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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 527 KB, 900x1200, ruze__apparition_by_algenpfleger-d7uytk5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1809783 No.1809783 [Reply] [Original]

Has he gone full retard?

>> No.1809785

thats pretty good for a painting with no reference at all

>> No.1809788

What the fuck

>> No.1809791

>techniques like 3D bases or photo textures & references

I remember some anon(*cough* tehmeh) saying he used 3d models but everyone was saying he was full of shit
there's nothing wrong with using 3d models for a job but it's pretty pathetic that he made those step tutorial things without actually putting in the 3d models

>> No.1809793

algenfaggot pls go

>> No.1809798
File: 470 KB, 751x1211, Drawn by professional comic artist IvanRevis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1809801

yeah he got too comfy and now he's regressing

>> No.1809806
File: 76 KB, 720x960, severemuscleatrophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miles also fucking up the most basic ever shit

>> No.1809808

Le illuminati face

>> No.1809825
File: 1.91 MB, 700x9329, ruze__apparition___steps_by_algenpfleger-d7v3rfl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did it all go so wrong..
the linework wasn't that horrible actually. it's just the proportions

>> No.1809832

shouldn't there be more blue hues on the armor ?

>> No.1809833

No atmospheric perspective makes the relationship between the large and small odd.

>> No.1809839
File: 227 KB, 1290x1432, elvgren-skeetclub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was seriously some point where he forgot how to draw female torsos, on top of that the perspective doesn't work, he should have used at least some reference.

>> No.1809846

that hilt/rock tangent

>> No.1809850

Are the wings supposed to look like feathers glued to cardboard?

>> No.1809851
File: 186 KB, 705x886, algen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also draws weird female faces these days. The nose just keeps shrinking

>> No.1809861
File: 587 KB, 906x1427, 2347657-watchmen_04_20[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i think giant angels are frickin awesome.

>> No.1809862

There's something very wrong about this image. Quite weird looking as a whole.

>> No.1809871


weak as fuk value massing and the foreground feathers are overdone and don't convey a proper sense of distance.

also why do all germans do this cold technical paint one element after the other approach... it makes the image feel non-unified and copypasted.

>> No.1809876

>I'll strategically place this big fucking rock here, so I can create a tangent with the hand that will kill any sense of depth my painting might have had.

>> No.1809878
File: 183 KB, 1000x735, Iroas-God-of-Victory-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get some good giant's in here

>> No.1809879

I really hate how much he overworks perspective. It makes looking at his work so tiresome.

>> No.1809880
File: 57 KB, 510x434, 1407346071678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The nose just keeps shrinking

Don't worry your head over such silliness trivial matters.

>> No.1809882
File: 851 KB, 1280x931, The-More-You-Know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the german's passion for painting died when hitler was declined from art school
all of the contemporary german painters are actually robots created by hitler's children to reign down masses of lifeless and shitty illustrations

>> No.1809883
File: 962 KB, 1400x1034, 1383845285964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't think this one is good. if you don't think about lense and perspective while doing a giant painting... what are you even doing with your life.

look at fenghua zong and see how it should be done.

>> No.1809886

Algen is trying to get into stylization after having done nothing but realism for years. Naturally, he completely fails at it because he is just like /ic/ and believed if he studies realism long enough, good stylization will just happen.

Baddies on /ic refuse to believe this is the case and act like he magically forgot how to draw the female figure. Which is stupid because those illustrations are already several months old if he is allowed to post them now and he has done plenty of paintings with his usual more realistic female figures since then.

>> No.1809887
File: 177 KB, 609x899, 1233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


B-but I was just about to post him

>> No.1809889

>done nothing but realism for years. Naturally, he completely fails at it because he is just like /ic/ and believed if he studies realism long enough, good stylization will just happen.

/ic/ blown the fuck off.

>> No.1809891

>also why do all germans do this cold technical paint one element after the other approach...

They don't, you fucking retard. You probably don't even know more than 3 german digital artists.

>> No.1809893

kek, look at his work, that ain't realism, he needs guidance from a master, his work don't look professional at all.

>> No.1809894
File: 191 KB, 700x1000, 400k_kiriban__number_1_by_algenpfleger-d3dc99s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but no, go look back at his da page. You can see that he tried to stylize since the very beginning and never stopped.
The reason why they suck is that he doesn't understand anatomy. The only paintings in which the anatomy looks right were probably done right after having studied a very similar pose from some photo.
Most of hiss stuff has always had VERY wonky anatomy, and his most impressive works dealt with perspective and rendering.
He didn't forget anatomy. He never really learned it.

>> No.1809900

It took me about 10 seconds to realize that that is a giant and not some abstract mush of color. Every little detail is rendered to fuck with highlights and saturated accents. It looks like a total clusterfuck.

