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File: 202 KB, 1012x1281, 20240520_205425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7174064 No.7174064 [Reply] [Original]

I draw mlp porn as a hobby and notice some of my followers are under 18 based on their bio. Normally this wouldn't be a problem since I never interact with them but recently minor retards have been quoting my art and demand to take it down saying they don't want to see porn in their page. This is confusing because nsfw posts wouldn't just automatically recommend themselves to them so they probably seek these types of stuff out in their own accord and then blame me for it. Other people also quote me accusing me of showing porn to kids despite my page is evidently not made for kids with the giant 18+ and multiple warnings. So I told them they could just block me and fuck off, also blocked all the minors following me. Why do minors willingly enter adult art space amd then complaining? How do I stop this for good?

>> No.7174067
File: 30 KB, 390x271, Sideeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you not block them as soon as you saw they where an underage following your 18+ account?

>> No.7174072

why are you making porn for childrens cartoons

>> No.7174074

Draw lolis

>> No.7174081

Twitter is not a porn site.

>> No.7174083

They are 14 and retarded. Just point them to the big +18 sign on your bio and block them

And don't have a meltdown with your public persona. Do it here. If people knew the kind of crap I post here I would be cancelled instantly. God bless anonymity.

>> No.7174100

I was a small artist. I couldn't afford loosing followers, every bit is valuable. It's the loud crowd that's the problem

>> No.7174102

Then just point them to the sign but don't block them. Or ignore them.

Also consider them having a melty about your drawings is free advertisement. There's no bad publicity. One dude even became the US president with that strategy

>> No.7174104

Why couldn't I make porn of "children" cartoon? No one's policing that. Also you can enjoy my little pony and not being a drooling no frontal lobe toddler

>> No.7174105
File: 978 KB, 320x240, E60FF6D5-5499-403E-9C89-A5712CA1884B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I stop this for good?

>> No.7174106

That may work. Do kids enjoy lolis or they go agaisnt it?

>> No.7174108

It's social network. And no one's banning porn posted on it

>> No.7174110

I'm not going to stop drawing porn just because nose picking breast sucking TODDLERS abject it. Carrying about what faggots think is a cucked mindset. You're a cuck

>> No.7174112

"adult art space" and it's my little pony

>> No.7174113

If you're putting it in the main tag then that's why. If not and there isn't any other parts to the story then I highly recommend you just block and ignore after making a short post or two on how unreasonable they're being.

>> No.7174115


Source: in an artist discord server I'm in some teens there really like to discuss how much they love loli. Then I look at retarded teens on Twitter having meltdowns because they entered a +18 profile and saw Miku porn

>> No.7174116

Boomer thought process

>> No.7174118

loli is like a double-edged sword because while it's a bit harder to gain an audience and harder to get paid for it, you will undoubtedly filter the rainbow flags and the terminally ill xitter users (this includes the underaged).
Yes you want to filter the kids but ultimately you want to filter out the absolute drooling retards

>> No.7174119

>Nooo you can't heckin draw porn of x show, make an explicitly adult space for it, then expect people to heed the warnings! Its a child's show so youre not allowed to draw what you want without being harassed! Thems the rules!
Kys twittard, stop supporting art censorship.

>> No.7174123

Speaking of, what the actual fuck is with shitters obsession with Miku? It's always the fucking autism/ 2slgbtqiaomgbbq+ cult obsessing over her in the most faggot liberal ways.

>> No.7174128

I saw a chart and unironically Miku/Project Diva had the youngest fanbase out of several well known japanese IPs.

>> No.7174133

What probably happens is OP includes "my little pony" and character names in the porn that he drew and when minors search their shows up they see porn sprinkled in the sfw stuff. Your porn is public to the search engine, hide it better and don't blame people for not wanting see a hot steaming pile of shit with the normal stuff

>> No.7174135

Are you lost or just retarded retarded?

>> No.7174138

Why is it ALWAYS children being the most toxic insufferable little cunts on the entire internet? I haven't been in a single fandom where they weren't the most entitled little shitstains looking to cause drama over anything. They should make an 18+ twitter that isn't just for porn, I'm so sick of dealing with people's rainbow mafia indoctrinated children.

>> No.7174141

>It's a child show so youre not allowed to draw what you want without being harassed!
Maybe try to hide your porn to a fandom filled children a little better. That's kike coming to a playground and set up a porn booth there, of course children are going to look it's literally in the playground. You have no rights to tell to fuck off if you never make the attempt to sperate your faggotry from children.
People telling you to be more responsible for what you post is not harassment retard.
>Art censorship
Art censorship is when I tell idiots they're shilling porn with the same tag kid searches for

>> No.7174146

I hate faggots like you because what am I supposed to if I want to provide people with a easy way to search up my shit? Me putting #MLP or #Mylittlepony doesn't mean I want kids to see these shit. Also if you see #MLP and #nsfw together you already know what it is . Twitter has a feature to block certain post so optimally the parents should block #nsfw from their child's twitter. Children shouldn't be online in the first place

>> No.7174150
File: 201 KB, 1199x1070, 20240521_212859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7174153

>Maybe try to hide your porn to a fandom filled children a little better. That's kike coming to a playground and set up a porn booth there, of course children are going to look it's literally in the playground. You have no rights to tell to fuck off if you never make the attempt to sperate your faggotry from children.
Putting it in an adult space is going through the proper precautions to keep it away from kids. On twitter if you tag your art right and set it to adult it's actually pretty good, I've literally never ran into that problem before. To say that he's actively showing it to kids ((if)) he's doing all that is retarded.
>People telling you to be more responsible for what you post is not harassment retard.
These little shits aren't telling him to be more responsible, from what I've gathered they searched out his art and are harassing him over it for seemingly no reason. To support that just because of the show is supporting censorship via harassment.
>Art censorship is when I tell idiots they're shilling porn with the same tag kid searches for
If he's doing that then the hate is deserved but unwarranted harassment is never okay no matter what the drawing is.

>> No.7174156

If this is OP I've supported you until now. MLPs nsfw side is massive. If you can't find success with the proper tags that's on you.

>> No.7174158

Honestly I think your main issue is starting on Twitter.

>> No.7174160
File: 54 KB, 1080x453, pdqoldx9s2pc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you talking to me

He have a point, you could just ignore them. There no reason to engage in twitter drama.

>> No.7174169

>Me putting #MLP or #Mylittlepony doesn't mean I want kids to see these shit
But kids are seeing that still, you're tagging your porn with the tags sfw posts are normally used with. Just stop using the tag like >>7174156 said.
>Twitter has a feature to block certain post so optimally the parents should block #nsfw from their child's twitter. Children shouldn't be online in the first place
This is just settling all responsibility on the parents, most don't even know how to make a twitter account let alone block anything. Even if the parents were to blame. Ultimately if you're engaging in a community that is full of lil kiddies then you should be mindful of that. Since kids are never going to be off the internet maybe you can try making the internet a little more friendly for them

>> No.7174172
File: 661 KB, 720x1399, Screenshot_20240521-213807_X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case 'n point. Literally the first results. You aren't trying to hide shit>>7174146

>> No.7174177

Name the artist or post the full image otherwise shit up

>> No.7174182

> And no one's banning porn posted on it
The basis of OP's complaint is that his work is in an Adults only space, but this is false. He's in an all ages space with irresponsible moderation. As such, people who don't like porn will run in to his porn since there are not real barriers to entry. What's more is that he's using a generic, non-porn specific tag and is surprised people not looking for porn can see his porn. There are NSFW tags he can user but he simply refuses to.

Twitter is not a real porn site. it doesn't have built-in protections for porn nor does it give special treatment to pornographers. Use a different tag, block and ignore.

>> No.7174185

I hope you understand that the reason why these underage subhumans got so much power is because of lgbtq+ groomers like you telling them the internet is their playground and everyone should cater to them 24/7

>> No.7174186

theres multiple nsfw tags in the first pic tho?

>> No.7174191

>You don't understand, I need to put my porn in public, as is my birth right! Anyone who is against me putting porn in public is clearly a groomer who abuses kids!
This is delusion if I've even seen it.

>> No.7174192

Groomer thought process

>> No.7174194

Maybe we should be mindful of minors in a minors filled space?
> underage subhumans lgbtq+ groomers
Literally mentally retarded. I wouldn't have a fucking problem with any other fandom but deranged faggots have to specially target my little pony filled with toddlers. If that means anything that makes you look more like tranny groomer than people calling out your mental illnesses

>> No.7174196

Yet they still include the normal tags. Subhumans

>> No.7174197

>optimally the parents should block #nsfw from their child's twitter
This is true but it's also true that on some level you have a responsibility to make sure children don't see shit they're not supposed to. Twitter is social media, not a porn sight so if you want your stuff to show up in search results you just have to accept the fact that there will be people who don't want to see your stuff and will be vocal about it. If you want to stop people on twitter you don't want seeing your work from seeing your work you have to reduce your presence.
>what am I supposed to if I want to provide people with a easy way to search up my shit?
Weigh up how much you want people ending your work against how much you don't want children yelling at you and act accordingly.
>Children shouldn't be online in the first place

>> No.7174200

>You don't understand, children NEED to be confortable on the internet or else they won't post videos shaking their ass for me!
I hope you understand everyone sees through you and how obvious your intentions are.

>> No.7174203
File: 1.60 MB, 1421x806, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even google fucks up with safesearch and porn. The internet is still the wild wild west and I'm tired of retards pretending it's not

>> No.7174205

I'm not the one complaining about not being able to post porn of a children's cartoon on a non-porn site without mild repercussion, Anon. What, do you consider some kids being annoying to be a kind of violent censorship?

>> No.7174206

You're a mentally ill retarded troon with a bleeding axe wound. You invade women's space and children's space with your deranged drawings. You stalk the children liking your posts and dm them your rotting hole as you mutilate it Infront of your phone's camera. You watch as kids leave the nearest kindergarten, single out the shy one and rape them. Rope yourself. Now!

>> No.7174207

You can have sex in a bedroom but if there are children in there it unsurprisingly become wrong to do so. Same logic applies to porn and the internet.
>B-But they shouldn't be on the internet!!!!
and the day they are banned from it will be cheered for years to come but for the time being you need to act appropriately.

>> No.7174208


your brain has been electrocuted by /pol/ so badly you see trannies in the walls

>> No.7174211

>twitter trannies now want porn to be banned from the entire internet because children may access it

This is what peak mental illness looks like.

>> No.7174214

>Literally millions of porn sights to post on
>HAS to post in a place where children can find it

>> No.7174221

Are you a pedophile or just a MAP?

>> No.7174222

Don't you label your posts as being NSFW that blocks it from view unless you allow viewing nsfw posts?

It's MLP porn, of course it's going to be labeled MLP.

All this said, I do think there is an interesting discussion to be had about how appropriate it is for porn to be made for children's cartoons. It's probably how we all first experienced porn, but does that mean it's healthy or right? And people are only making more of it.
MLP is probably the best/worst example of it, half of all fan art for it is probably smut, and I wouldn't be surprised if many kids have stumbled upon it. You may label and hide away your porn, but by making it in the first place, there is an argument to be made that you made something kids would inevitably stumble upon.

>> No.7174235

>wild wild west
It's more like a gentrified suburb surrounded by ghettos and every so often somebody hops the wall and shanks a boomer.

>> No.7174274

>terminally ill
Loli shitters are just as mentally ill, don’t know why you’re shitting on your own kind.

>> No.7174288

>just as mentally ill
They at least know what they want, I wouldn't equate the two. Loli shitters just want their loli on their timeline while the terminally online want to fill it with bickering, arguing, horrible eceleb takes, drama, etc. And then they wonder why their twitter experience is so shitty

>> No.7174296

> All this said, I do think there is an interesting discussion to be had about how appropriate it is for porn to be made for children's cartoons.
Sadly that discussion is a unicorn. Too many people are too invested in it for it to talk about it in a productive fashion. The worst thing is that a number of people who produce porn are underage themselves, which muddies the water a lot.

