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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7169181 No.7169181 [Reply] [Original]

It's not helping me at all

>> No.7169188


>> No.7169202

Okay maybe I should have been more specific: Can I get an easy alternative for a literal autist?

>> No.7169211

Based Anti-Pawell campaigner

>> No.7169235

You need to be even more specific: what issues are you encountering exactly? What are you expecting? It's like going to the computer guy and telling him:
> My computer doesn't work
> Okay maybe I should have been more specific: it's a PC

Both those books are rather elementary and quite clear as far as I remember.

>> No.7169306

>what issues are you encountering exactly?
I have the most piss poor art skills possible and these books obviously never factored someone like me using them.
Seriously these are "elementary" only for people who at least have basic art knowledge.

>> No.7169323

the art and science of drawing by brent eviston. there's a book and a video course

>> No.7169343

>Seriously these are "elementary" only for people who at least have basic art knowledge.
Dude...Keys to Drawing is about as entry level as it gets. You can also always try Draw A Box.

>> No.7169346

>hurrr i'm to autist
you're not autistic, you're a retarded zoomer

>> No.7169347

>basic art knowledge.
there's no such thing as art knowledge. There's only feeling, intuition, and a sense for form. FEEL the form

>> No.7169350

Anrew Loomis

>> No.7169420

>Keys to Drawing is about as entry level as it gets
Right that's why they expect to you to draw a hand on the second lesson. Very entry level stuff.
Cool maybe recommend books for a retard then
You got any actual good advice thats not psuedophiloshopical ramblings

>> No.7169425

>Right that's why they expect to you to draw a hand on the second lesson. Very entry level stuff.
see, now you get it

>> No.7169433

>now you need feeling and intuition
I didn't sign up for this. whats next, I need to experience love too?

>> No.7169436

Observation leads to perception, and perception leads to feeling. Feeling leads to sensitivity, and sensitivity leads to drawing.

It's all one flow.

>> No.7169447

>Right that's why they expect to you to draw a hand on the second lesson. Very entry level stuff.
You're missing the point of the exercise/the book. The book does not expect you to produce a good looking drawing in that exercise (or any exercise). The *entire* point of the book is to get you to start drawing from observation instead of drawing what you *think* you should be drawing (symbols). The book literally says it doesn't expect you to produce good looking results. And if you get hung up on the fact that your art sucks, you're never going to draw, and you're never going to get better.

>> No.7169448

In other words, read *all* the words in the book. Not just the part where there are exercises.

>> No.7169456

>The book does not expect you to produce a good looking drawing in that exercise
Cool so why does everyone just mock me then whenever I post my results then?
If it doesn't matter if it's bad that shouldn't happen right?
I am reading the words. I understand what it's trying to say.
My art still looks like utter shit.

>> No.7169457

drawing for the absolute and utter beginner might be an easier option, or download brent eviston video course from ic torrent. it starts with basic shapes and after a few days you'll be drawing a kickass bird

I don't like ktd either because the guy wants you to draw the entire silhouette of your subject and then work the inside wtf

>> No.7169458

>Cool so why does everyone just mock me then whenever I post my results then?
Bro you're on 4chan. Join the Draw A Box Discord server if you want people to tell you your shit looks good regardless of what it actually looks like.

>> No.7169461

>I am reading the words. I understand what it's trying to say
>My art still looks like utter shit
protip: intellectual/logical understanding =/= perceptual & coordination skills

>> No.7169478
File: 1.67 MB, 2685x1271, how2drawmanga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally nothing simpler than this.

>> No.7169523

Okay gotta remind myself: Respond calmly.
Yeah but I want actual criticism, like people telling me exactly what I did wrong.
Yes I believe I already I was a an autist.
God I always have those two in the back of my mind but for whatever reason I keep going back to KtD. I don't even know why.
>Manga is a language of symbols
You know what that quote kinda describes what might be my problem. I wanna do manga/cartoons but most of the basic learn to draw books seem more slanted to non-symbol drawing as it were. So my results are more reflective of what I want vs what the books want.

>> No.7169545

I'm gonna assume you're just extremely naive/young/stupid or all of the above. To draw appealing symbols and shapes you have to learn to draw from life and from observation. If you try to to skip over this part you're going to end up with some chris-chan tier abominations and you're never going to improve.

If you want to draw manga characters you'll have to learn how to draw the human figure, how to draw faces, how to draw clothes, at the very minimum. Either start paying attention to the book (or whatever book you want) or go the AI route because otherwise it's not going to work.

>> No.7169546

>like people telling me exactly what I did wrong
Then you're gonna have to grow a thicker skin and sift through all the dipshits who are just telling you to kill yourself instead of contributing anything of worth around here.

>> No.7169548
File: 103 KB, 1444x853, drawing_loop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the basic learn to draw books seem more slanted to non-symbol drawing as it were.
That is the problem.
"Drawing from life" is pretty much impossible without a way to simplify what you see beforehand, and symbols are a ready-made solution for that problem.
You're supposed to learn first by copying drawings, then applying that knowledge to draw from life, then create new drawings using everything you learned so far.

