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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 59 KB, 1115x540, discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2999348 No.2999348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why arent ther a good art server in discord??

all the time i go to a new one is red matsumoto and her stupid chibi shit that have more proportions problems than any sycra work.

>> No.2999353

This one right here.

>> No.2999354
File: 418 KB, 448x468, 1448087143429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2999386

Any others?

>> No.2999397

This one is full of professionals, you can join anon, as long as you don't talk.


>> No.2999429

These are both garbage.

>> No.2999432

this one is fucking terrible. 2 drawings posted a day, no responses, 250 members. and all the drawings are shit.

>> No.2999433

come the fuck on this one doesnt even have a drawing chat and it has a gaming chat.

>> No.2999434

there are 5 of moderate quality in the sticky.

>> No.2999447

its a cuckold discord, you'd fit right in

>> No.2999452

being a cuckold is a good thing. You're just racist. Why would you want your partner to be unhappy?

>> No.2999470

Did you not read the rules faggot

>> No.2999483

if you joined this one and witnessed peter going ree and getting banned...

join this one

>> No.2999484

your sticky or the improved sticky are they the same thing now?

>> No.2999493

Your first problem is that you're looking for an art community on a gaming chat service
Second is that they do exist but all the people in them are closely knit and you aren't trying hard enough to improve and make friends within the art community

>> No.2999522

ok. thats worst than i thought.

>> No.2999523

>join this one

the other sticky doesnt deserve to be read :)

>> No.2999534

I'm in a wip/crit discord where the users have voted against posting a public invite in order to avoid shitposters and dramafags. However you can pm me on tumblr and I'll send you an invite. Should note that I kick lurkers, but everyone's welcome regardless of skill level as long as you put the work in.

>> No.2999554

CC has joined
CC "is nosebro still in here"
CC "well this place still sucks"
CC has left

>> No.2999630

I want to make my own but I'm trying to figure out how to make it stand out from the others.

>> No.2999653

the good ones are all private and small.
so that nosebro can't get in.

>> No.2999656

im glad im so important in your day2day lives.

>> No.2999692

I'm part of a chat that I posted about before called VisDev. We don't do only art (we have writers, artists, coders) but since discord is pretty compartmentalised the multiple conversations aren't a problem.
We don't have quality standards (beginners can join) but we do have productivity standards (shitposters get banned, you need to post work or at least regularly critique others).
We also don't have the person you're talking about in the OP.

If anyone is interested post your work and discord name so I can add and invite you. We're interested in getting new, productive people in the chat.

>> No.2999702
File: 824 KB, 739x693, 2017-05-29 22_15_20-Chris Chew (@artofchew) • Instagram photos and videos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my most recent piece.


>> No.2999709

sent you a contact request, I'll give you an invite

>> No.2999865
File: 464 KB, 1634x2048, DACdtAmUIAAZ4C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

discord and ic, huh?

>> No.2999929

just create this one. is centrated in commissions and shit like that.


>> No.2999939
File: 6 KB, 156x133, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm im closing this shit right now

>> No.2999941
File: 5 KB, 596x85, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just wanted to ask you if you wanted to be in the sticky retard. you dont even accept pms you fucking tard

>> No.2999944
File: 707 KB, 1000x1423, 1482550154565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes an art group good?

One important factor is obviously that the members are actively trying to improve
but what else is there? How can we make a good art group?

I believe there has to be some kind of element of consistancy in what people choose to draw. It's no good if everyone is interested in different things because then nobody will care about others art and also probably won't know what makes others art better.

>> No.2999947

ayy lmao, i dont notice the sever config lmoa

>> No.2999949


No thanks

>> No.2999951

he leaves

>> No.2999971

1. A good moderator who draws and actively makes the server better and does not promote bitches to do it for him or her. Is online everyday. Is a leader.
2. Mandatory and required blog and verifiable draw prompt to weed out any and every troll.
3. Do not allow people in the server who modded previous servers/had important roles.
4. Do not allow nosebro fangirls.
5. Do not allow nosebro apologists.
5. Block access to special channels for verified users who participate and aren't lurkers.
6. Cull any gossip. Kick drama starters. Remove anyone who speaks ill of anyone (except nosebro*).
7. Ban lurkers after a month.
8. Promote the server as being the best art server among all art servers beyond the sticky.
9. Ban choob.
10. Promote nosebro.

