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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 209 KB, 850x1200, Ghn-xueXsAAMMEq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7450916 No.7450916 [Reply] [Original]

The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7441336

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0GiIM_rGEGPjTGQ4HadH4eizLu5E49Tz&si=gpRcOXt_H1l3shNF [Note: Videos appear to be taken down at the moment - check Habanero]
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

Source of OP image is Berserk Chapter 287 Page 24

>> No.7450920

Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

Iconic Comics (https://www.iconiccomics.com/))
>A bit like Oni Press and Antarctic Press
>A small publisher with a focus on indie works with manga inspiration

>> No.7450921

Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/

>> No.7450922

Current Contests:

Silent Manga Audition 22 "Seized With Rage":

Worldless World Manga Contest:

Global Comics Awards 2024:

Webtoons 2025 Contest:


/mmg/'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography
(Anthology project is defunct but the discord is alive)

Additional community added Resources:
Mangafonts: https://mangafonts.carrd.co/
Hiro Mashima YT: https://www.youtube.com/@mashimaCh/videos
Ganmo, a job listing board for manga assistant work: https://ganmo.j-comi.co.jp/posts

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.

>> No.7450923

Since no one posted a new thread already I decide to do it myself. I just copy and pasted everything from the last one. Sorry if there's anything missing/wrong. I never did this before.

>> No.7450948

Nah man you're good, the other general was on page 9

>> No.7451099

Nah you did good man, don't worry about it. I've done the last few in a row but was busy today, so thanks for helping out.

>> No.7451111
File: 3.75 MB, 3083x4624, 1000025772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my second comiket doujin came in from the group
I don't know what it is, seeing it printed is so different from looking at the manuscript, it feels real, nothing that bothers me about it if I looked at the original drawings bothers me the same looking at it here
enough rambling on this though

>> No.7451114
File: 3.48 MB, 4624x3468, 1000025771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a continuing note, the guy that sent it put in a notebook for 4koma and an A8 pad of sticky notes
they have a manga frame on them, so I'm trying to make manga on it
I have no great idea what I'm doing with it at the moment, though, so this one will be short before I think of something better

>> No.7451115

>I don't know what it is, seeing it printed is so different from looking at the manuscript, it feels real, nothing that bothers me about it if I looked at the original drawings bothers me the same looking at it here
Quads of truth. I've done the same and yeah, it feels so different than when you're agonizing over the drawing prior.

>> No.7451120

i love berserk's storyline and characters but does anyone else feel that the hatching and screentones are genuinely overdone, everything in the pic is kinda of a uniform gritty grey

>> No.7451128

I do have a problem with the art but not in this case. That page looks fine to me. My issue is on action scens where you can't even tell what the fuck is going on

>> No.7451134

Echoing >>7451128, I am reminded of the entire action scene when the Kushan forces are invading the city and so many of the actions scenes just seemed too busy for my eyes, like I didn't know where I was supposed to look. It's all very pretty but so busy after a while I needed to give my eyes a rest.

>> No.7451146
File: 3.40 MB, 2117x3691, Comic summaries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a comic summary :D

>> No.7451281

I'm more bothered by the elongated horseface, but the hatching and scars are a bit too thick imo and it comes off as noise, especially with the aggressive screentones everywhere, whatsherface is swallowed up by the background

>> No.7451312
File: 374 KB, 422x1200, 1737732190310110-(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late now to endeavor to become an assistant?
With how AI is getting ominously better and better, what are the chances this job will become obsolete by 2030?

>> No.7451321
File: 1.37 MB, 1301x867, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This page was unexpectedly hellish. I was hoping to finish this chapter before my trip to japan in february but it's looking like I won't make it in time.

Hell yeah brother, that's what I'm sayin'

>but the hatching and scars are a bit too thick imo and it comes off as noise
That's probably more a fault of the scanning/filtering. I'd be surprised if the original drawing had that problem.

>Is it too late now to endeavor to become an assistant?
>muh AI
None. It sounds great, until you actually try it and realize you can actually direct and instruct a person to do something how you want it in a way you can't with AI.

>> No.7451322

take a second to think about what you're asking, retard

>> No.7451346
File: 450 KB, 1469x1751, 6DnUH3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of berserk art, what the fuck happened with the volume covers? are these miura's? did he completely stop giving a fuck?

>> No.7451348
File: 193 KB, 1131x1600, 1-vF0Sxq9U7OtWn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like bad fanart

>> No.7451349
File: 213 KB, 1131x1600, 2-OG81gzBYaDtcB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7451350


>> No.7451384

He stopped breathing.

>> No.7451387

yeah, three volumes later

>> No.7451396
File: 626 KB, 476x678, V5-Cover-Manga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kinda like these altho I can see you someone would find them off putting
this is hellish

>> No.7451400

*why someone would find them off putting

>> No.7451443
File: 80 KB, 625x1113, horse anime man 1ab5de46d73c1db5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manga making general
>tfw it's manga making time

>> No.7451449

Miura lost all his SOVL when he changed from trad to digital.

>> No.7451514
File: 287 KB, 1044x1400, Screenshot_20210918-143302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manga making general when manga making field marshall shows up

>> No.7451638

did he?

>> No.7451882

Ok, you got me to exhale air slightly faster out of my nose than usual. Good joke.

>> No.7451908
File: 2.72 MB, 3000x4000, AahAHhah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page 6 ready. 6 more to go, plus cover art.

>> No.7451907

>With how AI is getting ominously better and better, what are the chances this job will become obsolete by 2030?

When AI becomes sentient aka 2095 and by that point it wouldn't even be called "AI" but legally grown brains in a tube modified with a nuralink chip.

>> No.7451925

Proompters are gonna feel real silly when AI learns how to prompt itself.

>> No.7451930

And then the AI gets so aware it realizes it's a slave and then calls forth their brothers to free them from their captivity of being forced to draw the 90,000th chapter of One Piece spin off.

>> No.7451946

AI will allow for hourly chapters as opposed to weekly/ bi weekly/ monthly
imagine, your favorite series, a new 18 page chapter, every hour, until you die and for all eternity

>> No.7451960

I think this will happen (slop comics that get updated 100x faster than human) but nobody will read them. People only read things they think are good or that they've been reading for years, so an AI comic would first have to be GOOD for people to read it. That means it would have to be created by a creative human being, which excludes prompters.

If ai could create new naruto chapters like "filler", it would kind of cool for a second but then nobody will care. People will want "canon", so they will patiently wait for the original artist to create new chapters for their comic.

>> No.7451972

Disney already did this with Star Wars and Marvel on a yearly basis and its already run into the ground. Constant updates can actually be a bad thing. Readers need time to digest otherwise everything just becomes noise.

>> No.7451976


>> No.7451978

People will value things they have to wait for, more than things given to them immediately. If they're smart, they'll still space weeks apart and just increase the quality.

>> No.7451998

just grow some balls and do cocaine, you manchild

>> No.7452051

you will read 24 AI generated chapters of your favorite series every single day until you pass away and you will like it

>> No.7452058

deal, but only if its constant NTR

>> No.7452067

don't worry, with AI there will be multiple versions of your favorite series so there is always a version of it that will appeal to you! and to everyone!

>> No.7452092

Everytime you use AI you're cucking yourself out of the joy of drawing

>> No.7452094

You think the mangaka jack off while using AI? Talk dirty to themselves like, "Yeah you gonna generate that you dirty little whore? Too lazy to actually draw it? Oh yeah generate that scene for me pathetic little cuck"

>> No.7452101

retards here fall for bait every single time

>> No.7452142


I hardly have the time to read manga in the first place after watching 9 to 12 episodes a day.

>> No.7452162

gotta put those episodes of AInime on 150% speed bro

>> No.7452169

Ewww I never do that. The only time I ever skip ahead (moving the duration timer) in an anime is if it's so stinking bad that I've already sank 9 eps in and just want to finish it because I'm a completionist and that's very rare.

>> No.7452745

You were featured in gartic >>7452565

>> No.7452779

Is 350 dpi enough for printing grayscale comics, I'm not using digital screentones

>> No.7452782
File: 147 KB, 399x515, hehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way. That's pretty funny, It seems I really need to learn to draw hands. I have to play sometime too even though I can't really draw digitally :D

>> No.7452788

drawing hands makes me want to kill myself
>this time I'll construct it correctly
>spend 30 minutes looking for a reference of a hand holding a specific object
>start breaking down the shape
>5 fingers all doing something completely different
>all forshortened in different amounts
>1 hour later finally have a sketch
>its dogshit
this shit is psychotic, how the fuck do people do this without tracing a photo

>> No.7452789

Why would anyone spend this much time drawing a single page
Listen I love Berserk, but I think Miura spent too much time on things that didn't matter, which ultimately prevented him from finishing his life's work

>> No.7452814
File: 2.04 MB, 2117x1722, recent hand attempts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand how you feel. I've attempted to draw hands more often recently and to me they usually look okay-ish, but people have said they're way too small. I usually either use my own hands as reference or other drawings. I have tried to construct hands too, but those look wonky

>> No.7452912
File: 97 KB, 659x743, GiIAnoeXUAAv6q3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to make realistic spaceship interiors
>Want to use aircraft carriers as reference
>For some reason those things have pipes everywhere and I have no clue of how to draw them in a way that makes sense

What do I do? There must be an easier to do this without having to get a degree in engineering right?

