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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 14 KB, 717x573, 934tgsdfgb--e45t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7181519 No.7181519 [Reply] [Original]

Drop your art cords bros I need a new place to join. No deadcords.

>> No.7181646

That black guy looks like he'd suck dick like a carnival. Peep this bar:

Fuck picking cotton, I put that sage up in these fields!"

>> No.7181774

Is anyone in ADCC (Apros and Dione Comms and Collabs)? please drop an invite, I'll post my work.

>> No.7181782

Bump, I need a community to share work as my stuff gets ignored in these threads lol

>> No.7181787

Redpill me on art kings and art barbarians

>> No.7181816
File: 1.00 MB, 1154x833, 495bolahfdgujd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some of my doodles, name is imposterchungus on discord, shoot me a DM if you have a place

>> No.7181925

Only if you have 100k followers and can retweet me.

>> No.7182110

Nice work, stay away from 4chan based discords. Trust me.

>> No.7182186

I shrimply want to shitpost with my bros and engage in general tomfoolery and post art with others and help motivate/grow together

>> No.7182306

I like ASG, it's pretty active and there's a bunch of ints in there who give critiques and many begs (anime study general in name but ppl do all types)
schizos and ragebaiters get banned, and you have to post work to get in, beg or pro doesn't matter (no stickmen)

>> No.7182737


>> No.7183044

Drawclub could use some new members if you're interested.

Gonna leave this open for a week in case any one's interested. Pyw is mandatory.


>> No.7184018

le bump

>> No.7184479

does it mean pyw on a regular basis or you get kicked. just wondering cause i got more than 1 hobby.

>> No.7185866
File: 1.26 MB, 774x953, Screenshot 2024-05-25 005729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artkings is ngmi losers that think working in the kike powered media export filler artist industry counts as 'making it'.

There's like three niggas that are any good and draw for fun but they're losers irl so they wont stand up to the faggots they beta orbit.


>> No.7185900

Dropping an invite here is frowned upon. Even though we lurk here often adcc is not an ic based cord. Also, we have to protect the patrons so we can't just let anyone in, our livelihood is at stake.

We regularly check the social media thread and invite the best ones.

>> No.7185928

Any good nsfw art discords? /sex/ is a little slow

>> No.7186025

I will only join your dc if I can say nigger there and it won't have any trannies

>> No.7186054

It means you should be pywing proportional to the amount of messages you send talking in general.

>> No.7186063

yeah but only pedophiles are allowed

>> No.7186084

Need a NSFW based discord with people who try their best and have fun :-)

>> No.7186420


>> No.7186495

We know, artkings.

>> No.7187908
File: 224 KB, 1097x777, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Us fellas at quit 3 could use moar people.


We chill af, no drama.

>> No.7188077

probably won't get an answer for this but does anyone know what happened to VC and cool guys/gals? Those we're the big ic servers around 2020.

>> No.7188111

behold, the reason no one drops any real good discords here lol

>> No.7188116

>ask for art community to join
>get treated like a leper by "elite"

This thread in a nutshell

>> No.7188139

Of course it is. It should be /salt/.

>> No.7188141

Sorry you’re a tranny who gets upset if someone says “sand nigger.” I hate to break it to you, though, that your server is shit.

>> No.7188332

There's already a whole internet for you, piece of shit. You can go on twitter, on tumblr, on instagram, on tiktok and draw your POC redesigns and make prepubescents characters from children's cartoons gay. This is literally the only "safespace' I have left and yet you come even here and steal oxygen. Behold, the fucking retarded cunt. Shut the fuck up and go back to your good discord server.

>> No.7188342

Chud hands typed this.

>> No.7188349

>they call you chud, but never call you wrong

>> No.7190015

What happened to the bigger servers?

>> No.7190091

retarded drama shenanigans, I think.

>> No.7190092
File: 13 KB, 401x236, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a drawing event on in Quit3 and there's still 5 days remaining for our /beg/ team to draw something for the "Esoteric cult of the cuboid monolith" prompt.

If you're /beg/ come join, there's a good chance you could win! Or if you just want to join the betting pool and watch /beg/s draw to the death join as well.

>> No.7190760

You better not be jerking us around about watching people draw to death. If I don’t see at least one corpse I’ll find you and make you the corpse!

>> No.7191030

Nobody wants to babysit /beg/s.

>> No.7191051

>1k+ members

>> No.7191081

Case in point >>7191013

>> No.7191954

What's the point in showing up to artservers to not do art anyway? You can just go to pol if you didn't want to draw

>> No.7191986

The best of artists don’t produce art.

>> No.7192136

They wanna larp as artists while begging for attention. I've recently had to crack down on beginners joining simply because they always end up being annoying drama/polfags that chase all the better artists away with their incessant bitching, and god forbid anybody tells them to stfu since they're always the first people who try to burn down a server the second they don't get their way.
I've even had begs run in just to try and pull gay ops simply because they were previously turned away at the door. These fuckers make it impossible for beginners who genuinely want to learn, but at the same time, they don't need a server to escape /beg/.