>> No.2999976


Oh and
11. Something about weebs. I think culling the population to a minimum is required. Therefore to be accepted in the server you must pass an interview.

>> No.3000021

The current issue the groups are facing is that the pool of people to pick from is a much lower than it was a full year ago. From my quick assessment of many groups here are the most common flaws:
-no i/c mentality ie deviantart tier
-hugbox despite everyone being picked from 4chan ( how the fuck does this even happen)
-not enough members
-low average level to the point that you don't even want to critique people
-only drawing smut/some fetish
-you come in and there are 20 chats for 20 different types of art
-too many members so dilution of talent (IE the groups that just aim to become big and don't care about anything else)
-everyone is afraid to use voicechat, redline,
-everyone is between 13 and 19
-no googly hangouts
-t̶o̶o̶ ̶m̶a̶n̶y̶ ̶g̶i̶r̶l̶s̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶h̶o̶m̶o̶s̶e̶x̶u̶a̶l̶s̶.̶ ̶

Even the closed groups aren't much better.

The biggest problem usually resides within the lead admin, which is normal because the person who wants admin-ship is usually the last to deserve it. Those are the people who understand the burden of authority.

-don't draw
-Use their server to increase their personal standing (by trying to make it a commission hub for example)
-made the group to make friends
-don't understand how to manipulate the servers culture ( IE creating chats and phrasing the explanations of the chats in a way that influences behavior, not leading by example, censorship as opposed to moderator-ship, not understanding how to select staff ie choosing according to the dilbert principle, lack of responsiveness or positioning, etc.)

One day ill make the server that you guys deserve, but i have other things to work on first.

>> No.3000030

People don't even want you in the discord groups in the first place, yet you think anyone would want to join what ever piece of shit server you manage to drum up?

>> No.3000033

some people like me, some don't. im confident even we could be friends if you gave me a shot <#

>> No.3000064

when i create this discord i was thinkin in something more elitist, i mean, the server name is "not gonna make it", if i dont see improvement or people actually dont posting art i will ban them, if they complain too much about critisism because they used to be in a hug box, i ban them. i create the discord for commissioners, an easy way to ask/show what can people do, but as an improvement server.

>> No.3000082

I want a discord for traps

>> No.3000088


>> No.3000090

I'll join his server. I miss bullying him.

>> No.3000099

theres a direct line to me both in the sticky complaint server and the drawparty server if bullying me on the forum isn't enough. I'll even pick up the microphone and you can verbally abuse me, not that im into that.

>> No.3000111


Alone with nosebro...just the 2 of us....in voice cha-aaaaaaaah

>> No.3000112

Don't bother joinining any /ic/ discords, they are all fucking awful.
Full of idiot immature kids
no one draws or posts art.
everyone just sits around talking about random shit or playing video games.

>> No.3000113

i think they are just procrastinanting lol. but i gonna give a try to this >>3000064

>> No.3000119

95% shitters in discord are underage

>> No.3000127

I want to be in a discord with you Nosebro. Let make one.

>> No.3000139


>-hugbox despite everyone being picked from 4chan ( how the fuck does this even happen)

I'm surprised that you didn't know about this sooner. A lot of tumblr and twitter users lurk around here for free artbooks. They're completely unfamiliar with our culture, so they react badly whenever they see a racial slur or anything remotely right-wing (even if it's blatantly sarcastic). Instead of shrugging it off like we do with every other insult, they make a full effort to fight against it. It's why choobposting exists.

>> No.3000142

How about some kind of rule to enforce users to give critique.
This would stop absolute beginners and lazy people getting in and would increase the productivity of the group

>> No.3000143

ill start mine in 2 years. see you then!