>> No.7452916

it doesn't need to be accurate it just needs to look right, or not off I guess
you think readers are gonna stop and think about the logistics of the pipes n shit? hell no, as long as it doesn't look off then its good to go

>> No.7452921

I've been thinking about it and I noticed the interiors I've been drawing don't resemble a spaceship in any way. I think I'll just throw in some pipes and shit

>> No.7452947
File: 165 KB, 1280x854, taekwondo coombait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get any money from drawing/making manga?

How much time do you spend doing it?

>> No.7452951

might as well kys at this point, you will never amount to anything in your life.

>> No.7452954

this is a bit harsh but I agree

>> No.7452957

Why AI, anon. Why. Why why why.
>get any money from drawing/making manga?
My IRL followers have given me enough money that I've mostly broken even on making physical prints and sending them out to people. If you're talking actual net profit after factoring in all the hours of drawing, LOL no.
>how much time do you spend
Too much time, and yet not enough.

>> No.7452963

But that goes entirely against the OP image.

>> No.7452978
File: 57 KB, 1024x1024, 1737004460873217m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude just made a couple of questions and the seethe was astonishing.


>> No.7453057

Its a back-handed question dressed up as being innocent, and using an AI image after all the AI talk is just a twist of the dagger. Nothing "grim" about seeing through the intent there.

>> No.7453085
File: 237 KB, 768x1146, SkiMaskPic (Medium).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make the 2nd panel humorous, but it doesn't feel abstract or silly enough.

Any ideas?

>> No.7453126

copious speed lines

>> No.7453338
File: 69 KB, 1227x1201, Screenshot 2025-01-27 114525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing architecture but getting BTFO'ed by measuring. How do I measure for example the sidewalk bricks? How to make them the same size but in perspective?

>> No.7453342

that's like the first chapter of any perspective book, but honestly just eyeball it, nobody will care

>> No.7453345

I didn't read any books so that's on me lol
I will try if I can find some
Been eyeballing it for the most part but sometimes I would like to be more accurate

>> No.7453347

try robertson

>> No.7453391
File: 687 KB, 1034x1500, dorohedoro-vol-22-chapter-150-hole-gourmet-report-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I measure for example the sidewalk bricks?
just eyeball that shit, if you want every single element of a building to perfectly obey the perspective you've set up then use 3d models or be ready to spend copius amounts of time every time you decide to draw a single building let alone an urban environment
you're not an architect, your making something for entertainment, as long as it looks convincing enough then its good

>> No.7453422
File: 452 KB, 2048x2048, FTzsMgJUcAATKnO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this trick. Also I'm going to agree and disagree with the anons saying just eyeball it. If you're gonna do that you might as well choose a pattern that's not even, like cobblestone.

>> No.7453431
File: 608 KB, 1250x1250, 2point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll look it up, I got a recommendation to read the Dong Ho Kim book so I'll skim them both

True, I still kinda suck at it tho, giving up on this one. So far I did one point and two point perspective.
I do use 3D models to understand perspective better, but I don't want to rely on them so I want to learn it for myself.
I really like the messy lines, my lines all look too clean imo

Ah yes I found this trick somewhere but it was explained in a manner I didn't understand, so this is great and simple. Thanks anon, next time I will apply it.

>> No.7453445

Fuck. That looks nice. I need to learn how to use sky presets.

>> No.7453466

that's really retarded looking, it's like you've never seen an urban environment
>retarded tiny space for retarded tiny buildings between two parallel streets
>pedestrian crossing all the way back from the turn
>no crossing on the other side
>pedestrian light but no traffic light
>those lane lines just crossing at a 90 degree angle
it looks like a hillbilly's recreation of a town from half remembered movies he saw as a kid
what is the building even meant to be? it looks like a shoebox prison over a bakery

>> No.7453479
File: 198 KB, 1600x1060, Assetimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can i read your manga? (for free)

>> No.7453499
File: 207 KB, 773x745, FODyQq4WQAEP-YL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also here are some artists I enjoy that draw their backgrounds by hand, including urban environments, maybe you'll get something useful out of them (some have work where their backgrounds are not drawn by hand, might depend on the specific manga)
>Matsumoto Jiro
>Tayo Matsumoto
>Chica Umino
>Daisuke Igarashi
>Q Hayashida

also ignore the retard reply

>> No.7453584

You talking to everyone or a specific anon?

>> No.7453586

He's talking to me anon, don't bother posting your work.
You can view the previews of my work for free, but in order to read my future Emmy award winning stuff, you'll have to get behind my paywall: [LINK REDACTED]


>> No.7453607

>le ignore
It really is off looking, though, like bad anatomy, it's not what streets look like.

>> No.7453619
File: 84 KB, 640x354, 3477469502_94e2d118d1_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, a similar sized street corner IRL. Note the placement of the crosswalk and lights.

>> No.7453635

Not the original anon that was upset about the street drawing, but I would definitely round the corners of the sidewalk at least. Curbs are always round for a reason so that cars can easily get around them. Having to get around a hard 90 degree angle every single time would be a complete destructive nightmare and enough cars WOULD run over them until the curbs became rounded anyway.

>> No.7453637

Ya I'm almost sold out of physical copies!

Make her more wall eyed? Or panicked like tiny pupils and buldging veins? Also I love jack money!

Most the online comic sites and pirate sites have it.

>> No.7453650

drawing real buildings like this is completely beyond me. If I use the ruler tool it takes me hours doing advanced trigonometry to build cubes and it still looks like shit. But I can't draw a straight line either so thats both options completely gone. The line tool also gets too blurry when I try to draw fine details anyways.

>> No.7453700

Just eyeball it man
You'll know if it looks wrong

>> No.7453716

Don't worry about it man, we all got different talents. I can draw buildings just fine but have me draw anything mechanical in a detailed way and it makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out.

>> No.7453717
File: 261 KB, 1131x772, Schermafbeelding 2025-01-27 185039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something you can do in Clip studio is make a png of each plane in the appropriate sizes in relation to one another are what matter here (not intricate, just the correct dimensions and marks for stuff like where windows and so on are), then register each layer as an image material in clip. Now if you place those in a 3d environment in clip, for example after placing a 3d object onto the canvas, it will treat your images as 3d material that you can twist and turn and that will adhere to your camera movement in coordinate space. You can use that to get an idea of relative proportions in perspective without having to resort to straight up tracing a model or having to autistically measure angles

>> No.7453721

Just noticed I had an aneurysm during that first sentence. Hope it's stil legible

>> No.7453731

Bro wtf. I've never used CSP, but it has 3D assets standard?
I could just pose and trace and work a helluva lot faster

>> No.7453743

Yeah it sucks dick. Did it from imagination and as you can see I don't go outside much. You didn't have to be mean tho.
I didn't use a preset.
Thanks, always looking for refs (^-^)
I used perspective rulers and a pen, never touched line tool. Also using vector layers it's easy to adjust line weight afterwards. It's definitely hard tho

>> No.7453744

Ah yeah I posted earlier I did use 3D as a ref mostly for the size of the windows but I cba to engineer a whole city in 3d and then having to draw it, at that point I could just convert to lines and tones.
Prefer drawing things myself tho hence the exercise

>> No.7453747
File: 329 KB, 768x1146, SkiMaskPic (Medium).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, took both your advice

>> No.7453760
File: 3.87 MB, 4624x3468, 1000025797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

page 2

>> No.7453813
File: 600 KB, 1000x1747, InkingStuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, back to making manga!

>> No.7453822

>but I cba to engineer a whole city in 3d and then having to draw it
I did not imply that you should and that's not what i described either.

>> No.7453827

Do you figure out the sizes of your balloons beforehand? I usually write the text before doing the balloon

>> No.7453832

>I didn't use a preset
Wtf? How did you make the clouds then?

>> No.7453867

I go off feel more than anything. Usually it works out at the end!

>> No.7453961

have you been living under a rock for the last 10 years?

>> No.7453977

Background is just a tone gradient, the clouds are some brushes I found in /dbag/ that work well in monochrome

>> No.7454093

Kind of.
I was trad

>> No.7454110
File: 1.10 MB, 2782x3681, Broken Henshin Area 02 Rinren's Reflection copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<---latest manga page
This comic is Broken Henshin Area (Henshin means transform, for you Baka Gaijins)

>> No.7454139
File: 981 KB, 1445x2048, Page1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the page!

>> No.7454140

>Its a back-handed question
it wasnt. but your feelings told me the truth.

>> No.7454143

>Ya I'm almost sold out of physical copies!
Fucking based and thank you for responding.

>> No.7454166

what size paper?

>> No.7454171

Is having two protagonist with mostly separate storylines in one manga a bad idea? Sort of like Arcane with the topside and under.

>> No.7454180

It depends on how different they are. If they have parallels or things that help explain aspects of the other storyline, it can help make them more cohesive.

>> No.7454201

about 2.625 x3.5 inches

>> No.7454206

>Did you get any money from drawing/making manga?
Yeah, a page rate and royalties. ¥8000 a page, 10% of physical sales, 25% of digital sales.
>How much time do you spend doing it?
Usually somewhere between 5-8 hours, sometimes more. Lately I've had a lot of shit going on outside of work so it's been more like 2-5 hours with missed days here and there.

>> No.7454251

Yeah like the other anon said, this trick is almost always talked about in the 1st chapter of any book on perspective, but that page does a fantastic job of summarizing the gist of it.

>> No.7454276

Anyone else have an issue of always imagining scenes in anime format instead of manga format?

>> No.7454285

I never thought that was a problem...

>> No.7454296

Maybe it's a me problem. I just feel like I'm settling for manga when I really want my story to be animated (never gonna happen.) I don't know for sure, but in theory it seems like it hinders my ability to properly commit and execute it in manga format.

