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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 315 KB, 930x2101, gottagitgud - 1143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4378880 No.4378880 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>4375060
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/
>Dev Tracker (post patch 2.0 ideas in the thread): https://trello.com/b/MCPk8MIg/dad-dev-board

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!


LAS discord: https://discord.gg/2crFvKV

Dead DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4378888

first for bad dog easyyyy

>> No.4378896
File: 39 KB, 564x564, ea949bb162f16819cde5618075d04238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just woke up and there's a fresh new thread ready for me, good doggy

>> No.4378898

Good morning Dad! What is everyone gonna draw today?

>> No.4378906

Im doing some studies and when im done with my veggies ill draw some grills, how about you dad?

>> No.4378907
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Hey guys, check it out--my little girl is studying to become a seasoned pro in the arts!

>> No.4378910

Still life studies as part of an online class I have access to completely for free thanks to my library being based. Then two flowers- mandrake and foxglove, as part of Skecthbookskool's monthly challenge theme that I'm a bit behind on. Then going to find references and thumbnail my dream drawing submission for tomorrow since it's the most complicated thing I've made in a long while and I want it to look decent.

>> No.4378911


>> No.4378915

That is very exciting dad , i cant wait to see your dream submission

>> No.4378916

bless you shiny shrine dog

>> No.4378928

make sure she reads hogarth

>> No.4378934

well thats weird, why isnt she drawing then? you dont learn how to be an artist with books sweetie.

>> No.4378936

Also this
You don’t want her to be a ngmi like you so give her a pencil and some paper

>> No.4378937

mfw your little girl died and it probably was your fault.

>> No.4378941

do any of the fantastic four browse these threads? I'm feelin pretty down about my art in regards to my streak & how much work I've put in & just wondering how they feel about it in regards to theirs
as in, have you made strides over the time? as much as you think you would've, or no?
and just other general things I can't into words atm :(

>> No.4378949

I'm working on storyboards, and after that gonna draw more robots and some Chara designs. If I have the time maybe I'll do a life study, but I don't think I will.

>> No.4378955
File: 120 KB, 268x291, lynx2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel pretty shit. 2 years I've been here I could have worked harder and achieved much more, but I'm getting realy burned out now.
I thought I could reach professional "level" by now, but I can't even make art of consistent quality.

>> No.4378962

Maybe branch out on what you're studying, Vusta? I think you're quite close to really becoming pro myself, actually. Your figures and colours have already gotten a lot better. I think investing in some painting studies and doing some rendering exercises of different materials for a bit might help you. Do some master copies of people whose art you like for composition. Keep it up lad, you'll get there.

>> No.4378969

>consistent quality
that's something I thought I would've gotten decent with after this time, I'm glad you bring it up. Even things I've pretty much spent 80% of the time studying are still difficult.
I know I probably overreach in my wants in the space of time, but still feels bad.
I'd probably be a lot happier if I was consistently eh instead of ranging from dog shit to slightly above eh.

>> No.4378977

I think that'll just come with time and mileage unfortunately. Listening to pros on YouTube kinda made me realise that it never really gets effortless. Things gradually become a bit easier and you build some intuition but there's always something new you'll notice. I've had that with perspective lately. It's one of those things I struggled with really hard, but because I constantly have to use it even if it's not perfect and stuff like foreshortening and crazy angles are still hard getting the base down and intuitively building up has become a lot easier. Are you applying the things you're studying? I think that's an important part of the process for things to really start clicking.

>> No.4378979

the reason most of you are so fucking lacking is because the thought of just drawing everyday is not enough. you need to push your work at technical level, not superficial. i would also advice against fancy brushes like this meme virgo brush most dad's are shilling, its a recipe for disaster.

>> No.4378988

Anon, using different tools can teach you and help build your intuition. Using the virgo brush doesn't mean you stop learning about perspective or mass, it just helps with previsualisation. Much like clay or 3D would. I took a sculpting class a couple of years back and immidiately had a better understanding of mass and overlapping, similarly when I worked with charcoals the edges you could create with the blunted down sides helped immensely in understanding blocking things out. No one's advocating for crutches, but try different tools and see how they help you and your workflow.

>> No.4378996

no not really, thats not how drawing/painting works. You want to believe it helps you, but it wont. Trust me. ive been drawing for a long time.

>> No.4378998

are you pro though?

>> No.4379003

Same here. I've been drawing since I was 12 and do payed work, lad. Maybe it doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it doesn't work for everyone else. There's multiple ways someone improves. By all means this should absolutely not be the only thing you rely on but it can certainly help.

>> No.4379005
File: 205 KB, 776x1054, 1479175464711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you applying the things you're studying? I think that's an important part of the process for things to really start clicking.
I'd like to think I am, for example I usually study some faces & then the next day try my best to redraw at least a similar face from imagination - but I think I haven't done it nearly enough than I should.
It's funny, though. I both love & HATE how even when I feel I get somewhere with art, there's just something else that crops up that I really gotta 'work out'. It's a good challenge, but some times when I'm more interested in getting my idea onto canvas I'd rather the challenge just fuck off and let me draw/paint in peace.
But, then, looking back at day 1 I realize I'd not be able to do what I do today back then - not a shit show in hell. So, it's something, I guess, but I now fully understand why people fall into comfort zones once they've developed enough/made a style and just stay there permanently. I some times wonder if things I've developed over my time with DAD, like, the ability to draw for longer in one sitting is some thing to take into consideration or merely just a cope lel

>> No.4379011

tell me about this virgo brush, I haven't heard of it

>> No.4379012

hello daddies its me your boy. Hope you are all doing well. Dont forget to submit art for your streak , stay safe and focus on the process. I love you all !

>> No.4379014

again you want it to work, but im just giving you warnings that it wont. stop trying to rebuttal, i hate kids who try to argue everything because they think theyre right.

>> No.4379015

watch the video
it's pretty neat

>> No.4379016


>> No.4379022

take it or leave it pal

>> No.4379026
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>> No.4379032

More piss fetish stuff probably

>> No.4379076

you can do it sempai. commit yourself to doing harder, higher quality pieces.

also its ok to feel burned out once in a while. everyone experiences. keep on grinding with lower quality pieces until you feel it again

>> No.4379078

more figure sketches for me

>> No.4379081

I actually don't know & it's nearing the end of my day :(

>> No.4379093

why do you keep shilling against the virgo brush? I have yet to hear any real reasons not to experiment with it other than 'trust me'

>> No.4379108

I’m working on my OC design sheet

>> No.4379295


i'll trust you once you post work, for all I know you could be one of those painter types with a big head despite weak drawing

>> No.4379298


>> No.4379315

a birb

>> No.4379321
File: 278 KB, 1241x1326, 1E786928-FC8F-4C5A-8D44-B2D749C26E46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4379323

Cute girls, but without clothes because how to fashion? How do you do it femdads? How did I learn the ways?

>> No.4379348

Go to Pinterest or tumblr and search for fashion models with clothes you like and draw them.

>> No.4379357

NTA but
>Decide I want to learn how to draw cool fashion
>Look all over pintrest and tumblr for sorts of styles
>Hate all of it
>Realize I can't draw fashion because I actually don't like any of it

>> No.4379366

how do you dress

>> No.4379377

Yeah I was going to say, if you’re not into fashion idk what to tell ya. The type who just wears old navy tshirt and jeans... idk.
I imagine if you like cute girls you’d at least like loungerie/gravure type clothes.

>> No.4379385

Usually minimal effort stuff. Plain T-shirts and jeans most days. If I'm feeling fancy sometimes I wear a simple dress, or a skirt blouse. My of my clothes are black, white, grey, or navy blue. I don't like standing out too much, wearing anything "showy" makes me feel embarrassed.

>> No.4379388

i think trying to think and view fashion in a more abstract way is pretty helpful. big/small shapes, texture, patterns and composition. and then good depiction of form to complete the package. basically just fundies lol

>> No.4379411

what the hell is a virgo brush? don't tell me its some ipad procreate shilling

>> No.4379412


>> No.4379421

I mean even the dev said it himself. its just a tool
it reminds me of the Alchemy software. its good for the concepting stage. I don't see the fuss

>> No.4379465

>get skipped by happyfag

Thank god.

>> No.4379467

he's promoting himself again in another new thread
even the crabs who liked him for drama have mostly flitted away. everyone hates the guy.

>> No.4379470

if the meme brush makes them draw more and have fun then it's a good thing

>> No.4379486

That's really cool.
Though I've only ever used SAI my whole drawing life, how is Clip Studio Paint? What benefits does it have? I just love how simple, minimalistic and straightforward SAI is.

>> No.4379511


>> No.4379515

you guys better do your shit properly this time, happyboy is going to fuck you real good.

>> No.4379517

you guys know i have to be fair right?

I can't just avoid /dad/ thread.
I might have many sets of teeth and i am ravage savage but you got to see i am doing this for your own good. safe space is not good.

