buy the XP-PEN ARTIST 22E PRO next week.
I don't care that it doesn't have pen tilt function.
It also doesn't bother me that you have to recharge your pencil. In fact, it's better because, according to research, EMR technology causes the edge-corner effect.

Any recommendation?

>> No.4747929
File: 163 KB, 1490x963, 71EqXaqliML._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan to buy the XP-PEN ARTIST 22E PRO next week.

I don't care that it doesn't have pen tilt function.
It also doesn't bother me that you have to recharge your pencil. In fact, it's better because, according to my research, EMR technology causes the edge-drift effect on the corners

Any recommendation?

>> No.4747932

The iPad is unironically a better art tool than most monitors designed for drawing.

Which says more about the state of drawing monitors than the iPad, but yeah. They're also more reliable than modern Wacoms. Not to mention the superior customer service if you do develop an issue. Wacom has really nosedived in quality these past few years and their customer service sucks.

>> No.4747943
File: 128 KB, 920x920, png-transparent-digital-writing-graphics-tablets-computer-monitors-stylus-liquid-crystal-display-tablet-computers-bengali-new-year-electronics-gadget-pens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, so I'm currently using a small pen tablet and I was thinking maybe I can upgrade some of my equipment. Can a fellow artist recommend me a liquid crystal tablet? What sorts of experience have you had with it? Is it really that big of an improvement over pen tablets?
I've been told you'll improve your speed and maybe the quality of your strokes.
Can I get a good one for 600$?
Also, why is my location important?

>> No.4747948

I just hate using the ipad version of sketchbook pro, its so barebones in comparison to wacom.
And theres no way to use SAI either.

>> No.4748001
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Should I buy that one or the Intuos Pro for double the price?

>> No.4748099

Wonder why Apple doesn’t want to make their own display tablets that’s used with computers. Everyone praises the Apple pencil for art.
They could completely take over the market.

>> No.4748166

Just because you're the shits and can't GMI without 100 gimmicks holding your hand

>> No.4748306

It depends on the tablet IIRC.

Sometimes there's something wrong with the screen but the rest of the tablet works fine. Or the screen is just inferior to the computer's.

You know literally everything these days is chinkshit, right? So it really doesn't matter which chinkshit you use. You're just gonna get chinked anyway.

>> No.4748309

Mainly because everything a drawing tablet can do, they'd rather shove it onto the iPad.

>> No.4748373

Adobe is already trying to port photoshop to ipad, there's no point

>> No.4748420

do you really think wacomshills read the bottom if their low end brand name tablet? let alone their 2010 acer chinkbooks

>> No.4748433

from a business standpoint it doesn't make much sense. MS tried with surface pro series displays and that didn't take off. Wacom is the established industry leader in large-scale drawing displays. iPads can already act like attached tablets via sidecar and duet/astropad.

There isn't much to gain in such a niche market. If anything, the easiest move would probably be to make a 16" ipad pro.

>> No.4748477

Why is XP-Pen so shit?

>> No.4748488

a 16” ipad pro would be killer.

>> No.4748492

Why do we need that?

>> No.4748494 [DELETED] 

>Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
This is too small. Is it really that good for artists? Please give me some recommendations?

>> No.4748496

>Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
This is too small. Is it really that good for artists? Please give me some recommendations.

>> No.4748497

So I can give Apple more money

>> No.4748513

Kill yourself.

>> No.4748530

None whatsoever

>> No.4748546

>I've been told you'll improve your speed and maybe the quality of your strokes.
Not necessarily, any decent-sized model can give you that
Screen tablets are mostly just convenience thing, really. Especially for people who has extensive background in traditional media and having troubles moving to digital

>> No.4748568 [DELETED] 

Well to be be honest even now I have an easier time drawing on paper with a pen tablet. I was thinking maybe it would help me increase my drawing speed if the experience I get is closer to paper.

>> No.4748570

Well to be be honest even now I have an easier time drawing on paper than with a pen tablet. I was thinking maybe it would help me increase my drawing speed and accuracy a bit if the experience I get is closer to paper, so I don't have to press ctrl+z as much.

>> No.4748686

Considering nowadays quality of display tablets, is the ipad back at the top as being the best tablet for drawing? (size aside)

I looked back at archived.moe and it was the shit back in the day when the pencil came out. No other tablet got recommended for a year or two. Then wacom kinda surfaced again, but now they're crap again.

>> No.4748711

That’s a poor assumption. Screen tablets aren’t a magic bullet that makes you suddenly better at anything. But you don’t learn that until after you buy it. You don’t get quicker by a tablet, you get quicker by hours and hours of drawing experience. Tablets don’t make you more accurate, they magnify your poor drawing habits. Poor drawing technique and laziness look worse. You don’t need a tablet to work those things out. You want to do less ctrl+z? Then do less ctrl+z. Again, that’s not something a tablet has any impact on.

Spending money on a screen tablet isn’t a replacement for time and experience drawing. Whether you want to force that to be 100% in front of a computer is up to you.

>> No.4748757

reply to this post if you are a shill

>> No.4748915

bigger screen size can always be a plus and 16” keeps the portable form factor

>> No.4749181

To be honest I draw all day every day, and I've been using a pen tablet for close to 3 years. I don't have problems using a pen tablet but there is still a bit of disconnection compared to paper. I think having the pencil pressing against the canvas and not just seeing the little circle moving while looking at the screen gives me a visual and tactile feedback I will never be able to get using a pen tablet, no matter how much I improve.
But thank you for getting me to think about these things a bit more deeply.

>> No.4749582

I'm on ebay looking for an intuos pro 2013 right now but I can't distinguish the old models from the new ones. What should I be looking for?

>> No.4749610

16" is not portable

>> No.4749611

16" can't even fit in a backpack.

>> No.4749746
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>> No.4749837

What's the best tablet for someone who wants to be a professional?

>> No.4750001

Cintiq Pro 32

>> No.4750007

whats the best screenless tablets? I got a huion 1060 but I hate it, my lines are fucked

>> No.4750013

Deco Pro or Intuos Pro

>> No.4750037 [DELETED] 

Are screen less tablet more versatile and comfortable to draw than tablets with screen? I'm seriously thinking about ditching my cintiq for a intuos large.