>> No.3000144

Why not rather than a discord server we just start a group in /ic/ as a thread?
Call it something relating to drawing

>> No.3000175
File: 49 KB, 955x295, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my rules.
thinking about adding a rank system for artist (begginer, intermediate, etc)

>> No.3000180

ranking system might end in people waving that around like their dicks

>> No.3000183

only mods have the power to say what rank are the artists. but i thing you have reason.

>> No.3000187
File: 15 KB, 399x167, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my list for the sticky group

>> No.3000190

If mods are the only people with that power, it can end with playing favorites and slapfights with artists who believe their work is better than the rank they were given.

>> No.3000198

they are completely right and anything beyond that is complete tomfoolery on your part. If you just force everyone to have their blog open to everyone people will know where others stand in an organic way.

You really need to fix your English though holy fuck i know im the worse person for this type a thing but reread yourself god damn you

>> No.3000202


who cares if people wave around their ranking as dicks. if you got a high rannk cause of yoru skills you should be able to flaunt it. also it'll be easier to dismiss shittier artists.

>> No.3000210

Because it ends in idolization and eventual circle jerks because people will only listen to the highest and eldest there.

>> No.3000215

Ranking system is just too complicated to handle in the long run.

You'd need a team of trusted, experienced and reliable judges that cannot influence each other or even know each other to reduce bias and circlejerking as much as possible. Even better if they are external to the Discord server as to not let the artist' personalities affect their judgement

You'd also need to do this for every member you have. How often you'd update their ranking too?

>> No.3000216


>> No.3000231

i will personally create a tumblr blog for artists who have commissions sheets. also, i know a rank system is a bad idea in too many ways, but i think will help people to understand that they arent that good, and they need to work to climb.

think about it, if someone is better than you, thats a fact, u cant do nothing to change it... oh wait, u can inprove as an artist. dont sit in your desktop and start internet fights, take your pencil, and start drawing. you have to set goals if you want to get better.

>> No.3000233

>critique doesn't have any standards

uh what? you mean someone can just say "it's shit" and that qualifies as crit to you? that's not critique, that's just a comment.

i also agree with the ranking system issues. definitely a potential for drama with this. there won't be enough people contributing to the server for it to even be valid anyway.

>> No.3000235

its a logistical problem that is not worth undertaking, please be rational. it's like youre undermining our cost benefit analysis

>> No.3000241


heres a link to studio spark

>> No.3000242
File: 10 KB, 812x48, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wasnt thinking in something like that but you are right

>> No.3000243

True, but I think it's on the artist' responsibility to understand who's better than them.

But, if you can really make a ranking system that works and have as little bias as possible, it'll be great.

For starters, what would each ranks be?

>> No.3000247

beginners, intermediate, advanced, expert and masters are the ranks i think.

i have an idea, just because your draw is good dont make you a master, you have to take in consideration thinks like: shadow/light management, perspective, proportions, color understanding and things like that.

>> No.3000250

And what does each rank really represent? I think for starters you would need a collage of images to represent each rank. Also make sure the collage for each rank have enough variance in style to better represent as much people as possible.

I have no idea what you're trying to say in your second sentence, though

>> No.3000251

We can just use my tumblr as a beginners collage :^)

>> No.3000253

wtf are you talking about
those things you just listed make it good. if it wasn't good, it wouldn't have those things in the first place. Even sketches have most of those things.

>> No.3000260

thats the whole point. if someone dont know how to use shadows, he is a total begginer.

>> No.3000266

you literally just said "just because your draw is good"
if it was good, it would already have those things.

That's like saying "just because you smile, doesn't mean you have have lips. You have to have skin and muscle around your mouth."

>> No.3000273
File: 162 KB, 988x988, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3000276

There's one that gets shilled on /d/ called Trap Regalia.

>> No.3000371

Nice chain of consecutive dubs. You're still a fag though.

>> No.3001252
File: 738 KB, 951x659, 16_47_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3001316
File: 55 KB, 830x950, Green-Pepper1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too please.
Not at home so can't scan any recent work but here's a painting from a while back.


>> No.3001373
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 10vierge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested, i'm also a beginner animator

>> No.3001446

I've sent you guys contact requests and will give you an invite

>> No.3001467

Ah yes, Red Matsumoto with her fucking RP friends. :^)

>> No.3001542

Shared goals, community projects, competitions, shared activities.