>> No.1809903

Looks like someone's jelly

>> No.1809904
File: 318 KB, 750x1000, princess_of_atlantis_by_algenpfleger-d5yr431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek, look at his work, that ain't realism

That's the point you dumbass. Are you unable to read? He is trying his hands at stylization. He even says so himself if you look at the comment he made in his DA gallery. Sure he is no master of anatomy or anything, but he has never made mistakes that blatantly obvious. As much as you want to believe that this is him making incredibly dumb mistakes, it's actually him trying to stylize without understanding how stylization works.

Which is something many people on /ic/ who refuse to do anything but realism will go through as well. Learning that stylization is much more difficult than it looks and that you can not get good at it by doing nothing but realism studies.

>> No.1809905

Whatever makes you feel better I guess. Yes, Algenpfleger woke up one day and suddenly decided to draw torsos and ribcages 5 times the size he has done for years. That makes perfect sense.

>> No.1809907

go back to your cancer thread peon

>> No.1809910

/ic/. Quit bitching about the menial crap from professionals and get back to your own work.
You're going to give yourselves a perfectionist complex.

>> No.1809912

The image you posted is the perfect example of you being wrong. Look at it. The face is stylized, there are anatomical errors, like the legs being slightly too long and simplified etc, but there are no ridiculous proportional mistakes like in the OP painting. This is not a matter of him making mistakes, it's a matter of him deciding it's "stylization" if he just completely blows out the proportions of the figure.

>> No.1809914

Well, someone's mad.

>> No.1809917

>there are anatomical errors, like the legs being slightly too long and simplified etc,
Well, I didn't expect you to admit I were right immediately after saying I proved myself wrong, but whatever floats your boat man.

>> No.1809918
File: 523 KB, 1600x2253, pelle_by_zedig-d74qgyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not. Even though I can see he knows a lot of technical skills the picture doesn't read well as a whole. I think he probably spent most of his time painting this at 500% zoom. It's far too busy.

>> No.1809923

Wait, is she just a really tall angel standing near to the girl kneeling, or is she a giant bigger than the hills and mountains

>> No.1809950

now when you mention this i think it's just a tall person standing close to the kneeling girl and not a giant bigger than the mountains like i first thought

>> No.1809952

That picture reeks of pretentiousness

>> No.1809956


zedig is incredibly arrogant. but you can forgive that because he is also incredibly good, and young as fuk.

>> No.1809957

thought it was supposed to be a giant with the perspective way off but its the other way around? dungoofd

>> No.1809959
File: 75 KB, 424x600, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks Gurren Fagann is the best mecha anime of all time

What a fucking pleb

>> No.1809969

No, this >>1809887 picture reeks of pretentiousness.

>> No.1809982
File: 1.84 MB, 986x1379, yearsix (110).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's more of an overlook than a problem. As in it's not something Miles would usually do, while Algen is consistently having proportion issues.

>> No.1809987

Does anyone find themselves seeing the giant angel as a normal sized angel in the foreground? I feel like atmospheric perspective isn't used very well or at all.

>> No.1809993

it makes me feel pretty crosseyed that's for sure

>> No.1809995

>dat one final pass with just random black everywhere

>> No.1809998

fuck that's a funny pic

>> No.1810001

The girl looks pretty fine, the angel is wonky as fuck.
You don't get good at stylization from slaving yourself to realism, that's like believing you'll be good at baseball because you're goot at soccer.

>> No.1810006

He reminds me of Genzoman.
A niche artist that got popular, which gave him a lot of jobs and since he's a money starved thirld-worder he couldn't spare a penny and overworked making all his mistakes much more noticeable.

>> No.1810009


these faces are all fine as fuk. some are a bit stylized here and there, or a bit hyperangled, but still perfectly good imo.

how can you compare algen to genzoman...

>> No.1810010
File: 2.00 MB, 330x204, 1402947287317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread.

>> No.1810014
File: 1.27 MB, 900x1200, 1408038971193.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not jus tatmospheric perspective, but regular 3 point perspective is fucked up

>> No.1810015

>how can you compare algen to genzoman...
Both got shittier when they started getting more work. Neither has discipline or will to take a short time off to work on their weaknesses, both have an horde of faggots clamoring muh style/record-time gains.

>> No.1810016

algenfaggot pls go

>> No.1810030
File: 89 KB, 600x900, 1407539391095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucken gif

>> No.1810031

>discussing an artist's work on an art board means you're a 30 year old that wears a mask and lives with his mother


>> No.1810035

That's exactly what it means faggot.

>> No.1810066

what happens when you spend all your time rendering without mastering drawing

>> No.1810067


>> No.1810070


rendering = stagnating. for realz dawg.

>> No.1810071

Algen is one of the reasons why I stopped painting (outside of making spit paints for practice) just so I can practice drawing more.