>> No.4750042

Versatile? Maybe not. Portable screen tablets that don't need to be connected to computers are clearly the most versatile canvases.

Comfortable? Yes, ten times more for your body. Staring straight ahead will always be better for your back/neck than bending over a screen.

Drawing-wise however, many find it easier to draw on a screen.

>> No.4750046

Are screen less tablet more versatile and comfortable to draw than tablets with screen? I'm seriously thinking about ditching my cintiq for a intuos large. Sorry for the double post.

>> No.4750439

Why would it be more comfortable if you don't see what you're drawing? That makes no sense to me.

>> No.4750454

Anyone using BOSTO 16HD?

>> No.4750514

So you are the idiot who gives shit advice to destroy begs

>> No.4750532


screenless takes some time to get use to. I've been using one for so long I actually prefer screenless tablet. But if you're not used to it and have the cash to buy a screen tablet... Buy it.

>> No.4750618

I cant agree here, you get used to screenless tablets faster than you realize. Your brains very capable of adapting to this sort of thing, I reckon itd take you about 30 minutes to get used to it. Just make sure that you have your tablet symmetrically matching your display in front of you, so that your arm is in the position itd be if you were writing something.

>> No.4750664

lads I could get a cintiq DTZ-2100A/G for dirt cheap cause the guys tech illiterate.
is it worth these days, despite the resolution and colour? or should I just ignore the DTZ and try find a DTK if it's cheap asf
it's near perfect condition too.

>> No.4750708

Shit man, that thing's ancient

>> No.4750744

You’re probably going to want the 2nd gen if you’re going to buy this. Also keep in mind you’ll need an adapter depending on how new your pc is which shouldn’t be a problem.

The only thing I hate about my 21ux is it gets hot easily and if my pc goes into sleep mode and wakes up the pen detection no longer registers and I have to restart the pc.

The color accuracies is also something you want to consider. You can have a window duplicated on an external window to check but that’s a ghetto way of doing it however if you’re a begshitter just starting out and getting into drawing, and you can get a 2nd gen for cheap, go for it. But if you’re worried about what I said you might want to just get a 22hd or the 22 model.

>> No.4750746

Also the color accuracy on the 21 nd gen isn’t that bad... I guess I’m just spoiled to how my iPad colors look. It’s acceptable and probably the same as the 22hd, just different resolution.

>> No.4750751

I use the cintiq 22 and can recommend it

>> No.4750763

I got an iPad Pro 12.9 as a display tablet but I still need a good display-less tablet to use in stuff on my PC like photo editing and such because the iPad feels crippled in everything that's not Procreate, what's a solid go-to option?

>> No.4750772

Why is this board so infested with Wacom shills? If /g/ can weed out the appLel advertisers, why can't /ic/ do the same?

>> No.4750773

Other way around, Mr. Wong.

>> No.4750776

>implying wacom needs shilling
lmao, they don't need one. because unlike yours, chang, their products are actually good

>> No.4750778

I really don't have any horse in this race. I use a wacom at work and I have at home both a cintiq and a huion. I just find it curious that while most artists here can barely draw or get money out of their work, there is so much advertising done for the most overpriced hardware you can buy, when cheap alternatives won't really impede an artist(just like a pen display won't make you better artist) and is not justifiable in any way at /ic/'s general skill level. And the chinkshit excuses are expeacially funny when wacoms are also made in china

>> No.4750780

>I really don't have any horse in this race.

Because you ate the horse, Wong.

>> No.4750782

> I use a wacom at work and I have at home both a cintiq and a huion. I just find it curious that while most artists here can barely draw or get money out of their work
Cool story, now pyw

>> No.4750804
File: 167 KB, 2000x1500, 115789981_3052127581502246_1780899071733183892_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scream pyw as much as you want, but advicing developing artists who are most likely broke at this level and are barely getting any money out of what they do, to pay 2-3 times more for a device that's marginally better then what the competition offers is either shill work or crabs trying to keep others down by making them take hamburger flipping jobs in order to pay for unnecessary devices

>> No.4750813

whats a 3d fag doing on a 2d board? adding a date on the corner isnt proof of anything

>> No.4750818

Alternatively they could just be trying justify the cost to themselves since they fell for the brand meme, and are trying to justify the value by means of suggesting the competition is chinabad rather than focusing on the strengths of the actual product, which are good, but not three times the price good. Especially since their patents all expired.

Plus you got the pen nib scam going on with their new intuos pro line

>> No.4750819

costs outweigh the trouble, chang. And besides I always by 2nd hand.

>> No.4750820

You got fucking wrecked, now sit down.

>> No.4750825

>whats a 3d fag doing on a 2d board
It's almost like the classical arts are the basis for more modern disciplines and a lot of the concepts like silhouette, color palette, composition, etc are perfectly transferable

>> No.4750827
File: 50 KB, 400x443, tsktsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hah! I only buy used goods to avoid being assfucked by the price! Gottem!!

Meanwhile I can buy a crisp new tablet for even less than your leftovers, run into no problems and sell coom commissions for 200+ dollars

>> No.4750837


Tainanmen Square, winnie the poo, etc

>> No.4750842

>focusing on the strengths of the actual product, which are good, but not three times the price good.
Absolutely this. If you work doing commissions for disney and are a professional who needs to showcase perfect penwork(or are Sakimichan and make 50k per month), then by all means, go for wacom and buy the best tools for the job. But for doing some furry porn commissions and trying to start you art career basically from close to zero, I promise you that it won't make a difference, except to your wallet
And as you progress, make ways into the industry and you start to outgrow your current tools, go and upgrade your gear if you feel that they are holding you down

>> No.4750847

It sure smells like bat soup in here

>> No.4750850
File: 601 KB, 648x864, lqDFDXXvfqMs7kyQ9y1FrGcQzdCE23uMPlcxFqo_oYE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The utter irony is that you're supporting chinese business just as much when you buy wacom tablets, the only difference is you pay 3 times more for no good reason. Also PYW

>> No.4750855

This, it's all built in China anyway

>> No.4750879

>/g/ can weed out the appLel advertisers
Not completely, because of iPads.

