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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7211985 No.7211985 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here actually gotten worse at drawing? I feel like skill regression is a myth, but I'm not sure.

>> No.7211987

as you unlearn bad habits but haven't build real skills I can definitely imagine people thinking they're "regressing" as they lose what "skill" or "knowledge" they previously thought they had, but I think that's just gaining a more critical eye, setting different standards, and aiming for a different goal

>> No.7212008

skill regression is a spectrum

>> No.7212049
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I seen a number of people go backwards here and on other boards but I make it a point to say nothing because they were all huge faggots and watching them regress is pretty damn funny.

>> No.7212058

what do you think caused their regression?

>> No.7212069

"artists" are the only people who think they can get away with sporadic practice

ask any professional athlete, musician, or whatever how fast their skills regress when they go cold turkey on training

ask anyone who knows a second language how fast their brain discards it when they havent spoken it in a while

truth is regression can never happen if you put the reps in, the only thing that changes is taste. bad taste is a whole different issue

>> No.7212081

not drawing long periods of time, breaking bad habits and creating new ones, or burnout

>> No.7212086

>ask anyone who knows a second language how fast their brain discards it when they havent spoken it in a while
they forget words, but can refresh their memories really quickly. They almost never forget the grammatical foundation of the language though. Lomb Kato said she only needs a day to brush up her skills in a language before taking on professional translation work.

Same with drawing. I don't think you ever lose the foundational skill in form and construction, but you do lose out on your visual library. You can always easily refresh your memory though, just like with language

>> No.7212087


>> No.7212098

I had a three 3 year break after which I was worse than before, but I shook the rust off pretty quickly and started improving again.

>> No.7212123 [DELETED] 
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A common thread they all shared is that they all surrounded themselves with people who didn't bother try improving their art. You may not want to hear it but associating too closely with lazy artist and nodraws will make you a lazy artist and nodraw. These people will talk you working hard to "have fun" and when you are stressed out and demotivated they will convince you not to push yourself or just be a hobbyist. Before you know it you are looking at your old work and wondering why it is leagues better and had more effort put into it that the current slop you make. Moral of the story stay clear of ambitionless artist.

>> No.7212126

this is true. having posted on /ic/ for more than hafl a decade now has rotted my brain in indescribable ways. I need to find a way off this site

>> No.7212130
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A common thread they all shared is that they all surrounded themselves with people who didn't bother try improving their art. You may not want to hear it but associating too closely with lazy artist and nodraws will make you a lazy artist and nodraw. These people will talk you out of working hard to "have fun" and when you are stressed out and demotivated they will convince you not to push yourself or just be a hobbyist. Before you know it you are looking at your old work and wondering why it is leagues better and had more effort put into it that the current slop you make. I even seen some absolute failure out right tell another person "that art wasn't for them" so they could quite have a companion in doing nothing with. Moral of the story stay clear of ambitionless artist.
The best time to leave /ic/ was five years ago, the second best time is today, distance yourself from this shit while you have the chance.

>> No.7212311

I gotten worse than months ago.

>> No.7212512

This is usually associated with autism unless you have another underlying condition.

>> No.7212846

Can confirm, associating with nodraws is death sentence. They just want to play videos games and talk shit about better artist, and make excuses to why they are bad all day every day. Stay away.

>> No.7212916

it's a real thing for the type of people that brain degression applies to so substance abusers will see just about everything they do regress

>> No.7212933

No it can happen, because as you're in the process of learning, your mind is absorbed by what you're trying to learn, and you might miss things that you would otherwise have caught if you had more attention for that.

But that's temporary.