Here's the basic drawing loop by ex-Ghibli animator Yasuo Muroi.

>> No.7169553

>If you want to draw manga characters you'll have to learn how to draw the human figure, how to draw faces, how to draw clothes, at the very minimum.
This is bullshit.
If you wanna learn how to draw manga characters you begin by literally copying manga characters stroke-by-stroke.

>> No.7169554
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>> No.7169570

Some conflicting opinions I see. It's probably bias but I'm leaning towards 2nd anon
Unfortunately it feels like there's like one person doing that usually. Still, I am trying to listen to the real criticism
Okay what would recommend then, I'll take anything.

>> No.7169571

Literally just use AI. You clearly don't want to learn to draw.

You're probably just trolling too, samefagging probably.

>> No.7169573

>Okay what would recommend then, I'll take anything.
You've been given lots of options so far.

>> No.7169579

>>what issues are you encountering exactly?
>I have the most piss poor art skills possible and these books obviously never factored someone like me using them.

That's *NOT* a description of the issues you're encountering that can help us understand what's happening.

Either you're baiting, or you have serious communication issues. Assuming the latter, no other book will ever be good enough for you:the solution is to work on yourself. Nobody can solve a problem they don't understand: you have to learn to clearly express the problems you're having. Saying
> but I suck bro
brings nothing to the table.

It's like some asking you
> are you feeling alright?
and you'd answer
> I feel something
instead of
> my dog died yesterday, I barely slept last night and I drunk a lot

>> No.7169817

>Drawing from observation : an introduction to perceptual drawing
Check anna's for the file

>> No.7169818

How else am I supposed to describe my problem? My arts shit and no matter how hard I try nothing seems to improve it in the slightest. How the hell do I work on that?

>> No.7169827

I'm telling you this sincerely, give up. Go take up a different hobby that makes intuitive sense to you. I'm not trying to be mean, but you will never be able to learn to draw.
Mentally, you don't have it in you just like somebody with no legs will never be marathon runner. You'll save yourself a lot of frustration and mindless internet arguments.

>> No.7169836

This book sucks lol
"Do a master copy when you've never drawn anything before!"
"Draw your feet as if it would be possible for you to hold completely still during the process!"
Dodson is a schizo

>> No.7169846

... you can't keep your feet still?

>> No.7169849

>How else am I supposed to describe my problem? My arts shit and no matter how hard I try nothing seems to improve it in the slightest.
Isn't posting your work a good start? If you see no improvements, it means you're expecting some improvements, which means you understand what needs to be improved.

When you go to the doctor and you tell him
> I don't feel good
What do you expect? He's going to ask you:
> How so? Do you have a headache? A stomachache? How long has it been? What have you ate recently? Have you traveled to weird countries? Let me take your temperature

Anyway, that's the last message from me; you're most likely baiting, and would otherwise be too stubborn to be helped efficiently. Work on yourself, try to make yourself clearer, put yourself in other's shoes: how would *you* help someone who comes to you with a mere
> my drawing looks like shit, help me, help me, help me

>> No.7169850

Try drawabox

>> No.7169859

You're just comparing yourself to the examples. Do the assignments as described and only worry about what you make and how you arrived there.

>> No.7169864

accuracy by dorien iten, it's free and pretty concise

>> No.7169986

But I don't want to give up, the few times I decided to draw whatever I actually wanted and not what some book says to draw I had legitimately fun.
Look I'm not baiting, my arts not good. I don't how to do depth, perspective etc. Meanwhile everybody else who's using this book seems to have the knowledge already ingrained. I'm confused as hell and don't know what to do.
Oh it's that glasses thing I see posted every now and again.
Well it is something different, I'll take a look at it.

>> No.7170003
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>> No.7170015

nothing irl is 100% static

>> No.7170058

I'll bite again.

>my arts not good
Don't hesitate to post it, that'll help for sure. A doctor needs to look into your mouth, ears, listen to your heart, etc. to get an idea of what issue you actually have.

>I don't how to do depth, perspective
What have you tried?

> I'm confused as hell and don't know what to do.
Basically like this:

Every time you hit a roadblock, you identify what the roadblock is (e.g. "perspective") and you look for online ressources to complement your current understanding. Watching videos or reading tutorials is useless by itself:you need to study along seriously, meaning, you need to draw, and make a conscious effort to learn, as one is theoretically expected to do at school.

Spending 2h to study a 10min video isn't far-fetched. Like, many Marco Bucci's videos are packed with good stuff, but unless you're already proficient, you won't get much out of them, unless you spend many hours, way more than 2h, on each.

>> No.7170090
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Either keep practicing the exercises until you improve or give up on drawing you useless fucking whiny retard.

Fuck you.

>> No.7170117
File: 485 KB, 1580x2179, Anya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't hesitate to post it, that'll help for sure
Alright....Pls don't mock I know it's very /beg/ tier.
I've posted this before in a couple other threads. I got one actual good critique and one "dude ktd lmao".

>> No.7170121


>> No.7170122

good taste

>> No.7170134

>Alright....Pls don't mock I know it's very /beg/ tier.
Every one starts as a beg... It' is, honestly, not so bad: the overall proportions and the face are working.