>> No.4751003

Wacom is a good brand

>> No.4751007

Give me 1 reason to not stuff my S-pen inside a cheap ballpoint shell, /ic/
This thing so fucking tiny it's physically hurt to draw with it

>> No.4751012
File: 403 KB, 589x593, no_bulli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is OP memeing or is wacom the only good screenless tablet

>> No.4751013

Opposite, the best display tablets on the market are by wacom but for screenless tablets, huion and xp pen offer superior value.

>> No.4751038

I feel like recording my dog taking a shit on a huion tablet then uploading it to youtube under the title "Huion Tablet Review". Unfortunately I already threw mine in the trash a while back.

Man that would have gone viral...

>> No.4751099

How much should I pay for a barely used Intuos Pro 851

>> No.4751106
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$500 or below
US of A
Display tablet. Doesn't need to be portable
12 inches is probably good
>Other information
I absolutely hate Apple products
>Previous information
Paper and pen

What buy?

>> No.4751127

Staedtler sells a good alternative IIRC.

>> No.4751134

>Absolutely hate Apple products

Well, you're stuck with either a Wacom One or some chinatab, both of which seem to be a roll of the dice insofar as their quality/how long they'll last you.

>> No.4751138

Android Samsungs are an option as well. The problem is that they're Android.

>> No.4751147

Is the Wacom Intuos a good tablet for its price? I got mine like 3 years ago as a Christmas gift and it still works fine. Were there any better cheap alternatives?

>> No.4751169

I tried one earlier this year and it does get the job done, but its absolutely not worth its price in terms of actual features. The texture/feel is down to taste, but new wacom tablets burn your pen nibs to force you to buy replacements often.
If you want an affordable screenless tablet I would suggest looking at wacoms competitors.

>> No.4751239

What's wrong with android?

>> No.4751281

Because i have a cintiq 21ux and it's has become way uncomfortable to work with. Heavy, large, hot, consumes lots of electricity, and it has been giving me problems since the day i bought it nine years ago. I've heard the only issue with screenless tablets is coordination with hands and eyes, which it can be fixed with some muscle memory. I don't really want cintiqs anymore cuz newer ones have a lot of expensive, proprietary hardware, and alternatives aren't any good.

>> No.4751297

Wow are you me? Same deal here. The heat can be a problem on these units but it's dealt with thanks to the power of Florida AC. But now that I have a much bigger desk I was thinking of ditching my 21UX so I can get a triple monitor setup and an intuos large so I don't have to worry about the color accuracy.

Back when I was using my intuos 3 I was used to it but when I moved to the screen tablet everything felt odd and it took me a month to get used to it. Now when I go back to the intuos I hate it. I'm just not sure right now but the newer tablets don't impress me. In the meantime I'm just going to wait until they come out with a new model.

>> No.4751347

Old ones are bigger, and have a smoother texture surface. Smoother is less paper-like, but it will be less prone to picking up scratches and nibs won't wear out as fast.

The newer Intuos Pro is thinner, better cable, newer pen, but you will have to change the film when it picks up too many drawing scratches, and nibs will wear out faster.

>> No.4751348

Screenless tablets are worse for productivity. You can't tell the cursor's position until the pen just about touches the surface, meaning it takes longer to start drawing a line.

>> No.4751354

Blatantly wrong. Once you get used to it, you'll know exactly where your cursor lines up.

>> No.4751378

My refurb Cintiq 16 not pro doesn’t show display on windows 10 pc when connected but the pen works and on my linux laptop I have the opposite problem where I get the display but the pen doesn’t respond. What do? It works as a non display tablet on pc so I’ve been doing that so far

>> No.4751379
File: 137 KB, 1140x879, hero-original-glass-cleaner-front-2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you all clean your tablet screens with?

Using water or glass cleaner ends up leaving a residue that makes the surface feel sticky when drawing, but going dry can't remove much of anything.

>> No.4751390

Wacom Intuos Pro or Wacom Intuos Wireless Graphic Tablet for screenless? Do anons prefer screens or screenless? I do fine without a screen personally because I don't need to watch my hands or is better like that? Also what exactly does a "paper" tablet do?

I have a wacom tablet from a couple years ago I need to replace.o

>> No.4751457

The main draw from what I can gather is a user's experience with each. I fell for the Huion meme and bought the HD220 V2 when it was brand new - $650 instead of $430 like it is now - and literally out of the box, while the stylus was on the charger, it did not operate for 3 whole hours. Everything on my computer was fine. Had deleted my previous drivers from previous tablet (Wacom Bamboo). Then I come to /ic/ to talk about it and see if I'm the odd one out. I'm far from it. But there's also people who have Huions that work fine and praise it. Then XP-Pen is on the rise, and sure enough, people are divided in the middle. Some just jump straight to >he fell for the xp pen meme, not a wacom, ngmi, etc shit. Others praise it's value. iPad is good but >apple, price, no photoshop (at the time), etc. Wacom is "industry standard" but costs an arm and a leg until China caught up, forcing them to lower the barrier with the Wacom One, but now their drivers are shit and products are designed to break faster. They all have their ups and downs.

I wish the tablet thread was part of the sticky and got regularly updated by a trustworthy source and we could delete /dtg/ because all it does is devolve into shit flinging.

>> No.4751459

I use a *clean* microfiber cloth dampened with distilled water using a spray bottle

>> No.4751462

Because wacom is still more reliable and nobody has made a real hardware and software analysis of these tablets, /g/ could help but they would have to spend around $20000 in tablets.
The ipad has durable stuff and backup

>> No.4751471

get a microfiber cloth (like $3 for a 5 pack at walmart) and use rubbing alcohol. The higher the % the better. 91 should be fine but get the 99% if you find it. Use 1 cloth to wet and wipe, use a second dry cloth to dry it off. Just lightly blow on any remaining wet spots and they'll dry up almost instantly. Use alcohol so it doesn't damage the tech inside if it leaks in.
>t. experience cleaning phones and iPads

I can't say about wireless, never used one but if you get an intuos pro try to get a 2013 model, that's the last one they made before the quality took a dip. "paper" tablet means it has a grainy feel just like paper as a selling point to get trad chads to buy it but in reality it's a huge negative. Wears out your nibs much faster than their older products.

