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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 233 KB, 1276x599, wall-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3919820 No.3919820 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ic/

I am doing a mural for some children's home.

The feedback I gotten is that the bees I painted, are too fierce, does it look aggressive? If so, how do I make it looks more friendly?

>> No.3919842

either remove teeth or stylize the teeth one solid bar

>> No.3919844

How about the eyes? I have some feedback about the eyes because of how they are accustomed to eyes with one circle in the iris as reflection.

Mine was more of a 1930 cartoon eyes.

>> No.3919851
File: 20 KB, 172x140, _sketch_dailies__watterson_faces_by_mikesouthmoor-d7v7tz8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds about right. or increase shine size/amount.
personally, I appreciate the look your going for and wouldn't have you change it. do you happen to post on instagram?

>> No.3919874

Dude wtf is with those creepy faces
If you smile, your eyes crinkle up, hence the ^-^ face
Never draw again.

>> No.3919896

bees from hell lol

>> No.3919932
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look some Maya the bee or something dude.

The bees you drew look like they flew straight from a tumblr and on some heavy diversity shit and about to sting each other in the ass or announce fight about stereotypes and stop pollinate flower because its insectist or something.

Those bees with gapped smiles and large glassy eyes look like they are doing coke and not nectar.

>> No.3919990

I think they look pretty cute, though reminding me of a boss from cuphead.

>> No.3919996

yes i post on instagram everyday.

Gonna draw some bees lmao

>> No.3919999

These bees are better

>> No.3920004

Imma stab you with my palette knife. And then send my bees to rape you while you sleep.

>> No.3920011

Alright, I'll take that as my bees are not good enough for some reason. Clearly.

>> No.3920081

Its not that they are not good enough, I think its more about the fact that face expression look like they are high (you probably aimed at cuphead wacky) and they would probably looked ok at a pub or something but kids prefer something calmer, more normal, your feedback was precise, it just didnt explained why do they look fierce.
Again, look Maya the bee.

Also, body features are a bit underdeveloped.
I know its a bee and there is not much going on but still.

I wonder if you could add something to background, summer house or camp or river.

Anyway, you are the artist and its your art so you decide how you gonna defierce them.
You dont have to copy Maya the Bee or turn them anthropomorphic, just think of something, try drawing actual bee to see what can be added or improved.

>> No.3920100

OP, i'm seeing something that could be misinterpreted. the flowers have faces, right? so there's that female bee sitting on the flower's face with a satisfied look in her face. that could be kind of weird for an adult.

>> No.3920103

lmao I just noticed that

>> No.3920112


>> No.3920114

They are good anon, but they are creepy good, too creepy for a kids mural. The teeth look creepy being spaced apart like that. Also, the bee in the bottom right looks high as hell

>> No.3920119

Did you just draw bees on a James jean sketch?

>> No.3920120

The right one is train' to get sum fuck, that's the only one that standed out for me, I like what you're going for

>> No.3920390

Thanks, honestly I didn't want to draw anthropomorphic bees, I however wanted to make a 1:3 ratio with the bees.

all 1930 cartoon look high as fuck LOL, probably why they are so amazing for me.

That is what I learnt from disney.

hopefully I get to do more of this stuff, with higher quality, more fine-arts or commercial arena.

It is james jean and hokusai, a touch of 1930 cartoons and disney.

>> No.3920397
File: 488 KB, 1000x713, 6-bees-for-chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did 6 new version of bees, even threw in takashi murakami.

everything is so fucking out of shape, i officially dislike 0.5 micron pens. Ink brush gets a more flow lines.

Okay~ tentatively, these are the new bee designs. I will create better shapes out of the initial design, which one you like and why!

Once the selection process is done, I will do a second round of redrawing on the new design! will update soon!

>> No.3920445

I'm not a fan of rubbethose faces
I personally think if you were to change the bees you could make them cuter and have simpler faces.

Nice flowers

>> No.3920448

Gross man, why are you just copying someone else's art? Is someone paying you for that?