>> No.7174333

twitter is making it so that if you block people they can still see your posts

>> No.7174334

>he is unironically mingling with underage b& that got mentally fucked on porn at a young age and now are attracted to kids
fucking sad existence m8, but to each their own

>> No.7174335

this isn't where you post your sexual fantasies

>> No.7174339

Dawg do you check every person that follows you?
That can be hundreds or thousands of followers when a post pops off

>> No.7174342

>undoubtedly filter the rainbow flags and the terminally ill xitter users
Funnily enough, I've found more trannies hanging (jej) around in sites for fucked up fetishes (revolving around anime of course) than on normal everyday websites and groups.

>> No.7174343

But enough about Twitter.

>> No.7174349

9/10, retards with anime pfps are trannies(usually see in bio). They are the same after all.

>> No.7174426 [DELETED] 

>9/10, retards with anime pfps are trannies(usually see in bio). They are the same after all.

>> No.7174429 [DELETED] 

Seems that aaaaall changed after 2016, huh. What happened in 2019 for this to flip the switch and now be associated with trannies?

>> No.7174437

what's next? people that hate loli shitters are one themselves and want horses to fuck them?

>> No.7174444

>people that hate loli shitters are one themselves and want horses to fuck them
Vaush reference?

>> No.7174456

the fact that bestiality porn is okay on most nsfw sites but lolishota isn't really cements this

>> No.7174458

holy shit go outside, nobody cares about this fat fuck outside of your head.

>> No.7174472
File: 148 KB, 457x400, 1715797479543039 Perón_drinking_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, I didn't mean to offend you. I won't make any more references like that, I pinky promise.

>> No.7174485


>> No.7174519

this is why I never tweet
I just scrape twitter for porn

>> No.7174550

Twitter is a porn site. It allows porn. Kids shouldn't be on it and people defending kids on an nsfw site are creepy and delusional as fuck. Kids should not be on these sites period. I don't use shitter because its awful but you should have really blocked them from the start if possible even if they're not supposed to be on the site. Nothing else you can do now. Just block and move on.

>> No.7174583

This 100%. Twitter allowing children to use the site
when porn is so prevalent and widely available is a failure on their part, but OP there was no reason for you to allow kids to follow your NSFW account. Really think about this, who were the children going to show your art to? Other children. Of course someone complaining was going to happen. Use the block button and stop relying on minors for your follower count.

>> No.7174587

>One dude even became the US president with that strategy
If you unironically believe this, you're a fucking idiot

>> No.7174618

The great irony of this is that if Twitter was actually a porn site, where no minors were allowed, NSFW artists wouldn't be there since their audience would be so much smaller that it wouldn't really be worth the effort. Twitter only works like it does because there are a bunch of normies there, meaning a lot of people to sell to. It's why loli artists are still on Twitter despite Baraag existing.

>> No.7174623


Twitter was never a porn site, pornographers just made it their home. Stop trying to rewrite history.

>> No.7174634
File: 817 KB, 1100x1101, Untitled_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most antis are hypocrites

>> No.7174660

If it allows porn, its a porn site.
Holy shit youre actually a groomer, if u knew their age and let them follow ur account.
Good beit.
You got me for a while

>> No.7174672

>Twitter is le porn site XD
I remember when Tumblr/Gumroad had the same shitposts made about them.

>> No.7174704
File: 13 KB, 478x624, 1705071103906748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this straight:
>In theory, Twitter is a platform that allows SFW and NSFW content to be posted, the latter with some restrictions applied to it in order to prevent users from engaging in NSFW content in case they either dont want to or should not.
In practice, Twitter has a very ineffective content filter that causes users to engage in NSFW content regardless if the user is not supposed to chooses not to engage with ti.
>Conclusion: Twitter is to blame for having an ineffective content filter. The platform needs to apply a more effective content filter that allows users to completely avoid NSFW content in case they should not engage with it or choose not to.
NSFW creators
>In theory, NSFW creators are allowed to post on Twitter under the conditions of marking their content as NSFW in order for people to filter their content in case they dont want to/should not engage with it.
In practice, most NSFW creators do not mark their content as NSFW, which causes it to blend in with every other content when it shouldnt.
>Conclusion: NSFW content creators are to blame for not making proper use of the content filter the site has, as ineffective as it is.
The children
>In theory, minors are allowed to engage with content in Twitter because the site allows for SFW content to be posted in. Minors should also be cautious of NSFW content as they should not engage with it.
>In practice, most minors willingly engage with NSFW content when they shouldnt not only because the site has a very ineffective content filter and NSFW creators do not mark their content as NSFW, but also because they are minors and said content calls for them due to their psychology.
>Conclusion: Children are not quite to blame because they dont know any better...
The parents
>In theory, parents should supervise what their children engage with on the internet
>In practice, parents do not supervise what their children engage with on the internet
>Conclusion: Do I need to spell it for you?

>> No.7174734

>Conclusion: Children are not quite to blame because they dont know any better...
>Conclusion: Do I need to spell it for you?
I would actually disagree to an extent, since I'm sure many of the people here have sought out porn themselves. While it is true that parents should be aware of what their children do, it has become excruciatingly difficult to do so, whereas before it was merely hard. There are way more vectors where the Parent simply cannot monitor the child without being a near insane helicopter parent. They would have to vet not only the devices in their home, but the devices outside of their home, the devices in schools, the devices with friends, etc. The amount of monitoring necessary to avoid hyper sexualized content would essentially force the family to live an Amish-like lifestyle, which isn't always possible.

"It's the parents responsibility" is an easy dismissal used by a lot of people online, but as technology progresses and pornographers become more and more brazen, even that faithful line is losing its bite. A lot more people are on a lot less sites and most of them are not only necessary for daily life, but have poor NSFW filters. It's not like the days of the Grey Archive or Shoujo-Ai.com where people would have to share links via word of mouth.

>> No.7174737

You have no morals or standards
You would allow your child to be molested by Hollywood nonces if it meant it made you money and her (and by extension you) famous

>> No.7174763

Then don't complain

>> No.7174776

I haven't seen any porn on X, literally Zero. Because I don't look for porn it doesn't appear on my feed.
If you see porn it's because you search for it.

>> No.7174778

I have a friend who always complains about only fans filthy whores on his feed and I always laugh because he's a Coomer

>> No.7174779

Easy, don't do nasty fucked up shit. We live in a society, you know?

>> No.7174780


>> No.7174804

Fucking Coomer, go watch MLP porn to twitter

>> No.7174806


>> No.7174810


one day i’m going to get so old i’ll stop caring to look up words like this and i’ll be so far behind that it’ll all sound like alien speak to me

>> No.7174819

Yeah Gooner, keep gooning

>> No.7174821

i can tell from your post that you're a disgusting unshowered sperg twitter faggot that doesnt know how to draw and takes himself too seriously

>> No.7174825

I'm gonna cuuuuuum

>> No.7174833

>MLP porn
projecting much...

>> No.7174838

But you told me I was a faggot because I didn't watch porn, so which one is fucking Coomer?
Stop masturbating that is rotting your brain

>> No.7174845

That's the sad hypocrisy that rules your life. Posing as some righteous faggot, but at the same time watching MLP nastiness in the dark corner... tsk,tsk...

>> No.7174855

Your brain is fried goon, stop masturbating for a week so your brain starts functioning

>> No.7174876

>Your brain is fried goon, stop masturbating for a week so your brain starts functioning
Projecting this much...

>> No.7174950

See, this is exactly it.

There's not a single coomer "artist" on this board (or anywhere else) that didn't stumble into this shit when they were minors themselves. That's the whole point of the drawn porn industry. It's a circle of groomers grooming future groomers into a life of sin. It's sickening. It's the classic "raped now rapist" psychology in action. They take a sick pleasure from it because they know no other way to parse what happened to them.

Creative minds porn-branded as children, spreading the disease further and further as adults. Imagine what those minds might have produced if they hadn't been ruined by sick shits baiting them into that dead end life.

>> No.7174964

Are you sure is that how it works?

>> No.7174976

Gooner, keep gooning

>> No.7174990

Stop drawing porn.

>> No.7175043

Come on anon, you know that ain't gonna happen any time soon. As long as human exist porn will exist. No porn no humans. This is a world build on sex drive. That's the reality of life on this planet.

>> No.7175045

>noooo a 15 year old saw a titty they are going insaaaane aaaahhhhh it's literally satan please jesus christ save their soul they saw a human body nooooooooo
Amerilards are the world's brain tumor.

>> No.7175047

Obsessed groomer post

>> No.7175055
File: 35 KB, 600x626, 14546514787645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts adult content on platforms that allows minors
>draws fotm anime porn to get numbers
>gets numbers
>"man, fucking children entering MY adult spaces!!"
holy gaslighting

>> No.7175068

Of course, but that doesn't mean that YOU needs to draw porn.
You don't need to save the world, save yourself first.

>> No.7175085

quite telling how every valid counter point against adult content on public platforms is only met by dismissals and mockery

>> No.7175185
File: 3.55 MB, 3574x4742, Untitled66_Restored4_20240522174712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that drawing so fucking much especially the abhorrent way they draw the minor and how "cool" they draw themselves

>> No.7175187

you don know you have to be +18 to post on 4chan right
focus on school/studying you pissy bitch

>> No.7175190

there is also no reason to sexualize literally everything under the sun but cumbrains don't understand that

>> No.7175194

fuck now you making agree with those retards and hope they actually succeed as long as mentally retarded fucks like you hang yourselves, since pony coom is all you have.

>> No.7175199

loli shitters are unironcially more terminally online, since that garbage can't even been seen in public or conventions and their online source of that shit is online. Even furfag shit is somewhat accepted outside of the internet, you'll just get weird looks and made fun of.

>> No.7175201

>was still in school when MLP aired
>never was too much into it, but still like it
>now suddenly I have to give up a thing I like, because some normalfaggots spat out a retarded zoomer from their rotten vagina and gave it IPad
>suddenly I have to bend the knee to their ADHD brainrotted mentally underdeveloped spawn
Nah. How about you just fuck off from MY internet, normalniggers. I am going to post whatever I want and you are free to shove your phones up your tranny ass and never come back. The internet already got infinitely dumber, because you are here, so it's a win-win for everyone.

>> No.7175203 [DELETED] 

Children should neither have phones or tablets, nor should they have unsupervised access to the internet in general.

If Twitter didn't want porn on its platform it would ban it, period. If the NSFW tag is being employed then the artist is already doing everything in their power that the platform affords them to prevent minors from accessing it. An artist should not have to monitor who is following them and censor themselves, period. Irrespective of the reasoning anyone that acts up in DMs or the comments (complains about content, sends weird DMs, low-ball commission offers or "requests") should be hastily blocked and ignored no matter the reason. Don't let retards, underage or not, waste your time and use your personal page as a platform to host their moral crusade or anything else. I don't know why people find this so hard to understand.

>> No.7175204
File: 15 KB, 400x400, tegaki_2024_05_22_11_18_38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute ocs im keeping them

>> No.7175207

>Outing yourself out as a discord groomer
el oh el

>> No.7175208

Children should neither have phones or tablets, nor should they have unsupervised access to the internet in general.

If Twitter didn't want porn on its platform it would ban it, period. If the NSFW tag is being employed then the artist is already doing everything in their power that the platform affords them to prevent minors from accessing it. An artist should not have to monitor who is following them and censor themselves. Irrespective of the reasoning anyone that acts up in DMs or the comments (complains about content, sends weird DMs, low-ball commission offers or "requests") should be hastily blocked and ignored. Don't let retards, underage or not, waste your time and use your personal page as a platform to host their moral crusade or really anything else.

I don't know why people find this so hard to understand. It takes literal seconds to block someone but I still see people arguing with losers on their page/in their DMs. Not everyone that follows or DMs you is some precious friend worth keeping around.

>> No.7175211

Vaush is one of you.
Why are you shitting on your own kind?