>> No.4751493

Is there a visual or packaging difference between current IP and IP '13 that I should be looking out for?

>> No.4751510


>> No.4751512

I'm not 100% sure about packaging but I know the model number is like PTH651 or something similar. They're hard to find new so you'll have to look on eBay more than likely but according to the majority of screenless users here it's the best one, at least from Wacom. If push comes to shove you could just break down and get one of the more modern ones. Driver issues will always be a thing forever but you can buy a 500-foot roll of plastic wiring to use as a nib forever, because apparently that works. I think it says so in the sticky.

>> No.4751524

thank you

Yeah it seems that way, I had found one of the model numbers and all I'm seeing is either used or "renewed" then there's also one listing where "box is opened but item is new and hasn't been taken out of it's wraps" I'll still look a bit more before I decide to settle on something.

The one I have now CTH-690 has been pretty reliable and has helped me butiaccidentallysatonitandnowit'skindofbroken.

>> No.4751588

Poorest selection of drawing apps, not the best art experience (but good enough for the price).

>> No.4751607

Android has terrible support for tablets.

>> No.4751610
File: 37 KB, 676x597, SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warning to those looking at the recent intuos pro line, the surface destroys your nibs. You can buy replacements but its 2 dollars for a nib that youll burn through in a week. The smooth surface option isnt inbuilt, its a shitty sticker you have to apply yourself without getting any air/dust trapped underneath it, and it costs a wopping 40 dollars for a bit of fucking plastic.

>> No.4751629
File: 73 KB, 778x744, 1594941192596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had the Intuos pro med with the original nibs for almost four years, never had to buy a single nib from (((Wacom))) how? Get some masking tape, and acid free sketching paper and cover the surface of the Intuous with the paper and tape it around the edges. It saves both your nibs and any scratches from the surface plus it feels great and nothing at all like how the surface would normally feel without the paper as if you are etching over glass.

>> No.4751639

I think youre confused; the old wacom intuos pros had smooth surfaces which didnt eat your nibs. Many, including myself, much prefer the smooth surface. It provides more control, doesnt wear down your nibs and most importantly, doesnt wear down itself with frequent use, creating a big patch and texture difference where your stylus mainly operates. It bothers me how surface texture and hardness isnt an aspect listed in the product info of these tablets.

>> No.4751646

If you prefer to continue getting jewed and use the actual surface that's your prerogative.

>> No.4751654

I dont use any of them, I almost bought one but after having read the reviews on amazon (where if found the image) I decided against it. Im keeping with my huion

>> No.4751733

Been using a Gaomon since new years. It's pretty decent, but I would recommend other brands over it. It's not bad, but you can probably do better

>> No.4751761
File: 135 KB, 580x387, 1570995857679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a different pen
>suddenly you own the best all-in-one on the market
no way this is real

>> No.4751882
File: 121 KB, 990x774, surface-pen-alternatives-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Active digitizers are 90% pen, 10% screen. You obviously need a certain density of coils, but it's remarkable how much a decent pen can change things.
Drivers are also very important. Wacom is usually the best for this reason (ignore pic, they're probably using AES 1.0). I've seen great things about the Renaisser Raphael 520 too.
Active is a much more mature technology now than it was when it first started. Jitter isn't the massive flaw it once was.
Sort of like how EMR figured out how to minimize parallax and edge screwiness, but people always pretend like that never changed either.
A word of advice: Either go back to using an Intuos...etc or jump on the MPP train. The future will not be kind to display EMRfags. The present already isn't.

>> No.4751919
File: 3.65 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20200507_012853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did!

>> No.4751929

I want to agree, I do agree, but I realize the reason the DTG isn't stickied is the same reason /g/s Smart Phone and IEM threads dont: technology changes too quickly. We can have a general recommendations list but after a year its outdated. XP has been releasing about 4 to 5 updated tablets a year now it seems, Huron is trying to match those numbers. When the minor changes they're making in between models become significant enough we would have to change the sticky, and doing that (maybe) every season or so is a waste of energy, time, and frankly no mod or Jani will give enough of a fuck to do that.

So current Summer 2020 tier list from Best to not recommended: Wacom, XpPen, Huion, Parblo/Artisul/ VEIKK, Bosto, Anyone else.

Wacom will always be most expensive but most reliable overall tho the quality has dropped significantly.
XpPen is trying to catch up to Wacom and making themselves more presentable as a company by streamlining their device designs. Theyre weakest point is currently their pens not having rotation and therefore awkward tilt and minor driver conflicts with CSP and/or Sai.
Huion is directly competing with Xp at this point. Their releases come around the same time and it's usually the same basic product. Huion has a history of iffy driver function. XP and Huion use Ugee innards but an anon mentioned before Xp is technically Ugee now just assimilated.

Personally I try to recommend Wacom if people can afford it. If its out of their budget, XP is a safe alternative if they don't want to compromise on a display. I only recommend Huions screen less, currently, I haven't messed with one of their displays yet.

If someone bites the bullet and gets the Bosto 16 Touch display, please let me know how it performs and if the touch really works. I feel it would be a great budget alternative to a cintiq with touch.

>> No.4751963

The dude is trolling you. You can’t use a cintiq pen with a surface pro. He’s confused because wacom also happens to have a line of pens that works with the ms/ntrig’s tech labeled as ‘dual-band’ pens.

>> No.4752105

>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
>Size (in inches)
At least 10in
>Other information
>Previous equipment
Two dogshit huions before i browsed here

>> No.4752162

Is there a tablet or cintiq that comes with Clip Studio EX? I wanted to buy both if possible, but it would be nice if they are bundled with each other.

>> No.4752752

what tablets do Japanese artists use?

>> No.4752780

I think gaomon is really solid. The colors aren't the greatest, but it's great for grinding. Gofa_insta_art uses a pd1560. No idea about the newer models.

>> No.4752831

Thoughts on XP Pen Artist 13.3 Pro?

>> No.4752865

GF keeps stealing my screen tablet. I want to just buy a second one as a minor upgrade for myself and give her the old one but she says it's pointless to have two that are basically the same thing.