>> No.7194144

post servers

>> No.7194154

wholesome server <3 ilu guys so much! i love life!

>> No.7194157


if you can’t get commissions then what’s the point?

>> No.7194168

Some of us just like to lurk and watch other ppl draw.

>> No.7194287

If you're not drawing then get the fuck outta my server. Nobody has time for nosy faggots

>> No.7194293

And how a silent nosy faggot is spending your time? Literally just sitting in the corner and watch silently, not bothering anyone with anything.

>> No.7194308

What's the point of all these discords exactly? What the fuck you guys cook there that's so magic it can't be achieved with any of the miriad of already existing shit like that?
Why the flying fuck artists would need to entrench themselves into that stuff
This shit reminds me too much of Facebook groups and irc chats, and both did nothing but excrete cancer for all their active life

>> No.7194321

Get a twitter instead of orbiting randos and wasting mods time trying to explain why you should be allowed into an environment where people are actually serious about their art.

>> No.7194325

t. kicked out of ten thousand discords

>> No.7194343

Never touched that shit with a 30 foot pole dawg, sorry but I'm kinda disgusted of everything that stinks of tendies and curclejerk. That's why I'm asking, morbid curiosity really

>> No.7194378

>an observer isn't serious about art.
Your mangy discord isn't some secret society full of elite, get over yourself, it's so funny.

>> No.7194706

>invalid or expired

>> No.7194713

Stick to your big discord servers where they allow everyone, why the fuck should anyone accommodate a nodraw crybaby?

>> No.7194727

wait the toilet tracer catmouth schizo or some other mouth breathing tard?

>> No.7194733

You will say this yet have the most prebeg level on here

>> No.7194748

>still crying
What are you even trying to accomplish?

>> No.7194751


>> No.7194761


>> No.7194798

You said it yourself you are a do nothing nodraw. So why are you mad about being denied entry from certain ic servers when you can just lurk anywhere? Sounds like you have much deeper intentions than being a harmless lurker.

>> No.7194805

>toilet tracer catmouth schizo

>> No.7194861

dead link

>> No.7194891


>Gonna leave this open for a week
>Posted on May 29th
>It's currently after June 5th

Either way the head janny still wants more members, so I'm opening drawclub up for another week. Limited time offer. Don't be surprised when the link expires one week later.

Pyw for perms. Please draw responsibly.


>> No.7194961

>new people join
>they don't post their work

>> No.7195000

>Gatekeeping nigtard.

>> No.7195014

That is one of the least gatekept discords on the BOARD. Even known schizos are let in so long as they stfu and post work. Ground zero ass motherfucker

>> No.7195022

>wants to join DRAWclub
>doesn't DRAW

>> No.7195033
File: 49 KB, 449x642, 1710816055647012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why gatekeeping works, you fags can't even do the bare minimum in even the shittiest /ic/ server and you still have a bitchfit. Get filtered, nodraw.

>> No.7195107

tranny jew you can die here hate-browsing a 4chan but you will never be allowed into my utopia

>> No.7195132

Well I didn’t want to be a part of your shitty utopia, anyway!

>> No.7195136

Mine is, feels good actually having elite drawfriends. LOL

This. An autistic /beg/ ruined my discord's VC by reciting his twitter feed essentially during drawing streams, by the time anyone had done anything about it it took over a year for it to recover to where it'd started seeing regular use again. Keep /beg/s at arms' length in DMs until they prove themselves without a shadow of a doubt that they're not disruptive (intentionally or not) permabegs.

>> No.7195140

>feels good actually having elite drawfriends.
can I be friends with you guys?

>> No.7195141

Can I be friends with anyone here? I am so lonely, I don't have friends, I want to be invited, I'll go in, then leave a day after.

>> No.7195158

>then leave a day after.

>> No.7195161

yea yea yea and STAY out, ugly

>> No.7195162

Here's how you enter "elite" discords:
>join open server
>share art
>talk to people
>eventually you talk to the same people
>decide to make a server with just those people
>xclusive server donut steal
>invite only comes from friends already within the group
It's literally how any friendship circles organically form. If you've never had friends before, I guess you wouldn't know but this is how it usually happens.

>> No.7195189

Oh yeah well the jerk store called and they’re running out of OU!

>> No.7195199

"OU"?? Really? "OU"??? Retard

>> No.7195216

post your work

>> No.7195251
File: 2.04 MB, 1378x2039, nya1237128941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually when you tell people to pyw you're supposed to post yours first, faggot.
Now you fags post your work
Spoiler: You won't, nodraw pussies. Stay the fuck outta my discords

>> No.7195375 [DELETED] 


>> No.7195381

omfg, I knew it, it's a beg trying to feel important, lol.
Don't worry, nobody wants to waste their time and watch you draw.