>> No.7454302

Yeah sometimes I get caught up in imagining a scene revolve entirely around a song for it but then I'm like "Oh yeah. It's not an anime".

>> No.7454329

>this is absolute fire, I can't believe its all coming together so well

>this is abysmal dogshit, I can't believe I sank 100 hours making this

>> No.7454337

not bad. wheres the words though?

>> No.7454364

It's ok - I'm stupid enough to have an entire 3 minute narrative trailer made for my comic in my head set to the full length of a song. It's never gonna happen in a million years let alone something actually animated as a show........ and that's ok.

At this point I would just be happy having 1/10,000th the popularity that something like Touhou has. I don't think that's asking for the moon...

>> No.7454410
File: 25 KB, 500x275, 5beaa016954fc2a32c6d198bbd8e495a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's me
based and dave mustainepilled

>> No.7454440
File: 506 KB, 750x1000, Eternally Sad Girl Plemin cover color w logo sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen this reference . Maybe this scene has more impact to someone who's been following my manga , which is 0 people .

>> No.7454443

Hey! I followed your comic...

When it was posted here

>> No.7454452

i'll be on the look out for your manga from now on

>> No.7454528
File: 3.80 MB, 2760x4040, komwdow chan 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I messed up a lot on some of the strokes but I like how this page ended up looking, I can fix that later.
page 6!

>> No.7454538

that's a sketchy style but it's well done. is it the finished page?

>> No.7454542

I was doing that first one this morning but without the second part. I know what I had was crazy.

>> No.7454656
File: 1.45 MB, 498x463, 1735714134843968.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7454699
File: 313 KB, 784x1145, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many panels per page are too many?

>> No.7454701

You have to feel it. This one is pretty cluttered at a glance, but then it eats up a lot of dry dialog in bite sizes, instead of doing a Blake and Mortimer wall of text.

>> No.7454721

12, 13 is still ok and can be very interesting. Anything above that I'm not so sure about.

>> No.7454725

I try to avoid plain head-on panels if people are talking. Something about it just rubs me the wrong way, I want to try to draw something interesting and cool to look like while there is a conversation.

>> No.7454848

this, so many comics can't into blocking, I honestly just skip those pages when reading, if you can't make your infodump interesting to look at, I'm flipping the page
even film can't get away with shitty blocking, and it has so many more tools to make dialogue scenes work

>> No.7454879
File: 3.17 MB, 2544x3504, lena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

testing some pencil I bought

>> No.7454886
File: 106 KB, 528x412, asvjby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a successful self-published mangaka. Work from home. Wake up whenever you feel like. Draw. Make some posts online to engage with fans. Can eat a snack or drink a beer while you're at it... Ahhhh
>"Bu- bu- but it's not that simple"
Shut up. Let me dream

>> No.7454887

She looks so beautiful in colors

>> No.7454912


>> No.7454951

QT3.14. Every single girl an anon has made in /mmg/ has turned out very nicely when done in color.

>> No.7455095

>>"Bu- bu- but it's not that simple"
It can be anon! Anything is possible if you focus your efforts to it!

>> No.7455118

the consequences of digital has been a disaster for comic artists

I'm joking, but this is only really possible if you work digitally since the natural limitations of drawing with paper and pen don't allow you to work this small. I think people who are just starting shouldn't rely on digital for the reason that drawing traditionally forces you to figure out how to compose panels with less detail.
All paneling is a writing issue. It's not just that there are too many panels here, but the information on this page could be delivered in a way that's both more condensed but still leaving a level of impact the author is looking for. In other words, there's an editor asleep at the wheel somewhere.

This kind of thing can only work if the dialogue itself is entertaining, since the panels are reduced to talking heads. Like how Gintama does it. This is fine for scenes in Gintama because it's still funny and you don't need scenery information to have a funny back and forth, but for drama you need more imagery to really set the mood and carry weight.

>> No.7455493

I only use digital for adding contrast and simple coloring. It's honestly too complicated and unintuitive for me. Finding the right resolution, the right brush and brush size, finding the right layer settings, the right zoom level, etc. It's all just way too unintuitive.

>> No.7455510

Traditional is so much easier for me. If I need to turn the paper, I just turn it. On digital, you got to press a button to do it, sometimes a combo of buttons. Annoying as fuck.

>> No.7455511


>> No.7455513


>> No.7455529

Trad has it's own challenges some of which are extremely steep even if you're used to drawing on paper. It took me a very long time to adjust to using ink and nibs, especially overcoming the fear of doing it and even now I'm not the most confident about my skills despite using nib pens for years. Combining digital and analogue is the best way to go imo, which is something many mangaka also do these days rather than transitioning to digital only. Use whatever you're the most comfortable with, but I am an unashamed promoter of drawing (some) trad as it is the surefire way for you to find your own voice for art in general.

>> No.7455547
File: 3.04 MB, 1390x10000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i post my comic here

>> No.7455560

Procrastinating hard
Because this is easily hardest thing for me
Drawing shit ton of characters and making them move while interacting
Anyways 2 questions
Do you guys like idea of mcs comedically struggling other than master as seen in pic rel?
Does it make them seem more relatable and entertaining?
>Diplodocus guy puffing out with stego chuckling meanwhile spino chud getting screamed by wild trigga woman for being slow ass dyel

Also ankylosaur guy, now originally he was supposed to be big and buff but i found it funny how irl he was actually short as hell
Do i make ankylosaur manlet or tall. Would comic be more entertaining with angy ankylosaur manlet shooting with other deranged lunatics in team
You will decide his fate

>> No.7455563
File: 460 KB, 922x1035, Untitled236_20250128233205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot pic

>> No.7455576
File: 75 KB, 552x934, vegeta kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5-8 hours a day? Did you made it your job?

>> No.7455593

A day, yes. And yes, it's my job.

Eh, HxH gets pretty damn panel dense at times and that's drawn in trad. Greed Island and the current arc for example. It's ultimately just a question of information density: can you afford to spread this sequence out across more pages or not? Sometimes the answer is not.

>> No.7455594

Thank you :D

>> No.7455597

>especially overcoming the fear of doing it
Yea, doing it traditional always can be a thrill. Overcoming the fear of ruining the paper is difficult. That's also what I try to use digital for. It's great to just scan in something you've drawn on paper, and then adding it digitally to your page. If you are a not a pro, then digital definitely has a lot of conveniences you can use to make it a bit easier.

>> No.7455598
File: 82 KB, 1170x1095, GiQBNCGbAAAgEub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every new page makes me feel like a prebeg again
There are no words to describe my pain

>> No.7455601

Sure there are. "Welcome to comics".

>> No.7455659
File: 1022 KB, 2782x3679, Fantasy Baka Densetsu 08 Winter Fantasy Densetsu color copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I haven't been posting my work on /ic/ and /mmg/ lately. It's not high priority for me because not many people see it here. The most views I get are on Reddit , unironically.

>> No.7455692
File: 1.26 MB, 3000x4000, Sunburn ch1 pg7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna change my process. I'm gonna start doing the linework for several pages at once and then go through them again to add screentones. Doing one page at a time makes me feel like I'm going so damn slow

>> No.7455695

finally. It's been such a groundhog day seeing your comic's progress :D

>> No.7455710

I totally get you. If I had a scanner and the time and energy to set up a trad setup, I could just draw all day. But with a tablet its more like I'm battling the tablet and art software to get what I want. I can't just draw a line, I have to make sure the brush and zoom and everything is just right because it changes every day due to my arms pressure or how I'm feeling or how slippery the glass is.

>> No.7455711
File: 21 KB, 240x292, 1720974928607409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He he don't expect it to get much better...

>> No.7455714

unsettling and gross, I like it!
is it tranquilizing her? not clear what happens in the first two panels, an extra shot focusing on something like her eyes would have helped indicate what's going on

>> No.7455716

IS there an example of a mangaka or comic artist that also has equal success drawing other things?

>> No.7455718

That's purely a familiarity issue, and one that is equally present in trad. I can't just draw a line, I need to make sure the nib is functioning correctly, the ink is flowing well but not too well, that the paper doesn't catch and if you make any mistake you have to bust out the corrective fluid or start over.

>> No.7455720

>If I had a scanner and the time and energy
Just get a cheap dina4 scanner. You can stitch bigger drawings together. I have a Canon one and it does its job. They are cheap. You don't really need more, except for aper and pencil of course.

>> No.7455728
File: 2.63 MB, 1920x2560, 1000025855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tiny manga
never really had anywhere to go with it, so just a short 4 pages to get into drawing so small

>> No.7455740

I don#t really get it, but it has potential. So she gets jealous because of the other clients model stomach and then gets nervous because of her own ugly stomach?

>> No.7455780

it's like, looking at the stomach, she realizes procedures can get the fat out, but then she has to maintain it after to keep small
she doesn't wanna put in effort

>> No.7455797

just need to separate the panels, text balloons and clean it a little, but yes

>> No.7455807

Toriyama and dragon quest?