>> No.7175212

he's apologetic and copes/projects cuz he prolly watches real cp unlike us
he is what performative anti-loli fags eventually evolve into

>> No.7175221
File: 35 KB, 598x598, previewfile_2975502962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentle reminder that these are the same people that are okay with the "boykisser" meme. Pornography is not just erotic images or explicitly sexual content, it's also a darkening of the mind. This meme exemplifies this idea because it makes it easier to normalize homosexual behavior. The cute appeal of the cat character makes the idea impressionable to children. These deranged, unnatural fetishes that OP draws on their own would probably scare off children. But using My Little Pony as a mask - it becomes acceptable and 'welcoming' in a way. A child who did not previously have a vore fetish now has one because of a cartoon character. Whether he likes it or not, children will be lured into his content and will be harmed mentally, sexually, and spiritually because of it. OP is damaged as well - but he just doesn't realize it and won't realize it until he stops drawing porn and takes the viewer of his art into consideration (which he hasn't). If OP wanted, he could move his work onto a private blog or forum/messageboard catered to adults. If he does this, then maybe he actually does care about the children. If he doesn't and only cares about followers and monetization - he is willing to harm the innocence of children for his own selfish desires.

>> No.7175238

How the fuck do you sift through your thousands of followers?

>> No.7175242

The problem with discord servers is it's very easy to lie on the internet. You could be in the adult section of the server and a thought we're all adults in there and then suddenly one them goes "uhm. Im underaged". Fucks sake, literally what the OP's picture is complaining about.

>> No.7175243

Is this faggot mental? Did he really believe the things he typed? Do conservatives really?

>> No.7175244

You can't stop it. Kids will create fake account so they can see what beyond the 18+ wall.
worst part is that they are the bulk of your consumers/watchers, likely the ones to have actually time to enjoy comics, films and games
Sadly almost never have any cash to throw. Most working adults likely have only about 2-3 hours of actual free time, not likely to squander it on mindless scrolling on twitter.

>> No.7175263
File: 100 KB, 415x542, 02A99D65-36F0-4BE5-B0A8-73D3D460EA6E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirs the Twitter art made me rape my sister.

>> No.7175270
File: 352 KB, 720x803, Screenshot_20240522-201030_Photos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which gooner are you?

>> No.7175274

Tags: Shota, loli, Incest(brother and sister), rape, momdbreak, impregnation, hatefuck, unwilling, forcedorgasm

>> No.7175276

Cant get the India out of Indians.

>> No.7175279

What's with all the dogshit posts here?

No, you disingenuous faggot, there js a huge difference between not wanting to sift through each follower and start killing upward momentum on the algorithm and actively choosing to trade your child for a cheeseburger. One is loss mitigation that places responsibility entirely on a user (which doesn't really benefit OP right now), the other is a perceived active profit.

Actually pudding-brain comeback.

>Vaush is one of you.
Vaush is a lame armchair communist with a history of letting nonces on his server and saying that the ideas he advocates would "coincidentally" lower the age of consent. What the fuck are you even talking about?

I wish the final stage of Reddit account creation was someone busting into the would-be cuck's house and smashing their brains in with a rusty hammer.

>> No.7175280

OP here. To those who accuse of being a groomer pedophile you are all deranged niggers. What is with all these moralfagging retards coming here and policing what I do online in my own device? Retards like you are the problem with the internet in general. I did nothing wrong, I post porn on a platform where porn is allowed, and I tried to prevent stupid little shits from finding it yet they still do and then blame me. And then you faggots latch on to their bickering and then blame me aswell. Retards got mind broken by twitter and start to see pedophilia in their own walls. The only reason for this faggotry is that you all are underaged. You are all minors who wants the internet to cater to you. The internet is not your fucking place. Crawl back up your mother's womb and stay there if you can't handle a little spiciness online. Me posting a little drawing wouldn't change the brain chemistry of babies retard. If you understand your place like the little shit that you're then you can shut up or gtfo. You have to be 18+ to post here, now put on your pacifiers and leave

>> No.7175282

Why do you draw the men like ugly bastards?

>> No.7175283
File: 949 KB, 1170x1256, 1715630189937484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hehe but if they didn't want porn they'd ban it
>hehe but kids are going to look at it anyway
>hehe but kids should not be allowed on the internet
>hehe but its the parents fault
>hehe therefore i should be allowed to spam porn everywhere while using tags of children's shows
>hehe me exposing kids to porn makes me a pedo? hehe hoho NO U want to fuck spiders!
Literally trying to defend posting porn on a site full of kids by using every single fallacy and bad faith argument under the sun, instead of going to an adult 18+ platform.
Of course, there is also nothing wrong with making porn of children's shows and posting it everywhere so that kids can easily come across it and get dem clouts and sigmagrind dose numbas fampai fr fr
But don't say this out loud or you want to fuck spiders!

>> No.7175284


>> No.7175286

>nooo my actions should not have consequences it's on everyone else to make me safe
You sound like a woman and should fuck off off 4chan

>> No.7175288

Just say you want to target kids with your demented drawings. Pretty much 80% of your followers are gonna be minors if you draw mlp porn. Only a small portion of them are so fucking young they think it's a good idea to put their age in bio, the rest are just hiding. Pretty much there are more underage subhumans following you than you realize. You should just fucking delete your account if this bother you this much.

>> No.7175290

You type like a bitch

>> No.7175294
File: 44 KB, 400x400, 1707055304047938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no my actions should not have consequences when i post porn on a site full of minors! it's on the parents to make sure they dont come across the porn i posted on a 13+ site!
rules for thee, but not for me?
You know if you keep going like this you're only going to invite violence your way?
>hehe look @ my witty semantics and bad faith arugmentuations hehe hoho lol lmao im so heckin witty
It's rather a warning on my part but your kind will start getting doxxed and surprise visits from very concerned parents and other type of people looking for an excuse to commit violent acts

>> No.7175299

You fail to realize that you're the problem, not the kids, and not the Twitter users warning others about you. I already gave you a solution - delete your Twitter and start a private blog that is password protected or go on an adults only messageboard or forum. But you insist on staying on a public social media website where anyone can access your content and you continue to sexualize children's cartoon characters - ignoring the consequences of such behavior. Imagine an old man flashing his penis out in a children's playground and then blaming the parents for wanting to protect their children.
>Well they should've been monitoring their kids! This is public property! I can do whatever I want!
This is the mindset of libertarians, pornographers, Jews, and all other evils of the world.

>> No.7175301

If you magically removed kids from the internet, all pornfags would suddenly become irrelevant over night and a lot of them would also vanish as well

>> No.7175303
File: 457 KB, 1709x1900, 1993+07+05+internet+high+res.HG+On+t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing how this cartoon still applies even in this age of surveillance.

>> No.7175305

What the fuck is that pathetic drivel you type. You go to the website, that allows NSFW, explicitly agree to seeing NSFW, lie about your age and then complain about seeing NSFW? And this somehow someone else's problem, and not just you being retarded motherfucker? You should kill yourself now.

>> No.7175306

"On the internet, nobody knows you are a tranny". This applies to minors and faggots too. Little shits mingle in places for adults like jews

>> No.7175307
File: 149 KB, 880x1024, 38D23652-FE7D-43AE-A894-DE1924DF7D30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a slide thread made by assblasted AIfags.

>> No.7175308

Unless you work in animation, storyboarding, whatever - it's just creepy to be an adult who still watches children's cartoons. Especially an adult male. Anime at least has seinen and genres like horror, but My Little Pony? We Bare Bears? That's what you watch as an adult? Touch grass.

>> No.7175309

Imagine comparing minors to jews. /pol/ has straight up raped your brain

>> No.7175311

Anon, if i go on the art board and start posting AI slop; is it fair for me to want it gone or do i need to blame your parents and your school system for creating a stupid faggot like you?
>bb-b-b-bbut it's ART adn this is the ART board hehe fucking semantic'ed them lmao im so hecking witty lol
that pathetic drivel is quite basically a reflection of your behavior, but you know that or else you wouldn't try to go out of your way to say what you did.

Honestly, because you think you have more in common with kids than people your age doesn't mean you can try to lure in kids on your discord with porn while pretending to be underage.

>> No.7175313

I look like that and I do that

>> No.7175316

>ignoring the consequences of such behavior.
the consequences being that kids will find something fun to fap to, artists will keep drawing whatever they want, and moralfags like you will write paragraphs of seethe on an image board thinking they are doing something

>> No.7175318

>146 replies
>19 images
>4 drawings
/ic/ fell off

>> No.7175320

So you don't disagree, that you
>went to the website, that allows NSFW
>explicitly agreed to seeing NSFW
>lied about your age
Good. Now reflect upon your actions and next time think about the consensuses before doing something. It's not anybody else's problem, but yours. Now fuck off and don't reply with your yet another nonsensical word diarrhea. 18+ board.

>> No.7175322

>therefore there is nothing wrong to post porn on public platforms where minors can join
Isn't distributing adult content to minors, even indirectly, a felony?
>go in a public space
>display porn and talk about porn very loudly
>call anyone a moralfag seether who didn't close their eyes and told you that this doesn't belong in public
You believe you are so correct but won't go outside to protest it

>> No.7175324

Your realised, that your retarded argument won't work with the subject matter, because twitter hides NSFW from you, unless you lie about your age and had to come up with some idiotic analogy that doesn't reflect the matter at hand. Neck yourself.

>> No.7175327
File: 250 KB, 586x502, damn bro i got algorithmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dogs will fuck anything
>therefore it is not wrong to sexually molest animals

>kids can't say no
>therefore it is totally justified to impose my will on them

>twitter doesn't ban porn automatically upon posting
>therefore it is totally justified to go out your way to post porn of children's cartoons instead of posting that on adult sites

>it allows NSFW, therefore i should post any porn because under the umbrella term of NSFW i only understand porn because i am clearly an adult without nefarious goals

>hehe twitter hides nsfw from you swear on me mum
>hehe and if it gets shown to you, guess it's also your own fault.. because it just is

Honestly, violence is the only answer.

>> No.7175329

>be german in the 1930s
>porn everywhere
>it got so bad it literally gave way to a whole movement of puritans
>gave rise to hitler
>history is about to repeat itself because pedophiles can't help themselves from trying to porn porn of children's cartoons on public platforms
Honestly, i have no horse in the race but it sure would be funny to witness this.

>> No.7175330
File: 352 KB, 829x1353, 1716182347081800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what 70% of OP's followers look like

>> No.7175333

Too bad it's just gonna get worse most likely. Society has been increasingly sexualized from 1945 to now. Porn has become more and more depraved. We went from clothed sex to naked sex to mixed race shit to faggots kissing to troon porn to beastiality. At this rate cheese pizza will be common place in the future all thanks to (((them)))

>> No.7175334

>memefetish-chan also is into loli
you can't make this shit up

>> No.7175335

And how does the saying go?
"If you don't learn from history, you're just going to get 6 million'ed again"

>> No.7175336

yo can someone put a bullet in the brown schizoid who keeps bumping this thread

>> No.7175337

It's not loli art she's fully clothed

>> No.7175339


>> No.7175340
File: 227 KB, 625x626, 1586246894667412359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, let me guess you next reply
>someone says how it really is
and then you go
so predictable

>> No.7175342

You are underaged. You are literally OP pic. Why are you here? This website is 18+

>> No.7175343
File: 3.69 MB, 2160x3201, fd6018864353db1e6b86d6cddebb204d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, bro, it's not futa art, she's fully clothed.

>> No.7175346 [DELETED] 

nah i wanna fuck kids from age 2-13

the thread was on my thread watcher and whenever i open it after it gets 3 new posts its the same low iq post made by a brownoid

>> No.7175347 [DELETED] 

You would also need a shitty economy and a populist leader getting jailed for trying to overthrow the government and still being popular despite it before we got anywhere close to that happening.

>> No.7175349
File: 726 KB, 2873x3537, 013c6a1d57e462b5562926aa5f342b50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, bro, this isn't nsfw, you can't see nipples and pussy therefore its sfw

>> No.7175350

You would also need a shitty economy and a populist leader getting jailed for trying to overthrow the government and still being popular despite it before we got anywhere close to that happening

>> No.7175352

>tranny groomer seething this hard he starts ranting about brown people

>> No.7175354

Muh dick

>> No.7175356
File: 126 KB, 600x849, 8e1022245280966d32f7204921eee98b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, technically this isn't lewd or nsfw because she has a bikini, therefore i don't need to age restrict this, fucking puritan.