>> No.7195389
File: 29 KB, 914x1091, 1697471403040942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no work posted
I may beg but at I least I fucking draw LMFAO
>nobody wants to waste their time and watch you draw.
no shit retard, I get to watch good artists draw instead. Now post your work or kill yourself nodraw faggot, the choice is yours

>> No.7195399

You are chronically here, you are a doomed permabeg who is trying to feel important. It's funny that it's always guys like you who are behaving in the most elitist way. People with skills are always chill and don't need to prove anything. Thanks for proving this stereotype for me.

And what telling me to kms and slur is supposed to do, make me cry?

>> No.7195404

Not even an art server.

>> No.7195409
File: 400 KB, 1379x2041, nya1237128943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah blah tldr
pic related, I'm not gonna read any of your posts until I see your paraplegic permabeg scribbleshit, you one-toothed autist, all gums fucked up n shit cuz I know you can't afford dental.
FYI, if you don't post your work then I win by default
Here's another one too, on the house.

>> No.7195410

fantastic thread

>> No.7195415

Now imagine all this … but on a discord server!

>> No.7195416


>> No.7195459

You cant make this shit up man.

>> No.7195486


>> No.7195513

Keep it up anon you're destroying that faggot.

>> No.7195530

>not posting work
>just "lol"
From an outsider's perspective, you just look like a bitch. Say what you will about the quality of that guy's art but they're posting work and you're not, you were also complaining about Discord servers so...

>> No.7195761

>look like a bitch
None of you faggots come off as worthwhile. Why would anybody want to join your shitcords?

>> No.7195826
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x2620, CC98F67F-6590-4387-B3FC-6A3D763040CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I was banned for drawing pic related. Does anyone have good discords that aren’t specifically for grooming /beg/s into giving them feet pics?

>> No.7195853

Stfu nodraw, You got BTFO'd by a /beg/.

>> No.7195856

I guarantee you banned because were too autistic/hard to deal with in the server and not because drew begslop.

>> No.7195875

Nice art anon

>> No.7195978

you were writing nothing but text walls about demons and dimensions and schizo ramblings 24/7

>> No.7195983
File: 13 KB, 319x319, 1714796314767795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every fucking time

>> No.7195986

and i forgot she only posted drawings that took less than five minutes

>> No.7196053
File: 3.29 MB, 3848x3024, 0052D258-0B13-4A96-BB50-BA98E1D8F2D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually some of them took six. Or even thirty, like this one. But it’s not enough. Also I got banned for talking about art, not demons. They were tolerating the demon fanfiction but not my questions about drawing. Go figure.
Thanks anon

>> No.7196056

you were rambling about stephen universe at every single hour of the day, i don't think you ever slept
you are an actual schizo

>> No.7196071
File: 1.09 MB, 1200x2396, CAE259B7-F520-46AA-BBA9-A60B932ED2CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I was talking about YD AKA Orangemaru, a decently popular Jap artist who draws things like mecha and hentai. He is my goddess. Pic related. That’s YD.

>> No.7196078

you are a text wall schizo and everyone had to tell you to shut up but you never came to your senses so you were banned
i pity the next server who takes you in

>> No.7196103
File: 61 KB, 671x430, average schizo poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you were banned. Because all your posts were like this.

>> No.7196107

What's a Discord that has a channel that hates trannies TRANNYS NOT FUCKING ALLOWED, but also have a tranny channel?
I both simultaneously don't want "uwu" faggy roleplay, but want to talk to trannies sometimes and pull tranny/futas references.
I don't want to join a discord of pure tranny hate, or a faggy all roleplay uwu discord, I want both.
That's the Discord I want.

>> No.7196110

(Narrator: This poster will transition in three years.)

>> No.7196118

I have a girlfriend and I am very male and don't wish to get fuckd
I wouldn't mind fucking a tranny tho
It has to look really feminine, young, not have a bigger dick than me, and call me daddy
But I would

>> No.7196119

holy kek
How do you gatekeep against THIS? sure they'll post work and appear normal...then this happens, wat nou?

>> No.7196136

That’s not the reason and you know it, douche.

>> No.7196138
File: 61 KB, 650x569, ramblings erry day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7196143
File: 6 KB, 226x44, Faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For who doesn't know this guy is AlbertBouchard YD (pearlypenilepapules)
A famous schizoid nodraw from Discord. Known for being the guy who Fred sends to ruin and derail threads, samefag and harass anons, troll and raid for the lulz.

>> No.7196147

gal, actually

>> No.7196152
File: 716 KB, 1078x1748, faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical retards doing typical retard shit, this is why you can't get into any discords.
I also think it's funny that every time some nodraw faggotry occurs it's always the usual suspects.