We bought an iPad pro to test it out and I honestly hated it. It costs 3-4 times more than my tablet and wasn't as good when drawing. The tablet itself is obviously very nice but way way way too costly. We returned it. She's thinking about buying it again though for lack of alternatives.

Any recommendations?

>> No.4752868

I have the artist 15.6 so only sort of related. I had a faulty cord out of the box which xp-pen replaced for free. Some driver issues but they've become a lot less frequent for some reason in the past year. Now it basically just works and I like it a lot. It's a workhorse. Pro series is better than what I have. 13.3 would be too small for me but not a bad size for smaller pieces.

>> No.4752926

IIRC, no. Your best bet is Clip Studio Pro. 6 months-2 years.

>> No.4752932

wish i'd seen this before i got a huion

>> No.4752960

for the record my huion kamvas pro 13 works, it just took a while to get everything set up.
then there is the problem of using the huion with a mac. i have clip studio and i can't get it to open up ON the huion display. the software opens up on the computer monitor display be default. i have to drag everything over to the huion tablet screen every time. and in clip studio paint there is a bar that sticks to the top of the computer screen that can't be dragged over. im not sure if this would be any different on the wacom.
the screen gets very hot, but it isn't horrible to use/draw on.
overall, the rule is you get what you pay for. if i had the money and could do it over again, i would seriously consider buying a wacom one, which is only ~100 dollars more. but if you're on a budget, it's really not that bad.
one thing i underestimated was the absolute, idea destroying pain in the ass that is using a small tablet. and on this im serious: it is such a terrible experience to draw on a small tablet that i won't use it for anything but painting. everything is TINY. switching tools is a pain in the ass. this is brand agnostic advice: unless you're getting a big ass tablet, don't buy a small one for drawing. use paper for drawing and i would even say inking. then scan and paint with a small tablet, although even that will be a pain in the ass. i can't overstate how much of a pain in the ass it is to try to draw, erase, resize, paint, etc on a small tablet. it fucking sucks so hard i hate using it.

>> No.4752972

What's a good tablet + laptop to get for someone who will be homeless soon?

>> No.4753009

I'm thinking on getting a big drawing display, I managed to found an used 2014 cintiq 22hd, in good conditions for the same price I would pay for a similar size modern version huion/xp-pen. Question is, is it really worth paying the same price for a 5 years used product over a new display with some additional features like tilti recognition and laminated display?

>> No.4753015

Wanna know the real reason why Wacom/XPPen/Huion/Chink Startup #5341 fags are stupid?
Response time.
While a decent all-in-one will have a decent response time to account for the fact that people will use it for many different tasks, your little chinkwafer will lag behind even your slowest actions. Seriously, we're talking response times in the triple digits (in ms). And no, publishing on Amazon that your display is "25 ms" doesn't make it true.
EMRtards are quick to complain about how AES jitters with slow, diagonal strokes. But they completely ignore that none of their precious devices work with fast strokes. Or anything faster than a slug with cerebral palsy.
If any of you incorrigible baby boomers stopped playing with your 30 year old technology you would know this. Some of you already do know this, like the people who use Intuos. And some of you realized this and started playing with fucking iPads. Seriously, grandpa? What are you gonna play Angry Birds?

>> No.4753046

>not Chinese brands

>> No.4753065

Mostly Wacom but I suppose some have switched to iPad Pro

>> No.4753095

Is the new xp pen 16 died on arrival? I remember seeing a lot of hype around it and now i barely hear anything about it anymore. There's not much reviews floating around either
Likewise with (non-pro) kamvas 13

>> No.4753121

when did this thing even get announced? any news on it?


>> No.4753138

I have an ipad pro 12.9 (has the thickerb ezel than the new one)

Lines are just so fucking hard to get straight. Peter han is stressing line control and motor control. I'm using a matte screen protector and the apple pen duh.

But somethings not goin :(

>> No.4753147

Wacom is Japanese, Samsung is Korean, and Apple is American.

>> No.4753150

All made in China anyway :^)

>> No.4753157

where do people here get the idea that chinese tablets are dicerolls or have high failure rates?
are there any reviews/reports or other sources that can confirm this?

need to know cause i'm starting to look into upgrading into a display tablet.

>> No.4753164

i've heard lots of stories of dead on arrivals and limited support

>> No.4753167

>what is quality control
Do you seriously think companies with that caliber are just gonna let their chinese minions run their brand reputation to the ground that easily?

>> No.4753172

No need to thank me

>> No.4753174

After multiple small "upgrades" I got the cintiq 16 pro with trump bux, and I should have just done that from the beginning. ipad pro 12.9 is alright for sketching, I can't recommend chick shit.

>> No.4753177

A lot of those are from pretty abysmal compatibility with macs, which is a real issue as far as i can tell. Plus a bunch of assblasted Wacom users who are salty they payed 3 times more for a similar product. Best thing you can do is talk to someone who has one and see for yourself how it performs

>> No.4753180

It's just Huion. Nothing about other brands.

>> No.4753183

kek, a channel with 73 views lmao

>> No.4753184

>need to know cause i'm starting to look into upgrading into a display tablet.

If it's not 4k don't bother imo, and I don't think any chink brand does 4k.

>> No.4753186


>> No.4753203

Yeah, good thing all of chinese brands use a lot of shared components and are basically the same shit in different casings, layouts, and softwares (and sometimes not even that)


>> No.4753208

Yes, obviously. Wacom already does. QC has gone down the shitter and now they even spy on everything you do. iPad Pros are foldable, which according to Apple is "normal". And half the stuff Samshit made this year has QC issues.

>> No.4753218

Oh right, I forgot to mention the many ads that Samshit is putting into all its devices.

>> No.4753221

The fact that Apple said this yet invalidates your warranty if your iPad is bent really pisses me off.

>> No.4753231

That's a normal operation for a display tablet they arent's as accurate near the edges. Git gud.

>> No.4753236

Why? iPads are accurate.

>> No.4753241

iPads also doesn't have 20+ screen

>> No.4753242

ipads have pen tip so fucking fat you can't see a point of contact.