>> No.7175357

bro not cool i dont like it when you lump us pedos in with trannies
anyway the one seething is clearly the guy who feels like he needs to write paragraphs of cope that noone will read

>> No.7175360
File: 157 KB, 483x643, heeh pecis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, this isn't nsfw because you can't see sex so it's totally fine for kids hehe am i funny fellow teens? join my discord!

>> No.7175361
File: 411 KB, 710x740, fucking comedy platinum get it.. fucking.. because sex haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, technically no one is naked here so it's totally fine to advertise adult content because it just is ok? now join my discord like and scubadive

>> No.7175363

Anon just casually having these in his roll

>> No.7175364
File: 696 KB, 785x1035, Clothes = not porn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha here is girl from current anime WE kids like! she's clothed so no worries there! pls subscribe and join my discord if you like epic anime!!

>> No.7175369
File: 752 KB, 789x893, It's porn BUT CROPPED!!! EPIC FUNY!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join my discord though!

>> No.7175372

>OP creates a thread about kids going to 18+ places on an 18+ board
>some kid goes in that thread and has autistic meltdown, posting his entire porn collection, simultaneously complaining about porn

>> No.7175373

neopuritanism was a mistake

>> No.7175374

>fetish and nude content is totally sfw so i need to upload it without age restriction

>> No.7175376

if coom was unironically banned, retards like you and the other guy would have hang yourselves already. The internet would be less fucking garbage no more OF bot spam everywhere.

>> No.7175381
File: 999 KB, 1307x835, totally sfw btw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal bot replies to deflect from the point
6 million won't be enough this time

>> No.7175394
File: 635 KB, 1001x783, well, its on the tv screen and she clothed so its totally sfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, look at the lenghts pornfags go to post and advertise adult content on non adult sites and THEN complain that kids interact with them to deflect from the fact that they're the ones luring kids in so that no one can accuse them of grooming, when they're actually doing that.

Honestly, pornfags done goofed hard and glowies are already on your asses

>> No.7175396
File: 577 KB, 551x916, VfSIYnF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ban NSFW on twitter

>> No.7175398
File: 775 KB, 1053x799, bro this is totally sfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7175404

They're good art. What did you draw?

>> No.7175406
File: 456 KB, 719x729, Ve vill ban ze porn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No bro no one posts porn on platforms where there are children and if they do well it's their parents fault so i should be allowed to post porn where ever i want you fucking neopuritan nazis why do kids interact with my porn? hehe now no one can accuse me of grooming haha outsmarted!!
i dunno man, i kind of want an excuse to commit arson on pornography desu senpai

>> No.7175426

>damn bro that loli sure is sfw imagery bro

>> No.7175433

telling you that kids are smart enough to create fake accounts to circumvent underage blockades to access the 18+ stuff is moralfagging?
that's the truth, not much to do about it, you are probably guilty of that yourself! Paywall your stuff if you are so concerned, kids can easily be blocked off this way since they don't tend to have much or any money.

>> No.7175438


I know some shit slips by youtube's radar, BUT HOW????

>> No.7175439

>>hehe but its the parents fault
But this one's correct. The internet is too hypersexualized now for kids. Even if children avoid those spaces their short attention spans make them perfect for targeted advertisements so every space caters to them while pumping out absolutely low-quality garbage, and parents take absolutely no role in responsibly monitoring them... like a parent should.

inb4 some fag says "yeah well I was on during the days when 'mods are asleep post cheese pizza' was a thing and looking at gore and I'm okay," first of all you're not if you're on here, second you actually had to know how/when to access sites like that, instead of finding it on the mainstream networks.

>> No.7175440

If you know OP's Twitter so much you should post it.

There's a lot to be said about some fag who goes from "stop bad faith arguments" one moment and then what amounts to "stop posting or you'll be le doxxed and then anonymous never forgetti will turn you into spaghetti" the next.

>> No.7175442

>You can't draw porn because kids will try to find it
Not my kids, not my problem

>> No.7175446

You ain't seen nothing yet
Report system is also totally broken i.e. automated
You can also find twitch thot compilations, meme compilation full of thirstbait
Meme compilation accounts with discords getting deleted and then another 2nd and 3rd channel pops up
That's not the point, those are simply dismissals by pornfags so that they can't be held accountable for the things they actually know are even legally wrong i.e. distributing adult content to minors because that's how they get clout; by targeting minors with porn
>hehe im ooutwitting you lol lmao
oof anon, you are quite literally damage controlling like a genuine pedo when you can't admit shit's fucked up and resort to the usual insults and shooting the messenger when there is so much evidence

You complain kids find your porn, don't fucking post on sites where kids are... but wait, how else are you going to be le epic ecelebe with the big social media numbers then?
You are either genuinely fucking retarded or straight up pedogroomers thinking you're outsmarting everyone.
Honestly, the outcome is clear; you're going to make a lot of normies angry because you just can't help lying and unironically gaslighting and being unreasonable.

>> No.7175450

>Chunkymoons not so safe space
What is your point? That's an account that's flagged as sensitive. You can't say it's a bait and switch account.

>> No.7175452

>flagged as sensitive
sure, anon

>> No.7175456
File: 82 KB, 450x284, Screenshot (189819).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No bro it's totally flagged as sensitive

>> No.7175458
File: 247 KB, 435x563, no nipples = totally sfw bro .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro it's totally flagged as sensitive but not age restricted despite being highly lewd content with links to adult content

>> No.7175463

>those are simply dismissals by pornfags so that they can't be held accountable for the things they actually know are even legally wrong
I would not count that as "legally" wrong, since there is a very thin barrier to entry. It's the same reason why porn sites have you click a button that says you're 18, even though even a 4 year old can fulfill that requirement.

The issue is not that they're going out of their way to distribute content to children, the issue is that they're on sites that allow themselves as being permissive of NSFW content, but the prevalence of children causes their conditions there to change. It's like that meme of "hentai artists fleeing from another site that they helped build," it's unfair to burden the artist with the bad faith of the host for an audience that, imo at least, should not be there.

>you are quite literally damage controlling like a genuine pedo
I'm not OP, but I'm chiming in since I make (nonsexual) NSFW content on non-Twitter platforms, so your personal attacks are a bit desperate.

Furthermore, you're trying to kafkatrap someone crticizing the decision to facilitate kids on a website as... someone who wants to fuck kids? Buddy, you have the roles reversed. Realistically you're never going to stop online porn, so trying to lambast what should be the best solution for everyone makes it seem like you're okay with wanting kids to see NSFW.

Don't play this game, you'll lose. Especially with how much effort you're trying to put into this "you're secretly a pedo" shit. It comes across as a pathological liar trying to project.

>and resort to the usual insults
>>you are quite literally damage controlling like a genuine pedo when you can't admit shit's fucked up
>>You are either genuinely fucking retarded or straight up pedogroomers thinking you're outsmarting everyone
Self-awareness is not your strong suit. Do whine about "bad faith arguments" while repeating this strawman bit ad nauseam though...

>> No.7175462
File: 275 KB, 640x480, 1710541352816909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point you're all just partaking in an internet fight merely for the sake of it. None of you guys have conviction over your own arguments, you're just looking to get a gotcha out of the other.

You fags are stupid, man.

>> No.7175465

You pulled from Twitter for an account you opted into viewing. Don't backpedal.

>> No.7175468

where is the anon that said you don't need to be skilled to make it? from all these post, it just shows you don't need to be skilled to make it and most of these guys are high /beg/s from the examples that one anon is posting.

>> No.7175469

I like how after the porn-spammer was called out for posting nafw accougs, suddenly he's cropping the account names.

>> No.7175470

you need to be skilled to make it*

>> No.7175472

That anon is legitimately actually underaged, do not engage with him, just tell him to fuck off from this site. You can easily identify his every single post ITT - it's always teenager babble.

>> No.7175478
File: 161 KB, 1090x320, but it says 18+ so its sfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so your personal attacks are a bit desperate.
Look who's talking. All the replies i got is mockery and insults, but you fags get a taste of your own cum and suddenly it's totally not fair?
>but me
no one asked about you and it's irrelevant

All im saying is why doesn't porn get held to any standards or rules and always excused at lengths no matter what?
And there you go
>rules for thee but not for me
If everyone that criticizes you must be underage schizo puritans, then you must be groomers
simple as

>> No.7175479

I'd still explain my point since there are third parties like me who entered late, going back through and reading the thread.

>> No.7175483
File: 893 KB, 2270x1230, 1689982711386184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mandatory post

>> No.7175486

>he's not getting it
You just need to advertise to kids to make it
Pornfags figured that out long ago

>> No.7175487


>> No.7175491

>All the replies i got is mockery and insults,
Okay. Have I mocked you? Have I insulted you before you insulted me? No. You got nasty first to me and rather abruptly after I kept things hands-off in my tone.

>no one asked about you and it's irrelevant
You're literally here whining about people beng mean to you and using that as an excuse to be a raging cunt.

>All im saying is why doesn't porn get held to any standards or rules
No you aren't, you motte-and-bailey faggot.
You're also being disingenuous in saying there are no standards when there very clearly are. The problem I'm stating is that these rules beyond the law often change on artists for an audience that shouldn't be on the platforms to begin with.

>>rules for thee but not for me
This accident fallacy also annoys me.
Yes, a different set of rules SHOULD be applied to children's access to the internet. They are literally not fuctikning adults. There is a reason we do not permit them to drink or engage in sexual activity with adults, because their brains are literally not equipped to handle it. It's unfair to the content creators on a platform in a designated adult space to be disgruntled about having to suddenly tone down their work to accommodate that.

>m-m-muh groomer!
You called the idea of parents limiting kid's access to the internet a handwave that should not be considered.
Why do you want unsupervised kids on the internet?

>> No.7175502

Because you're annoying me with your constant bad faith posting, I went and looked up that video.
There is nothing in there worse than the thumbnail. Literally. That pic in the thumbnail is the spiciest visual there. You are complaining about a pic of a cartoon woman in a hoodie without any visible underwear. Going outside to the fuckinf beach will give you spicy visuals to look at. You are throwing hysterica over actual click bait.

>> No.7175504
File: 223 KB, 677x394, omg so funny and im horny now guys im horny and its funny guys lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All im saying is why doesn't porn get held to any standards or rules and always excused at lengths no matter what?
Because pedos, groomers and pornographers have an invested interest in having it everywhere
>pedos and groomers get to groom kids
>pornographers get to farm clout and money
>pedos also finance pornographers to make more content so they can use it to groom and spam
i mean, are we going to do this again and then by the next year i will tell you; "i told you so" like i've been telling you about platforms and governments slowly going against porn to ban it
>muh tone
>muh whining
>]insert random ass shit here to discredit and damage control]
>implying he has any points and not just trying to gaslight like he has done a 1000 times already
literally stfu
I've posted enough evidence to prove that porn is not held to any rules and it relies on grooming kids on platforms, while you fags argument is alway
You should unironically kill yourself
taking you seriously is a waste of time and i'm going to call the man in black on your ass

>> No.7175507

>hehe but ur a bad faith hehe lol checkmate
and there you go

>> No.7175514

>Why do you want unsupervised kids on the internet?
Why do you want to post porn on sites full of kids?

nice strawman btw i almost ignored it

>> No.7175515

What he is saying is that kids should be banned from the internet, because kids like you exists.

>> No.7175518

>Because pedos, groomers and pornographers
>>Cropped twitter thumbnail
>>Exact same writing style
At least try harder to hide your samefaggotry, underage tourist.

>muh tone
Also you:
>>All the replies i got is mockery and insults, but you fags get a taste of your own cum and suddenly it's totally not fair?

>insert random ass shit here to discredit and damage control
Literally your entire post in a nutshell.

>literally stfu
Cry more, seething tard.

>I've posted enough evidence
You posted a NSFW Twitter account you follow and blamed the platform for not stopping you from following it.

Watch the vid you posted if you think I'm wrong
A thirty seconds YouTube video of a pic lf a cartoon woman is not going to turn you into a pedo you dumbass.

