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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 88 KB, 400x544, C68A4826-CA0F-410F-99F8-B19FAC701271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3662105 No.3662105 [Reply] [Original]

Ignoring the political message, I don’t know why anybody would use such awful art in their campaigns. Isn’t the idea of political art is to persuade the viewer with well drawn material?

>> No.3662111


well-drawn art evokes a sense of whiteness, which must be abolished. ugly, poorly-drawn art is more representational of aboriginal peoples, people of color, and non-ableism.

>> No.3662112
File: 1.75 MB, 771x1024, 1540991812992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3662113

Usually a case where ideology informs style. Consequence of egalitarist or postmodern ideas. Quality is just a social construct, yo.

Kind of how tumblr is about inclusivity, body positivity etc. and therefore everything is blobby, stretch mark ridden and deformed.

>> No.3662148

Leftist ideologies are for resentful losers and useless parasites. They hate successful people, and they hate everything beautiful. So their art is just like them, lazy garbage.

>> No.3662149

>booger in her nose

>> No.3662156

Nicely put. What a horrible time to be an artist this is.

>> No.3662172
File: 233 KB, 713x1024, 1541010892901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Nice strawman though.

Did you have a good halloween?

>> No.3662186

>Freedom to assassinate those we don't like.
Wow, didn't knew far left NPCs existed back then!

>> No.3662204

Kinda this >>3662148

Someone who is half-assed about college enough to get involved into political agenda following rather than studying to become the best professional they can is sure to not have what it takes to become a competent artist, which is always a fucking soul-crushint chore.

>> No.3662228

What is it with alt-righters blaming literally everything on the "leftist" boogeyman? I'm a crazy nutty marxist communist and I'll tell you people are as disappointed in the state of modern art from where I'm standing as they are from where you are.

>> No.3662238
File: 56 KB, 333x500, 8FE124A1-6D90-40A6-AEE1-F0D3DD2231F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some good leftist pieces of art, such as the USSR posters for example. Just like their are some shitty right wing pieces such as Ben Garrison. My point was why should people with little to no artistic talent be allowed to produce political artwork. The fact of the matter is, if you want somebody to agree with you. You’ll need to make something worthwhile that interests the viewer. Making something like OP will just get you mocked.

>> No.3662249

I think it has to do with the general decline of artistic technical skill in universities. Self-indulgent, rich, students focus on expressing themselves and decorating themselves instead of creating proficiently crafted works and as such fewer skilled artists graduate. With fewer skilled artists out there, but with an increasing demand for political art, there's going to be a lot of bad political artists. This varies depending on country and education system of course.

>> No.3662273
File: 460 KB, 1199x568, 2d1ef98207ef4ddb42c51ac6807e32d3b6ad513f104fd0bf88f24f717ee585e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's the best part

>> No.3662309
File: 676 KB, 720x1113, thisishalloween.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice comic. I added the original dialog.

>> No.3662433

>USSR posters for example.
Only the best were allowed to make art

>> No.3662469 [DELETED] 

Fucking agreed. Especially in leftie campaigns, they usually use some shitty "ethnic artist" who can only make crude paintings of deformed people. It's a mixture of the artist just fucking sucking, not wanting to adhere to common beauty standards, and not wanting to improve cause muh message. I noticed this whenever google celebrates some literal who minority artist, it's the same crude ugly shit. I can only speak for America though.

>> No.3662472
File: 133 KB, 558x392, opinion_393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you get it has to be "well drawn" to carry a message?
It's ugly, but I get where is coming from.
The style resemble south american murals, usually reivindicatory and nationalistic, made in secret during the night. And since non whites draw too, and they can participate in politics, what an outrageous thing I know, the message is directly speaking to them.

>> No.3662487

all of these things are correct except that nazis were socialists

>> No.3662508

I think this “leftists are shit” thing is an oversimplification and tend to agree with >>3662249 about the over abundance of unskilled and untrained artist. For every shitty leftists propaganda poster, there is a poorly drawn right leaning political cartoon, or crudely traced Pepe’s over political figures faces. Whether it’s for cultural inclusivity or irony and keks, both sides have people intentionally creating ugly, poorly done political artwork.

I do agree that the right tends to be more rational and deal with reality more directly than the left, which makes the balance lean slightly more towards the right having better draughtsmanship, but the lefts focus on emotion leads to their work evoking said emotion more. Unfortunately actual well done art is the marriage between the emotional appeals and intellectual knowledge, leaving both sides lacking. Ethos, logos and pathos, anon, it’s all important. I would suggest you to read the introduction to The Practice and Science of Drawing by Harold Speed, as he did a much better job of explaining this way back in 1913 than I ever could.