>> No.3920450

top right is perfect

>> No.3920454

bottom middle and bottom right are alright
top middle looks like a bee pepe

>> No.3920459
File: 113 KB, 542x800, Spike_art.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are all still creepy to be quite honest. If you want to make these bees look cute and nontreatenening stick to the principles of cute character design: big foreheads and low mouths. The eyes and mouth shapes aren't the issue, it's the facial structure.

>> No.3920466
File: 31 KB, 536x651, 512423373bcb0158adf835c3da68e2b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you really ant to go for that rubberhose style, simplify the features more. More detail is generally going to look less cute on a cartoon character. It's why ovo faces on chibis and the like are popular.

>> No.3920594

Third on the top row might look good, maybe try to reduce sparkles in eyes (those small dots might clutter it a bit) and the sting because I am not sure if the sting is still too aggressive.
Like "imma gonna fly round the fucking hood and if you fuck with me or my flowers I'll fucking shank you bitch *Angry methead noises"

Apart from that, 1930 style always looked a bit creepy to me, like there is no way to make it less creepy and low detail bees collide with detailed flowers.

Anyway, going to work now, hope to see how this piece develops with time.

>> No.3920623

This is a good post, got a laugh out of me

>> No.3920916
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 1543703734536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand where they're coming from with the creepiness, I feel the same way. It's the 1930s eyes, mainly the small amount of shininess. I *believe* you should switch to modern cartoon eyes but if that ruins everything 2 seems to fix the issue. 1 and 3 are creepy, 5 and 6 look slightly creepy and break the theme

>> No.3920924

Sorry anon but you have zero sense of appeal.

>> No.3920945
File: 391 KB, 1080x1466, I'm feeling fat and sassy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this with my finger on the phone's note app so it's crummy, but this is my 2 cents. If you want to stay in some sort of old school style

>> No.3920947

Quit the coiled body thing, you don't know how to make it work. Draw a bee like a five year old would, that would be more to your level than this.

>> No.3920954
File: 569 KB, 735x670, its hip to fuck bees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made some edits to the ones you did and also spitballed some random designs that i thought made them look more appealing in my opinion. i believe simplification really is key here

tried to apply the advice of >>3920459 but kinda just ended up fucking off

i think the original is actually pretty cool but it really doesn't fit the style of a "children's home"

>> No.3920964
File: 15 KB, 308x273, 1557118760748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO your bees are sex pests in violent frenzy

>> No.3921000
File: 838 KB, 1276x599, BEES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe something more like this?
I don't mean do it "exactly" this way, but take consideration on the proportions and the more relaxed expressions. Your bees sort of looked coked up to be frank. Hopefully this helps. c:
I love bees.

>> No.3921003

It’s the stinger

>> No.3921006

Yeah, I like the idea of simplifying the shapes. You can see my drawing now is totally out of shape. Pretty bad.

All artist copies from someone before them.

God Damm, you are right!

>> No.3921012

The thing is. Bees doesn't have nose. And I don't want to create 100% anthropomorphic bee. I think you are on to something. The ratio and the facial structure should change.

You are right. Thanks man. I learn something new today!

>> No.3921025

That got me thinking. I could technically redesign the stinger into something else.

Oh yes, I didn't realize how creepy they are probably because of the artist delusion but now that you mentioned it. I kinda understand it better.

Sense of appeal. How do I get more of that buddy?

>> No.3921026

Woh! this is actually good. I like the way you did the middle bee!

>> No.3921027

Wtf. You draw better than me with your fingers. I am looking to up my fundamental now. Lmao going to to rubberhose practice today.

>> No.3921029

nice work anon!

>> No.3921034


>> No.3921037

no dude, theres a huge difference between inspiration and plagiarism

>> No.3921045

Yes I saw it. The middle bee is amazing. I realize she used the mouth of the bee. To create some depth and facial structure.

That is chibi cutness. I like it.

>> No.3921048

almost choked on cheese and crackers. fucking a, anon.

>> No.3921054

I fucking hate you weaboos

>> No.3921055

That is a misconception for many people. Why would you reinvent the wheel?
Copying is what we all do, from nature to art yo.

>> No.3921063

Calm down yo, if it looks a esthetically pleasing why will you be mad. After all. It is a style.

But why do people hate anime tho.

