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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.77 MB, 2000x2586, shiranui_mai_and_andy_bogard_the_king_of_fighters_and_1_more_drawn_by_speedoru__5cf8f4bd51466722f6d031d0e1751e01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7464623 No.7464623 [Reply] [Original]

Any artists out there that you think are so good that they make you want to kill yourself because you're so shit compared to them?

>> No.7464625

kill yourself

>> No.7464628

you will come up with all the reasons to avoid drawing lmao

>> No.7464631

Hideaki Anno.

>> No.7464650

Think of the opposite
>Be me in 2011
>Found Pixiv
>Followed a bunch of artist
>Found one artist that draws characters of anime I liked at the time and looks almost like their anime counterpart
>Followed and liked his artwork
>Ffw 2014
>Started drawing
>Still shit
>Draw based on inspiration from this artist
>Keeps on drawing anyway
>Ffw 2021
>The artist of my inspiration is still drawing about the same as he did in 2011
>His artwork looks high beg or int at most to present me
>mfw I've surpassed the artist I've admired before.

Actually just look at whether you've surpassed some of the artists that inspired you before, or vice versa (newer artist that was inspired by you surpasses you instead)

>> No.7464673

Andy really is such a faggot, what the fuck is his problem

>> No.7464676 [DELETED] 

I have a love-hate relationship with this Newgrounds faux-anime style
On the one hand I'm glad we've moved from the horrendous pseudo-anime that barely had any resemblance to the Japanese originals to an appealing synthesis of Eastern and Western aesthetics.
On the other hand it still cannot tap into cuteness and moe, or rather it outright refuses to

>> No.7464680

All of them. Art is hard work, and I'm lazy.

>> No.7464910


>> No.7464943

Hasn't he been drawing for like 15 years though?

>> No.7465037

I hate the "American anime" art style so fucking much

>> No.7465044
File: 39 KB, 291x593, 1738680445330671_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, is that her thumb or pinky? Because if that's a thumb it's on the wrong side of her hand.

>> No.7465104

looks like a pinky to me anon..

>> No.7465106

that's just speedoru's style, anon. name 3 other artists who draw like this

>> No.7465110

any other newgrounds artist

>> No.7465129

Name 3?

>> No.7465144

Looks like it was supposed to be a thumb with the indentation there and the shape, but he was too lazy to fix it to make it look more like a pinky.

>> No.7465476

No I don't think so

>> No.7465513

no, they just inspire me

>> No.7466066

>On the other hand it still cannot tap into cuteness and moe
nah it is cute, its just not "standardized cute" like factory line seasonal moeshit, there's more ways to be appealing than to just light up the areas of your brain that recognize patterns by repeating the exact same shapes and design language over and over and over and over

>> No.7466089

nah, I just see it a way as a goal to see what lacking in my art and improve. But,I also drown that thought down when I see better artists on social media. Part of life

>> No.7466126


>> No.7468827

speedosausage is irish

>> No.7469342

that looks like shit
its like steven universe slop bullshit but worse

>> No.7469343 [DELETED] 

seething tranimeshitter