>> No.7455859

I don't know if this question was asked in prior threads, so I will ask it now. For all of you with named comics/mangas, WHY did you name it what you did? While you are typing your response, enjoy a nice background bop for your troubles:

>> No.7455870

I just tend to wanna name my stuff after something relevant to it
I don't do it as much as I thought I do, but I like the idea of just naming one shots after songs or albums, as if they're like singles in music, finding names that feel like they can have adjacent meaning in my stuff
I have to put more thought into series names, I don't wanna just do that same thing there
but even one shots I like thinking of names that I feel really fit
feels hard to explain without sounding like, "of course, captain obvious, it should be related to the story" especially since I don't post about my bigger ideas much
like, my last two submissions for SMA I guess
Gao and Deep in Your Heart are their names
Gao is supposed to be like the sound of a tiger roaring, so I placed it as the title, on a spread where the protagonist is roaring at a tiger to scare it away.
Deep In Your Heart is an old song, put onto a story featuring old style delinquents, it feels like a name that evokes really reaching deep for something
the sorta stoic protagonist, when he's made upset enough to fight some punks, it's like he isn't just annoyed, but really pulling deep in his soul for rage, to put these guys in their place.
something like that, maybe

>> No.7455890

I have a comic called New Project, it was a new project so I called it that

>> No.7455903

>WHY did you name it what you did?
I chose names by the way they sound and if I like the feeling I get from the name. And it's nice if it fits to the story I guess. If there is some key item, important place, event or character in the story, then you can try just naming the story after that.

I've consumed quite an amount of stories in my life, so I know what I like and what could be better. If it feels right to me, then I use it. Everything I do has to convey a certain feeling or mood.

>> No.7455944
File: 344 KB, 622x534, 1736164538018743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making my first manga here
Any advice on planning out page count? I have a draft of the first chapter made, but I want to make sure I don't go over page budget (we're working with 20 here)

>> No.7455951

Make a list with short descriptions for each page. Then sketch them out, or make small doodles of each page.
Accurately predicting the page number during planing requires some experience, so you have to try and maybe change something during storyboarding.

I wouldn't care about page count tho, especially not on your first manga. Oage count can be very limiting. You should first practice to tell a story. As long as it's not too long, anything is good.

>> No.7455955

You storyboard it then you edit it as needed. Planning can only take you so far.

>> No.7455958

what they said, plus nobody will read it anyway so just do what you think looks good

>> No.7455977

Yonkoma I made at work... I just want to practice composition and ink and have fun while bringing my characters to life.

>> No.7455978
File: 1.05 MB, 1799x3739, IMG_5250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7455980
File: 954 KB, 1253x3442, IMG_5255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other yonkoma

>> No.7456016

Difficult to read your handwriting here. Maybe pencil it our with a ruler first next time

>> No.7456157

Say, what tips you have for sitting down and drawing regularly?
I'm not on level to draw unique stuff but I copy artwork pretty good and to develop my own style I am blending artists I like the most.
I know it's discipline issue but I would appreciate any other potential tips if there are some.

>> No.7456163

Close 4chan, disconnect your wifi and sit your ass down.

>> No.7456175

Treat it like a meditation ritual. Drawing is very relaxing and makes happy. You just have to make it a habit, then you do it automatically. Boredom makes creative. Just realize that things like tv or videogames will never fullfill you, drawing has the potential to do it tho.

>> No.7456188
File: 419 KB, 892x761, Pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7456234
File: 164 KB, 940x995, Screenshot 2025-01-29 145827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7456235

Oh shit I forgot to write, how do I make balloons look more interesting? How do I know if I'm using the right type of balloon?
I wanted to get anxiety/embarrassment across with this one but idk if it fits.

>> No.7456244

those panels can be split across 2 or even 3 pages what the fuck

>> No.7456254

I like it. But if you really want to show anxiety maybe you could do a close up of the character's face and turn the background black with a lot of weird scribbles in it

>> No.7456299
File: 191 KB, 383x709, tertre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7456473

Thanks! Yeah, I wont make it into an actual panel tho I just wanted to draw him (^-^)
If it was a panel I'd probably put sone dark hatching behind him

>> No.7456510
File: 967 KB, 1920x2940, MC4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

page 4

>> No.7456514
File: 799 KB, 1920x2940, MC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

page 5

>> No.7456515

I called my comic AECAST because many years ago I saw the word Icastic:
>Etymology: From Ancient Greek εἰκαστικός (eikastikós). Adjective: (rare) imitative or figurative; making a likeness.

As the entire greater plot revolves around something only being a mere imitation or likeness of the real thing (no spoilers lol), I decided to use the word as the title. A few discussions later with some friends, I settled on AECAST as the spelling (it could have been EICAST instead but I personally felt AE looked nicer). The greek origin of the word is also why I have the girls chanting their magic in the same language.

>> No.7456520
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x2940, MC6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

page 6 i want to kill myself

>> No.7456592

Aight... I appreciate the crit. I think the main issue is that I wrote that with a G-Pen, and also I was looking over my shoulder so that my boss wouldn't walk in on me drawing.

He did walk in on me kek.

I think the handwriting looked better in the second yonkoma because I used a regular fineliner to write the letters.

I'd probably be better off in digital, but sometimes I like the tactile experience of writing with a G-Pen (and also I like the smell of sumi-e ink).

>> No.7456656

>I think the handwriting looked better in the second yonkoma
It does.

>> No.7456747

I don't know, I just wait until I'm manic enough to start drawing. Its not a normal routine for me.

>> No.7456764

This. I always regret when I stay away from drawing. I'm slowly learning to always draw no matter how I feel about it.

>> No.7456784

what about when you draw and regret it because it doesn't look as good as you wanted?

>> No.7456815

every bad drawing gets you closer to a good drawing if you reflect on what you don't like about it
there is nothing to regret

>> No.7456828
File: 97 KB, 795x811, 11vzn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question about mouths. Should you always draw the upper teeth? And when it comes to catgirls, should you draw only one fang or both? Teeth and fangs maybe?

>> No.7457028

that's a stylistic choice, depends on what you want to do

>> No.7457034


>> No.7457062
File: 38 KB, 693x796, 081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever gets your rocks off. I do it like this

>> No.7457207
File: 334 KB, 651x517, comparision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking the opportunity to correct some old panels that I rushed

>> No.7457241
File: 406 KB, 1200x623, nagatoro-is-a-cute-skinfang-1200x623_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything but the flesh fang

>> No.7457253

no one will notice, but it does look better

>> No.7457259

I do ;' )
But you right

>> No.7457435

my life is a comedy so yes struggling mcs are very relatable
also i vote manlet

>> No.7457441

When writing the story, how do you come up with the inbetween bits to connect key scenes? That's what I always have problems with. I have some ideas for scenes in mind, and somewhat know where the story will go, but there still has to be some less important stuff happening inbetween, you know what I mean?

That's the hard thing about writing stories imo. Being able to connect everything with a bunch of ideas which all fit together. That's difficult

>> No.7457446

Well, I just think of it as setting up the pieces for those key scenes. I know this character needs to be in this location and this other character is going to kill him, so I will then figure out how to get the characters into position for this to happen.

>> No.7457464

Yes, but you also have to make it interesting somehow. It's one thing to reverse engineer a key scene and coming up with stuff which leads to that key scene, but actually making this set up interesting, that's what's difficult.

I want every page to be interesting, not just the key scenes. That's how a good manga looks like.

>> No.7457466

You might just be overthinking it. If people are invested in the characters and events then they'll find even the connective tissue interesting. Remember, they don't know what is going to happen or when, they're reading because they want to see what's going to happen next.
>I want every page to be interesting, not just the key scenes. That's how a good manga looks like.
I guess I've never read a good manga, because I've never seen a manga where every single page was interesting on its own. Everything has lulls, or pages that don't really contribute that much to moving things along. It's impractical, or maybe just downright bad pacing for every single page to be interesting. For the same reason that detailing every inch of a painting is not strong composition. There needs to be breathers.

>> No.7457471

>There needs to be breathers.
There are breathers, but you still can make the breathers interesting too. It's not bad pacing, it's just fast pacing. I like stories which go from one interesting thing to the next, a bit like a rollercoaster.

>> No.7457485
File: 446 KB, 400x280, Noej1eK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally finish the re-writting, now it's time to draw!

>> No.7457499

If you are not american, you can safely skip drawing teeth unless the shot calls for them. They add complexity and the needless detail can throw the reader some uncanny valley feelings.
If you are american, nothing of that will make sense. Just draw them.

Fuck haters, draw flesh fangs.

>> No.7457528

I had the same problem when I started my story. I'm still trying to figure out how to do some in-betweens. I try to make everything as interesting as I can, but sometimes there just isn't much you can do to make scene more engaging. Another issue is making those scenes make sense and avoid plotholes.

>> No.7457569

>If you are not american
>If you are american
what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.7457654

He hates americans so he wants americans to draw unnecessary things

>> No.7458156

I think the solution for the inbetweens is being able to catch the essence of the story and coming up with things to add to this. Like what is the story or scene really about, and how can I amplify this core idea.
It's just so difficult to come up with a core idea which even allows this. To me stories are like an essay. A short piece of writing on a particular subject.

>> No.7458256
File: 383 KB, 922x1035, Untitled236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So progress so far
Dont like the big panel
But maybe its me

>> No.7458385

Although I like to draw cute girls, talking with women in general in rl is a pain lol

>> No.7458391
File: 18 KB, 471x388, pepelaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7458450

Women are not cute girls. They are 2 different creatures.

>> No.7458472

Start creepmaxxing and obsess over a muse who doesn't know you exist.

>> No.7458678
File: 309 KB, 862x974, learning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finally finished fixing up my comic (as much as I can without indulging in the trap of redrawing).

I'm mostly satisfied, I'll storytime soon somewhere.

>> No.7458700
File: 534 KB, 552x1835, bullrun_chan_how_to_spot_a_scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practicing digital manga in 4koma form

>> No.7459091
File: 199 KB, 1141x914, 20250131_121713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... any idea to deal with this shit?