BTW, "fred" is actually a discord gayop started by one nodraw faggot and continued by more nodraw faggots. Here's one of them.

nobody has time for trannyshit

>> No.7196156

ah shit I cant read, oh well kek point stands. Nodraw nigs need to kill themselves

>> No.7196159
File: 58 KB, 656x375, lore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7196160

trannies get "periods" too when their manmade poop hole bleeds

>> No.7196161

>BTW, "fred" is actually a discord gayop started by one nodraw faggot and continued by more nodraw faggots. Here's one of them.

The only reason why he keeps coming back is because some nodraws faggots from discord loves doing nothing but cause drama with him, one of them being Albert. The other one was GREEN.

>> No.7196163

Green is a tragic figure...

>> No.7196165


>> No.7196167
File: 96 KB, 352x348, 1520630453972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I fucking said GATEKEEPING WORKS!

>> No.7196168
File: 1.99 MB, 498x498, soy-soyboy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of fucking COURSE it was that annoying nigger GREEN. He's a moderator in every /ic/ discord that turns to shit. YD, GREEN, and every other nodraw faggot should die for what they've done to this board. Total permabeg death

Fuck you faggot. These are the retards that keep fucking up my board. They need to kill themselves NOW

>> No.7196169

Anons need to know who to avoid. This faggot been trolling and shitting on threads for too long

>> No.7196171

What happened to Green?

>> No.7196172

He had no chance in this world...

>> No.7196174

Last time I've checked his xitter account, he was begging Japanese studios to bring him to japan so he could work in an animation studio.

>> No.7196176
File: 980 KB, 1421x1379, nya1237128945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget, THESE are the nodraw, permabeg pussies that make it harder for EVERYBODY on this board. Which is why we have to run to discords just so we don't have to be subjected to their constant derailments.
I LOVE my discords, and I find it pathetic how they seethe over other people fleeing to them when they are the main reason for making this board uninhabitable, while being in nodraw discords of their own! Sad!

>> No.7196177

i wish there was a server that didn't take in /beg/fugees

>> No.7196178
File: 367 KB, 640x589, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7196209
File: 115 KB, 1000x972, fredgetsqst2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a decent amount of what happened to green, he did get a job in the industry. That's all im comfy with saying since i don't wanna doxx him.

Damacaus is that you? When will you post a nu song, you haven't made one since 1989!!!!!!!

I haven't even been schizoing as of late lmfao, got a summer gig that pays meh, so got not much time other than quick trolling on /i/ aganist a mentally ill guy.


>> No.7196213

Can I post my daily practice to be let in? I don't have any finished works... and I have no drawfriends, the couple I know aren't good at conversation so I don't bother them.

>> No.7196215

>I don't have any finished works...
big red flag

>> No.7196218

I don't see why I'd put work in something if I'm not good enough to finish it though. At most I've done more detailed studies but nothing I'd call a finished work.

>> No.7196220
File: 19 KB, 542x189, Kekovila.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that explains everything.

>> No.7196223

Stfu YD. No one likes any of your slopscribbles, go make a finished piece for once.

>> No.7196228

>he did get a job in the industry.
I don't think begging on xitter and posting wipslops is a job in the industry

>> No.7196229

This is why all discords are slop shitholes. The fact mods on Drawclub tolerated this shit for 6 months STRAIGHT tells how little these people care about quality.
Just. Fucking. Draw.

>> No.7196230

Drawclub has no mods :^)

>> No.7196242

Can I be let in if I don’t share any art?

>> No.7196243

Hopefully not!

>> No.7196244

Someone should put a tranny warning before posting links

>> No.7196245

Are any of these servers not run by luddites who can’t appreciate how I, as prompt engineer, represent the future of art?

>> No.7196246


>> No.7196247
File: 414 KB, 640x589, nya1237128946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7196248
File: 94 KB, 736x1308, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7196252
File: 486 KB, 615x615, 1700073759421024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also share tag If you want to befriend.
I like your stuff and think demon lore wall posting is based.

>> No.7196254

See assholes? You told anon to PYW and now this guy is going to worship satan and burn in hell with the furries. Are you happy?

>> No.7196256


>> No.7196310
File: 1.05 MB, 4016x2236, A067666C-F1E6-498B-97EE-A2B4A0D47FEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pearlypenilepapules :)
Billions must fry an egg

