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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 121 KB, 850x1200, 1709181362166201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7149876 No.7149876 [Reply] [Original]

I just dont fucking get it. I've been drawing for 2ish years now, studied countless books and improved in various areas of drawing the body, can draw arms, legs, feet, heads, and even somewhat convincing hands


the moment I get to drawing the torso I have no fucking idea whats going on, and it ends up looking like a elementary kid with down syndrome drew it. How the fuck do you contruct a female torso, and no dont point me to heh le do figure drawing, I can dump this thread to image limit of my figure drawings, and regardless of how accurate my studies are, i still cant visualize the underlying structure of the female torso

Im thinking its fucking over, i just want to draw busty anime girls in ntr situations

>> No.7149884

Do le figure drawing but unironically

>> No.7149889

Lemme see your torso art.

>> No.7149897
File: 319 KB, 1275x1650, TB_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like tb choi's breakdown

>> No.7149902

They vary. The female and male torso are more similar than the pelvis. Perhaps hire a woman from craigslist who will allow you to feel her form.

>> No.7149905

Those glutes are a specially good simplification
It sets you up perfectly for stylizing them whichever way you see fit
Where may I get this book?

>> No.7149908

enjoy friendo
just kick her a couple bucks if you get good use out of it

>> No.7149917

Thank you!

>> No.7149958
File: 123 KB, 971x971, Honeyview_WZdNphtKRW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original piece I was working on but dropped coz I don't like anything I make. Used reference. Can post studies from 3DPD, 3d models, and anime

>> No.7149961
File: 3.51 MB, 4000x3000, 20240429_091340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figuren drawing bro; atleast 1000 - 2000 gestures per week

>> No.7149969

You sure you're having issues with just torso? That torso looks fine to me, her right leg and how her tiddies are sagging is bothering me. Cute pic tho

>> No.7150162

I will try this book

thanks anon, I deviated from the reference with the leg. By torso problems I mean constructing from imagination, if theres a ref I can at least stare at it to get it somewhat correct

>> No.7152773
File: 389 KB, 600x583, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never use line tool until after learning to draw


practice with real human figures, aim for accuracy before stylization, keep posting your work cause you're about 20-50 torso stdies away from getting it

>> No.7152804

That drawing has way more issues than the torso. her raised arm dips weirdly in the biceps area, other arm's elbow area looks weird and not well defined, and the raised leg doesn't know in which dimension it wants to live in. Honestly your torso is the best part there if you exclude the boobs facing like 30 degrees more towards the camera.
Anyway, if you want torso advice, personally what I do is first sketch the hip-waist-ribcage area without breasts, then take my time adding them later. If you try doing everything at once you'll end up with amorphous blobs

>> No.7152806

the female torso is just an upside-down dick and balls
like, unironically....

>> No.7152826
File: 402 KB, 1935x971, 1714375596280185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7152873
File: 1.98 MB, 3468x4624, ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pose is a bit forced, but i guess you want the feet to show.
maybe you can use this as reference. check how the foreshortening happens, proportions, and all that stuff.

>> No.7153188

which mannequin is this?

>> No.7153190

Looks like a figma.

>> No.7153211

Nice although I would move her left leg a bit closer to her crotch

>> No.7153313

Thats the part I struggle with the most, I dont know how to visualize the underlying structure without breasts

holy you gave my picture appeal, thanks anon theres a lot to learn from here

the reference I used didnt have the foot up but i did indeed want to force it into the picture

>> No.7153378

S.H.FIGUARTS: BODY-CHAN - Sports Edition DX Set (Gray Color Ver.) [Bandai]

Pretty good and posable. don't buy knock offs, they are really low quality.

>> No.7153422

I got it by copying Bridgman.

>> No.7153449

Not that guy, but is there anything equivalent in quality that doesn't have the bug-eyed anime head?

>> No.7153456
File: 1.54 MB, 2508x2960, 5-2-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was too late before I realized how much I messed up

>> No.7153541
File: 39 KB, 636x636, 1687761954388162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw tits that cover 80% of the figure
>waahhhh why can't I visualize the torso?
Listen, fat fuck, one step at a time.

That said, it might be time for you to relearn the value of symbol-drawing.
Sure, it's very preached against on /ic/, but once you're truly stuck, it might help you to memorize a few poses and draw them purely from memory.