>> No.3662520

This. The nazi economy was probably more similar to the current western status quo-but still a bit different. Private enterprise but within a controlled market. Soviet socialism was essentially handing the keys of the economy over to the same visionaries that run the department of motor vehicles. It was perhaps marginally preferable to the monarchy it replaced, but still vastly inferior to the current system. This is something China has experienced first hand as its GDP and subsequently its workers' wages increased exponentially in just a couple decades after embracing capitalistic reforms. Imagine being so retarded that you sympathize with a system that has an average lifespan of a middle school students' winter break and leaves nothing but penniless slavs in its wake. Fucking fags lol

>> No.3662548

Just ignore Venezuela sweetie :^|

>> No.3662553

>non-white people are too stupid to make good art, you racist

>> No.3662555

Can't wait for the blue wave to wash over this country next week and put the final nail in the coffin for modern Republicans.

You know you're fucked when you're whole ideology revolves around hating mUh Ev1L SjWs!!!

>> No.3662561

This but red not blue, republican not democrat, nazi not sjw, and 20 times the irony

>> No.3662563

>Ignoring the political message
that didn't go so well

>> No.3662568 [DELETED] 
File: 621 KB, 440x247, 1516504051910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this shitty image reminds me of is that I wish for the left to stop cramming their shit into fucking everything, and for /pol/ and incels to leave.

>> No.3662604

>angry ugly snotty woman screaming and tearing shit up
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.3662658
File: 31 KB, 300x168, 3C71B05E-8C6A-42A0-8CEE-7352B3E19957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don’t look anything like South American murals.

>> No.3662694

I think the naivistic style is supposed to look like uneducated folk art and appeal to grass roots movements. The message is basically "rise up gamers!" except unironically and with POC's

>> No.3662699

The profile face with a big nose and drawn lips showing indigenous ancestry. The fist with a stone this time replaced by crumpled paper. Come on.

>> No.3662702


Anti-sjw =/= alt right. You should know that leftypol doesn't like identity politics either.

>> No.3662703
File: 64 KB, 685x600, my-nurse-and-i-1937.jpg!Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothings wrong with ethnic art, but yes ops pic is pretty shitty, and honestly frightening. It evokes more hate and fear out of the gesture of the crumpling and resistance in the face then whoever this juan crow probably is.

Someone was probably paid a few bucks to do op's thing so idk why people mind anyway.

Pic related good way to use primitive/ethnic inspiration

>> No.3662725
File: 47 KB, 600x350, strawman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3662728
File: 1.15 MB, 900x900, 1533062573819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The left is to blame for everything
every time.

>> No.3662739
File: 460 KB, 600x599, White_on_White_(Malevich,_1918).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah. Nice strawman though.
Aesthetic relativism is an invention of modernism and directly opposes classical standards, in part for not being egalitarian.

>"Under Suprematism I understand the primacy of pure feeling in creative art. To the Suprematist, the visual phenomena of the objective world are, in themselves, meaningless; the significant thing is feeling, as such, quite apart from the environment in which it is called forth." - Kazimir Malevich

>> No.3662742 [DELETED] 


They are to blame for most things that are wrong in the art world.

>> No.3662751

bullshit, half of them are trannies

>> No.3662752 [DELETED] 



>> No.3662827

>gay dudes with breast implants spending a fortune on surgeries, hard drugs and hormones demanding everyone else call them "women" that they be legally identified as such hate identity politics

Go back to your containment board retard

>> No.3662830

Some anxious designer that can't draw and didn't wanna trace or heavily reference something.

He deliberately used colors that aren't common in propaganda poster. It's got weak. Guy was afraid to not be original, enough to jeopardize the message. Selfish.

>> No.3662836
File: 27 KB, 340x399, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more about how for the past several decades every industry that the US government has entrenched itself in the most has seen price gouging that far exceeds the inflation rate. Healthcare, Education and Housing are the three biggest problems with the current economy and they just happen to be the areas in which the federal government has made itself a major factor in the relationship between buyers and sellers.

There is one side that wants to open up these industries to the same competitive market forces that've made it so that you can buy a 50-inch 4k television for $35.95 and another side that wants to continue on the failed half measure shell-game policies of the past that's led to this situation to begin with. The tiresome virtue signalling on behalf of inconsequentially small portions of the population like fucking trannies and SJW shit is just icing on the cake.