>> No.7175520

yep seems abbout right to me
use yt kids if you care about le censorship nigga

>> No.7175522

>full of kids
They weren't when those sites were founded. You ever think that's part of the problem?

>> No.7175523

>Cry more, seething tard
Can't be saying that, when porn is slowly getting banned and there are becoming less platforms to house it, thanks to payment processors. The amount of porn artist that are All whining about it increases as the day goes on. Your whines just seems like an act out of desperation on the inevitable.

>> No.7175524

>be pornfag
>spam porn on sites full of kids
>get told to tag your shit appropriately or got on actual 18+ sites
>start doing all the mental gymnastics to justify spamming porn on sites full of kids
>therefore it's totally ok to still spam porn on youtube without age restriction to farm clout and discord victims
But kids ain't banned from the internet so you're basically admitting that pornfags are doing this with the knowledge that kids are going to watch it
>ur samefagging
i wasn't trying to hide it or i wouldn't have replied, retard
Yeah, because spamming
>muh underage i dont like the tone of your voice fucking puritans schizo
is totally fair and heckin valid, right?

>You posted a NSFW Twitter account you follow and blamed the platform for not stopping you from following it.
>that is shilling porn on youtube while uploading lewd content that is not age-restricted
and there you

Literal kid tactics
again, "rules for thee but not for me"
get fucked
and banned off social media forever
seethe, cope and cry

>> No.7175525

age-restricted =/= porn or fetish shit
You retarded fuck

>> No.7175527
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All i want is for adult content to follow the rules, but pedophiles don't want that or how else are they going to groom kids?

>> No.7175528

Since you are underaged, It's literally illegal for you to be here, kindly report yourself to the police

>> No.7175531

This kid is unironically fucked in the head. 4chan will only mind break him further.

>> No.7175533
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>> No.7175534

It's too late, I think their parents should perform post birth abortion and start over.

>> No.7175537
File: 198 KB, 674x678, 1623562356465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, all the replies to any criticism against porn are met by nothing but bad faith arguments and dismissals, trivializations, insults and mockery, appeals to emotions, "tone" policing; yet they claim to be the adults.

>> No.7175539

I don't think we can fuck them over any more than twitter did, to be honest.

>> No.7175542

I blame the big nsfw accounts for bringing this retarded kid in here, to be honest.

>> No.7175543

there's a reason why coom is getting slowly banned, because these coom artist have a mind of a child.

>> No.7175550

He is already succumbing to /pol/ brainrot, posting about Hitler completely unironically, so I won't be surprised if 4chan turns him into a school shooter couple years from now. At least twitter would stop at making him an idiot.

>> No.7175555

Thats a crying shame, truly fatherless behavior

>> No.7175563

>they have the mind of a child
Well, they do say that to hunt effectively you have to put yourself in the mindset of your prey, so of course, if they aren't kiddies themselves, they are straight up groomers.

>> No.7175573
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Makes you wonder what Chris Hansen did to get in the mind of those predators he caught.

>> No.7175576

Well, if you want to catch a murderer you have to think like one, no?

>> No.7175578
File: 46 KB, 1280x800, DF18C0D9-2B24-444A-81E5-D24D7191E74F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Criminals seem to think they have it all figured out and they'll even feed it back to someone ironically.

>> No.7175581
File: 64 KB, 561x588, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just randomly found this peal
>comment being the groomer's anthem
>all the anime in bio

>> No.7175614


>> No.7175615

>physical objects being taken away
>non tangible ideas being used in whatever way anyone wants
if you don’t see the difference you’re retarded

>> No.7175617
File: 134 KB, 1920x1536, 1695280763054605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are legitimately retarded, and have not put more than two seconds of thought into this.

The issue is not the existence of porn. The issue is that payment processors and hosts are catered towards sites that offer children content because of the prevalence of children where they do not belong. You are arguing this on an orange board on 4chan, so the idea should not be lost on you, but for the sake of your tard rage pretend to not understand this simple idea.

Even if you ban porn, the greater issue persists. You still have shit like Youtube cracking down on profanity. You still have stuff like Webtoons prohibiting violent content.

You can whine all you want about porn artists, but the logic behind coddling a demographic that should not be here does not end at porn because you do not define what's acceptable. Worse, when you're saying shit like >>7175478 is too risque, you argue that the entire internet should be sanitized to the point of mundanity.

Have you seen the content that gets made when unmonitored children are the primary demographic? It's absolute garbage because it's not made with the assumption that an adult would care to watch it.
You are literally arguing for Youtube itself to become entirely Youtube Kids, when that already exists and you clearly aren't using it. Big brain on why that is, jackass.

You can try to project that it's porn artists whining, but they have every right to and know more about this problem than your room-tempurature IQ. They were here first.

>>ur samefagging
>i wasn't trying to hide it
"I-I wasn't trying to misrepresent anything!"
Yeah, just like how you totally decided unprompted to crop out the usernames of those porn tweets you from your feed.

>Literal kid tactics
All of your post is namecalling tantruming.

>>that is shilling porn on youtube
I'm going to outright say it: NONE of the thumbnails you've posted are porn. You posted clickbait from a porn artist you follow on Twitter.

KYS niggerfag.

>> No.7175622

>>spam porn on sites full of kids
>>get told to tag your shit appropriately or got on actual 18+ sites
>>start doing all the mental gymnastics to justify spamming porn on sites full of kids
Projecting schizoid

>> No.7175630
File: 548 KB, 720x534, 1663179144013053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, just like how you totally decided unprompted to crop out the usernames of those porn tweets you from your feed.
holy fuck you're desperate for anything to hang on to to actually discredit the one speaking
that is straight up pathetic as fuck
>You posted clickbait from a porn artist you follow on Twitter.
And there you go, just more headcanons and schizo projections.
Totally heckin adulting right there, amirite?
>waaaaaah le samefagging
Jesus christ man stop actually seething and having a schizophrenic episode, it only further validates the point that pornfags are groomers.

>> No.7175632

Wait i forgot
>Anon pulls out all the fucking strawmen
And then porntards really have the balls to say they're the victims in anything when they do nothing but groom kids and gaslight.

Good thing they're getting fucked by payment processors.

>> No.7175642

Their argumentation is a looping sound bites and just a few talking points, it feels very similar a few weirdos on /a/ who will spend tens of hours a day looping in one or two threads, they types a ton of barely readable nonsense, and never really engage in substance of someones arguments.

I have no idea why they do this strange groundhogs day routine or what they got out of it, but I can't imagine it is an expression of sound mind.

I would have postulated it is some sort of strange llm experiment to create excessive "noise" so productive discussions in certain domain will be impossible, but someone like that has existed long before modern machine learning was developed

>> No.7175644
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>actually discredit the one speaking
If the entire point of your whining is that this content is being prompted in front of kids, the content being opt-in is kind of a big deal.

If it wasn't, you wouldn't have bothered to crop out the names.

>And there you go, just more headcanons and schizo projections.
I don't know what's worse, that you forget posting >>7175369 or that you're just copying >>7175622 because you're out of original insults. Newfag.

>Jesus christ man stop actually seething
No u.
You have not actually addressed anything anyone's said to you in leu of whining about MLP porn and "muh groomers."
There is nothing obligating you here if all you're going to do is go on these spergy meltdowns. You haven't convinced anyone of your views. It's actually worse than that since the moment you admit tl samefagging, anyone who might agree with you (I say that hypothetically in this case) gets called into question as just you trying to run damage control.

>Wait I forgot
Those three words are all you should have typed.

>> No.7175646

>>Anon pulls out all the fucking strawmen
>>UR LITERALLY SAYING [insert retarded shit here]
Aren't you the guy who's been saying anyone who doesn't want to ban porn is a pedophile?

>> No.7175647
File: 2 KB, 99x125, 1621473639426s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally said you didn't block kids because you were a small account and you couldn't afford to not block children. You don't have to be a pedophile, but you do see how that was a bad idea right? I couldn't give less of a shit what you post or consume, just don't knowingly let children access your porn, it's not that hard.

>> No.7175660
File: 843 KB, 427x427, 16874564545415147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it wasn't, you wouldn't have bothered to crop out the names.
>the source is literally posted
holy shit are you still trying with this?
kill yourself, you fucking bot

>> No.7175666

ur underage btw and im very witty and adult!

>> No.7175689

This nigga mad he got caught following porn accounts while ranting about porn.

>> No.7175692
File: 91 KB, 231x285, 1695001653541660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how you come across with the constant attempts at a gotcha

>> No.7175695


>> No.7175702

>but you do see how that was a bad idea right?
Uhm no because fuck puritans and the parents should just take care of that and i need the numbers fuck you fuck you fuck you ur just jealous and im an adult ok?

>> No.7175703
File: 99 KB, 970x990, 1716406479513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still keeps going
Legitimately hadn't seen meltdown of this magnitude in years.

>> No.7175706

just ban porn on normie sites

>> No.7175707

no bro why do you hate transpeople so much fucking nazi brown meltdown cringe just close your eyes and beat your kids but also i know that you can't helicopter your kids so they're going to consume porn anyway and then ill be rich and famous nsfw artiste with 10 gorillion followers and kids on discord i can manipulate into taking hrt
ahah get fucking outsmarted nazi

>> No.7175711


>> No.7175713

man we really just oughta ban porn even in real life

>> No.7175721
File: 32 KB, 350x350, 1716408156966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7175726

Uh... yeah. This but unironically.

>> No.7175727

>the parents should just take care of that
Parents taking care of their children? Perish the thought.

>> No.7175729
File: 34 KB, 627x680, 1714040843608304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you kindly shut the fuck up? All you're doing is making porn critics look bad.

>> No.7175737
File: 150 KB, 1576x1142, 1714354548742272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is criticizing porn even allowed?

>> No.7175753

That's pretty much it

>> No.7175763

You're not even criticizing it. You're having a meltdown because it exists and calling everyone who consumes it a pedophile.

>> No.7175784

Here's one apparently.

>> No.7175797

Ooookey... It's break time and I have my big cuppa coffee ready, let's have some fun reading this shit

>> No.7175804
File: 192 KB, 1175x886, 1716413980572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids should NOT lie about their age to look at 18+ content and then complain.

>> No.7175805

You just described 99,9% of arguments on 4chan

>> No.7175818

Anon's comic is about adult invading children space and then corrupting said space with depravity (posting porn to a website full of kids and then blame them for not wanting to see that shit)

>> No.7175830

Imagine trying to validate your position and then proceed to draw minors in bikinis "peeking" over adult space when they're in their playground being invade by tranny groomers targeting them with porn to indoctrinate them into being retarded tranny groomers just like them and the cycle repeat. If you're defending groomers you're defending tranny and probably a troon or faggot, retard
Also grind more anatomy those head ain't connecting

>> No.7175832

I'm a puritan in a conflict with clear right and wrong, I'm so smart

>> No.7175834

>invading children space
Twitter and Youtube are not for kids you dumbass. If you want a kid-friendly alternative, go to Youtube Kids.

>> No.7175839

>Anon's comic is about adult invading children space and then corrupting said space with depravity (posting porn to a website full of kids and then blame them for not wanting to see that shit)
So, the diametral opposite of what OP was complaining about?

>> No.7175843


>> No.7175845

Pretty much

>> No.7175849
File: 17 KB, 399x399, 1714600267669141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>porn is slowly getting banned and there are becoming less platforms to house it, thanks to payment processors
Cheering for this is cheering for Jewish interests.
The mainstream porn sites are so big that if they're cut off, they can hire people to manage their own in-house processor, and there are already specialized packaged alternatives if that fails.

Payment processors going after sites like Patreon are a concentrated effort to attack competition to Pornhub by coercing platforms to choose between a specialized processor with steeper fees or remove the niche that threatens Pornhub.

It's the usual thing of why big businesses will often advocate for government regulations in their own industry. Even if they eat a smaller immediate profit share per transaction, they make up for it by lowering the amount of people that can compete against them, absorbing the customers lost by the startups that are forced to close.

...Now guess who owns the companies which would already have the funds to survive that.