>> No.3921090

They look a little too ren and stimpy, maybe find a middle ground with this >>3921000

>> No.3921093

Can I add that the stinger is too large and sharp? Maybe try giving it a more rounded feature instead of so sharp. Parents are paranoid about sharp edges.

>> No.3921108

I agree, will do 10 drawings of the bees today. Hopefully it wont turn out to be shit again lmao.

>> No.3921112

Oh yes, I will think of something else. Thanks!

>> No.3921165
File: 574 KB, 1000x712, bee-1-4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw like a 5 year old

You are right, I shouldn't try to curve that butt. Still slightly curved because organic shapes.

>> No.3921168

/ic/ This is my first draft, I will continue to push more out today, please tell me what you think. I will not stop until I am satisfy. Update soon!

>> No.3921227

Looking forward to it. You're doing great Anon!

>> No.3921335
File: 567 KB, 1000x714, bee-2-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably going to do a few more.

>> No.3921338

I suggest you add a little cheek to the smiles, it looks more friendly

>> No.3921339
File: 75 KB, 210x240, 1527351523488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.3921340
File: 649 KB, 634x620, 1527551980018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look at this. How nice. They keep the button eyes and deliver the expression by showing the line of the cheek under the eyes

>> No.3921352
File: 80 KB, 700x550, 1537031790648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making this for fun, this stuff is surprisingly hard

>> No.3921357
File: 80 KB, 700x550, 1542743678243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3921379

I kinda don't want hands and legs...

>> No.3921391

I think bottom left is best, it's not weird / creepy.

>> No.3921402

the beauty of anime contrasts with the ugliness in their life, and makes it stand out more. they can only enjoy dark and gritty media

>> No.3921423

Oh come on, I am ugly too, doesn't mean I shouldn't draw beautiful things right?

>> No.3921424
File: 558 KB, 1000x710, bee-3-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3921165 First
>>3921335 Second

This is Third Draft

>> No.3921427

I said ugliness in their life, not necessarily their face

>> No.3921443
File: 118 KB, 1024x684, DZTq9dCW0AA-At5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like bee

>> No.3921447

omg, youll do anything to make yourself feel better about being a talentless art theif.

>> No.3921454

well, most people are ugly someways... nobody is perfect my friendo.

>> No.3921457

God damn, that is actually cool, the eyes looks DOPE AS FUCK.

Well, I am not going to be a post-modernist anus painting "original" artist. I rather be this mindful artist who copy the great masters, a lifelong learning from people who are way better than me. It is humbling, you should try copying.

>> No.3921462

anon no

>> No.3921464

I know right, I just don't feel satisfied, I am not saying it is the paper, but it is, i'm using some cheap ass paper, the flow is just not there.

Bristol paper is paper of flow, i swear. But oh well.

>> No.3921466

I made a bee mascot for a girl in my graphic design class who was a beekeeper. I don't have the drawing anymore but I got comments on how the bee was "really sexy"

>> No.3921472

please share, I need all the help I can get, thanks.

>> No.3921481
File: 726 KB, 889x500, 1532424963542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have it anymore but it was nothing like what you're doing and I made the drawing as a joke, not a real design job. She was heavily anthropomorphized, kind of like Hatchi the bee but more slender and sexy.

>> No.3921483

you can find ugliness in anything, and just because nothing is perfect that doesnt mean there cant an average of quality. an average implies somebody is below that average. and when you are below average your are defined by your imperfections

lets get back to the origin of our discussion. you might have a face which is considered ugly by humanity, but when making an average of all your defining traits, and if you have a beautiful personality and view on world, then you might average on the beauty side.

To conclude, I never said you shouldnt draw something, or that there is something which defines what you should or should not do. Just said some ppl are so bitter they will hate on anything.

>> No.3921496

Fuckin ask her for the drawing and post it.

>> No.3921506

WOH, bro that is high standard yo, reminds me of studio ghibli! Thanks.

I don't know many people so I can't tell you much. But I consider myself ugly, and one of my reason to pursuit art is because I am ugly. There is beauty in art. Insert red skull meme. hahah

>> No.3921508
File: 572 KB, 1000x710, bee-4-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4th draft, I am hungry, angry and going to lift weights.