Definitely not better than him or at his level, but fuck these mistakes are terrible and so obvious.

>> No.1810072
File: 695 KB, 1000x707, rusfurence_2015_teaser_fa_by_silverfox5213-d76uv8o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as bad as this

>> No.1810073

theres also the problem of shit taste

>> No.1810074

I find that adorable. What's wrong with it exactly?

>> No.1810075


>> No.1810078

right now, algen can't paint either. right now, it's more like coloring.
honestly, if you want to paint, you should paint.

>> No.1810088

I used to be impressed with him until I realised janaschi was like doing his work for him

>> No.1810094

Approaching Rob Liefield levels

>> No.1810096


it's not as terrible as people here will want you believe (technically, i'm leaving subject matter completely out here lol). it's just the rendering-to-shit kind of digital art that will not get you art-cred, nor will it look amazing, ever. a ruanjia, mullins, jj can paint that exact scene with 4 times the mood, 3 different light sources, 10 times the showing of form and in half the time it took that guy. because they don't render, they just make perfect fucking decisions in their values, edges, saturation hue etc etc. all the important shit.

>> No.1810114


wow, this is a pretty good step by step thingy, do you have more or similar things ? as detailed as this ?

>> No.1810124

>muh idealism
Kids never change

>> No.1810140

standing i think the girl would make it up to about the angels knees

>> No.1810154

I can't help but get the feeling everyone in this thread is a jealous bitch. From what i've seen on /ic/ algen is pretty much better than all y'all who hang here.

And he's better because he doesn't hang around here shitting on other artists.

>> No.1810157

not really, they are comparing him to guys like ruan jia and miles, not to themselves. he is better than us, but we don't want to end up like him.

>> No.1810172

his DA has a few AFAIK

>> No.1810177

wait, why don't we like Ruan Jia?

>> No.1810178


we do anon. ruanjia is an absolute monster.

>> No.1810179

So much better

>> No.1810182

Oh. I was gonna say, I think his stuff is pretty awesome. ha.

>> No.1810200

it's pretty fucking adorable. if you don't think so, the child inside you is dead.

>> No.1810204

It's kitschy animu furries, go stare at a Lisa Frank folder

>> No.1810208

>because the only worthwhile subject matter is dragons and spacemarines

top kek

>> No.1810209

oh ty, but who is this guy though...?

>> No.1810216


>> No.1810218

Shove your strawman up your ass, cliche shit like this:
isn't much better than your carebear furries. It shows a lot more technical skill, but it's just as boring. So assume whatever you need to assume about my tastes in order to deflect criticism from your boring and saccharine taste in furry toddlers.

>> No.1810221

>implying I even care about those carebears

just calling you out from having superiority complex and judging by your reaction, top kek is all I can say again.

top kek

>> No.1810224

No, what you were actually doing was making wildly in accurate assumptions about my taste in art, because you disagree with my opinion about that terrible furry x-mas image.

>I trol ju kek

>> No.1810256

I honestly dont get it. Are these guys seriously so absorbed by rendering that they cant see anymore that the picture in general sucks? Whats the cause of this, not doing proper thumbnails or just shit taste supported by facebook drones who care only about rendering?

>> No.1810263


might just be what the client wants tbh.

>> No.1810266

>zedig is incredibly arrogant. but you can forgive that because he is also incredibly good,

he's really not. I know everyone is going to call me a jelly hater for saying so, since he's one of /ic/'s heroes, but he just draws the same couple things over and over in a particular way. He doesn't display any versatility and he covers all the difficult parts of the painting in stylization and texture brushes.

>> No.1810270

I'm a total newfag to /ic/, can someone explain this thread and the relation to OP's picture? Is the subject matter stupid or something?

>> No.1810274

the guy (algenpfleger) who did the picture have rendering skillz far superior to his anatomy/perspective skillls and people went bonkers over that because he was their idol

>> No.1810276


but that's just not true at all. he is incredibly original, has a fresh uniqe individual look to his work and a very strong command of fundamentals. he definitely doesn't hide anything with stylization and brushes... post some examples to make your point because i known all of the dudes work and i just don't see your case. zedig is the epitomy of stylization done right.

creativity wise, maybe i'm just so impressed by him because i am the least creative person in the universe but the technical aspects of his work i can definitely defend him on.

>> No.1810277

More like /ic/'s typical shitposting behind a successful artist's back and the infernal gossip. Cunts.

>> No.1810370

This post definitely hits all the perspective problems right on the head.

>> No.1810374

to be fair he's a bit of a shithead irl.

...and once he came here and didn't take our advice.

>> No.1810378

>...and once he came here and didn't take our advice.
I wonder why.

>> No.1810380
File: 16 KB, 400x252, could it be...a TRICK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruze apparition

Are we being rused?