>> No.4753247

I'm thinking this is in fact the real reason why iPad Pros bigger than 12.9" don't exist yet. Honestly, Apple should just bring back the huge bezels. The first two gens didn't bend anywhere as easily.

>> No.4753252

And yet when you try to trace over a line with one you can do so with complete accuracy.

>> No.4753294

How do people draw with stands? Seems awkward.

>> No.4753333

If you're all about quality go for Intuos Pro. Sure, you're paying for the brand name but at least you'll get a 100% working product + it has tilt.

I have that Huion and it's pretty fine, however I'm not much of an artist but rather Photoshop user, so take it with a grain of salt. But it gets the job done and lines are pretty smooth. No tilt though, whatever that is.

>> No.4753537

thanks for the info. I'm wondering If the pressure in that Huion is as hard to control as in my Deco 01.
If so, only an intuos pro would be a real upgrade I guess.

>> No.4753559

Do you also find it annoying when your hand is blocking your drawing? Perhaps you also have aphantasia?

>> No.4753624
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I had a deco 01 and I had no problems with it whatsoever. In fact it was a tremendous improvement after my friend's shitty bamboo. Git gud.

>> No.4753655

pyw /beg/

>> No.4753661
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Now you /beg/

>> No.4753666
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>> No.4753679

From the looks of it you aren't in charge of your hand. Do some SICO warmups.

>> No.4753686
File: 23 KB, 494x350, WAC-DTK2260K0A_494_350_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know this tablet?
Is it good?
Cintiq 22 Pen Display m. Pro Pen 2

>> No.4753697

>Every other Chinese Brand
What's wrong with these

>> No.4753705

Non-pro wacoms are literally worse than the chink tablets.
>Non laminated
>Non etched glass
>Non wide gamut
>No buttons, dials or even touch slider
>Not compatible with vesa or stands

If you don't pay the Wacom brand tax wajews will make you feel sorry about it. The non-pro Intuos even have the pen jitter not because they can't beat it but because they hate the cheapskates. If you aren't gonna buy Wacom pro don't buy Wacom at all.

>> No.4753707

Troll memes

>> No.4753710

Nothing. If they were as unreliable and sketchy as the shills make out, it would be clearly reflected in the reviews, which they arent. But if you spent an extra 220 dollars to have a wacom sticker on it, you may feel inclined to make others (more importantly yourself) believe that the value is justified, otherwise you just made a really stupid decision.

>> No.4753714

So what would be the alternative?
I want a big screen and not a fully overblown price.

>> No.4753727

malware has been found in their and other chinese software

>> No.4753735

Huion Kamvas Pro 24
Xp-Pen Artist pro 24
You get
>Better color
>The glass is actually glued to the screen with no gap
>Buttons everywhere
>Touch sliders on huion
>Rotating dial on XP-pen
>Etched glass on huion (NOT on XP-pen)
That's much better but costs a touch less.

They also have 20" and 16" models but pay attention, you should only buy the latest models of those . Before 2019 they were a lot shittier but had similar names.

>> No.4753737

it's the 15,4 pro in a prettier box
not much to discuss

>> No.4753739
File: 219 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-07-28-02-45-40-686_com.android.chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean in Wacom drivers?
Because it was actually found in Wacom drivers.

Fuck off buttblasted shill. Your favorite corporation sold your ass.

>> No.4753776


> weak google analytics deflection

Hey just a warning/heads up: the latest July 16th Windows driver XP-PenWin_1.6.4.200715 on this page: https://www.xp-pen.com/download-430.html is infected with something called "Hynamer B!ML" according to Windows Defender.

Firewall detects trojan software when I try to install the Deco 03 driver Hello, I am downloading the latest driver from the XP-Pen website on a PC running Windows 10 Pro for my Deco 03, but my firewall detects trojan software and removes the installer automatically.

malware stashed in china-mandated software

chinese consulate in Houston hot spot for spying


>> No.4753805

>Windows defender
It literally reacts to anything it doesn't know.
No credible source or any antivirus lab confirmed anything suspicious.
>Muh Chinese software
Consumer products are a low priority target. If they did that, people would find out and that would be the last product they ever sold. Which so far hasn't happened.

If they wanted data on you or any other normal person, they could just buy it from Google Nvidia or Wacom.

>> No.4753806

Bros I have an Ipad with procreate.

I hate how slippery the glass is. It makes me feel like I have the palsy, not drawing any lines where I want them to go. I also hate the walled garden filesystem that forces you to store everything in the "cloud".
I already ordered a paper-like surface protector so maybe that will help but its taking forever thanks to corona.
I kinda feel like I should ditch it for wacom but it was a gift and some people do great things with procreate.

>> No.4753820


A gift is a gift, keep it as a toy for when you're traveling and get an actual normal tablet for when you're at home.

>> No.4753822

Ask for a gift receipt. If after the screen protector and everything you still don't like it, return it. No point in spending years fighting with hardware you just don't like.

>> No.4753826

You can use external drives, though depending on your model you may need an adapter. Alternatively just export to Drive or MEGA since they're more widespread than iCloud anyway.

Considering it was gift though, I'd just keep the damn thing and just use it as a regular tablet if you don't like drawing on it.

>> No.4753882

Something like a used ipad should be good enough, trust me you wanna go as light as possible with this one
t. had a hobo plase where i lug a 14" laptop all day and now my back is fucking destroyed even though I'm still 24

>> No.4753889

> cloud
what are you talking about? you can access your files by plugging it into a pc

If you dont like it, sell it on ebay or craigslist. Its an apple product, it has higher resale value than anything else you own.

>> No.4753899

>Is the new xp pen 16 died on arrival?
There was some hype until XP Pen revealed it's practically the same 1080p tablet as their 15.6 model but just $50 more.
Waste of time and money.
It will be a JUST situation if they plan on doing the same thing with their other Pro size models.

>> No.4753919

It's not like there's been a technological revolution lately.
They were selling same shit for a long time until the wacom's tilt patent expired, then they did a whole lineup updrade. But now what?

>> No.4753934


Is there a reason why?

I was recently recommended by a friend to get the XP-Pen Deco 01 as my first tablet. $70 on amazon.