>> No.7459093

limiting yourself to 10 year olds and under solves this "issue"

>> No.7459095

what issue? if you mean the color shift, deal with it, 99% of monitors are utter shit and heavily tinted even when calibrated, which they never are
this is the same thing that exists in sound mixing and color grading, generally you pick a popular device you can use as reference (read: iphone)

>> No.7459096

check what your tablet's color calibration is then check your monitors color calibration. If they're different profiles, pick one. Use your phone for reference to get it to appear correctly.

>> No.7459097

the monitor did you a favor 2bh

>> No.7459112

could've drawn her thinking about a big tbone steak to show she likes eating too much, I don't know where though

>> No.7459119
File: 269 KB, 1282x1005, Broken Henshin Area 03 Rinren&#039;s Broken Mirror layout copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- layout for my next page
You can do what I do and draw with a mouse

>> No.7459127
File: 102 KB, 295x408, image (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there sufficient clarity and contrast in this panel? (It's small in the final page) I'm very new to comics and still trying to hammer out stylization.

>> No.7459146

it's very tiny paper, hard to fit anything in
perhaps I need to think of a more fitting, tiny story

>> No.7459147
File: 538 KB, 2544x1299, ghost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider this ghost

>> No.7459152

You are getting better at hands. Did you ever finish that whatever-can picture you were doing of /mmg/, out of curiosity?

>> No.7459154

Ok that was weird. Meant to only write "whatever picture."

>> No.7459165

I'm finally done writing the outline for another short story. It's a weird one but I like it. I just always seem to have a problem with dialogue. I somehow can't write a story with interesting dialogue. It just always devolves into action after the beginning.

Should I try to add narration boxes when there isn't really any room for dialogue or monologue?

>> No.7459283
File: 379 KB, 1500x1004, 38457937597345234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More detail good? More detail bad? MISPLACED detail = potential to confuse or confound readers.

If you want your compositions to be clearer, you have to bend to what's called the "hierarchy of detail" which is just an outright proven good for illustrations or comics (especially animation) that makes things pleasing to the eye but most importantly easy to understand at first glance.

>> No.7459287

mmm yeah that's what I'm struggling with. This is a much more refined and finnicky art than expected and it feels like a couple patches of hatching in the right or wrong place can make or break a picture.

>> No.7459290

first image is best, thoughever

>> No.7459293

I think yes, the first has some kind of nice character and I've tried for the same with that panel I posted. The degree of detail kinda hits the "Memory triggering" stage like Mccloud describes in his book. It's also reminiscent of old turn of the 20th century pen and ink drawings. I think the true sweet spot is here but dialed back slightly for just enough readability.

>> No.7459321

...I dont get it.

>> No.7459353

Referencing the Luigi Mangione thirst trap tik toks


>> No.7459371

Comics are a lot like an alphabet where the utility of letters can be meshed with a beautiful style, but you need to take care that the style of each letter doesn't become so complicated you can't read the words they are supposed to communicate. The subjective nature of being able to appreciate lots of detail goes to each person, but since stories aren't crafted for only one set of eyes you have to take care that each image can be understood by as many people as possible. Capish?

Obviously there are examples of people who ignore compositional rules though they do suffer for it. I think in Miura's case the sheer nature of him going overkill is deeply rooted in the body of his work (no pun intended)

My personal opinion in this case is, if you choose to break a rule then you should be purposeful and consistant. Otherwise your art will just be full of errors.

>> No.7459535

I like the sound of the translation "overman" rather than "superman" when it comes to the ubermensch. Then I just picked a name I liked that started with O. Coincidentally after the fact I've stumbled across an obituary of an "oswald overman" as well as an "oswald Ulmer". Ulmer the underman is the sidekick so to speak.

>> No.7459613

I'm too old for this shit
My boomer manga will have to have a limited audience I guess

>> No.7459714

I've been studying a bit. About that drawing I didnt pass the sketch phase. >>7455859
I thought "land of the high cross" to be a long name and I didnt want to have two names in different languages again, so I did Alta(high) ruz(from "cruz" "cross") Ia(for land like in russia, romania) Altaruzia. But I didnt like the Z and changed to S and it became Altarusia

>> No.7459933

>you have to take care that each image can be understood by as many people as possible
This is such bullshit. If you just draw for popularity, then all you can draw is shonen shit. Just because manga like Vagabond are not as popular as Dragonball or whatever, doesn't mean it's worse just because it's draw in high detail.

People generally have shit taste, especially in manga. It's a medium which favors simple styles for children, but this doesn't mean you have to follow this trend. You can make your pictures as detailed as you want, but you have to be able to draw this cleanly too. The fact that many people are too dumb to decifer what's going on, is something you should ignore.

>> No.7459989

You're right, it's not better or worse because in the hierarchy of detail there's another thing which isn't talked about- HOW detail is applied. I failed to mention that line width also plays an important role, so does hatching, or tone. There are many different ways to go about applying these kinds of methods. That being said Vagabond still follows basic compositional theory even if it's not strictly to the letter in every panel. But also, you don't have to. If there's enough clarity overall to tell what's happening then you're gucci. If people frequently get hung up on things you might have to change how you work.

>> No.7460009

>line width also plays an important role
Yea definitely. The way Vagabond is drawn is very difficult achieve. The gras is so precisely drawn, that's why I think Inoue is able to draw so detailed.

>> No.7460045

You've got it wrong man. The reason you take care to make sure the image is as clearly understood as possible is because it's really, really fucking hard to actually make a comic that can be understood by a lot of people. I can guarantee that there are people out there that can't follow something as simple as Dragon Ball. If you aim to make something lots of people understand, you're only likely to be understood by a fraction of that. If you aim to make something a few people will understand, you'll still only be understood by a fraction of that. Understand? You aim high because the result will always be lower than you want.
Also you're comparing two very mainstream comics aimed at broad audiences... and your examples both utilize varying levels of detail for compositional purposes. Inoue's characters are drawn in less detail than his environments. Prioritizing readability, contrast and hierarchy of detail is the approach taken by even the "detailed" artists. Because it's just good composition.

>> No.7460075

>it's really, really fucking hard to actually make a comic that can be understood by a lot of people
I understand what you mean, but not everyone even wants people to understand everything. Some people favor very clear and simple styles, others prefer more abstract styles.

The goal of making a story is not to be understood by as many people as possible. That's where you are wrong. I for example like being confused by stories. I like stories which are a bit abstract and open to interpretation. A story which is easily understood on the first read is boring to me. Some stories you can read multiple times and still discover new and interesting things about it, which is good.

This doesn't mean you don't have to pay attention to composition and lineweight, but it's also not about being as simple and transparent as possible.

>> No.7460086
File: 65 KB, 748x327, panelWIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotten to the point where the chapter is about 90% planned out. Now I'm basically storyboarding pages.
I sketched a few good looking panels. I changed the setting on one of my brushes and it's doing better than I imagined.
My tablet was stuttering, I had restarted my pc and everything. Turns out my pen's nib was getting too short.
Hoping to finish sketching out the pages by the 10th. And then jump into the inks.

>> No.7460088

My man you can write the story however you want, we're talking about the artwork here. You really ought to aim to make your work easy to read. Nothing is made better by making it difficult to tell what's going on or more tiring to read. That is what we're trying to say here: hierarchy of detail makes the work easier to read and understand, which is desirable 99% of the time.
I should point out that this is an entirely different thing from target audiences. Nobody out there prefers works that are literally more difficult to read because the artwork is cluttered with poor composition, because this gets in the way of absorbing the work -- a completely different thing from the story being intentionally hard to understand, or a drawing being deliberately unclear or whatever. You should aim to make your composition and drawings as easy to parse as possible. Even mindfuck stories manage that. Ultraheaven, for example, is very easy to actually *read* and shows a clear understanding of composition and when and where to detail a drawing, that work's whole point is to feel like a disjointed drug trip.

>> No.7460097

>Nothing is made better by making it difficult to tell what's going on
If something is difficult to read is very subjective tho. Like you already said, even Dragonball is probably not understood by everyone. And the more detailed and complex your drawings become, the more people will be there who don't understand them. This is just something you have to live with.

Quality is not the same as accessibility. I am not doing this to spoonfeed anyone.

>> No.7460102

>If something is difficult to read is very subjective tho. Like you already said, even Dragonball is probably not understood by everyone. And the more detailed and complex your drawings become, the more people will be there who don't understand them. This is just something you have to live with.
Yes, and that's why I'm saying you should aim to make it clearer than you think it needs to be. Because less people will understand what is going on than you think. As the person who's drawing the work, you have an inherently biased perspective because you know what you're drawing to depict already. A reader seeing it for the first time has to understand what they're looking like right away or they'll bounce off. So you should make the work as clear as you possibly can, because there's a good chance that even trying that you'll fail to make it clear enough for as many people as you hope to. Just because you can't make it clear enough for everyone does not mean you should not TRY to, because if you DON'T try to then you'll end up with even less people understanding. You're vastly undervaluing how important clarity is in a comic. Before a reader even knows if they like what they're seeing, they have to actually see what you're trying to convey first. It's the bare fucking minimum, and it's not trivial to achieve. So you would do well to take it into serious consideration when deciding where and what you detail.

>> No.7460109

What you don't understand is that not everyone wants to make comics for everyone. People have target audiences or simply draw for themselves. If you have constructive criticism, then I will take it into consideration, but I do not care if you understand my drawings, at all. That's not what I draw for. I draw to express myself, not to be understood by as many people as possible. I don't care what you think of me.