>> No.7196316
File: 171 KB, 749x1067, 7AA9FF0D-14D7-474B-9C33-CF910E0CC19E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ȳ̴̨̞͉̭͉̫̪̑̇̇͗̓̄̉̓̈͊̉̂̆̒̀͝Ề̶̛̙͎̦̻̤͋̐̋̔̀̂̌̾̀̚̕Ļ̵̫͓̃͌̿̍͆͑̆͂̋͗̐̚͠͠͝L̸̢̪̗̜͎͎̰͙͔̘̭̱̤̏͐͆̓́̒̇͛͘͘͝Ò̶̗̝̻̺͈̤͕̇̏̓̽̈́́̀͒͒̃̀́̕͜͝͠ͅẄ̴̧͉̖̯̺̟́̉̀̀͑͋́͒́̓̒̉̔̎̑͜ ̶̡̧̨̧͍̫̤̗̣̯̠͚̟͉͕̦͔̐͆̔̋̎͝D̷̡̢̟̰̮̠̱͇̻͛́̋̄̍̈́͌̚̚͠ͅI̵̪̪̻̻͖͉̭͍͕̗̗̰̓̎̔̇̉̏̏͒͋͂̀̚Ḁ̶̼̯̘̗̬̣̔͛̊̄̚ͅM̷͎̿͌̆͐̀̉̈͐Ò̸̢͖̩̩͍̳͉̦̺̥̼̟̘̯̯̮N̵̝̙̜̫̔̉̃̎̽̑̊́͝D̶̛̛͎͎͎͑̇͒̈̽̀̇̚͠͝ ̴̡̧̛̣̬̬̺̜̟͉̬̏͌̋͒̍͊̐̊̈́̔̓̽͝ͅǪ̴̖͎̭̙́̎̀͌͑͂̑͂̌̚ͅR̶̢̧̧̩̳̪̱̣͇͚̰̖̈́̔̌̓̐̎̓̎̒̇͂̍̚͝A̸͕̦̳̹͔̥̭͕̠̰̓̍̃̓͐̍͆͗̒̉̀̂̚̚͜͠N̴͕̱͇͉̮͐͐̚͘G̵̢̨̺͓̻̼̤̣͖̋̿̎̍͐̎́͛̆̒͠Ę̴̣̗̣̩̟̥͈̰͈̃̇̀M̸̥̮͈̪̙̺̤̼͎͊̿A̸̧̢̬̿̉̐̽͗͝R̸͈͇̺̩̣̖͚͗̎̿͠͠U̷̢͈͔̮͕̗̮͍̞͕͚̭̩͛͒̇ͅ

>> No.7196321

Drawclub is based. Personally I hate the primadonna /ic/ artists that simply cannot coexist with strange people or get too triggered by them. Artists are typically pretty odd. Not everyone is a "schizo" just because they're strange. As long as they poast work who cares and if you don't like someone then simply block and don't interact. Because a minority of /ic/ faggots can't coexist is why we have a million /ic/ servers in the first place.

>> No.7196322
File: 128 KB, 933x2048, F7C8B631-57DE-4E22-97E8-28D63D93E82C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Orangemaru, I kneel...
King YD, I kneel...

>> No.7196323
File: 239 KB, 1200x1958, B9654CB6-825E-4ACD-B59F-6D6CD0CC899E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old One
Your Infernal Majesty

>> No.7196324 [DELETED] 

>How dare people decide that they don't have to babysit my retarded ass
You people are a fucking blight on this world and this thread alone is proof why discords have to gatekeep with an iron fist.

>> No.7196331
File: 111 KB, 700x518, 1706688809547682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best discords remove autist off of bad vibes alone, you don't have to wait for an excuse to get rid of people you don't like. If they are a pain in ass then they need to go, simple as.

>> No.7196333

Pyw dramatranny

>> No.7196335 [DELETED] 

Your turn faggot

>> No.7196338

>original post deleted
Sore loser
Allow me to reiterate:
>How dare people decide that they don't have to babysit my retarded ass
You people are a fucking blight on this world and this thread alone is proof why discords have to gatekeep with an iron fist.

Your turn faggot

>> No.7196343
File: 227 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psshh, Here's a work in progress.

>> No.7196363


>> No.7196366

If you want gatekeeping for your trannycords just make everyone prove they are taking HRT with a photo of their pills, solves every problem

>> No.7196371

Seethe harder permabeg! Squeal louder you little bitch!

>> No.7196394

Talking shit but cant even draw without symmetry tool lol. This is no way to convince people to join your /beg/tranny servers.

>> No.7196401

samefag schizo

>> No.7196414

whats really wild is how many troons draw better than you

>> No.7196424

Thoughts on drawclub faggy.

>> No.7196426

Its meh, got banned for underage b& and became their boogieman for a while cuz i decided to concern troll a fake raid. The only real thing i have to say is that the members are kinda cliquey and catty.

>> No.7196432

Pyw troon.

>> No.7196433

The true schizos are the ones that seethe over something so innocuous as people online in a basket weaving discord and then proceed to post screenshots flaming them or discussing people they dislike. Everyone settle down and just draw in peace

>> No.7196441

YD is a schizofag nodraw and the reason why Fred is still here.
A good reason for everyone to pitchfork him for good.

>> No.7196444

I don't know any of these people and I feel better off for it, why don't you chill out and go draw instead of sperging out about some people who don't draw ane act retarded online? All you're doing is getting mad over something completely irrelevant. If you ever feel annoyed just close down 4chin and discord and just draw and when all the retarded no draws realize they have nobody to troll anymore they'll just get bored abs go away. All you're doing is fueling more nonsense.