>> No.4379520
File: 21 KB, 545x403, 1bjlh9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for what purpose

>> No.4379525

you do realize nobody wants you here
especially after you made utterly insipid claims, like shitting on kringle and will's critique efforts, even though they put fifty times more effort and skill into their feedback than you could ever bother to attempt let alone accomplish
stop shilling your bullshit here

>> No.4379549

>faggyboy’s gonna do weekly reviews on DAD now
I hope the nig who gave him that idea feels really "happy" right now.

>> No.4379556

Honestly I was kinda looking forward to laughing at his reviews but I haven’t even watched the one he put out because I realized how little I care, and judging from the small response ITT no one else does either

>> No.4379565

why did you reply to me dumbass, I was talking about that virgo brush

>> No.4379566 [DELETED] 

I didnt shit on others. I am simply pointing out redline is just flexing on the weak.

It could be useful for some. But it is not my way.

>> No.4379567

What. He made a /dad/ review? I usually don't have time for these crit streams/videos, I could only join 51ip's once back then, I'll give this one a watch.

>> No.4379571

he criticized naf for not having "intent"

>> No.4379573

its kinda meh, you're likely to be >skipped either way. Didn't see him redline anything, or give out any corrections, only vague comments like "anatomy is off" or "this is bad" or "there's no intent.."

>> No.4379579

Nigga, flexing on the weak? The only reason you don't redline is because the only shit you CAN do is heavily referencing or tracing over the work of other people. You're literally the weakest of the fucking weak. Please show yourself the fucking door.

Don't forget that he also criticized him for not knowing how to cross-hatch.

>> No.4379583

you literally made the claim that they didn't care as much as you did about us, despite them being a part of the community for fucking years
you are so ridiculously delusional it's unreal
here's a fact: we like critique. we shower every critanon and prominent member who performs sweeping critique of submissions with praise, or meekly reply affirmitivrly harsh comments like "dude you need to work harder" because its vital to self-improvement and strengthening the community, and because these people have the interests of the artist in these threads at heart
you on the other hand, spit out useless pot shots, inaccurate or completely off the mark comments on certain submissions, or vague, unhelpful and useless advice, primarily because you're a beginner yourself. this wouldnt be so fucking bad if done anonymously but you seem to have the need to prop up and promote your channel everywhere. if you really cared, roast a day's worth of submissions in this thread without naming yourself. i know you can't because you need to publish everything on YouTube to propr yourself up under some delusional platform of legitimacy, while ironically being worse than 80% of DAD'S members

>> No.4379590

>dads just can't stop feeding the obvious troll

>> No.4379592 [DELETED] 

Because of how hurt they are. I am going to do more /dad/

It seems like their safe space is broken.

>> No.4379594
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>> No.4379598


>> No.4379601

I hope chink senpai notices me this time.. He noticed plenty of daddies worse than me, I suppose I am not interesting content..

>> No.4379604

way to deflect all criticism of your videos as usual with your mental gymnastics
nobody cares happy. dad isn't a safe space. critique is welcome. just not yours, because you flagrantly promote yourself everywhere and its almost completely substanceless

>> No.4379609

Banana, it's time to activate "That".

>> No.4379611


>> No.4379613 [DELETED] 

I am only doing my best. Do your best son.

Heh heh >>4379601

>> No.4379614

holy shit at least N*sebro was entertaining, this is just sad as hell

>> No.4379615

what's "THAT"?

>> No.4379616

Nosebro we need you to destroy the chink

>> No.4379619

> I am only doing my best
No. No you are absolutely not.

>> No.4379626
File: 178 KB, 500x500, hello banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He posted? Activate it.

>> No.4379628

Well, he didn't skip me but did say he liked one thing.
I remember when 51ip said something nice as well I felt all giddy

>> No.4379632

nosebro would unironically destroy this dude, look at what monstrosity the chink wrought without reference and what nosebro does

>> No.4379647

chink vs nosebro in a gesture battle when?

>> No.4379648


>> No.4379649

damn. Is he really going to do it? I thought we'd have more warning...

>> No.4379650

nosebro vs happyboy vs mikufag
cmon make it happen!

>> No.4379651 [DELETED] 

Happyboy has motivated me to start a critique channel. But only when I return to dad.

>> No.4379655
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>> No.4379665
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>> No.4379666

>[redacted] and [redacted] would wreck all three of them with their autism. The traditional painting ways know no bounds.

>> No.4379699
File: 17 KB, 195x266, george_s._kaufman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I realized how little I care
That reminds me of this anecdote. Popular singer Eddie Fisher (Carrie Fisher's father) appearing on This is Show Business, told panelist George S. Kaufman that women refused to date him because he looked so young. This was Kaufman's response:

>Mr. Fisher, on Mount Wilson there is a telescope that can magnify the most distant stars to twenty-four times the magnification of any previous telescope. This remarkable instrument was unsurpassed in the world of astronomy until the development and construction of the Mount Palomar telescope.
>The Mount Palomar telescope is an even more remarkable instrument of magnification. Owing to advances and improvements in optical technology, it is capable of magnifying the stars to four times the magnification and resolution of the Mount Wilson telescope.
>Mr. Fisher, if you could somehow put the Mount Wilson telescope inside the Mount Palomar telescope, you still wouldn’t be able to see my interest in your problem.

>> No.4379706
File: 79 KB, 886x172, Screenshot_20200219-160413_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chink shill was banned was he not?

>> No.4379711

You ever think he and that person are not one and the same? As evident by when the posts were purged and we saw that in these threads too that it was small lemonade?

>> No.4379715

how is your art going, dad?

>> No.4379720

>wake up early
>tell myself to get up and draw
>tell myself 5 more minutes
>close eyes
>get the good dreams
>wake up 2 hours later
>still haven't drawn yet and just been doing errands

>> No.4379728

>wake up early
>tell myself to get up, what if its actually close to submission time
>get up
>it's the same time as always with plenty of time to go

>> No.4379736
File: 264 KB, 715x671, 0e3783153_1414519338_father-son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

son it's... it's going just fine.

>> No.4379749

if banana every implements the ascension system, ascended daddies better be called grand daddies

>> No.4379756

I think you just made that a thing cause that is a most excellent idea

>> No.4379761
File: 100 KB, 800x644, young-baby-looking-up-grandad-paper-caucasian-girl-grandfather-reading-newspaper-settee-family-room-51128675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4379772

its ok ive been playing too much video games instead :"3

>> No.4379774

Is FFXIV really that fun?

>> No.4379775

Saw a stream of one of my fav artist. He was playing league and is lvl196. Now i know the secret to drawing

>> No.4379798

>playing league and is lvl196
wait, levels went that high?

>> No.4379799

since like a year ago leveling is uncapped

>> No.4379803

Is it gonna be level or streak based? I'd rather ascend every year than almost every 2 if it is until level 25

>> No.4379811

365 days

>> No.4379814


>> No.4379818


>> No.4379833
File: 1.79 MB, 540x304, 1f183cfbc2d47ff3b7081c00092ab17b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I draw everyday but I don't get better
You have to push yourself, anon. It's called comfort zoning for a reason. Try doing something you've never done before and you might learn something new OR you might make something shit but it's better than repeating yourself.

>> No.4379841
File: 72 KB, 402x344, 1578119808369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok dads I'm gonna fuckin do it AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA crit stream saturday who wants it. whats a good time im thinkin 12-1p pst or something. instead of shotgun crit all submissions will just go by request

>> No.4379844

Good lettering, good doggy.

>> No.4379845


>> No.4379847

Can you stop posting false shit about me? Thanks.

>> No.4379849

>last post btw

>> No.4379850

>instead of shotgun crit all submissions will just go by request
Want us to post work we want crit on here, or leave a comment on the submission?

>> No.4379859

I was thinking request in stream chat but if you want crit and can't make it to the stream then yeah mention it in your submission description

>> No.4379860

who is this and does it have to be my most recent submission

>> No.4379864

please be tier 4+

>> No.4379878
File: 15 KB, 256x245, catinbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does it have to be my most recent submission
no any work you want crit is fine

>> No.4379879

Funny how someone would say that when instead of replying to an argument claims to be above it by a suggested, unproven notion of knowing how "Drawing/painting works".
Sure bro. I can feel how you've been "Drawing" for a long time. (^:

>> No.4379883

How do I push my work on a "technical level" can someone explain this to an autist?

>> No.4379888

sounds like proportion, perspective, anatomy..So basically fundies

>> No.4379897
File: 12 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa I get it now thanks anon!

>> No.4379898

how're you gonna do it?

>> No.4379901

how? on twitch or picarto(so I can cover nsfw submissions), or do you mean something else

>> No.4379914

yes I was curious about platform
you gonna do like kringle did and go through submissions from a certain date? will you have a mic? redlines, paintovers?

>> No.4379920

I'll crit any work people want me to, doesn't need to be a certain date. I'll be using a mic yes, and redlines/paintovers yes.

>> No.4380008

RIP Nirest

>> No.4380013
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>> No.4380017
File: 272 KB, 800x1430, 800px-Francisco_de_Goya%2C_Saturno_devorando_a_su_hijo_%281819-1823%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4380022
File: 31 KB, 551x355, 1340002105458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please say sike

>> No.4380061

Don't worry. Nirest will return for the opening of the next season of DAD. Just in time for the new opening.