>> No.3662843 [DELETED] 


Not all of them are like that: I've come across plenty of trannies that are fans of people like Jordan B. Peterson, Sam Harris and Trump.

>> No.3662847

Fair enough.

>> No.3662850

>not understanding the diference between gender and sex
C'mon I even don't agree with a lot of it but I'm not dumb enough to say what you did

>> No.3662863

It looks bad on purpose, like faux Aztec/Indian shit, to try and create feelings of "culture" and "diversity" in the viewer. It's looks fucking dumb to anyone whose head isn't up their ass though, like the story about the emperor who wasn't wearing any clothes but everyone pretended that he was because they wanted to appear smart (If you're not familiar with the story, a bunch of cons sold him an "invisible robe" that you can only see if you're intelligent)

>> No.3662865

>I'm a crazy nutty marxist communist
You just admitted that it's not just a boogeyman. Fuck off, nutjob. You ruin everything, including art.

>> No.3662869

>people that obliterate their genitals and get water balloons taped to their sternums aren't mentally ill and are sexually female just like they claim to be because of this completely unrelated semantic non-sequitur

Sorry but no lol

>> No.3662882

You literally proved with this post that you don't understand the concept of gender. Are you stupid or pretending?

>> No.3662892 [DELETED] 

That looks genuinely horrifying. And not in a good way.

>> No.3662903

Nice strawman. No one's saying you're to blame for everything, you just happen to be the one to blame for a lot of things. But not everything.

>> No.3662929

Would it have been even stronger to draw a circle rather than a square?

>> No.3662931

I'm working on classical realism oil paintings and doing my part to bring back beauty, what are you doing my dude? Complaining about lefties online while doodling anime?

>> No.3662946

>I'm doodling half-assed wannabe realism while complaining about alt-righters online

>> No.3662948

Admittedly I've only been painting with oils for a year, but I'm steadily working on my skills.
Now show me what you've got, friend. Digital-only need not apply.

>> No.3662949

he's cute uwu

>> No.3662950
File: 413 KB, 800x1067, 1530041994627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>digital only need not apply
Fuck off lol. My self-portrait looks way better than your shit on a canvas because I can add more effects. No my hair isn't really blue or my aren't red, but that's for extra effects to set the mood

>> No.3662951

Are those bicycle handlebars supposed to be the clavicles? lmao

>> No.3662954

pyw if you think you can do better.

>> No.3662958

Uh, no. I'm not giving you the satisfaction. Stop drawing anime, stop drawing symbols, and grind some fucking Loomis.

>> No.3662960

will he be satisfied if you can do better? sounds like you're a coward, anon

>> No.3662962

You can't goad me into rewarding his behavior.

>> No.3662966

surely you can see that his behavior is only rewarded if you post your work and it's crappier than his

>> No.3662968

This shit was posted on and saved from /ic/. Stop feeding trolls

>> No.3662983


>> No.3663060

>"Look mommy! I'm special and counter-culture in 4chan!"
Jesus, what happened to this place? Did m00t selling out really wrecked this place that much?

>> No.3663065

I was beginning to think I was the only person who saw this. Like I thought I was going insane and something was wrong with me. Thank you for making this thread.

>> No.3663072
File: 77 KB, 374x454, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3663116

It's a classic style used for communism posters, if you travel around a place like vietnam you will see it everywhere.
Can we keep the /pol/ shit off the board? You guys sound literally retarded with your racist shit. Try saying it in real life rather than your 4chan safe space and see where it gets you.

>> No.3663150

>Try saying it in real life rather than your 4chan safe space and see where it gets you.
but we can't because illegal globalist liberal communist sjw antifa nigger socialist feminist jew far left agenda

>> No.3663194
File: 59 KB, 555x546, me on the right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is a cute way of saying "because arguments in public always have 'non-argument' consequences then I'd agree. So if you don't mind, or even if you do, I'll continue to say "racist shit" like how communism is a shit-tier economic system lionized by disaffected rich kids with double digit IQs whose sole redeeming quality is that it's almost worked a few times for a few months in a few countries the size of rural Wisconsin.

I'll take arguing over the internet to this kind of shit (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5mku6s7vOI)) any day, I can already imagine how shrill this man-thing >>3662882 is becoming at the thought of someone not drinking his gender fluid as this conversation continues and it's much better to talk these things out at a nice correspondence pace.