Once your 3D sense develops further, you can revisit these memorized symbols and rework on truly understanding them.

>> No.7153640

What symbols do you go to for the torso? Id be fine brute force memorying a flat torso I can stick fat boobs on each time but theres no books starting from flat

>> No.7153713

the symbol thing is bs, if you don't know how something looks you just use reference. same as you don't just randomly cook without a recipe and expect something great to come out.
you can also take your own photo references if needed. if you wanna use imagination but imagination is lacking use a physical/digital mannekin as an aid tool.

>> No.7153770
File: 364 KB, 1920x1200, 1701426920770912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I searched for over 30 minutes, had a cool picture for torsos, but couldn't find it. I'm sure it's somewhere in my folders...
But just find pictures that you like and where the torso looks appealing to you and memorize a few good angles.

I'm not making this up btw, Krenz teaches that (and tells you to generally think in pentagons, because squares might be too stable).
Just turn on subtitles, timestamped the part:

You are retarded, following a recipe is exactly what memorizing shapes is about, you are not applying culinary knowledge when following exact steps written by someone else or when memorizing stock shapes.
Drawing a torso while actually visualizing/constructing it is the equivalent of learning the principles of cooking and then being able to prepare it without following recipes, based on knowledge.

>> No.7153777

>following a recipe is exactly what memorizing shapes is about
you don't even understand a basic analogy.
you can't draw what you don't know shit about unless you have reference, same as you cant cook what you don't know shit about unless you have a recipe.

>it might be time for you to relearn the value of symbol-drawing.
you don't know what symbol drawing is, not gonna bother explaining why you are wrong in the rest of bs you said, get some reading comprehension first, retard.

>> No.7153810

>holy you gave my picture appeal, thanks anon theres a lot to learn from here

>> No.7153813

thats funny the only thing i enjoy drawing is the torso. i should do guro stuff

>> No.7153840

>make poor analogy
>noooo you don't understand my analogy the way it was in my head
Kek. Talk about no visualization skills.

>> No.7153954

>anons tell pyw
>anon posts work
>anons give constructive criticism instead of mocking
I'm proud of you bros, let's keep that up.

>> No.7153978
File: 207 KB, 971x971, Illustration68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say you should focus on shapes, rhythm/flow, and form moreso than anatomy.
I think what you should try to do is find one artist whose sketches/linework you love for the shape language and study just them for a bit. Try to figure out how you would construct your drawings to get the same result. Tracing can actually be useful here to a certain extent.
I also recommend that you try your best to show more form with your lines where appropriate, mostly were forms overlap.
Hopefully picrel helps show a bit of what I mean, but I also used this for practice cause I haven't drawn in months

Nice job with the head/face

>> No.7153990

The arm and especially the leg look so much better than my attempt, making the foot actually possible in yours, thanks anon, saved, another to take a lot from

>> No.7154000

It's not completely ri

>> No.7154010
File: 82 KB, 200x266, Meena Light Dragon (Resized and Edited).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that the very initial starter of animé in Japan got the ideas from studying human evolution and extraterrestrial evolution? One big giveaway is: Look at anime eyes. They're typically almost always large and wide like Greys (ie., Zeta Reticulans). In the picture provided by the OP at the beginning of this thread the eyes of her face are the most noticeable.

"The soul is eternal." - ???

Love animé too btw. I have Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 on Ps4. My favorite character is Slayer.

>> No.7154017

Completely bulshit, the father of an

>> No.7154039

bro forget Torso, you need to learn everything else? tf is this?

Don't mean to sound mean but damn bro you need to improve overall.

>> No.7154061

>Used reference.
Did you use a reference with this exact pose?