What's wrong with it?

>> No.4753941

they could have made a 16” display with ultra hd specs to compete with cintiq pro 16.
now that the cintiq pro 16 is discontinued they could have pulled in a new market.

>> No.4753962

idk, making an even more budget version of their current lineup maybe? I mean that's literally their entire gimmick to begin with
I appreciate huion making a budget version of their 22" (that somehow has better screen than the actual model), now if only they can make one for the smaller models too

>> No.4753968

Confirmed spy malware and possibly turn your computer into a ddos botnet

>> No.4753973

being this much of a poorfag

>> No.4753974

take a look at xp pen support forums before you buy their products

>> No.4753996

So, what the /dtg/ recommended starting tablet?

USA, I don't care about having a screen on the tablet, and I'd prefer something in that same price range, under $100 at least.

>> No.4753997

> 10am shanghai time
look at all this chang activity. someone had bat soup last night

>> No.4753999

ordered an innovator 16

>> No.4754007

anything less than an Acer ConceptD 9 Pro is absolute trash. That's the minimum entry level device.

>> No.4754022

Deco 01 is a good choice for the price. My only complaint is that you need to press the pen very hard to get large strokes, and that can only be partly fixed in the settings.

>> No.4754024

uh huh, how much do you draw? You thinking a tablet is gonna magically make your art dreams come true?

>> No.4754036

if you don't care about having a screen just order a used wacom bamboo off ebay or some shit

>> No.4754043

i have it and can say that it's true, i think they fixed the pressure sensitivity in the v2 of the tablet, besides that is a pretty solid tablet

>> No.4754050
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 21d8fe3e1403b1c9a6d4577c76f0412c_thumb_500_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there much of a difference between the XP Pen Artist22pro and the Artist 24 Pro? There's a $600 price difference between the two.

Currently using an XP Pen 15.6 Artist Pro to learn 2D Animation and I'm finding the tablet size a bit small.

>> No.4754064

It depends on your preferences for pen accuracy. The iPad Pro 12.9 is objectively one of the best drawing experiences in terms of accuracy with tilt, but if you don't like it, consider an Intuos Pro 2013 or a used Cintiq 22HD.

>> No.4754122

Nothing, really. Every brand is chinkshit these days.

>> No.4754125

Like I said before, Wacom is chinkshit through and through.

>> No.4754138

>he didn't get applecare+

>> No.4754245

The first one is an old model with a battery stilus, non laminated glass bad colors and no tilt.

It's cheap for a fucking reason.

>> No.4754291

The samsung galaxy s6 lite is a good less expensive alternative to the ipad pros at $320.

>> No.4754340
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reject chang
embrace american digitizers

>> No.4754355

Everything is made in China these days though.

>> No.4754674
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>U-uh, m-my money has less value to me

What was that? cant hear you through this mountain of commission money I made with my trusty h610 pro

>> No.4754681

I remember that piece of shit too. It wasn't perfect, or pretty, or comfortable, but it worked, and I worked with it, it taught me to draw and paid for itself ten times over.

But I got sick of it after the second battery pen died, when pens had batteries it degraded after a year of use.

>> No.4754719
File: 594 KB, 1080x1920, shoujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a new Kamvas Pro 16. It's pretty good, well worth the price money. Maybe one day i'll be assed enough to pay the Wacom tax, but while tablets like this exist I don't see a reason to.
>budget friendly
>has all the features I look for in tablets
>pen doesn't need a retarded amount of pressure like some tablets
>chinks haven't figured out tilt properly yet. this would be a dealbreaker if I didn't draw at a normal angle, shit can get insanely annoying if you hold it odd

>> No.4754725

Wacom Cintiq 16 or Kamvas 16?

>> No.4754726

Kamvas. It's literally better but make sure to get the latest one.

>> No.4754732

can you redpill me on the difference between the 16 pro and the "16 pro premium"
>>4754719 said tilt was shit, did they improve that

>> No.4754738

Tilt works on my machine, i use it to rotate the flat brushes and have no complaints. I'm not sure why he thinks it's shit, but tilt really isn't very important.
What is important is the pressure curve and Huions got a new updated pen only this year.

>> No.4754742

Cintiq doesn't have the same cursor offset issues that plague Kamvas tablets. Pay the ~$200 wacom tax, you won't regret it later.

>> No.4754747

>the 16 pro and the "16 pro premium"

The only difference is the better display with wider gamut.
16 pro has 90% AdobeRGB and premium has 100% AdobeRGB

Cintiq 16 has 70% AdobeRGB, non laminated and non etched glass because the wajews hate you.

>> No.4754751

It has worse because it's non laminated

>> No.4754753

what is the difference between aes and emr?

>> No.4754761


AES is what they use in mobile devices with a touchscreen, purely on paper it might be better. On practice 99% of the products are dogshit with jitter and just fucked. The only exceptions are galaxy and iPad.

EMR is what Wacom always used.

>> No.4754777

Not for long. India will soon be the manufacturing powerhouse as everyone hates Xi and the CPP.

>> No.4754794

Your tablet sounds expensive so its probably a wacom and you should drive home to your gf that it's not a toy so either she gets her own and fucks off or she can take 300 bucks and go get her own.

Echoing anon, here. I have the Artist 24 and so far the only thing bugging me is I keep accidentally turning it off because the touch panel is pretty sensitive. For XP the Red dials are the current line along with Deco Pro and the Innovator. Their older large displays like the 22E and 22Pro use rechargeable pens but the new line is completely passive.
Huion keeps reusing their outer shells so the current 24, 22 and 20 lines all look like the previous gen. Current Huion displays have "2019 Version" on their listings somewhere.

You were looking on Amazon which has free returns if the item is shit. Worst case scenario you send it back. Best case is you have a new tablet that works.