>> No.4380089 [DELETED] 

Happyboy warnings.

>> No.4380115


>> No.4380166
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1521241090886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ku ku ku
enjoy this moment of respite

I've got the most devilish of all challenges planned

>> No.4380168


it couldn't be

>> No.4380185

dab 2.0...

>> No.4380186

pent up sexual frustration challenge please

>> No.4380190
File: 563 KB, 2448x1836, kTT6O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was busting my ass finishing my submission for the Dream challenge and I have graphite all over my hand now, can't remember the last time that happened. Feels like a badge of honor because I did a lot of art making today!

Anyway who else in here a lefty?

>> No.4380194

I actually want that

>> No.4380199

>anti safespace chad
those threads are too much of a circlejerk, they needs some order

>> No.4380203

100 dicks challenge?

>> No.4380209

r u a grill? cut your nails faggot

>> No.4380214

Lefties will burn in hell for eternity. Repent while you still can

>> No.4380215


>> No.4380216

not my photo, just grabbed a random one for dumb ass right handed people so they know the struggle I'm talking about

>> No.4380221

>Feels like a badge of honor
only an actual retard gets that smuge on their hands, i never get this and i draw on paper all the time.

>> No.4380222

Yes, I agree, these threads are too much of a cancerous circlejerk, especially compared to the vastly superior
>literal who Twatter screencaps
>"guise how do u draw animu?”
>artist vendetta
>those stupid fucking black rapper dolls
>Ethan Becker shilling
>Mikufag baiting and then getting hundreds of (you)’s

>> No.4380232

Which dads do you want to see step their game up

>> No.4380233

Imagine how much better dad threads would be without the cringe faggotry, the roleplay and the circlejerk

>> No.4380235

me and all the other low level furchads

>> No.4380237

I hope nsix can make lots of gains so he can join the ranks of the other gay coomer furchads

>> No.4380243

those threads have art posted to them

this thread is just free ad space

>> No.4380247

The owner of this website (dad.gallery) has banned your IP address


they banned me.

>> No.4380249



>> No.4380251

there is only one (1) person banned from dad

>> No.4380252


Oh dear. Can you please get in touch with me right away by email? This might be Cloudflare acting up; I'm not familiar with their software having recently integrated the site with it, so it might be a technical issue with the automated system.

>> No.4380253

Why am I banned tho?

>> No.4380254

another furryfag beat the dust

>> No.4380255

hi nanners

>> No.4380256

I don't even fucking post.

>> No.4380258

no furchad has been banned as of now, pretty sure

>> No.4380261

i-i wont let you down
im probably going to let you down

>> No.4380266

Pii got banned right? That would make at least 2, because there's also Kanji

>> No.4380267


>> No.4380270


yeah about that...

>> No.4380276 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 168x225, loquacious banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pii and Kanji were banned before I recorded IP sessions. So, technically, I can't enforce a ban, but frankly both were relatively harmless and I only acted upon it when people got tired enough of it.
Pii even made some hilarious comic and piss going into Adine's mouth, which is, well, how did he know I was into watersports. Wowee.

>> No.4380280


Uhh are you drinking tonight? Hello?

>> No.4380282

It's a joke. I don't actually enjoy urine on a platonic or sexual level.
Regardless, if anyone is having trouble with site access, please email me ASAP, and I'll look into the issue. In the meantime though, I'm going exercising and then follow up with some dev.

>> No.4380283
File: 2.04 MB, 318x268, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how did he know I was into watersports

>> No.4380284
File: 58 KB, 290x300, 1581293157499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4380286

>it's a joke

sure okay

>> No.4380296

lol it's a trick. don't listen to him. He's trying to unban himself

>> No.4380309

alright guys, seem like I am banned from /dad/ can't review it anymore. Bye.

>> No.4380311
File: 1.93 MB, 498x434, 543735445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my (home) ip isn't banned and neither is my work VPN (although that ends up getting changed) so in theory I'm not really "banned"

my last post btw

>> No.4380313

Intimidated easily I see. Couldn't cope with the task at hand. Such a pity.

>> No.4380314

Why do you do this little lemonade

>> No.4380321

lilfaggot btfo

>> No.4380323

I can't access /dad/ how the fuck am i going to review it?

>> No.4380324

>>last post btw
>last post btw

lAsT p0St bt-

>> No.4380325

uhh >>4380309
is happyboy

>> No.4380329

Get in touch with banana. It's clearly a glitch on the Cloudflare layer. He put it in recently when one of your fans threatened to DDoS the site, but he's kind of dumb and doesn't know how to deal with new tech so complications would occur, he warned us as much.
I randomly found myself unable to access the site myself but it got resolved after three days or so after I let him know.

>> No.4380330

meh whatever, nobody cares about that chink anyway

>> No.4380334

>last post btw

>> No.4380336
File: 2 KB, 117x48, discordID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God willing! Bring out the chink, he's about to get a good taste of ARYAN SUPREMACY

>> No.4380338

>last post btw

>> No.4380340

oh well, i'll just come back in a month's time.

>> No.4380342

Can we summon Jimmy and Jace too. I miss that weirdo

>> No.4380357

what is he going to do, there's no way the challenge would be accepted.

>> No.4380358

based leaf, what would we do without you

>> No.4380361

Is Jace dead, it's been a really really time since I've seen that fellow

>> No.4380364

doesnt he update his twitter every now and then? I dont follow him so I wouldnt know

>> No.4380370

He nuked everything the last time I checked a couple of months ago.

>> No.4380376
File: 1.56 MB, 500x282, ani_wheeled_warrior_drill_sergeant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Jace dead
He never did team up with his father to unite the magic root.

>> No.4380389

>Draw something you dreamt
wet dreams count, no?

>> No.4380392

go for it

>> No.4380394

>tfw no wet dreams
why do you guys do nofap

>> No.4380401
File: 20 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Review my furry art. I call it, Bold and Dash.

>> No.4380408

more like belongs in my stash

>> No.4380412


>> No.4380416
File: 130 KB, 3000x3000, courting-death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4380428

cmon nanners you really should limit yourself from this site much more, exposure to this garbage isn't healthful for the mind

>> No.4380449
File: 101 KB, 1200x1208, 1200px-Mortal_Kombat_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4380466

How much you bet happyboy is gonna pussy out cause he knows he can't measure up to /our bro/

>> No.4380477

I seen more quality in art from /dad/s than the other threads, lmao.

>> No.4380504
File: 899 KB, 275x216, 1527059112202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing took 4 hours
>didn't manage to make the deadline
god dammit I only just started doing this pls

>> No.4380509
File: 20 KB, 800x800, power-overwhelming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4380547

are we all gonna pretend like this retard didn't shit himself last time? Im too lazy to check warosu for the screenshot but you all can't be fucking newfags here

>> No.4380550

get chicoalte to re-establish the VIDEO on youtube.

>> No.4380563
File: 75 KB, 1274x714, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4380566 [DELETED] 

>you are lost.
This guy.

>> No.4380571

Holy fuck shut up already. You are just as annoying as the chink fag

>> No.4380573

How is NoseBro so based even after all these years? It's simply amazing.

>> No.4380574

Stream it

>> No.4380576

So this is the legendary nosebro I keep hearing about? All I can say is based.

>> No.4380578
File: 73 KB, 700x341, mortalkombat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feel the flow, Feel the form.
Feel the flow, Feel the form.
Capture the pose!
Proko, Feng Zhu, Hampton, Bobby Chiu,
Loomis, Glenn Vilppu, Sycra.
Capture the pose!
Feel the flow, Feel the form.
Feel the flow, Feel the form.
Proko, Feng Zhu, Hampton, Bobby Chiu,
Loomis, Glenn Vilppu, Sycra.
Feel the flow.
Feel the flow, Feel the form.
Proko, Feng Zhu, Hampton, Bobby Chiu,
Loomis, Glenn Vilppu, Sycra.
Feel the flow.

>> No.4380581
File: 828 KB, 320x180, gonbgud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4380592

this isn't real is it?

>> No.4380594

>lol if i can remember
What a fucking faggot. Whatch him trace over Vilppu for the battle.

>> No.4380595

>you already lost.
>Lost sight if my countless wins perhaps.
ok I laffed

>> No.4380596

You know it's real because nosebro is acting like such a faggot in it.

>> No.4380597

what the fuck does this have to do with /las/ or /dad/
get your own thread

>> No.4380599

How about you get your own thread for being a whiny bitch?

>> No.4380600

dads got bullied by the scary chinese man, so they called the local police Nosebro to deal with him.

>> No.4380601
File: 111 KB, 500x574, realdeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4380607
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 14c729aa1a1e3ac8313e1c1dd19a4a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile I'm just trying to keep my head down and draw some nice flowers and still lifes, what the fuck...