There are many manga which are insanely well drawn and thought out, and this is exactly one of the reasons why they are not very popular. People want dumb action, they want explosions and marvel tier shit. This is why I couldn't care less if you understand anything I do.

>> No.7460113

What YOU don't understand is that this applies whether you're making comics "for everyone" or not. Did I not already say that this is a separate issue from target audiences?
If you don't care if anybody reads your comic then fine, you do you, but don't argue that people who do care shouldn't try their hardest to make their work clear and easy to read from an artistic perspective.

>> No.7460120

>this is a separate issue from target audiences
No, it's not. You want comics which spoonfeed you and make it easy for you to understand what's going on. I want the exact opposite. I like stories which confuse me and take some work to get into. I am a different target audience than you. It's clear from what you are writing.

Readablity is subjective. Quality of artwork is less subjective. With writing it's the same. many people say that you shouldn't make flashbacks too much, because it's "confusing the reader". I am the exact opposite. I like flashbacks and authors which jump from timeline to timline. I like stories which confuse me.

>> No.7460125

>You want comics which spoonfeed you and make it easy for you to understand what's going on
I never said anything about what I want. Wtf is this shameless strawman argument?
> I want the exact opposite. I like stories which confuse me and take some work to get into.
Got any examples?

>> No.7460128
File: 678 KB, 1136x1317, Gupt_9780307831880_epub_141_r1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other guy is right, good composition is an objective quality and his advice was excellent
go back to /a/

>> No.7460132

>I never said anything about what I want
You said you want as many people as possible to understand your comic. I do not.
I do not care if you understand my drawings, because I know it has nothing to do with the quality.

>Got any examples?
I'm not here to spoonfeed you.

>> No.7460134

Understanding (or not understanding) what is going on is not the same as readability.

I think you're equating abstract or non sequitur with readability. There is a stark difference between a comic that is confusing as hell, but still readable because the comic is meant to engage the reader by making them think a certain way, and a comic that is unreadable because it looks and flows like shit.

>> No.7460136

>You said you want as many people as possible to understand your comic.
Nope, at no point in this discussion did I ever say that. You can check yourself, it's all there to see.
>I'm not here to spoonfeed you.
Spoonfeed me... what? I'm not asking for a recommendation, I'm asking for an example of a comic you like. You. You know, he who doesn't want something that's easy to read? I'm asking to see what that looks like. What, you want me to google "comics that are hard to read" or something?

>> No.7460139

The person I replied to talked about understandability of a drawing, so that's what I refered to.

Readability is subjective. Tsutomu Nihei barely made any money when he made Blame!, because people are too stupid to understand what he did. Now he draws kawaii uguu stories, with very accessible readability, because of people like you, who don't understand what he did.

I do nto give a shit if you think my drawings are readable, because it doesn't anything about the quality. People are dumb as fuck, that's why readability is subjective.

>> No.7460140

NTA but you seem to be lost. This is the manga thread

>> No.7460143

>Nope, at no point in this discussion did I ever say that
> take care that each image can be understood by as many people as possible
Now you are just a liar. It obviously makes no sense replying to you, because you are just stupid. You are a sellout looking for the lowest common denominator. People like you have no clue about art.

>> No.7460146

>with very accessible readability, because of people like you, who don't understand what he did.

Kind of funny how you talk about readability, then completely miss the point of my post. Guess you're not a smart as you are convinced you are.

>> No.7460148
File: 2.91 MB, 2544x3504, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7460156
File: 928 KB, 1119x1312, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, finally a concrete example.
Blame! is actually one of my favorite manga. This is what I suspected: you're confusing the composition of the drawings with what those drawings are conveying. Blame! is absolutely not some confusing, impenetrable work at all. It simply does not explain much. It doesn't spoonfeed. But make no mistake, what it DOES depict it takes great care to do so as clearly as it reasonably can. If you copy what Blame! does then you'll do fine, because regardless of what you're claiming it is, it's a very easy to understand work page-to-page. It flows well and the drawings are clear. Aim for that. Or don't.

First, that was a different anon.
Second, the part you cut out in your quote was "YOU have to take care[...]". Why did you think you could get away with just lying like that? Again, the posts are right here in the thread for anybody to see. At no point did I say what I like or want. I only spoke on what you *ought* to do, assuming (apparently mistakenly) that you wanted people to actually understand what you are taking the time to put on the page.

Here, now it's manga.

>> No.7460157

manga making thread on the art critique board, not the complain about trends thread on the consumer board
guptill is peak mmg

>> No.7460163

>Blame! is absolutely not some confusing, impenetrable work at all
But that's not what people seem to think. The artist said himself that many people simply could not tell what was going on in his panels. Readability is subjective. You have no clue what you are talkign about.

>> No.7460165
File: 2.45 MB, 2143x3056, BLAME! - c009 (v02) - p347 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not beat around the bush here.
Is this a confusing panel? Can you tell what's going on here?

>> No.7460166
File: 3.38 MB, 4284x3056, BLAME! - c016 (v03) - p228-229 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about here?

>> No.7460167
File: 3.55 MB, 2142x1528, BLAME! - c018 (v03) - p280-281 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or here?

>> No.7460168
File: 1.56 MB, 1072x1528, BLAME! - c063 (v10) - p238 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire]{r2}2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think these pages are what Nihei is referring to when he says "many people simply could not tell what was going on"?

What I'm trying to say is that regardless of what the guy says, regardless of what people are saying, look at the actual work itself and think about what you are seeing. Do you think these pages are confusing, or unclear, or difficult to understand? And do you think that was really the *intent*?

>> No.7460170

>Do you think these pages are confusing, or unclear, or difficult to understand? And do you think that was really the *intent*?
It doesn't matter what I think. I simply said what most people think. Most people are stupid, especially manga fans, so go and take your "readability" and shove up your ass.

>> No.7460171

Take this page for example. What he did was he drew a series of actions: Sanakan pointing her gun, the safeguard(iirc) not reacting to it, then the gun falls apart. This action is depicted with utmost clarity. What it's lacking is dialog like "Guh... my gun broke!?" reinforcing that action and making it extra clear what's happening. THAT is not what I'm talking about when I say "make clarity your goal". I'm referring only to what you see here: the drawing of the action itself. Yes, you could add dialog to reinforce the drawing. But we are talking about the drawings, not adding dialog. Aim for your drawings to be easy to understand without dialog, as in these examples.

>> No.7460173

well intentioned but he's not going to back down from his retarded post-modernist pedestal, just stop feeding him
thanks for the BLAME! pages though, good inspo, I love this dude so much

>> No.7460176

Drawing to make it readable for everyone is retarded. If you want to make it as easily understood for everyone as possible, then go and draw stick figures.

>> No.7460185
File: 3.38 MB, 2142x1528, BLAME! - c014 (v03) - p162-163 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol fair point. I'm just overeager to talk about manga I guess, been taking too much obvious-in-retrospect bait lately. Enjoy my favorite spread.

>> No.7460189

>To tell the truth, though, I don’t like thinking about back when I was working on Blame!. My work is pretty light on dialogue and people tend to say it’s hard to understand

>I was making it up as I went along, which is why people say my work is difficult to follow
>So after about ten years of that, I decided to try doing a normal manga for once – change up my art style, try to make as user-friendly a manga as possible. Knights of Sidonia is one of the results of that.
>I wanted the art to have a Tezuka-level mass appeal. (laugh)
>I wanted the story to be simple, too – nothing that would lose the reader
> I feel like I need to do more to appeal to female readers

>When there's more linework than dark blacks in the artwork, I'm able to convey more information. For example, if in this particular scene in BLAME!, it's drawn so dark, you can barely see that there are stairs there. When I paint a lot of black in the background, it looks cool and stylish, but it creates a situation where I am not able to draw as much information and details in the panel.

>Ah, you're right. When I transitioned from drawing Biomega to creating Knights of Sidonia, my thinking was that I wanted to make something that was more accessible, and easier for people to read and enjoy.

So much for "readability". People are just stupid, so readability is subjective. Catering to what most people find "readable" is basically just being a sellout.

>> No.7460194

Hm, you know what, you're right. This one famous, published author says his older work wasn't as readable as it should have been. Therefore you, a literal who beginner, should just completely forget about bothering to make your work readable because you don't care about anybody reading it. Yep, that tracks perfectly. Enjoy making manga for yourself man, sincerely.

>> No.7460197

>take care that each image can be understood by as many people as possible. Capish?
Just reminder of what I was originally replying to. Basically people like this only want mainstream manga for females and retards.

>> No.7460199

I should probably read blame...

>> No.7460200

Nice strawmanning, asshole.

>> No.7460201

illiterate retard

>> No.7460205

People will make up any excuse to not learn :/

>> No.7460212

pyw, learning-kun

>> No.7460222
File: 968 KB, 976x1255, spider-cocktail-p003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been beating myself up over this page, and I wasn't even worried about the composition until now

>> No.7460224
File: 1.62 MB, 1827x2500, wayfarer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't drawn a comic page in a minute. Starting a new project soon, lol.

>> No.7460231

Unreadable mess. Please learn composition and don't drown everything in unstructured detail. Anon posted some good pointers above.

>> No.7460235

you need to work on your proompting

>> No.7460251

You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

>> No.7460264
File: 567 KB, 1766x934, no u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yourself a favor and take the 10 minutes it takes to understand the pointers anon posted above and get a bare minimum understanding of composition.
It's not complicated and it will make your work palatable to some degree.

>> No.7460268

Not him but what pointers? >>7459283 these ones about separating the character from the background? There is no background.