>> No.7196447

You've got a point anon

>> No.7196454 [DELETED] 

i do, on discord

>> No.7196455

you can find it in my disco-- oh wait haha

>> No.7196619

I don’t like how transphobic you people are.

>> No.7196639


>> No.7196770

Kek no work troon. Face it you banned her because she was still more of a woman than you will ever be

>> No.7196777

I'm not transphobic. But I'm /beg/phobic. :)

>> No.7196805

We were all begs at some point.

>> No.7196813

Don't care. Still 'ate them. Come back when you're not a /beg/ anymore.

>> No.7196834

Anon will say this and then have the most mid art in the thread.

>> No.7196835

The more people know about these nodraws the less likely people would let them into there servers. Naming and shaming works hense why they moved the goalpost to calling everyone trannies when people simply to them "No".

>> No.7196837

Mid art>>>>>>>beg art>>>>>>no art

>> No.7196868

>unfinished scrimbleslop to mask the permabegness

>> No.7196890

this is 4chan, you follow the opposite saying: don't give them the benefit of the doubt

>> No.7196951

* give them the benefit of the clout

>> No.7196957

enjoy your psychiatric discward

>> No.7196960

Ok I will you fucking loser

>> No.7196962
File: 6 KB, 363x191, this guy is a faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I'll send request when I have time to socialize in about a week. (Rn I'm a bit busy)


>> No.7196994

>(Rn I'm a bit busy)
Busy being a no draw schizo tranny.

>> No.7197007

Are you trying to scam people into giving their discord account information with that English?

>> No.7197010

So true. We need more anons who draw like this >>7196176
YD could never.

>> No.7197185

>muh grammar
Yeah I'd figure you had to time to browse reddit too you fucking loser.

>> No.7197326

Drawclub has fallen...

>> No.7197361


>> No.7197416

Are any of these servers furry friendly

>> No.7197446
File: 2.98 MB, 1750x1148, ToSatanValentines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really like YD as a person and found it nice to talk to them. I also really liked the lore of their world and story...

>> No.7197458
File: 74 KB, 1200x1200, 3176b9e836fd3d99dab97c18ade733d0-2467685001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War is hell.

>> No.7197580
File: 115 KB, 1920x1080, 07ab978d60d042551bd72e761d1a7577-1822744025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is me, my friends, my people
Or all of /ic/
My decision has never changed
I will keep moving forward.

>> No.7197595

lol. of the countless ic discords there are literally only three that are good AND actually draws
art barbarians
Joining anything else is a waste of time. So fucking don't.

>> No.7197597
File: 372 KB, 1000x1000, comealive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered just joining a regular art cord and not schizoing(irony coming from me) Werked for me.

>> No.7197609

My discord is both and isn't on this list.

>> No.7197612

art barbarians draw less than drawclub

>> No.7197657

We lost the guy who draws monstrous dicks and balls on women...

>> No.7197853

You’re still a fucking Jew, though.

>> No.7198398

You mean YK? Yellow King right? Because YD is Yellow Dimond

>> No.7198419

I like how none of the schizos can ever draw decently, it's always mid tier WIPslop masked by begscribbles.

>> No.7198446

The last 100 posts has convinced me none of you are worth being around.

>> No.7198485

idk. when we were in a discord server together, their name was YD, and then they changed it to Satan, and then again to Jesus. Anyways, they're the schizo demon rambler with the yellow guy named Onion.

>> No.7198555

That’s why we keep you schizo no draws out of our servers.

>> No.7198656

I like art barbarians!
I'm not very active posting in the general channel occassionally, but they gave me a little channel to myself and I pretty much only post my drawings there, not in the other channels. People will talk to me and give me positive reactions to my drawings despite my seclusion from the rest of the channels and I really appreciate it. Personally, I don't do too well in bigger servers so being able to hole away and still get interaction from other artists. Though I feel a little guilty as I reckon I could be a bit more reciprocal.

>> No.7198688

Femoid hands typed this post.

>> No.7198706

Can someone post an image example of the minimum art skill required to join these servers if they need to gatekeeping /beg/s?

>> No.7198720
File: 521 KB, 1428x2048, 1668273650221655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minimum skill level is something like pic related

>> No.7198724

so all you need is to know how to trace

>> No.7198727

Sure. Go ahead.

>> No.7198739

I like femoids they tend to draw and stay in their lane. A surprisingly nice group of people.

>> No.7198740

I dont like them. Most I've known online were drama whores.

>> No.7198759
File: 591 KB, 1920x1200, 112884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have the invitation for this so-called Drawclub?

>> No.7198773

It's closed now. We have to cull some of the weak new members. Come back in a few months.
Or post your art and your Discord handle and hope for a personal invite.

>> No.7198841

Noone is more annoying and dramacentric than tranny nodraws.