>> No.4380615

unironically a banger but cringe post

>> No.4380617

>Proko, Feng Zhu, Hampton, Bobby Chiu,
>Loomis, Glenn Vilppu, Sycra.
Absolutely excellent.

>> No.4380629

trying too hard m8

>> No.4380656

what the fuck is a gesture battle
how does this even work

>> No.4380660

Ancient /ic/ meme where the greatest shitposters tested who was the better artist through one to one combat, dates before the las thunderdome.

>> No.4380661
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, gesture battle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4380678

i used to just post gesture fights in /b/
>nosebro wants it to be screenshare

I don't even know about discord until this year. LOL

>> No.4380685

Go go nosebro !

>> No.4380691

wtf I like nosebro now

>> No.4380697
File: 64 KB, 750x872, 1581009828967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love him or hate him, he is based. The gook fears the nosenigger

>> No.4380703

bitch please, i just don't know what screenshare does. I don't use discord.

>> No.4380710

Literally just google it. Are you too dense to look it up, or are you worried about everyone seeing Nosebro wipe the floor with you?

>> No.4380716

i don't know the rules to his game, back then when i was drawing at /b/attles 10 years ago. It was simple, you just draw and post in draw thread. I stopped drawing after I went away to conscription.

Dude now wants to screenshare etc, which is from discord, so my understanding of his "gesture battle" is different from what I was doing back then.
Good times tho.

>> No.4380723

All this talk with little at stake. How about this, if Nosebro wins, happyboy leaves /DAD/ alone forever. No more "reviewing," or posting in /dad/ threads, no using the /dad/ site. If chink wins, he can continue shitting up our threads.

>> No.4380729

what the fuck why would nosebro fight on behalf of /dad/ that doesn't even make a lick of sense

>> No.4380732

then whoever is the judges will control the game.

>> No.4380738

It's a cage fight; the crowd will be the judge and jury.

>> No.4380741

i dunno, he said about judges and what not, didn't know battles changed.

>> No.4380742

>nosebro is the champion of /dad
I want out of this timeline

>> No.4380761
File: 182 KB, 388x443, 1504783522759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>notorious faggot beat up obnoxious fat asian man who is even bigger faggot
excerrent, this just rike one of my Japanese animes

>> No.4380763
File: 79 KB, 609x996, 1551354458108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a villain vs villain arc

>> No.4380770

Who here /single monitor gang/
I don't even have room on my desk for a second monitor

>> No.4380772

Who here /laptop gang/
I don't even have a desk

>> No.4380775

not me
this post was made by the /laptop with second monitor gang/

>> No.4380779

I have two laptops because the first one is literally falling apart. I use that one exclusively for videos and books now, so in case I fuck up and get an infected file I can just scrap it.

>> No.4380781

/one monitor one tv both on desk gang/ represent

>> No.4380788

>tfw read this as single mother at first

>> No.4380791
File: 12 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The setup

>> No.4380800
File: 55 KB, 736x516, desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very similar to mine. Pic related is the type of desk I have. I put it in a corner of the room. Just need to turn to your side and can grab supplies in one motion, can minimize clutter in front of you, very efficient. The side faces my doorway, feels like I'm behind a service desk

>> No.4380807
File: 3.40 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20200220_100011__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That seems handy. My old space used to be like that. I want to do that again once I move out. I mostly work on my iPad lately so I move around a lot but this is my current set up. Used to have space for trad stuff but since my roommate shares my desk now I no longer do. Once I move out I'd love to add more space and maybe make a slanted light table for myself for traditional penciling, since I want to start doing comics at some point.

>> No.4380815

Good idea to have anatomy ref right beside you, I should stick some on the wall in front of me

>> No.4380820

Yeah, it's really handy. I really want to add more note stuff but not in this space. I already fucked the walls up enough and I'm renting. If possible I want to set it up in such a way where I have easy access to tutorial books like Gurney's etc right next, otherwise I just like them up one by one and clutter everything up.

>> No.4380822

*pile not like

>> No.4380831

>not having the anatomy tattooed on your body

>> No.4380833
File: 5 KB, 181x172, 1335549409801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got it all tattooed on my back

>> No.4380837

not nearly enough penguins

>> No.4380876

/tv on the desk while sitting with laptop on the bed gang/ rise up

>> No.4380880

Does my cintiq count as a second monitor?

>> No.4380887
File: 522 KB, 1407x1259, 1581900465952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to stay hydrated. If you are feeling lethargic and it's getting in the way of drawing, there's a good chance your mood and motivation will improve with one or two glasses of water. Thirst is not an accurate indicator of hydration. Have some water, especially if you drink a lot of coffee

>> No.4380891
File: 343 KB, 1131x768, 1581885980128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4380893
File: 113 KB, 668x1000, tree-paintover-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I started doing a paintover of this for fun and I got a little carried away. I want to encourage you to start your painting with brighter colors and then mix them down. Also, use more contrast between your light and dark areas, and shift your hue (warm lights, cool shadows). The thing with painting brown objects is it tends to look dull if you just directly pick brown from your color wheel, try combining reds/oranges/yellows in different proportions and neutralize them with a cool color of choice.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you want the psd file - I left my layer stack intact so you can see the process

>> No.4380896

If hydration is affecting your mood then water wont replenish electrolytes.

>> No.4380898

Are electrolytes the only factor that determines the effect of hydration on mood?

>> No.4380909

electrolytes are what plants crave
why are you people drinking them? lol

>> No.4380915

They dont just come in liquid form sweetir

>> No.4380917
File: 33 KB, 410x292, 5bb3559a2400005100975380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who made this post

>> No.4380925

I thought I'd never see another gesture battle take place on /ic/.

>> No.4380963
File: 327 KB, 1080x479, AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who wins in a fight, arma mech or daddy mech?

>> No.4380969

give paiterchad bf

>> No.4381004

When people work hard and make good art everyone wins!

>> No.4381044

i bet you drink water what comes out of the toilet lol

>> No.4381053
File: 1.59 MB, 2592x1944, storytelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then the big bad wolf met a bear. The mighty wolf and the bear faught to the death. KICK. KAPOW. THUNK. The fight was gruesome and there was no referee to stop them.

The fight lasted for 30 minutes. When it the last punch was thrown a tiny voice in the distance said YAMEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU!!!!!

The wolf and the bear looked in the direction to the voice and saw a little girl. The girl was crying and said "can't you two just get along?". The wolf and bear looked back at each other with a disappointed look on their faces....what happens next is....

>> No.4381055

They continued to fight like nothing until one dropped dead. The end.

Okay nappy time!

>> No.4381072

you did an amazing job with the letters you great doggy

>> No.4381076
File: 240 KB, 1442x1460, kara walker art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold the god damn phone- is that art in the book Kara Walker's? Those kids are about to be scarred for life, fucking kek

>> No.4381086

A lot of things goes past kids heads. Think of all the adult jokes you didn’t catch as a kid from old cartoons.

>> No.4381087

Laptop + desktop gang here

>> No.4381090

Although the pic you posted is pretty blatant.

>> No.4381094

Somebody make a Machine March challenge. I'm too retarded to write a description.

>> No.4381109

Yeah but those at least try to be subtle because they know kids are going to be the primary audience. All of her stuff I've seen is most definitely exclusively intended for adults only and it's almost always that graphic.

Also her books are wicked expensive so those little boogers better treat it nicely.

>> No.4381144
File: 76 KB, 819x684, battletech_dragon_vs_enforcer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The daddy mech looks like one of those chonky Primitives, but looks can be deceiving. An 80-ton still Charger stands a good chance of beating up on mechs half its size even if they have it outgunned. People may hate on the Dragon ("it's just a fat medium!" they say), but it's no laughing matter when he puts his foot in your face.

>> No.4381205

You’re in luck as I tend to save videos out of habit. When I locate it on my old laptop I will upload it.

>> No.4381314

If i could suck my own cock, if only...

>> No.4381368 [DELETED] 

You can train yourself to do so but it takes a long, long time. The alternative is letting a fellow daddy help you, like me!

>> No.4381370

only someone this based can be psiekier

>> No.4381376

Nooooo only i can taste my semen i dont want ur cooties >:(

>> No.4381377

It's okay anon, if you don't want me to take your semen I can give you some of mine!

>> No.4381384

Unless youre a girl with a cute penis no way!

>> No.4381388

Thank you for your time, anon. I really appreciate you took the work of doing this.
> I want to encourage you to start your painting with brighter colors and then mix them down.
You're right. I was too eager to paint and didn't spend setup time picking a palette. The one you picked is almost true to the one I use irl (which I'm trying to limit myself to on digital) of earthen tones. They are all shades of brown technically, but put together they come a bit more alive (They're the only colors I've used on all my posted trad paintings, except for the blue, white and black).
> Also, use more contrast between your light and dark areas, and shift your hue (warm lights, cool shadows).
Sure, I'll have this in mind. Though, if you don't mind me being slightly hard headed for a minute, since I'm going off the ref and trying to stick to it hard, I'm keeping for the neutral white light and it's exact lighting scheme, for now. But once I finish this, I will go for a more dynamic and graceful scheme as in your paintover. And don't worry, screenshot is all I need. I like figuring it out just from that. Thank you very much for the advice. (:

>> No.4381393 [DELETED] 

When I extract I can put it back in your mouth. A 2 for 1 deal if you want the lips to touch, and I promise no cooties!