>> No.3921522

why do you draw these unnatural serial killer looking grins instead of normal smiles with dimples? it feels like you don't really know how facial expressions work, smiles don't look like that.
It looks like you're making a parody of the calarts bean head meme

>> No.3921526
File: 790 KB, 1100x619, 1540883432687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your smiles currently look like this

>> No.3921533
File: 918 KB, 651x800, 1529882822495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3921536

I don't know. I'm working on it. No dimples because it reminds me of someone.

>> No.3921538

Lmaoooo thanks. And come one it is just draft.

>> No.3921539

please don't give them protruding chins

>> No.3921540

Kek. but seriously op. you need to drop the exaggerated smiles and the flower faces

>> No.3921541

You should ask /co/ for some good bee designs man. Something about these doesn’t look like it’d be very appealing to kids

>> No.3921543
File: 474 KB, 1403x1500, 8D523B65-5FF2-4DA4-93BA-547480965B0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beez inspired for ya, the mouths you’re using could be less beany and more of a :D

>> No.3921545

>No dimples because it reminds me of someone.
Anon all human beings have dimples when they smile, it's a result of how the muscles of the face work. And in any case if they hired you to make something appealing for kids you should set your personal feefees aside
and in any case there's a better design that that atrocious bean smile, see >>3921543 these have no dimples and they're cute

>> No.3921547

Thanks, I don't hate Clipart but I am looking for something good. It's hard.

>> No.3921548

I noticed you didn't answer me when I asked if someone is paying you to steal art for this mural you're plagiarizing.

>> No.3921549

No, not everyone have dimples. Especially fat people like myself. We have 2 marshmallow on our cheeks.

>> No.3921550

Yeah I was googling stuff like “Cartoon bees” and surpringly there wasn’t many appealing ones. Do you by any chance have a pic of how you’re going to color the rest of the mural? Like is it going to be softer or more vibrant colors?

>> No.3921556

Lolol plagiarized, I bet you think the only form of art is the kind that requires traditional studies.

>> No.3921557
File: 399 KB, 900x600, 1556699963905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what your face looks like but you can clearly see the nasolabial fold

>> No.3921559

Lmao that is me. Stop posting my pics.

>> No.3921560

Rocco color scheme

>> No.3921565


>> No.3921583

Are the bees going to be more vibrant or will they match the color scheme? It could look interesting but I think the style you’re using right now for the bees will clash a bit with the color scheme of the image, unless that’s what you’re going for?

>> No.3921611

Bees in nature don't clash. I'm using more calming colors, apparently to sedate the aggression of the children. I always thought it is counterproductive to do that.

In fact, art that triggers aggression, keep the kids in check. The homes somehow want a more calming color tone.

>> No.3921771

Alright I need to sleep, going to do 5 more tomorrow~

>> No.3921788

What? How? Did they offer any explanation? This is the gayest hippiest looking shit

>> No.3921789

I liked the discussion in this thread. Even though it was about how to make OP's bee more appealing to children, it touched a lot about the aesthetics of cute character design.

>> No.3921792

bro the bees look like they're going to take a fucking axe to your grandma's face lmao, they're on bath salts.

>> No.3921808
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, bee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bees in nature don't clash.
This is ART dude. I'm saying the art style you were using for the bees would clash with the color scheme of the rest of the mural. Also, bees CAN clash in nature, look at this fucking bee in lava and tell me that mother fucker doesn't fucking CLASH

>> No.3921907

Still dodging the question because you can't stand that you have no talent and are a fucking thief.

>> No.3921952

I can see you went in a more Ghibli direction with these. Try making the smile like you're doing, but keeping the eyes wide and round. It's a cartoon so the detail of the eyes squinting is too much. But this looks like a better direction than some of the other stuff you were doing. The cuphead 20's cartoons are great, but probably not for this commission.

If you're gonna keep the detail of the eyes then I'd go with the mouth on the bottom right. It's in between the eyes so makes it less creepy.

Hang in there anon!

>> No.3922601

Actually the kids that watch me sketch it on the wall, they all liked what I did. In fact, they started to name the bees. The one below is the mother bee. And the middle bee is the one they like the most.