>> No.7175850
File: 11 KB, 109x142, Screenshot_20240522-201030_Photos~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP couldn't even draw the swastika correctly

>> No.7175851

No. This is the same faggot that's typing schizo shit like >>7175695

>> No.7175860

Porn is LITERALLY A JEWISH CONSTRUCT you dipshit. Ever since the US start opening up to Jews because of the "not anudda soah!!" Jews have been spilling in the streets of America ruining banks and meddling in our society. They start with the basics by tearing apart the nuclear family structure, causing degeneration in culture. Jews are the sole supporters for faggots and blacks back in the 60s, they support gay sex and interracial marriage (which they refuse to practice cuz muh religion!!!) yet they force Americans to bite down this shit. It is well known that the porn industry is full heatedly supported by Jews in their plan agaisnt the host county. Pornhub is literally founded and I shit you not a Jewish couples with STEIN and COHEN in their fucking NAME you can't make this shit up. So if (((pornhub))) dies I would be celebrating like how I celebrate October 7th while níggers and faggots are forced to think with their brains (not muh dick!) for a second and realise who's the true propagater of 911

>> No.7175868

What does all that have to do with porn? Like if jews invented prostitution or something. Come on now. When Pompeii got unearthed it was full of porn and shit. Sex is right there anon, in the next room, in your neighbors house, in the car ouside your window, happening non-stop, and making more humans. Embrace your own nature, and stop going against nature and life itself.

>> No.7175871
File: 83 KB, 720x681, 1701096947903920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, dumbass, read the post you're replying to.
Here, I'll even simplify it: Any whore can flash her tits, and any dude can draw them. Porn bans from payment processors only force them to go through Jewish-owned companies instead of starting their own.

Get it yet? It's a soft monopoly.

>> No.7175874

Sex is everywhere EXCEPT at >>7175860's room

>> No.7175875

Anon runs and screams when he sees the word jew

>> No.7175895

The real solution to all of these problems is to get off the internet and go sell art at conventions.

18+ art conventions are a thing, you know, and even the regular ones often have a gated nsfw section.

Almost all of the problems of the internet can be solved by not using the internet amazing.

>> No.7175896

nta, but it's also in human nature to become addicted to drugs and destroy your own potential chasing after fleeting superficial experiences. Doesn't make it healthy.

Cancer also exists in nature. Doesn't make it good. Porn is not 1-1 with healthy human sexual expression, and it never will be.

>> No.7175913

>Watch some animations on jewtube
>Get recommended softcore porn animations from that twitter retard that totally doesn't try to bait retards into clicking his shit
>Click "don't show this channel again"
>Still somehow manages to pop up again weeks later
Yeah, no. The system is fucked.

>> No.7175921

>but it's also in human nature to become addicted to drugs and destroy your own potential chasing after fleeting superficial experiences
it's natural for human beings to seek releases of dopamine.
that's not inherently tied to drug use since drugs don't occur in nature. also cancer cells are mutagenic and are aberrant in behavior, whereas sexual desire isn't, so neither of these comparisons make any sense.

>> No.7175940

Holy fuck sexooo

>> No.7175941

>that's not inherently tied to drug use since drugs don't occur in nature.
You are retarded.

It's normal behavior to crave sugar and seek it out. Whenever it's available. When it's always available, the tendency is to binge.

Humans can barely control their impulses, and this failure leads over and over to the same destructive outcome. There's always some midwit like you trying to defend it by citing natural urges as if it was some kind of infallible justification, but what about pissing and shitting? The natural human urge is to just piss and shit wherever the fuck, humans had to train themselves out of that behavior because it was causing diseases and killing millions.

Dumping sperm into cartoons is normal sexual behavior in the same way eating 20 brownies a day is natural eating behavior. Giving into the mindless impulse to draw naked anime girls all day is no better than giving into the impulse to piss yourself in public because It'S NaTurAL to PeE whEn YoU GoTTa PeE!

Learn some self control you burnt out whore.

>> No.7175942

Calm your panties anon. We get it that you're horny.

>> No.7175943

Apologize no /ic/. You guys broke this Christian father.

>> No.7175944

The issue with porn isn't any sort of naturalistic fallacy, it's that in general people aren't aware of dopamine addictions. This is more or a problem than just porn. Sugar is the same way. The main differences between porn and something like sugar and weed are that porn isn't taught to the public as being especially addictive (or even worse you have companies like Pornhub that run damage control on sites like Reddit). That's part of why parenting needs to happen again. If it isn't porn, something hyper-sensualized will take its place, as we see with brainrlt content videos.

>> No.7176026

Kids should not be on the internet at all.
Disregarding porn and groomers, the ammount of scams on the internet should be enough to make you keep your kids on the flip phone for as long as possible.

>> No.7176102
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>> No.7176147


>> No.7176154
File: 779 KB, 1024x683, 1688988018776020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

children can easily access my nsfw hardcore guro gallery?
sounds like a classic case of #notmyproblem

>> No.7176157

>twitter, youtube, twitch are not for kids
>anyone above 13+ can make an account and watch content
>twitch supposedly doesn't show titty streamers to kids
>this has been already proven wrong
>anon completely ignores the "twitch meta" and how OF whores are directly trying to distribute adult content to kids.
>anon completely ignores how everyone went on to draw extremely graphic pornography the instant twitch allowed for bare artistic nudity and then went back on that
>anon doesn't know the amount of unironical tranny vtubers luring kids on their discord full of porn
>"hence it's totally fine to distribute adult content to kids as long as you don't acknowledge it"
Hey, bros, it's totally fine to mass report pornographers or visit their houses as long as you don't acknowledge it lol lmao

>> No.7176161

Payment processors can ban adult content creators from moving money?
Sounds like a classic case of

>> No.7176216

You're retarded and clueless about social media. Probably one of those no-draw retards with 8 followers on their 10+ year old account

>> No.7176255

>coomers doing all the mental gymnastics because they've been told to not peddle porn to kids

>> No.7176271

Porn defenders all have horrible repulsive art style

>> No.7176283

you are right plus that art is nice, everyone is else just retarded....god those girls look so cute *cryingface*

>> No.7176296

>it's also a darkening of the mind
It's really hilarious that conservatives scapegoat every bad issue on hidden demon magic. It used to be schizo boomers, but now it's mediocre white 20 year olds who blame their failures on naked people on magic curses instead of time-wasting habits like pointlessly arguing with people online for hours.

You don't want to hold yourself accountable for your own actions because you are prideful people with zero empathy, so you seek to blame others instead. Successful people blame themselves for their flaws and actively work on them instead of quarreling online where no one is convinced by online. 2 Timothy 2:24-26 for all of the supposed Christians here.

>> No.7176321

>quoting sacred scripture out of context to own da ebil conservatives
Now that's just sad. You can't even refute any of the points of my argument, so you resort to personal attacks and ad homs. Nice. As for the OP - I'll already gave him an ultimatum as others have said here. Go offline. He doesn't have to be entirely private. The main concern is he is on a public platform where there are children. That's just a fact that these cumbrains can't seem to understand. If he was on a private Mastodon server, it wouldn't be an issue. A private message board with like-minded adult MLP fans also would work. But he chooses to stay on Twitter. Why? Because he cares more about "clout" and "followers" in a fandom that's been long dead. Which is just sad.

>> No.7176357

porn does have an effect on the young millablemind though. Literally no kids that watch porn came out as normal and they all develope sick fetishes like vore or crossdressing on being pedophiles

>> No.7176358

I use designated 18+ sites and don't use twitter so I don't really have a dog in this fight, but I think this is a difficult argument to follow on both sides because what is actually occuring is so nebulous and I get the feeling everyone is just exaggerating. The anti-porn tend to sound like retards that exagerrate everything, so nobody wants to listen to them. The twitter porn artists similarly smooth over the potential issues with lines like "let the parents handle it" or "It's not my fault kids aren't banned from the internet".
Everyone always wants to believe they are in the right. Most people find it hard to sit down and truly question what they're doing. I think from the twitter porn artist perspective, since they don't actively see any of the potential harm its causing, it's out of sight, out of mind. It's very hard to actually tell how many kids this affects, what their ages tend to be (because that does matter) and what it actually does and means. Many of us have seen various kinds of porn growing up and I'm not convinced it's necessarily any more harmful than all the other bad shit in society you're actually forced into. I believe the effects depends entirely on the individual.
But, given that Twitter is a general use social media site, It would be better if they banned porn there. Instead of trying to convince the countless artists posting there, the system itself should change so that porn artists post in the designated websites. And at that point the fight will be strictly against censorship, which there is plenty of. Believe me, most of us artists do not want to peddle our work to kids. We're tired of that topic. Just have better restrictions on sites like Twitter so we can go back the ever growing wave of censorship. I want this topic to just become a big red herring as soon as possible, so people can wake up to the censorship.

>> No.7176359

I agree that crossdressing is sick and disturbing and should be banned everywhere on the internet but vore seems pretty harmless.

>> No.7176362

>This schizo is still going

>> No.7176364

>You can't even refute any of the points of my argument, so you resort to personal attacks and ad homs. Nice
Lol you typed >>7175524

>> No.7176374

This entire post is just a rambling appeal to moderation without addressing why either position is wrong, and I'm not for it.

>given that Twitter is a general use social media site
Counter-argument: Twitter should not be usable by children altogether, and adult content makers should not be subject to rule changes banning them after they've spent decades building a platform.

It's surreal to me seeing people like you incorrectly gauge mainstream websites as "for kids" because of an invasive userbase. When I grew up, there was a very definitive understanding that the internet had adult-focused websites and designated hubs for children. People posted raunchier shit on MySpace because children weren't catered to and could just go to Neopets. The only real structural difference is that a lot of said adult-centric spaces now want to LARP as kid-friendly hangouts. The number of large adult-centric websites are shrinking, and expecting this endless game of cat-and-mouse is just bullshit.

Old-man-from-under-30-years rant aside, children have absolutely no value being on Twitter at all from a platform standpoint, and from a safety position even less. Porn is hardly the worst thing on there. ISIS used to recruit teenagers from there. Scams and misinformation campaigns reign there. Fandoms turn into toxic sensationalist extremists there. Seeing a titty there is not going to fuck them up nearly as bad as the constant flow of unfiltered information from literally anyone, and no human without an ounce of critical thinking should use what basically started as a celebrity gossip website.

>Just have better restrictions on sites like Twitter so we can go back the ever growing wave of censorship
Yeah dude, we should have more of (X) so that it sPrEaDs aWaReNeSs of (X).

>> No.7176378

That's not what I meant at all. This shit is why I hate posting online. Have fun with your strawmen.

>> No.7176380

I remember when Twitter came out. Everyone was laughing at it about how stupid and pointless it was, how everyone on it was a bunch of boring narcissists trying to make every instant of their lives a headline.

Then celebrities got on it and suddenly it became the most important discourse site in the world.

>> No.7176381

>That's not what I meant at all
You're welcome to quote which part I allegedly misunderstood if that's a strawman, but I really don't think I did.
I'm working with the understanding that you want to pretend to be neutral ("but I think this is a difficult argument to follow on both sides"), go entirely on the "ban it becuz dah kids" slant ("the system itself should change..."). If you didn't think those through, that's not my problem.

The only part I really don't get is what looks like some attempt at looking accelerationist at the end, which seems like a toothless appeal tacked on after the fact.

>> No.7176382

>ISIS used to recruit teenagers from there. Scams and misinformation campaigns reign there.
I'd like to add something.

Social media is terrible for children because it encourages cyber-bullying and social media addiction (which is arguably much more potent than porn addiction).
It also disassociates children from real-life interactions, leading to insufficient social skills.
My crack theory is that the reason so many teenagers "rape" (don't respect each other's boundaries) each other is because their terminally-online brain made them borderline autistic to facial cues and bodily cues.

>> No.7176383
File: 50 KB, 393x682, the absolute ass blast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching you retards still trying to damage control

not even with another anon that engages your bs you're able to argue in good faith

>> No.7176395

>not even with another anon that engages your bs
"I'm not the anon you never said was me, I was the one you said I was! Take that!"

The fact that you feel "checkmated" so often here is a sign you're running out of arguments and should just leave.