>> No.1810381

except she's holding the point of her sword way back in the OP, walking i guess. and when the guy 'fixed' the perspective he brought it forward heaps. she's also leaning forward a bit, and the guy straightened her pose, which is always the sign of a super lame redline.

now that's /ic/

>> No.1810393


Jesus, I'm impressed that you can talk at all around his cock. More dignity, less superlatives.

You're clearly a very noob artist, and it's normal to idolize your art heroes. Trust me, when you develop a little bit and gain a wider perspective on art, you'll be less impressed with some 22yo on Deviantart.

>> No.1810470


lol. the typical "what you say clearly proves that you are a very noob artist" blablabla bullshit.

would take any bet that my art is lightyears ahead of yours. but let me drop my standards to match your style of argumentation:

jesus i'm impressed you can even form coherent sentences consider the dumbass low iq retard reply you are giving here, making completely wild assumptions without any basis whatsoever. you are clearly a very noob artist because you are dumb as fuck. trust me in 15-20 years, when you have moved from total shit to mediocre, you will see that zedig is without a doubt going to be something like the next moebius.

>> No.1810475
File: 857 KB, 1920x1080, 1408023855347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I've been saying for years that Genzoman should really...

Wait... We're Friday, and Friday is Algen's day.

Yeah, like I've been saying for years instead of working on my own art, Algen is really getting worse.

See you tomorrow to shit on someone else.

>> No.1810477

and yet here you are complaining about complainers instead of working on your own stuff. ..remember any excuse you have is an excuse for the people you're attacking too.

double hipster trash

>> No.1810495

>would take any bet that my art is lightyears ahead of yours.

A challenge is issued! I'll accept!

Post your work first. No one here has ever followed through on one of these art duels after I posted mine.

>> No.1810496
File: 527 KB, 800x1154, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure buddy. go.

>> No.1810497

>Post your work first. No one here has ever followed through on one of these art duels after I posted mine.

Then wouldn't it be logical to post yours first? Because you'll just win in the e-peen duel with the other anon, again?

>> No.1810498

Nvm, the d/ic/k measuring contest is a go.

>> No.1810499

you can't keep calling in a wip if you ain't been working on it for like a year.

>> No.1810500


Not bad!

Here's me:


>> No.1810501

this thread is stupid
i like it; do you post anywhere?

>> No.1810503
File: 202 KB, 879x1154, Gypsy_WerewolfSlayer_Color_3 copy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's a piece that's not quite as old as the stuff on my tumblr

you're good enough that I'll make the effort to post some newer stuff.

>> No.1810505

my thoughts exactly, though liefield is almost unreachable.

>> No.1810508


>> No.1810511

Algenfliggers artwork aside, if I was in his position I wouldn't take advice from anybody on /ic/ either.

Imagine being a pro artist, and you come to this place where everybody is deviantart tier, and all these shitty artists are talking mad shit under the guise of giving advice.

>> No.1810513

>you should be working 24/7
>you can't complain about complainers

>> No.1810514


while you aren't terrible it's safe to say that i am MUCH better than you. so i win the art callout.

easy. umad?

>> No.1810529

>armpit reaches collarbone
>crosseyed as fuck
>broken hand with no cast shadow
It's derpy dude, please cease these dick-wagging contests that you engage in, you aren't "light years" better than the other guy, you two are roughly equal in skill. Keep acting this cocky and you can be our new illastrat.

>> No.1810531

Same goes for you, your figures are just as stiff and your subjects are more fantasy cliches.

Bring the egos down a notch.

>> No.1810538



Plz note that I'm not the guy who said he was light years ahead. I'm the other guy.

I won't say my work isn't derpy, because it's all badly drawn d&d fantasy crap tbh... but I'll still throw down with anyone who wants to art duel. It's only fair when you like to talk shit as much as I do.

>> No.1810540

i know this is a jerky thread where people are being jerks. but i promise you i'm not. you've got to redraw that face dude. the problems go beyond just the cross eyes. the body has it's problems too but they'll get past your non-artist/autist audience. but that face won't. just the truth, sorry if it's hurtful.

>> No.1810541


You want to judge the art duel from on high, you better post some work. It's easy to deal out imperious critiques from behind the veil of anonymity.

Also, you're responding to bait.

>> No.1810544

Is this you or did someone just mask themselves as you since you posted this once to proove an argument?

"Art duels" don't really proove anything if you can't convince someone with your words on their own right why would you be able to convince them just because you posted something you did?

>> No.1810547

Oh, well then the other guy is super cocky and needs to bring it down. You just need to ignore insecure artists who call you out.
I'm not going to engage in a dick-measuring contest just to feed my ego, if you don't think your characters are stiff and the designs are cliche, keep drawing them the way you are now.

>> No.1810548

>I'm not going to engage in a dick-measuring contest just to feed my ego

you meant you just suck, top kek.

