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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7288625 No.7288625 [Reply] [Original]

how can i start to actually learn to draw as a beginner with zero experience? my ultimate goal is to be able to draw porn and make a coomer game, i know it will take years, im fine with that but my problem is im completely lost as to how to actually start. I know there's free courses on youtube but they absolutely bore me since they feel like homework and all the other tutorials are people saying "dont draw everyday instead do this" or other people telling me to do the exact opposite or something else entirely.
i've also heard that it's good to have an artist as reference in my case i'd like to draw like Takeda Hiromitsu (pic related)

>> No.7288628

Three simple steps.
>Learn to copy. Use "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" or "Keys to Drawing"
>Copy a lot (memorization)
>Draw from imagination (recall)
Repeat steps two and three and try to draw at least 2 hours every single day, which is the bare minimum.

You don't need to read any tutorial or listen to this board.

>> No.7288699

Its very easy actually
"Just draw" is quite the meme but nothing gets your brain and hands going than just drawing
You should also copy art you like
What also helps is trying to understand the art you like by drawing what you don't see (what shapes the drawing is made off)
Start with that, this should be easy enough

>> No.7288843

David finch
Check the /studies/ sticky:
Especially david's part

>> No.7288844


>> No.7288871

A word about copying art you like: You'll be following a very different process than the one used by the original artist to achieve the end result. Copying accurately is at first a "flattening" process of comparing and relating lengths and angles without consideration of the subject matter, nor any sense of bulk or solidity in the forms. It's good to learn how to do this, but it won't bring you closer to learning how your favorite artist made his picture. At best, you'll pick up on some subtleties in his work that you might have missed at first glance simply because this process forces you to slow down and observe carefully.

It's still worth learning this skill, if only because it teaches you to see accurately, which is helpful even when you are drawing cartoons or whatnot, because even then you have to judge by eye the lengths of different parts, or whether or not the eyes are askew, etc.

>> No.7288879

>my ultimate goal is to be able to draw porn and make a coomer game
I'm not saying this isn't possible and I know there are some out there that did this, but for 99% of people you need more reason than just "porn". You will become one of the unending number of permabegs on /ic/ constantly spamming threads about talent, being too depressed to draw, etc.

If one of your reasons for drawing isn't I LOVE DRAWING, you won't make it.

>> No.7288906
File: 408 KB, 1216x3800, Howie .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw, howie

>> No.7289096

>copy what you like
>study what you like(i want to draw this like this...)
>draw from memory
learn fundies: anatomy, perspective, heads/anime heads (hide channel, morpho, anime figures for anatomy, space drawing book)

you want to draw anime so check out JAPANESE animators to learn their process

>> No.7289101

watching people (you like) draw and trying to emulate them - whether you're simply applying their techniques or copying their drawings - is a great way to level up quickly

>> No.7289132

>how can i start to actually learn to draw as a beginner with zero experience?

1.stop browsing /ic/

>> No.7289160

pick literally any book recommended here for begs - loomis fwap, preston blair, morpho - and copy it front to back. make sure your copies are 90% accurate, ie check your work, and redraw it when you fail.

>> No.7289193

I'm not OP, however recently what I've been doing is downloading a ton of time lapses of my favorite artist drawings. Then, I will slow the time lapse down and copy what the artist is doing, step by step. I hope that makes sense. Is this a good thing to do to learn?

>> No.7289197

It's as close as you can get to that particular artist's mindset. Can't be worse than simply copying the finished picture.

>> No.7289734

if all you want to do is porn then learn how to trace 3d models and render. coomers are bottom of the barrel feeders and so long as your art isn’t TOO anatomically off they’ll eat it up. if you can (kind of) string two sentences together and form a (somewhat) coherent plot, even better. see the popularity of hero’s party must fall amongst coomers. shit slop game with shit slop art but they love it because it makes them coom