E.g. have everyone study the same ref on a weekly basis.

>> No.3001690

Post fresh studies every <=7 days that demonstrate genuine effort. If you can't keep up, you're out, like in a real class. Tangibly improve your technical drawing skills of human anatomy and nothing else (for now).

~~ https://discord.gg/U3grv5n ~~
(limited to 10)

>> No.3001824
File: 617 KB, 1000x1072, shitty study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mind explaining why I was kicked for posting my work?

>> No.3001860

Odd, I didn't. Your drawings are fine.
Try again with link below, I'll assign you a role. Maybe it was temporary membership.

new invite link:

>> No.3001866

you heard it here first folks, the new moderator is a sociopath who bans you and then reinvites you so that people fear his authority!

>> No.3001872

That's why an interview process is better. I'd make a great mod.

>> No.3001875

voice interviews only to filter out gays, underages and girls.

>> No.3001887

so traps are just fine?

>> No.3001895

yeh traps are 100% hetero

>> No.3001936

depends what they look like. post nudes.

>> No.3001987

Well there's the Charathon discord. It's an art server that does an event every Saturday where we get a random OC and we all draw it for an hour. (Usually 3 OCs per Saturday).
I've been part of it for months and it's pretty fun desu. Met a lot of great talent there too.
I'd link but I'm away from my computer right now.

>> No.3002121

Sounds like a draw my oc for free art mill...

>> No.3002276
File: 470 KB, 2384x2848, 052917 edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get in?


>> No.3002300

It basically is but in a less cynical way. The mods don't generally get their characters drawn all that much and a lot of the smaller members have been picked so far. Anyway, it's been going on for about two or three years so far off and on and I haven't seen a lot of complaining that it isn't fair or anything.

I'm not trying to sell it, I just feel (as someone who actually has been swamp ape studios'ed before [read: bilked into doing hours and hours of free art] ) like it's trustworthy and right up OP's alley.

>> No.3002529

what if I don't want to post my discord here :(

>> No.3002536

Well then you're asking me to either post mine, or to post a public invite to the group. I could potentially do the first, the second is absolutely out of the question.

>> No.3002545 [DELETED] 

I don't know who wrote this up, but we will NOT post a public invite to the group. I will create a pump'n'dump mail adress or a proxy account tomorrow.

>> No.3002546
File: 1.32 MB, 1000x1000, plebs!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously this bullshit is going to 100 replies without getting deleted?

Discord ruins everything, every drawthread from /a/ got killed because everything turned into a huge circlejerk of little egos and retarded teenager-tier drama, people don't even produce anymore

And now you wanna bring this here? fucking seriously?

How about you people start drawing? if you wanna attention this fucking badly go out and make friends and no, looking for attention in forums without even posting your work is not the right way to make friends

Go fuck around in some weeb community I bet you can find a lot of discords in most boards here, unelss you got banned from them all already

Discord is THE cancer, period


>> No.3002686
File: 524 KB, 500x620, 211r12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's time for you to retire bud.

>> No.3002688

>don't draw
post your art daddy.

>> No.3002689

Same, but then I got banned :(

>> No.3002691

Can we talk about 'circlejerk' and egos for a bit? Tell us your stories of such things happening as you people keep saying this.

Of all the groups I've been in the people who complain about circlerjerks are those who join in late and are mostly lurkers who never say anything. But when they finally say something everyone ignores him because he/she is the literally who. The problem is you shouldn't stop talking there...you should actively continue to talk.

>> No.3002751
File: 276 KB, 1641x1121, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you

>> No.3002753

you got banned from what?

>> No.3002835

yeah seriously i don't see what the big deal is. if someone is good they should be told they good. Not brought down by nitpicks. and obviously if they are good they will know what aspects to improve on.

>> No.3002872

I got back into drawing this weekend because I got bored and did a couple of requests in the weekend drawthread. Then I realized there were two sets of drawthreads and they did not like one another. That was really weird.

I don't know what you're talking about when you say they got killed, I see them very consistently despite the average skill level being so low.