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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7154673 No.7154673 [Reply] [Original]

I've spent some time reflecting and observing on these discussion boards. There seems to be a negative attitude here where some people can't stand to see others succeed. Only a small minority will achieve great things while the majority will likely complain without taking action. It's a harsh reality.

>> No.7154676

>Only a small minority will achieve great things
wow what a revelation! it's almost like that's what makes it great

>> No.7154891

>I think 99%
More like 99.999999999999999...999% but I'll make it so fuck you all :D

>> No.7154900

I think there's also some bias when analyzing the /ic/ population, because anyone that ever reaches some degree of success stops posting here and moves on, so all you see are brand new fresh faces and the resident crabs.
I'm sure IC has produced more successful artists than we think.

>> No.7154916


>> No.7154981
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>> No.7154982

Great observation

>> No.7155050

Thanks, I'm that 1%.

>> No.7155093

That's demonstrably untrue.
What's true is that most people move on, whether they make it or not. But some people do stick around, again, independent of success or failure. There are numerous anons who have "made it" in one sense or another who still post. They might not always identify themselves, but they do show up.
You're just not likely to spot them in every garbage shitpost thread, because guess what, they've seen it all before and know it's a complete waste of time to even enter such threads.

>> No.7155326

Yes and the artworks of the former 99.99% will end up as lost media the moment they die.
Sad, blackpilling truth bu natural selection is a bitch

>> No.7155332

1% of the 1%, that is why it is a noble pursuit, we keep failing and keep trying. One day, we will be glorious!

>> No.7155333

Yes you are spot on!
Too many people think or rather expect they become the next Hayao Miyazaki or Stan Lee.
Well narcissism is a common character trait among boomers, gen-Xs, millennials and zoomers. not really a surprise.

>> No.7155341

Breaking news! You are ngmi and will neber be gmi.
Congratulations, you've squandered your time in doing something less autistic and borderline tranny, only to one day, wake up, realize all your "steps to glory" where just illusions and just horrible scribbles that a retarded kid with brain and anal tumor would have done miles better than you without le meme fundies!
And then you will commit suicide in masse!
What a delight !

>> No.7155354

for my case, skill wasn't issue , this is not a problem if i grind some times

bigger problem was i had so many interest and subject of my art changed too often. therefore my arts doesn't have any consistency

>> No.7155366

who cares nigga imma draw

>> No.7155390

ESL lol

>> No.7155478

I had a breakdown in 2022 when I realised I was ngmi, now I just draw and try to live with it. It ain't easy tho

>> No.7155483

>you've squandered your time
I like drawing, it's no different from playing video games or shitposting all day. sounds like projection btw

>> No.7155489

And you managed to figure this out all on your own!? OMG, you are sooooo smarf! Goood boooy!

Jfc, next thing you are going to tell us is that water is wet or something?

>> No.7155503

Assblasted narcissist detected!
Are you angry people pointing out how you are not special?

>> No.7155537

>I'll start early and stay late
>I'll work really hard
>I'll skip screwing around on weekends with my friends and do extra work
>Sooner or later Boss Algorithm will reward me like he rewarded his lazy ass son for doing less than I do.

>> No.7155603

100% of people who never try will fail

>> No.7155606
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>> No.7155617

I think that 100% of OP's are faggots.
I've spent some time observing and reflecting on the behaviour of every OP I've seen on the internet and sadly all of them seem to be cocksucking faggots.
It's the harsh reality.

>> No.7155656

good thing I'm in the other 1%

>> No.7155665

Kill yourself

>> No.7155669
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Imagine being this resentful of other people

>> No.7155842

that's what 0 hobbies and using 4chinz 24/7 does to your brain and self-esteem. before you say it, it's over for that anon.

one could say it never began.

>> No.7156115

At least I don't behave like an idiot who believes in nonsensical crap in order to do something, like a theist faggot, you drawfags who think that will someday make it are definitely not better thanthe most retard christfag.
Science is there to put gorillas like you in your place, for instance.
So kill yourself you worthless incel

>> No.7156196

is that a young mads mikkelsen?

>> No.7156356
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Post work faggot or you're picrel

>> No.7157663

Nta, but why are you so full of hate and what does religion have to do with anything? If you don't want to do anything worth doing in life and it's so cringe to dream, you might as well lay down and die yourself, without telling others to commit suicide, you fucking idiot

>> No.7157953

>There seems to be a negative attitude here where some people can't stand to see others succeed.
ironic that you're also here making this thread about how no one else will succeed

>> No.7160133

>Only a small minority will achieve great things while the majority will likely complain without taking action


>There seems to be a negative attitude here where some people can't stand to see others succeed.

True dat
Personally, the struggle for greatness is more appealing to me then greatness (dont get me wrong I would like to become a great artist).

Ever since starting to fire on all artistic cilindres I am much more focused and motivated on my job and require less sleep and deal with sleep deprivation better. I have an easyer time resisting my vices (if im drunk i cant draw)
And If I fail
So what, many others have failed before me, im not the first , nor last, or special.
But if i succeed, then i made it and can prolly show others how to do the same.
Even if i get permastucked in drawing free oc requests orbeven better (then currently) 5-15 $ commisions, all that effort has not gone to waste. While it was an inefficient use of my time, it was not for nothing (in the permastuck case)