>> No.1810550


> just the truth, sorry if it's hurtful.

it's not. I'm sure the face is wonky, because everything I draw is wonky. But I can't see it. I don't even see the cross-eyed part, no matter how I flip it.

I'm cool with it being wonky. But if you want to redline it, I'd be interested to see what you come up with.

>> No.1810554

>I'm not going to engage in a dick-measuring contest just to feed my ego, if you don't think your characters are stiff and the designs are cliche, keep drawing them the way you are now.

Tsk. Would posting your art feed your ego? Are you that good? Or are you afraid of getting the same harsh critiques that you're dishing out?

>> No.1810557

>post yore work
kill youreself

>> No.1810561

If you're afraid of a critique, go to dA. Sorry I didn't praise your 10/10 fantasy characters standing placidly and staring at the viewer. I post my work when I'm looking for critique, not to feed my ego during an argument. You post your work to feed your ego during an argument, and cry when you get critique.

>> No.1810563


Fuuuuck you. /ic/ has one of these "Algenpfleger sucks" threads every week, but none of you losers have the balls to post your own shit to take the same dressing down you'll deal up.

Put up or shut up.

>> No.1810565

That OP pic is excellent, what are you fags on about

>> No.1810569

>what are you fags on about

on how retarded your perception is, top kek.

>> No.1810570


i remember a time when i too didn't know that it's algen himself posting these threads every single time.

>> No.1810572


Lol, dude. You're really reaching. I haven't defended my wonky fantasy characters or disagreed with any critique you've made. I only said that, if you want to judge from on high and take it upon yourself to be the arbiter of how much egoism is warranted among one or the other, you should be ready to face the same judgement you're so eager to deal out.

I know you're not gonna post your work, now. After all your big talk, it's *your* ego that is at stake, because, if your work is flawed like mine is, you're gonna have to face people telling you so. And your ego can't take that.

I have very little ego about my work. It's bad fantasy crap from a mediocre draftsman at best... but I don't judge other people as artists and then refuse to show my art when they call me on my shit talking (it was my shit-talking that prompted gritty-soldier guy to call me out in the first place). Because that would be sackless behavior.

You're most likely a really bad artist who would be humilated to show your stuff now. Or maybe you're Mullins-level. Either way, don't come into a shit talking thread and start lambasting people unless you're ready to put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.1810576
File: 214 KB, 550x383, bitch-dafuq-did-you-just-say.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or maybe you're Mullins-level

>> No.1810578


>> No.1810581

If you can't walk the walk don't talk the talk.

>> No.1810582

>"but I don't judge other people as artists"
>"Jesus, I'm impressed that you can talk at all around his cock. You're clearly a very noob artist. when you develop a little bit and gain a wider perspective on art, you'll be less impressed with some 22yo on Deviantart"

you are clearly an idiot.

>> No.1810583

says the guy without any art

>> No.1810587
File: 207 KB, 1488x1050, jumping_horse_side_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those who can't bake the cake shouldn't taste the bait.

Pic related.

>> No.1810588


irrelevant. you are still an idiot. look at the fucking idiotic way with which you contradict yourself. you are too used to talking shit behind anonimity. like many many people on here. as soon as you post art you put on the mask of nice and honest and humble, but every post you made prior to that is full of disgusting condescending arrogant and judgemental behavior.

fucking pisses me off. but i guess low iq people gonna low iq.

>> No.1810590


why did you cut the sentence in half?

>but I don't judge other people as artists and then refuse to show my art when they call me on my shit talking

I fucking love talking shit on 4chan. But, if someone calls me out on it and says "My work is better than yours, let's throw down"... I post my shit. Even if they blow me the fuck out.

But some jackasses would prefer to talk shit and then hide behind sophistry about how they're too virtuous and humble to step into the arena. Pretty weak.

>> No.1810592

post yore work

>> No.1810593

cause I'm not that guy, just calling you out on running scared from your art duel with him.

>> No.1810595


i was pointing out the fact that you wrote this

"Jesus, I'm impressed that you can talk at all around his cock. You're clearly a very noob artist. when you develop a little bit and gain a wider perspective on art, you'll be less impressed with some 22yo on Deviantart"

and then claimed this

"but I don't judge other people as artists"

and based on that hilarious contradiction i called you an idiot. which you are, imo. i wasn't considering your art, or the fact that you posted it. that doesn't matter. my calling you an idiot is based exclusively on those two, idiotically contradictive, statements.

>> No.1810604

>faggots complaining about some artwork when they obviously will never make even something half as good
stay bitter

>> No.1810607


You need to enroll in some literacy courses. I never said I don't judge other people as artists. I said that, when I do, and they call me out, I'm ready to post my work so they can do it right back.

>> No.1810613


gonna stop arguing with you now. anyway if you want one piece of advice (i'm not scifi soldier guy) stop rendering. entirely.