>> No.3663241

It's obvious the only political knowlege you have is from /pol/ threads.

>> No.3663245
File: 66 KB, 810x800, 1501649676285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one thing you are missing about the left v right comparison is that lefties pay for this caliber of "work" while all the pepe edits and shit posts are just that: shit posts. one is meant to be taken seriously and the other isnt. one is absurd because its trying to deny reality, preaching that ugly is beautiful or that some societal standard is now defunct, while the other is absurd because thats how you make a joke. yeah both sides have superiority complexes (pic related) but i never see left leaning political art espouse self improvement, its always about tearing down the competition and bringing them down to your level, rather than rising to the challenge, and i think that this ethos is reflected in their work. it demands respect, but doesn't put any effort in to be worthy of any.

>> No.3663246

>people in this thread

>> No.3663306

Because having standards is oppressing minorities.
Like seriously, any time that people want merit-based anything, leftists freak out like you’re actually Hitler.
>merit based hiring
Can’t have it
>merit-based school admissions
>embracing beauty standards as inherent
Actual holocaust
>expressing any kind of dating standard if you’re a man
At this point they’ve successfully sent the message that the reason we have to embrace ugly is because rejecting ugly is the same thing as rejecting minorities.

>> No.3663309
File: 43 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically kinda sounds like any art community that isn’t drawing right now. Gotta admit I appreciate that.

>> No.3663310
File: 1.07 MB, 1018x1599, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See the wall of text

>> No.3663318

>Mexican nationalism
>in a country other than Mexico
Yeah no that’s a problem friendo. And I’ll use my free speech to call it out as shit.

>> No.3663331

Is /ic/ leftist then?

>> No.3663334

I‘m glad you feel smug. I hope you feel so confident in your victory that you don’t even vote. You’re winning, so relax. :)

Juan Crow is probably a take on “Jim Crow” to compare the situation of illegal immigrants with the situation of black people during segregation.

No, not everything. I blame conservative white people for letting this happen in the first place, for walking back every rule they make in their own house and throwing away what was won for them with blood.
It may not even be the leftists’ fault that they bought into the subversion. They were fed flowery language, given something to defend, and a bad guy to fight, all by the largest propaganda apparatus in American history.
It doesn’t change the fact that they make things shittier in an attempt to spread those ideas like a virus. Look at animation as an example.

>> No.3663336 [DELETED] 


When was this written?

>> No.3663344

Ive been to Vietnam. The propaganda there is far and away more appealing to look at than OP. I got to see a bit of everything in that country, so it pisses me off when people talk about how great communism is and how awful the west is. It’s personal for me, so I do talk about it publicly and I own it. How about you express what you think to a group of other people that you know don’t agree with you?

It’s from Richard Williams’ Animation Survival Kit. Published in 2001.

>> No.3663365 [DELETED] 

Everyone is leftist anon, only a tiny portion of the population is stupid racist right wingers. Yet at the same time the right is the evil majority and the left are the plucky underdog rebels.
If you can accept these two totally contradictory things at once then you'll be well on your way to joining the massively small majority of outnumbered mainstream resistance fighters.

>> No.3663369

It's more jewish than leftist. Jews dislike all depictions of beauty.
1. Their religion is anti-nature, therefore anti beauty.
2. They themselves are considered ugly outsiders to the gentiles, so getting rid of beauty ideals makes them feel less singled out
3. Money laundering. nepotism, making cheap shitty art to promote untalented people in their clique.
Since the jews basically control "culture" in the west it is not surprise that most of the art being funded and produced is purposefully ugly.
If you don't believe me they've written books about exactly this.You Gentiles, The Authoritarian Personality, for starters. Everything beautiful scares jews.

>> No.3663378

/ic is literally worse than Hitler

>> No.3663536

>Their religion is anti-nature, therefore anti beauty.
There is nothing more ugly and disgusting than nature, though. Ugly faces, too much body hair, unperfect bodies are all natural. In democratic Athene nature was rejected in art to instead represent perfection to aspire to, and that's what neoclassicism took. Nature is the main element of native art, cause nature is all they had.

>> No.3663543

Number 3 is the big thing, really. You've got to remember it's not just the jews who promote modern art but the rich elite in general.