>> No.7198854

I try to not interact with trannies. Thats why whenever I see one, I leave

>> No.7198961

Hope you learned that you never bother with schizos and nodraws regardless of if they promise to draw or not. They neve prove to be worth the time and effort spent entertaining there antics.

>> No.7198999
File: 66 KB, 366x364, 1716914833623254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawclub has an infestation of annoying zoomer faggots right now. You should probably avoid it until summer is over.

>> No.7199003

trips of truth

>> No.7199038 [DELETED] 

I have been thinking about it day and night, and it's been over a year. I tried to be a well adjusted person, but I can't let go of this particular offense, plus the shit you guys have said about me. I swear to God, we will get even. I know it's goodbye to my art career if I do it but I just can't let you make fun of me like that, the longer I delay this, the worse it feels, it's eating inside me. You motherfuckers don't have the slightest idea of what I've done many times before, and what more I'm truly capable of.

>> No.7199053

Join radraccoon’s trash palace we have hookers and gambling and you can say nigger.

>> No.7199057

There’s nothing wrong with zoomers. You’re just being ageist.

>> No.7199075

It's fucking annoying
Nothing but new people
comfiness gone

>> No.7199203

Drawclub has fallen

>> No.7199210


>> No.7199216
File: 169 KB, 991x995, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7199222

Looks gay.

>> No.7199224

>Cat mouth permabeg

>> No.7199229

>Cat mouth permabeg

>> No.7199233

He’s a permabeg with a cat’s mouth, duh.

>> No.7199236

post it

>> No.7199289

Notice how just about every schizo on this board is a gendie

>> No.7199292

I don't know who that is

>> No.7199293

I genuinely you guys stop entertaining known schizos in that server.

>> No.7199294

apart from Pawell (whom we constantly bully) the schizos are gone now :)

>> No.7199295


>> No.7199298

Anyone with strong opinions on gender, like transsexuals or people who care a lot about their own masculinity/femininity

>> No.7199306

green too? If so then thank god, that guy is nuts. And just so you know there's a way to lock the channels so that unapproved people can't see the other channels/members in them. It'll help with your security against schizoshit, godspeed.

>> No.7199406

There was a man on the server called Green.
It has been many months since he was last seen.

>> No.7199410

Those are obviously nigger lips. You need to train your observation better, Dunning-Kruger chan

>> No.7199411

Why are all examples from Drawclub worse than prebeg shit? Even the tranny schizo draws better

>> No.7199414
File: 266 KB, 672x912, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most recently posting drawing on drawclub

>> No.7199427

Cherry picking, most artist there are deep beg with a handful of /int/s. Don't be fooled by this.

>> No.7199428

Why didn’t the users just post something like this and not embarrassing shit like >>7195409

>> No.7199429
File: 1.18 MB, 1644x976, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one isn't on the server
rn horse redlining is in progress on the server

>> No.7199432
File: 968 KB, 632x637, Bot_Run_WIP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but ok, I'm curious

>Not a zoomer
>will post infrequently/will not interfere with the culture of the server
>will post Drawpile content and invites and (very) occasional personal work

un: vraimentmoi

>> No.7199436

not him but wasn't the cat mouth permabeg exposed as being the same faggot as the guy who traced a woman on a toilet and had a meltdown after a pro redlined it?

>> No.7199438

yea same guy
They're still in there last time I checked

>> No.7199441

Never heard of it. What's the name and the picture in question?

>> No.7199446

Why must all servers have artists like this
And then schizos like this

>> No.7199447

Probably some kind of natural internet law

>> No.7199452

>Why must all servers have artists like this
>And then schizos like this
Lazy retard mods that want to give schizos the "benefit of the doubt" and then wait for them to cause irreparable damage before they do anything about it. Better artists may advertise in there but they're usually more active elsewhere.
The best discords are heavily gatekept for a reason. The only problem is they don't often advertise if at all.

>> No.7199468

do you not know the place you're in?

>> No.7199501
File: 230 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_2444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7199509

based drawclub admin

>> No.7199765

>Posted on June 9th
>One week
>It's June 14th
>Invite link is invalid or expired
I see how it is nigga

>> No.7199831

Keep up with the thread. They’ve fallen. Let too many newcomers in. It’s a perfect example of what’s happening to America.

>> No.7199869

how many pairs of rendered tits will it take to increase the chances of receiving one?

>> No.7199896

Only the gods (>>7199501) know.

>> No.7199911

5 and 2/3

>> No.7200682

>he actually got in

>> No.7201012

How come he was let in and I wasn’t?

>> No.7201013

Did you pyw and your Discord handle? Drawclub is a gated community now!

>> No.7201016

I refuse to do either. Gated communities are wrong. WE SHOULD LIVE IN A SOCIETY WITHOUT CLASSES!!

>> No.7201164


>> No.7201198

So you’ll let me and the other no draws join?

>> No.7201201

Of course not. Get fucked, you no draw piece of trash!