>> No.1810614

stupid advice, but that's to be expected from someone who doesn't post his art.

>> No.1810615

>146 posts about blah-blah-blah
I'm professional artist. I better than you huehue

>> No.1810616
File: 82 KB, 500x497, poland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1810617

is ""art duels"""" like this common here?
i laugh

>> No.1810618
File: 236 KB, 500x500, 1407988095643.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitting on algen
>shitting on some shitty artist that draws cute shit
>zedig banter
>people actually posting their shit when shitting on each other

7/10 one of the better algen hate threads

>> No.1810620


it's not common, because only 1% of this board has the requisite balls to post their art in this shark tank.

>> No.1810622
File: 51 KB, 600x400, areyounotentertained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1810635

My work is flawed, I do t pretend otherwise. What does that have to do with the validity of my critique. Your buttrage is through the roof dude, it's not the end of the world just because you got some criticism. Do you act this way every time your work is critiqued?

>> No.1810637


it's pretty obvious who it is. lurk moar.

>> No.1810638

I'm not the one saying I'm "light years better" than other people, I just said this entire charade is ego masturbation.

>> No.1810656


It's easy to sit on the sidelines and judge. It's more difficult to put your own work up for judgement.

That's what this entire thread is about: picking apart Algenpfleger's work, even though he's significantly better than probably anyone in here. You can point out all the parts of his paintings that are flawed, and your critiques may be valid... but if you're hiding your own work because you're afraid of having it judged the way you judge his, you're just a loser.

>. Your buttrage is through the roof dude, it's not the end of the world just because you got some criticism.

Note that I'm the only one between us who's actually put his work up to be criticized. You haven't, and you're not going to. Whose ego is so fragile, exactly?

>> No.1810658

*chants* post work post work post work *chants*

>> No.1810684

It's almost like I'm on deviantart or gaiaonline.

>> No.1810688

>still not posting work

top kek

>> No.1810716

What makes me sad is how this guy gets worse everyday and yet I never get better.

>> No.1810737

Anatomy and proportion curiosities aside, this guy is great with hue and value.

>> No.1810738

Why in the mind of beginners you have to post your art to be allowed to point out why other art sucks? Its not related, talk about the subject matter, not ad personam targeting the critics.

>> No.1810742

Let me answer that question with another:
Why are you pointing out why other art sucks when you could be improving your own art?

>> No.1810751

Let me answer that question with another:
Why are you pointing out why other people should draw more when you are wasting just as much time as they are responding to them?

>> No.1810753

Because I have some free time during my lunch break.

Still though, what's the point of this thread?

>> No.1810755

Because people like talking shit about decent artists to make themselves feel better.

Also it's fun to critique all artists regardless of skill level.

>> No.1810758

>Also it's fun to critique all artists regardless of skill level.
Okay, then. Let's discuss it.

The guy has some weird anatomy going on, that much is clear, but does it actually harm the piece, and more importantly, why?

>> No.1810761

It harms the piece because it looks fucking stupid, lol

>> No.1810762

If you want to critique, then critique.

>> No.1810763

It makes it looks sorta borderline uncanny vally.

It's not exaggerated in a very appealing way and makes it look weird. I doubt that was what he was going for, but if he was then nevermind.

>> No.1810768


Just as a note, I am the artist who painted >>1810496, and I'm not the one who posted it in this thread and is being a dick (this is my first post in this thread). Some other anon saved that painting I did, renamed the file, and is pretending to be me because I posted it a few weeks back when someone called me out on my art so I used it to back me up. Also it's not a WIP, that is the final image. And yes, I am aware that my figures are stiff and my design isn't the best, but at least I am working on my art and my weaknesses and do not hold any false views about my level.

And seriously, whoever posted my stuff and is pretending to be me while posting bait and pissing off a lot of the board...not cool man. It's people like you that make people not want to show their artwork on here.

>> No.1810771

I don't think there's any really damaging technical issues with the piece, but there are some very interesting design choices that might work for or against it depending on your own perspective.

I think he was intentionally tying to make the angel come off as otherworldly.
Her limbs are overly log and thin. Something that pushes the concept of beauty beyond typically reasonable territory, yet he still makes the face bold. Her strong chin and prominent cheek bones are there to convey a certain level strength. The wind at her back, the wings arching around and over the child, the feathers in the foreground. It's all there to make her look like a guardian from another plane, and I think he does a decent job of conveying that.

>> No.1810773

*long and thin

>> No.1810774

in other words, it's shit.

>> No.1810775

You didn't read it at all did you?

>> No.1810777

I did, all those so called intentional stuff he did, in the end it still looks like shit and nothing would change that fact.