>> No.7154116


>> No.7154147

His style is different than yours, but David Finch has a video on female torsos and another on female hips that may help you
>I don't like anything I make
It gets better over time, drawing in either greyscale or straight lineart will help you learn faster than making full-color pictures. You're on the right path

>> No.7154223
File: 402 KB, 1600x1200, ic guy doesnt know anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, your problem is everything BUT the torso. Start gesture drawing ASAP, the thing you immediately notice here is how stiff and awkward the pose is, one of her legs is just dangling in the air and her spine is almost perfectly straight, it feels unnatural, there should be more curvature to her spine, the shoulders and pelvis shouldn't be perfectly parallel to each other, the pose should feel more relaxed. Second of all, the anatomy/perspective, I genuinely screamed when I saw the foot, I though "eww eww why the fuck is her foot just slapped on there like a sticker", and then I realized "duhh this dude has a thing for feet", so I tried to keep the foot in frame with my redraw of the pose; as you'll notice, I didn't keep the feet and hands the same size, that's because of this wonderful thing known as ~perspective~, in my version of the pose, the camera/viewer is ever so slightly looking upwards, so things at the bottom of the page (the right foot and left hand) appear larger than things toward the top of the page (the right hand and head-->this could use some tweaking though, anime heads is pretty big). Unfortunately, you need to learn the rules b4 you break them, I know this advice is annoying and corny, but first you'll need to draw from life and learn what real people with human proportions look like before drawing your coomer big tiddy anime girls, another thing that immediately stood out to me was the size of her arms, you don't need to give her lunch lady arms but at least make it look like her back and shoulders are able to support her, and not like you stuck toothpicks on a ball a la peppa pig style.

foreshortening tut- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25wSIcjY1Bw
posing- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74HR59yFZ7Y
Best of luck!

>> No.7154252

Is that you pawell?

>> No.7154424

I appreciate your writeup and will absolutely take it on board, BUT my intent was not for her to be fat, big boobs and thigh thighs but obviously not fat overall. The char is ichinose asuna

>> No.7154485
File: 406 KB, 995x1000, idontknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always try the bean method.

>> No.7154487

>I just dont fucking get it. I've been drawing for 2ish years now
That's not a lot of time spent learning the craft.
You are either overestimating your skills or underestimating how hard it is to learn to draw in an accomplished way.
Also, the biggers red flag here is that you didn't post your work. If you really want to get decent critique, you need to show us at what level you are.

>> No.7154540

Holy appeal, and you managed to make the soles show in a natural way.
More on this version of the bean method? Doesnt look the same as most books as you've blended the box hips with it

>> No.7154562

I just practiced Proko's bean method. Just imagine an oblong clay connected to a square or rectangle at the base and twist it.
For the blending of the box and hips, I just imagine this >>7149897.

>> No.7154588

Based. Keep drawing full pics with colour, rendering etc.

>> No.7154700
File: 124 KB, 691x873, 7149958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7154958

thank you based simon

>> No.7154992

Appeal maxed..
Thanks so much for redrawing anon, my skills lacking too much to fully understand what youve shown, what are the lines with the hops on them indicating? Is it her hips direction? Her overall facing towards an off screen vanishing point?

Yours looks super 3d and u kept the feet showing

>> No.7155058

Perhaps there are still kind hearts in this board.

>> No.7155064

Love you simon

>> No.7155067

All they need to do is ask a sincere question and post the work. Anything else is just bait or just schizobabble

>> No.7155125

nta, this is probably not "thicc" enough for OP but I think this is the best one in the thread

>> No.7155133

the king

>> No.7155282

>what are the lines with the hops on them indicating?
Motion is spread through as many joints as possible. A twisting motion often starts first at the eyes, then the head, then the shoulders/upper torso. In your drawing, the eyes and face are essentially moving in two directions, so the motion isn't strong. It's a pose, rather than a single moment of an action.
Spreading movement through as many joints as possible is the general idea behind lines of action, but lines are inadequate for showing twisting. That requires a plane, like a ribbon.

>> No.7155518

I see, thank you anon

The reference was indeed a pose whereas you've gone ahead and created a snapshot of motion which looks much more natural

>> No.7155562

I don't think anyone is competing, just trying to help OP as best we can

>> No.7155571

A diamond among this sea of thrash, good work anons

>> No.7155731

>Proko's bean method
nta but which proko lesson should i get?

>> No.7155878

How many thousands of floating Loomis heads do I have to grind to get to this level ?

>> No.7156036

I just based my method here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqxPHew5bGQ

>> No.7156092

infinite, because loomis heads wont get you there

>> No.7156272

thanks, anon

>> No.7157541

don't wanna be that guy, but do you have a blog? Everyone seems to call you simon but I have no idea who that is

>> No.7158175

Anyone have any more books that have good female torso explanations? Post an image or two thats in japanese (can be shit handwriting) and ill translate it in exchange for a good recommendation