>> No.3663564

Idealizing and "beautifying" nature doesn't stem from hating nature. Our perception of what is beautiful comes from nature (and I don't just mean grass and trees). Jews despise nature and think they are above it. They see nature as an obstacle that god will overcome and in turn give them eternal paradise, with every living thing as their slave. They loathe the world and all that lives in it, besides themselves (the "chosen") and their god, yahweh.
They are obsessed with the base and the otherworldly. They will reject anyone who has ideal visions of the world outside of their cult.
That's why they hate "idol worshiping" and historically excommunicated any jews who "acted like the Greeks" (perfected their bodies and minds). They want to make everything ugly, and it's reflected in their "art".
After thousands of years of breeding for this ideology, I believe all jews have a biological tendency to pursue the ugly and the base, whether or not they understand why.
The elite class is Jewish or those approved by Jews.

>> No.3663574

>biological determinism dictates what people believe and value
>abstracts are biologically inherited
And this is where you lose me anon.

>> No.3663579

They've been a cohesive group for more than 2,000, selectively breeding themselves for these rabbinical traits. If there wasn't something unique about the jewish mind, they would have died out and forgotten like every other bronze aged tribe. Instead they are now the global elite class. It's not that crazy. We already know through animal husbandry and domestication we can effect the brains of animals, and humans are animals, too. Eugenics works, though the results aren't 100% predictable.
Jews are the most unique ethnic group on the planet. Unlike every other race, they are entirely parasitic.

>> No.3663594

Tell me Grugg, is there a subversion gland in the brain that’s just bigger in the long-nose tribe?
I’m not disagreeing that Jewish communities are knowingly bad for nonjew host countries, it’s kind of hard to miss. But you’re veering away from what can be proven and into speculation territory, and your idea about abstract concepts being hereditary sounds like bullshit.
Stick to what you can prove, don’t be speculative if you don’t have to.

>> No.3663611

Oh look, the PhD in jew found an excuse in a poster to talk about his favorite subject.

>> No.3663644

Explain to me this /pol/ fags. If blacks and jews are underhuman and should be destroyed why do jews have such high iq and became rich in the first place. also if blacks should be got rid of because they are violent and less inteligent why shouldn't the same happen to whites since asians are more inteligent and overal have less crime?

>> No.3663646

1) It is acknowledged that Jews have vast intellect, what makes them subhuman is their lack of a soul.
2) Asians (depends on nationality) and whites (also depends on nationality) are capable of living together in harmony. Blacks are at their best when they are on their home continent.

>> No.3663647

>he actually thinks our issues with healthcare, education & housing is somehow the result of government interference and not greedy big business

>> No.3663650

>I don’t know why anybody would use such awful art in their campaigns.
They are incompetent.
Thread hidden

>> No.3663652

>muh big business boogeyman
Real life is more complicated than that, but it must be really nice living in such a simple world, so I won't try to burst your bubble.

>> No.3663656

1 Why don't jews have any soul? what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

2 I live in the netherlands and see whites, asians and blacks living together in harmony. why should they go to their home continent if I have living proof they can live in harmony?

>> No.3663659

>Why don't jews have any soul?
Because they are subhuman.
>what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
That they don't have souls.

>I live in the netherlands and see blu blu blu blu blu
Anecdotal evidence, yay I totally changed my mind, thanks I don't know what I would have done if you didn't do that

>> No.3663661
File: 40 KB, 474x312, IQOVERLOAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High iq post

>> No.3663662


>> No.3663666

lmao. What is this bullshit response?

>muh big government boogeyman
Real life is more complicated than that, but it must be really nice living in such a simple world, so I won't try to burst your bubble.

>> No.3663669

I'm not the person you originally responded to, so I'm not coming from the "muh big government boogeyman" angle. Your angle is a bit more simplistic than his though. And more childish.

>> No.3663675

quality is an oppression tool of the patriarchy. in general but especially in art

>> No.3663677

This. Ban all "quality" and beauty and ban big business

>> No.3663719

I cannot tell if you people are being ironic or not, with the dismal state the "art community" is in, these might be genuine...

>> No.3663847

>I can't identify shitposting and I don't like sarcasm
Just go to r/learntodraw already

>> No.3663884

>I live in the netherlands and see whites, asians and blacks living together in harmony. why should they go to their home continent if I have living proof they can live in harmony?

Because there are more non-Europeans than Europeans, they breed more, and many of them can not form well-functioning societies. So the end result of the current path is ever-increasing one-way migration and a displacement of Europeans within their own nations. Due to the lower average IQ of some groups and their inferior culture (likely due to lower the IQ), they will inevitably stack at the bottom rungs of society, forming race-based underclasses. They will then become useful idiots for leftists, viewing their situation as a result of oppression rather than personal failings. They will also demand that the society and culture cater to them, change to suit them. There can not be multiculturalism in a nation, there will always be a fight for dominance. People largely will ultimately stick to their own and want their own culture to be dominant.