>> No.4381394


>> No.4381403 [DELETED] 
File: 1.96 MB, 500x481, 36c32fcf32e78782325381c6511f7075.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no cute azn with a cute penis to suck on

>> No.4381405 [DELETED] 

Say something gay about the submissions today!

>> No.4381410

Nah homie I had to remove my posts because of you.

>> No.4381416
File: 108 KB, 448x847, 422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4381424

Totally forgot to add. But your paint over made me realize that, like a dummy, I was completely neglecting the space around the object and refused to add any values/color for the background. I've already remedied that and I'm elaborating on it right now. Will make sure to include that from the get go in the future.

>> No.4381480
File: 93 KB, 497x335, disgusted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4381481


>> No.4381510
File: 608 KB, 2000x870, Jerry!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao at all you noobs getting excited for the gesture battle as if it's the final arc of the season
Obviously they're setting it up so JERRYBREEM returns at the most important moment and beats them both easily

>> No.4381513

1.) I want sharkvore back so they can eat me and end my suffering
2.) all low level draw a box people
3.) all /beg/ furchads
4.) everyone that was ever >>skipped

>> No.4381550
File: 948 KB, 360x198, ani_robot_jox_fist_bump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crash 'n' burn!

>> No.4381639

Really proud of you today dreamnet! Fantastic improvement.

>> No.4381673

And aaaaaaiiiiiiiiaaaii will always love DaaaaaaaaAaaad ooooohh yeeeahhhh

>> No.4381677

Unironically what would the consequences of a “Like” button on dad be?

>> No.4381693

lmao thats just her thumb, its an old asian trick

>> No.4381714


Good idea. Banananannaananannanannanaannanananananana please implement.

>> No.4381718

Personally I wouldn't like it.
Would make me think of it as a gallery.

>> No.4381721

it would be the worst

>> No.4381723


>> No.4381724

Bad idea. banana dont implement

>> No.4381738
File: 17 KB, 268x268, shaggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would like cause everybody to like increase the like number of like times they use the word "like" in a like sentence when they're like talking about DAD by like one.

>> No.4381744

turn it into a popularity contest and social media platform instead of art practice

>> No.4381766

>implying dad isn’t already a popularity contest to most people

>> No.4381768

"Likes" would easily turn into a circlejerk or daddies getting butthurt so I think there should be more "inclusive" reactions we should have.
>Good improvement
>Don't give up!
>Nice fundies
>Cool idea
If it's more focused on growth type stuff then yeah there will still be a circlejerk but then at least fewer people will be skipped and there will be a reason to use them outside the same people over and over

>> No.4381783

The signature challenge is making me wish I was born a decade earlier

>> No.4381796

satisfiy yourself with the knowledge that all signature boomers are basically in their last years of life

>> No.4381798
File: 120 KB, 645x773, tvk7bl78p8f21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was a decade younger

>> No.4381822

I’m not sure which generation I’d prefer; the 90s slash 00s or the generation when full dive VR is a reality.

>> No.4381849

Meh... I enjoy being the last generation to really know what it’s like to function before Internet was so prevalent, granted it was only my childhood but I think it’s cool.

>> No.4381855

>tfw there are children growing up now with oculus rifts with vr chat while I grew up with duck hunt on the super nes

>> No.4381858

>grew up with the good halos
I pity the the current generation

>> No.4381867

not me. i was a dumbass in my teens

>> No.4381892

I think it would make dad more popularity based in a negative way. Right now the only way to express that you like something on dad is to leave a comment and I think that is for the best, it forces people to think about the feedback they're giving a little more than mindlessly hitting a button

>> No.4381907

and you can reply to the person that left the comment

>> No.4381916

Yeah but commenting on multiple things floods the update section so I think that keeps people from wanting to actually post stuff. Also most of the comments are pretty much equivalent to hitting the like button because it's just like "nice" "looks good" etc. Maybe just making a separate update area for comments would be a good step

>> No.4381917

Just a few years ago we had a handheld that had no backlight. Now we have a tablet gameboy that can connect to the internet and do multiplayer and play console quality games. The oculus rift for kids today is like the gameboy.

>> No.4381920

This plein air challenge has been kinda hellish, but I've found some cool shit as a result of it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do March, but looks like I'm on board now. Shit, maybe by March my watercolors won't freeze so I can actually try to do some painting!

Pretty sure this is stockholm syndrome.

>> No.4381924

thank you, friend (´ω`)

>> No.4381925

it is not. The gameboy color was about 100 usd considering inflation. The oculus rift is like like 2k usd minimum considering the computer etc.

>> No.4381929

A lot of kids today have gaming rigs for Fortnight. An oculus costs just as much as a fresh "new" console on the market.

>> No.4381930

I think they mean that it's the start of like a new wave of entertainment more so than the price

>> No.4381932


In general, yes.

>> No.4382005

Getting comments is so much better then getting likes. On my blog if a drawing gets a bunch of likes but no comments, it feels empty, comments mean so much more.

>> No.4382023


Hey there, I no longer have access to that video as I disposed of it a long time ago. Puts should have given you the file.

Good luck in your battle and I hope you win!

>> No.4382038
File: 417 KB, 1280x1003, 83670547_180483763184520_1902500646171443200_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u are becoming powerful my child

>> No.4382083


>> No.4382106

>tfw pokemon isn't real

>> No.4382238

Who here /padgang/?
I have to recharge mines after an hour outside

>> No.4382248
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, cost-vs-salmon.heem.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heemgod is watching

>> No.4382254 [DELETED] 

I am going to steal from /dad/ in fact. I am going to maximum effort on dad gallery. Because you choose to ban me. You made a conscious decision to be my enemy. Now you face the consequences of your action.

>> No.4382255

I offered to fix the problem. What's with this vindictive response?
If you can't write a simple email to get in touch with me so that I can diagnose and fix the issue, that's your own fault. I'd drop this petulant attitude if you want me to actually look into the problem.

>> No.4382257

It was a mistake on Banana's behalf you fucking sperg

>> No.4382260

I hope you two retards realize he's not actually banned and it's literally shitposting

>> No.4382265

Reminder to ignore all retards

>> No.4382269

Me fucking your mom was also shitposting

>> No.4382278 [DELETED] 

I know what you did and what you trying to do. You want to isolate my ip.
In fact this only happened since my video on /dad/.
My intent is clear since the beginning. Now i am telling you i am coming for /dad/.

Since you cant take critique and have some kind of misinformed ideas of copyright. Enjoy posting and defending your "content" you post publically.

I did warn you, but you made that conscious decision to do it. And since you choose to be enemy. You get treated as such.

For the rest of the myopic and impudent /dad/ who cant take critique. Here is what i am going to do. I am going to prove to you why i am right.

My critique was simple. Lack effort. Lack intent.

You made the decision to disregard my good intent. Since i am the villian here then i will be your worst nightmare. I know every hole you hide in from your main site, back up site to your discord. If you shift i shift with you. I am already inside. Good luck, have fun. This is the only response you will get from me.

>> No.4382280
File: 331 KB, 800x805, Uned-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What works from yesterday did you enjoy?
I think this piece from Pera is very soulful, I like the colors and scribbles. It would be funny if they did a 180 and became a cuteposter

>> No.4382283
File: 220 KB, 290x300, mokey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4382284 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 168x225, 1511590258_draw me like one of your french wyverns.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're kind of delusional, you know that?
I told you before that Cloudflare is something I'm unfamiliar with, a solution I've put up because YOUR fans threatened to attack the site. New tech is difficult to work with, and I've made it clear there would be unintentional turbulence. Whether or not you believe me, I've extended an olive branch several times, and each time you've clearly not taken my well-meaning offer, so you can consider your problem will go unfixed until you apologize.

Moreover, if you did some proper lurking, you would know that the discord linked in this description is not the DAD discord. It's a community tangentially related that's kept around for historical reasons.

But then again, you don't really listen to anything people say, so why bother. Throw your little tantrum. It's all entertainment in the end.

>> No.4382286

I used to draw on my laptop whenever I got out of the house, but I couldn't stand working on such a tiny screen. I have no idea how people can tolerate it.

>Penguin stickers
>That houseplant
Ohoho, I know who you are, dad!

>> No.4382287
File: 139 KB, 999x1146, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't my fault.

>> No.4382289


>> No.4382290
File: 80 KB, 968x526, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4382293
File: 37 KB, 600x400, 1495744769719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it, the absolute coward wouldn't go through with it.

>> No.4382296
File: 434 KB, 680x376, d40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4382301
File: 61 KB, 433x419, 1475702288126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking KEK

>> No.4382302
File: 34 KB, 702x408, 1582189496147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a second... zoom in... enhance...