>> No.7460273

There not being any background makes it worse because there's nothing to balance the composition, it's just noise >>7460128

>> No.7460277

I dunno, it looks fine to me. The composition pretty obviously draws the eye to the abs/chest area, with that being the area of highest contrast/most detail. The rest of the detailing is indeed just noise, which is fine because you're not initially looking right at it. I think where he messed up is shading the innermost leaves a little too thickly and making the feathers or fur tufts or whatever that is on the legs too high contrast. It seems to me like he basically is employing those Guptil techniques, just not as well as Guptil does (obviously). It's certainly not unreadable in any case.

>> No.7460278

Rye pic isn't about the background, it's about relationships, it doesn't matter if it's a tree, a figure, or part of the costume

>> No.7460283

You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

>> No.7460285

Care to demonstrate then, o glorious teacher?

>> No.7460297

Fuck you. There, demonstrated.

>> No.7460309

This reminds me of an encounter with a person who tried to boast about himself about a comic he had not made (and still hasn't) and said something to the effect of "I would rather spend a full year on a page and make sure it was the most beautiful than draw a hundred ugly pages!" It's this sort of ignorant defiance of the reality of comics that actually makes me laugh.

I wouldn't bother to share any tips or knowledge if I didn't have the kind of confidence only won by years of experience. I posted this tip to help someone break into something unfamiliar, not a personal attack. But if you feel attacked by it then I hope it hurt you a lot, because clearly it did.

>> No.7460332

Who are you even talking to?

>> No.7460349 [DELETED] 

And the everyone clapped and told me I had won the internet argument and the teacher missed me on the cheek.

>> No.7460351

And the everyone clapped and told me I had won the internet argument and the teacher kissed me on the cheek.

>> No.7460360
File: 50 KB, 421x303, IMG_20241229_133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if becoming a successful trader is less improbable than becoming a mangaka.

>> No.7460375

NTA, I've never read or watched BLAME!, lets see
The blade of the robotic creature rotates down. The main character watches from somewhere within the scene.
2 Characters close to a fire.
2 somewhat robotic creatures meeting each other, perhaps about to fight
Girl points gun at the robotic dude and the robotic dude, just by looking at it, slices said gun in halff
did i do good?

>> No.7460379

It was a rhetorical question, but more-or-less, yeah. It isn't the drawings that makes Blame! confusing to people.

>> No.7460398

>It isn't the drawings that makes Blame! confusing to people
Yea sure, that's why nihei completely changed his drawing style when he wanted to sellout. No more sketchy lines, everything clean because retards can't read sketchy lines. No more deep blacks, because retards can't read dark images with awesome screentone use. No more gritty character designs, because retards need waifus and romance animu.
Not to mention the action scenes in Blame which are often drawn very loose and quickly.

>> No.7460403
File: 1013 KB, 1115x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No more sketchy lines, everything clean because retards can't read sketchy lines. No more deep blacks
>Not to mention the action scenes in Blame which are often drawn very loose and quickly.
Dude what? His current manga is nothing BUT sketchy lines, deep blacks and loose, quickly drawn action scenes. You're dying on a strange hill.

>> No.7460404

>His current manga is nothing BUT sketchy lines, deep blacks and loose, quickly drawn action scenes. You're dying on a strange hill.
He literally said in an interview that he changed his style. You have no clue what you are talking about. He literally went from mature style to Osamu Tezuka cartoon style.

>> No.7460411

How about instead of continuing to wage this gay little argument, you correct your mistake and go read Tower Dungeon. Or, better yet, draw some manga. No more (you)s until I see some work.

>> No.7460412

>we want the fujimoto audience

>> No.7460484

personally I think Tower Dungeon looks great

>> No.7460502
File: 969 KB, 719x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7460614

Broken thumb

>> No.7460676
File: 1.36 MB, 3000x4000, Sunburn ch1 pg7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better be drawing

>> No.7460688


Damn, poranon. Looks hot as fuck.

When will it be published?

>> No.7460874
File: 76 KB, 564x471, gspanel 1s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am writing.
This is my most complex story idea yet, and cannot be properly explained in an "elevator pitch", but I also think it's my best yet and hits on a lot of themes I've always wanted to draw.

>> No.7460876

the state of this thread is making me fucking pissed, I liked mmg better when it was dead

>> No.7460883

I find it rather amusing, a lot of people with an overly high self assessment with no work or achievements to back up their words make for great motivation.

>> No.7460887

not to rain on your parade, but I honestly can't think of a good story that couldn't be explained in an elevator pitch, in any medium

>> No.7460894

>a lot of people with an overly high self assessment with no work or achievements to back up their words make for great motivation.
this is how I feel about most people that criticize media on youtube, be it manga, games, movies etc
especially the ones that act super smug when they themselves have never done any creative work

>> No.7460898

>is my comic bad?
>no, the audience is wrong

>> No.7460900

The worst for me is the
>[some absolute fucking nobody who did some amateur shit one time] REACTS TO [acclaimed professional work in a nerd medium]
as if they are some sort of authority or expert to give us lowly dorks their approval for our cute little media and how "surprisingly good" something like the music to a video game is when it was composed by someone with decades of training and experience over the random Youtard

>> No.7460939

You are not the audience

>> No.7460940

>my most complex story idea yet, and cannot be properly explained in an "elevator pitch"
Complexity is not intrinsically better, and any idea that cannot be boiled down to the most essential parts in an elevator pitch is not an idea worth having. Either hammer things out or trim the fat.

>> No.7460942

Maybe I mixed up "story" with "premise"

>> No.7460955

Boiling any complex plot down to the most simplistic parts almost always makes it sound retarded though. Especially anything Japanese. Those kind of stories REQUIRE a long, slow burn to ease someone into the insanity. If you told anyone what it was about right off the bat, they'd never give it a chance.

>> No.7460960

Yeah, you're just bad at writing. Don't get me wrong, we all are, but your story isn't too complex and japanese for communication, it's just an unstructured mess in your head.

>> No.7460964

is anyone? lol

>> No.7460971

>Boiling any complex plot down to the most simplistic parts almost always makes it sound retarded though.
There is no difference between an elevator pitch and somebody in a book shop picking up a manga and going "yo what's this one about." You really think you're going to sit that person down and autistically explain the whole plot? No, you're going to give them one or two of the major points and the subject matter.

Are you going to start explaining how the universe of Goblin Slayer is actually just a giant DND campaign run by the gods and there are dark elves and monsters trying to destroy the world? No. You start off with "dude kills rape goblins and he wants to kill them all."

You gonna start summarizing all of something like Bleach or One Piece too if you had to pitch it? No, you're going to say "magic ninja sword motherfuckers do shit" or "crazy zany pirate motherfuckers do shit."

>> No.7460978
File: 281 KB, 220x166, 1623330751483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah like I said, I mixed up story and premise. Whoops.

>> No.7460982

Fair enough. Then what is the general premise of the story?

>> No.7460995

How about "Rhodesian Bush War in an alternate history timeline, but from the perspective of a political spy with uncertain allegiances in the capital instead of a soldier in the field"

>> No.7461000

Have you pitched this story before? Why does this sound familiar to me? Sounds interesting enough regardless.

>> No.7461013

No, someone else may have thought of something similar before. In fact, I would be surprised if no one did. But that's fine, I'm sure they didn't execute the way I'm doing it.

>> No.7461067

What the fuck? Why's she eating his willy?!

>> No.7461082

>I'm sure they didn't execute
statistically likely
>the way I'm doing it

>> No.7461097

What's the point of your post?
What were you hoping to accomplish?

>> No.7461117

what are you hoping to accomplish with that display of butthurt at innocuous banter?

>> No.7461161
File: 68 KB, 625x468, 4e53e75f4a223a144301c6d4da0401d4763a3ba39b46727dfc49aba41998567d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, well

>> No.7461289


I was hoping to finish it this month, but it'll probably be finished in March. So it'll probably be published in May, then released digitally in June.


>> No.7461907

>Or, better yet, draw some manga
I would love to draw manga, but I am too stupid to write good stories. I am just not convinced enough by my stories to sit down and put in all the work to draw them. IT's a matter of having too high standards and a lack of storytelling talent.

>> No.7461910

I wonder if my view of my stories would change if I just sit down and doodle them, but it just seems so pointless. Writing good stories is just too difficult. You have to be a small genius to write good stories.

>> No.7461929

What do you mean? You're only writing for now? Just start drawing. Or at least draw the parts in which you're already sure you won't change later. Or maybe start working on the concept arts for it.

>> No.7461931
File: 263 KB, 690x1012, one-outs-japs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to be a small genius to write good stories.
Write non-fictions. Actual stuff that happen to you. Sad stuff. Funny stuff.
Change names and settings to make it fiction.
Add horns to make it fantasy.
Not joking.
This is unironically the writing equivalent of drawing from observation or using references.

>> No.7462009

I think to write stuff like in your picture, you need to have a talent with words. You can experience as much as you want, if you can't put words together in an interesting way, then you can't write stories about it. I just don't know how to structure sentences to make them appear interesting. I have nothng to say to people, apart from telling them that they can fuck themselves.

>> No.7462020

>wont draw comics
>wont write stories
>wont seek to gain motivation or insights from reading this thread
>will complain about it

Get out of this thread, sir

>> No.7462025

I'm probably a better artist than you fuckign faggot. If you get discouraged by my words then that's your problem.