I am not sure man, the art style is pretty much the same, it is disney, 1930 cartoons, james jean and houksai.

alright, I am clearly less talented than you.

>> No.3922606

Kids don't know good art from bad art.

>> No.3922607

yeah man, I was studying some Ghibli, I am going to simplify it, just for this mural. I don't even make that much for this much of work. LOL but hell with it, this is fun!

>> No.3922608

You're right. They can't tell, easiest clients.

>> No.3922706

>And the middle bee is the one they like the most.
you mean the one which is not showing its face? that tells a lot

>> No.3922720

They're not the clients, retard.

>> No.3922738

Aww, someone is in boo boo mood.
How adorable.

The kids are the audience, to me, they are the clients. The adults don't understand the kids in the children home. The irony never ends.

>> No.3922742
File: 88 KB, 304x317, Evicted%21Bee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it really have to be stylized like it was before 2000s?

>> No.3922743
File: 564 KB, 1000x714, bee-5-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright the 5th fucking draft, I think I am setting soon. Bored.

>> No.3922746

Oh yeah, adventure time! Come grab your friends~ kek

check >>3922743

>> No.3922754

Funny how you say that when your OP drawing shows you think of kids as some hyperactive creatures hence no respect for them, and then you go ahead and call them the clients.

>> No.3922755

that's a reach anon, and you know it.

>> No.3922768

look at the 2 wide open eyes bees in the OP and tell me those are not hyperactive. But Ive seen since then your other drafts, and those got better and better, so theres that.

>> No.3922785

I think it would look cuter if you didn't separate the head from the body. but that's just my taste

>> No.3922792
File: 725 KB, 1000x714, BEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I redrew the ones I liked. your client didn't specify what art style they wanted?

>> No.3922987

best itt

>> No.3922999

You're not just less talented you have no talent and zero integrity. And I have now asked you 3 times if they're paying you for this piece that you're rationalizing stealing and you haven't once answered the question.

>> No.3923013

Of cos they are paying me. I don't consider that as stealing tho. Because I am pretty good with drawing. In fact, I didn't stop drawing for about 3 years now. I am also not limited to just these drawings. I do other stuff too. It must have hurt to know if someone like me, could just trace better. LOL

>> No.3923016

alright, thanks anons,
I think i am okay, now, going to send all these to the people for review.

>> No.3923018

Hey, you are right, it is pretty neckless creatures. lol well, I am bored of bees now. Maybe the next mural!

>> No.3923378

good job anon, these bees are fine

>> No.3923925 [DELETED] 

100x better. good improvement

>> No.3923946


>> No.3923972

this is the best one. the kids are going to be familiar with the style since it's pretty similar to calarts style cartoons. they're expressive and not creepy

>> No.3923983

Your bees are fucking terrifying. They are the stuff of nightmares. Remove the teeth for sure and make cuter, rounder eyes, holy shit.

>> No.3924289

OP here, just an update, my experiment is a success. I have made up my opinions about the kind of client I am having. I understand a lot better now.

The client chosen this..>>3922792

I am just going to roll with it.Thanks everyone, this had taught me a lot. See you guys next time!

>> No.3924291

I was using this opportunity to study various successful art style, those you chosen are internationally known style. And the most universal.

>> No.3924309

Don't get me wrong, this is an interesting style and there is nothing "wrong" with it.

...Unless it's for children. The eyes and mouths ARE creepy, it's like I'm looking at someone's acid trip. This is just a job, yeah? Cute it up for the poor little shits.

>> No.3924343
File: 24 KB, 707x662, A HAPPY BEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a surprise! good to know I helped you out anon!

>> No.3924394

Thanks! if you are interested to be my friendo, add me at @tbho instagram. Thanks and bye!

>> No.3924431

Congratulations on having your art plagiarized

>> No.3924464

>thanks for doing my job so I can collect my pay! here's my instagram account if you want to follow me
you're gonna make it anon

>> No.3924494

looks like cuphead characters

>> No.3924511

And not getting compensated.

>> No.3924935

this is your brain on /pol/, those bees like more like 1930's toon