>> No.1810778

>It's people like you that make people not want to show their artwork on here.

hahahaha you are the exact kind of guy that acts like the ultimate douchenozzle, talking shit to any and everyone, suffering from the most absurd level of dunning kruegers, then once you post your work, you act all nice and friendly and pretend like you werent being a gigantic asshole earlier.

YOU are the reason why people dont like posting their work on here. not me, you gigantic fucking retard.

>> No.1810781

>in the end it still looks like shit and nothing would change that fact.
But you're not really explaining why. Just saing 'It's bad because it's bad'.

That's terrible critique.

>> No.1810782

Lol okay there. You manage to piss off people in every thread, you ignore people or argue with people who critique your work, and are just generally an asshole. But I'm the bad guy.

I also find it funny how you shit talk my work like crazy, then in other threads you have praised my sketches and stuff without realizing it was done by me.

>> No.1810783
File: 106 KB, 1024x683, Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Facepalm_statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uncanny vally

>> No.1810787

would you like your figures to look like that angel? there are many ways to express otherworldly having an uneven arm length is not one of them.

>> No.1810788
File: 57 KB, 400x399, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uncanny vally is not a real critique guise!
How about you stop.

>> No.1810790


what the fuck are you even talking about. just act like a civlized human being. you are the only one here who looks at an image, and holds back comment until he realizes who made it. then you lash out and start shitting on the person. you claimed you could tell exactly how good someone was from a 30 minute study.

that is so fucking idiotic and arrogant. only you are like that. i dont care who made what, i critique and give feedback to every image without taking into consideration who made it. its only you who is that much of a self obsessed finger-pointing fag.


get your shit together.

>> No.1810799


If you fail to see how you were the first one being rude and dickish in the original thread your image was posted in, you really have some perception (and self-perception) issues anon. Not even trying to diss you here.

>> No.1810807

Thank you. I'm just trying to coax out a proper critique. I'm not a mind reader, I don't know what you mena when you say "It's shit" unless you tell me.

On that, yes. Her arms are out of proportion, but I don't think it's enough to harm the gestalt of the picture itself.
Judging from the sketch, it looked like he was going for some foreshortening on the right forearm, but lost it in the shading in an attempt to achieve a smooth look. It's not good, but I don't consider it to be so bad as to hurt the piece as a whole.

>> No.1811097


dude all you ahve to do is resize your artwork and make it small as fuck, its not oc unless retarded pixels are in play like 4000x2000 would be OC jpeg and you should only keep that saved and to display on your site/after copyright.

>> No.1811115

>just act like a civlized human being.
Try removing the log from your own eye before taking the speck from another's.

>> No.1811120

>Why are you pointing out why other art sucks when you could be improving your own art?

So I can learn from mistakes made by others by analyzing them so I dont make them myself. I am improving my art by figuring out what other people did wrong.

>> No.1811138
File: 68 KB, 494x700, b4d2139763dce661c07c6efe4ef5fe45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it wouldn't be a bad thing if there was a unique "pro make mistakes too" general thread, instead of the Dobson/Genzoman/Crab Mullins/Appgflgelgger threads.

Much like there's one Draw thread, one for Stylization and one for Beginners.

>> No.1811160

When I need critique, I do post my own work for judgement. I actively engaging in real life painting critiques. Why should I post my work in this thread? It isn't to get critique, this thread is just about shit-talking, which you've already admitted is an activity you enjoy. Also, if you could please, point out where I judged appleflinger's work. Thanks.

>> No.1811163

Why do you fucks hate this guy so much? there are Tom Prestons out there and you pick on the guy who's actually better than you?

>> No.1811169

hi there :^)

>> No.1811172

That's the reason obviously. No shit Preston makes awful art, but when someone /ic/ respects fucks up, it's a little more baffling, because expectations are higher.

>> No.1811175

>Just as a note, I am the artist who painted >>1810496, and I'm not the one who posted it in this thread

Hahahaha, wow. I'm the guy who posted my stuff to art-duel the person who stole your work. I guess we're the only people in this thread who actually post our own work when we get called out.

Nice art by the way. I guess it must be if someone stole it to pretend that they're "light-years ahead". Do you have a tumblr or something?

p.s. whichever spineless thief stole that picture and pretended it was his to win our argument, you only proved that my shit talking about you was in fact correct, and also that you haven't any stones.

>> No.1811177


Not sure what you're saying here. Are you saying that my .jpegs are too big and easy to steal? Because I'm not worried about that. Thanks though.

>> No.1811949
File: 227 KB, 950x745, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crab Mullins

>> No.1811989

It looks like she has only one leg...

>> No.1811996

It's his style.

>> No.1811998

Cannot unsee, holy fuck.

>> No.1812023

Compared to your edit the original looks like some kind of impossible optical illusion.

>> No.1812034

Is it just me, or is the wind moving the angel's hair and wings not matching up with the movement of hair and fabric on the girl in the foreground?