I agree, but there's a better way to ID it than "autism." I'm going to lift an apt term from postmodern criticism here in "hyperreality." Social media presents a warped view of reality from its users constantly trying to be the most attention-grabbing. When enough people are online to the point of believing these exaggeration as the norm, exaggerations upon those exaggerations are built. The same principal is also why you have brainrot NPCs that think Trump was a Neo-Nazi, it's exaggerations upon exagerations of reality.
Teenagers are shit at understanding boundaries, and porn contributes to hyperrealities too (what do you think of when you see step-siblings?), but trying to scapegoat it just covers a symptom of a greater discussion on whether or not social media was a mistake.

>> No.7176401
File: 105 KB, 237x319, 1716178253170889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If all you reply with is always """"witty"""" one liners and assumption about the other's mental states, it doesn't leave much to the imagination that your intention is to fish for a "gotcha" like every other low iq retard like yourself does nowadays.

I am simply translating what you say since taking you seriously or debating you is a waste of time.
I'll await you

You can't even read or you're genuinely blind.
Well, best bet i got is that you're a bot.

>> No.7176403

You can't even refute any of the points of my argument, so you resort to personal attacks and ad homs. Nice

>> No.7176426

Where did you make your epic oranges without resorting to ad hom and fallacies?

>> No.7176448

Plenty of times. You just never acknowledged them and instead schizo'd. Even when you ranted about Jews, you never gave an answer to >>7175871.

Now the thread's over and you've yet to actually say anything.

>> No.7176455
File: 54 KB, 1143x158, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is schizo'ing out it is you.
>waaaaah pls engage in my bad faith arguments so i can epic gotcha you hehe i am so witty

>hehe you even ranted about le juice
nice ad hom, anon
epic argument

damn, groomers really going this far to defend posting porn on youtube kids

>> No.7176462

You're just calling every argument you can't answer "bad faith"

>> No.7176464
File: 107 KB, 640x590, 16477989466152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be nothing but dishonest
>no bro im being totally honest
>hehe u don't engage with my bad faith???? FUCKING GOTTEM HAHAAAH im so witty
pic related is you

>> No.7176465

>What didn't I argue against?
>Oh, that? Well, uhm... it was... uhm, BQD FAITH!
7 IQ excuse.

Since this has gone on long enough, I actually am going to go ad hom here. You keep projecting shit you do here onto everyone else (the fallacies, being obsessed with porn, ad hom instead of arguments, bad faith posting like the samefaggig).

It is only logical to assume you are an actual pedophile looking to project his insecurity onto everyone else, while trying to shift blame away from something he is ashamed of. That's the simplest explanation for you turning your brain intk a pretzel trying to make your ass-backwards posts.

I said my piece. There's your "checkmate." Thread's over. Seethe and mald.

>> No.7176469
File: 41 KB, 600x625, 165465413546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7176473

Just block them and stop being a faggy whining pedophile, op

>> No.7176479

>evidence and sound logical arguments to support that porngroomers target minors with porn so they can groom them
>groomers instantly going to insults and mockery, doing every fallacy and then crying why no one engages in their bad faith arguments to simply derail the conversation because one anon said the thing the believe no one knows about i.e. that they're peddling porn to kids.

>> No.7176480

>Counter-argument: Twitter should not be usable by children altogether, and adult content makers should not be subject to rule changes banning them after they've spent decades building a platform.
The idea that porn artists built Twitter and made it what it is is laughable. If Twitter were to ban porn altogether tomorrow you'd still have a vast majority of users who talk about fandom, politics, culture, finance, etc.
>Old-man-from-under-30-years rant aside, children have absolutely no value being on Twitter at all from a platform standpoint, and from a safety position even less.
I agree with you and people can talk about the mental damage social media has on children all day. That doesn't change the fact that children want to be on social media and that Twitter/Meta want them on there. 4chan as an adult only website can only get ads from weird porn websites and crypto projects, so most companies don't want to invest or bother creating a space purely for adults. Even with all that said, if I drew lewd figures I wouldn't feel comfortable putting out in a public display where children could be. So the same standard has to apply to where children could be. It doesn't matter is it's unfair. It just is, times have changed and porn artists and non-porn artists have to deal with that fact.

>> No.7176482

ok groomer

>> No.7176485
File: 53 KB, 540x304, tumblr_inline_ptiks4rnz51wzj3e3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quotes own posts adter losing argument
>>Actually, I made a lot of good points!

>> No.7176488
File: 52 KB, 680x510, 1588570340708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro, just don't post porn where kids are allowed to be. It's fucking weird.

>> No.7176491
File: 857 KB, 977x987, 1655465665654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>porntards still trying to damage control ONE anon because he called them out as the pedos they are

>> No.7176499

>The idea that porn artists built Twitter and made it what it is is laughable
They did more than children.
In fact, if you replaced "porn"/"porn artists" with "children" in your post, nothing about your argument changes, because you're trying to use the exostence of a majority, mainstream userbase to disprove the notion that a niche community should exist. The precedent to your argument is tatamount to banning /c/ because people will still visit /b/ and /pol/. It's not a sound argument.

Note my wording too. I've been careful to specify adult content makers instead of porn because the same principle applies to content not suitable for children. Raunchy comedy. Medical reference materials. Footage of real-world human roghts violations. Content that has a very tangible benefit for humanity that should not be shown to children.

>That doesn't change the fact that children want
To be frank, I do not care. Children want a lot of shit, but we still need to tell them no because there's a lot of shit in the adult world they cannot handle.

>and that Twitter/Meta want them on there.
Youtube does (which is a problem in itself). Twitter does not. Twitter requires you to be a teenager at least, and even then that's just for a very small amount of metric-boosting.

>website can only get ads from weird porn websites
Advertisements are not the only source of income. When you cater to adults, you open up the potential for more direct-income opportunities. Think of it this way: Patreon was doing fine monetizing itself with porn and needed coerced to stop NSFW content.

>in a public display where children could be
You can't seem to move past this circular argument of yours to assume that kids should be welcome on sites like Twitter.
It's like going to a bar at 11:00 and worrying about drinking because some parents brought their kid in. It's fine if you don't want to, but asking the bar to stop serving drinks because of those irresponsible parents is selfish.

>> No.7176507

This is not what a sane person posts.

>> No.7176509

Did the voices inside your head tell you that?

>> No.7176511

I apologize for fat fingering i and o so many times.

>> No.7176512

No, your meltdowns do

>> No.7176514

>It's like going to a bar at 11:00 and worrying about drinking because some parents brought their kid in. It's fine if you don't want to, but asking the bar to stop serving drinks because of those irresponsible parents is selfish.
Bad analogy because it's not even remotely comparable to social media.
>assume that kids should be welcome on sites like Twitter.
Again with this strawman argument jeez
The site allows minors, so there are minors and simply because twitter doesn't boot you off the platform because you post porn, is no an endorsement of the site being made for porn.
You are literally going to a playground, showing your dick to kids and then complaining that kids should not be on the streets when you're being a pervert in public.

Kill yourself, groomer.

>> No.7176516

i see you're mad as fuck, pedo-kun
cope and seethe

>> No.7176519
File: 16 KB, 480x467, 1693159232792263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bad analogy because it's not even remotely comparable to social media
You could explain how, at least. Both bars and social media are intoxicating venues where adults hang out, socialize, and on occasional hook up for sex, lines that are very clearly drawn as not being okay for kids, so how is it not apt?

>Again with this strawman argument
Oh, never mind, I'm replying to the schizoing pedophile instead of the other guy.

>simply because twitter doesn't boot you off the platform because you post porn
Well, somehow 4chan hasn't banned (you) yet, so following the same logic 4chan wants minors here.

>> No.7176523

>>Kids should not be here
Saved everyone a tldr of antipornfag's posts

>> No.7176528
File: 120 KB, 431x415, 1697726535588956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could explain how, at least.
>Both bars and social media are intoxicating venues where adults hang out, socialize, and on occasional hook up for sex,
You've never been to bar or outside for that matter. Neither does your example show any common sense.
I'd explain but;
>Oh, never mind, I'm replying to the schizoing pedophile instead of the other guy.
>Well, somehow 4chan hasn't banned (you) yet, so following the same logic 4chan wants minors here.
And there you go
You're just going to pull this shit and parade your "victory" like a headless chicken.

>> No.7176529


>> No.7176530

I'm replying to a pedophile instead of a reasonable human being, so why bother? lmao
Why aren't you banned from twitter yet?

>> No.7176531
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 1716479491484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see this thread
>have a good laugh
>go to the job
>come back
>cook and eat
>sit down to draw
>open /ic/
>see this thread at the top
>this poor mentally unwell kid is STILL throwing tantrums ITT and has been doing it non stop for past 24 hours
I wish jannies would just nuke this thread, so the guy could move on.

>> No.7176532

>You've never been to bar or outside for that matter
Anon, just because you spend all day gooning to chunkymoon and loli doesn't mean the rest of us don't have lives.

>> No.7176534

I'm not >>7176514
But anyway
>You can't seem to move past this circular argument of yours to assume that kids should be welcome on sites like Twitter. It's like going to a bar at 11:00 and worrying about drinking because some parents brought their kid in. It's fine if you don't want to, but asking the bar to stop serving drinks because of those irresponsible parents is selfish.
I don't want kids to be "welcomed" on Twitter. That's why I do agree with you that they shouldn't be on there. It's just an unfortunate fact that they are and it's also highly addictive and easier to access porn whether the user has the intention to or not. So it's better for the porn artist to move to a separate platform. There are still adults only websites, very niche, but still somewhat active. Again, it's unfair for the porn artist if what they want is fame or a following, but it has to be done.

>> No.7176536

I wish jannies would just nuke him.

>I'm replying to a pedophile instead of a reasonable human being, so why bother?
Said looking his own reflection in the eyes...

>> No.7176541
File: 274 KB, 453x532, 14569865165445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So it's better for the porn artist to move to a separate platform. There are still adults only websites, very niche, but still somewhat active. Again, it's unfair for the porn artist if what they want is fame or a following, but it has to be done.
But you don't get it, Anon; they want to peddle porn to kids, hence why they are so adamant about everyone else letting them jerk off in public or else they're transpornohomophobic.
That solution is reasonable, but their response will always be the usual deflection and mental gymnastics
>muh parents
>kids should not be allowed
It's useless to reason with these subhumans
>literally crying for the jannies to remove anyone that criticizes them
Goddamn, how unironically mad are you faggots?

>> No.7176545

>It's just an unfortunate fact that they are
I am not disagreeing, but the fact is that this content predates children being there, and there's no benefit to anyone for the kids to be there. That's why I think it would be better to address the root of the problem and start teaching people that giving kids unrestricted access to the internet is a very, VERY stupid idea.

>So it's better for the porn artist to move to a separate platform.
How many platforms do people need to shift to before you're sated? The current Twitter userbase for porn creation are a large part migrants from sites that booted them like Tumblr. You're asking them to build up their own platform (of followers, I should clarify) all over again to protect a very small subset of users that should not be there in the first place.

Couple that with how loose the definition of "porn" is, and you're basically just pulling the same shit Youtube does with ANY edgy content.

There's also the elephant in the room that kids will follow porn artists no matter where they go, cycling the problem.

>There are still adults only websites, very niche, but still somewhat active
I think I'm getting more annoyed with you than the schizo because you seem to be capable of forming a point, then say shit like this.
The online art space is limited enough as-is. Asking people to make revenue off of a subset of around ten thousand users is delusional.

It's the exact same shit with Youtube of people telling dicked creators to "just go use Dailymotion lol." I'm not making a comparison on that, it's the same excuse. If a userbase for a content creator drops that drastically, their content suffers or outroght dies because they can no longer justify the time invested on that platform, and what remains gets tangibly worse under these restrictions (and don't post that quote either, Mark Rosewater is an idiot).

>but it has to be done.
Or... you can NOT give your kids your smartphone while at Walmart and be a damn parent.

>> No.7176546

Make fifty more posts saying how not-mad you are.