Ideally a society should not persecute and abuse 'others', and should allow them to visit, and to stay, to a certain degree. But maybe it is not possible. The 'other' will always advocate for more 'others', in order to feel more comfortable as a minority. Then you return to the never ending demographic change, until the native is a hated minority in their own land.

>> No.3664544

Why is everyone obsessed with "hate" nowadays?

>> No.3664554

Until we find specific genes for intelligence and personality, we can never know for sure. But it is pretty obvious that each ethnic group has their own version of "standard", for the jews, that standard includes most of what I just said.
It's not crazy to believe that part of what motivates them is instinct.

>> No.3664560

By keeping everyone separate, which is what I want. This analogy doesn't work since black nationalists and jews are clamoring to enter white societies, while white nationalists want nothing more than to be left alone.
Also jewish intelligence is unable to produce anything worthwhile. If Whites, blacks (and the rest of the goyim) disappeared, the jews would revert back to a bronze aged nomadic tribe of cultists. They are only capable of subversion and nepotism. Even their own home nation exists only because of extorted foreign money and military power.
They have no middle class and no morals. They exist only as a high level parasite. Take away the host and you'll see how lacking in intelligence they are. That's why they won't leave.

>> No.3664566


Truth looks like hate to those that hate truth.

>> No.3664589
File: 377 KB, 2000x1333, 2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes you think, hmm....

>> No.3664609

The views of the average USSR citizen have nothing to do with Progressive Globo Homo, most were (guardedly) anti Semitic, deeply nationalist and conscious to keep alive their ethnic traditions (in spite of governance), just look at the Purges. Whereas the left today is Yaaaas Brown Queen, let’s all become mixed race helots for Silicon Valley and Israel

>> No.3664614 [DELETED] 

they're a fucking ice cream company
why do they feel the need to get politically involved with anyone for fucks sake

>> No.3664616

Explain this to me, fag. Why every time somebody expresses a non-mainstream opinion on anything you guys always bitch about /pol/?
You people even do this on Twitter and Youtube.

>> No.3664625 [DELETED] 


Because they believe it will benefit their business, ofcourse. They wouldn't virtue signal if they didn't believe it would. Kind of ironic how they are collaborating with islamist Linda Sarsour though.

>> No.3664638

Dumb libertarians thinking big business promotes progressive politics for money. they're idealogues.

>> No.3665031

It's both really, they are corrupt and hire ideologues who hire more ideologues.

>> No.3665140
File: 31 KB, 742x539, a_man_to_check_the_world_by_raulpanther.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got your attention, didn't it?

>> No.3665203


>> No.3665207
File: 583 KB, 1920x1272, Unilever_House_Mars_2014_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand up against the man, buy Unilever products.

>> No.3665289

>By keeping everyone separate, which is what I want.

That "sentence" doesn't respond to anything in the previous post.

>Also jewish intelligence is unable to produce anything worthwhile

Please define worthwhile, because that claim sounds pretty stupid, especially since intelligence isn't "jewish", it's a quality that anyone can have or lack.

> If Whites, blacks (and the rest of the goyim) disappeared, the jews would revert back to a bronze aged nomadic tribe of cultists

I feel sorry for you if you genuinely believe this stuff, it's the same bottom-tier propaganda everyone's said or written about every "enemy tribe" since time immemorial.

I'm not saying there aren't shitty people, but the kinds of people trying to sell you on this garbage have an agenda too, and I guarantee it does not include your betterment.

>> No.3665293

>oy vey goyim, the people telling you Jews are bad news are doing so as a plot against you!

>> No.3665306


At the end of the day, powerful people do have agendas, but the contents of the agenda matter.

A group that
>achieves its goals based on promoting education,
>mutual tolerance,
>strong-but-economically maintainable defense,
>improved access to trade goods and services, >and which is lead by capably intelligent individuals who will for providing and maintaining these services take a cut of the flourishing

I think is far superior to one in which
>education is discouraged and denigrated,
>Isolationism makes goods expensive and limited,
>everyone is encouraged to be at each other's throats
>and the cut is extracted by brutalizing a scapegoat and the expensive costs one can charge as the only provider of basic essentials

It comes down to the kind of world you want to live in.