>> No.4382303
File: 40 KB, 854x341, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4382305

HappyBoy more like BitchBoy lmao

>> No.4382308
File: 30 KB, 1858x157, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4382309

what a pussy

>> No.4382310

"you've disappointed tens of people"

>> No.4382311


>> No.4382314


I already started drawing, he just didn't response.

>> No.4382317

>N-no I didn't pussy out, Nosebro just ignored me!
L M A O, the whole chatlog is there to see. You're quitting because Nose ignored your unlabeled shitposts in dad?

>> No.4382318

Everyone please ignore the dude, he's just trying to become a meme and get that name recognition. His insta is mostly cloutchasing normie shit, he's trying to get Youtube views, and this drama is just for clout. He's painfully mediocre and is desperately trying to get any relevance he can.

>> No.4382319

he's trying to become the new nosebro and he won't even go for the highlander option

>> No.4382320

more like angryboy amirite

>> No.4382322
File: 83 KB, 1200x700, neesons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happyboy is going to find us and end us

>> No.4382323

The knock-off can't compare to the original

>> No.4382325 [DELETED] 

Plebs cant stop me.
Plebs wants to control the narrative.
The same plebs who did nothing. Drawn nothing. Have nothing to show for.

Drawn and pyw.

>> No.4382326

>chinese knockoff

>> No.4382327

Sure :)

>> No.4382328

Wait are these supposed to be gestures?
Bro... what

>> No.4382330
File: 65 KB, 768x512, GettyImages-473786110-58ffc72a3df78ca159c19e37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone post a picture of your desk or random part of your room and we guess which dad

>> No.4382331

why does this fbi dude look like a fucking posh hipster?

>> No.4382335

If HappyBoy was a chef, he'd be this guy

>> No.4382346
File: 228 KB, 780x1040, 5ce3288b-f1ef-4820-9a9c-f1a2580577b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese bootleg villain /ic/ deserves, but not the one we need

>> No.4382351

just glossed over his instagram, nosebro would've blown this guys back out, it wouldn't even have been fun to watch. happyboy, you should reconsider pursuing a social media presence based on art, you're barely surface level on all drawing fundamentals but most importantly you don't have an ounce of genuine love for this stuff. try comedy.

>> No.4382352

Please respect artist wishes to not be included in videos

>> No.4382353

tell me, what is fair use.

>> No.4382356

B-b-but muh fair use!!!

>> No.4382358

You should feel ashamed as an artist if you don't respect other artists' requests not to be used for whatever bullshit you are making tbqh. Fair use or not. Unless you're some conceptual asshat trying to make a big point, you're just being an asshole.

>> No.4382359

It’s a private server, that aside the artist has requested their work not be used, as a decent human being you should stop there, however you continue because you want views on ur garbage channel, giving opinions no one cares about. Just as you wouldn’t go around critiquing artists irl without them asking for it, you shouldn’t do so hiding behind a screen

>> No.4382364

hiding behind the screen, are you hide? I am using my face. You are hiding behind the screen LMAO

>> No.4382372

Kek you hide from fucking nosebro

>> No.4382373
File: 150 KB, 1645x989, dhdfnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn chink is pulling a tonkasaw.

>> No.4382374

you know some of us have done self portraits

>> No.4382377

Good, but with that kind of skill, is it recognizable?

>> No.4382378
File: 374 KB, 1280x1406, 1501183684766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Says the pussy that ran away from a gesture battle.

>> No.4382380

I don't understand why he doesn't bother a place like Reddit art/learn art. Those places are big hugboxes.

>> No.4382383

You're not even good enough at art to gesture battle, you have no say in evaluating other people's skill

>> No.4382384

because /ic/ have lost their way to allow such fucking bullshit run of so long.

>getting banned for reviewing their art

>> No.4382385
File: 429 KB, 834x592, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't argue with this guy, he jacks popular characters and edits them while trying to be trendy. he's a half step above sonic oc recolor fags

>> No.4382388

reddit actually has mods

>> No.4382389

> this is the guy giving out critique and calling other people unskilled


>> No.4382390

Just let him make his videos, nobody watches anyways. I got more followers on twitter today than his videos get views in their lifetime. Pay no mind to the desperate trolling and keep working on those gains Daddies!

>> No.4382393

PYW here.

Post it or shut up, acting like a bunch of whiny cunts.

>> No.4382394

fucking yeah preach, at least /dad/ have some hope left. All the GAINS.

>> No.4382397

thats literally what we do on a daily basis you retard

>> No.4382398

i don't even have to PYW
people are doing it for me, thanks!

Now let's see yours.

>> No.4382399
File: 523 KB, 916x494, 3cc59bdd1da6da0d6226d6e1d0a186fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here it is. I want your honest thoughts

>> No.4382402

check out my instagram, i've been doing it for 1237 days.

Not bragging but you guys are just my off springs at this point.

>> No.4382406

a lot of cross, I guess they are all wrong :)

I can't see it but someone will help me.

>> No.4382407

If you spent 1237 days and that's the art you have to show for it, that's not something you should proud about.

>> No.4382409

>Posting art daily for over 1200 days
>Posts average under 10 likes
>Hasn't even broke 300 followers
>Work looks like THAT
Oh no no no no no no no

>> No.4382410

head so far up his own ass can't even see he's the butt of the joke. sorry, but you at least have to have the courage to take on nosebro if you want me to take you seriously now that I know your abilities

>> No.4382411

i am not proud, I decided to draw till the day i die. You think this is to flex on the plebs? It is my life commitment.

>> No.4382414

>a seething mess ITT

>> No.4382418
File: 155 KB, 800x600, 1571903711812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will Dads learn not to feed the troll? C'mon y'all. This is Internet 101

>> No.4382421

It is easier to work from the inside and since some /dad/dies agree with me and decided to help me. I now will review your work and yes, I am going to steal them.

A /dad/dy once said, "if they are give up because of you, they are probably not cut out for this shit."

>> No.4382422

Nobody cares, you want views and fanfare go critique the bigger communities. Are you afraid of the normies and casuals on Reddit?

>> No.4382423
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4382424

alright alright i am out, they easy cus they foolin around not drawing.

>> No.4382426

there's nearly 100 people in this thread
even if 95% of them know to not give him attention there will still be enough people to keep feeding the drama

>> No.4382428


>> No.4382429

Exactly, look at what we've had to deal with with all the Ramune/Dare shit. Nobody knows how to ignore shitters

>> No.4382430

It's getting funny at this point, though.
Also I just realized his instagram has links to his site and other youtube

>> No.4382431

he's turning into a lolcow, he's been fattened by nosebro

>> No.4382432

your peak is bootleg shirt designs mass produced in chinese sweatshops. i'm not worried and would even be honored to see my art on shirts worn by impoverished africans. you will never create anything worthwhile and your display of character this past week on /ic/ only confirms that

>> No.4382433

I'm actually really let down by the anticlimax between him and Nosebro, was looking forward to it. At least there's the irony of someone backing out of a gesture battle against Nosebro

>> No.4382434

>Nobody knows how to ignore shitters
Anonymous imageboards 101

>> No.4382435
File: 233 KB, 1276x599, 1557118760748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck he's the bee anon

>> No.4382439

oh shit, I remember that thread, sad

>> No.4382441

Hey guys, you're right. I am just a sham of a person, barely what I was before. You see, growing up I was a "gifted" kid and was praised without needing to put in much work at all. As you grow older though, being "gifted" doesn't really cut it anymore. Instead of trying harder, I just kept looking for any easy way to get the attention I needed.

My parents kicked me out when I was 24 because they found my gallons of piss bottles. From there, my only option was bottoming for gay porn. It was nice at first, but I wasn't getting the praise that I deserved. Just normal homo sex wasn't enough. I kept going deeper and deeper into more depraved shit. 2 dicks in my ass at once? Easy. Being a cumdump for 19 guys in a row? No worries. In fact, eventually I started shoving my piss bottles up my ass just so those 2 liter bottles would let me feel something.

Eventually though I went to far. I was diagnosed with ass cancer and had to give up my lucrative, fulfilling career. From there art was my only option, so I started drawing every day in the hopes that at least my determination would get me praise, even if my drawings look like total shit (and trust me, being in gay porn for so long I know what shit looks like). It just sucks to want to help someone, but to be completely unskilled and unable to help them. At least as a butt slut I could help guys get off, now I can't even help entertain people with gesture battles. I'm just a poor sham of a man, and this is my goodbye. Any further posts from this name is just someone pretending to be me, so please ignore them. Thanks Dad, and goodbye.

>> No.4382443

that's actually kind of wholesome
makes this whole thing feel a lot sadder now

>> No.4382445

Damn, happyboy... why did you keep this from us bro...

>> No.4382446


It's alright, happy. I'm glad you could be open about this. Drop the pettiness and you might be a good person and maybe one day an okay artist.

>> No.4382448
File: 1.94 MB, 427x240, 1342319240524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you have to go and make me feel sorry for you damnit

>> No.4382449
File: 1.99 MB, 295x216, 1570345250434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4382451

hahahahaha oh wow

>> No.4382453

who is this cutie vodkuh

>> No.4382454

>Start reading this post
>get tired and give up.
This post was so boring. There's just no intent, honestly. It's so boring.

