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File: 101 KB, 1282x844, 3 year progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3041964 No.3041964 [Reply] [Original]

Been training seriously like 6 hours a day since 2014. I just wanted to share this post as some kind of inspiration. I know there are a lot of artists on here like NoseBro who hardly make any progress and that can be discouraging to others but hopefully we can share progress of other artists like myself, firez, choob who are inspiring to noobs.

>> No.3041965

Pretty disappointing progress for so many hours, anon

>> No.3041966

Is that your best piece? Damn dude.

>> No.3041967

What do you mean, my progress is amazing. You're just mad, you're shit anon. >>3041966
It's not my best piece, it's just an improvement.

>> No.3041968

Pretty gud progress anon, very normal for that amount of hours I think.
What I'd suggest you do is be cleaner with your lines, idk if all your pieces share the line quality of the right pic but being cleaner and more confident lines will help you a ton I feel
Keep it up fren

>> No.3041975

>What do you mean, my progress is amazing.
You just haven't developed a better eye yet

>> No.3041981

eh it's not amazing but it's progress. I guess

Thing is we're comparing a pencil sketch to a (presumably) finished digital piece so it doesn't actually say that much

>> No.3041987

Great if this is from imagination.

>> No.3041990

"pro" triggers people, but it's def progressed to something more worthwhile.

of course you start with lower effort pieces. Obviously he wouldn't have been able to make such a digital piece 3 years ago.

>> No.3041992

I mean if he wanted a proper comparison the new one should have been done with pencil as well

Now all we can see yeah he seems to have improved by some amount, but then we'd see exactly how much

>> No.3041994

Lol at people telling you this isn't amazing progress. Depending on what specialty you go for, you could absolutely get a job at the level your at now. Good job anon!

>> No.3042006

He made crummy pencil sketches, now he can make nice digital pieces. end of story.

>> No.3042010

that's supposed to be impressive somehow?

pencil is much harder to work with, most people make better looking stuff with digital

>> No.3042011

Holy shit. Seriously impressive work dude. Do you have a blog? I hope to get to that level in three years.

>> No.3042023

Thats unfortunate op, my condolences.
Also; still afraid of feet after all these years?

>> No.3042028

Why even mention me? First of all, you're a Medicore artist, and second you aren't even better than me, just more detailed, and third, I don't use references plus unlike you I don't draw 6 hours a day and I'm still making more progress. Keep practicing, chump

>> No.3042031

Yeah I agree, nosebro is better even though I don't like him

>> No.3042033

I wish I were more like nosebro

>> No.3042036

Can you draw your version of OP's pic? I want to see with my own eyes the difference in skill.

>> No.3042039

OP is a successfull troll

>> No.3042089

Nosebro is too much of a pussy to do that

>> No.3042790

This is definitely an impersonation. Don't bite the bait.

>> No.3042799


>> No.3042929
File: 244 KB, 1216x708, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to see if I can get that pose to work, do you guys think I made it better or worse?

I've been studying the fundies for a while but appeal-wise my work is somehow still shadman tier.

>> No.3042939

You're neither close to the reference or shadmans level.

>> No.3042943

Ouch. Thanks for the reminder, gotta do more grinding.

>> No.3042982

Are u dumb? His drawing is better than the reference.

>> No.3042984

I think he mentioned you because you are very vocal here, dont make much progress, and aren't that good.

>> No.3043139

your take on the pose is a lot better. fixed the broken arm and added a more appealing arch

>> No.3043143

I thought that was a few months progress, not 3 years.

It's trash.

>> No.3043174

Thanks a lot guys, I'm glad I got both types of feedback, it creates a healthy balance.

I feel like mine would work better in concept art, the original would work better in manga or a porn commission - probably something to do with the slight dip around her neck and the pelvic area.

>> No.3043200

That would be easy to prove if you ever finished anything.
Draw your fucking comic NoseBourgeois

>> No.3043967

Hey guys before this yets too wildly out of hand id like to state that i dont have internet atm as im moving because of national moving day. Im currently on my phone, and havent had intetney in2 days. My isp os bamboozling me for another 14. Long story short, until i post sone some work, assume its n9t me. Ill try to change my isp because you clearly miss me though. I wrote about this in the stxky discord. My initial idea eas to just be absent for a while and then have a funny comebavk bit honeslty thats just not working with all the fakes

Id like tk Sat that i recognized op from the image though and knew this was a veiled nose hate tteas.

Sieey for ay convenience thjs may cause.

>> No.3043995

You're not nosebro, nosebro killed himself
You are a sad person, pretending to be a dead guy
s m h

>> No.3043999

Nice progress, OP. Keep it up.

>> No.3044006

type properly faggot

>> No.3044024
File: 1.64 MB, 1901x1438, IMG_0542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on in this thread, I'm working on a little something atm. Guys if you want to be FAMOUS like ME do it yourself, I built up the nosebro legend by my self, just me and art. You weren't there putting in the hours, doubting if you'd ever make it, you weren't there posting your first piece of art online for people to tear apart, you weren't there for the first time someone saw the nosebro name and wanted to thank me for all the inspiration I gave them.p. YOU... WEREN'T.... THERE...

>> No.3044030


>> No.3044031

fuck off, the guy hated his work too much to post something like that

>> No.3046364

>3 yrs to learn apply some grey color

>> No.3046466

don't feel bad op i spent nearly 360 hours in the last 3 months and i haven't really improved my oil painting skills. Still just looks like copies of the reference.

>> No.3046498
File: 363 KB, 973x598, f67947ace04c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a better job, and he's been drawing since 2013

>> No.3046542

Now that's someone who's made it.

>> No.3046832

Awesome improvement anon Im proud of you

>> No.3046903

Looks pretty good now.

>> No.3046924

How does this person make $2k a month without drawing porn?

>> No.3046981

That took me 3 months though, why take you so long?? You white?

>> No.3047044

post work

>> No.3047069

pretty girls + asian themes = $$$

also by copying other popular artists styles and concepts, he pretty much got popular by copying Kuvshinov Ilya's works (and other popular artist's styles) and now everything he draws is pretty ninja girls under the rain, I've also seen posts about him tracing some of his stuff so even though his art and technique is impressive the way he got there ruin it for me

>> No.3047107

>pretty girls + asian themes = $$$

looks like I have some research to do

>> No.3047170

Practice lineofaction.

After 3 years, don't you think it's time to branch out? You're still drawing anime girls with their legs cut out from thigh.

>> No.3047183

Are you retarded? How can you assume that he only draws anime girls with legs cut off based on only one drawing?

>> No.3047205

It's a fair assumption. Prove me wrong.

>> No.3047234

I don't know about "good" but it's definitely better than OP

>> No.3047236

That's a really wide vagina...

>> No.3047346

how to ruin a troll thread, the post

>> No.3047479
File: 1.04 MB, 1400x2963, spprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probs about 1 hour per day. Some days more, but sometimes would go weeks without drawing.

>> No.3047485

this is basically Kronprinz copycat

>> No.3047589


Didn't Nosebro an hero? You are not him. Fuck off!

>> No.3047591

How do I get as good as you