>> No.7176548
File: 749 KB, 785x518, 1654656546546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your point is invalid because you're not saying what i want you to say
>i can't agree to a reasonable solution because
>muh kids
>muh parents
Aaaaaaand theeeere you go

>> No.7176551

reading absolute vomit like this is what pushes me more against porn

>> No.7176552

I don't want us talking past each other but I think it's important that we recognize that we have completely different philosophies when it comes to art. I've had multiple online handles on platforms like deviantArt, Tumblr, Pixiv, etc. I also sometimes just have periods where I don't like my art anymore so I delete my accounts and take a hiatus for months at a time. I don't tell anyone in advance, there's no archive of my work (although some people know my aliases and have collections of my deleted art). I'm okay with all of this because I practice non-attachment. I'm not an artist and ultimately don't care about followers. It's also part of the reason I don't draw NSFW because I do believe it is damaging not just to myself but to others. I'm not gonna censor anyone or what they do, but the less potential I have to hurt someone the better.

>> No.7176560

Or you can NOT post porn on social media where kids are be responsible for yourself.

You're demanding the great majority to accommodate and validate your porn addiction in public, while you are unwilling to respect other people's rights to not be surrounded by porn 24/7 with the excuse of
You're honestly autistic or a pedophile. Maybe even both.

Like, i dunno man, i wouldn't feel one bit comfortable posting porn where kids are and any attempt to excuse posting porn where kids are unironically just comes off as pedophile cope.

>> No.7176564

Same poster.

That's fine if you do, and don't
want to waste anymore time, so I'll concise my point: the mainstream sites we use were not made with kid audiences in mind, catering to them ruins the experiences of the existing users and harms even non-pornographic content that should by all means exist, and there's a plethora other more important dangers to kids being unrestricted that could all be mitigated by the parents actually watching over them.

>> No.7176569

guns were also not meant to shoot stationary targets, but they do.
You're as responsible to what you put out into the world as well.

Only a genuine retard would argue that he's immune to the consequences of his actions.
Why are you dismissing anything i say? By your own logic and ruleset you should simply agree with me and not dismiss me.
Why are you allowed to do that? Fuck your freedom of choice and submit to me.

>> No.7176570

>NOT post porn on social media where kids are be responsible for yourself.
Put the phone in your pocket and be a damn parent.

>You're demanding the great majority to accommodate and validate your gremlin-spawn
FTFY, more-accurate even with Youtube's crackdowns.

>while you are unwilling to respect other people's rights to not be surrounded by porn 24/7
Half of your "evidence" is from Twitter accounts you opted into viewing, and the other half is from a Youtube channel you're subscribed to.

>i wouldn't feel one bit comfortable posting porn where kids
Why are you posting on sites you think are full of kids?

>> No.7176573

Don't reply to posts that aren't direct at you. You're making the guy I want to talk to look bad by association.

>guns were also not meant to shoot stationary targets, but they do
You are aware "stationary" means standing still, right? Why would they not be? That's a pretty retarded point anyway because we DO teach kids rudimentary gun safety.

>Why are you dismissing anything i say?
You spent the whole thread calling everyone who doesn't want to hang out with kids a pedo.

>> No.7176582
File: 30 KB, 534x534, 17062326565649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you posting on sites you think are full of kids?
Why are you posting porn on sites full of kids and then complain that the 13+ site that allows kids is full of kids while demanding that the kids make space for you instead of moving to adult spaces and making up any and all excuses to keep posting porn on 13+ sites full of kids?
It is highly suspicious, Anon.

I mean, sure, maybe your flawed appeal to retardation works on the kiddies you managed to get on your discord, but it don't work here, tranny.
>your evidence is invalid because i say so
Tongue my anus and kill yourself then.
>don't reply to post
Who the fuck are you; the (you) police?
Follow your own meme advice
>close your eyes
>call your parents
>get off the internet
(you) aren't able to navigate discussions or apply any critical thinking
All you've been doing is damage controlling negative criticism about porn because you definitely have invested interest

Sorry, but (you), being sub 79IQ, don't belong here and 4chan was never a pedophile site because of le epic maymays about roris, you absolute quadruple pedonigger.

Kill yourself.

>> No.7176586


>> No.7176592
File: 54 KB, 564x461, 1702479529946462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My question stands. Why do you want to talk to kids?

>> No.7176593
File: 1.12 MB, 1237x899, 1564654615465415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UUUUHM ACTUALLY [insert strawman here]
and there you go

>> No.7176595
File: 19 KB, 360x319, 1673630658097114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pedos still can't help themselves committing every fallacy

>> No.7176596
File: 3.50 MB, 2000x2855, 1705190150191443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will continue drawing cute porn.
I will continue drawing pony porn.
I have wives(yes) and kids.
They are happy to see my art.

And yes. I do not follow Abrahamic societal norms.

>> No.7176599

I will honestly admit that pedophiles are just sacrificial to a platform's growth.
>hehe does this make you mad, christcuck? hehe
i 'unno, are you going to shit and cry your pants when you get banned off every platform?
Maybe call it unfair because banks blacklist you?

>> No.7176601

Why do you want to be surrounded by kids?

>> No.7176602

I don't.
Why do you keep posting porn where kids are allowed to see it?

Now let's read your totally unpredictable comeback, Anon.

>> No.7176603
File: 457 KB, 984x1400, 1706628319044985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creating art for money
>depending on art for money
>working for the banks

A reminder that monetary ambitions and being a slave to them kills creativity.

>> No.7176605

>I don't
Yet you want kids on Twitter. Curious....

>> No.7176606
File: 69 KB, 241x365, 1660585206767929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7176607

>very epic and witty comeback
when you're gonna ban em, bro? im waiting while i post my work on adult sites only

>> No.7176615

>pls don't ban kids :(

>> No.7176617

>genuinely illiterate
damn, pedro literally mindbroken

>> No.7176622


>> No.7176625

>esl spic pedo doesn't get it

>> No.7176626


>> No.7176631

>esl spic
Nah, he's German. >>7175406

>> No.7176633

>i kind of want an excuse to commit arson on pornography desu senpai
kinda based

>> No.7176638

I'll let you in on a secret, before the thread ends. Just the simple fact that you post "a funny meme pic" in almost every your post already outs you as a teenager, who just discovered image board culture.
Not to mention all the nonsense you write in every your post.
You were the thread's clown and you will always be found out as an underage in every thread, on every board. Everyone can see through your emotional teenage tantrums.
Close this site and do not come back for some years. Better yet, never come back. There is nothing of worth for you here. Your life will only get worse if you keep coming here. I am completely serious and not trying to laugh at you or humiliate you. Do not come back.

>> No.7176643
File: 25 KB, 334x351, 1439959856566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. teenage newfag who should take his own advice
>hehehe we were all laughing at YOU don't yxou feel hecking socially ashamed? heheh hoohohoho
gtfo my board

>> No.7176669

I didn't want to say it but, yeah, pretty much this. Newfag doesn't understand how tryhard he looks.

>> No.7176673

It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't post just generic shit.

>> No.7176685
File: 564 KB, 521x454, 170036655244889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pedoshitters so incredibly mad they're pulling out every single trick
absolutely and utterly assblasted

>> No.7176735

Do you even listen to yourself? You unironically believe in magic, curses, and conspiracy theories. Nothing in your argument is worth addressing because you are completely divorced from reality. You think and talk like a mentally impaired granny in your 20s, and it'll only get worse as time passes by.

Conservatism rots your brain entirely, what a miserable existence. None of your solutions work because you were born to always fail in life.
No scientific papers, just you scapegoating your own failures on others instead of yourself.

>> No.7176775

>Conservatism rots your brain entirely
Don't be a redditnigger and blame anon's schizophrenia on conservatism. I've seen plenty of braindead takes on porn from both sides of the political/autism spectrum.

>> No.7176779

I mean this from the bottom of my heart, as someone who doesn't like the outroght worship of pornography in our society:
Please, shut the fuck up and never post again. You are doing more damage to anti-porn sentiments than anyone here by associating anti-porn ideas with your immature and retarded schizophrenia.

>> No.7176788
File: 81 KB, 590x787, 1602439279819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The unreasonable reactions clearly point out i should do it more often since it triggers a whole ass crusade

>> No.7176790

Pretty funny thread. My cheap bait can't hold a candle to genuine mental illness. Still wish they didn't remove the IP counter and that this board had mods sometimes.

>> No.7176802

You are getting responses because you are wrong. Nobody agrees with you or wants to be associated with you. Please. You're making us look like crazies.

>> No.7176829

You know what... I can't even be that mad at OP anymore. Initially I was and came off a bit harsh and insensitive, but after the sperg chimed in and wouldn't shut up, I feel like this whole thing wouldn't have happened had this discussion taken place on a more 'civil' forum rather than on an imageboard where everyone assumes the other is just a strawman of their opponent. I guess I should also mention my reasoning for being anti-porn on social media specifically is because I used to be a porn artist and I used to make money off of it. I don't post online anymore and have found comfort in urban and environment sketching, but that "stain" from all those years of porn is still with me. So I get where OP is coming from on a personal level. Maybe we could continue this discussion on a different thread(?).

>> No.7176841

Maybe you should fuck off and quit LARPing.

>> No.7176847

>Wow, I can't believe this. There is an argument happening. That means both sides are automatically wrong.
>I, anonymous, happen to have been thing, but grew to regret it and so should you. No, I do not have proofs, why do you ask?
>This "4chan" website is too spicy for me, and makes me wish I was on a wholesome side like reddit.com.

>> No.7176864

I'm beginning to think you're not even reading anyone's posts and are just reacting emotionally.
>Wow, I can't believe this. There is an argument happening. That means both sides are automatically wrong.
If you read what I wrote you would know I didn't say anything like this. I just said I'm anti-porn because of my previous past as a porn artist, so I still stand by my original position.

>> No.7176877

>I didn't say everyone was an idiot, just that everyone's just strawmanning each other, unlike me, the enlightened individual!

>> No.7177113

MLP is right next to fucking Barney when it gets broadcasted retard
Name a single adult who watches Barney enough to where they draw porn of it who isn't a fucking downie

>> No.7177174

You know what... i can't even be that mad at that sperg anymore. Initially i was and came off harsh and insensitive, but after pro-porn people chimed in and wouldn't stop trying insulting everything and derailing any conversation, i feel like this wouldn't have happened had this discussion take place on a more "controlled" place where WE can just remove anyone who doesn't agree with US. I guess i should also talk about myself to show i'm on either side because my own authority and intentions are somehow relevant to the discussion.
Maybe we could make another thread where we totally could have a discussion and not just post anything until someone takes the bait and then we strawman and insult them to show how heckin and pepic pornographers discussentargumentatetion we are? lol lmao?

>> No.7177405

Nah, I win.

>> No.7177468
File: 57 KB, 640x559, 89c8e8ba50c177809685a96c26ebf1e39852f967a9f3240b30fa572c061b58e9_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but agree with >>7176847. In the brief time I tried to use Reddit, posts like these were common. People pulling these kinds of dramatic "regretful" backstories out of their asses and then a quick view of their post histories would receal they were full of shit.
These types of stories are easy to make becaue they're so shallow and substanceless so, couple that with the whole "more civil forum" shit, and you'll have to forgive me if the idea that you're a migrant without some handle at all. Great if you wanna timestaml anything to prove me wrong, but pics or it didn't happen.

In case I am wrong, though, okay... but nobody asked for your blog/feelings/history, we're talking about website moderation on places like Twitter.
I wouldn't be so brash about this, but the whole "everyone's strawmanning each other" bit is insulted. You did not read anything here, and likening everyone to abhorrent posts like >>7176560 is fucking retarded. It gives me pic related vibes.

>Anti-porn fag is barniefag
Oh god...

>> No.7177763

amazing thread. In conclusion, moral fags are just that: Fags. Coveted fags that can't help but to react to sexual stimulation. In a bad and uneducated way. They want that stimulation "off" and "nonexistent", because it forces them to react and they feel that reaction unnatural and troublesome. Why?, because they know they can't react "properly" to that stimulus, the reaction will unveil their true sexual inclinations, they feel that it will expose them. And they are either, not ready to "accept" that what they are, or they are just unfit to handle sexuality in general with maturity.