The fingers look like penises, but hands are probably the most challenging body part, so don't sweat it.

There's not much depth or perspective involved here; those are more relevant when there's a background.

That being said, you could have slightly lighten the dark shirt, so as to make its contour lines more apparent: you could then have used those lines to create overlaps:that's one technique used to create depth.

Just keep at it. Try to be more regular and tidier, you'll get better.

As a technical exercise to do on the side, try to learn how to draw cubes in perspective. It's basic but very useful.

>> No.7170150

I can, and I can correct for any discrepancies because I have patience and experience. Things I wouldn't expect from a /beg/

Yeah but some things are moreso than others, having a /beg/ do what is essentially a life drawing of one of the more difficult anatomical features is just silly. The book isn't all bad but it starts off on a bad "foot" imho

>> No.7170279

IDK really know how contour lines work not gonna lie, think maybe that'll be what I study next.
Thanks for the advice.

>> No.7170327

>IDK really know how contour lines work not gonna lie, think maybe that'll be what I study next.
Look at mangas closely and how they use line: overlaps, or "T-line", can be used to indicate whether something is in front or behind something else

>> No.7170426

The funny thing is I had barely any trouble doing the shoe/foot drawing. It's everything afterwards that seems to give me trouble
I think I get you. But obviously I am gonna study it more in depth.

>> No.7170431

you finish it to finish it, don't worry if your drawings are still ugly if you're following the directions, you're learning. drawing is a marathon not a sprint >>7169188
just do the workbook

>> No.7170439

>he posted his work

>> No.7170447

>having a /beg/ do what is essentially a life drawing of one of the more difficult anatomical features is just silly
he certainly could've been more explicit about the parameters for the study, but in his own example he doesn't draw actual feet but shoes - which are oriented (and advised in the study to be oriented) in such a way that there's hardly any three-dimensionality to them. it's mostly a basic study of contour, not an academic study of the anatomy of the feet. you can argue about simpler beginner studies till the cows come home, but an additional benefit of the study is that your feet/shoes are with you, tangible, immediate. something too simple can also turn off students: you want something challenging yet realistically doable. it's a good way to get a student to start thinking that they can draw anything they happen to see without knowing a bunch of complex techniques or theory. that's probably the #1 benefit I got out of KtD; I don't feel like I need construction to do observational drawing.

>> No.7170590

>he posted *THEIR* work
I'm nb, please refer to me as such.
Thanks! ;)

>> No.7170592
File: 128 KB, 400x400, be3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm nb
>>he posted

>> No.7170774

How crucial is the workbook?

>> No.7170792

holy shit my sides

>> No.7170929

Okay but I'm probably gonna use the other ones that got recommended

>> No.7170930


>> No.7170956

>an anon makes ONE singular drawing
>/ic/ applauds
how low have our standards fallen?

>> No.7171022

When we started to applaud the retards and mediocracy instead of shaming it.

>> No.7171038

Okay I'll go back whining and not drawing then if you'd prefer

>> No.7171045

I hate the book personally and just grind bridgeman and loomis

>> No.7171053

>how low have our standsards fallen?
they were never high to begin with
>I hate the book personally

>> No.7171086

Not because of the content of the book mind you, it has a bunch of useful information, but thats all it should be for identifying problems and solutions through your art journey, i hate the book because howies all buy the book and fucking spam threads about it being hard or asking for help with it.

>> No.7171092

>I hate [thing]
>why do you hate [thing]?
>[thing] itself is good, but people who consume [thing] are bad, therefore I hate [thing]
I don't get why people do this

>> No.7171275
File: 288 KB, 1000x970, 1324693267002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take some figure drawing classes at your local school or art center OP.
Not one single person in this thread knows what they are talking about.

>> No.7171298

I would but so far they all seem a bit pricey.

>> No.7171312

>go to life drawing class
>its a 50 minute drive
>arrive 20 minutes late
>stuck behind 2 rows of people with gigantic drawing pads blocking the model
>the model is an overweight elderly man
>give up when i realize none of this will help me draw anime girls from imagination

>> No.7171315

fucking retard. just put on a black jumpsuit, set up your easel outside of your neighbors' bedroom window, and draw then while they have sex.

>> No.7171326

my neighbour isn't married but fucks an onahole every night. Will that be the same?

>> No.7171334

the same, no, but one figure is better than none

>> No.7171339

it just gives structure to the lessons for information that has mostly been debunked as pseudo-science. despite that the exercises do work even if the science is shootty
art can be a science but its also something you have to have faith in

if you dont think something is important you won't learn it

>> No.7171348

It's absoulutely worth it OP. Figure drawing distills just about every art fundamental in to a single exercise and you can apply the skills you learn into creative art immediately.

>> No.7172168

I'm mostly saying that because I'm still not quite sure if drawings for me, wouldn't want to waste money on something I may not want to do.
BTW for one of the other anons, I've been going through Drawing For The Absolute And Utter Beginner and I'm starting to see what you meant about the contour lines