>> No.4382456
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, SadKeanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Happyboy was Sadboy all along

>> No.4382457
File: 18 KB, 259x224, 1520696303508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4382458

>happyboy dissociating with his past
damn bro it's okay. you told your truth, we understand you now.

>> No.4382462

Does this mean.... were the villains all along?

>> No.4382463

The real villain is the society that turned happyboy into the monster he is today

>> No.4382466

we truly live in a society

>> No.4382468
File: 40 KB, 462x480, EHn3Q2UUEAE7Bbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4382471

happyboy had a rough life...

>> No.4382473

so is that it? That's the end of the arc? Man what a plot twist. I think I need to take a breather before the next arc.

>> No.4382474

and it's gonna stay that way *unzips*

>> No.4382475

*sucks your dick*

>> No.4382480

oh? happyboy's enjoying the cock...

>> No.4382482

Shh, don't disturb him. He's had a rough day, this is the only thing that makes him happy anymore

>> No.4382483

>"if they are give up because of you, they are probably not cut out for this shit."
lmao wasn't that from the same guy who was trying to """ddos""" the site

>> No.4382486

so what will the next arc be after happyboy conclusion

>> No.4382487

The real villain is Nessie for not going full coomer already

>> No.4382488

Lilramune redux, I bet

>> No.4382490

please give the writers some time to plot

>> No.4382492

the long awaited civil war that's been foreshadowed

>> No.4382494

Banana origin story? "The tree of life: A dragon's tail"

>> No.4382495

dad 2.0 apocalypse

>> No.4382497

>tfw we'll learn about banana's place in society and how society ruined him too

>> No.4382499

Tensions have been rising between the furchads and lolifags... but I feel with this arc, dad has felt a sense of unity. As they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

>> No.4382500
File: 51 KB, 673x679, 1505855151110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day is the same and I'm so lonely
Will getting gud or making it even make me happy or is it just another thing where as soon as I actually have it I realise how worthless it is

>> No.4382502
File: 191 KB, 432x395, 1552429437230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.0 is vaporware

>> No.4382507

>bails on art challenge, and commits to the drama instead
>life commitment

>> No.4382508

why do women always have such a way with words

>> No.4382510

Please don't bully happy any further, he's had a rough life

>> No.4382511

Wtf i love him now

>> No.4382516

I don't think that's how it works. You're born a cuteposter and you just have to listen to your potential.

>> No.4382518

I want to improve my colors! DAD HELP

>> No.4382519

Bruh I post my face all the time

>> No.4382521
File: 188 KB, 444x312, anon313jmgn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DAD Infinity War will be the most ambitious crossover event in history
>Old legends resurface
>Rover and Jerrybreem come back from training in the mountains to herald The End of Days
>runnerman1 knows how to program
>Loomis' C: Drive finished uploading
>Cuteposters finally embrace their true desires and evolve into COOMposters
>Lava stops being AWOL
>the original lolicon Loli and the original furchad JGMN return
>Tripfag gets the first token
>The TRIBUNAL is assembled
>The Gates of Topic Hell open
>Stella, Andrae and Fmmood make surprise cameos
>W reveals his new infinitely better LAS website and promises not to wipe the database again

>> No.4382522 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ does that mean i get a victim badge now?

Lmao thx for the raughs

>> No.4382524

What's your work?
Not meming, I genuinely want to try to help. I am not great at them but I think I am decent.

>> No.4382525


>> No.4382526

Wow, that's a name I haven't heard in a very long time. Back when everyone was still babies.

>> No.4382528 [DELETED] 

Just watch my instagram. I will post.

>> No.4382530

You aren't a victim, you're a survivor. It's okay happy. We know everyone has their own baggage. We're all in this artistic journey together, and we're all going to get better at art one step at a time. Maybe if you join dad some other daddies can give you advice on how you can improve your work, and gain the skills you want.

>> No.4382531
File: 7 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Ooboo =)

>> No.4382536

Dude, stop trying to pretend that you're the poor guy. Don't bully him, he's had it hard enough. You don't need to lead all of /ic/ to an ass cancer survivor's instagram to bully him, it's just not cool man.

>> No.4382538 [DELETED] 

Lmao they banned me. I wont be joining them ever. In fact i will capitalize on their content. They accuse me of the worst intent. Even when my actions always pointed to drawing more. They say i am Stealing their art for views. Okay. Since they want to assume that. I will help them fulfil their desire. I am stealing their art now.

>> No.4382540

petition for happyboy to join dad

>> No.4382543
File: 995 KB, 480x269, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surprise post-credits scene

>> No.4382544

how fucking DENSE are you
the admin himself has reached out to you to FIX the goddamn issue and instead you accuse him of malicious intent
what's your fucking problem

>> No.4382546

Chill bro, y u got to be mad?

>> No.4382547

I dunno I find it very confidential only he has a cloudflare issue

Almost like it's intentional

>> No.4382548

I will never contribute any engagement to your social media dude, I don't care. All I see is your lack of commitment to Nose and doubling down on the shit flinging in this thread, keepitupproydofyou

>> No.4382549

It's just a troll pretending to be Happy. The real Happy is probably being a cockgobbling cumdump right now, god bless his soul. Imagine trying to impersonate a man braver than our troops.

>> No.4382550

How do you guys always have the energy to make posts like this? I feel so tired, I just want to draw, but I can't stop consuming.

>> No.4382552

it only got implemented because your fans threatened to DDoS the site and banana's kind of inexperienced so random shit comes up all the time, and we deal with it on occasion (i couldn't access the site for a period of a week)
but instead, you assume the worst of him and then make threats in the thread

>> No.4382553 [DELETED] 


yo everyone just calm down alright, just draw.
Alright im back to stealing, check u, going to check out the thread when i am resting.

Just relax everyone, no need to get upset over me.

>> No.4382554
File: 553 KB, 1336x878, 1580251147079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night dads

>> No.4382556

good night cuteposter

>> No.4382558

Sorry for bullying him but the dude actually has fans? Literally laughing right now I feel so bad

>> No.4382559

>you assume the worst of him and then make threats in the thread
You see, there you go again with this shit. I'm only pointing out my observation. Please don't assume everything is an attack on you.

>> No.4382561
File: 22 KB, 1280x720, bbmgqqrer3n21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4382562
File: 20 KB, 903x165, Screenshot-2020-2-20 Great Artists Steal #2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4382564

wew lads

>> No.4382565

you're the one making the assumption that it's a deliberate ban of your browser or an attempt to "collect your ip"
he's literally given a friendly offer to help work through the problem and you've rebuffed him all three times
that's your fault

>> No.4382566

>tfw BBC chan will never be a fan of your content

>> No.4382568

I understand that but it's VERY STRANGE it only happened to him is all I'm saying.

>> No.4382569

I wouldn't call them a fan if it's someone commenting because you reviewed them and shouted them out lol.
Dude how old are you? Your posts lack self awareness and read like an edgy 15 year old lol.

>> No.4382570

FBI plz no.

In true NGMI spirit instead of learning with us you decide to take the worst path possible. Will trying to manufacture drama really help you, sadboy? You could be focusing on art instead, grow and improve with the rest of us. I realise you're just having fun trolling, but I'm genuinely sad you're not chanelling that energy in improving your art instead.

Whatch that Marko Bucci video on colours, it's really fucking good. Otherwise study the impressionists and how they used complementaries in their shadows! I think that might help you as well.

>> No.4382571

i literally just said it happened to me too.
another person also said they had issues accessing the site when it was first set up.

>> No.4382572

That table looks scary as fuck.

>> No.4382573

Not only that but I don't think we have another Singaporean dad on the site. So it's very easy to sniff out a Singaporean IP and fuck with him.

>> No.4382574
File: 426 KB, 1413x1000, ooboo edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I like the graphic look of a lot of your work. I'm gonna go ahead and say I think this is your strongest piece in terms of color usage: https://dad.gallery/submissions/54379
The complementary scheme is very pleasing, the highly saturated orange paired with the low saturation blue makes for a very pleasing palette, because the colors are not competing for attention. They are in balance, orange highlights the focal points, and the blue recedes into the background.
I'll compare that piece with pic related, which has a similar scheme but I feel is less successful. By applying the same principles to your first picture to this one, (I wrote most of my thoughts on it, sorry if my handwriting is a mess) you can strengthen the piece. Essentially, I think for every piece it helps a lot to think about your color use in terms of compositon. You have three types of contrast at your disposal, hue, value, and saturation, and you use all three of them at once to create focal points and areas of interest. And you are already doing this to an extent! The colors on this piece are also strong: https://dad.gallery/submissions/54266
I think you already have an eye for color, I think you should just try to be aware of the purpose your colors serve in each piece.
Hope some of my ramblings made sense and take it all with a grain of salt as this is only my point of view.

>> No.4382576

okay then my apologizes

>> No.4382578
File: 1.40 MB, 270x360, 1521253868_1506876972994.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here /justhavingfun/?