>> No.3665317

>/pol/tards complain about the left while failing to understand that most good artists they love are left wing, the thread

>> No.3665331

So, you're a Jewish supremacist then? Great. Leave us whites alone. We'll suffer so much without your holy presence.

>> No.3665334

I can't believe the audacity of some jews. Saying that white supremacists are worse for governing white people than Jewish supremacists. Good lord. How much do the jews adore themselves? So much they cannot fathom why anyone else wouldn't.

>> No.3665339

>Jewish supremacist
>Implying that's a thing

I'm saying even in your naïve model of "somebody with an agenda's manipulating society", you're still getting fucked way harder by whoever's trying to sell you on the "hating enemy tribes 101" propaganda than the group they oppose.

>How much do the jews adore themselves
>implying you need to be jewish to think you're wrong.

>Saying that white supremacists are worse for governing white people than Jewish supremacists
Remove supremacists, and yeah, pretty much I'd agree with that. White supremacists seems to be pretty shit tier governance, when evaluated objectively. You get a society based on brutality and keeping you down rather than one based on mutual toleration and benefitting from societal growth.

>> No.3665360

No point in trying to argue with /pol/ types, they can only answer in reddit tier memes like calling anyone they disagree with jewish or goy, because thats all they do in their ecochamber.

>> No.3665722

I know it's hard for you to understand, but white people prefer to be ruled over by other white people, not jews.
Whites were never clamoring for jews to enter their ruling system. In fact many European and American laws were set up to exclude you from it. It's the jews who worm their way in and change our laws and our nations to their benefit, not ours.
Whites thrive without jews, jews cannot survive without a group to exploit. To claim that you're better than us, that we are like stupid animals you have to control for our benefit, yes I'd call you are Jewish supremacist.
>Jewish supremacy doesn't exist
Very common for jews to claim anything they don't like hearing to not exist. Palestinians don't exist, the white race doesn't exist, borders (besides israel's) don't exist, etc.

>> No.3665731
File: 253 KB, 569x493, unknown (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why left wing poster ugly anons?
>because leftist ideas

>> No.3665902

As others have stated, ugliness is a goal of the left. Read "Harrison Bergeron" if you haven't been exposed to it already; it's a short story about a dystopian future where beauty and unequal achievement are criminalized under "equality" laws. It was written in 1961, and it's remarkably prescient about today's crop of SJWs.

>also if blacks should be got rid of because they are violent and less inteligent why shouldn't the same happen to whites since asians are more inteligent and overal have less crime?
God, I hate this argument. Do you understand the concept of a tipping point?

There is a point of human intellect below which it is not possible for a large group of people to form much in the way of a civilization. Blacks (AS A GROUP, I don't care about your one smart black friend) are below that point. If they lived on their own, it would be their own problem...but they live with us, foisting the problem onto other peoples. That's the issue, that's the difference. Get with the program, ffs. It's tiresome explaining such basic things over and over.

We've actually found several already, anon. Dig around on SNPedia.

You are incorrect. "Diversity" lowers social trust and makes society worse for everyone (of ALL races) living in it. Sickeningly, the political scientist responsible for the best research on this (Robert Putnam) is a leftist who sat on publishing it because he didn't want anyone to know about it.

>> No.3665925

>USSR wasn't leftist
the absolute state of /pol/fags

>> No.3665973

>As others have stated, ugliness is a goal of the left
Not that anon, but you are just willingly inventing some retarded strawman to complain about it, instead of looking at how the world really works.
Case in point, most artists, including those that do create beatifull things, are left wing. And you guys probably know it too, because a lot of you arguing in this thread must be the same ones that complain every other day about some artists that they like being left wing or a SJW.
Art aesthetics don't have a side in your retarded political war. Socialist dictatorships are as left wing as it gets and a lot of them had a very hiperrealist aesthethic, sometimes even mandatory. Ugly SJW art is no more part of "The left" than chick tracks and cringy jesus drawings are part of the right.

This whole idea that old realist art is part of the right while anything made since the modern revolution is "left wing" is just some meme cooked up in /pol/ by people that haven't opened an art history book their entire life.

>Read this book of fiction that agrees with me.
The joke writtes itself

>> No.3666020

/ic/ is an ultra-right monarchist board

>> No.3666995

/ic/ is esoteric anime hitlerist.