To be honest, I'm not about to blame Algen, Miles, etc for any bizarre flaws in their Applibot pieces. I know some people who've worked for Applibot and they've all reported being given style guides to work from, had bizarre revisions forced upon them, etc. I would rather judge them on their personal work.

>> No.1812037

the wind is from the angel's wings flappin'

>> No.1812043

Lmaooo /ic/ just keep bitching about the successful artists. Really it's pathetic because 99% of you will get nowhere near Algen or even Genzoman. While you guys circlejerk they're making money and getting laid doing what they love.

>> No.1812046

>99% of you will never get near Algen or Genzoman

Lel, I see a ton of stuff posted here that's better than the OP piece or anything Genzoman's shat out. Wouldn't surprise me if in 2-3 years time there's a number of professionals whose dicks you'll no doubt be sucking that came from here.

>> No.1812409

It hasn't happened in all the years we've been here.
I bet it won't ever happen, there's no market for eyeballed Loomis scribbles.

>> No.1812443


Yeah, sure it hasn't.

>> No.1812446


zedig didn't post on /ic/. morbacher only posted ocassionally but it's not like he studied and got good here. algen no idea, was before my time, and who the f is izzy?

>> No.1812617

Algen posts, usually an image in the draw thread or a study thread and then disappears (or posts anonymously). He likes to appear aloof.

also ' :3 '

>> No.1812740

Hold on. All you need to do to fix the perspective on that image is put the foot of harpy lady in front of the grassy hill and her sword guard in front of the rock.

>> No.1812778

Where's the yellow reflected light on the girl coming from in that picture?

>> No.1812793


The grass. The ground almost always reflects a warm light.

>> No.1812798

Here here, my negro companion!

>> No.1812805

Then wouldn't it be more green instead of yellow like the car? I'm not all that great at painting/colors so I'm a bit confused.

>> No.1812815

you don't need to know how to walk, you can just steal someone else's legs to walk (talking about photobash and tracing)

>> No.1812844

morbacher has been coming here for ages, he used to go as OneVox, you used to be able to see his progress, and people bundled him up with the top /ic/ people since ever.

>> No.1812948

well no one likes big sized noses on a women
those are probably 10/10 noses in real life

>> No.1812952

i do, i like a variety, big noses included. uma thurman comes to mind.

>> No.1814690

I like your metal rendering, but the volumes are completely off.
And the pistol is bent.

>> No.1814766


lol so funny pls post more you are kiling the room here

people are dying

>> No.1814824


if you enjoy laughing at my terribleness, you can always look at my tumblr. I posted the link up there somewhere.

>> No.1814849

He means people here are trying to tear apart work of an artist who's more successful in art than they'll ever be while they're NEET 30 year old faggots living with their mothers.

>> No.1814914

If this is so bad, why don't any of you do it better?
I fucking dare you
paint over it or whatever
I bet none of you can do it

>> No.1814915

someone has already you cock

>> No.1814917

Someone already posted a gif showing a fixed version in this thread and it looks way better.

>> No.1814928


re-arranging the composition is not the same thing as painting something better, you NEET parasites. neither of you can draw or paint 1/10th as well as Algenfejjkllfeklafger, so maybe work harder on moving out of your mom's place and stop talking shit about better artists.

>> No.1814936

although I do agree that the torso and head look better he fucked the composition and the leg is even worse

>> No.1814940

the thread is about those things though you cunt

>> No.1814947

I think he greatly improved the composition... It's not perfect, but it's just a quick fix...

>> No.1815925
File: 3 KB, 90x90, sad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave me alone!

Why do you hate me so much?

Remind me tehmeh...

>> No.1815945

because i will never nestle between your sculpted thighs while you choke me out :(

>> No.1815947

I was looking at some of the concept processes from that dude that did all the concept art for elysium, and he did a bunch of cutting/pasting different images together and painting over them. Is that bad to do?

>> No.1815964

It's concept art. The goal of concept art is to get a concept/design down quickly and effectively for use further in the pipeline, not to create a detailed illustration.
So no, it is not bad.
Done in illustration it shouldn't be bad either, provided it's done well and doesn't plagiarize. There is no such thing as 'cheating' in art.

>> No.1815969

do you really want to take advice from hacks like >>1815964?
a con artist will never admit that what he's doing is wrong. he will find any means to justify his action, but in the end he's only fooling himself and his victims. the law says you cannot steal another person's work, no matter how much you paint over it.
if you have even a tiny bit of self respect, you won't even trace.

>> No.1815976

that's not what the law says. you didn't see people suing pop artists did you?

>> No.1815993

>236 posts
>34 images

>> No.1815997

That's why you take your own photos. Everything copyrighted by you

>> No.1816012

this isn't a draw thread. what kind of retarded point are you trying to make?