>> No.7201213

Oh yeah well fuck you, you fucking nigger! I hope your mom gets raped to death by a pack of feral niggers and then gets gorilla aids and dies!

>> No.7201221

You're exactly why gatekeeping is important.

>> No.7201285


>> No.7201293

God I love discord server

>> No.7201302
File: 50 KB, 640x500, 615fea9699074a4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case anybody's wondering, drawclub is just a typical meme spam server that functions as a compromise for twitter commission (porn and oc) artists that lack an activr social life outside of the internet

It's not a nodraw server but it's pretty much your typical generic character portraits with a simple or no background

It's being gatekept because they have a clique of socially inept otakus who are either neurodivergent and/or have mild to severe mental issues which is what most discord users are like anyways

Nothing special, move along

>> No.7201339

>No draw bitter about being gatekept

>> No.7201340

>meme spam server
not really
we have group collaborations and monthly events

>> No.7201343

Lol you cant get in and are seething

>> No.7201345

Drawclub IS special!

>> No.7201350

>severe mental issues
Such as?

>> No.7201351

Trad server where?

>> No.7201355
File: 27 KB, 750x407, fadae15253f59a34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pretty much proves my point

>> No.7201361

so just another pseudo-schizo containment thread
doesn't help that the server owner is an actual AI troon too
"in 20 years those agaisnt AI will look VERY silly"

>> No.7201362
File: 109 KB, 758x968, William_Blake_-_Adam_and_Eve_Sleeping_-_WGA02224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7201366

AI is not welcome on drawclub

>> No.7201381

nah, fuck off
I remember clearly what one of the mods once said about AI, and you're all retarded for feeding his prompt models
in fact, go to the asg server and search "20 years silly" and you'll see what ST so arrogantly stated

>> No.7201383
File: 7 KB, 366x92, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ok bud?

>> No.7201385

>looking for a diaper slave
... I don't know what I was expecting

>> No.7201388
File: 25 KB, 313x188, yourr move.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre streaming andd drawing on drawcub how about you server??

>> No.7201405

they screech at eachother autistically for 15 minutes then everyone leaves
Zoomers have no attention span to go longer than that

>> No.7201438

The gatekeeping is unironically working. Good job contributing to it, anon.

>> No.7201447 [DELETED] 

I swear to God I'll make all of you pay.

>> No.7201554

I wish we gatekept no draws from /ic/

>> No.7201557

I wish you were gatekept from earth.

>> No.7201564

possible with ids, but that will never happen. If it did, then retards like >>7201557 would be filtered and board quality will go up by tenfold.

>> No.7201635

Why are you outting the members of your discord for some weird gotcha on 4chan?

>> No.7201639

Was not expecting anything else, these places are all like this.

>> No.7201749

man /ic/ has really gone down

>> No.7201823

Look , just post your work.

>> No.7201831

at this point I’d only draw as often as if I was actually getting paid for it

>> No.7201854

Was it ever all that good?

>> No.7201855

Why is this board so obsessed with d*scord? Why can't it be normal?

>> No.7201866

Its the same, just dont check the tranny zones

>> No.7201874

>not drawing big booba just because it’s fun


>> No.7201931

Better to be NGMI than some coomer “artist” piece of shit. I hope you burn in hell along with the furries and pedophiles, you god damn freak.

>> No.7201976
File: 102 KB, 625x702, IMG_2655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you’re some kinda artsy nigga? Brother, you’re on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. You’re rubbing shoulders with porn merchants and autistic children. This place is the lowest of the low. So either go make something of yourself or get off your high horse, faggot.

Stay mad

>> No.7201993

i want to GATEKEEP

>> No.7202005

Gatekeep me, daddy. Somebody post an invite so I can be rejected from it. REJECT ME HARD!!

>> No.7202324

I barely use discord
What about that discord invite up there in the /beg/ sticky?
Is it good?

>> No.7202331

/ic/ is a failed art community so people have jumped ship to greener pastures.

>b-better to NGMI than-
Faggots like you don't even draw just complain about what everyone else is doing while jerking off about shit you don't even believe in. It's Pathetic.

>> No.7202332

Ran by dunning kruger pedophiles who stagnated forever ago. Go there if you want to become NGMI for good.

>> No.7202525
File: 619 KB, 765x1080, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly want to join a drawpile every now and again when im able to

>> No.7202697
File: 97 KB, 680x546, 923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, based
post invite again, I draw.

>> No.7202884

I am very lonely, please be my friend.

>> No.7202909

I am very lonely too but theres not much to talk about besides art. Do you want to talk about the difference betwteen trad and digital? Or how both of us render the form? Maybe we should vent with eachother and lick our wounds. Get drunk together and say gibberish in voice chat.

But I dont feel comfortable making the first step, do you?

Should we be friends? I have nobody else.

>> No.7203779

not op but i just want to be around people who draw more than they talk and want to improve

>> No.7204469