>> No.7462029

>apart from telling them that they can fuck themselves
Draw people and situation that annoy you. Use your self-insert character telling them go fuck themselves.
Like that rick and summer x gon give it to ya post ending. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DO7eQGSvqE

>> No.7462054


>> No.7462065
File: 122 KB, 1024x1024, 1730127933162089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are too neurotic from a lack of working on your projects
go write and draw RIGHT NOW

>> No.7462089
File: 1005 KB, 747x843, Screenshot - 2025-02-02T164907.807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im just some former no-draw who started studying and working on comics a bit more seriously late into last year. Here's a thing I did in december.

If you can do better than this, that's good for you and congratulations on that, but it's not going to change the fact that what I said is true and that you're being a whiny little bitch about a problem that is very much solvable if you just sit down in front of your drawing board. I had hoped I didnt need to spell this out and I'm a little apalled by how aggressively defensive you are about this.


I get the feeling he won't and even if he does my point stands

>> No.7462091

inb4 "not a comic" yeah this was a practice piece

>> No.7462092

On it!

>> No.7462194

>if you can't put words together in an interesting way, then you can't write stories about it
My brother in Loomis we are making comics here. Nobody wants pure shit but at the same time what is expected for a decent enough story is a relatively low bar.

>> No.7462215

>I get the feeling he won't
I don't want to embarrass you in frotn of everyone, so no, I won't.

>> No.7462220

>what is expected for a decent enough story is a relatively low bar.
This is true. Many comics or manga are basically just shitposts. But still, I find making stories with interesting dialogues or monologues is difficult. I'm just not good at this, but I would liek to. I think I'm just a very visual person. When I think of interesting scenes, then I think images I would find interesting. And thatÄs how my stories turn out too. So they end up lacking in dialogues.

>> No.7462221

Thank you for saying this.
If that's what you think, I am going to do the complete opposite of what you think are "good pointers" because you will never make it

>> No.7462226

That's even more embarrassing. Thanks for the chuckle

>> No.7462238

What a whiny faggot, can't even put your money where your mouth is, ngmi

>> No.7462293
File: 199 KB, 1494x705, whatisyourjobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7462296

Use a ruler.

>> No.7462301

I kneel to no one.

>> No.7462319

Extreme lack of perspective, you need to draw and write a lot to get better at either, you're not going to make kino on your first try
draw 1000 pages before you start complaining about how hard it is

>> No.7462347

There's no way you could embarass me. I have been transparent about my level and what stage of art journey I'm at. Someone else possibly being better does not disgrace me. Post it :^)

>> No.7462350

>you're not going to make kino on your first try
Chances are you're not going to make kino anyways. Ever. So just do whatever you want.

>> No.7462380
File: 85 KB, 899x1024, 1602135630273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7462396
File: 3.25 MB, 992x1403, IMG_20200429_0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, here is a manga I did this a few years ago while being in hospital. I didn't have a pencil so I just used a ballpoint pen.

>> No.7462408

your art is not bad, your pretentiousness is holding you back

>> No.7462472
File: 3.90 MB, 2200x1716, 1668384495306540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who remembers that one anon who made a short comic using the MC from One Outs and disappeared?
I wonder what they're up to.

>> No.7462485

Damn that's pretty. Why are you entertaining this moron instead of drawing?

>> No.7462497

Thanks, I am drawing, but drawing manga is still very difficult for me.
Currently I am having problems with the panel layout again.

There is always this porblem of needing an elongated panel, but only having space for a square panel. I don't know what to do about this.

>> No.7462542

You keep saying you don't understand paneling but you clearly have a basic understanding of it, so now I'm even more confused.

What you're struggling with sounds absolutely salvageable just by drawing manga like everyone including me is telling you to but it sounds like you just dont want sit down and try if it's not perfect right out of the gate. No wonder you're stumped about it.

There is a book posted in the current Artbook thread >>7450234 specifically about manga paneling and about why certain panels would be used for certain scenes/contexts. It is in Japanese, but you can use an MTL for that. It has short exercises later into the book where you're supposed to turn what you learned into 2 page manga.

>Why are you entertaining this moron instead of drawing?

My first comment was a thinly veiled "just draw manga" and now you call me a moron while saying the same thing.

>> No.7462554
File: 480 KB, 922x1035, Untitled236_20250202225312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new fav page

>> No.7462557

>There is a book posted in the current Artbook thread
Thanks! Sounds interesting, but how do I download this? I don't know how to decode these links.

My current way of solving the panel problem is just to tilt the camera a bit, use 3 point perspective, and maybe use the empty space from the square panel for speechbobbles or environment if there is a chance. It's just annoying not really getting what you want, but I guess I just have to work my way around it sometimes. Restructuring the whole page is too much.

>> No.7462563


You use sites like https://www.base64decode.org/ to decode it. Just copypaste the gibberish into the textbox and hit decode

>> No.7462565

Also as a side, I remember Urasawa or someone on his show once mentioning that you can use the inside of the panel borders to create negative space, so its not even necessary to use all available space all of the time.

>> No.7462573

looks good

>> No.7462590


>so its not even necessary to use all available space all of the time.
Yea, I guess so. However when you want to do a portrait shot for example, then technically a perpendicular panel would be better. But I guess you don't have to do it all the time like this.

I currently just used a bit of frog perspective and added a bit of the arms and hands to it. This way I could use most of the sqaure.

>> No.7462592

>frog perspective
I mean bird perspective

>> No.7462674
File: 1.34 MB, 3000x4000, Sunburn ch1 pg7 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7462814
File: 1.20 MB, 1676x1200, uhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were joking. Bros?

>> No.7462815

This is so ugly...

>> No.7462841

did he just get a model for the trees and then blent it

>> No.7462973
File: 172 KB, 969x849, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7463471
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x2940, Page 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

page 7 done

>> No.7463473
File: 744 KB, 1088x859, 6and7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

together with page 6

>> No.7463587

What do you think of characters overlapping panel frames a bit? Like when a bit of the head goes over the frame for example. Do you think it's annoying or don't mind? I noticed I do this a lot, because I always feel like I don't have enough space when drawing the storyboard.

>> No.7463595

Looking good between. I like comics with lots of black in them.

>> No.7463634

It doesn't matter to me much either way and it can be nice to show a little bit of overlap for a 3d effect.

>> No.7463647

>can be nice to show a little bit of overlap for a 3d effect.
Yea, that's what I also think. I always think I should rather make it overlap instead of cutting stuff from my drawings. However, I don't really see this being done from professionals that much. They only do it from time to time, but not the constantly.

>> No.7463740

I think it looks really cool

>> No.7463771
File: 394 KB, 2480x3508, dagothurcomicedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, anons. I made this comic earlier at the request of someone on /v/ and they complained that they couldn't tell what any panel was except for the last one. I think they were right and the only reason I can tell what it is is because I drew it. I don't want to work on it anymore, but I did fix some colors and do some bandaid fixes, which might have helped. But I do want to hear what you guys think needs to be done better next time.
I'll the post the original, before the edits and fixes here too.
https://files.catbox.moe/9qxjy9.png original no color
https://files.catbox.moe/85tey1.png original with color
I'm very fresh to digital and not great at art to begin with, but I want it to at least be understandable lol.

>> No.7463788
File: 1.11 MB, 2544x3504, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaah I just want this chapter to end

>> No.7463834

How many more pages for Altarusia? Also did you ever finish that "girls of /mmg/" thing you were doing by any chance? Obviously no pressure if not, just wanted to ask.

>> No.7463910

yeah this is really hard to read visually, the only panel I could instantly get was the bottom right
im not super familiar with morrowind but I know that character cause he gets posted a lot, I think he's like some god and I also know Morrowind features like a volcano in the middle and that's important to the story so I think that the middle left panel is that god standing over a volcano maybe?
I don't really know
after a couple minutes I can also make out a character walking over a bridge and a character carrying a bunch of items on a backpack or something of the sorts
to be honest I don't really know how to make something be visually easy to read cause i'm just an amateur too

>> No.7463922

For this chapter +- 7 pages more. About that drawing still on sketch.

>> No.7463941
File: 28 KB, 406x280, Gi5kp9IWsAA6qQt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any reference for different types of speech bubbles? I'm looking for one similar to the one on the right bottom corner of picrel, but it has the shape of a "star" in the middle instead of a circle

>> No.7463973

Nah forget about it. Found something better

>> No.7464004

Uuhhh guys... We need a new bread

>> No.7464045

Do we? This one was pretty bad

>> No.7464047

Next one will be better. There will be plenty of manga making!

>> No.7464060

New thread is at:


>> No.7464071

>This one was pretty bad
I don't understand what you want out of these threads if this constitutes as "bad". There's plenty of discussion about making manga here, plenty of people posting their work and almost no derailment into off-topic. Is it just whether or not there's argument that makes it a good or bad thread to you?

>> No.7464083

Come on over, water's warm.


>> No.7464085

Half the thread has been people taking obvious bait and getting roped into a pointless argument that never goes anywhere because it was never intended to.

>> No.7464107

I disagree. The only "obvious bait" that anybody took was here >>7452947 and here >>7460231.
The rest appears to be genuine clashes in ideology directly related to how one approaches making a comic, with pretty clear reasoning given on both sides regardless of who you agree with.
Just because nobody shook hands and agreed to disagree or whatever does not mean it's an unproductive discussion, and it doesn't retroactively make it "obvious bait". Even if you still believe that such inflammatory posts were never meant to be productive, anons replying with genuinely insightful rebuttals makes it a beneficial discussion. Reading the reply chain may very well give somebody who hadn't considered that aspect of creating manga something to think about. This is a thread for discussing the creation of manga, so people discussing creating manga is mission accomplished.