>> No.4382579

Now this is the kind of reply dad thread needs more of.

>> No.4382580

i'm not the one you should be apologizing to
if you make a sincere attempt to email him and apologize, maybe banana will forgive your tantrum and help look into the issue so you can access the site again

>> No.4382582

Helpful daddy. May the shrineyone smile upon you

>> No.4382585

Maybe tomorrow. I can't think of what to draw. I don't get how some artists can be so obsessed to the point of drawing forever, but I run out of ideas like in 10 pages.

>> No.4382586


>> No.4382588

curious as to who this is

>> No.4382589

Thanks! I'll take a look at the video.

I wasn't expecting such an in depth response! Thanks for the rundown. I think I'm going off feeling when I should be analyzing it to improve the composition. I'm going to try to do better tomorrow. Thanks senpai

>> No.4382591

Please anon, I don't want to fall to the dark side

>> No.4382594
File: 22 KB, 685x215, 815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4382595

Join us.
It is... your destiny.

>> No.4382600
File: 93 KB, 768x768, nervous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4382612

don't listen to them, resist the temptation! Unless you're gonna start drawing furry porn, in which case do listen to them

>> No.4382616

>furrychads subtly trying to gain more followers
I see what you're trying to do. There's more than one way of the dark side.

>> No.4382617

Wish sadboy was this useful.

>> No.4382622

fucking kek made me laff

>> No.4382625

I have to admit, Nosebro is pretty cool for never standing down a challenge.

>> No.4382626

...banana vs nosebro gesture battle?

>> No.4382630

The myriad dark side practitioners constantly seeking to corrupt the innocent, pure daddies in their own ways.

>> No.4382637

that's an auto win for nosebro

>> No.4382645

We have stock options and a 401k plan, plus vacation time... join us

>> No.4382654

W-will becoming a dark side daddy give me gains?

>> No.4382655
File: 29 KB, 331x334, 1494397040768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come to see whats goin on and I am not disappointed. I knew he'd bitch out like a pussy but I didn't think he would actually have a meltdown here, and then it was revealed he was the bee guy all along
this season truly is...the bees knees

>> No.4382656

the dark side is a pathway to gains which many would consider unnaturally quick

>> No.4382657
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x800, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact, that's where all gains came from.

>> No.4382658

Why not just ingore him? Why do you care about what some dog eater says about your art.

>> No.4382660

Someone, a chosen one, must bring balance to the gains.

>> No.4382670

Big Ego
This is how some people make good money, they know that some people simply can't ignore the bait. The chink is too retarded to ever make bank, but he's exploiting essentially the same thing. It's like what if somebody calls an actor a fag and the actor responds with an autistic tirade, congratulations now the guy calling you a fag is on every talk show

>> No.4382672 [DELETED] 

I just said it is generic.

>> No.4382682

can next season of DAD be a romcom please

>> No.4382685
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>> No.4382692

The only acceptable rom coms are stories of individual couples finding love in each other. Harems are for low class individuals.
That said, which daddies do you ship, anons?

>> No.4382699

this kind of makes me wonder if it's typical for the successor to be single

>> No.4382703

not them, but I was working on a shipping chart a few threads back but I never finished it

>> No.4382704

reminds me of when I tried to do a tier list and realized how much work it was

>> No.4382710

I once wanted to make a tier list but I feel bad about trying to rank people, since so much of it is based on personal taste

>> No.4382723
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Kek this guy has been every annoying shitposter from the past few months

>> No.4382725

you ever just want to lock yourself to a table with only a chair, paper and a pencil and just draw?

>> No.4382729

huh who wouldve thought
that's just sad

>> No.4382730

not a surprise, we all are.

>> No.4382748

All the time. Either that or going to prison.

>> No.4382752

no I like being able to walk to the toilet and pee whenever the urge takes me
I do wish some times people would just leave me alone in total solitude for like a year so I can draw

>> No.4382754

yes, but give me an art book and some study books on the table so I don't end up doodling the exact same thing endlessly and stay the same after 5 years

>> No.4382756

I'm looking through his work and he's not that bad, why does he also have to be a deranged lunatic instead of just work quietly

>> No.4382758
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>He stays up late sacrificing his gains

>> No.4382762

I noticed this, maybe it feels good sometimes to work all through the night to finish something and you do make progress, but when your sleeping pattern is disrupted you waste many hours later just getting back to normal. Be careful with your body, you need regularity to keep going long term

>> No.4382774

I have returned.

>> No.4382778
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I get really productive a little past 9pm all the way through to like 5am
I think my old job messed up my sleep pattern so bad cause it was a grave shift, but I am basically useless during the day light

>> No.4382787
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wtf lool

>> No.4382796

No I will do your stupid shrineydog challenge. The stupid dog has yet to put me in the op and I have been here since the start.

>> No.4382798

One day, anon, one day. Maybe if you do Shriney-challenge the Shriney gods will smile upon you and feature you.

>> No.4382833

The dog knows you're a heathen

>> No.4382838

>waking up to the birth of a lolcow
Told you that would happy, daddy
Top kek

>> No.4382862

I think I am gonna cry

>> No.4382883

What an obnoxious faggot

>> No.4382935

give up then

>> No.4382941


>> No.4382942

who /productive march/ here

>> No.4382945


>> No.4382962
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>> No.4382979

what do you want steve I'm being productive here

>> No.4382996

who shrine animal challenge

>> No.4383006

heckin' yeah to both

>> No.4383054

>doodle anything and everything in the middle of an important meeting
>hour long commute with nothing to do: cant think of anything to draw

>> No.4383062

My commute is all driving, so other then listening to podcasts and audiobooks I can't (safely) do anything productive!

>> No.4383065


time is pretty scarce right now and the most i can do are sketches

>> No.4383070

self driving cars when?

>> No.4383110

hey Meru I can relate with that feel sometimes

>not satisfied if I don't reach my art goals
>not satisfied if I give up before I die
>having to constantly analyze and face your weakness
>summoning energy to finally tackle that weakness
>hit a wall, fall down hard and start to question if you can really do this or not
>picking yourself up and tackling it again because that's the only way forward because giving up means death
>hitting walls, falling down, rising up times infinity
>the road is longer than the fucking great wall

my logical side keeps telling me the return is not worth the spiritual struggle I put myself through but I'm mentally ill for wanting this so I keep getting up from the ground instead of staying there

>> No.4383116

Not soon enough, I have no social life just because I hate it so much.

>> No.4383121
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>psychoanalysis your dream submissions to build a personality profile for the fbi

>> No.4383150

So your desire to get good is what's keeping you going?

>> No.4383157
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>> No.4383164

honest i hope reincarnation is a thing so i can spend my whole life perfecting art. i spent my current life doing programming and engineering stuff, and tbqh, I hate this decision. my job is tedious and unfulfilling. this is my 3rd job in this industry and i realise now that it will never change. the best option i have right now is to grind for experience and networking so i can start my own consulting firm. it will still be tedious, but at least i can choose my own work that can be fulfilling

>> No.4383175

>yfw talented people were reincarnators soulbound to secrecy all along

>> No.4383180

there's multiple things that drive me, drawing being my primary way of expressing my ideas and feelings, getting validation from peers you respect and wanting to prove people wrong. getting good just overlaps with my goals

>> No.4383189

>one of the dads was a serial killer in their past life
>fbi-kun is gathering data on the reincarnated folks to figure out who they were and stop the killer

its all coming together

>> No.4383192

Criminal dads tierlist when? And what's bunny's endgame

>> No.4383193
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>tfw the killers have infiltrated the fbi

>> No.4383199


Man, I used to have a friend from 4chan who was a serial killer. I told him i didn't believe him, so he went to a lan-shop post longitude and altitude. FBI was called.

>mfw real
And he never came back again.
I should have believed him.

>> No.4383205
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>anon was that friend

>> No.4383241

>people actually believed fattyboy’s "origin story"

>> No.4383242

It's in poor case to accuse people of faking their terminal illnesses

>> No.4383243

seems legit, the poor boy

>> No.4383248

>skipped again
So being a late submissioner does pay out

>> No.4383254

it just seems suspiciously familiar to that one time Nasalbro pussied out of a gesture battle, I would grab the screencap but I’m on mobile and also tired

>> No.4383295

Could you do this at the age of 13?

>> No.4383323 [DELETED] 

i'm 15 so yes

>> No.4383351

wee wooo weeeee woooo weeeee woooooo weeeee wooooo
uh oh
it's the v&

>> No.4383368

I didn't start drawing till I was 21 lol

>> No.4383386

you invited me, I response with actions.


>> No.4383396


>> No.4383400

You wouldn't happen to be Chinese, would you?

>> No.4383401

Yikes, what a piece of shit result. Are you really happy with this? I'd be sad if all I could do was make other works of art worse. You say great artists steal, but it's clear shitty ones do too.

>> No.4383423

>no intent
>I'm so bored
You're embarrassing. Thanks for the confidence boost, I guess.

>> No.4383428
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new thread >>4383427