>> No.4754910

how do you fags manage to find this fabled "used cintiq that's cheaper than its chink counterpart"? i skimmed amazon, ebay, ali (or whatever the fuck that chinese website is called) everyday for like a month now, and still nada. the few used cintiqs i do find still sells for like 120% the price of its chink equivalent

>> No.4754913

go for a Kamvas if you need something more budget friendly

>> No.4755005

Yeah I have the V2 now, batteryless pen and all. Great tablet, sturdy but smooth surface and a big strong nib that glides just right and doesnt wear down at all

>> No.4755045

It's a xp-pen artist 15.6 which cost about 450 beaver bucks. iPad pro with pencil was almost 2000. I've basically said I'm not splitting the cost of an iPad with her. I tried it and could not envision a scenario where I'd rather draw on it versus my pen display, so the convenience of portability is not worth that absolutely insane price.

>> No.4755207
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why does the ipad csp app have such low ratings? i thought it was a copy of the desktop app. is it actually different?

>> No.4755263

>i thought it was a copy of the desktop app
it is, and that's the problem
people aren't getting ipads to use the same clunky desktop UI

>> No.4755313 [DELETED] 

I'm torn between buying the intuos pro or the wacom citiq 16. Which one of them would you recommend for a serious digital artist aspiring to be a pro?

>> No.4755317

I'm torn between buying the intuos pro or the wacom cintiq 16. Which one of them would you recommend for a serious digital artist aspiring to be a pro?

>> No.4755320

That plus the monthly subscription

>> No.4755323

why doest i work? i mainly use it with only the pen on desktop.

>> No.4755328

intuos if you want comfort/egonomics
cintiq if you wanna flex your cool battlestation pics to fit in with the cool kids

>> No.4755353

I'm going to swallow the apple-pill, need new device for uni and I'm going to be commuting a lot. So it seems like the best option.

What model should I go with, 2020 ipad pro is expensive but I might as well go full out,right?
Storage is my main concern, 128 gigs isn't a whole lot, I can just get a extern storage?

Since I am going to use it as a laptop alternative, I need a keyboard too. I like the folio one, seems like the most practical. I don't want to pay for a genuine apple one though, is there an alternative?

>> No.4755376

Best to wait till 5th gen comes out next year, but if you can't wait then just get 2nd or 3rd gen instead. No point getting the 4th gen which is almost the same as the 3rd gen. iPads don't have SD slots but can connect to external hard drives (first 2 gens need an adapter for that though).

As for keyboards alternatives to Apple's exist but I'm not familiar with them.

>> No.4755380

>is there an alternative?
i got mine for like $8, its garbage though (keystrokes occassionly doesn't register, materlals felt like it's gonna snap in half easier than a piece of biscuit, etc) but i suppose it's alright for the price

>> No.4755600

>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
non display
>Size (in inches)
i dunno a medium type (inches???)
>Other information
first tablet
>Previous equipmen


>> No.4755617

Deco pro

>> No.4755621

but OP the sticky says i should XP-Pen

>> No.4755648

Craigslist. Ebay isnt usually worth it due to shipping costs.

>> No.4755740

3rd gen used if you can, 2nd gen if money is tight. Neither will be an issue in the near future (as in a few years). 4th gen (2020) is literally the same game as 3rd gen, just with a pointless LIDAR sensor, an extra camera and an extra graphics core that does little to nothing.

As for keyboards, many cheap(er) wireless bluetooth keyboards work fine. Some don't like iOS/iPadOS so double check before buying tho (ngl I'm not the most knowledgeable bloke when it comes to how bluetooth stuff works, but you can always just check). Logitech ones most certainly should work.

>> No.4755791

What are you going to uni for? if it's for art or something like that, you may need to learn specialized software that isn't available on a tablet so maybe hold off on buying until you get to uni and really know what you need.

get external storage or some sort of cloud storage solution, don't pay extra for onboard.

That being said, if you can get away with having the ipad as your primary, that's great and yeah go for the ipad pro 12.9. As for the keyboard, don't get the apple keyboard. There are plenty of bluetooth alternatives that are as good/better for less.

>> No.4755792

you can find plenty of used intuos on cragislist/ebay. don't buy into chinkshit.

>> No.4755794

what about amazon?

>> No.4755872

if you can find a medium wacom for $200 go for it, I don't generally see them on amazon.

make sure you get a medium not a small, that's way more important than getting an intuos or a 'pro'. Once you get it, tape some paper over the sensor area so you have grip and aren't skating around all over the place.

>> No.4755904

> 5:02am shanghai time

its nice how chill it is here before the changs get to work

>> No.4755905


>> No.4756151
File: 119 KB, 1155x866, thinkvision-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AES isn't the name of the tech, but a variety of active digitizer made by Wacom. There are many brands of active pen, some of which are compatible. The iPad uses active tech. So do most 2-in-1s, except some Acer and Samsung devices. In the future, most active pens will use a single standard called USI. They've already started rolling those out this week.
Active digitizers are a different approach to drawing. With EMR, you still have to trick your brain into seeing the cursor rather than your pen tip.
There's always going to be some parallax with EMR. It has gotten better lately, but it's still present even on a $2000 Cintiq. It's fundamental. Your cursor and your pen are different things with EMR. You have to adapt, although that's not hard.
Active digitizers eliminate this problem. your cursor will always be exactly where the pen contacts the screen. Always.
EMR is then just an awkward alternative to using a screenless tablet. The only benefit is that you get to look at your meaty hand while you draw.
The downsides to active pen technology are minimal and heavily dependent on the implementation. In the early days, N-Trig was fucking atrocious and had a lot of jitter. AES 1.0 was decent, but still suffered a little.
That was almost a decade ago. Technology improves. Training wheels come off. Today we have AES 2.0 and MPP 1.51/2.0, which includes N-Trig, Synaptics ...etc. With the right pen, none of these jitter. Soon we will have USI, which means all pens are the right pen. They even do tilt well.
The battery is the only big downside.
You are also limited in your device choice for now, since most active screens are built into a computer. That is changing too, Lenovo has a portable AES 2.0 screen coming in September.
Five years ago, people would say AES and EMR were neck and neck. And AES has only gotten better since then.
The constant EMR praise you see today is just Chinese shilling. Huion et al have a vested interest in the legitimacy of EMR.

>> No.4756244

Someone make a new thread already.

>> No.4756562

Will the new thread be made in China like all drawing tablets are?

>> No.4756673

for me it is the galaxy note pro 12.2 made in Vietnam
the least chinese drawing tablet