>> No.3667036 [DELETED] 

>unironically wanting to live under a stagnant and oppressive leftist command economy because you were stupid enough to pay over $100,00 for a shitty degree and too dense to see how government half-measures like federal grants and loan guarantees are what's driven the cost of these degrees so high to begin with

"wew", as they say

>> No.3667038
File: 582 KB, 1287x756, 4954A49C-9C2C-476D-8338-F124703A77FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically wanting to live under a stagnant and oppressive leftist command economy because you were stupid enough to pay over $100,00 for a shitty degree and too dense to see how government half-measures like federal grants and loan guarantees are what's driven the cost of these degrees so high to begin with

"wew", as they say

>> No.3667044

Nice bait. I'll bite.
>useless parasites
>implying they're not the ones working their asses 8 to 10 hours to produce merchandise for a single faggot masturbating with dollars
If anything, leftist people are wrong for not killing all capitalists parasites yet (which are a minority of population).

>> No.3667046

>Reagan Gang
>not Reagang
You had one job.

>> No.3667515

Yeah, killing off the most competent people is what you retarded commies tend to do.

>> No.3668519
File: 366 KB, 700x560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if blacks and Jews need to be destroyed
I don’t believe that. /pol/ isn’t a monolith.
Tl;Dr I don’t care about black people because they don’t care about me.
I just think that black people live in their own reality and that they see people like me from a sociopathic lens(they see guilt and the desire to help as a weakness to be exploited). They never reciprocate any good will toward their “allies,” instead they feel entitled to revenge for what happened 150 years ago to people who aren’t even alive anymore. Therefore, their struggle is their own and my struggle is mine.
Until that changes I’m not going to change my mind. It’s hard to feel sympathy for people who tell me to fuck off, like this is golden rule basic bitch shit.
Jews can be okay when they’re estranged, converted to Christianity, or right wing, but otherwise they routinely do things to benefit themselves at the expense of their host countries. For that reason I think they should fuck off to Israel instead of making everyone else’s lives worse for their own benefit. I don’t advocate political violence, but if they’re so worried about another holocaust than they should fuck off while we’re still willing to hold the door open for them.

>> No.3668546

>Hoarding wealth is a sign of competence
You're retarded. Also, not /ic/. Take this stupid shit to /pol/.

>> No.3668580

>which are a minority of the population

Maybe you realized this or maybe you didn't. In many instances a CEO is one man overseeing an organization with millions of employees. The one man may make an annual salary of 2 million a year like the CEO of McDonalds for example, but if his position were to completely evaporate that would only leave his millions of employees with a few dollars, not an hour, but total.

The average corporation has a net profit of 10% or so, sometimes way less, sometimes quite a bit more. In either case anything other than the net profit represents wages paid to hundreds, thousands or even millions of employees, taxes, raw materials to make products, transportation of raw materials and products, research and development; the creation of new products and a million other things. To that end, 90% of the gross profit many corporations make feeds directly into the greater ecosystem of the economy because one company will often rely on many others to function.

Goddamn, I'm so sick of druggy burnouts that can't even manage a two or three person roommate situation acting like being directly responsible for whether or not a multi-billion dollar company overseeing millions of employees lives or dies is some kind of do nothing job. You can't even balance your checking account faggot stop acting like you have everything else in the world figured out, fucking NEET retard lmao

>> No.3668609

I can't tell if this post is satire, but >>3663656
>what does not having a soul even mean
makes me think this guy is just autistic and doesn't understand visual language unlike 99% of people.

>> No.3670680

I hate political drivel in art, but I unironically love that skeleton design

>> No.3670700
File: 20 KB, 455x643, hdk breker readiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because "The People" as in "leftist cannon fodder" is made up of ugly, stupid neanderthals that can't make anything for themselves so they gang up to demand other people's shit.
Aesthetics demand effort, hard work, which is something they cannot identify with.
Some brown blob raising its fist into the sky? Well that's totally them! It's all they'll ever be.

>> No.3670709

Beauty is a threat because it shines a light on all of the uglyness that surrounds it

>> No.3670746

you gave me the brain hurt

>> No.3670761

Based Arnold statue

>> No.3670816

I think it's supposed to trick the viewer into thinking it's some sort of "ethnic" style, when in reality it's just more unskilled cheap labor.

>> No.3672373
File: 533 KB, 1280x1045, James Jacques Tissot, Frederick Gustavus Burnaby, 1870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And since non whites draw too, and they can participate in politics
Exactly why they don't belong in my fucking state, spic. Leave art to your biological and spiritual superiors.